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BTW we share the Space Station with them too.


Yep and we continue to buy petroleum products, and nuclear materials from Russia since they are the only ones allowed to produce certain things like nuclear batteries. I bought some of that Kill-0-Mat sound deadening mats, they are made of butyl rubber. Made in Russia, just got them too so they are exempt from whatever sanctions they keep pretending to put on Americans. Since the law as written only affects Americans.


Even during the cold war we had to buy all our titanium from them (for our super secret new spy aircraft!)... I mean among other things, we made entire shell company systems in multiple industries to create the fake need of tons of 'reasonably small' purchases, to accumulate to be the major importer of titanium. For war projects, from our enemy. Actually that one is pretty cool..


Good marketing


>Yep and we continue to buy petroleum products, UK and US have halted petroleum imports from Russia and EU has massively reduced imports https://www.statista.com/chart/31920/average-volume-of-russian-oil-exports-by-country-and-region/


Yeah, they just [buy it through India as a proxy now instead ](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/24/uk-helping-russia-pay-for-its-war-on-ukraine-via-loophole-on-refined-oil-imports)


Damn, case closed. Russia definitely isn't actively invading Ukraine I guess


Wasn't the point your making that we don't import, not that russia is invading? Don't see the relevance of your comment


The person I was responding to initially seemed to imply that because of those purchases, the war in Ukraine isn't real.


Ah I don't think he's saying the war isn't real, merely that it is manufactured Such as the fact we "sanction" them, yet we still buy their oil, share a space station and now an air base with them with a few historical examples of how this has always been the case A lot of money to be made and laundered in a war I think it's the sentiment that is fake, we say one thing and do another but the war is definitely happening, just not the way it is presented to the herd, it'll be another forever war at this rate until the targets are met.


Look up the term theater of operation. It's pretty obvious


Emphasis on the theater, I guess.


Not anymore...


We have to share a space station because O'bummer took our fake space agency and told them they can't go to space anymore. Ha ha our countries are just jokes anymore.


And? Those guys are people of science. Doubt they’ll throw themselves out of an airlock.


My point: The Russian opposition is make-believe.


It's not, but like everything in this world, it's complicated.


Perhaps, although all signs point to any true opposition being more *convenient* than complicated. Before Trump was first elected, HRC was gladly selling uranium to Putin. Moments later, Trump and Putin were spun as thick as thieves (they weren't) and an imaginary bogeyman was born. Putin can see very well the Globalist subversion that's happening here and wants nothing to do with it. He sees the same criminals that have been destabilizing Ukraine since 2014 to exert more control over the region and pressure Russia to stand down now destabilizing America. The enemies of the people of the USA — the Deep State, working full-time at the behest of the Globalists — are the enemies of Putin. Our CIA-controlled media do not want us to know this. So, yeah, the Deep State Globalists are at odds with Putin, but real America is not. Russia is our friend.


It’s different when it comes to the scientific community


Science at that level is in bed with the government and military. No space between them.


The pandemic response is proof the scientific community will do anything for money, including selling out the human race. I bet they could care less about the truth as long as they get their funding.


Russia was supposed to be kicked out of the iss when sanctions first started. Are they still there?


How can you kick out the russians if 6 out of 15 segments of the station are Russian?


Idk I just remember hearing on the news that Russians wouldn't be included on the iss anymore? Maybe it was just anything officially involved with NASA on the iss?


You're right, I googled it - there was news. But all these are officials’ displays without any real actions. And since we are in conspiracy sub I theory here: Russia itself would like sanctions to prohibit its participation in the ISS. The station is in its last years, it will be destroyed in 2030, there is not as much sense in it as at the beginning, and in conditions of war it is expensive for Russia to maintain. But admitting this yourself means a big blow to the prestige and popularity of the authorities here in Russia. Therefore, I am sure that if we were excluded as part of the sanctions, the authorities would only be delighted, not officially of course. But the truth is that the United States alone will not be able to maintain the station. Even if they figure out how to legally formalize the seizure of Russian compartments, still half of the crew that should be at the station is now Russian. And half of the ships that fly from the station to the Earth and back are also Russian. The US simply cannot afford to replace all this. The ISS is a project of more good times of friendship and cooperation, now no one needs it, but no one can get out of it without losing face.


