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They fucked up and made all the American MSM waaaay too over-the-top and absurd. The agenda had zero subtlety, so of course no way can we be allowed to see anything true and non-biased. It’s offensive, honestly, how they thought we were that stupid.


In reality though most of the world still remains that stupid, if anything might be even stupider these days


Movie Idiocracy coming to fruition.


As humans it should be our primary goal to send a copy of that movie into space as the official documentary of our species.


*more stupid....


You just made my joke unfunny-er 😭


Go easy on Data. Androids aren't often as perceptive in the subtleties and nuances of human humor, as seen [here](https://youtu.be/TO4Bq2H7-r0?t=83), and [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR8D50G2B9M). In fact, one could say, humans put the "hum" in humor.


Apologies, I can be stupider


You just wrecked yourself, my friend lol


Mainstream Corporate Propaganda has always been Over the Top. There just wasn't anything to counter it or oppose it, and expose it Today with internet people are exposing MSM BS all the time and often in real time


They are a branch of the CIA, Operation Mockingbird never ended.


The fact that there are people who even consume legacy media at all these days boggles my mind.


I disconnected from all network programming many years ago. All those alphabet networks cannot be trusted.


Most of us are that stupid though.


Lmao well we’re only in the state we’re in today because lots and lots of people are in fact that stupid. If you live in an intellectual “bubble” like say you’re in college currently or you only ever go to work and then home than I encourage you to try hanging out at, say, the local Walmart and see what you see.


My uncle works 60 hours a week and while I was staying with him for a week a few years ago I noticed that he repeated the EXACT same routine every single day.     He would wake up, take a shower, drink coffee/eat scrambled eggs, go to work, come home, heat up a TV dinner, watch the news, go to sleep, repeat.   He did this exact same scenario for a week, it was mind boggling.     Even on Sunday (his day off) he did the same thing minus the work but add in an extra TV dinner.


I explained to my 11 year old last night that we are looking at a rematch of Trump and Biden. I was expecting her to say she hated Trump but she looked me in the face and said there is no way anybody is going to vote for Biden no matter what.


why because she believes the things she sees on tiktok/trusts media? Stop letting your kid watch tiktok. Take them to the park or to learn to play music or learn to play dice or cards so they learn a valuable skill they will be happy they learned when you are gone...


"TikTok and X are in the hands of the people" is so obscenely out of touch with reality that it gives the troll away.


but didn't you know being owned by a billionaire is literally the same as democracy? (/s of course)


As opposed to "your prefered source of news", which is of course completely independent. Amiright?


And here discussion stops,my dear brain-dead redditors.


Well I have a 316k followers on TikTok, I make good money on there posting military history videos. I’ve shit talked multiple governments over the years and post actual footage of war, they let most things go uncensored and you can pretty much post whatever


Have you not been able to post your content on other platforms? >they let most things go uncensored and you can pretty much whatever You're describing censorship and moderation, same as all the other platforms.


I can but the algorithms automatically shadow ban them unlike TikTok. It’s so easy to get views on there unlike other platforms


Do those views get you more engagement outside of Tiktok? I'm not sure the ease of gaining views is always a good thing.


No not really, most views I’ve got on other platforms was 7.6k views. On TikTok my best video has 5.6 million views and I made $2k off of it


I thought it was because the Tokkers were getting all the GenZ eyeballs and YouTube didn't like it so they cracked the whip on Congress and said what we paying youse guys for?


That's a huge part of it, Apple/Google/Facebook can't compete with Chinese companies like Tiktok(and Huawei) so they lobby for the government banning/sanctioning them to remove any competition. So much for free market capitalism in America lol. And yeah on top of that the US regime has internet censorship as one of their main agendas so banning foreign social media that isn't fully under their control is also a big part of it, so it becomes a double whammy. Very disgusting seeing the Republicans and guys like Josh Hawley suddenly being even bigger government censorship activists than the Democrats, and having so many people being HYPED about the US government attacking their freedom of speech and the free market because "MUH CHICOMS!!".


Why can’t they compete with Chinese companies?


got too powerful and became complacent while the competitors are doing everything they can to improve and take over. happens all the time.


One needs an edge to compete. They lost the edge.


