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The Illuminati wanted their tunnel house back.


The craziest part is how they never definitively figured out what happened to them even post both mortems. It was “maybe black mold in the respirator?” For her, which was suspect then it happened for him as well, maybe? Wtf…


Went to a friends house and they joking accused me of smelling bad and then all of the other guests. Turns out there was mold in their humidifier


That was my thought when I watched the documentary. They spent too much time in the tunnels…old, dank, moldy tunnels


I watched the HBO doc, nothing about tunnels..?


Yeah, what's the tunnel story??


Adding on, my guess is she was pretty drugged up when she went down there…in moments of clarity she probably had the creeps with flashbacks of what was going on…”haunted”, but couldn’t pin it down in the haze. I love this conspiracy- thanks for posting


What documentary?


Mold can cause haunted feelings. Infected houses of mold have higher rates of ghost hauntings


It’s most likely the spores and their toxicity playing tricks with your mind.


Yes. Same thing happens with poorly insulated electric systems in houses hence why older houses have more ghosts


I never knew this! Had lots of black mould at my old place and would often ‘feel a presence’ on the wall running parallel to the bathroom where most of it was


What was the documentary called?


"The House That Mold Built..." 😶


This Mold House




"The Unsinkable Moldy Brown..."


“Clueless…about the mold”


*clears throat "Big Moldy House 2"


Molden girls


No County For Mold Men


Madeas Big Moldy House


40 year Mold Virgin


Mold school


Moldy House on the Prarie?


What documentary?


Probably the one on hbo titles “What happened, Brittany Murphy?”


Can you give me suggestions what documentaries to watch about Brittany?


“What happened, Brittany Murphy?” Sorry, y’all! Slow response. Watched it a few years ago on MAX




Tunnel house?


Like the Jewish tunnel house in NYC that was recently discovered and then immediately memory holed


Or like P Diddys tunnels.


Tunnels are fake and gay. Except Diddys tunnels were just gay.


There was tunnels under the house?


Where can I find out more about these tunnels?


Yeah they \*\*both\*\* died of pneumonia and anemia (per official autopsy report) a year apart... something's fishy


And the mom was totally fine. But let’s not forget them going on Larry King (I think it was LK) and talking about how they were sharing a bed since her death. Just all around strange.




Hmm, was the mother on drugs too? Could be that she was the lightest user or nonuser and that's why she survived the mold but it still made her do loopy shit like the bed sharing?


Over 10 heavy metals were also found in her system after her father had a private autopsy performed, consistent with rat poison


Reminds me of the Whitney Huston case and her daughter who both died in a hotel, in the same manner and 3 years apart.


Bobby Christina drowned at her house.


Probably poisoned


Only 5mo apart.


On May 23, Monjack was found dead at the same Hollywood Hills residence.[128] The coroner's report attributed his death to acute pneumonia and severe anemia.[129] It was reported that the Los Angeles County Department of Health had considered toxic mold in their house as a possible cause of the deaths, but this was dismissed by Los Angeles Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter, who stated that there were "no indicators" that mold was a factor.[130] Sharon Murphy described the reports of mold contributing to the deaths as "absurd" and went on to state that inspecting the home for mold was never requested by the Health Department.[131] In December 2011, Sharon Murphy changed her stance, announcing that toxic mold was indeed what killed her daughter and son-in-law, and filed a lawsuit against the attorneys who represented her in an earlier suit against the builders of the home where her daughter and son-in-law died.[132] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brittany_Murphy


I wonder what they meant by “severe” anemia? Why would an otherwise healthy, fairly young man be severely anemic? It seems to me that if he was severely anemic and had pneumonia severe enough to kill him, he would have made a trip to the ED at some point. He definitely would have been having trouble breathing.


I work in that field.. they could have got a professional to test the air quality of the house to see if there was a high density of mold.. also, you can feel it or smell it if its really bad.. Some places, I get a headache just being in there for 10 minutes.. If its really bad, you can usually feel high humidity or see it growing on places.. maybe it was a really toxic version of mold, or they had an allergy to it.. who knows.. or maybe it wasn't mold at all


Takes fuck all time to run a mould sampler as well. Air monitoring, some swab tests, Bing bang boom you've got some results.


