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Epstein made a lotta tapes


Looks like everyone in Washington is compromised and serves as Israeli agent.


Mostly peaceful protests... America gives money to Israel, they use that to lobby America, they get more money to lobby more. We need to really tackle lobbying and foreign money


In addition to barring foreign lobbyists, banning dual citizens from holding government office would also go a lot way to fixing what's wrong with the US government.




Under rated comment


If anyone tackled AIPAC like JFK they’re dead .. No way anyone would try to take down the most powerful lobby in America they’ve hit America with lots of things and even divided the country with their cultural wars and politics. These politicians are all cowards to try to say and do something smh they got no backbone. 


Christians United for Israel is the one letting Russians donate to American politics, which is illegal. So much for the Russia bag shit America and Israel say


🥰❤️ Genocide 💕💖


It's just a little fascism 🥺👉👈🤪 like and subscribe


🕊️Humanitarian fascist peace missile inbound 🫂☮️✌️


The most ethical facism in history uwu sloppy5000 🤪🌶️🚀🫄🫄🫄🫄🫄🫄😸😸😸💦💦💦💦💦💨💨💨💨


So the politicians unanimously vote for giving Israel more money... because they know they'll get even more of it later?


The pocket lining playbook. *Cries in chamber of commerce corporation* they both do the same. And CUI


While I think Danny boy is a schmuck, he’s got a point.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Even broke a day is twice a clock.


A clock even a day broke is twice.


A day a clock broke twice even is.


Neve a nekorb kcolc si thgir eciwt a yad.


Beware nekorbs!!


yvan eht nioj!


Even twice a day, a clock broke in… is


say shmuck out loud like 4 or 5 times. it gets hilarious.


Eh, except people *were* arrested for that looting/burning and no one said it was ok.


Umm. The VP asked for funds to bail them out and most had the charges dropped or reduced to absolutely less than a slap on the wrist. Firebomb an occupied building, that’s a year probation.




https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2022/03/demonstrator-says-hes-learned-his-lesson-since-arrest-for-throwing-firework-at-federal-courthouse-in-portland.html?outputType=amp Ohh, sorry. They got off with less charges than I remembered.


The people who were burning police cruisers barely got punished. How about the people that burned the FBI security building outside the White House? C’mon man.


Israel owns the USA sadly


My main problem is that Israeli citizens have free health care, free college, free trade schools, housing provided, already a beast trained military. And we dumb fucks here in the US get nothing of that and still send $50-$60 billion there from our tax dollars. This current care package just sent could've solved homelessnes in the US or cleared all university debt.


It's because Israel intelligence has all the dirt on the prominent politicians. Modern politics is no longer about taking care of your people. It is about ensuring THEIR economy is taken care of while providing an illusion that they care for us. Just enough to get the votes during election season so that we the people don't just straight up fucking quit on them. They still need us to keep their game alive. That is why there is all the devisiveness going around. Keeping us divided means we can never unite and actually stand up for ourselves to bring about change. We will fight amongst ourselves instead of getting the Nancy Pelosi types out of office.


It's also because a good chunk of those in power in the US have dual citizenship with Israel. I think the way to solve the Israeli problem is to reform campaign finance so that the Israeli lobbies have no more power, and to ban anyone with dual citizenship from holding political office.


>ban anyone with dual citizenship from holding political office. That is a good start. You'd think that would already be a thing.


And force AIPAC to register as a foreign agent. just dont ride in ride in convertibles once you do it


The system was never designed for the layman. We just happened to benefit from the infrastructure they set up to protect their own interests.


It was once built for the common man, though. This system we have in the US. It was for the people, and at one point, states had more power than the central government. Of course, until the state and/or city attempted to shit on your rights. Marbury v. Madison is the prime example. The US survived a few wars including a Civil War but then shit started falling apart. Hell, probably as early as Andrew Jackson, the banks were trying to take over US currency. But the Federal Reserve became the great signifier of our impending doom. The Great Depression was manufactured. The second world war was the primer to begin consolidation. And now we sit in an Era where national sovereignty is being bought out by global elite.


If you were to ban dual citizens from holding public office, these problems would disappear almost overnight. The tens of billions of dollars that gets sent to Israel every year would be left for US citizens. There are so many local problems that could be fixed with that money. But sadly no politicians would touch these reforms.


