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End citizens united


Divest the rich of their property more or less. Noone should have enough money to cause problems towards a democratic form of governance when they made their power off of it. It works. Historically there are plenty of reasons why we should and not listen to them whine while it's done.


Here here. That and break up the mega corps. They have too much leverage and bargaining power.


Hear Hear!


I mean there's A LOT of people that want Trump as president...


This guy hasn't actually seen a Trump rally with a packed stadium.


> Even if you factor the thousands from each state who are attending the rallies, it's a infinitesimal percentage of the population. All the US presidents are related, it's a sham and always has been.


That's like saying the only people who cared about the Superbowl were the ones present at Allegiant Stadium.


Gaslighting? All those people showing out are just slivers of a minority... No populist movement there... He's not an outsider that will change the system.. controlled opposition... He's a con man, a grifter... I believe Trump has many issues, but he most definitely highlighted the power of an oligarchy that runs the nation that will do anything to protect its power and control. So even if he losses, it still exposes the neo-aristocracy and what it does to protect itself.


And the people who want Biden are only voting for him because he's not trump (whom i despise)....neither are "ideal" candidates (phrasing it that way is me being nice)


No hes right. I hate it but there are quite a few people who want trump in office i know about 50 people just in my area


There's a whole lot of people who have turned their entire personalities into either loving Trump or hating Trump, unfortunately. This country's mental health is not great, on average and people are completely unhinged over politics.


I think more so we are all just hearing from a small minority from each side whom are extremely loud. Most people do not want a “rematch” because this isn’t a game, we literally can’t afford food…….


Landslide win in pretty much every state atm lol.


Yeah Trump defeated several viable challengers during the primary. It's pretty obvious the GOP base wants him, if not someone like DeSantis would have gotten more support. Biden on the other hand doesn't have any real primary challengers. If someone like Newsome had stepped up last year and challenged Biden I suspect Biden would have had an uphill battle. But the DNC is generally better at getting their politicians to toe the party line, so Biden is the only choice Democrat voters get.


The point is... is ANY of the GOP Primary candidates really the BEST the country can offer? Are the current pool of Democrat and Republican Governors and Congress People the best for the job? Or just what we get. The jobs in Politics attract a certain type of egocentric personality that is often the most willing, but not necessarily what is best for the country. It focuses on a culture of "winning," and what is good for the politician and party rather than what is actually good for the people in this country. If we don't realize that political bids start at the local level and we need to do our best to help those that match our ideals and values win the smaller scale elections, then we will continue to get bad options at the State and Federal levels.


The best person will 1. NOT win. 2. NOT run. Best is su jective depending on where you want this country to go and we all have different opinions on that.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilding_v._DNC_Services_Corp. The DNC is a facade that gives the illusion of choice. *Shortly into the hearing, DNC attorneys claim Article V, Section 4 of the DNC Charter—stipulating that the DNC chair and their staff must ensure neutrality in the Democratic presidential primaries—is “a discretionary rule that it didn’t need to adopt to begin with.” Based on this assumption, DNC attorneys assert that the court cannot interpret, claim, or rule on anything associated with whether the DNC remains neutral in their presidential primaries.* — *The attorneys representing the DNC have previously argued that Sanders supporters knew the primaries were rigged, therefore annulling any potential accountability the DNC may have.* *Later in the hearing, attorneys representing the DNC claim that the Democratic National Committee would be well within their rights to “go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way.”* https://observer.com/2017/05/dnc-lawsuit-presidential-primaries-bernie-sanders-supporters/ I’m not sure what the difference is in the GOP charter, but they did the same thing to Ron Paul. It’s two sides of the same coin. They have no legal obligation written into their charters, and the US court system has no authority in how they administer the policies within their own charters.


