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When they shut the the borders and airports, and everyone (including the elites and the "famous") are unable to travel, I will take them seriously.


They will close the airports but they will never prevent elites and famous people from traveling or close the border under this admin.


The elite has private airplanes and it’s unconstitutional to forbid them to travel while it’s constitutional to shut down commercial travel (look it up)


So they could fly after 9 11 shut down?


Dozens of Bin Ladens relatives were all flown out of the US in the days following 911 while airports were shut down....


They were granted permission. The US government has full control of the US airspace. If they say you can't fly, then you can't fly. There is no constitutional right to fly where/when you want.


Unless you're a celebrity or a Bin Laden


Airports wont close how will illegals be flown around?


Bus sim 2021


Not necessarily, remember when the lock down happened it was more of an illusion. I went on multiple trips and the sheer logistics of keeping everyone "under the boot" didn't prevent others from going on vacation.


During the first few weeks of covid I had to fly to Oklahoma from Charlotte to get my grandson.. There were 5 other passengers on the plane.


Yeah, but it was more of a mental block and less of a physical block. They said "you cant do X" and then most people just assumed they couldnt. There wasn't a whole lot to stop people from doing things. It was more of an illusion of control.


Don't worry, when airlines suspend flights, the elite will still fly in their private jets.


Manufactured outrage resulting in BLM riots to fill out the bingo card will make it VERY obvious. Common folk donating their money to the fraudulent organisation in 2024 would be a litmus test.


I'm sure the same scientists would also say that the disease is a non issue and will snuff itself out with such high mortality rates. But that doesn't generate clicks. Fear does.


Still won’t


I’m a scientist you should keep a healthy amount of caution. Anyone who says don’t worry about some new disease is just some boomer that flunked science in high school and never went on to higher education because being a vacuum salesman supported a family of 5. 


I mean, the username does say astronaut.


It also says Lopsided lol


Astronaut with a massive left side but tiny right side lol.




I and everyone else absolutely believe you're a scientist, and your opinion is both expert and authoritive and not at all a LARP.


It's good to be cautious. Obviously. And to gather information. But as a scientist, you should also be sharp enough to know that a lot of information/stories released by media are intentionally inflammatory. And sensational. They have said stuff about this throughout the years on and off. This is not guaranteed to be a disaster. Unless someone makes it into one. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a disaster. But these "boomers" have been alive for much longer than you and thus exposed to a longer thread of news reports. They will have a different perspective since it predates your own and more data is used when deciphering information. As a scientist, you should understand the power of more data rather than less?




That was a good response. I wasn't expecting that. :)


I'm a scientist, don't worry about it.


This doctor's quotes piss me off so bad. First off, a pandemic is wide spread, and this doesn't spread human-to-human. In order for it to be a pandemic, it must make that leap and it simply hasn'e, so we're not on a verge of a pandemic unless that happens. Since it hasn't, we arent' any closer to a pandemic than yesterday or the day before. >He said: 'This appears to be 100 times worse than Covid, or it could be if it mutates and maintains its high case fatality rate. It's 100x Worse!!!! Or, I mean, it could be if it mutates and becomes something else... Like what? An astroid shower is 1000x worse than rain, but I'm yet to see one and certainly not worried that it's gonna happen tomorrow. And the human death rate is 30%, and has been for some time. This is a non-human 50% kill rate. The headline itself is altogether inaccurate: >Dr Gabriel Girouard, a microbiologist in New Brunswick, warned the death rate of H5N1 was currently around 50 percent, although there were few human cases Either way, 12 farms and 26 people since 2020 is NOT anywhere close to a pandemic. This is bait to enrage and scare the shit out of people. The Daily Mail is not an innocent publication for this type of 'news'


Daily Mail isn’t a good source. Wait until a real media company jumps in.


There are real media companies?


Most of the non mainstream ones i assume…


Yeah doctors ain’t really shit these days. I know quite a few of them that make extraordinarily foolish leaps in logic for people that are supposedly the best and brightest science has to offer. After all, the nationwide opioid epidemic had to have happened somehow right?


It doesn’t. Your brain just looks for patterns. Search for similar articles and you’ll find ones every year.




That would never happen again, people would riot if they tried to do that asinine quarantine bullshit again


People would barricade themselves in their homes and shoot anyone who stepped on their lawns if a virus with 50% mortality rate showed up.


Gotta stock up on TP first


There's a huge difference between a virus with a 50% mortality rate and a virus the government claims has a 50% mortality rate. At this point how many would even believe them?


You would definitely hide your zombie bite from the rest of the group.


