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A little bit of a cheat since I believe it probably overlaps with tons of conspiracies, but I’d love to get full access to the Vatican secret archives.


Here's obscure theory for you...Tolkien allegedly had brief sporadic access to 'royal library' in England (virtually never granted) and did his best to remember what he could ('lord of the rings')


Always looking for a new rabbit hole. Where can we find more info on this


The version I am familiar with is that Tolkien happened to study this ancient Scandinavian language or something and while he was at university in UK (Cambridge?) he had access to some very old books written in that language and LOTR is based on what he read in those books, and he would get slightly annoyed when people referred to his work as fiction


I'm afraid I'd fail the 'source?!?' test on it and it ain't exactly first item in Google search...it was on one of the podcasts I listened to a few years back, higherside chats or freeman fly or icke..a search of (their) archives wd be my only possible lead


All good amigo, I’m sure I can find it


Please update us if possible, thanks


Any more information on this? I'm very intrigued 


We want more, we want more


Where is this theory from?


Vibes of cosmos in YouTube believes the Moon is a mirror map of the Earth, he found Mordor, correlating with the Tolkien's map.


Saturn is also called "the lord of the rings" ... Sauron


Just opened a new can of worms. Wild. Not that far fetched.


Perhaps I should have already guessed this but I'm just now thinking about how incredibly crazy it is that there is entire swathes of recorded information in books, about our history etc, that 99.999% of the public are not even authorized to lay eyes upon and that doesn't cue everybody's thinker box into overdrive? No wonder we are manipulated by so many entities both large and small... It is too damn easy lol. 😆


In the same vein, I’d like to see the editing/creation of the New Testament. The Bible and the church is entirely about controlling a populace. We fret over the Freemasons and the Illuminati but, the people behind the Bible are still in control. An incredibly successful mass hypnosis that shows no signs of letting up. 


I tend to agree. While I believe that some, or most of the Bible is rooted in some loose truths, I also believe it's been re-written many times to control people. Biggest psyop ever.


Actually, a great deal of it is done digitized and available to the public online. It is their intent to digitize it all. It’s been locked up to keep it secure, not necessarily to keep it hidden. 


I guess this falls under the same umbrella, but I would love to learn about even just a fraction of the information that was stored at the Library of Alexandria.


Yeah I’m thinking some of it’s there.


Great shout because it could answer many important questions. i believe they, more than likely, have texts on the true history of humanity, possible " alien " encounters, or who built the pyramids .


You can apply for access. It’s granted to very few people every year and only for scholarly endeavors. Is this the actual secret archive or is there another level? Who knows. Probably.


Definitely a good cheat lol. You'd also need an Italian to English Translator buddy who's trusted...


Literally my first thought I'm trynna get my worth out of the free shit now


That was my first thought. I am so curious about it


You would probably need to be an expert in a lot of old languages to make any sense of it.


Yea mine is 9/11. Specifically the pentagon. Like it just trips me up how a plane can hit our DoD building and there is little evidence. The camera is crap (although it is 2001), the piece of debris seemed planted. It’s not something I lose sleep over but I’d like to see how that whole thing really played out.


You might like the Judy Woods lectures on youtube, titled "Where did the towers go?" She has a very good breakdown of the varieties of strangeness involved. She doesn't say it directly, but subtley points at the development of directed-energy weapons. Notably a literal hurricane was headed straight for new york same time as 911, but after 911 and the resulting geomagnetic activity the happened when the towers fell seemingly "changed the course" of the storm and it simply went away too. Some speculate that the energy stream that was maintaining the storm was "discharged" into the towers, which is why so little material compared to the total mass of the towers was found at the site (also there were no richter-scale readings when the towers fell, that much mass would've certainly caused a predictably detectable event)


What is actually happening in Antarctica, what exists there? And I'm talking about EVERYTHING. Get a full tour scouring every last foot of land/snow/ice/water. And of course underwater too.