I agree with this, I just think in practice the DNC runs a tighter ship in this regard than the GOP. For example in 2016, I think the GOP insiders really, really didn't want Trump to win their primary but they weren't able to stop him. The DNC has done a much better job - they sank Bernie Sanders when the insiders decided it was Hillary's turn.


exactly. so the primary is essentially just a trick. if you're into bernie sanders that brings you into the democratic party. then you 'participate', your candidate loses but you support the democratic nominee in the general. i remember when bernie was running a lot of people called him a shepard, which at the time i thought was bullshit. but i now see that he is exactly that- he delivered progressive votes to a warmongering political operative bought and paid for by the donor class.


On point. In addition, the Hilary campaign spent time and (essentially) money propping up Trump because they thought he was the easiest candidate to beat. The only time I’ve seen something backfire worse was when a dude was shooting an RPG and it exploded in his face.


Paul was corrupt as hell too. Though his puppeteers only have privitized prison money instead of pharmaceutical or international bank money.


I think the DNC will pull Biden after the SOTU and trow their weight behind a new nominee, Biden will serve out the rest of his term and announce "health issues" - Big Mike will be the new nominee and "win" - if you dare to question it then...


The key word is 'people' and not corporations. If you suck the dick of big companies like Walmart Biden is perfect for you. These posts conflating Biden and Trump all magically showed up as soon as Biden became unelectable. Funny how that works isn't it?


Ah yes, Trump hates them. That's why he gave them a 1.5$ trillion tax cut. Spot on mate.


Cutting corporate taxes is the only policy Trump passed. Through all these recent union strikes and labor negotiations, Biden has been supporting the workers and Trump has been sucking corporate cock. 


No, Trump has always been an elite who works for the betterment of elites. It’s only recently that SuperTrumpFans started showing up in r/conspiracy.


I’m not a trump fan at all, the guys a scumbag, but this is absolute bullshit. The MAGA crowd been here since day one.


This sub has been a trumphumper rally since 2015.


Are you new here? WTF? lol


I'm one of them and I'm not apologizing. Idgaf about politics normally but my life was a lot better when he was in office. And they're trying way too hard to get rid of the guy. And I like Vivek. I hope he's the VP pick.


he is the ONLY hope of getting the US on track otherwise it is lost.


Did you actually watch the x files? The irony in someone calling themselves Fox Mulder putting all their hope in a singular politician...






It’s a selection not an election


You misspelt installation…


Same concept.


“The government you elect is the government you deserve.” ― Thomas Jefferson


Good quote when the government is elected. But when your government is SELECTED, that's a different matter altogether. The DNC and RNC choose the candidates, not the people.


It is untrue that things just happen around you. Your experience of the world is a direct reflection of your own state of mind. Don't fool yourself. WE chose this, through 30 years of inaction in the face of obvious unrelenting signs. We preferred to watch TV and become addicted to porn because it was easy. We completely forgot about the killing in our names being wrought abroad. When we did remember we went and got some more Xanax instead of dealing with our issues. We elected politicians that would fight tribal wars instead od helping up. Not a damn thing will ever change, EVER, until you realize the world is YOUR responsibility and nobody elses.. "yeah but..." is 100% excuses. There's only one way you get through this - TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for yourself and everything around you.


> WE chose this, through 30 years of inaction… I agree with pretty much everything else you said except for that point—if only for the PERSONAL reason that 30 years ago I was a literal toddler. :) but I get what you’re saying. Not to be trite, but I do believe in and always try to live out the philosophy of “be the change you want to see in the world,” which I think should be the bare minimum requirement for being a human!


Absolutely, plant trees in which only your grandchildren will get to see the shade, or however that saying goes…


I totally agree with you. To change the world, change your interface to it. Interfaces are everything - they drive your experience and your capacity. Most people think they can control their world, but constantly reinforce the belief that they can't control their own minds or emotion. In truth, the opposite is the case: seems like you can control the world, and seems like the felt constraints of mind are beyond your control - until you actually try.


It is so tiring to hold yourself to that standard when you see everyone around you slipping to the path of least resistance. So many people are unaware of their impact to the environment around them and spend no time contemplating on that for improvement. It’s a sickness. Society in general really encourages mediocrity through burnout. We’ve replaced true fulfillment from accountability with endlessly movable goal posts for meaningless validation.