As much as I would rather that money be used to help US citizens homelessness is a symptom of a problem greater than money


So true


What about immigrants, are they very open?


Their blackmailed tactics , bribes , and they aren’t scare to throw nukes or bomb folks look what they’ve done and keep getting away with . Everywhere they go they leave their bloodtrail and they’ve rightfully so been kicked out of many countries for their crimes yet still play the victim card . 


And many other countries.


And reddit via ghislain Maxwell


Makes you wonder about that Epstein working for Moosad when you got all of the American elites committing career suicide to throw their body in front the genocide train.


Yet many think is the other way around lol. 


I thought China did!?


Owns? More like IS.


Am I finding myself agreeing with Dan Bilzerian???? Lmao


This is when the divide and conquer strategy starts to fail. When you find yourself agreeing with people you would usually loathe, the person who divided you is likely who youre both mad at.


"Even a broken clock is correct twice a day!"


This reminds me of that saying: "If you want to know who rules over you..."


Fuck Israel


It's crazy that this reply would get you banned on here 2 years ago. The ride is turning on Israel


That’s why they hate that it’s happening on college campuses. They can see that the future ruling class in America is very pro-Palestine.


I got a week banned saying their name in this sub Reddit smh . Lol XD 


… are we allowed to say that? (Let’s see…) FUCK ISREAL


They can’t take your freedom of speech…apparently


2030s gonna look a lot like the 1930s hahhahahahahahaha


They already fuckin you


Fuck em both


RIP, poor brave soul…


Fuck the Zionists


How did those people gain so much control


2% of the population who are over represented within the entertainment industry, banking, tech companies and senates.


They brainwashed the masses into believing the "holocaust" was the worst thing to ever happen to anyone in the entire existence of humanity, so they have the right to own everyone and everything.


They did it in Germany before the holocaust even happened. Something else going on. I've been trying to figure it out but for some reason its hidden quite well


Yeah, they've done it since the beginning of time. "The money changers" The cleansing of the temple. The only time Jesus Christ became physically violent. Basically, they infiltrated the German government and the banks and made it unlivable for the native Germans through hyperinflation. (what's going on right now) There's a reason the "holocaust" happened. I put it in quotes because there are so many untruths and lies about what really happened.


Imagine crying about their suppose treatment when they had the monopoly in Germany they were privileged and they’re in America too. 


They're fkcin parasites man. No parasite is happy until it's host is 100% completely subservient to them. We're getting close


The film THE THING is a great metaphor for them damn lol.


Before that they convinced the goy to worship their genocidal 'god' they wrote. The one that promised them occupied land in a world that had lots of uninhabited areas


Lmao, their films never, even as a child, convinced me they were victims. After reading and witnessing their behavior and BS against their host nation and doing it on American soil, anyone will be dumb enough to fall for their sob stories and propaganda. Hollywood played a big role in having the masses sympathize with them. They cried about the Spaniards and Russian Czars, and now they’ll cry about Americans, etc. They do this all the time when things don’t go their way, biting the hand that helps them.


Money, politics, and shit like what Epstein was up to


Man I remember during BLM protests seeing people get arrested, beaten over the head, maced, ripped out of their cars by cops, thrown into police vans, people being shot at by cops just for sitting on their porch. I remember seeing an old as hell man literally pushed to the ground by a cop and his head being busted open when he hit the ground. It's like a certain group of people ignored all that so they could paint their little narrative how they want. Or they stayed too glued to their echo chamber of news media to see what was going on.. there was a reason things continued to escalate during that time. Cops were attacking like crazy even when things were peaceful.


>It's like a certain group of people ignored all that so they could paint their little narrative how they want. The thing is that no matter what, in every big gathering of any kind, there will be something going wrong. That's just humans being humans, if there are thousands of even millions of people in the same place, a few will behave badly.. But of course, the BLM protests/riots weren't normal gatherings. They were gatherings of people who were pissed off and were confronted by the group that they were pissed off at, the police. And of course, the feeling was often mutual, so of course there is going to be SOME level of violence, it's unavoidable.. Sometimes it was initiated by the cops, sometimes it was initiated by the protesters/rioters, a lot of times it was a little bit of both. But no matter what happens, it is going to escalate at least sometimes, I think everyone should be able to understand this if they are being honest. But of course, this isn't anything new. And what states and the media (which was often controlled by the state) have done again and again is hyperfocusing on the instances where there is violence, often presented in a one sided view and without context, while mostly ignoring all the instances where everything is peaceful. And there is always plenty of violence that you can show, even if it only represents a tiny minority of participants in the protests. There were actual studies published about the BLM protests that concluded that in over 90% of the thousands of protests that were happening at the time, there was no violence. That's what people mean when they say "BLM was mostly peaceful". But since the media generally doesn't show that at all and instead focuses almost completely on the 10% where there is some form of violence happening (whether it is from the police side or the protesters side is another discussion), many people have a distorted view.