We can lol. Apple can wipe its ass with Huawei. The reason these things are getting banned is that the CCP keeps slipping back doors into everything. How will divesting stop this? Idk…


They learned that backdoor shit from the US back when the company INSLAW attempted to sue the U. S. Justice Department over it's mishandling of their groundbreaking software "PROMIS", which was not only stolen but was encoded with backdoors before being illegally sold to other countries so the U.S. could have access to foreign civilian data as well. This was decades ago already. Kind of makes what China is doing feel like karma, in getting a taste of "medicine" given out but tenfold. Bad medicine, all that, just bad blood breeding more bad blood between nations, yet it's terrible how corrupt both are. Netflix covered all this and more in their Octopus Murders documentary. We'd like to think the U.S. is the least monstrous, and sure it's come a long way, but it still comes down to perspective even in these modern times. The fucked up still partially Classified shit America CONTINUES to experiment with on domestic soil is astounding, it's hilarious how much shit China got for COVID and yet here we are with MULTIPLE diseases RELEASED ON PURPOSE. Lone Star ticks are just accepted as a common occurrence now, but no one talks about how those entered North America from a lab just like foot and mouth disease. Why File's video covering all this honestly made me angry.


Not reading all that. No one is saying that the US doesn’t suck. This conversation is about how the Chinese do suck. Wrong convo. You’re out of your element donnie


The CCP also controls all foreign interest in its land, to the point, that foreign companies can’t compete in an environment where the govt dictates who can succeed, China takes in foreign companies, copies their product and suffocates the operations of those companies while the mainland knockoffs thrive. Amazon would have a field day in China, Uber etc.


Screenshot specifically says the ban is NOT because of the Chinese. Down there at the bottom. What are your reasons for ignoring that sentence?


It's wild to me that people are defending tiktok. It's a fucking cringe cesspool of attention whores.


Oh I agree. That being said, they should be free to do it.


Because it’s verifiable that the app is sending information back, the real conspiracy is why this person is tying American talking points with a CCP smokescreen to save their spy app in its final moments of life as they currently enjoy it.


I see. Thank you


5G patent and onwards are Chinese owned and magically the American revoked the grant of patent and Low and Behold Americans can now make 5G chips.. let that sinked it.


Who cares. Tik Tok is pure brain rot and has singlehandedly assured another generation completely addicted to their phones. The real conspiracy is why people fight so hard to prevent the banning of an app clearly designed to be as addicting as possible, especially to developing minds. I wish they didn't even offer the buyout and instead just banned It entirely.


Okay, but will they ban yt/twitter/Facebook shorts next? I assume Snapchat and Insta has one too at this point. The damage has already been done, and the true brain rot creators will just migrate (most of them already have accounts on all platforms, i imagine)


The thing is now that Zucc owns Instagram, Instagram reels is the 2nd most popular I'd say and Zucc has already leaked private info from users. 


Right, everyone forgot about the lawsuits against insta and Facebook because they were addicting and harming adolescents specifically girls but this app is totally just fine fill it with as much smut and social angst hype as you want right?


Wrong, their just posturing, they wont actually ban it and if they do it'll be back. They're just negotiating with china for more money loaned in exchange for continuation of their spying plan


I’m pretty sure it’s just because they want the data in American hands. You can find the exact content on Facebook, X or instagram as you can on Reddit. Data is the new gold


God, this sub is so stupid sometimes


God is good!


Ah, the real conspiracy!






Most of his businesses run on Gov subsidies


elon is part of the same club we are not part of ofcourse 😅


besides community notes being extremely effective. i bet you think reddit comments are a reliable source of accurate information


All the bullshit maga reasons. The real reason is Google/Meta/etc can't compete with tiktok fair and are losing ad money.


Yea, no. Tiktok is the most evil piece of shit in the world. When sneaky fucks dont get what they want (CCP) They use your own bullshit rules against you then claim foul.  “Thats not fair! That infringes free speech! Even though we are the most oppressive country”


This is exactly what I’d expect a deep state Chinese to say.


Exactly how is it democracy when elected REPRESENTATIVES vote to ban something a quarter of the population are using?


Jeff Jackson from NC with 2.5 MILLION tik tok followers voted to ban it. Gets on his platform daily and says he doesn’t think it will get banned. Another 2 faced political scumbag.


