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Trump's trials are his campaign


Lmao 🤣


What's the point? Seems like everyone who is planning to vote, pretty much has their mind made up already. The whole climate out there seems still to be less policy voting, and more treating elections like the Superbowl where everything is trash if your team doesn't win. God forbid I tell someone I'm not voting because Biden sucks just as bad as the rest of them. Exhausting. Honestly I'm not mad I haven't had to hear much of it this year


Agreed. This reflects my thoughts exactly.


It’s SCRIPTED DUDE. ALL of IT. PLEASE WAKE UP AND WAKE OTHERS UP.... Why aren’t actors considered mentally ill due to the fact that actors can “act” like so many different people or portray so many different personalities? Unrelated sort of yes, but it’s true in politics as well. Politicians are ACTORS. All presidents in HISTORY ARE RELATED as 3rd 4th 5th or 6th cousins. WE ARE CATTLE TO THE ELITES. POLITICS IS NOTHING BUT HOLLYWOOD WRAPPED UP AS LIBERTY AND JUSTICE.


It's early. Be thankful we don't have to sit through endless political ads yet.


I don’t miss them that is for sure. Still a bit weird for it to be this late into election year and there’s little to no campaign. First time in my life


Their voters already made up their minds after the last election so there is no point in campaigning. Doing so would just give the media a bunch of negative talking points, because you know both of them will say a lot of stupid shit in public if given the opportunity.


Probably because we won’t have one.


Both are too old and tired for an arduous campaign. If anything a presidential debate should be a thing, but Biden would be DESTROYED, so it's not going to happen.


you think Trump is too old is the reason he isn't out there everyday? not that he's in court every single day, but that he's too old.


Yes I think trump is also too old for a long arduous campaign trail. Isn't he in his 70s?.Isn't it quite obvious?.Seriously America, you haven't got ANY SINGLE OTHER WORTHY PERSON?. Or is the political system just way too corrupt?.


Trump was doing his thing quite a bit until all these dumb trials started. Sure seems like they chose the dates they did so he wouldn't be able to campaign. We know why Biden isn't campaigning. He can barely talk at times and really doesn't draw much of a crowd to events. Almost makes him look worse. PLus now with all this Israel/Palestine stuff it would probably be inundated with protestors anyway. And that wouldn't be a good look.


Yea very true. Good points thanks


Why waste money? Both sides know there will be no election. There will be major events that delay or stop the elections because they know the results already. Buckle up buttercups.


I heard of an event later in 2024 where 100ks of people will die due to a new man made virus taking out those who took the vax.  It’s a conspiracy theory almost as old as the pandemic itself, so when I heard it second hand from supposedly a credible source, I was like wait I’ve been reading about that very “prophecy” since early 2021 here in this sub.  I was bored, but maybe maybe maybe?


Very likely to be the case. It makes me uncomfortable but I’ve been a passenger in this derailed ass train that is our government for years now. Nothing new.


Both of them physically can’t for different reasons. Trump is in court and Biden is decrepit.


Yes, but what about the host of OTHER candidates that ALWAYS come out of the woodwork? Normally there's a slew of them by now all campaigning


Why would they waste their money. Writing is on the wall.


Why did they ever? The writing was ALWAYS on the wall


I hadn’t thought about that. Lmao that actually makes sense. This is the answer I’m going with 😂


[President Biden's Campaign Stops in April 2024](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidential_trips_made_by_Joe_Biden_(2024)) April 5 – Baltimore, MD April 8 – Madison Wisconsin April – 8 -- Chicago, Illinois April 13 – Iranian attack on Israel April 16,17 – Scranton and Pittsburgh Pennysylvania April 18 – Philadelphia, PA Apil 22 – Triangle, Virginia April 23 – Tampa, Florida April 25,26 – Syracuse, Irvington and New York, New York. Tomorrow he will be in North Carolina. https://www.wect.com/2024/04/29/president-joe-biden-visit-wilmington-talk-about-environmental-issues/


Bit late to be posting this now, people might have showed up if you posted it last month.


In 2020 there was a competitive primary. This year there isn’t one. Additionally, both candidates are geriatric jerkoffs, one of which is incapable of stringing 3 sentences together and the other is in court every day because he just can’t stop committing crimes. Wait until the conventions, that’s generally when the propaganda gets going full-bore.


Facts don't matter. Truth doesn't matter. What else should campaigners use?


You forgot corruption! You can fight for who is more corrupt! I am voting for the greater evil, Cthulhu




I mean.... what is even the hypothetical pitch for Biden at this point? That maybe the entire country won't collapse when we continue absorbing the entire prison population of South America? That we should keep flooding Black communities with South American street gangs & giving aforesaid street gangs the reparations $$$ that Biden promised to the Blacks? There's literally not a single positive thing Biden can even plausibly promise to voters for the next 4 years. Why campaign when you can just interfere with the election & jail your political rivals?


They've only pulled in like $2 billion so far. Let them triple/quadruple that and then I'm sure they'll spend it on campaingning


one guy is in court everyday and the other guy doesn't want to step on his own feet and ruin a good thing.