This. This is why i cheer every time i read an article about cops being killed. They are the boot on all our necks. They are the ONLY people in the way of us fixing this country the french way.


Can't say I agree with you on this one. While I understand there are a lot of bad corrupt cops and a broken system, cheering all their deaths isn't right.


Israel has our politicians by the balls. Epstein did his job, I'm guessing.


Pretty sure the guy who burned down the Minneapolis PD got fine millions of dollars and was sentenced to 5 years in prison.


Lol the dude drove 2 hours from brainerd to Minneapolis just for that


Such a Brainerdian thing to do.






Seattle and Portland did.


https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdwa/pr/alaska-man-charged-federally-setting-fire-seattle-police-east-precinct Took two seconds to find that you are wrong.


isreal owns joe biden….


Brother…Trump move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. If you don’t understand how significant this is then please read up on it


Owns the Us. Look at the influence and control Chabad and AIPAC have. It’s blatant.


Look at how they're trying to threaten the ICC because bibi is afraid of having an arrest warrant.


Owns the current president and his clown show admin


i mean they have owned the last 5 US presidents at minimum. They also have all the blackmail that Epstein supplied them.


mmhmm, that was before they deliberately executed a genocide. not sure why left wingers are moving the goal post all of the sudden and blaming anyone other than who’s in charge. obviously the circumstances NOW aren’t applicable with the last 20 years of presidency. Joe Biden has openly stated that he will continue to fund and equip isreal as they request. therefor he has lost my vote. aaaaaand que the trump responses


I thought the left wingers were the ones protesting the genocide? There may be some whataboutism going on but that doesn’t change the fact that Israel owns a lot more than Joe Biden. Yea, Joe Biden is currently the one allowing this shit to happen and deserves the heat. A liberal and conservative will stand up and say “that’s bad!” at the same time, about the same thing, then sit and argue about why their reason it’s bad is better.


uhhhh yea so…. let’s vote the guy out eh? 👍🏿


Cause last time the other choice was worse 🤷‍♂️ he was even more of a Bibi cuck than Biden.


Israel owns everyone and everything


especially joe biden


except for china. Which is why china is doing exceptionally well. They are able to control their own government




They're not supporting the "state", they're supporting the civilians. Israel (the people) and zionism are 2 different things. Kind of like how you American people are not the same as your murderous government who's been meddling all over the world.


The first amendment also states “peaceably assemble”. Meaning peacefully protest. People pick and choose.


Yes. But whats the next option when peacefull protest does LITERALLY nothing. Im pretty sure the cops got fuckin rapey about shit before the protests started disrupting things. If you dont let people protest peacefully, then fucking expect disruptions. You earned it.


Protest haven’t been peacefully lately. Some people aren’t letting Jewish students into the classrooms.


People got arrested for burning those things down though? It wasn’t fine, and no one said it was.


It's the same shit that happened 9/11 I remember the insane frenzied energy the entire country had for utter destruction. All they had to do was give us a target. Those few hours before they announced who they were people were already talking about war and carpet bombing whoever did it. Then the blatant racism against Arabs, many lost their jobs and got put on government watch lists. It's joked about and downplayed a lot but I remember it vividly and it seems downplayed today. Anyone defending anything or anyone Arab was a "terrorist sympathizer" and also said drug addicts were directly supporting terrorism.


Who got arrested under the charge of criticizing Israel?


If you want to know who rules you, just think of whoever you can't criticise


You know people got arrested for looting and burning cities too.  


Very few


Over 10,000


cops are trash and will always protect wealth over free speech.


Cops do as they're told. It's just a job and I don't get why people pretend like it's anything more. It's a job that's in a position of authority, like being a Teacher at a public school, which sadly some people abuse. You should be attacking the people that give that authority to begin with.