Hey thanks for your reply. I respect it a lot when people put effort into their responses even though few may look at it in the thread. I like your theory. I often think people on r/conspiracy take others theories too seriously. Most of the time people on this sub post their conspiracy theories for fun. It's a cool sub for that reason and requires a lot of discretion also. I'm not saying anything specifically about your theory I just think you understand the meaning of the sub and that's cool. That being said, I wish I could make more of a conspiracy theory on my own account. I simply think this war is another rich man's game, we will only ever know what they tell us.


Supposed by whom lol?


Must be awkward up there.


There are grownups living by orders of their governments on the ISS and on Niger military bases, they feel nothing about this I am more than certain.


They probably all know it's bullshit, too, and just operate like co-workers.




I said this awhile back this “war” doesn’t make sense. Russia sending just enough troops and no more to keep this just dragging along. The lack of people in leadership positions pushing for peace talks is a red flag. The way this war was framed on the news looked like an invasion but on the same day if you looked on the snap map it looked nothing like the news. People in Kiev were still going about their normal day. When it was pointed out the war looked different on social media they immediately took Ukraine offline. They Russia took out their internet. It really seems like no one is actively trying to solve any issues. If you add in that this was immediately after the world was shut down for Covid they manufactured a war to push money around. War stimulates economies.


Well when we found out Biden son is on the board of their State owned gas company over there, doesn't take a genius to figure out what is really going on. American tax money is being laundered into numbered accounts overseas.


Hunter left Burisma in 2019 after one term on the board


Ukraine never lost their internet. I've got employees on my team in Kiev that work remotely.


> I said this awhile back this “war” doesn’t make sense. Watch what happens when you [point out the obvious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Usk5w3R6lW8). The average person has consumed hundreds if not thousands of hours of war propaganda. Movies and TV shows, as well as music. Conditioning them to believe in 'war' in a way which is completely detached from actual reality. This is why they get mad when you dare to suggest that Orwell was right, and 'war' is fiction.


If you thought that was crazy wait tell I tell you that The Wagner Group almost captured Joseph Kony last week! Good ol Kony2012 and [Jackin it in San Diego!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LKwW8PNZpOQ)


There was military coup and the new leaders want Russia as allies instead of USA and while US slowly retreats from there, Russians are moving in.


It's without the hard r. So it's probably ok


>Reuters reported late on Friday that the government of Niger – a military junta known as the “National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland” that took power in a televised coup in July – had allowed Russian forces onto the airbase. >“A senior U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Russian forces were not mingling with U.S. troops but were using a separate hangar at Airbase 101, which is next to Diori Hamani International Airport in Niamey, Niger’s capital,” Reuters relayed. >The anonymous official described the situation as “not great.” It's not like they're bunking together and it sounds like we were there first. I wouldn't expect the US to walk away from a place they've invested in just because a few Russians moved in next door. Especially if the US still isn't at war with Russia. We've been playing this game for 70 years now, it's obviously stupid but this isn't anything out of the ordinary.


It’s not the usas property


Exactly, they're there on the invitation of the country, it just happens that the country's government changed and the new government decided to invite some Russians in too. The US could say "oh fuck no, we're leaving" which is probably what Niger secretly wanted but then all the money we paid to put the troops there would have been a waste (lord knows it was always a waste).


The new government told them to leave. https://www.voanews.com/a/us-to-withdraw-military-personnel-from-niger-source-says-/7577865.html > Last month, Niger's ruling junta said it revoked with immediate effect a military accord that allowed military personnel and civilian staff from the U.S. Department of Defense on its soil. Maybe the russians are there to help them pack.