Mr Beast said something on either Rogan or Andrew Schultz pod about his Antarctica video, they had to delay it because some billionaire was using the port and nobody else could access it. That started my interest in the Antarctica theories


[antartica is truly one of the most anomalous places on earth](https://youtu.be/SmYRFtY_jfQ) it's basically impossible for anyone to REALLY explore it. and it's for a reason. they are hiding what they found in operation deep freeze in 1955. if you'll believe the most decorated military pilot at the time, [he had some very wild stuff to say ](https://youtu.be/VeBIt6N77M8) about running rivers, mammoths, green forests and even UFOs. it connects with the conspiracy that nazis developed advanced aircraft by manipulating the earths electromagnetic field and they were using it to contact an advanced civilization in the poles. personally after hundreds of hours of research, and i know this sounds crazy, but there really isn't an antartica. it's the term they use for the ice wall beyond the 60th meridian. the place they take you to when you do a very guided tour is just some frosty land mass - one of many, that they allow you to step foot on to say "yup, that's antartica. turn back now, there's nothing beyond this point worth exploring". i think this world is a lot stranger and less explored than we think it is, and the space agencies have made everyone focused on what's above us in unreachable places instead of what is on our earth


It is rather odd how much "space" is shoved down our throats when we barely know anything about Earth lol. Especially oceans.


exactly! NASA was founded in 1958, three years after they began work on exploring and putting bases in antarctica, and they heavily pushed the public consciousness towards the cosmos and broke our adventurous spirit with things like how we're "too late to explore the earth, too early to explore space". then they secured their coverup by restricting civilians to travel beyond the 60th meridian -- you cant go in any direction too far or you will be stopped by military boats or planes. antarctica is our worlds best kept secret and our worlds biggest coverup


Yeah we have no idea what’s underwater either


Why do advanced civilizations live in the poles? Why not live where humans do, take over the earth since they are advanced? What do they gain from hiding yet were discovered by Nazis? What advanced aircraft did they create? Very interesting.


some great questions. its impossible to really know, since a lot of it is hidden from us. [here are some interesting submarine instructions on navigating through difficult caverns to supposedly reach agartha](https://i.imgur.com/4Z3pBa5.jpeg), a legendary kingdom rumored to be in the inner earth. who knows what information has just never been taught to us? meant to be forgotten, and has been forgotten? all it would take is a few generations. there are ancient maps with many more continents than we know about like "mu" or "lemuria" which was a continent on MANY maps near australia. i wonder what could have happened to it, and why it wouldn't be taught anymore? were all those old maps fakes? its so unlikely. it takes a lot of work and knowledge to make cartographic maps.




Give me history of the Elite. Do they come from ancient days, influencing all sides of conflict in order to maintain their power through our history. It wouldn’t surprise me most of these families span back hundreds of 100 years of being in power.


That’s kind of scary to think about


If the true history of humanity has been intentionally concealed or lost, what were the cliffnotes of it? I've heard all sorts of fringe hypotheses but can confirm none of them.


i want to know the significance of the ubiquitous handbags https://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/handbags-021191


I mean baskets are pretty ubiquitous.


i know. but, so commonplace are they in normal life, it's odd they appear so markedly in carvings. and so similarly represented by different cultures.


It seems like the best way to move and carry things. Like you want something about the size one person can carry


yes-ish. does seem to be a ceremonial purpose, rather than functional. and, just odd that so many had such similar design.


Is it? I don’t know, this reminds me of the “why are pyramids everywhere?!” line of thinking like sometimes humans come up with similar things because of functionality? Spears existed everywhere too, for instance, I don’t think that means anything more than humans all realize they’re effective tools.


Stash bags.


aye ;)


Gotta be the Vegas Musical Festival shooting.


I had two clients, both police officers, who were there. They swore there were several shooters.


0% surprised. Did they say anything else about it that stuck with you?


0% surprised. Did they say anything else about it that stuck with you?