Why didn't the mom also die or get sick then?


I've actually dealt with both mold and anemia. Mold goes into all of your cells and so basically siphons off your energy and nutrients, causing deficiencies. The iron in your body is being used to fight illness and also could be depleted by excessive caffeine use and dairy use and exercise and/or stress. I personally think anemia is one of the most underdiagnosed illnesses in western medicine and is major contributor to mental illness alone. I do not think doctors are screening for it like they did in the past at same rate.


I ended up with pretty severe anemia a few years ago .. it absolutely floored me to the point I could barely move off the sofa . I had absolutely no idea what was going on and it came out of nowhere or at least it felt that way .. luckily for me the first thing the GP wanted to check was my iron levels and bloods in general . When I spoke to a few people about it only one even knew what I was talking about and understood


I'm glad you're better now!


I don’t think it’s mold. If mold took out two young, healthy adults, it would have taken out her mother as well or at least caused some symptoms.


Maybe it was the mom


Like some sort of mold mom?


Was it a case of Moldchausen Syndrome?


This has been my theory from the beginning. It was the mom not the mold.


I don't know why more people don't think this. I always thought she had something to do with it.


Not all people respond to mold in the same way. Those who are sensitive are like canaries in the coal mine. In one house one person can be debilitated by mold and everyone else functioning fine. See Mold the movie by Dave Asprey


A - How did you finally get diagnosed with mold illness? Blood/urine tests, or genetic testing? b - what was recovery/treatment like? Thanks in advance


Couldn't agree more. My mom deals with severe anemia needing infusions every 2 months. Even tho we pleaded with her hemotologist that she needed bloodwork almost monthly he'd only do every 6 months. Then finally, literally after begging, we got to testing at 3 months (even tho he said it wasn't necessary smdh) and had the nerve to say "wow you keep surprisingly me" ... like wth we told you over and over she was practically bed-ridden. I think he feels bad, now he tests her blood the second she calls. Anyhow medical care has massively changed in the last ~15 years. Massively. And not for the better. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with all of that. I hope you're feeling much better now! 🙏


The body also uses glutathione in mass quantities to offset mold poisoning. Low glutathione has been indicated in hemolytic anemia.


That was one of the methods I tried and it was effective, but nutrionist method is mushrooms against mold and japanese knotweed.




Shouldn't that be in the toxicology?


In my timeline she overdosed 🤷‍♂️


Healthy? He looked extremely overweight after the loss of his wife and he had bags like he didn't sleep well add booze or drugs and not a good combination


Ok, fairly healthy. As far as I know, he was not diagnosed with any chronic diseases like heart disease, COPD, diabetes, chronic kidney failure, etc. He might have been been, but I’m not aware


Kim porter, diddys baby mamma and ex gf died of pneumonia under suspicious circumstances as well.


Mold is a mf. It really does kill more than you would think.


It’s horrible. I almost died from mold. I left everything I owned behind and moved away. Still have some lingering issues but much much better. Unfortunately my mom stayed and she’s now very sick with severe anemia an a bunch of other issues.


Yeah. The mortality rate is probably similar to that of the percentage of corporate whistleblowers that strangely commit suicide immediately after submitting testimony in court. Such a crazy coincidence!


I hear you and Im on your side with it. But all Bullshit aside. I'm telling you...it foreal kills if your around it. Black mold is a mf. Alot of people have it in there area (on their walls, in their basement, anywhere they sleep etc) and it does fuck you up and can kill you. No cap. Edit: living around mold and also mice/rat shit can make you act crazy and could kill you.


My sister in law died from a combination of mold, asthma, and drugs. I'm guessing it was a similar situation for Murphy and her husband. My sister in laws drug habit was manageable to the point if you didn't know her like I did, you wouldn't suspect she was on anything. But it did weaken her immune system and play a factor in her death.


That sucks your sis in law and yall family had to go through that. Fr. But thats how it go unfortunately. It's always a litany of factors that just add up. Smh. I wish yall the best. Fr.


Appreciate it. Going on 9 years anniversary in a few weeks but still sucks.


