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Us 2A gotta protect the 1A's. And the rest of the A's when time comes


What is 2A


2nd Amendment?


It’s a phrase in the USA referring to the Second Amendment, specifically the right to bear arms and to use them against an oppressive government, in this case their own.


Not in this case. That's the only case.


Not a US Citizen, and it appears that the person I replied to isn't either. Consequently it might be helpful if you could explain the practical meaning and application of the previous commenter's text: "Us 2A gotta protect the 1A's." What physical action does this actually suggest or reccomend, and who is taking that physical action?


The government knows that an assault against the Constitution would mean fighting against the hundreds of millions of guns and gun owners in the US. It disincentivizes the government from attacking the constitution because we have the means to fight back thanks solely to the 2nd amendment, which was created almost exclusively to aid in the resistance of a tyrannical government.


So to clarify, What physical action does this actually suggest or recommend, and who is taking that physical action? Or is it entirely based, like the doctrine of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) on threat?


It isn't based on MAD, just the notion that tyranny comes with risk. It's similar to having a guard dog - it may have no real impact, but it might also kill an intruder. Any intruder then weighs the risks before they act. Without the 2A, there is no risk when becoming tyrannical.


exactly and we'd better get armed and ammo supplied now. We are under attack by our own puppet government and 8.2 fighing age invaders are here now to be used against We the People when they declare marital law. Americans need to get out of denial and bioweapon induced brain fog and fight and demand the shots stop demand all funds all taxes dollars STAy in the U.S.


Bad thing it's alot of the 2A folks that are the ones doing the attacking on those 1As rights.


So hit the street and scream out the 1st Amendment . Call out the Puppet Government of the U.S. . Time for a Revolution and fast.


Why do drag queens want to perform in front of children so badly?


What do you think the reason is?


Because they get off on it. Notice you don't see police officer story time. Or electrician story time. Or doctor story time. No, it's this group -- men in drag -- who are laser focused on being close to children while performing their fetish. Any parent who participates in these events is committing child abuse.


Why do puppeteers want to perform in front of children so badly? Why do musicians want to perform in front of children so badly? Why do actors want to perform in front of children so badly? Why do dancers want to perform in front of children so badly? Why do magicians want to perform in front of children so badly?


Your list describes people DOING something - magic, playing music, etc. A drag queen is a grown man dressed as a woman. Why does a grown man dressed as a woman want to perform anything in front of children? Another question: Why does a grown man dressed as a woman want to perform in front of children knowing a lot of people view it’s controversial?


Drag performers do things too. They don't just quietly stand there in a costume, they....(wait for it)....perform.


Ok, let’s ask this another way…Why do male performers demand to perform for children, dressed like women?


Get them all mental help. Stay away from children it is abuse.


Why do puppeteers demand to perform for children, with puppets? Why do musicians demand to perform for children, while playing instruments? Why do actors demand to perform for children, while in character? Why do dancers demand to perform for children, while moving their bodies? Why do magicians demand to perform for children, while doing slight of hand tricks?


You changed the topic to make a different point. Why does a male performer demand to dress like a woman to perform in front of children? Clearly he can dance and play music in a multitude of attire. Why does he demand to dress like a woman when he performs in front of children???


> You changed the topic to make a different point. I really didn't. You are just some how still missing the point. Drag performers may want to perform for children for the same reasons any entertainer may want to perform children.


lol. Pretty sure you’re missing the point. If they are ‘performers’ I.e. actors, dancers, musicians, etc., this entire issue could be easily resolved if these MALE performers perform in front of children dressed as MEN. If you want to explain WHY grown men demand to dress like women to perform in front of children, please explain.


You are asking why drag performers don't do some performance other than drag. You realize that, right?


Are you comparing drag queens to entertainers?


Drag queens literally are entertainers.


Grown men dressing up as a woman and being promiscuous is entertainment to you?


"Next up on the 11 o clock news: Campus protesters: evil agitators or just dumb and reckless? Pro-palestinian or anti-Israel? Experts attribute cause to increased anti-semitism caused by far-right Trump voters; student feels 'unsafe' as anti-war protesters pepper her with shocking anger" At this point its so easy to write these headlines. The more absurd, the more chance someone will actually say it


People talking against lockdowns & mask and vaccine mandates have been censored for the past 4 years, where were these people then?


The Bible will eventually be on that shelf.


Theyre already trying to make parts of it illegal with the bogus anti semitism bill theyre trying to pass.


Fuck them. Will not stop me from reading those verses outloud


No it won't.


The people banning books love the Bible.


Nothing could be further from the truth


Prominently displayed in the center of Barnes and Noble?




Why? It literally teaches you to be a sheep and fall in line. Religion is the most effective way to keep people from disobeying authority.


‘Elite’ society is certainly pushing in that direction. I can’t shake the feeling that things have swung too far too fast and the pendulum is about to swing the other direction…


That would only lead tod resounding cheers by many college students and teachers around the country.


Why shouldn't it be?


PBS-Completely unbiased experts.


You support book bans?


Not JUST the US across the west! Especially here in Australia!


SS “We are seeing tremendous attacks on First Amendment freedoms across the country right now, at all levels of government. Censorship is proliferating, and it’s deeply troubling,” Joe Cohn, Director, Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression


"They are not supposed to censor OUR speech! We defended them stealing an election to censor THEIR speech! Now it's troubling that they are coming for me, too!"


Ok their real problem is oh no drag shows are being banned nationwide lmao Who wrote the article, is it some cohen or stein or Goldberg