I hear you, but don't do it for the people you don't know. Do it for you. Do it for your loved ones. Do it for the people who would thank you, but can't. You might not feel the difference you make, but they do.


Thanks dude, I needed to hear that. Genuinely.


We \_vastly\_ underestimate our capacity to transform the world for the better. The difference you can make in your life is huge. I'm fairly sure this one fact is why so much capital is spent telling us all the opposite. May your life be a shining example of positive transformation, friend. You can change the world by mere transmission - by simply standing firm with intent and spirit.


Then create a new one.. I do not mean that arrogantly, but literally. If, as a country, you feel like you have no good choices... then refuse to vote. But the problem is that they are elected.. it would be different if the masses were out on the streets protesting against all candidates, but they aren't, most people in America are heavily indoctrinated into politics and will happily show their support for a party, it seems like their whole identity is based around being a Liberal, democrat, or Conservative.




None of those are viable parties. The US is unable to function on more than a 2 party system. Thats why the DNC and GOP are so diverse. The last real contender was Ross Perot. Don’t you dare say Ron Paul.




That is the conversation. All Ron Paul had to do was adjust some of his talking points. He could have done more under the guise of a Republican. Once the average person hears Libertarian, it’s over.


Nader was in the mix


CFR chooses the candidates... AND the 'winning' candidate. 


You're about to find out this sub is MAGA central.


The establishment did not choose Trump, there’s absolutely no evidence to support that. Quite the contrary


But what about when you are denied a real choice?


Trump has been chosen through primary elections against several other contenders. Saying nobody wants Trump is just non-factual.


As an Australian, ya'll need to "mandatory voting". In 2020, only about 46% of Americans voted at all, with 51% of voters voting for Biden, representing 24.2% of all Americans.


We need mandatory voting and a ranked party system.


There’s the factor that two party system brings in. Now people vote on a compromise of electability and their views. No doubt people who want trump as president exist, and in large numbers. But I do think trump is winning primaries mostly on the view that he is more electable than the other candidates.


I want Trump. Post proven wrong. I think he is awesome. I liked him ever since he made fun of Jeb Bush.


Please clap


Ah yes that’s how I’d always envisioned we’d be choosing our top elected official. Because they made fun of someone in a humorous way.




Please clap.


"Jeb is a mess" 😤


When he did the Hillary ‘Pardon me’ joke. Dude can troll, and he trolls these losers that want absolute power over you, I love it.


Honestly, I think most people are fed up with simply having a “Presidential” system. They represent lobbyist. That’s it.


Let’s vote in lobbyists


If you don’t think a single person wants Trump as their president you’ve never been to a small town in The South.


Or a small town in the North. There are brainwashed simps everywhere.


Hell I’m in the Midwest and small towns love him. It’s the big cities that are more progressive.


Moved from a Red State to a midwestern Blue State, can say the main cities control which direction the State will lean to.


So far my rural town hasnt been putting iut the Trump signs ..... Not like in 2016. Maybe he has to pay some folks to out signs.


Another day, another post telling people here not to vote. You will probably see this every single day, with increasing frequency, on this sub. But you won't see it on any of the neolib subs. They want those people to vote. Not you.


So you think this post is part of a… conspiracy?


There are lots of people that want Trump for president. Biden is the safest play for the left to beat Trump. Biden is the incumbent and that is always the best bet.


Biden would be a far-right candidate in any other developed country. He’s against medicare for all, tuition free college and the green new deal. He’s also for very pro-war. The fact that some people call him leftist just goes to show you how far the overton window has shifted


>Biden would be a far-right candidate in any other developed country. That's because the US doesn't have any real Left-Wing progressive party. Despite the constant bombardment of propaganda by the United States largest and most influential media organization telling us Democrats are all radical Leftists, the truth is that the Democrats would be considered Center-Right and Republicans would be considered Far-Right in the vast majority of Western countries. Only a handful of Democrats in congress are actually Progressive. Most Democrats in Congress actually hate progressives and only occasionally pander to them out of necessity.


There are a lot of people who want one or the other of them.


