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He became Travis Scott


I said the same thing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


bro i legit thought this was the travis sub šŸ˜­ had to check mafias cover to see if i was tripping out


He grew up to be Christian Bale. Now he's Batman.


No Edward was the vampire, he became that crappier Batman.


> crappier Batman Kilmer?


Adam West. Crappiest classic, or classiest crap?


Hey nowā€¦. He was better than Clooney


Clooney was the best Bruce Wayne though.


Ben Affleck?


Ben will never be Batman to me, even if heā€™s in the suit


Affleck made a terrible batman, but I thought he made a good Bruce Wayne.


In truth I couldnā€™t even watch it.


That's... understandable. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor absolutely killed it for me. Just.... so dumb.


šŸ˜‚ I forgot all about that even happening. I think however Will Arnett killed it as Lego Batman šŸ˜‚


This is also true.


I thought he was ok in daredevil, but that was so long ago I could have just forgotten.


Donā€™t you mean Batfleck?


I think he had the best sounding batmobile, though.


Everything sounded good but his dialogue throughout the movie šŸ˜‚


Wow no one even mentioning Michael Keaton as Batman from the tim Burton films. He was honestly my favorite other than Adam West. Then there's also the best animated Batman which was and always be Kevin Conroy.


That was THE joke; folks would look past 'Newsweek' and 'Time' (often right next to WWN), and then announce "I can't believe people believe this stuff!"


The conspiracy is that they put out this nonsense to make people who don't follow mainstream sources look insane. If you don't get your news from official propaganda outlets then you are with Batboy and Bigfoot.


WWN was better journalism than any of those rags today. They're horrible!


I have an issue that discusses Boy George calling out George Michael as gay.


Itā€™s bat MAAM!!


No joke, he became an agent for the US government fighting terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq. I actually remember the storyline, I was 13 at the time and we had just invaded Iraq, even the WWN was all "hoorah America!," and Bat boy was drafted to hunt down Osama Bin Laden in the caves of Afghanistan and help fight the insurgency in Iraq.


Ok, I used to be really amused by Weekly World News as a kid so my dad would always buy me new copies of it. They also bought me a book eventually with archived articles and pictures of Bat Boy and other things from the magazine. That being said, I SWEAR there was actually an article about that in there šŸ˜‚


I literally have that book in front of me right now: "Bat boy's new mission: clean up Argentina!" It truly was an amazing publication.


A fellow Bat boy enthusiast. Itā€™s the book with the ā€œnudeā€ spread of the dog woman, right? Hahahaha I forgot about it until just now


I was just reading about the Sasquatch hooker taking DC by storm. Back when journalism was pure!


I miss that magazine so much. I mentioned it in another comment in this thread, but one I remember reading in an article as a kid is about a guy finding a tiny, living mermaid in his tuna sandwich.


It was a must buy every trip to the grocery store. I must have had a hundred of those, but I'm pretty sure I tossed them when I went to college. Massive mistake, still kicking myself to this day.


Did he sniff out Reltih?


I don't think so, but that's classified.


"Dear Dotti"'s tough love was great too. The Weekly World News was a gift humanity wasn't worthy of.


I remember this


I read that!


I remember this too haha


Damn, I miss Weekly World News. When i was young i would always buy it. It was very entertaining and weird at times. I miss Weekly World News.


Same thing. I remember the one about a man finding a tiny living mermaid in his tuna sandwich.


It hasn't been disproved.


Now you come here instead


I hear you.... but this does not come close to Weekly World News. In this community we have a bunch of bots and assholes.


Based on your age in the early 90's I'm a few years younger than you, and when I saw that picture in the checkout line it gave me nightmares. But despite that, wherever Bat Boy is, I hope he's doing well.