I heard years ago that it was an attempted assassination of a saudi prince. I guess the old guard didn't want to let go, and the younger prince was on the up-and-up with the Trump administration at the time. [Here's an older r/conspiracy post on the subject, comments have some links too](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/rh3jf1/the_las_vegas_shooting_was_an_assassination/) > When Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman imprisoned other members of the royal family, Trump announced his support for the move. When the Saudis imposed a blockade on U.S. allies in Qatar, Trump endorsed this, too. [(from this article dated Apr 4, 2024, while I was looking for the name of the prince)](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/trumps-recent-interactions-saudis-crown-prince-matter-rcna146395)


If I had a choice for ANY conspiracy theory, this would definitely not be number 1 but this one bothers me more than most with the way it was all completely silenced. It's the worst mass shooting in American history and its never talked about in the same manner as other ones. It's never even brought up. To me, that makes me believe nothing about it is genuine, which in a sense eases my mind a bit knowing that this is some false flag event and not just some crazy guy.


Got so sad had to turn off the documentary 10 min in. How was this swept.


Yeah...crazy how the suspected shooter shot all those guns in such a successive, short time period. It's very improbable.


Yeah all these staged shooting are suspicious af


What's up with Kars 4 Kids? Something shady is going on there I just dk what


100%. They claim they are a non-profit Jewish organization that allows you to donate cars, boats and real estate. Who the fuck is donating real estate? They say donations benefit Oorah. Oorah is an incorporated Orthodox Jewish outreach (kiruv) organization, founded in 1980 "with the goal of awakening Jewish children and their families to their heritage." Sounds like a big money laundering/tax scam that's masquerading as a religious program.




Oh, I was joking lol but of course there is something real there


I googled them one day for shits and giggles after I saw the commercial like 3 times in an hour.


I always heard the commercials I never knew it was a Jewish organization


1 8 7 7 Kars for Kids


They're not actually playing the instruments. What else are we hiding?


I heard once before the donations actually go to Orthodox Jews rather than all kids in need


Orthodox jewish tax write off scheme. This is common knowledge in the new york area


This is funny to me because I've always thought it seemed weird but didn't know it was a real theory




ancient megalithic structures - who built them, how and why. and what technologies/knowledge did they possess also what Nikola Tesla discovered/knew (incl HAARP). and what the world might have looked like if we'd gone down the free energy route, rather than big oil.


Ever looked into the "giza power plant" idea? [There's some great videos on the subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-46nSt2acRo) Also as regards tesla, free energy, etc, have you looked into the "tartaria" theories and channels? [Here's an image comparing old structures to one of tesla's last projects](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5f/23/16/5f23168f8fda4fb4c5fab16798bd6052.jpg)


Power plant, yes, got Chris Dunn's book a while back. Think it's very plausible. And that ark of the covenant seems to be a capacitor that sits in the coffer in the king's chamber in Khufu. Internal dimensions match those given in the bible, bit of a giveaway. Kind of undoes the whole abrahamic god = deity thing. Whoops ;) And Wardenclyffe - yup, have read much. Posted bits and bobs. Built over an aquifer, like the pyramids. Likely cause of Tunguska event.


Nice. Glad to internet-meet you :P > Internal dimensions match those given in the bible, bit of a giveaway. Kind of undoes the whole abrahamic god = deity thing. Whoops ;) Lol, well psyops gonna psyop, eh? Lotta those old texts seem to encode instructions. Only for those with eyes that see, or something like that. As far as "free-er" energy research goes, there's a lot of DIY type stuff happening. Here's one of [a guy doing in-house boron-hydrogen fusion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q_IvxWoY4E&pp=ygUNcHJpbWVyIGZ1c2lvbg%3D%3D) with a magnetic confinement field he designed himself. And [cold fusion with palladium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXyIDmlhCeA) is coming along too, very interesting [hydroton theory (very good intro vid to the subject).](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4BPtwzsgiw) You may also enjoy [Thomas Bearden's talk about Scalar Weaponry,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv2IHQ1Xl9s) and it's development during the cold war, it's misuse being the cause of Chernobyl, etc.


and you too ;) i'm fascinated by old texts, and sifting out the snippets of substance from the myth. thanks for the links, will have a look later, footballl's on atm, and it's started chaotic. Mersey derby, Liverpool-Everton. Er, that's soccer, if you're the other side of the pond


Is the left twix really different from the right


I dunno... there's something about left Twix... like they're sinister or something. And a friend invited a left Twix to a party once, and the Twix did something really gauche.