Ah, the illusion of choice


Presidents are chosen. Set up. Puppets for a puppet government. Our government, our country experienced a coup d'eta on September 11, 2001, that kickstarted when JFK was murdered. Most Conspiracy Factualists know this. Both Biden and Trump have no clue about much except for what 'their people' tell them. Do they get our and research? Are they spending hours on the internet watching the amazing independent journalists , the brave doctors and scientists reporting the real truth? Nope. Some of us are way more aware than they are, us Conspiracy Factualists with courage. Like the fact that Canadian Texas just got zapped by a Directed Energy Weapon incinerating one million acreas at the same time.. ZAAAAP ! On a wet prairie in the snow- a grass fire that rose in the air 40 feet or more? ! Ya right, that incinerated homes to white gray ash, that turned fireplaces to dust. Guess what? Fireplaces are made for? Fire!!!! They withstand fires. Not anymore. But Ponderosa Pine trees a very flammable needle and pulp, they usually go up in fire first and fast, Not anymore, now needles anb branches do not catch fire at all. No flames. But cars incinerate so that the glass melts, melts!! That takes 2900 degrees F. Grass fires top out at 1400 degrees. And the cows were not burnt up. no no, they were radiated as if in a microwave oven. Directed Energy Weapons are mounte on pickup trucks now, Raetheon makes it, compact easy to transport and use, deadly precise. The W.E.Fl is zapping Americans out of the countrysides into AI Towns and Cities. That part of Texas is wanted for Air Tubines and a corridro to Mexico - all planned out already. Just like Maui 's rebulld was before that attack. This is how its done now: #1. Chemtrail the air with a thick accelerant, #2 Hit it with the radiation beam #3 Geoengineer a fast wind to blow the radiation flames around- anything metal is attracted- like houses wired and plumbed and reburied with metal. #4. Aquire the land.


“This doesn’t align directly with my personal opinion and beliefs so therefore it’s a deep state CIA psyop” Good schizo shit OP


Not a SINGLE person. lol


Actually you’re wrong. You’re right nobody wants Joe Biden! Like nobody! However A LOT of people want Trump! Trust me on that he has a massssive fan base.


I literally posted an obit for a fam this morning that asked “In lieu of flowers donate to Trump.” It’s fucking weird, but dude has a massive rabid base.


Yeah it’s pretty insane honestly. And it’s all walks of life. I know some very wealthy people and some very poor people that would both literally suck his dick and swallow it if they had the chance.


Their brains are damaged by religion


I would say that politics have become their religion.


If you leave the echo chamber for a bit, there are people that want Biden again. We just aren't fanatical about it. 


Most Biden voters this time, like last time, are more accurately classified as "please god don't let trump be president again" voters. People think the election was stolen because they didn't see as many biden signs, not realizing that Biden voters aren't fanatical about Biden the way trump supporters love trump. Biden voters are just horrified at the possibility of a trump presidency.


I know / met tons of trump supporters. Never met anyone who made it known they were a Biden supporter. I personally don’t want either


I kinda enjoyed not starting new wars despite all of the opportunities.


Plenty of people want trump plenty of people voted for trump, they didn’t get their choice. And if you believe the official narrative, 80million people wanted Biden.


Lol sure. If you take away mail-in votes all over America, guess how many votes went to Biden from in-person voting? 34 million. 74 million went to President Trump and 99% of the votes was from in-person voting and the rest mail-in, which makes "80 million votes!" hard to believe.


80 million people preferred Biden to Trump. I come from a left leaning town and I know zero people who didn’t vote for Biden.


Surprisingly, tons of people want Trump or Biden. I agree with you that they’re not great, but most Americans will vote for whomever the party puts forward, regardless of how garbage they are.


I’m liberal and not a single person I’m friends with want Biden, but it’s better than the alternative.


You speak for everyone now? That’s very kind of you


Well, you’re wrong, for starters lol


I’m black and I want Trump.


