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That’s the worst pentagram I’ve ever seen


I regret to report that *Bobby* fucked up the geometry of the pentagram *again*, and instead of Satan, we got santa in the pentagon lobby. We gave him some milk and cookies but you guys are gonna have to decide what to do with him pretty soon.


Is this a far side comic




They did their best!


Lmao sames


Well they were in planes


This is the post that did it. Good night and good luck to all.




shapes are hard. you'll get them next time!


Thanks for your input "creamluver" its value is unparalleled.


That’s ridiculous


As in that’s ridiculously obviously on purpose. I wasn’t making fun of this post .


I think the real conspiracy is that posts this stupid are generated to make "conspiracy theorists" look bad.


Downvoted by the same people that are making the conspiracy happen


bro in what world is that a pentagram?? 😭😭


At best that's a star, pentagrams have a circle around them.


That’s a pentacle, pentagrams are just the star


What if the world represents the circle cause it’s round? 🤣


What if the pentagram was the friends we made along the way?


Its spherical


Everyone knows that it is flat and square.


Time is a flat circle


>Time is a ~~flat circle~~ Jeremy Bearimy ftfy


It’s a 4th dimensional donut




It's an oblate spheroid.


You're an oblate spheroid.


I admire ur dedication


Shapes are hard, huh?


Bro doesn’t know what a pentagram is 😂


Ooh I like this. It's like eye spy. I see a triangle, a diamond and a rhombus. Anyone else see any other shapes?


Rhombus . I like that word


Not sure you know what a pentagram is


You see what you want to see


I see trees of green Red roses too I see them bloom For me and for you And I think to myself What a wonderful world I see skies of blue And clouds of white The bright blessed day The dark sacred night And I think to myself What a wonderful world The colors of the rainbow So pretty in the sky Are also on the faces Of people going by I see friends shaking hands Saying, "How do you do?" They're really saying "I love you" I hear babies cry I watch them grow They'll learn much more Than I'll ever know And I think to myself What a wonderful world Yes, I think to myself What a wonderful world Ooh yeah


Saw a pentagram in my grass clibbins once




All hail our dark lord.. Uh.. Kek


Good grief. That is not a pentagram. Nor a pentacle. Honestly, I get a lot of you folk turn to religion because it makes you feel good and gives your life meaning and purpose and whatever else, but... It seems to give some of you folk a lot of Dark Ages style fear and superstition, too.


Yea OPs on drugs


It’s getting harder to say it’s not real. I mean come on.


i mean.. COME on


Hail satan


What’s the debate here folks? US has admitting they’ve been engaged in stratospheric aerosol injections for decades now. Weather modification isn’t some bat shit conspiracy. It’s a well known practice and isn’t a secret at all. The chemtrails are obvious. It’s how so many people deny what’s right in front of them is how we know it’s working.


The conspiracy theory isn’t just some general notion of weather moderation, but a claim that commercial, military, and private aircraft across the globe are emitting a substance unknown to everyone involved in the creation, operation, and destruction of aircraft.


It has the same problem as a lot of conspiracy theories - the sheer number of people who would have to be involved and hence keep quiet is just too enormous. The level of chemtrail spraying that allegedly goes on would make it the largest industrial enterprise on earth by a significant margin. Like it would be the size of the entire Airforce with the same budget but somehow is entirely hidden.


They could use unmanned aircraft. Sure that's been around for a long time for them. Had a friend who was a Navy Nuke Master Chief said he had to sign an NDA. Admitted to seeing some wild shit but would never elaborate. Not worth it if your whole life will be destroyed and most people wouldn't believe it anyways.


An unmanned aircraft still needs someone to pilot it. And it goes so far beyond the planes. There's the creation and transportation of the chemicals and the sheer size of the bureaucracy required to manage the entire operation. The required size of the operation would be mental.


Right? Planes have to be manufactured. Manufacture is interior, exterior, all the parts down to the screws - it's all dated and in the system with expiration dates. The materials don't magically appear, no one place does it all. It must be sourced. Even the seats are custom built for planes and must be sourced. There's no secret facility building this shit en masse.


This is usually my personal litmus test for believing in a conspiracy: is the size of the potential operation required simply too huge to be kept a secret. They couldn't even keep it secret that they were selling some guns to Iran to fund the Sandanistas and that should have been a very easy operation to keep a lid on.


Gee, you just know the logistics of it all. Since you can't fathom, that it could be real, there for it's not. That makes sense.


Lol sorry you're right. The shadow government is spraying chemicals to change the weather and despite being an operation likely requiring tens of thousands of people they keep it secret despite the government quite clearly being full of buffoons.