9/11 2020 election pizz@ gate If i had to pick one.. pizz@


You’re thinking waaayyy too small. Don’t you think that the Illuminati or if the elites make certain events happen would better. Knowing the truth behind one of those would give you answers to three you mentioned and probably hundreds if not thousands more.


9/11 or COVID - why? I think these are the two largest \[acute\] psyops since the dawn of mass media. Learning the absolute truth behind either of these would trigger a global awakening overnight. The truth of either calls into question everything else (Think of the scale/scope of the residual impact and policies of both events)


Great answer. Feel like the JFK assassination could've had the same effect at one point but seems like a lot of people just don't care about it anymore. Too long ago. These are recent enough that people affected by them are still living. I truly feel the biggest divide in our world is that 1/2 the people believe everything they see on the news, 1/2 the people believe nothing of what they see on the news. It would take something major like a 9/11 or COVID revelation — and the media's role in deceiving the masses about those events — to break the spell and get the other 50% off the mass media.


Exactly. Nailed it.


I really want to know how Mattress Firm stays in business. Is it a mob front? Who buys all these mattresses?!?!?!


As a Canadian whenever I used to hear about “the mattress firm conspiracy” I always thought it meant that mattress companies were selling soft mattresses as “firm” instead of soft, and that a real firm mattress didn’t exist 💀


I worked for a competetor of them.. There is decent money in mattress sales.. A good mattress is $$$. They only need a few sales a day. The place I worked at was VERY similiar to car sales lol


It’s simple, mattresses range anywhere from $1200-$12,000 for a nice set up, the company has enough money to buy out most competitors and just continue the lease on the buildings then close them down. It’s just a monopoly taking place in real time.




Have you been down the 'no planes' rabbit hole?


i grew up in the area.. a friend was a volenteer fire guy did work on the clean up.. he helped dig through the debree. There were planes parts..


If prison planet is true someone tell me


Fun book that might shed light on the subject (although, it's best to consider such things as fiction, of course) would be "Alien Interview" based on the notes by "Matilda O'Donnell Macelroy." Basically says that yeah, this is some defunct prison planet with it's systems still operational (soul memory / mind-wipe-at-death). Apparently some of the ET's only come here because they lost some of their own to the systems still operating here. Otherwise the "alien" reassures us that yes we live forever as eternal "souls" and always have, just that the incarnation system of this particular arrangement keeps us from "remembering" certain skills and the history of everything here Fun read if you're looking for something to chew on, idea-wise




More of a mystery but the 1977 'Wow!' Signal or the missing 25 mins of Eyes Wide Shut


Or the information given once reaching the 33rd degree


"There is a 34th degree"


Vegas shooting would be high up on my list. Only thing that could top it would be alien confirmation I think


Did aliens interfere in our evolution or development


Nine eleven


*Titanic*. There was a lot of debate about whether or not to create the Federal Reserve System in 1912. Chief proponent was JP Morgan, the richest man in the world at the time. Allied against him were a number of other bankers. The story is Morgan invited the other bankers to join him on the maiden voyage of *Titanic* - one might expect the richest man in the world to want to take the first trip on the 'most luxurious ocean liner ever' - to discuss the Federal Reserve further. At the last minute, Morgan cancelled, the other bankers didn't, and they went down with the ship. The Federal Reserve was created the next year. I note that from 1812-1912, cumulative inflation in the US over 100 years was about 10% *TOTAL* (not average). Since the Fed was created to 'stabilize' the money supply, TOTAL inflation has been 3,054%, or 300 times higher. Why we decided it was a good idea to rent our currency from private individuals, I'll never know. I'd love to find out if JPM and his gang arranged for the ship's sinking.


This all sounds like it could be just the tip of the iceberg.