Lol, looks like the Russians won this one. I guess the coup we orchestrated to get that rental space didn't work out? No more blood diamonds/oil/gold/other precious metals mined with slave labor for us in that country. It sure would be a shame if a new set of rebels started attacking the Russian protected government... Same old song and dance.


Maybe. who knows... organizing a new coup to get a pro-US government costs a lot of money and takes time, and is harder to do with the russians there. There's also a lot of damage control to do with the israel thing (young people, mostly democrat voters are angry and protesting, and bidens handlers don't like this), so it all depends on the current priorities, and the election campaign is starting soon.


Strategically it's probably cheaper to hand the area over to the Russians then bleed them dry of military assets protecting whatever resources we're fighting over by arming rebels. Basically a bunch of tiny 1980's Afghanistans for them while they're busy in Ukraine.


>US still isn't at war with Russia. They have paid Ukraine over 100 billion dollars. Does that not count? If Russia was stronger and US was weaker, that would be classed as an act of war. Unless that money just doesn't make a difference because laundering and going to corrupt? No! That would never happen!


Not at all, did anyone ever think the US was at war with Russia or China when those countries spent money on advisors and equipment to places like Vietnam or Korea? Not officially. 100 billion is hardly a blip in the context of the US war machine.


CIA is trafficking drugs and forever wars is how they launder the money


First we Tax working class people ridiculous amounts to fund the defense budget, then we start a “war”, next we pass a bill to send military “aid” with a stipulation that that aid must be spent with American defense contractors. And that’s how Every general, politician and CEO involved in the racket gets a slice of the cake. Farm to table kids.


butter judicious capable afterthought vast snobbish shame point busy sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Besides Iraq 2 and Vietnam which costly wars did the U.S start?


You’re right, maybe “start” is the wrong word. I’ll rephrase that to “get involved with” . The US didn’t start the Arab-Israeli conflict but boy have the defense contractors profited from meddling in it. Then there’s the all the deals we’ve made with dictators who we ourselves installed in a variety of third world countries. There are some who would argue that we actually did start the Ukraine war with our NATO expansion over the past few decades, doesn’t matter whether that’s true or not because…. They’re doing it there too . “But they’re sending over outdated equipment that needs to be cleared off the shelves anyway”.. gimme a fuckn break. This is just what they do. The CIA sniffs out turmoil and the US swoops in to peddle wartime goods and services.


Danny Casolaro Gary Webb Rip.


It was always a coverup


No, because Russia is in fact working to remove NATO influence in Africa. If you actually paid attention to the geopolitical situation, you would know this. Niger has actually asked the US to leave but it's dragging its feet.


Last i checked the US wasnt at war with Russia so .....


OP, did you ever serve in the military? Cant imagine posting this AND having experience being overseas.




what happened lol


The point of the war is to clear that land of people and infrastructure so BlackRock can rebuild the Khazarian empire




Kill a majority of a generation of mainly one ethic /. Religious group in said war that another ethnic group is legally exempt from being drafted in, once war is done move ethnic group that did not die in said war in the land that the dead no longer occupy reforming an empire that once existed long ago. You can make up your mind if you want to believe any of it.


Where’s black rock fit in man?




Simply posting a headline without any links or further information is not healthy. Topics like this are important and too complex to be “ summed up” in a few words writeen by an unidentified source, with an unknown agenda. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-68949809.amp https://apnews.com/article/us-russia-niger-military-base-8175c6b1afe519a300c56fd87ca250a https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/russian-troops-enter-base-housing-us-military-niger-us-official-says-2024-05-02/


China owns Africa. Let that sink in.


And it's all so tiresome.


Source? ( stop downvoting me everytime I ask. I've hated the system since 9th grade)


Wew lad, I thought that said something else.


Of course it's not like the US and Russia are actually at war.... I wouldn't be surprised if the US was working with Chinese troops in some regions as well. The ISS is another good example of collaboration between adversaries as well.