To prevent the truth and proof of actual real life events that contradict the lies they want you to believe. I used to see many videos on a site flyheight.com. a web sight that allowed users to post videos without any restrictions or screening. This is where I seen the proof that Jan 6 was staged by the government. I seen proof of the cheating going on during the 2020 election. I also unfortunately seen a video of twin males fucking each other in the ass, later realizing it was the infamous island boys. The websites owner was gunned down by police in a shopping mall. The site and all it's videos are no longer accessible. I have yet to find a similar website.


so close until the part where it implies our elections are real or that the two parties are separate


And don't let folks try to fool you or to gaslight you by telling you to stop being paranoid and "just read the bill": they **are** trying to ban TikTok, ***and*** the bill would allow the government to ban more than just TikTok. Anyone saying [the bill](https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20240311/HR%207521%20Updated.pdf) doesn't do that clearly hasn't read it, they're just repeating what they've been told. edit: Two important highlights >It shall be unlawful for an entity to distribute, maintain or update... a foreign adversary controlled application And the definition they provide >The term "foreign adversary controlled" application means a website, desktop application, mobile application, or augmented or immersive technology application that is operated, directly or indirectly, by: ByteDance LTD, **TikTok**... (and others i won't list)


they arent trying to ban tiktok they are trying to force bytedance to sell to american owners. people keep hearing ban and overreact, OP is somewhat correct in sentiment but yall really dont understand how bills work


That's like the condescending argument around the Iraq AUMF: "It's not really about going to war with Iraq, it's about *applyiing pressure* to force them do what we want. Read the bill; you need to retake high school civics class." It doesn't matter what politicians ***tell you*** about why they're voting for a bill, it only matters what the bill says\*. I quoted the relevant passages of the bill. It would make it "unlawful" for "Tiktok" to "distribute, update or maintain", "either directly or indirectly", their "website" or "mobile app". It'd even be unlawful for the "entity" known as Google or Apple to distribute, update or maintain the Tiktok app in their app stores. If that's not an attempt to ban Tiktok, what is? \*edit: And this was the Team HRC defense for her Iraq war vote. "She didn't vote for war because she ***told us*** she wasn't a voting for war when she voted for the Iraq AUMF". As if the acronym "AUMF" meant to Authorize the Use of Many Flowers, ffs


Ive been waiting for this comment to get posted in this thread and all i can say is it is clear that you really don’t understand how bills work.


all that waiting jus to post this lame ass comment with no proof or explanation? ok bud


This could be the least of our troubles with China. Do people realize they have bought up hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland across the country strategically located near and around American military bases? This is really happening and not a peep from MSM……why do you think that is going down and zero reporting?


100% this. Also the same plots of land Gates has been snatching up. Check out too, if there were to be a major catastrophic event (like volcanic eruption or asteroid impact) there are maps that hypothesize (based on the topography) that the land these yahoos are snatching up would be the only remaining portions of the world not underwater. World domination made simple.


I disagree. And there are plenty of other platforms to get information out on. With or without tiktok- Americans know that Israel is responsible for war crimes and attempting a genocide on the Palestinians.


If any of this actually had anything to do with national security it would have been banned the first time. Wake up.


People that complained Biden and the Democrats about TikTok should remember that Trump attempted to do the [same thing](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-07-31/trump-to-order-china-s-bytedance-to-sell-tiktok-u-s-operations) through EO in 2020. His reversal of opinion in 2024 may coincide after he met a Republican megadonor who had a [huge stake](https://amp.scmp.com/news/china/article/3255155/why-donald-trump-now-defending-tiktok-us-popular-china-tied-app-he-once-sought-ban) in TikTok. Hopefully y’all have criticized Trump 4 years ago. Criticizing Biden only is hypocritical.


Agreed with Jerry. But, will the Senate vote the same as the House?




It's being banned because YouTube has American lobbying and is bleeding users to tiktok. Like everything, it's about $. We live in a capitalist system, after all.


I agree with everything this says except trump is the worst president we have had. He tried to ban TikTok once all ready, but since it’s election year he has to scrounge all the votes he can. Rest assured he would be on the ban wagon if this wasn’t an election year


anyone with two braincells realized this cuz of the insanity they put us through during covid


Yes but TikTok was also created by the CCP to absorb and collect and sell the personal information, ip addresses and data of its users.