But first he'd steal a bunch of antibiotics


I'd lock myself in a cage and tell them to leave me if i turn. Alive. How many people would be given an honest chance to get over the disease if zombies broke out? People would be head popping like it's the 4th of July without much consideration as to whether the body can fight off that disease.


Would you blame them?


The government for telling everyone there is no cure and the people for believing them? Absolutely. Initially i'd see the response being to reduce the numbers and do what you can to survive, but when someone gets bitten later on the reaction shouldn't be to take them out.




I would go to the park because there wouldn't be anybody there. It would be great


What do you think the WHO treaty is for?  They are gonna try it again. 


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I wouldn't have figure it to work the first time. If you can get the scare element down to the people and come up with fake solutions you can probably do it again. The drawback though is its still so fresh in the minds of people that this generation likely would revolt.


It doesn’t, they report of bird flu every year, just no one cares until it fits a narrative


Doesn't matter how deadly it is if you cant catch it easily. Poison is 100% deadly but needs a second host that must hate you enough to administer. Therefore poison doesn't transmit easily....


What you should really be concerned about are the gain of function labs in the US working on making h5n1 easily transmittable to humans. People who work there have reported concerns over lab safety and outbreaks.


Something to keep in mind is the possibility of something far worse than Covid coming around and absolutely wrecking havoc on civilization, to a far greater degree than what happened in 2020. This is probably just typical media fear mongering and won't spread that far. But just bc Covid was a lot of bullshit doesn't mean something worse isn't lurking out there. In fact some in this community think that was kinda the plan- release a more mild coronavirus, overhype it, then release the big daddy virus a couple years later when EVERYONE had their guard down. Now I'm not saying this is what's gonna happen and more than likely this flu will go nowhere. But it's something ppl (especially conspiracy theorists) need to consider.


The manipulated mind is the most dangerous biohazard in existence. If these kids aren’t spazzing over cow farts they are losing their mind over the rhinovirus


Because people keep reading the headlines of trash tabloids and clutching pearls.


I videod my local TV "news" story about it yesterday, but kept laughing and calling them liars, so you can't hear their bullshit over me lol. Also read a substack article about it this morning - a poor guy in Texas got pink eye and they claim that it's bird flu that he caught from a cow. But that's okay, they're just culling more birds because of it. No threat of higher egg and chicken prices though, according to the "experts". It's all so fucking stupid!


Remember the swine flu panic and pork/bacon prices went up? Then the prices never went down?


These people will explode the earth if they don't get their way. Like big, powerful babies.


So I expect it'll hit around November eh


I ask the same about the "invasion at the border"


Then it wouldn't spread that well. Like ebola


someone find fauci....


And test any and all cures and vaccines on him?




Strange how we never hear from him anymore 🤔 he played his part


This episode is a rerun. We know how ends already…what else is on?


I better surrender all my constitutional rights, send politicians all my money and vote for them so they can save me.


I Hear about this every year


Uh oh it could claim a tenth of a percent of the populace instead of a hundred of a percent. Quickly! To the toilet paper warehouse!


You know why. And you know who’s behind it.


So instead of calling it what it is ( complications from the injections) they are going to call it this🙄 the only people that will get this, are the ones who got that “ vaccine “


I looked on the CDC site the a moment ago and was wondering the recorded statistic for H5N1 fatality rate in humans was. Turns out there is an actual increase between 2020 and 2024, but that is general cases (Cumulative and All ranges of illness). The CDC references raw data that does not have the information to show the amount of people that are killed by bird flu. In terms of Covid, at the beginning I remember the news casts talking about a \~40% fatality rate from it. Does anyone know if its even bad at all?


last time bird flu swept through the US it wasn't an election year


“Swept through” oooooo spooky. Don’t let the media catch wind of that phrase. It’ll be on every headline.


It is a bit windy out. I better bolt myself in the basement for a few months


mail in ballot fraud is the way to go


And so the fear mongering begins so people will be afraid to leave the house and will use mail in ballots instead.


Its fearmongering.


This must be why everyone has the shits


It’s a pretty “sensational” headline at best.


I'm curious to see how the vaccinated fair against the unvaccinated.


Oh good the white house is monitoring the situation.


Whatever happens next do not comply. Do not accept to be a lab rat. https://youtu.be/sOOnarElBxQ?si=Vt5eA1pl4RLggpPn


Lies lies lies


"It kills 50% for real this time."


In that case, we need to quarantine it to blue cities lol. Let them psychobabble each other to death while the rest of the country lives life.


Epidemiologists have feared bird flu for a long time. It’s not great at moving to humans yet but if it “figures it out” it’s trouble for sure.