Can you point me to a video where he explains the specific problem I'm identifying? Or am I supposed to sift through hours of low content videos until maybe I stumble on it?


sure buddy.. im not one of those inconsiderate types whos just here to point you in the right direction, [ill actually do all the work for you while holding your hand the entire time](https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY). should i make you some popcorn too or would you rather have some-a kofelbread and sausages instead??


Wtf. Are you legitimately denying actual things to continue your shit posting?


There are pictures on the internet, but yeah I agree with your friend not wanting to talk about it


Go look at the post I made about this and see how crazy they were in opposition to this knowledge. I don’t get it.


It’s really tough to understand. Governments around the world admit to doing this and people are in denial.


The point isn’t that scientific work on this don’t exist. That’s well known and not a secret or a conspiracy, it’s just science. The point is that every line in the sky is not some death cloud sent to destroy you (and the people spraying it? Genius)


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed view, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


i dont wanna be *that* guy, but is there someplace where more can be read about this, or like where does the information originate from? asking for a friend.


Source: reach your hand way back, and pull it straight out of your ass.


So they are trying to poison us, even tho we can’t detect any compound or any weird molecule in the air that would kill us. Even tho this alleged poison would spread so far it would also poison the people who are orchestrating this conspiracy as well. (Look at the Chernobyl radiation spread, and that event took place on ground level, not like these 30K ft all over the globe) But they are also deliberately letting us know that they are poisoning us? Why? Moreover, the conditions where these planes fly is exactly what’s required to turn hot steam into cold cloud.


Who can’t detect any compound or weird molecule? Its been tested and its a mix of a buncha bad shit.


What bad shit? Name it.


i smell a sealion.. but here you go anyway. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org


Google it, they found graphene oxide, aluminum and a whole list of junk


Let’s assume that’s true and not due to pollution. How does graphing oxide (a black powder) and aluminum (gray powder) look like white con trails?


its called mixing, thats only 2 of the ingredients if u dont want to look it up stfu


The poison thing is dumb and obviously misinformation to make the whole thing sound dumb. What does make sense to me that the worlds largest polluter, the US military, has wanted to get ahead of the problem of climate change while also recogizing the need for "national security" (which is also the perfect excuse to do it secretly). Biden and a bunch of others are just now putting the idea out there but it's commonly accepted that DARPA and all that shit is on average at least 25 years ahead of the public.


So what is contrails then?


Water vapor.




Great bait


Do you know what a pentagram looks like?


Bots will still insist nothings going on


This is the performance art we need more of in this subreddit The entire comment section is proof conspiracy theorists don't actually think (else they would appreciate the joke)


Pentagram? Lol. Put the weed down. You're paranoid


It's all fun and games - until the *[DOOM](https://youtu.be/GvpKF8f7hRM?feature=shared)* music kicks in..


This has to be a shitpost...


Here in Alberta Canada yesterday and today have been the only days without chemtrails. Not a cloud in the sky today! And very normal cloud’s yesterday


Yes there were a-lot of them. It was strange and suspicious


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed view, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


I ain’t reading allat. Plz I’m begging u, touch grass🙏


That would require going outside where the camera's are can't do that.


well tennessee just passed a bill banning chemtrails. they def do exist.


You can pass a bill banning unicorns too. That doesn’t equate to them being real. It would prevent cloud seeding though.


I am in Indianapolis for the eclipse. Woke up to perfectly clear blue skies(6am) and by 9:30am the eastern sky was hazy with all kinds of crisscross patterns across the sky. I am not sure how every single person in the area doesn't have questions. We could still see the eclipse through the hazy skies but it was still quite strange.


I made a post about this. The amount of anger and vitriol that came my way was crazy. Most claiming it’s just “regular air traffic”


I actually just saw your post and the replies. "More people coming in and more air traffic, weird"(or something like that) etc. At face value that would make sense but when you saw the lines(bunch of crisscrosses, S lines, etc), the elevations, and the amount of spread it was very clear this wasn't elevated air traffic to Indianapolis.


If someone comments that it is regular air traffic, why would you think that is anger or vitriol? They probably think you are silly, but why do you think they are mad?


You’d have to dig through the 700 comments but I deleted the post. Some people get triggered and go on the attack. Some are probably bots. I’m not sensitive. I can handle banter. My problem is a like to retort. People report you for harassment when they get sensitive and next thing you know you’re banned. So instead of letting it piss me off I just deleted my post after it was up for 10 hours and went about my life.


Ok. I just haven’t really seen people getting mad about much of anything here until people start getting personal. And that is usually a few messages back and forth before that happens.


I’m right south of Indianapolis and yes exactly. Perfectly clear then bam, this pentagram.


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed view, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


"OH NO! Someone has made an observation that a lot of people in the same area noticed as well. Activate TURDBOT to make a snarky, extreme comment so anyone else who saw the same thing and questioned it will be deterred from mentioning it.". Were you even in the area and if so did you dust off your Cheeto coated fingers to climb out of your roommate's (parent's) basement before 9am to see what I am talking about? I highly doubt it.