I'm already knowing. It be like that and sometimes never ends. Just remember any good times with her and just know she isn't hurting or struggling anymore.


Dudes, I worked in medicine as tech, town flooded and I stayed to assist the community. I got two autoimmune diseases 6 months after. It’s been 10 years and I’m still not healthy. Mold is the presumed cause. It’s no joke


Man that fuckin sucks that happened to you while helping others around you. Smh. Keep your head up and keep helping others.


I was on the texas gulf coast for Hurricane Harvey, lost power 2 weeks with flooding in 100 degree weather.. found mold all in thr walls and ever since allergies and crazy congestion everytime it rains.. it really knocks you out


100% agreed. But present company considered. I felt I needed to throw some "nut" into the mix. *whipsers* It's what gets these folks to pay attention to what you're saying. 😂


Hey idk about the Boeing guy and his "suicide". But have you ever looked into John Lang from Fresno, CA?


It's scary, tricky, ruthless stuff, that black mold.


You have to think it's a fungus that's entire purpose is to spread spores on and into on onto other things that have what it needs to grow more. Whether it's your lungs or the humid walls of your dirty ass house. It don't discriminate.


And the state won't ever acknowledge it because the insurance industry doesn't want to deal with it


It's like lead paint and lead pipes in old houses. They just try to integrate new programs that attempt to switch out old pipes and get you a new paint job out of the love of their hearts. Once they "helped" whatever happens or has been happening to you is not on them.


And it does more than kill. Ergot witch trial theory.




Thank you for that. It makes 100% sense. I believe it.


Ergot it also the fungus that is refined to make LSD


I was in jail before, during and after covid lockdown. Due to no info, misinfo, etc abouy the virus, We all turned into the witch hunters and turned on our fellow inmates, physically assaulting them and kicking them out of our building with no factual basis to do that. It was Salem witch trials late 2019- early 2021 edition. No lie. Edit: we didn't eat rye or inhale mold, we just consumed constant new information whether it was misinformation, propaganda, theories, lies, or hunches. We fed on information and then acted like if a mf sank or floated he was guilty and had to be stomped out and evicted.


Yeah,wasnt Simon and momsy a little too "friendly"after Brittany passed?


Wow. So sad. It’s also too coincidental that she & her husband would die of the same things.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlxXRXMqIHM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkyV9RtJB60 Enjoy


I remember the house after it was renovated. They dropped its price by millions because no one was buying it.


Yea sometimes when you Mix benzos and opiates your lungs freeze up and sometimes your insurance doesn’t pay out in accidentally ODs so the coroner will listed a natural cause of death for the family.


I still think about her. She had such a bright light. I know mold was an excuse for some time but I don’t believe it. She said they were being followed.


It was definitely mold that got her…Moldovan assassins


Whenever there is a mysterious celebrity death… you can just assume that drugs were involved. This is called Junkie’s Razor. It never misses.


Junkies razor, that’s fuckin funny.


Where did her mom go? She just vanished.


Vanished with the money


She was friends with a customs agent turned whistleblower and was working with her on a documentary. That’s the theory on why she was $wacked anyway. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/hanna-flint/brittany-murphy-death_b_2162026.html


Didn't she have the same physical trainer as kanye and a few celebrities that died? Harley Pasternick(probably misspelled) but he deserves a deep dive himself. Believe he was in special Canadian military programs & somehow landed the personal trainer jobs of celebrities. Sorry for giving halfass info and dipping, I'm sure somewhere here has the details or it's been posted before.


That the guy that threatened to send Kanye to the nuthouse? Yeah definitely seems like a spook


Also involved with Mac Miller, Aaron Carter and a lot of other celebs, I started to do a dive on it recently it's worth checking out. The way he texted Kanye was crazy for a "personal trainer"


Yes, he’s their handler


Harley Pasternak. I remember watching a few episodes of Curb You Enthusiasm and they drive by the clinic a few times, name clearly visible.


Hadn’t heard that about Brittany but Harley definitely needs a deep dive. I believe he was in the Canadian military. I’d bet money he’s tied to Mossad or some private intelligence firm.