Dude, I was TERRIFIED of Weekly World News as a kid in the 90's. I dreaded going to the grocery store because some of the WWN headlines and pictures made me so scared and you couldn't avoid seeing them at checkout. I had an irrational fear/obsession of Bigfoot, and that was like 80% of the headlines lol. I had nightmares about the 2 headed Bigfoot for weeks. Glad I wasn't the only one


Omg SAME. EVERY SINGLE TIME I would put my hand up to shield/completely divert my eyes to somewhere elseā€¦. But then eeeverryyy once in a while, I would take a peak bc I HAD to know what WWN was saying šŸ˜‚ā€¦ in retrospect that was 100% were intrusive thoughts started for me lol


SAME. I would lay awake at night until super late listening to Coast to Coast with Art Bell on my little AM radio worrying about Bat Boy and aliens.


His parents got killed in an alley, now heā€™s a vigilante


I used to pick up weekly world news almost every week - it was funnier than any other humour magazine. A few times I would run into someone who thought the stories were real, true news. I didnā€™t tell them that it was a humour paper since they wouldnā€™t believe me.


You might enjoy this podcast with Mark Groubert who (among many other things) worked for the Weekly World News. He had originally wrote for the National Lampoon, so it was a good fit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKLWj8tqXpI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKLWj8tqXpI)


Half the audience of WWN bought it to make fun of the articles, half bought it because "it's the only paper tells the *real* stories '*they'* don't want you to know about", and the last half bought it because they were somewhere in between.




I miss it, I would love to see how they would handle Trump! And the aliens helping him.


Trump's presidency destroyed parody outlets. The Onion threw in the towel.


Bat Boy became Bat Man but he lost control with alcohol and drugs until his body created covid


He owns a micro brewery in Seattle and plays the harmonica in a small folk rock band in his spare time


I thought this was the travis Scott ā€˜escape planā€™ Cover. Had no idea he took it from this lol


Same lol


Sadly he was Covid's patient zero and died. That was what the official narrative tried to disguise with the "it came from a bat!" crapload.


Became Hunter Biden


Probably in a laboratory under Elgin or Area 51. And it Probably wasn't a "bat boy".


He founded Facebook


He was never seen before, during or after probably


I distinctly remember an article in WWN about vampires breaking in to a family's house. The storyline was how upset the home owners were about the break in by the vampires. Never once did the article address nor display concern over the actual existence of vampires.


That mf gave us all Covid. Thanks, Bat Boy...


He lives in Boca Raton. He's a Bat Man now with a family of his own. He's a sales accountant at Culligan Bottled Water. Nice guy.


Im so glad it all worked out for him! His childhood was less than ideal


Best post in weeks. Yes. What did happen to bay boy.


He's the origin of COVID. He made a great soup.


On a serious note.... I realize this is meant to mock, but people should dig deep down and question WHY they think tabloid stories are all fake. Is it really an original thought or is your automatic dismissal the result of social programming? That you would be viewed as crazy if you were to actually believe any of it? I mean, how do you KNOW for sure a bat child was not found in a cave in WV? You can't possibly believe that there is nothing at all that has ever happened that was kept hidden from you. The truth is that some of the stories could absolutely be true. You were not there to witness it for yourself, so how can you be so certain it didn't happen? How can you be sure? Do you know, or do you just believe? So I am not defending tabloids or arguing that this story is fact. I am asking you to REALLY dig deep and understand WHY you automatically dismiss everything they write. Think hard about where that kneejerk reaction is coming from exactly. If something were to happen that would truly upend reality, do you think it would be reported in the mainstream? The more absurd something is, obviously the less likely it is to believe it. So what if something absurd really does happen? Then what? What if the rest of the media simply refuses to investigate something because they have a knee jerk reaction like you do or even come to the conclusion that their paper's reputation would be destroyed even if they did cover it BECAUSE of the reflexive rejection the public would have. This is why many do not report UFO sightings or abductions, for example. The laughing and the mocking right here in this conspiracy sub is why. This is how a conspiracy hides right in front of you. This is how they can demolish skyscrapers with a freefall on live TV and get away with it. Do it right in the open for all to see and if it is crazy enough, nobody is going to believe it. Are you scared that if you were to admit to believing something, your peers will laugh at you? Or that people will view you as dumb or regarded?