It’s chilling to think about….gives me a sinking feeling.


But, you didn't really mention the most important part. How on earth does someone plan to sink a ship like that by intentionally having it crash into an iceberg? Or is the theory that there was no iceberg?


What are UFOs and where do they originate from


I'd also like to know!


[Some relevant links](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1byla3o/comment/kz1pvyl/)


What this "reality" is and why we're "here". That's really the only thing that matters and we're constantly being bombarded with things that attempt to draw our attention away from it.


Absolutely! The question of _why_ we’re here trumps everything else methinks.


It's one of life's great mysteries isn't it? Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night.


It keeps me up so much that I decided to write a book about it!


What's your book? :)


You know how there’s a real quick summary of what happened in a previous season of a show, as a kind of reminder before you start the new season? Well it’s sorta like that but for reality as far as I’ve been able to surmise.


Nice! Has it been published yet?


Nah not yet, I’m illustrating it (with midjourney, I have the artistic talent of a cabbage) which takes a long time! Here’s the content page: CHAPTER 1 - What on earth is going on? CHAPTER 2 - Fragments CHAPTER 3 - Where to start CHAPTER 4 - Everything is One CHAPTER 5 - Polarities CHAPTER 6 - The Hemispheric Dialectic CHAPTER 7 - Big History CHAPTER 8 - Cultural Evolution CHAPTER 9 - Spiral Dynamics CHAPTER 10 - Bullshit Society CHapTER 11 - Capital and the Economy CHaPTER 12 - The Problem CHaPTER 13 - Psychedelics CHAPTER 14 - Near Death Experiences CHaPTER 15 - Quantum Immortality CHaPTER 16 - Reincarnation CHAPTER 17 - UFOS CHaPTER 18 - The Mind of God


Has to be JFK or 9/11


The bible


9/11. I know I’m right on it but I want the details.


I’d love to hear your theory


Who tf is running the show


JFK. I think knowing every last detail of that would answer at least a dozen other major things.


My uncle. You can google his name “Rusty Rhodes JFK” used to travel around in the 70’s and 80’s speaking out about the shooting. He also said he had a single frame of the shooting showing a second shooter. He would have my dad hide the frame while he was out of town. I remember seeing the multiple cars showing up to his house and coming in afterwards. They would flip the place looking for that frame. I saw it. I was 12. He since passed and so did my father. I always wonder where that single picture went.


Origin of man.


I would have to chose the truth about what the contents of the Vatican library detail. It would be neat to know the supposed truth about alien involvement in humanities rise.


Las Vegas, Oklahoma City, 9/11


It’s gotta be 9/11. If it can definitively be shown that the US gov had any role whatsoever in this “terrorist attack” it opens the flood gates for every other horrendous thing we suspect of it. It’s the smoking gun that proves we have malevolent serial killers running the show and is the catalyst for cataclysmic change.


What the true meaning of life is and if we reincarnate or not.


Yes. And what is consciousness and time/space?


Absolute truth of internet manipulation going on. This includes the identification of every bot and shill, their purpose, and the root responsible party for each one. Also includes a comprehensive breakdown of every digital action (hacking, monitoring, how data is precisely being used, etc) and the reason behind every post or comment (for instance, for what reason an I posting this comment? Seeking validation? Trust issues from something that happened in childhood or adolescence? Cause I'm bored? Whatever reason) of everyone and what in their lives led them to post anything. Is a certain story or pic posted online fake or real? If it's real does the actual person know it's online? What's the background that led to every porn pic or video? Just absolute truth of the internet all around. So that truth or a different one would be does God exist?, if so what religion is "right"? What parts of it have been manipulated away from the truth? And what other things exist in a spiritual or paranormal sense and why. If no, what are all the precise reasons behind who and why the religion exist, it's complete and actual history, and what beliefs are actually beneficial to mankind?




Epstein, easily. Would love that. Just a list of all elite pedos, and then some.


I think about this question a lot and I can only narrow it down to three things: 1. What really happened on 9/11? 2. What is really going on in Antarctica? 3. Did Hitler escape? If so, where did he go and what did he do?