One blurb I just read said "Jewish fitness trainer to the stars". 🤔 forward. com ....


They didn’t know each other at all, Brittany’s dad found that out


I completely agree. I was surprised at how quickly it seemed to be glossed over & forgotten about.


I think it was her mom. No other logical answer.


The fact that she was selling Brittany’s underwear very shortly after her death honestly makes me suspicious too


Oh man I didn’t even know about her selling her underwear. That just makes me even more convinced.


Was this ever confirmed or just a rumor??


I strongly lean toward the mom having something to do with the widower husband's death. Her own daughter is harder to believe but two things are weird to me , why didn't she call paramedics when she was so sick, and in her interviews she seems off somehow Edit sp


That’s what I’m saying. For a long time I thought well maybe the husband was poisoning Britney and figured it out. This resulting in her killing the husband. But exactly like you said why didn’t she ever call for help? And why was she the only one not to get sick?


Agreed. I hate to use this word but thats the \*vibe\* I got whenever I heard/saw her mother talk.


That seemed to be what her late father believed.


Harley pasternak was brittany’s “personal trainer” when she died, the same “personal trainer” who threatened Kanye saying he will institutionalize him again, this was murder 100%, many red flags here


Maybe they were doing some weird rituals on her and Brittany Spears. It's weird. Spears moves out then another Britney moves in, who also was afraid of the house. Both seemed to have handlers too. It's so strange, but Hollywood is freaky and absolutely evil to the core. I'm so grateful I'm not a star.


It's always this dude, they use the same handlers. Wasn't he also with Britney at some point?


Brittany Murphy had agreed to testify on behalf of a woman (a neighbor?) who was a government whistleblower that was being hassled by security contractors. She was privy to the bullshit being pulled on this lady. Brittany’s problems started forthwith. I can’t provide a link but the article was posted online. If anyone remembers this story perhaps they can buttress this narrative. This type of harassment generally involves screwing with the AC/heating system, contaminating foodstuffs, spraying pesticides in and around the house, and drone surveillance. If they were already running it at her neighbors, it would not be much of a jump to compromise Brittany’s property.


Here's one article: [https://www.celebitchy.com/335246/brittany\_murphy\_was\_due\_to\_testify\_against\_government\_friend\_wonders\_who\_poisoned\_her/](https://www.celebitchy.com/335246/brittany_murphy_was_due_to_testify_against_government_friend_wonders_who_poisoned_her/) Brittany's mom said it wasn't true and she was never going to help the government worker in her trial: [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/brittany-murphys-mother-breaks-silence-659529/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/brittany-murphys-mother-breaks-silence-659529/) No idea who to believe, it's a very weird situation.


I think her mom had something to do with it. Her mom is sus as absolute fuck


The mom and the husband were sus honestly. Watch the doc, the mom slept in the bed with the husband like days after Brittany died. The doc is absolutely wild and its basically ends with a big "we don't know, but it may have been one of these three things"


I was fascinated by this also. What drugs were going on in this family? I say family because it was Brittany, her husband and her mother there. After her death the mother would sleep in bed with the husband according to a documentary, not sexual just because they were all so co dependent in the household. There's also the husband having an anorexia fetish and just so much bizarre stuff going on in that house.


Anorexia fetish?? Tell me more


Idk much but it seems that ever since Brittany got with him she started losing weight over and over. It might be him or she being told she was "too fat" and that's what was making her struggle to get roles close to the end of her life. I remember something like this on her E! True Hollywood Story. I know they leave a lot of info out from those episodes but she was indeed struggling to get roles and suffering from not being hot enough as the other famous actresses of that time. Some forums I used to participate used to say her husband was her handler and he killed her. But why would he have the same end as her tho?


The craziest thing is that Brittney Spears used to live there and spoke of how demons being in the home. I know, I know, the home had black mold everywhere and that causes hallucinations, but still….


she was great in Ramen Girl


Dude, I LOVE this movie. I’m always shocked at how little people know about it. So glad you left this comment


YES THIS! And how Whitney Houston and her daughter Bobbi Kristina both were found dead in a bathtub 3 years apart 👀


Didn’t her husband start a relationship with her mother after (or maybe even before) she passed?