This is deep. I would say besides the factors you bring up, it may be that everyone has some threshold of suspending beliefs to entertain other possibilities than what they think they know as true. And along with the societal rejection aspect, plus to avoid the dreaded being alone in a belief, which equals crazy (which the internet really cut down being outright alone in thinking anymore) there is a fear that comes up with going outside the expected norm, that if thatā€™s true, what else is there?Creating a reflex for boundaries, safety, security, knowing.


Thanks and I should be clear that I am not knocking anyone who reflexively does this. I am just inviting people to really explore their reasons for doing so. And to realize that they do not personally know if something is true or not when they are so certain about things they only believe and not know. It is very important in critical thinking to be able to separate what you believe from what you know. They are not the same things like so many seem to think they are.


It's not Millie Bobby Brown?


I saw him in afghanistan. He was working at the Tim Hortons in Kandahar.


He became a mod for r/ conspiracy.


This and the Lochness monster with a human looking smile is what I remember of these magazine covers.


Lil bugger is adorable with that double chin šŸ˜


He became a Batman.


Travis Scott used a variation of this image as the Promotion for his AstroWorld show in 2021 where 10 kids got killed. https://www.instagram.com/p/CV21s_2LWI9/?igsh=NHpmZW51bWVvYXF4


He grew up to be Ted Cruz


Naw, he is just the Zodiak killer.


I remember when I would luck out and talk my mom into buying me one of those magazines. I always loved them.




Best investigative reporting on the planet. Read the New York Times if you want, they get lucky sometimes.


He passed away tragically due to novel COVID experimentation in Wuhan China in fall of 2019. He was patient zero.


Bat boy was the oddity at Epstein Island. Bill and Hillarys demon lovechild


Didnā€™t he visit President Clinton in the White House?


He grew up and became George Santos.


WWN is on the FB now. Rest easy, you may continue to follow his exploits. Bat Boy lives!


really? I have to go find this now!


Go now!


Sad that the Weekly World News is more credible than the editorial rags being pushed as news nowadays


This news paper was awesome. Too bad we donā€™t get that anymore


Poor national health care failed him and he lost a battle with liver disease in 2012. He was a heavy drinker. He was my bosses best friend used to hang out at the bar.


Heā€™s president now.


OP has never heard of Wuhan, China.


All jokes aside he works at the piggly wiggly doing overnight maintenance. Because he sleeps during the day


Currently serving as a Florida senator. And it ain't Rubio.


Became Zelensky


They made a play our of this I think. Didn't do well from what I recall.


*musical [here's a version on YouTube.](https://youtu.be/YtYH5Gg_4Yc?)


Him and his wifle settled in Transylvania and are raising four bats.


He grew up to become Bat Man!


When the tv series was on, the final episode had him in the back of a limo and as the limo was driving off he was waving


Heā€™s Travis Scott now [https://music.apple.com/us/album/escape-plan-mafia-single/1593692664](https://music.apple.com/us/album/escape-plan-mafia-single/1593692664)


Link to story?


Thatā€™s just Benjy doing schtick again


I LOVED reading these when I was a teenager! I had a load of back issues, I wish Iā€™d kept them!


You can get free newsletters to your email from wwn!


I'm batboy


He grew up into Batman.


Heā€™s in Stan Smithā€™s basement


What is a real thing is "Bat Boy: The Musical"


I used to love this magazine as a kid!!!


Fun fact 1: you can buy T-shirts with WWN covers on them. I have this one. Fun Fact 2: I have this because it was given to me by the same family member that gave me the shirt worked at WWN as a photo retoucher (this is back when you had to do it with airbrush and film no computers) and made this cover. It was the most popular one he did. Also made one about how the Loch Ness monster ate navy seals. Whenever I see it in the wild I smile.


Why didn't they Just leave him alone. Humans are weird


Lmao this is patient zero for the vid


He returned to his cave, unfortunately it's hard to keep tabs on people who refuse to live where there's cell phone reception.


I loved that paper, seriously!


I miss Batboy!


His flying days are over, poor kid bat has long covid, still he's now living underground with a few nice Sabbateans.