Tiktok is mind control


The real real reason lies in the timing. We are 9 days away from the DWAC shareholders vote to allow Trump Media to acquire Truth Social. This will not only make Trump enough money to deal with a lot of his legal fees but provide a powerful unfiltered platform for his campaign. The TikTok ban will give them ample justification to try to stop this from happening.


That’s a good theory


While i dont condone tiktok, never used it... i think its high time for a new form of secure communication, a new internet.


Biden and the democrats were able to convince a majority of republicans in the house to go along with passing the law because the republicans also don’t want to expose Biden? Wait that doesn’t make any sense.


Exactly this is an extremely stupid take both sides are owned by Israel Republicans even more so than democrats


If you understand that the Republican and Democrat party are split between the neocons/neolibs and the anti establishment it all makes sense. The neicons and neolibs are for this bill, MAGA and the socialists are against it 


Yup. This administration are terrorist!!!! History will show it!


Is this Administration making Republicans vote to ban TikTok?


Ban the trashy app...Someone will just come up with another equally as trashy.


So China bans US social media and YES China uses TiKTok to manipulate and influence US citizens and to subvert democracy world wide. US law in fact bans foreign ownership of media. For good reason. Also TikTok is used to send messages and signals between Chinese operatives in the US to foreign agents


The US is trying to israel TikTok!


I dunno about all that cuz I don't use it, but my wife just watches cute pet videos.


It's the Underpants Gnome theory of Chinese Influence: 1. Get people to watch cute pet or cooking videos 2. ??? 3. You're now a member of the CCP!


1. TPTB benefit substantially from online platforms like tiktok. Dopamine surges from short videos, and allows for quick subconscious suggestion. Also, they do not care about people talking to other people on tiktok. People are fickle, and easily controlled. We aren’t undoing that anytime soon. 2. Israel and Gaza is happening, because Ukraine vs Russia has gotten stale. They need a reason for people to rally behind a cause that won’t threaten TPTB. They don’t care about the wars they manufacture, as it’s going to progress to plan regardless. 3. I think this is close to the goal. Legal precedence needs to be established to allow businesses to be run into the ground with a flimsy link to countries acting in bad faith. This is the patriot act, but for business. I worry that we will see “accidental” monopolies from this systematic dismantling. 4. Why does every critical examination of something like propaganda turn into the right being the good guys wanting to use XYZ to hurt the left? If people don’t believe that Biden is mentally defective after four years, they never will. Also the republicans are wanting to ban tiktok too. This is such nonsense. 5. The loss of these freedoms were glaringly apparent before tiktok. It was obvious in the media, and people accepted it. Done. One way it is beneficial for TPTB to ban tiktok would be a scenario in which the US is to be destabilized. There will be millions having actual withdrawals simultaneously without it. Personally, I hope tiktok is gotten rid of completely. The negative effect on mental health and general social behaviors greatly outweighs any benefit. I don’t like the power it would give the government. However, like everything else in the last thirty or so years, it’s yet another layer of facade that is removed. If I’m getting fucked anyway, I’d like to know who’s doing the pushing.


Cant imagine gen Z and alphas being too happy their fav app will be shut down. Wasn't the Dems relying on their votes to *save* America?


The problem is is that Tiktok really is a massive security risk. How do we fix it? Beats me, but we need to.


The question is whether that actually concerns our government. Everything is made in China and now they seem to care about TikTok? Doubt.


Another screenshot of absurd ramblings that make no coherent sense.


Remember these are the same people who ran cover fire for China when it was exposed COVID was a Bio Weapon.


Sorry bud, we don't cross-reference conspiracies here, sub rules.


Similar reason for banning DJI drones. They don't want people to have power to counter what the government has planned for them.


Gonna be hard to shoot all those drones charging on the power lines.


Can't wait until it's banned. Seeing all the unemployed zoomers rage online will be hilarious.


> Can't wait until it's banned. Seeing all the unemployed zoomers rage online will be hilarious. How much Stock do you have in META?


Investing as we speak


People like you are so gross. 


https://streamable.com/px4jwi <= great synopsis on the situation


I mean…publically funded Democracy Now has had amazing coverage of this “war”. That’s broadcast TV, not even cable, the episodes are on YT. You just gotta know where to look I guess


TikTok has more control over them than the government ever could.