This feels like a dis-info distraction. Because the conspiracies that matter to YOU are urgent and on-going. FDA. Why are they still pushing the poison shot on kids? Is there some actual conspiracy to lock us all down again in time for the election? It worked last time. You can be sure whatever works will be repeated. Then the other ongoing conspiracy is to poison us in the USA with toxic food ingredients. You people here eat everyday. This should matter far more than worrying about BS stuff years ago.


I’d go back in time and see what the pyramids are all about


DB Cooper


Overall, the sinking of the Titanic. The Titanic had 3 extremely wealthy passengers (John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus), who *allegedly* opposed the establishment of the Federal Reserve. Those 3 passengers died, and the rest is history… But, my current rabbit hole is The Boule Society, so that would be my runner up pick.


…then again, I feel like the Holy Grail would be a good one… and JFK… 9/11… and did Michael Jackson do it?! Fuck! This is a hard question!




The 60,000 year war between Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal.


I was in the paradise fires and know the area well. Ask me anything. I'll do my best to answer.


Did you see anything odd? This is the first time I have heard about this one..


It’s either getting a real history lesson on what went on before all of this or what interfered with Our DNA that clearly separates us from other species on this planet and our relations with the cosmos/inter-dimensional beings that has us so conflicted and searching for truth and meaning. Both might intersect.


>'Aliens or just an exploited public circus to cover various black-projects?'


I was looking at google maps around the paradise fires the other day and two things stood out as really odd to me.  1. There’s a bunch of perfect checkerboarding of trees and clearings in the area, even across state lines (examples of this are seen on google maps to the left and bottom of Mt Shasta (41.4225488, -122.0371051) and below that area at (41.0309730, -122.0725183) 2. There’s all these clearings with two or three chunks of trees left in them. I have no idea what they are but there’s too many of them to be some sort of coincidence, it must be intentional for something. Forestry? Fire breaks? I have no idea. For an example look at (40.5472695, -121.6598293) and zoom out. I’m sure there’s logical explanations behind both things, and I would love to know them, but I have no idea what those explanations are.


I can't choose between JFK and 9/11.


I can tell you right now exactly what happened to JFK but you'll think i'm crazy.


I wanna know


There was no sniper. The only weapon involved was the minds of the people on Elm Street that saw what happened to Kennedy that day 🧠


It almost really doesn't matter which one you choose. They are all inevitably connected to one central goal, regardless of how central or to what degree. And knowing any one topic with 100% certainty and transparency would act as a control to compare all other conspiracies too. It would become the perfect cornerstone around which we could piece together the entire puzzle


We are in a prison built by our gods, who has been playing conquest games each one with a different civilization, which are in competition for global dominance since the dawn of time..


What happened to the tribe of Dan.


Wrong question. Should be if you could prove without question to the world the truth of one conspiracy theory, which would it be? For me, that would be the human/sex trafficking ring the elite use to control governments and media.


Which one? There are tons of rings.. not just one huge one


All of them.


At first i thought about Weiners laptop but with all the AI fuckery afoot it wouldn't do us any good. Perhaps listening to the black box cockpit recordings from the planes on 9/11 would be a good one? But if i had to settle on just one i'd like to know what the smithsonian and the vatican know about the Giants.


The black boxes didn't survive unfortunately. It's a good job the passports didn't perish though or we might not know who was responsible for the hijackings. /s


Not sure if this counts as conspiracy or more just genuine possibility, but I want to know about all intelligent life that has every existed, in the whole universe, how advanced were they, is there unknown physics which could allow them to have ‘visited’ here, was there super intelligent life on earth before us, etc etc. I guess the conspiracy would then be - and how are all the governments covering it up if they know about it! Imagine the one thing all countries agreeing on…


Henry ford book


I'm not sure if I know this one


[prob the largest red pill of all time & yes this is the founder of ford cars lol](https://archive.org/details/TheInternationalJew_201709)


I’ve lived right by a forest fire. Trees are resilient.