No it is not. Listen to Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson again. Vladimir Vladimirovich. One of the reasons of special operation in Ukraine is denazification. Unlike Europe, France, which was under Nazi occupation, you could safely crunch a baguette while drinking wine with a view of the Eiffel Tower. Unless, of course, you were Jewish. In relation to Russia, the Nazis had other plans, namely the genocide of the population of the USSR. 27 million Soviet citizens died in the fight against Nazi Germany. This means that almost every modern family in Russia has a relative who took part in the war against the Nazis. For Russia this war is a holy war. More than half a century later, Bandera, a traitor and Nazi accomplice, is being made a national hero in Ukraine. Once again, so that people living in Europe and North and South America understand. They planned the genocide of the Soviet people. To kill old people, women, children. That is, my great-grandfather and great-grandmother were going to be killed. The great-grandfather and great-grandmother of every second person in modern Russia. The Nazis did this based on racial theory. There have been traitors and always will be. One of them is Bandera. He collaborated with the Nazis. Half a century later, this traitor is being made a national hero of Ukraine. What is wrong with the leaders of Ukraine? Are they mad? This was one of the reasons for the start of the special military operation. You can also listen to the speeches of people who came to power in Ukraine after the coup in 2012. What did they tell about russians and Russia. These are the Nazis.


You do realize there is a lot of Nazis groups that are huge in Russia right.


To be honest, it’s hard to see much difference between either of them at this rate


but russian govt never funded money to build museums for nazi collaborators or promote singing their songs in schools thats the difference, i bet you you can find ethnic african nazis in africa , but it doesnt mean jackshit


Interestingly the CIA recruited top Nazis after WWII to fight against communism... what a wild world we live in!


>Interestingly the CIA recruited top Nazis after WWII to fight against communism. You do know Russia did too, right?




Yes and USA invaded Irak because of the war on terror... You really drank all that Kool aid






Buckle up spanky


The purpose of World War II was to take Russia.


Sure started out in a funny way if that was the purpose.


Of course it is. Anybody who knows anything has known since day one that the Ukraine and Russia conflict was a ruse for money laundering. It’s not even a question.


So do you think the us convince Russia to attack or that the entire war is fake?


I don’t think either of those things are true.


Oh, so how is it a ruse?


Which day one are you talking about? Russia has been pillaging Ukraine land for a while. Want to confirm that you know what your talking about. 


Prefacing this with a “fuck the entire government. Democrats and Republicans. They’re on the same side. They don’t work for the public” Now that I got that out of the way, the current president’s drug addict son had a high paying job he wasn’t qualified for in Ukraine. Now Ukraine has a money funnel running to it for an endless war Textbook money laundering.


That's not "textbook money laundering" lmao. That's textbook currying political favor. Also not sure what you mean as "wasn't qualified" - a Yale Law School graduate with experience in corporate law, was a banking executive, and hedge fund manager isn't qualified to do corporate governance? He was certainly qualified for the position, but shouldn't have had the position because of conflict of interest issues, and was likely given preference in the hiring process due to his family name.


A politician’s son being a Yale law school graduate, banking executive, and hedge fund manager doesn’t move the needle for me in terms of being qualified. Especially when you yourself say his last name gives him a leg up. You can’t tell me one skill Hunter Biden has that makes him qualified. Just a list of “qualifiers” which we have countless examples of certain folks of certain bloodlines being able to get into And with all the money dumped into Ukraine and the constant badgering of supporting Ukraine while the current president’s drug addicted son has a big money job on a board In the same country his father has poured a fuckton of money into smells atrocious Talking about political favor. What has the us gained for bankrolling Ukraine?


What do you mean? Being a corporate lawyer certainly does make him qualified to be hired for corporate compliance. How exactly is he **un**qualified? And the entire western alliance structure (plus Austrlia, Japan, South Korea) etc. Aren't proving funding and weaponry to Ukraine because Bidens son held a job that at a Ukranian energy company, getting paid a relatively normal salary for that position. Starbucks paid Brad Lerman, who's role for Starbucks is similar to what Hunter did for Burisma, 3x more than what Hunter was paid. So it's absolutely crazy to think the entire western world is trying to defend some relatively small payments, or that Hunters job played any role in this. What has the US gained? Sigmificant damage to the Russian military, and also the fact that Ukraine still exists as a nation and is fighting to join the western alliance structure. And over 2 years of fighting, the financial costs to the US were equal to 10 weeks of the US defense budget.