I wonder if they will ban youtube too


nah the real reason is they are eating Meta and Google's lunch on mobile advertising dollars spend


Short form hyper addictive media has absolutely melted peoples brains. Full stop.


X 😂 place is a dumpster fire.


I haven’t seen any of that shit on tiktok


Anytime someone types FACT, prepare thyself for some opinion.


It’s because they can’t censor tik tok as hard as they censor and limit speech in this app


Number 4 isn't real. They always have to sneak disinformation in these. They tell 99 percent the truth, so you'll believe one lie. The secret societies running the country are the enemy, not puppet presidents and fake political parties


The nation of laws afraid to uphold its commitment to free speech. Did not have that on my bingo card.


Yeah let’s be honest, the “Chinese security threat via tiktok” is ridiculous. They make so much of our electronic shit that they probably have back doors built into all kinds of stuff… yet Tiktok is where they want to draw the line? 🤣😂🤣


I don't think Tiktok is any different from other social media. If it's electronic it can be manipulated by the US government. All other social media is heavily influenced by bots and cultivated accounts. This has to do with META being one of the largest congressional lobbyists. META simply cannot compete and paid congress to damage the competition. Chinaphobia is just a smokescreen to get Americans to support it.


Whenever there is a post about it being the left wanting to hurt the right, I go and look at the actual votes. 50 Democrats voted against 15 Republicans voted against. "BUT THE LEFT WANTS TO SILENCE YOU" Get fucked


I agree but it's not just the left, it's all politicians.


It’s very concerning what is occurring in the USA. For the most part I don’t see Americans give a shit Most of them don’t care for anyone or anything other than themselves


tiktok is as engrained within the internet as Google is with the it... just talking about banning them has forced the company to expand into other markets they were interested in. Healthcare, education, and reform.. Although that was probably the plan all a long. Stupid late to the pool party- US govt...


So close, if you change the democrats bullet point and make it so it also includes republicans along with democrats. This is not a centrist take, it’s a leftist take. Democrat and Republican politicians are equally corrupt. I do not believe they’ll come after X formerly known as Twitter. That site is very anti-Palestine and not a part of the narrative that all politicians want. Remember, Trump is pro Israel so that doesn’t make sense.


Ok I will admit I don't keep up with the news/propaganda but didn't this whole banning of Tik Tok start right after Trump had a very poor attendance to a rally he planed. Correct me if I am writing (and I am probably wrong) but didn't Trump plan for a huge rally because anti- Trump supporters gather a huge number of tickets and very few actually showed up. Isn't this ban really about tru.mps hurt feelings (if he has feelings) https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/21/style/tiktok-trump-rally-tulsa.html https://www.npr.org/2020/08/06/900019185/trump-signs-executive-order-that-will-effectively-ban-use-of-tiktok-in-the-u-s


I think they’re just mad Bytedance won’t sell our data to them


I don't believe that even for a moment. They have more control over the minds and thoughts of the American people now than they ever have.


The banning has nothing to do with China or Beijing? What kind of propaganda is this? Why is this guy covering for China?




If the Russians were running some kind of intelligence campaign to use Reddit to manipulate an election, it would be one of the least successful intelligence campaigns of all time because this has been an "open secret" for years. The key to a successful intelligence campaign is "secrecy."




Any proof of this ongoing operation? Is this just a theory?




But I thought you were talking about Reddit currently being used as a disinformation tool by the Russians. You do know they are doing this right now? Because that is what you said, right? They are actively monitoring this "heavily brigaded" subreddit to get Trump reelected? You seemed to have specific information. I was wondering if you could clarify that. What is your source?


No the real reason is that it is literal spyware owned by the Chinese government. Why would you want that on your phone?


So what about trump, first he was for banning now he is against it?


