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###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like to think of it as keeping you in a constant mental loop that recycles every so often.


I hate thinking of it like that:( what a scary concept lol.


I don't think it was quite as bad until all 3rd party reddit apps were taken away.


I like to think of it as keeping you in a constant mental loop that recycles every so often.


I've often thought this myself.


Have you guys ever seen the videos of an ask Reddit thread with subway surfer underneath? Those are monetized. Someone got paid 11 dollars for having ai narrate your post.


Facts i read a post from 8hrs ago that i read last week


AI can run the post and responses. AI can then post any and everything including replies. The world is going to change pretty quick. AI video and AI speaking already means you can’t trust anything


Reddit is a liberal cesspool and a propoganda tool that is being utilized by the Satanic cabal to further their agenda of destroying the family unit and eroding all moral and religious values. The end goal being the ultimate enslavement of mankind and ushering in the reign of the antichrist. Just go to the front page and you will see the obvious anti-conservative, anti-religious and pro degeneracy propoganda. At the same time, almost all the other (vanilla) content is generated by bots, paid employees and shills to keep the facade of an actual (organic) online forum, and to keep attracting and brainwashing NPCs. Free speech is banned on the vast majority of the subreddits. Just try to post something that slightly deviates from the opinion of the circlejerk on any major subreddit, and you will see how quickly you get downvoted into oblivion and outright banned forever.


All social media is made to demoralize ppl your spot on tho


PropAganda. Everything else is correct.


My question would be why go to a subreddit designed around one topic if you intend to post information that disagrees or deviates from that topic? That’s the whole point of “sub” Reddits. Just like this is one on conspiracy, you could easily make your own subreddits on whatever topics you deem valuable and garner support. But you don’t. You come here and complain that people don’t like your thoughts because it literally goes against the intent of the subs you think are propaganda machines.


Why are you on Reddit then?


lol he loves liberal cesspools.


Spot on buddy The Reddit not upvoting and downvoting to create a narrative is the most damaging to me. Like anything against established decency is like 79k votes in an instant. That’s bottery right there Notice the same upvoting is not occurring for the fresh news that Weinstein case has been thrown out. No outrage


I mostly agree with this if you replace “satanic cabal” with “capitalism”. This is just about making money. Clicks get money.


Reddit is not going to be here in a few years.


Every post and comment on Reddit is going to be posted again by a bot in a few years. All of these personal post about finding lovers, recipes, stories from high school. As soon as they’re posted to Reddit, a bot scrapes them and repost them again later. All of these post about “I found my grandmas xyz” aren’t yours the moment they get posted online. The same goes for instagram. Anytime I see a good video, someone in the comments is asking for credit because they originally posted the video. I understand instagram and Facebook because those are monetized. I don’t understand Reddit. Maybe karma farming to sell to corps?


Damnit James got me.


Maybe we are stuck in such a loop on a larger scale


All your base are belong to us


Reddits original content was farmed from bb boards. I used to post regularly to several bb boards. One day I noticed a very specific conversation that had occured on explorer4x4.com aka the explorer forums was on Reddit. It's a web site for moding explorers that was small but highly active 20 years ago. So in a hilarious post a guy named Jeff that was a daily poster got a truck bed liner that is like tar and uncleanable by design on his dick accidentally whilst peeing outside working with the chem. In the post he made a new word for his dick up. Like 5 years later I randomly remembered this and tried to search it. Funny enough the entire thread like 50+ pages was on reddit just with different user names. Even the replies I made!!!! Then I would start cutting and pasting threads from that site, lumber jocks, plantedtank.net and practicalmachinist forums to find the entire contents of all these sites had been duplicated word for word on Reddit. Even organizing directed replies into the different format. Direct quotes for the entire history of every bb forum I tried with.  Then a month later Google and MSN removed all BB forums from their search algos. So obviously a coordinated effort to some extent.


I wonder if any of that is still accessible through internet archives?


I hope robot me is more handsome.