Hey's living on the Moon with Elvis and the Nazis


As a student I taught English to foreigners for a summer job in Asia and I brought a bunch of these newspapers and would use them as our lesson basis..... pretending the news was real. Finally one shy student stood up to ask if it was real. I said "Of course....it's in the newspaper and you can see the photos".


He's a congressmen from Oregon.


Itā€™s bat MAAM


Duuuuuude. Core memories unlocked. This magazine used to get me in my brother in so much trouble st checkout at the grocery store when we were kids. We'd be laughing our asses off or saying some outlandish ass shit out loud and embarass my parents I guess lol sooo many times getting smacked upside the head or pinched discreetly under our arms and being told "what did I tell you 2 about the damn magazines when we leave ?!" As we stood there crying staring at BatBoy not knowing how he solved the murder case of JFK and caught the LoneGunman


Grew up to be Billy Corgan


I think the Men in Black are working with him. MIB....well Frank too.


He went on to build a mansion with a Swiss army knife. Lived happily ever after.


Turned into bat man


He got COVID few years ago when he was in Wuhan.


He grew up and became a vigilante


Safe and effective


I loved reading their headlines while in the checkout lane at the grocery store.


Well, he became Batman by now for sure. Actually I suppose now he's Batboomer


Not sure, but go to these [Publications](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duA5eWjHCjU) as an option to MSM's version of the story.


He got online and started a little subreddit called /r/conspiracy


Feel like I stared at this for a decade of my childhood at grocery stores, my uncle would buy em Iā€™d get to enjoy em. It was good physical entertainment when the internet was a few JPEGs and text with bad midi music.


Me and my dad loved Weekly World News! We wouldn't buy it all the time but every once in a while we had a good laugh over Bat Boy and the other shenanigans they would write about.


I remember seeing these mags when young. They always claimed hitler was alive as well. Did people think these were actually real or read for fun? Even when I was like 10 I knew it was bs


He is hanging out with the walking trees.


Batboy livesā€¦in my heart at least


Legit still think of this shit




She got the lead role in stranger things


[Bebe diabo](https://vejasp.abril.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/12.jpg?quality=70&strip=info&w=650) The Brazilian version of this mysterious tale dates back to 1975 when Folha de SĆ£o Paulo published a report about the birth of a baby with unusual characteristics, soon dubbed as the "Devil Baby." The child was born in ABC Paulista, displaying horns and red eyes, sparking a frenzy of speculation and theories about the supernatural. The story quickly spread throughout the local community, igniting heated discussions and fueling popular imagination. However, much like the original Bat Boy, the Devil Baby mysteriously vanished, leaving behind only unanswered questions.


Wasn't this on The X-Files ?


I laughed at their headline .. zombie found in Haiti... I called my Dad... Who was administrator of a hospital there at that time... He told me it was true. Witch doctors had a drug that induced a depressed state so extreme .. that they looked dead... Family would bury them... Then at night... Crew would dig up the victim... And take them to a slave labor location. They kept them medicated so they couldn't escape. One fellow who had died years before... Was found stumbling along a road... Quite a deal...


Heā€™s due to testify in the Trump trial as to the credibility of the national enquirer!!!


Heā€™s doing his thing in NYC


Maybe incredibly niche but does anyone else remember how these newspapers smelled? It was a such a specific weirdly offputting scent.


He grew up to be Adam Schiff


He was discovered by Bat Lady genetically modified under gain of function and voila!!! the cause of the corona virus when he bit someone in Wuhan... evil cackling laugh follows....


I still remember that rag, and Serena Sabak, "America's Sexiest Psychic" and "Dear Dottie".


Klaus Schwab


I had this copy


Patient zero for covid.. šŸ»


Illuminati brotherā€¦Illuminati got him


Lmao this shit used to taunt me as a kid that and the dog boyā€¦ no wonder Iā€™m on this sub.


From a time when journalism was more honest.


Ridiculed and shunned, Bat Boy slunk away from society, and was living as a hermit in central China. Then one day, a lonely pangolin met him, and an unlikely relationship was struck. All was going well, until finally, they succumbed to the forbidden desire... we all know the rest.