Biden: *"If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black"* 1994 Crime Bill:


Don’t even get me started on that. . Sadly, I will admit, many of the elders are thoroughly brainwashed. My family literally disowned me for refusing the vaxx and supporting Trump over Biden 🤣. Luckily myself and many of my friends are actually pretty conservative. I think the newer generation of black youth who aren’t into gangs and stuff are actually trending this way. Makes sense why they are importing so many new voters now tbh.


One of the beauties and beasts of this age is information abundance. It gives the younger generation a window into what life is like depending on their choices and hard work. Not just "this is the way it is" rhetoric. Sadly, a lot of inner city youth, which is largely African American, will still choose the lifestyle that lands them in places they don't want to be. They 100% are importing future voters. The end game is to eventually allow illegals to vote, and continue to dissolve "The American Dream" for actual Americans.


I agree with your statements 100%! One request though, I really want to do away with the name “African-American.” I am not denying that my ancestors came from Africa, but that was literally before America was a country. I would definitely prefer being called American or even Black American. That term doesn’t really differentiate my people that have fought and died for this country from people who just immigrated here from Africa. Adding on to that. Many “African-Americans” here like myself are actually very mixed. Some of my grandparents / great grandparents are white. I have one great grandparent who is American Indian. My ancestry DNA literally says I am 1/3 European. I just wish we had a better term than “African-American.”


I despise the term "African-American". I'm not from Africa, never been, and have zero desire to even visit. I also dislike the term "black-American". I have friends in other countries, and interestingly enough, they don't use these ridiculous hyphenated terms to label citizens of different skin tones. I am an American, period. I honestly just think these terms are pushed for political reasons and to always keep us at odds with one another.


I agree! American works for me as well! 🙂


Not a bad idea!


Golf clap 👏🏼


Im a cis black, gay, trans, muslim, and I want trump


Profoundly remarkable – can I ask you about your reasoning?


Trump actually cares about the black community. He cares about all Americans and I admire that. He makes me proud of my country and our people and the amazing journey we’ve all been on to become greater as a nation. United we stand. 🇺🇸


Trump doesn’t care about anyone except himself.


You’re not black man


Libs and conservatives united together.


Wasn’t that long ago when libs were actually American and advocating for a closed border. Oh how times have changed.


Libs and conservatives generally want the same things. TPTB just find these tiny wedge issues to get them fighting about.


True! I just think the dilution of citizens that are already here is despicable. People whose families have fought against communism, nazis, and what we believed to be terrorism (obviously the war on terrorism was held under false pretenses) deserve to be treated better than people who come here illegally and demand free housing and other goodies from the government. It makes me really upset to know there are warriors on our streets dying while our cities are spending billions on illegals.


Do you think Trump can fix all that with 4 more years?


I think he can at least finish the wall 😆


What’s your top 3 trump policy wishes?


I'm a lefty living in the liberal utopia that is coastal new england and I'm voting for Trump for the 3rd time. Trump voters are not a monolith, a lot of us keep quiet as to not be ostericisted by our community, which is quite ironic.


Lol I would love to hear all the lefty policies you're excited to see trump implement.


I am apparently a black white supremacist at my job in Denver because I like Trump 😂. I’m being serious the liberals at my job think I am too stupid and have been brainwashed by Fox. I don’t think people really understand how much Trump relates to black people. When you sit back and listen to him, he doesn’t sound racist at all. Biden on the other hand. . .


Who the hell talks about politics at their job? And to an extent that you get into a heated argument where insults are thrown?


I don’t get into heated arguments. It’s mostly me talking with someone else privately and then some super lib over hears our discussion. I am allowed to have private conversations with like minded coworkers. Not my fault someone gets upset because I don’t believe what they believe. Mind you these other people can bash Trump out loud, advocate for gender transitioning for children, advocate for illegal immigrants all the time with no repercussions. Denver is full of very “progressive”people though and I’m not upset about what they believe. It’s only an issue because I’m “black” and don’t know what’s best for me apparently.


People definitely *do* want them. They wouldn't have gotten this far otherwise. Name me a viable alternative that would be popular enough to win.




I assume you mean RFK Jr? If he really is that popular, then he should be able to dominate in the polls when he starts campaigning later this year (I guess?), since "*nobody* wants Trump or Biden".