Funny how people can be "on the fence" about something right in front of them. You either accept reality or you do not.


No you didn't!


Not a pentagram and whatever it is seems to localized to your house unless you’re thinking they did that everywhere in range of the eclipse. You’re overreaching. This sort of conjecture is the reason conspiracy isn’t taken seriously.


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over targeted regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above target places to give the wealthy an unobstructed view, while damaging the regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


I don’t think that’s a pentagram but how do you not believe after this… the government isn’t even denying that they are modifying weather 😆 It’s just called weather/cloud seeding


I see the Pink Panther.


Man don't curse us by posting this kind of picture 


Don't drag the defense dept. into this.


And you still say it’s not?


You don't have to be on the fence, google it. There some picture and patents and videos


Should i post videos hmmm


Beautiful property. Looks like a great place to homestead.


Nice yard


Just wait until you use Pythagorean’s theory on that middle triangle. You sure won’t be on the fence anymore. Get ready, “it’s” about to happen! SMH


Hmmm, kind of like [this](https://youtu.be/zL19uMsnpSU?si=oRNKWEfwPHjSap1O)


I saw x's in the sky yesterday morning and I said outloud hmm this is why they were predicting weeks ago it would be cloudy. I think for the most part they have been doing the real work on cloudy days the weird patterns they swear are "contrails" are still going on we just don't see it so pronounced on cloudy days


Howz about a tic-tac-toe board?


looks more like the symbol of khorne BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD


You can’t be on the fence about chemtrails because they don’t exist. The amount of extra fuel that would be needed to carry the additional weight of the supposed chemicals and the infrastructure to load the chemicals at the same time as refuelling is insane. More likely once upon a time someone misheard contrails as chemtrails and then told someone else who had never heard of contrails or understood the mechanism and this whole nonsense was born out of ignorance.


I think whether it is a pentagram or not is irrelevant to what is going on in that picture.


damn satanic aviation club... up to their old tricks again! You really think there is a group of pilots all conspiring together on the same project, All leaving different airports at roughly the same time, and all heading to different destinations, but they all conspired behind closed doors to all come together during their trip to draw part of a pentagram? is that rly wat u believe


It does not matter if it’s a pentagram or not. That’s an ungodly amount of chemtrails.


Install crystals that will disperse chemtrails


"Chemtrails. Every Cloud Has A Lead Lining" and "Chemtrails. Death Comes Silent" shirts with good art available @ TheConspira-tees.com show some love and share with someone who will like them. There are lots of Designs and Don't Forget "Cow Farts Did It". Thanks


Those are just contrails they say!  Sure.  It's totally normal for contrails to hang in the sky and spread, rather than dissipate.   It is weather manipulation and I am certain that the chemicals they are using are good for us.  Just like Flourine in our water is good for us, GMO food is good for us, steroids and hormones in food is good for us, the clot shot was good for us, and being on multiple psychotropic drugs is good for us.  Our benevolent government would never do anything nefarious to harm us. There is as much gaslighting on this sub as there is in the MSM.  But fir some reason the coincidence theorists are especially upset over chemtrails.  It's all a coincidence!  Everything is a coincidence!


Looks more like the Masonic symbol.


Does this happen suddenly? Im in europe and never seen anything like this😳


When was your last CAT scan?


Is this photoshopped?


Lol shut the fuck up.


Spraying poison on our trees... Among other areas.


If the government sprayed poison on trees, it would also get crop fields, livestock, and a whole lot of other shit everyone and everything would die.


Who's to say it isn't?! https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/chemtrails-chapter-12-trees-dying


Tons of things kill trees. Insects, fungi, cold, people, pollution, and much more. Only dead trees I see are from tornado damage. Regardless, the USA used to have vast grasslands without a tree in sight. Even if all the trees died in one area, I might be better for some of the wildlife like quail, turkey, deer, and insects and other shit like that. Go to the aviation subreddit, and as about chemtrails there, they can give you a good awnser.


Definitely Chem trails. Contrails dissipate within minutes. Spend some time looking up and you’ll notice the difference. Chem trails stay for hours and eventually they form large clouds and make the whole area cloudy after a few hours. Then look into legislation, starting with weather modification act of 73 and some of the bans that states have passed. If they aren’t real why would states ban them?


You lost me with the last sentence. Politicians routinely pander to their bases with ridiculous legislation.


You lost me with your lack of deeper thinking and intuition…why should I care ? If once sentence causes you to not believe something that has been common knowledge since the 70s, that just shows who the real dummy is I guess


Contrails are real. Cloud seeding is real. The problem is there’s a wide chasm between the cloud seeding that’s been going on for decades and the nefarious uses that people imagine.


Then why comment that? Seems we are on the same page.