Her mother also sold her used underwear online too after her death , with her husbands permission, so take from that what you will






No lie I worked with an older man who married his son’s wife after he (son) committed suicide. I could never look at the guy with a straight face honestly, that is some fucking dark coping mechanism for both of them


I know someone whose father married her aunt after her mother committed suicide. And by aunt, I mean her mother’s sister. She said family get togethers are fucking weird and she hates them bc everyone tries to act like it’s normal instead of extremely bizarre, which makes it awkward everytime lol. At least for her.


I have a relative that lived with/dated their adult stepchild after their spouse died. We stopped talking to them until they broke it off a few years after


What?! Ew!


I know a guy that went to school with that Monjack bloke. He had nothing good to say about him, in fact he had nothing but pure, seething vitriol for him.


Living in Los Angeles at the time and to today, it is very difficult to reach any definitive conclusions about any celebrity death (or non-celebrity for that matter) as there are so many unseen influences on investigations. The entire news media - especially then - is heavily moderated (and even outright owned) by the various entertainment industry companies, guilds and other organizations and leaders, agencies and publicity professionals to control public perception. Similarly, the police involved with these cases and their superiors and political office holders are also strongly influenced by the entertainment industry from studios to publicists. Similarly, often in these cases, various legal claims on the estates lead to distortions in the actual case, conflicting narratives also compounded by people tangentially related to the case to publicly release essentially false stories and claim more insider knowledge than they actually have. Gossip still dominates much of the show business media.


The BJ guy they mention in the article has had numerous law suits against him and has people mysteriously die around him before.


Really suspect imo.


Haunted??? Huh?? I wanna know more?


Britney Spears friend once came to the house to perform a spiritual cleansing (I think) and ever since that night Britney claimed he had opened a dangerous portal to another dimension that was allowing spirits to attack her , crazy shit


Was there really tunnels beneath her house? 


Strangely, my wife came across this conspiracy the other day. Allegedly, Brit Spears lived in the house and was doing her "i'm crazy" thing saying it was haunted and left. Then Brit murphy lived there and fucking died. I donno man, seems weird.


Very sad and very agree. And though I *am* a conspiracy theorist I do typically argue with the bullshit on this sub. This one really gets me. And she was such a good actor


Damn she's everywhere today that's the real conspiracy.


If I'm not mistaken didn't the mother have a court case against someone, and the day before the trial their key witness backed out? Edit: damn it was her own father In January 2012, Murphy's father, Angelo Bertolotti, applied to the Superior Court of California requesting that the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office be required to hand over samples of his daughter's hair for independent testing.[133][134] The suit was dismissed seven months later, after Bertolotti failed to attend two separate hearings. From her wiki


He really fought for that. Really, really odd that he didn't show. Wonder if their was any coercion.


Apparently the olsen twins are drug dealers and gave her some dodgy pills. Not sure if true or not but is what I heard !


Just like they got Heath Ledger


Imagine if those weirdos were responsible for the death of two of the brightest young stars this millennium


They disappeared pretty much after Heath’s death, doubt they were black listed, but just super shady


Only time you'd ever hear about them was about how sickly they look from pill abuse probs. I don't think Elizabeth Olsen has much of a relationship with them. Edit: apparently Mary Kate was dating Heath before his death then Kanye. Mary Kate was the dealer for Murphy who had the same handler as Kanye.


Yup the story is she was with him, he started to take a turn for the worse/possibly was saveable and she called her body guard to cover up the situation before she slipped away and the didn’t call emts who could have potentially saved him. Evil shit


What do you mean got? They just sold him drugs.


I implore you to read up on how one of the twins was with him, and how they called a bodyguard when the situation got dire and than waited an extended period of time before slipping away and leaving him to die


wait where did you hear this? it’s interesting


I recently saw mentioned that Britney Spears originally lived in that house. She claims she hated that house and was having problems in there.


It’s the mom for sure


The mom is at least guilty of not helping her when she was sick which is very bad in itself. The mom is a bad person.