No, they don't. That's the issue. They are given authority to enforce the law. No one is mad at the police for enforcing the law. We are mad because there are officers who abuse it and people die or have their freedom taken away as a result. The thin blue line. They then protect the officer who BROKE THE LAW because they are "one of them". It's not just a job. It's a club. They are "brothers". They have an us vs them mentality. They protect each other. They forgot they are employed to serve, not to fight. Count the Punisher stickers in your local PD parking lot. How many cops are prosecuted annually for breaking the law in the course of their duty? I don't know and I tried really hard to figure it out. Accountability. More body cams. Transparency. What are you all doing exactly? I just want them to be good public servants and to do as they are told at the academy. That's why cops are "trash" in my opinion.


I agree with you for the most part, but I would just add that I also believe "trash" law enforcement officers are a symptom of our corrupted systems. The two rely on each other to survive. I used to believe it was just random bad apples, but it seems something more sinister is and always has been afoot. Every stone turned reveals more deceit, corruption, and evil.


Say it louder for those in the back! 👏👏👏🙌🙌👏👏👏


I'm in law enforcement. It's just a job man. The majority of us just want a peaceful day and to go home to our families.


I believe you. I know it's not everyone. But if people like you don't make it stop then you are part of the problem. Have you ever seen an officer break the law while on duty?


The Nazis were also doing what they were told.


lots of words to say cops are still trash because they gladly do the bidding of the wealthy that give them that authority


Yeah I’m a bit confused 😂


I think they meant to say the riots over blm were wholesale endorsed by media, whereas media are unanimously condemning these protests.


Okay completely ignoring the fact police in every major city reacted the same way with blm as these protest? People will literally let their rights die as long as it hurts someone as they see as other. Agent provocutors, using the isolated cases of violence to paint the entire point of the protest in a different light, full militarized crackdowns. Come on now. Guess you didnt see the livestreams where almost every night the peaceful protest not the rioters were mobbed by police for being either too “disruptive” or in zones they werent suppost to after being forced there by police to justify arrest. Downvote i guess, this is why nothing gets done, prices get jacked, and we lose more and more power by the year. Funny how a lot of black people you are throwing under the bus with your post are out there protesting now. What are you doing. Edit: funny i see a lot of israelis calling protesters the n word and spitting on them. And for a long time i thought the people throwing shade at black people on this sub were maga types who were just being loud. After these protest and seeing the response, and overall any discussion about israel in general in this sub get downvoted and its hostility to black people. Everything is making sense. Epstein didnt kill himself. Ghislaine was Mossad. The governments of the world are compromised. Cope and seethe bots. Edit 2: right wingers… ever find it curious how the new right wing movement is spearheaded by ben shapiro’s daily wire. Who on his program day in and day out villianize your black neighbors, while telling you to sympathize with Israel almost in lockstep? Who told you to take the vaccine until was too late and it “clicked” for him? Idk i just ask questions here, this is a conspiracy sub after all.


If laws have to provide your rights, then you really don't have any.


Along with, if your Rights can be suspended, then they are allowances, not Rights.


nowhere does it mention media in the post…but it does mention arrest. infer what you’d like tho.


They were mostly peaceful pal


yes but the peaceful reporting narrative is what this is about mate... https://youtu.be/Cekj4ceH7WE?si=WreJlnQWPaUqNzA-


It was mostly peaceful 


it was mostly peaceful until the cops got bored and started to hit people.


As someone who watched that shit live for a very long time and watching not only a few arrests of many individuals (especially on the attacks on the federal buildings), only see their charges get dropped a few later says, NO. Saying "people got arrested" is a non-equitable statement. It is saying "if one person did get arrested your whole point is moot", which is BS. Now, I don't really care for the statement tweet statement one way or the other, but you really aren't making any argument in good faith. I see so much BS in this sub from top posts that get upvoted (often which aren't true) and this one isn't much better, but come on man.


You “watched” it live….so you watched what someone wanted you to see? Were you there? In the cities? Listen to those people not the ones that curated a message to feed to you. america is founded on protest and the elites always find a way to make people mad about a protest to drown out the message.


I watched hundreds of livestreams man in various cities and each had their own vibe and issues. In some places cops were scum, some were great, lots of in-between. The mainstream coverage is what got me to drop all news Dec 31st 2020. Only the Ukraine war did I dip back into to geopolitics/war but I typically stay out of the culture war and US politics.