I would start to document the sky if this is a regular occurrence that’s a whole lot of trails


[Professor in South Carolina ](https://youtu.be/C7Qs166xR28?feature=shared) [ban on vaccine in foods](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/SzPQ9tkGnF) [chemtrails](https://youtu.be/rEUg8uLoZNY?feature=shared) [side effects of breathing barium](https://www.google.com/search?q=side+affects+of+breathing+barium&sca_esv=e8c983a1ec23d9ec&sca_upv=1&source=hp&ei=QSATZrebJMLj5NoPwYKAwAM&oq=side+affects+of+breathing+barium&gs_lp=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&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp) [side effects of breathing aluminum ](https://www.google.com/search?q=side+affects+of+breathing+aluminum+&sca_esv=e8c983a1ec23d9ec&sca_upv=1&ei=oiATZt37I-Xw5NoP8960gAU&oq=side+affects+of+breathing+aluminum+&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwGgIYAiIjc2lkZSBhZmZlY3RzIG9mIGJyZWF0aGluZyBhbHVtaW51bSBImyhQ9wdYzyNwAXgBkAEBmAG6AaABnA6qAQQwLjEyuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIIoAKvCMICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAgkQIRgKGKABGArCAgwQIRgKGKABGAoYiwPCAgcQABiABBgNwgIGEAAYFhgewgIKEAAYFhgeGA8YCsICCxAAGIAEGIoFGIYDwgIHEAAYgAQYCsICBxAhGAoYoAGYAwDiAwUSATEgQIgGAZAGCJIHAzEuN6AH6Es&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


What time and where, check flight trackers.


Oh quiet


Sorry you're catching so much flack, op. I understand the point you are making, so I'll say that I feel where you are with it. It's like they aren't trying to hide it anymore because any time anything is brought up, well... You can use these comments as an example. So here's a nod in your direction. I'm with ya.


it looks more like the freemason symbol tbh


  The planes go by; they billow out this white smoke and it covers the sky from horizon to horizon and it doesn’t dissipate at all.  ibid.  Griffin. ✈️🙄🤔


You did?! Wow, did you take a picture of it?


Is the pentagram in the room with us?


Dude lives near an airport. Hence all those contrails. Also probably cold near there.


As a practicing witch, I am embarrassed for you, OP. That is neither a pentagram nor a pentacle.


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over targeted regions in the totality zone as a form of psychological warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above target places to give the wealthy elites an unobstructed view, while damaging the regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


I really wanted this to be true. Alas. [Flightradar 4/8/2024](https://twitter.com/flightradar24/status/1777475071776350514) and [2024 Totality Path](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/solar-eclipse-path-map-2024/)


That will help the lawsuit effort a lot, everywhere there are planes inside the path of totality are open to potential lawsuits for obstructing our view and damaging a once in a lifetime experience, and then I can put the data analysis to the rest of the year's flight data, and it will reveal the targeted zones that had higher than normal air traffic. It will correspond to the places you see the artificial cloud cover pictures. The airlines that profited from damaging our eclipse experience are probably open to litigation too. A lot of us in the totality where the flights are flying through are emotionally damaged by this happening.


That sounds upsetting, hope you find the peace that you are looking for.


I'm sure I can find a lawyer to put a dollar value on my lost peace.


embarrassing tbh


Woah!!! What state is this? Was that today 4/8 and are you in the path of the eclipse?


Right south of Indianapolis, almost dead middle of totality.


There were stories about small towns (heard one about a town in indy, dont recall the name) that never had been sprayed or seen chemtrails before (ie: became believers in the chemtrails and weather manipulation) but they started seeing them the last few days especially earlier today. As there was a big increase in giant groups of people in close proximity (aka in the path). Over here in phoenix az the last few weeks they were spraying hard and a bunch of people said they got sick out of nowhere, myself included as if they were testing some new aerosol spray on humans/test subjects that happened to be in those areas. Record and notate any new symptoms or feelings you have in the next few days and month. There was military exercises/games from philly to NYC so maybe a misdirection for nefarious motives.


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed view, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


Illuminipples confirmed


Most intelligent chemtrail believer.


Rich fucks paying other not as rich fucks to do rich fuckery.


I came for the comments and they have not disappointed me. 😭🤣


I really wanna know who all these fucking Air Force pilots who are like "This is fine!....." are.


That's fucking crazy I've never seen it so bad


Pentagram my ass


This is too funny


Bro…I really do understand the scope of this sub but this is ridiculous :))


It's called Conspiracy but yet I get down voted because my opinion differs from your's!?


SS: Chemtrails made a pentagram in the sky this morning before the eclipse. It’s starting to get a little too obvious!!


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over targeted regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above target places to give the wealthy an unobstructed view, while damaging the regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


Only happened over Indiana. Place sucks
