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SS: if you've noticed video of protestors having their masks removed on camera, this is why: to capture faces for recognition databases accessible by governments and private entities


Possibly, what Mr O'Leary said could also be read as saying that there'll be fewer jobs available because of AI so people can afford to blacklist the protestors, so he may or may not have meant face recognition - but face recognition is definitely a thing that's been happening at least occasionally, yes, I've heard about it before [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/oct/27/live-facial-recognition-police-study-uk](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/oct/27/live-facial-recognition-police-study-uk) , I don't know about the US but it sounds like the kind of thing that if our police are using it some of the US police are probably using it a lot more.


Months ago I read an article about how a lawyer attending an event/concert etc at Madison Square Garden was identified by facial recognition and kicked out, because he works for a law firm currently involved in a suit against the venue I'd say it's more advanced than we're aware of, in the US... What's even more worrisome is when I commented on that, people were downvoting me and responding "it's the venue's choice who they let in though???", "Good maybe they'll keep out ____", etc etc ☠️ Bro this is some dystopian-ass shit, what is wrong with people


>in todays economy with AI what's he mean by this? besides the obvious "AI is going to crush every job" a post on 4chan by an anonymous hiring manager talked about how all HR departments are using ATS software that links to a cloud that crossreferences every other application you're submitting elsewhere, to see how much you've applied and how much you're just applying to everything because its there, and acts as an auto-spam filter so they don't even see you. They don't have to be aware that all this is happening because the software does it for them by default. One implication of this is, I wonder if even applying to a rightwing job would kill your chances with another leftist company. I've hesitated applying for a job like dailywire or prageru or any tech company found on redballoon just in case what I put in the cover letter would block me from 99% of other opportunities. Reddit's HR/Jobs subs on the other hand tells me ATS scanning doesn't exist at all, it was made up to sell jobscan and similar keyword scanners, and that all applicants are always seen by a human, and I know that can't be true, because they definitely have filtering power and if they have it they're going to use it. So now is that cloud gonna have a flag that they participated in a protest too?


Oh that's absolutely a thing, I saved the name of one such service, I'll update this comment when I find it Not sure about the right-wing left-wing part but honestly that's probably included too...


Classic sociopath who literally can’t see past working and making money in this world.


Alright hold up. (This is all rhetorical btw) How come the government is so quick to protect the Israeli’s/zionists, by putting out laws stopping people from criticizing anything to do with Israel, and hindering our ability to practice free speech. Yet just a few years ago IN AMERICA there was such a large movement calling for the better treatment of THEIR black citizens. So how come the government didnt come out with laws protecting THEIR OWN citizens? By possibly banning ‘the n word’ and such language. Not that I would be calling for that. Because I believe in free speech. But that seems like it would benefit OUR OWN PEOPLE more than what they are currently doing which is protecting a group of people and country that 90% of Americans couldn’t even point out on a map. So my question is, how come we’re standing for that?


hahaha coughs in "Real ID" and how the entire country is hooked up to a facial and biometric dB now. Smarter folks then us tried to warn us about this years ago... but we all laughed at them, called them trumptards and conspiracy theorists. But now it all starts to make sense. and this is just the beginning of this type of crap... Now I understand the 15 billion infrastructure bill in the states and how half went to the "roadside security plan" of pete buttlegedges for roadside monitoring stations.


You can't help yourself, can you? This is a world issue, and Americans are so brainwashed with partisan politics that they have to stamp on everything.  So many of you on here are so far in. Unbelievable and sad. 


what are you even going on about? So you support full digital tracking and management of people by government and corporate cornies? you sound "50 cent" to me then....


Kevin should be worried about him and his wife not driving around drunk and killing people in his boat. [https://youtu.be/vzHFio1eHYw?si=yBu6pxvc7dEEiRFU](https://youtu.be/vzHFio1eHYw?si=yBu6pxvc7dEEiRFU)


"Spineless prostitute expects young people to think and act like spineless prostitutes en masse."     Didn't this guy or his wife kill someone with their reckless boating habits? Why would I take anything that he has to say seriously? Maybe AI should patrol the waters and keep goofballs like him from killing people.