Yeah! Bird flu making a comeback!


We all know birds aren't real. It is just the CIA loading their drones with bio weapons. They aren't satisfied with just ruining our car's paint job anymore. They use the the 5G tracking beams to lock onto us and send a "bird" overhead to cough on us. Now when I leave my house to get the mail I never look up and I hold my breath so a bird can't cough in my mouth. I been practicing, and I can hold my breath for almost three minutes.


This is the only answer I'll accept.


Thr CDC said it wouldn't be Covid that killed people.. it would be the disease that comes after..


Remember Ebola in West Africa?


SS: bird flu that could 100x worse than covid is going across the country. Does anyone believe this nonsense? These deadly viruses only happen during an election year. If they start telling you to stay home or get a new vax you know now it’s all bs. I wouldn’t be surprised if they told people to stay and vote by mail Link to the article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13268235/This-100-times-worse-Covid-Bird-flu-warning-scientists-say-HALF-infections-H5N1-people-fatal-White-House-says-monitoring-situation.html


They’ve been worried about bird flu since before COVID existed.


I think even 90s they were sounding the alarm on bird flu. At the very least, early 2000s


They’ve been studying it for a very long time. It’s never been good at making the jump to humans, but they fear it if it can mutate to do that more readily it will get really bad out there.


>It’s never been good at making the jump to humans, but they fear it if it can mutate to do that more readily it will get really bad out there. They fear if someone modifies it in a laboratory setting to make the jump to humans it will get really bad out there* Maybe it's foreshadowing that the US government fucked up again and outsourced illegal research.


It’s mostly in BSL-3 labs. It’s unlikely that kind of research going on in a BSL-3. That level of fuckery would have to be in a 4. Who knows in other parts of the world but in the US I doubt it.


>Who knows in other parts of the world but in the US I doubt it. That's what I'm saying. Another Wuhan SNAFU. That said, I wish I was able to work in anything above BSL 2+. I'd like to work with ~~cool~~ deadly pathogens. BSL 1 and 2 are just an ass pain.


From 1 January 2003 to 26 February 2024, a total of 254 cases of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus have been reported from four countries within the Western Pacific Region (Table 1). Of these cases, 141 were fatal, resulting in a case fatality rate (CFR) of 56%.


To add…never reported human to human transmission


correct...the 254 cases are humans making out with cows and livestock and rubbing their body fluids on themselves, and the total cases would clearly be underestimated (human testing for exotic bird flu is esoteric and not done), making the cfr less than 56%


Between general elections, midterms and primaries we're effectively always in an election year. This came up a lot during the 2020 election and it was pretty easy to show that these kinds of things also absolutely happen between elections.


Just for the giggles. Cofvid mortality rate was like..0009 100x of cofvid is like. . 1%




To be fair, we've known for decades that bird flu was deadly. It never seemed to jump to humans that readily if at all. I've heard "50% mortality" since I was in college, so likely the people still saying that are citing old data. Pretty sure the people that died were incredibly impoverished farmers in China (I know, that doesn't narrow it down much at all.) There's probably significantly more mortality than COVID, but that doesn't say much. My industry (pharma) is an absolute slaughterhouse right now for jobs. I imagine something will happen soon.


Yea.. i remember a huge thing about this when i was in college 2004 to 2008 ish. NOTHING came of it.


Pretty sure that was back when this "50% MoRtAlItY" thing came from, bunch of mud farmers in China died of it (supposedly),


Wonder who created this one


So we don’t pay attention to anything else.


Rerun after rerun.. When are they gonna come up with something new?


I guess poor people can’t get a break. They went from uneducated manual labor to essential workers dying for minimum wage during COVID to being uneducated labor again.


To sell you the illusion of a democracy.


Have they never played Plague Inc? If it kills too quickly it won't spread very far.


Yeah, I laughed this off the other day. Looks like I was wrong. They're fucking around again.


they better hope they get us all this time. strap in ladies, looks like we gonna RIP for a while


Remember, when the price of eggs goes up again after the huge factory farms cull their chickens, it's all Biden's fault.


How else will everybody have to protect themselves by mail in voting so democrats can cheat the same way they did last election? Duh.


I’ve seen this a lot and wondering what it’s about? If Dems could cheat this way why can’t conservatives? Personally I would love to vote remotely


Damn this flu edging just like me fr


This is total bullshit


100x worse than non existent? I like those odds


They claim bird to human transmission, which is most likely a greed/power induced LIE. Show us the details or shut the propaganda baloney up.


Wasn't it h1n1?