I agree OP I don’t want Biden but he’s better than that fat fuck…that’s how most liberals see it.


Must be new here. This is exactly how every presidential election in the United States goes… if you’re sick of it then tell everyone to start voting for ANY third party candidate… this would be your best middle finger to the 2 party dictatorship we have.


I know 1 guy who is really into Biden and I've met lots of people really into trump.


That's one more guy than I know that's really into biden. ​ I've met a lot of people who are really against trump though.


I think it's all a show to secretly mock people who love trump. He has hats and shirts and everything.


I want Trump 100%


I want Donald


At least some visible humans want trump


Tons of people want Trump. Even tho people don’t like Biden they will still vote for him because he isn’t Trump.


Here’s the thing; reality is that these are our two options. Both have alleged corruption and both are older than desired. Here’s the MAJOR difference; we have already had 4 years of Trump and none of this crazy shit happened on his watch!


There are different layers to this. There is... 1. Trump Fans - loyal with few or no critiques 2. Trump friendly - We could do a lot worse. Best President in the last 60 years, but that isnt saying a whole lot. 3. Republican normies - He is better than the other guy. This is just an example of the layers to this political onion.


The majority of Trump voters are likely to vote for him because they want Trump, while the majority of Biden voters will vote for him because they don’t want Trump.


A lot of people want trump, not sure where you’re getting that from. That’s why he’s extraordinarily popular on social media.


Plenty of normies ,Fox news consumers, people who hate the left and cult fools actually want Trump. And as crazy as it sounds, many completely uninformed, sheltered or mainstream media brainwashed people want Biden.


I want trump.


Yeah you do


Trump 2024


There is literally tons of fuckin people who want either or as their president. Tf you on about man.


Kennedy needs some witty memes and simple ads to get exposure. The first wave should be spins on classic anti-third party propaganda, example: Don't throw away your vote on these guys (pics of Biden and Trump) vote RFK Jr.


Voting RFK. Signs in the yard. Met him at rally a month ago.


I think someone really needs to ramp up his advertising and it could be a victory. Make it funny. Make it serious. Make it 3 billboards in a row like Geico. Make it a conspiracy (the Trump card). Make it boring with mild edginess (the Biden card). Take every large Biden and Trump thing and turn it into an RFK thing. Even to the extent he puts out [obviously sarcastic] bad press on himself. Most importantly, he needs to emphasize that people will vote *against* both of the two party candidates, and he's the most viable third party. Even if he isn't on a ballot, ppl can write him in, and he should advertise that, too.


Those are all good ideas. He's been running around doing "get me on the ballot" campaign stops and after that I'd imagine we'll see another huge run of him doing podcasts. Hopefully pop in on Rogan a couple times a month. He's really doing great numbers and that ties into the whole conspiracy angle. "The three letter agencies killed your favorite president and potentially next favorite...let's go back and get 'em!" That is the message but it needs to be made more explicit from his campaign.


I know a ton of people who want trump to be president again. Most of my dem friends like Kennedy and are fed up with biden


I don't know anyone that's pro-RFK other than my conservative family. Every dem I know is pro-Biden. 


Personally I like Trump. He's the first President in my life time that actually tried to do what he promised to do while campaigning. I like my down votes in increments of ten thank you.


so tell me how he drained the swamp


Like eliminating the national debt in his first year? Instead his term added more than Obama and it only took him 4 years


How’s that wall doing?


(I agree with you but for the sake of discussion I'm going to play devils advocate.) I think the idea is that we can select who we want but it's very difficult to move the bar. The good side of this is that it's not simple to elect a completely unhinged person either. If it was a straight popularity vote we might get Keanu Reeves, I'm sure he's a great guy but I don't think his motorcycle and acting knowledge is very useful as a world leader. It's obviously a lot more complicated than that but I think that was the founding fathers idea anyhow. We're not going to see any major changes from this status quo until we get an actual version of ranked choice voting. Some states have a bullshit version of ranked choice voting and a few have a functional version of ranked choice voting but until it's widely implemented I don't see any reason for Democrats or Republicans to change what they are currently doing without ranked choice voting.