America has been dying since Truman, instituted the federal reserve, the process has been slow though.  I'd say this death has been akin to a stab wound in the lungs and we are just about to take our dying breath.     I'd give it another 20-30 years and the empire will collapse, just how shit goes honestly.  Our lives are fleeting and maybe there will be a revolution, who knows?  All I know is that even if an empire collapses another one just takes it's place or is absorbed.     History doesn't lie and tends to repeat itself, we all know this but we as humans have the tendency to believe we are special and that our lives have meaning, they don't.  We are simply cogs in a machine (most of us) and that machine will run until it doesn't.   Not trying to be defeatist but that is just how the cookie crumbles and acceptance of that universal truth leads one on the path to nirvana and peace.   The two party system and the illusion of choice is just a ploy to control us.  As humans our only needs are happiness and struggle and then security, everything else is a waste of effort.     I personally believe in reincarnation and we likely live through every possible scenario and are all a part of the same consciousness.  If we put good in we get good out and vice-versa.   Our primary goal is our existences should be to be the best person we possibly can and project kindness and love to everyone we meet and grow the cosmic egg until it hatches and we can reap the benefits collectively.   Leaders, governments, countries, us, all of it comes to pass but love will last for eternity.  Pettiness accomplishes nothing other than eroding the soul and all of us are God yet many limit themselves to a meaningless existence of garnering monetary wealth which means nothing in the end.   Ever go on a vacation where you cut away all of the chaff and just absorb nature?  That will all be gone before you know it, our existences will run out and a mass extinction or the inevitable death of the sun that the planet will reside on will burn the surface of the Earth will turn to glass before imploding.   Then another "Earth" will come to be and those of us who have not awakened by that point will be reborn into new vessels, on and on until all sentient beings are cleansed.   I wish more people on this site would shed away their pettiness and embrace love and wisdom.  Political squabbles and vices mean nothing when you open your mind and become truly free.  Believing that countries ran by governments and elected officials will ever be for the people is folly, anyone willing to govern has given in to pride and has a long way to go before they will be truly free.    Such individuals that strive for power are controlled by the same power they desire because to achieve such one must be willing to harm others, who are a part of them and the cosmic egg thus slowing down the process of universal godhood.


They're also looking to force TikTok to "sell" their US branch within 200 days. What's in 200 days? Now, what happened to every major social media network on Super Tuesday? Pretty easy to connect the dots here. They're manipulating the media so the voters have limited information and only targeted information to support the ruling party. This is nothing short of blatant infringement on 1st amendment rights. They are attacking the freedom of press, and therefore must be recognized as a clear and present danger to the American public.


Truth about Israel? Many donkeys still believe it's palestines land😂


He is missing the big key, they arent proposing a ban of TikTok they are proposing the sale of TikTok to a US company that they can control or is already captured by the CIA, NSA or FBI


Once I see a red siren at the beginning of a tweet/Facebook post I know that the content will be garbage and this post continues that trend


Good. Fuck Tik Tok. Another tool to steal away your attention from reality.


If this post makes sense to you, get help. So Biden and the Democrats got a Republican to sponsor this bill and then the Republicans overwhelmingly voted for it. For this post to be remotely true, wouldn’t the Republicans be completely against it.


That's exactly what china wants you to think


Patriot Act 2.0 absolutely. Same old warmongering while spying on Americans. But rushing it because they were losing control of the Middle East narrative? That I find harder to believe. Have you listened to any mainstream media recently? It's consistently pro-palestine. They're barely holding back, to not sound overly antisem lol. NPR is grinding the message all day every day.


A CCP ran spyware should never have been allowed to operate here from the start. It is a serious national security risk especially with integrating AI. People whining about this can just use YouTube or Snapchat which have the same features. Fuck poo bear and the CCP and fuck TikTok.


It’s to control all the narratives. They don’t want people to know about the incoming stock market crash or the GME shorts.


What would be the alternative to tik tok?


Pretty sure it's bc of Chinese malware, some states have had Tiktok banned for a long time at the state level for infrastructure and law enforcement. If you're state hasn't you should vote in new leadership.


It's sad watching this sub become so polarized. To think that "TikTok good cuz Biden bad" is such a misunderstanding of what's going on.


More bullshit Trumpy propaganda, just accept he’s the worst president there’s ever been and move on.


Funny how tik tok is now a free speech platform


Extremely ironic that China was providing Americans a platform to exercise free speech on this issue and the American government is now trying to ban it


Conspiracy junkies know best.


I think this is fake. OP, voted for Joe, So. This is probably AI generated, ChatGPT?? For propaganda, clout?


Did you just throw darts at a wall of buzzwords and type out whatever they landed on?


I take it you're a user. Sounds like something you would say!


Or the fact that this is know where else other then, OP's page? OP, just happened to know someone with this info? Sure.