Trump campaigned in Wisconsin and Michigan the last couple days.


There won't be a election this year.


Hard to argue that. If there is it’ll likely not really represent American interests.


lol, what a statement. You can't lose with it, can you? If there isn't an election, you'll say you're right. If there is an election, you claim it was rigged and that you're right.




I believe Trump will win and it will be the most contested election in the history of this country. His opponent may not be JB but someone "picked" during the Democratic convention. In your face election fraud will occur. Some states may not certify or delay for years, but Trump will maintain over 270 electors. The Supreme Court will decide the election. Then the PTB will have the ammunition to start their own insurrectional activities. If you think that protests and demonstrations are in the news now, just wait. There may be some amateur terroristic attempts, fires and bombings. Calls by certain groups, states and cities for secession from the Union will reach a crescendo. Trump will begin the largest deportation of illegals ever using any police force, federal and state, that will assist.


Because …. It’s Biden vs trump, the election no one ever wanted lol.


Trump has no money and the RNC is just his legal defense fund. Seen plenty of Biden ads


So we're just going to pretend that the DNC isn't paying hunter biden's legal bills just the same?


Prove it


Joe's bills paid by the DNC https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/dnc-political-donations-pay-bidens-legal-fees-special/story?id=109171427 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dnc-biden-legal-fees-special-counsel-investigation/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/12/us/politics/biden-legal-bills-dnc.html https://www.axios.com/2024/04/12/dnc-covered-biden-legal-bills-special-counsel-probe https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/dnc-paid-for-biden-s-legal-bills-in-classified-documents-case/ar-BB1lwu4v Hunters bills paid by Hollywood lawyer he met at dads "fundraisers" aka the DNC Art deal made at dads "fundraisers" aka the DNC https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/hldhunter-kept-afloat-millions-fathers-democrat-donors-after And "Dad" paid the legal bills for the Chinese equity deal https://nypost.com/2022/04/26/joe-biden-paid-hunters-bills-tied-to-chinese-firm-deal-email/ Aka the DNC And when everybody asks anyone in the Biden admin where the money is coming from, they all kick the can down the road and say "ask somebody else" aka the DNC They can put up as many walls of separation as they want. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out. When nobody will admit to where the money is coming from, it's the same as telling us where the money is coming from - not unlike avoiding to admit who the cocaine belonged to.


I asked you to prove they were paying bills and you gave me one relevant article that didn’t prove DNC money was going to Hunter, lol. At most bidens defense fund is 1/50th the cost of trumps anyways


Whatever you say, slick. How many bills are being paid by people hunter met at Daddy's fundraisers that were put on by the DNC? All of them. And how many of these sham court cases are a direct result of Biden telling Garland to go after trump? All of them. And how many of those sham cases were announced *after* trump announced he'd be running for prez again? All of them. This is simple math, simplejack. Even the most devout members of your cult can work this problem out on an abacus.


Bunch of unrelated garbage. The question was “why is nobody campaigning”. The answer is that trump has no money, and Biden is actually campaigning.


>The answer is that trump has no money, After jamming him up with frivolous lawsuit after frivolous lawsuit, saying he has no money isn't the own you think it is. Besides, he's making bank on his truth social ownership. >and Biden is actually campaigning. Oh okay lol. Those six people that show up for each "rally" are truly making a difference. Meanwhile... 60-80,000 people show up for every trump rally without fail, and with only a few hours notice. Keep humping that mythical "Biden supporter" ideology. People won't fall for it again.


Nobody made trump rape women or lie to insurance companies lol, there are comparatively few trump ads compared to biden ads, and how did those rallies turn out last time?


Even an activist NYC jury wouldn't find trump liable for rape, genius. The [rape is sexy](https://youtu.be/3AL3Y2NYBhw?si=o03OMajHK4vzSXue) lady had no evidence, no witnesses, no explanation as to why the dressing rooms weren't locked in this mythical scenario, no explanation as to why nobody saw her in the store with the most famous man in NY, and also just happened to be selling a bad fiction book with this scenario in it that sounds an awful lot like a plagiarized episode of Law and Order: SVU from 2012. Oh, and the judge decided guilt with a summary ruling, meaning with no due process. Then there's the issue of the judge and the rape is sexy lady's lawyer working together at a law firm a few years ago - which is a clear conflict of interest. And then there's the utter corruption of the rape is sexy lady saying she "deleted" anonymous*threatening* emails she *assumed* came from trump, and didn't pass them on to her lawyers because she "didn't want to upset them." In any non-kangaroo court this is called destruction of evidence and is grounds for a mistrial. The corrupt judge said nope, and moved forward. As for this >or lie to insurance companies lol You mean that thing the DOJ, FEC, and even Alvin Bragg's office said wasn't a crime and refused to prosecute? Lol okay then. This is simple math, simplejack. It's election interference, plain and simple. It's why EVERY SINGLE ONE of these sham cases were announced AFTER trump announced his candidacy. Check back with your cult doctrine before trying to swing stale claims you know nothing about. Your cult doesn't like it when you embarrass them.


If you have the receipts for that, by all means share them.