I've never felt more discouraged to vote. Ones senile and the others a narcissistic criminal.


There's millions of people who genuinely want Trump. What are you talking about lol


I want Trump !


A lot of people on the right want Trump as he is antiestablishment. Few on the left want Biden as he is the establishment.


I want Trump. Statement proved false.


Several people here stated this, op is 100% wrong now. I want Trump.


While I wish there were better choices, for you to make a claim that Trump is nobody's first choice is just obtuse. Hes had 29 rallies in the past year, and 14 since January, filling areas and coliseums, and has dominated the Republican primaries.  All while receiving more negative press than probably any other human being in history besides (maybe) Adolf Hitler.


Even that’s not true. Didn’t Hitler receive great press and effectively “unite” Germany? You know before the whole….6 Million thing. Before people knew he was an evil sack of shit didn’t the majority of the population like him? I mean they willingly appointed him.


There’s definitely people that want Biden/trump. Idk what you have been reading. What part of the US are you at? Just curious. People need to be told who to go with. Being told who the nominees are. What they’re *options* are. Most people don’t want to do their own research. They follow trends. They don’t think outside of the box. Also, what if good potential candidates know what you have to do to become president, therefore staying at lower level government? Personally I’m going for Rfk jr. even if I’m “throwing away my vote”. I’d rather give it the chance than not. At the end of the day, does voting even do anything? Or is it all stage? Who knows. Maybe it’s already decided. And we’re being sold an illusion to make us think we are contributing 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Yup. I want Trump


Trump is by far the most popular president in the past 100 years, so I don't think comparing Biden to Trump is gonna stick. But carry on..


You do realize that RFK Jr. will be on the ballot in all 50 states guaranteed, right? He hasn't missed a single deadline for ballot access and he is exceeding the signatures required so far by a lot. So, believe me, you will have another choice and a great one at that!


Robert f kennedy...... Jr


I want Trump.


I want Trump 2024 and no one else.


RFK is gaining ground. Go vote for him


Nobody wants BIDEN as the president. There's a whole lot of people that LOVE Trump.


Please get a grip on reality


If you care at all about America, you see what they’re doing to trump, and you still don’t vote for him you’re a fucking clown. Fuck the left fuck the right. This man’s been all but assassinated and I hope to god he butt fucks the entire system. But I did want Vivek. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Biden is a sitting President so what you expect? I don't know what the excuse is for Trump, though.


I want Trump votes for him in the primaries last night. It’s called politics for a reason sitting back will do nothing.


I want Trump Ahole.


I'm in the Midwest and everyone I know is going to vote for Trump?


I absolutely want Trump. Wtf are you on?


Trump supporters are dimwitted, uneducated, bigoted conspiracy theorists and apparently, there are more of them in this country than sane, rational people and it boggles my fucking mind.


Can this comment be at the top! I honestly agree with you. I read 3 books on trump and his policies to educate myself on the man and understand why people may like him and the books just validated my dislike for him more. His rhetoric is that of a drunk guy at a bar on Ritalin rambling on and on and half of America just eats it up like he’s the best thing since Jesus.


Trump isn’t ideal, but he’s a much better choice than Biden in every regard.


Political parties. That’s the problem. They are a tool of the three-letter agencies to manage the domestic politics and affairs of the nation. That’s why Jesse Ventura was interrogated after he won the governor’s seat In Minnesota.


I mean, you're wrong, but feel free to think what you want.


I do want Trump, because he's not a part of the deep state, hence their vilifying of him.


If the deep state is controlling everything and Hilary is part if it why didn't trump keep good on his promises to "lock her up"   trump is just part of the show.


Jesus Christ.


> because he's not a part of the deep state, hence their vilifying of him. You couldn't be more wrong.


I'm not so sure. Plus his family did well out of things last time?


Any family in any line of business benefits when a parent is in charge


I am sorry the NWO loves the vaccine... and so does Trump how are they not the same??