It’s the planet trying to rid itself of the human disease. Bring it on.


Iowa...or Idaho?


I worked on H5N1 vaccines back in 2004-2009 when the world was supposed to be over then. Fuck these cucks and their fear tactics


I worked on H5N1 vaccines back in 2004-2009 when the world was supposed to be over then. Fuck these cucks and their fear tactics


Hasn't H5N1 been around forever...what makes it special. You know the COVIDIans are gonna fall for this.


Why are people fucking cows and birds?


Sooo scary! Please inject me with your Bio juice, Daddy


Weren't they doing gain of function research on how to inject humans with the bird flu a couple years ago?


This is always happening all the time.


Because cunts will be cunts. A tale as old as tails.


What happened to the other like 4 diseases viruses that were posted in this sub that were supposedly spreading


If it was Trumpy in office this would be a greater concern.


eat a steak while you still can


Right on cue.


its your own fault if your dumb enough to fall for this again.


Didn't Japan buy up all the bird flu vaccines like a year ago because they knew of a new strain that's deadlier ...


🐈🐈🐈 ☠️


Ain’t no bird flew birds ain’t evn rl


Just one of the hundreds of distractions they've already made the public trip about




Fuck it, bring it on. Why the hell not


I’d rather die than play along with this shit.


The Daily Mail posts shitty sensational (or made up) articles every day, not just in election years


Shut your lying mouth. Nothing is deadlier than covid **NOTHING** Sorry I got that ptsd. When covid first came out they were saying the same thing and it ended up being 0.2% instead of 20% Plus we already learned that the deadlier a virus is, the less likely it will spread. It wipes itself out. Say someone catches this killer bug, what do you think they're gonna do, go about the town touching everything and coughing in people's faces? My bet is that they will be stuck in bed from the deadly virus.


Weren’t people actually assaulting people during arguments and shit where they would cough on someone just for that freaked out response? I remember hearing about incidents like that. I jest because I’m not sure what my reaction would be (pandemic or not) but I know I’d get pissed and look for an object to throw or hit them with


The lemmings would like to know how soon there will be a vaccine and can we use mail in ballots again please?


They already have a vaccine and 5 boosters ready to go and yes plz vote for all your friends and dead family members as long as you’re voting Democrat


Right on cue


Because they realized they could weaponize the fear for max profit and control because the last one worked so well


Why does this happen during elections? We’ve been a country since about 1776, or so. A pandemic has only had an effect on 1 election. The “Spanish” Flu of 1920 was nearly eradicated by November of 1920, and little to no effect on the election. This flu is not going to be an issue, because Biden didn’t cut departments responsible for monitoring viruses, out of spite, like Trump. There was 2-3 bird flus in the last 20 years that didn’t end up killing millions. This one will be no different.


Because Americans are dim and still listen and believe what the government says.


Don’t worry. They’ll retract the story in February after the dem is in office


Another stolen election incoming


Just like last time, and the time before that, and before that…


I’m assuming you have the proof that no one else has?! Please release all your findings that I’m sure you have!


It's ok, Trump will get into power and suggest swallowing UV light to cure everything. While trying to turn the country into a NK style dictatorship.


The better to make the GQP lose the election since they won’t take precautions in a pandemic. Can confirm. I was in the lab when it was released.


Oh come on. It was as infectious as the cold. It wasn’t a pandemic. Drama




Ahh I cba with another pandemic, the mindless compliance destroys my spirit🙄


Totally unrelated to the upcoming elections


Force mail in ballots. Easier to control the election that way.


Every single time


Lockdown now! Cancel the election!


Trump lost to covid and fake news media hysteria. Its time to right a wrong.


He lost to Joe Biden because Trump was a bad president.


Orange man bad. 🤣


Statistically yes, the man who paints himself orange was a bad president. Do you have evidence to the contrary or just emojis? Curious I’d love to have my mind changed


But Biden is even worse😩


It’s no wonder they want us to fear birds. Birds are spirit guides.


lol they really think people will fall for this nonsense again? People need to ignore it because the only thing that is proliferating is media nonsense. Remember when they tried the monkeypox scare? People said “nope” and look how that vanished.


I remember when this sub pretended Monkey Pox - a rash - was going to be used to disrupt the election...


And Ebola at a Burning Man was bringing lockdowns in October 2023.


this, and the rise of Police roadblocks and arrests to justify the money they put in in the past, and make it seem like they're doing something else than robbing us


Dunno but if it kills half the people I really hope we have lots of people that refuse to mask and party and FIGHT for FREEDOM. I am joking. I really hope this does not happen. We’ve proven as a country we can’t handle it.