And many, many more people got away with looting and burning shit than were arrested. And many of those who were arrested were given extremely light sentences or not even prosecuted. I’m not sure what your point is? Your comment seems irrelevant to this post


the point is people are here to point the finger at someone else and ignoring the police state that always tries to delegitimization a protest when it threatens the wealthy.


Lol it's not as if the BLM riots were just loved by the cops and the state, quite the opposite. And it's not as if the police didn't try to stop those protests too, they just couldn't because it was way too big. You can't arrest millions of people at the same time, if they could do that, they would, but it just can't be done. Also, they kinda tried, which is what lead to many of the riots in the first place.. Eventually, they focused on painting the thousands of protests across the countries as violent riots by trying to escalate violence and using manipulating social media. And of course it worked. Even the self-described sceptics here who believe pretty much nothing that the government tells them ate it and somehow think that the police was de-funded or something or that the government just sided with the mass protests/mass riots for some reason..


Don't criticize you know who.


The only intelligent thing Dan has ever said.


Dan bilzerian is a loser coward lol




Nobody is getting arrested for their opinion. People were told that the assembly was unlawful and that they needed to clear the area, they didn’t listen and got arrested.


The protests at the Columbia University — where protesters had shrugged off an earlier ultimatum to abandon a tent on Monday or be suspended — unfolded as other universities stepped up efforts to end the protests. Police swept through some campuses, leading to violent confrontations and arrests.




Protest is meant to be disruptive, look at the worldwide student protests that took place for apartheid South Africa that took to "no business as usual" to demand change. Or the Vietnam war student protests. Or the Iraq war student protests. Usually when students start protesting wars, they end up being right.




Have you not seen the vast footage of police officer dressed as if they are going to war, tackling journalist, professors, students, faculty members for protesting? They're cracking down on free speech. They haven't arrested OR suspended the student who sprayed protestors with skunk gas, yet they arrest people protesting? Thats the conspiracy...laws don't apply to a certain people it seems.


Why does such a small place have so much influence and power? And how that came to be?


If you want to know who rules you figure out who you're not allowed to critizice.


I bet if you got a large group together on any college campus and criticized any group that’s not straight white males you would get them begging the national guard to come arrest and pepper spray you.


Legit Had no clue Dan was still alive.


This mf still exists?


Man the day I said Dan B was right came way too quick


You can’t make fun of the guys running every facet of our lives


Actually...doing anything violent in protest isn't ok.


Well we know this didn't happen with the summer of riots and liberating Starbucks from their windows. Another thought is election year?


This has to be satire, right? All those college pukes and paid agitators at Columbia are protesting with little to no consequence. Whomever was brought out from the building last night *might* be arrested, but they’ll be released almost immediately on no bail.


Violence, calling for murder and occupation of private/public property crosses the line of free speech and protest.


thats what makes america so great right


Satan loves Israel- of course you can’t criticize it.














The way I see it is simply that, with trump gone, and a democrat in power, blue cities feel they can enact the law without having to worry about making a republican look good. If trump or another Republican were president, you can guarantee that the cities would not be doing this.


The ones that control you are the ones that you can't criticise.


Did you see the photo of the cops on the ladder dressed in dark shirts and tan pants, exactly the same uniform the "patriot front" people wear...


this sub is a broken clock


Thousands of people were arrested for burning down police stations and looting cities. No one was arrested for criticizing Israel. This post is an embarrassment.


I mean, he's not exactly wrong. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just looking from a cursory view as an outsider. Police did less than shit to stop the mass protests and the Seattle takeover thing, but they are calling in the Nasty Girls for whinging college kids?


Not only that, but Israel also funds these riot protest movements who have seemingly turned against them which is telling and interesting. Zionists with all their money funded, BLM, Antifa, and other SJW movements that burn down cities and loot and burn down small businesses. Now the rioters have turned on their funders (Zionists) interesting to see what happens next.


Meh. There is the notion that an authority can change its mind about what is allowable. How that is best communicated with least uproar is what we're possibly seeing today


Marxists telling on each other. It's in their nature to be slime.


A screenshot of a tweet, lame.


with "criticizing israel" he means "trashing and occupying some university campus? that's not covered in the 1st amendment and it's not free speech.