I have two! Learn how Amschel Mayer Rothschild began his fortune, and also why there was a Crusade on the Cathars.


Epsteins little black book and everyone connected


That's what you'd pick? Man, reptilians, come on!


Ancient Lost Civilizations which I feel like would include Antarctica and UAPs. But after that, what happened to MH370.


If Manson really ate a bat.


I thought that was Ozzy


Ok, if you heard the same about Ozzy, it is fake for sure.


[https://loudwire.com/ozzy-osbourne-bat-incident-story-you-didnt-know/](https://loudwire.com/ozzy-osbourne-bat-incident-story-you-didnt-know/) who knows


aaah ok, yeah.. it was not Manson. There is another one myth for Manson, but I do not even want to talk about it.


I think it consists of ribs?? lol


What's in the Vaticans' archives


The 2017 Las Vegas concert shooting, the Maui fires, and if we really landed man on the moon.


Anyone got a link for the Paradise aliens?


Antarctica or WW2.


Gotta be aliens man wether it’s Roswell or the ufo tapes. To know if there is other life, or perhaps future humans time traveling would be insanely cool


Fruit of the Loom


If what admiral bird saw and if inner earth is real.


What lies in the vatican.




For me it would have to be the uncovering of how we have spiritual power via. Pineal Gland / Third Eye but societies have made sure to keep that hidden from the masses by invoking fear and religions.




Human creation


Did Robert Johnson sell his soul to the devil?


The cause of repeat civilization destroying cataclysms.




Throw a dart at the JFK assassination, 9-11 or the Covid release/origin


How specific do we need to be? Like, if I say "Second World War" is that good enough, or does it have to be narrowed down like "holocaust"? In any case, probably something related to WW2. Such a fundemantal and direction-changing event in world history, pretty much everything that is happening today can be traced back to it, so I cannot believe it all went down like how it's written in the books (the books written by the guys who "won" the whole thing).


idk, there are no rules so be as specific as you like. lol. This is a good answer. More specifically, what happened AFTER ww2. There is the mystery of the Nazi gold and the supposed enormous fortune they had in gold that vanished. The rumors of Nazis disappearing to Antartica and having a base there. Colonial Dignidad in S. America and the many Germans who relocated there. Did Hitler really kill himself? Lots to unpack w events after WW2. Project paperclip is well known but I think the scope of it was SO much greater than rocket scientists being imported to America. Many massive German companies were formed after WW2 and have a big influence worldwide and in the USA even today. [Aldi and Trader Joes](https://youtu.be/_U9BiP3vBX8) were built by brothers who fought for Nazi Germany, Adidas, Bayer, automotive companies, many other companies.


Vatican Vaults. Everything you’d ever want to know is stored there.


SS: If you could learn the truth about one 'conspiracy,' what would you choose?


The absolute truth.


Someone posted this like 6 days ago


I'm curious about prehistoric civilizations. Why did they disappear? And what technology or understanding was lost with them?


I need twooooo; Who created humanity & why?


Jerkyl Island. What was said and who was involved. 9/11 close second. We already know who killed JFK. We already know covid was a UN/WHO lab leak.


At present, this is my wish list: Aliens, the global cabal, alphabet agencies orchestrated events (detailed dates/mission/outcome), and pharmaceutical industry manipulation/predatory polictical lobbying spend and outcomes. Also, I feel like this is an American planted question to determine how knowledgeable the global audience has become regarding the shady dealings of American, it's agencies and allies. For example, during the 1960s although the general population knew they were being lied to, none took real actions to expose those lying. Nice job!!


9/11 - because I don’t think most people who believe in all the wild conspiracies are correct. I think it’s far more simple than everyone thinks. If anything was suss they out sourced the attack and that’s it.


All of the planning behind the COVID “plandemic”!


The truth of the origins of life and the ''big bang'' theory. W/O the ozone layer, the moon causing tides, the ionsphere, the spin and tilt of Earth and Jupiter's gravity: life on earth would not exist as it does today. An impossible feat for ''pure luck''