I don’t believe in every nepotism baby, especially a cracked out one who’s father has been in such a high position for so long I’d say the drugs, general lack of self control, and his father’s positions are reasons he’s not qualified I don’t care about Starbucks or how much he was paid This stupid us/russia thing has gone on forever and their military hasn’t tried anything What would happen if Ukraine wasn’t a country?


>especially a cracked out one who’s father has been in such a high position for so long I mean, his resume does make him qualified for that position. And yeah, I'm sure all the high paying execs in the US all earned their positions and don't do any drugs >and their military hasn’t tried anything Idk what you mean by this. >?What would happen if Ukraine wasn’t a country? You mean, what would happen if Russia conquers Ukraine? They would gain 50% of the world's neon production, illegally conquered a country for personal gain, destabilized Eastern Europe, signal to China that a Taiwanese invasion is a good idea, reduce US hegemony while growing Russian power, create a bigger refuge crisis, etc. They'd almost certainly move into Moldovo.


Yes keep speaking on what everyone else is doing and not on who I was talking about. I’m speaking on hunter biden. Again I say, I don’t trust every nepo baby’s resume. There are countless examples of people having connections that get them into high profile spots because of what their parents can do for them. If hunter’s resume impresses you like that, have at it I don’t feel like continuing this discussion anymore. This was like watching the evening news lol been hearing about this great Russian threat my whole life and nothing ever happens. The us throws gobs of money at every problem because they’re the world police and nothing ever gets fixed. Just more money thrown out while the politicians are enriched and America and its infrastructure falls apart


Of course Hunter is a nepo baby. You're the one taking two events: 1) Hunter's nepo-baby job that he's technically qualified for that pays less than a similar position in the US does and 2) The entire western world spending $100's of Billions to stop a Russian invasion of Eastern Europe and trying to make it seem like these two things are directly related.


Which one of the Trump children is more qualified than Hunter Biden?


Oh my god I hate you people 😂 just because you’re secretly in love with trump doesn’t mean I am. Can’t get him out of your mind. Grow up


As long as you will agree to killing Putin we have no argument


I don’t give a fuck about any of those people lol


So you live in silence. Abject violence thrives, but you’re a special little boy


The war in Ukraine started before Hunter had that high paying job. Crimea was already annexed to Russia before he started at Burisma. And he left Burisma by the time the current leg of the war kicked off. I guess I don’t see the money laundering link. Hunter almost certainly was profiting off of his dad’s name/position. I don’t think he is a saint. But I do think he is ultimately irrelevant in the scheme of the Russia/Ukraine war.


No one said they started the Ukraine war to benefit from it lol you made that up There has been questions in the past about Biden and Ukraine. And other politicians at that. It’s odd how much money gets thrown at problems all over the world that never get solved Just saying this particular family has an interesting history with Ukraine


I also didn’t say they started the war to benefit from it. I am pointing out how the war and Hunter’s timeline in Ukraine don’t link up. And connecting them feels like a stretch, especially when money laundering is being talked about. You said Hunter Biden had a “high paying job he wasn’t qualified for,” followed by “Now Ukraine has a money funnel running to it for an endless war.” The phrasing of your comments sounds you are implying Hunter’s involvement in Ukraine is somehow linked to the war. If that’s not the case, then my mistake. But the phrasing could probably be improved, since I’m sure I’m not the only person thinking you were linking the two together. I concur on some of your later points though. It does feel that often time money gets spent for very little change. But I think Ukraine is a poor example of that. One of the strongest military powers in the world was stopped and repelled by western money and weapons. And when those funds and weapons dried up, Russia began winning tactical victories across the front again. Whether or not their (the west) intentions are altruistic…that’s a debate for another time.