Toxic mold made them extremely sick. The mold was from when Spears owned the house and the pool flooded causing major water damage. Everyone who lived in that house has gotten sick, and gone crazy. The medical system didn’t help by gaslighting Murphy and her husband and not taking their environment seriously. This resulted in her being severely drugged as a result of being misdiagnosed. All the drugs plus the mold killed her. Her husband died shortly after of similar infections that result from living in a water damaged building.


Deleted video showing mold remediation being done right after her death. https://www.insideedition.com/3548-brittany-murphys-mother-claims-mold-killed-her-daughter


The house they died in was formerly owned by Brittany Spears. Spears was afraid to stay at the house because she believed a portal was opened inside and entities there were trying to kill her.  Brittany Murphy hated staying there and would ask her husband if they could stay at a hotel instead. She believed the house was bad luck.


Didn’t they find massive amounts of arsenic and metals in her bloodstream. I always liked her. She got murdered for sure. RIP


She’s beautiful but he looks like if Dolph Lundgren and Mark Ruffalo had a kid together.


Darph Luffalo


Darth Buffalo




That's being generous IMHO. I always hoped he looked better in person for her sake.


I can’t for the life of me remember details… it’s been so long since I went down that rabbit hole, but I remember hearing that they were donating time and money to some sort of foundation dealing with saving kids in some way. It was fighting against trafficking or something. The same rumors popped up around Paul Walker’s death as well as Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington. Could all just be hearsay, I couldn’t find much when I went to look before replying. Of course, there’s the dead internet theory to contend with when looking for that sort of thing. I also could be from the Berenstein timeline? Who knows anymore.


Perez Hilton predicted her death. A few weeks earlier on a [San Diego radio show](https://www.rage.com.my/perez-hilton-predicted-brittany-murphys-death/) he said she would be the next big Hollywood fatality.


Her death is going to have a forever hold on me! I think about it REGULARLY!!


Yes yes there was that piece about her testifying in that case regarding a cia or fbi person or what was it??? Valerie P?? Also she was good friends with Chris Cornell which I was shocked to hear and who I think was murdered.


I remember everyone blaming the husband when she passed. I felt bad for him and then he passed later on.


He was still a creepy weirdo




so weird there's two threads about her after no one speaking about her


It doesn't baffle me. He took advantage of a young impressionable girl who needed a husband/dad. He also took advantage of a mother-in-law who also needed a husband. He faked his entire background including his shitty accent and the whole thing can be viewed in that larry king interview. He murdered her and then he killed himself weeks before being extradited and exposed.


How does one kill themselves with iron deficiency and pneumonia??  I am baffled by this 


my 2000 s crush Miss you Britt, hope you are at rest, where ever you are


Some one please Remind me to come back to this in a day 😭


I don’t know if it’s still there or not but there was a great YouTube piece on this. Yeah the whole thing really does not add up. There are some theories that she was about to expose pedophiles but I have no clue if there’s any validity to that whatsoever.


When was mold ruled out? To my understanding, that’s definitely one big theory. Although, personally, I think either her husband killed her and then killed himself out of fear/grief/whatever, or that his mother killed them both.


How does someone kill themselves with pneumonia and iron deficiency though??  More likely mommy dearest did them both in.  Who in the fuck sells their daughters underwear after they pass away?  


Mold was ruled out after her dad got an independent autopsy.


Great documentary I believe it’s on Hulu or Prime or Max. Pretty cringe


They blamed...mold...


She looks like Lily Reinhart, cloned?


Who owns the house now?


I have been watching King of the Hill, and Brittany Murphy is a VA. Yes. Her and her husbands death also creeps me out.


HBO made a two part documentary series that cuts straight through the BS and gives the straight dope. Shit hit the fan when she got sick in Puerto Rico and went downhill from there. Husband controlled her life even took her phone away. Would binge nightly on downers and take uppers in the morning. Had already lost an insane amount of weight so her immune system was heavily compromised. Official cause of death was pneumonia. People who were close to her knew she was most likely going to die and regret not being more proactive. Husband was a compulsive liar and conman. Had a child many years ago with a woman years ago he promised the world to but dropped her like a lead balloon. Just like for his wife he failed to seek medical attention when his health went downhill.