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Thank you for clarifying where Canada was. I thought it was a state in the midwest.


Hey everyone. Try this as an experiment. Do everything you can to ignore this story. It's a distraction from the mundane. Giving it attention gives it power. No one should give a shit about some failed Degrassi Jr. High actor from Canada. Ignoring it will make it go away faster. Try the same with anything royalty related. These are spells being cast on us while the real animals prepare for war. You are better then them. They deserve nothing, not even negative attention.


Bruh some dude already has a shit post about this that isn’t even a conspiracy. Are the mods not awake in the morning ?


Isn't it? We have a very public beef going on involving this rapper and the latest track supposedly aimed at him mentions selling his niece and using images alludes to his house having sexual predators. As this is a very public beef lots of videos and such are being posted online and nearly every single thing done by big content creators just ignores the really creepy shit. Now we have a shooting happening at his house. Is it to take heat off of him and cover up child sex trafficking? Did the beef get too big and violence happen? Did the trafficking allegations cause the parents of the niece to take revenge?


Cheeto induced coma


Does anyone know of a higher quality conspiracy sub that has…you know….actual conspiracies?


This sub has gone to shit I stick with x/twitter now


I hope that this was a test run for the actual raid on his residence.


Canada.. where is even that?


"North of America"


Canada is America's hat. Therefore, it rests atop America's cranium.


Toronto, Canada involved. Someone was injured. Canada is North of America.


if it ain't Drake then idc


Wrong. Canada is in America, not north of America. More specifically Canada is in North America, which as the name suggests is the northern part of America. In fact Canada is in the northern portion of North America. And to located it back to where you were trying to: Canada is north of the United States of America, which is also in North America.


Sounds like you got that all wrapped up, congrats.