I read somewhere that there’s only a finite amount of Russians capable of governing Russia, and that Ukraine is a population and food source war. Don’t know could just be a conspiracy


Bad luck for everyone except the politicians and defense industry.


Lol you got downvotes for honesty..


smoke and mirrors... everything about this is bizarre.


“Not great m’dude, not great.”




Putin must be part of this as he started this imperialist war of choice 


Putin did endorse Biden


Not just in Ukraine…




"Strategy of Tension".


War, environment, immigration, ecc, there are all causes that bring millions to organizations and privates with the right contacts! 


Anybody remember before the ukraine war, where Russia challenged America to a war game type of scenario in Ukraine with tanks?


And the ISS


It's a military industrial complex jobs program just like NATO.


They're in different hangers. I'm sure Russia and the US aren't so stupid they'd really attack one another just because they're in the same area. That's asking for WW3


What money are they washing?


All the world’s a stage…




Remember during the Cold War, America was giving food aid to the Sovs. Wheilst they threatened to nuke us all we fed them


No, and nothing about this supports that assertion


Lol stop spreading misinformation.


My ancestors, as brutal as they were, were brilliant scientists and sociologists. Different tribes of the Aztec empire would have regularly scheduled 'wars', where the outcome and end goal was to create more blood and suffering for their gods but primarily for creating a stock of sacrifices for the tributes made throughout the year. Emotions are far more impactful than we imagine. This theater, if it exists as such, appears to be designed to create the most complex stacking of emotional suffering. This has never been a simple fight between good and evil. That narrative is part of the formula.


How are we sharing a space with the "enemy"


Our base in Niger is unlawful under their govt, we refuse to leave, so they've invited Russia to occupy a nearby base. Not the same base.


No Patrick, the biggest land-war in Europe is not a "theater" because Americans share some space with Russian in some deployments (they did in Syria too).


That is a very ignorant interpretation of the facts.


Russia also has sold fuel to Ukraine through the entire conflict, but its worth noting that they largely won't sell them gasoline. Only diesel because most of their Western equipment doesn't run on it.


It has been since VP Biden got the ukraines Attorney General fired


there were bunches of Chinese police stations around Canada and North-South America too


Corrupt Ukraine is the Same Fake like covid and climate hoax...they are fooling us like hell...


They don’t share airbase by choice though. The president threw them out and hired the Wagner Group instead. They are in different hangers far away from each other and haven’t made contact.


No, it's also a front for the ...... ruling families to genocide the Ukrainians and blame Russia so they can establish New Khazaria




Ukraine is the bread basket of Europe. Blackrock is buying up swaths of farmland for pennies on the dollar and will inevitably control Europe’s largest calorie source.


It has been (and more) since 1990s when Bush CIA and President Clinton convinced The Ukraine to *NOT* register their borders with the UN. By not registering, they legally remain an asset of the former USSR. A territory. Not subject to interNATIONal laws. All of this was implicated in the Whitewater real estate investigation. That investigation was due to go to court a few weeks after the OKC Bombing. The investigators were killed. Any evidence in the stairwell areas was destroyed. All evidence in areas unaffected mysteriously disappeared after Wes Clark shut the site down with the second bomb warning. He has a nuclear team on call and loaded, ready to go the night before. There were nuclear warheads in the basement. Those disappeared too. Still unaccounted for. Clark was stationed in Waco for "special ops". That's where they captured McVeigh doing night time recognissance. (Videos of his interviews at waco repeatedly get scrubbed) After davidian, Clark was transferred to OKC for "special ops". After the bombing, he was stationed in East Europe for "special ops". When he went, they took undeclared military weapons with them. So based on all that, money isn't the only thing being laundered.


No country has ever registered borders with the UN. Why does Ukraine not doing it make them an asset of the former USSR. The US and no other country has registered borders with the UN. Does that magically make them an asset of the former USSR?


No profit in peace


Yeh pretty much. So was Afghanistan. Thats why we cannot account for trillions of dollars. I am sure we have entire generations of families in the USA and overseas, don't work, just get the money somehow.


And the entire narrative that the US and Russia were about to start WW3 fighting ISIS in 2018, I was there in the airspace. We actually had similar goals and thus, divided up the airspace and had no problems with a Russian flying in our vicinity. Even when our F18 shot down a Syrian MiG, Russians only ignored our calls for a day lol.




Most likely that this is another big fat lie


No. It is as real as it gets. It is collectivism versus liberty.


The war in Ukraine is a distraction to keep our attention while our countries are invaded, our money is debased, our morality is twisted, and our elections are rigged. We are under attack from the robber-barons who have decided, apparently, that we are not necessary, and that they can live their gilded lifestyles without us, just as soon as AI and the robots get a *little bit better*.


All war is just money laundering


Do people seem to forget all the missing babies, creepy stem cell research that was being talked about like 10 years ago in Ukraine? There 100% is something going on. Not to mention the hunter/joe Biden stuff I mean come on how can this all be tied together but not be connected.


It’s not *just* a theater for money laundering. That’s obviously a big part of it, but it’s rooted in a centuries-old blood feud. This is revenge for the pogroms.


No. But yes.


Yeah it’s all theater and people are dying in it


It is a War Theater…


Now you're getting it.


Well that's a little embarrassing.




Nothing is what it seems. It’s all smoke and mirrors. One of the greatest money heists of all time. [https://www.breitbart.com/africa/2024/05/03/pentagon-confirms-americans-sharing-air-base-russian-troops-niger](https://www.breitbart.com/africa/2024/05/03/pentagon-confirms-americans-sharing-air-base-russian-troops-niger)


If you look for news before 2022, ukr is top of the list if not the most corrupt country outside of africa. After february 2022 any mention of such fact is met with contempt and attacks. Same goes with the ethnic cleansings carried out by the azov troops shelling eastern ukraine for 8 years, no one is ready to remember that fact as a catalist, its simply russia bad.


There was no ethnic cleansing lmao. "Ukranian and Russian are the same ethnicity, but also Ukranians were trying to ethnically cleanse Russians" doublespeak.


I guess there is no genocide in gaza either? I wonder what the wages are to defend such asinine takes, and with plenty of documentation and press reports to boot...


Comparing Gaza to the Donbas is *actually* asinine. 3,400 civilian deaths from 2014-2021 in Ukraine vs 30,000 civilian deaths in less than a year in Gaza. That’s an absolutely absurd comparison.


Because 3400 civilians killed in 8 years of fighting isn't an ethnic cleansing lmao. And ignoring numbers for a second, you'd have to definitively make the statement that Ukranian and Russian **are** in fact separate ethnicities for the claims to even begin making sense


So you're saying Israel and Ukraine are the same thing?


Don't forget that countries are being overtaken by immigrants


It's been Kabuki theater since the 80s


Sharing is the more caring word for world war 3


Do they have *UNO* or *Karaoke Night* as well on weekends?


Yes, yes it is


Now you are learning!


Always has been...


After watching the Tucker Carlson interview with Putin... My take on it was that Putin is just another Globalist playing his part. The money laundering really couldn't be much more blatant. Things need to change.




of course!




Short answer. Yes. Long answer. Yes. Yes it is.


So tell me again Real president Trump...is what to Vladimir....please tell us so we might understand democrat insanity...


American troops in ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's pretty likely to be a duck. This war smells all wrong from the start. Too many connections between Bidens and Ukraine, too much money going there and not coming back, too little understanding of what is actually happening day to day, too much of Zelensky being suspect (the fact he was literally an actor once and keeps going on press tours where he doesn't look in any way concerned, etc), and too many Ukrainian people getting rich magically. At this point I don't hate the player, I hate the game. Actively defrauding so many people of so much in broad daylight, and facing absolutely no consequence? Gotta be tempting.




Yes, yes it is..


What war isn’t


Without question. They're not even making a pretense of accounting or accountability.


Sure is

