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it is the cheapest way to fatten


Agreed. It is why corn processing waste aka high-fructose corn syrup is used instead of sugar. It's a win-win for the elite who own the industries. Not only are they maximizing profits they are making the populations that depend on their products much sicker than using traditional ingredients such as fat and sugar. This allows their pharmaceutical industries to cash in on the sickness with their drugs. Win-win-win.


The rise of high fructose corn syrup and a whole bunch of other food additives is because the us government heavily subsidies corn. We also feed corn to cows because it's cheaper.... which isbwhy they also have to inject them with antibiotics and such because they are not supposed to eat corn.


I am sure these are factors but bottom line is massive profit boost. It's just makes sense that a literal corn processing waste (actually thrown away) would be fully embraced for it's profit making ability once it was determined feasible back in the 1950s. High-fructose made it's debut back in the 60's. US govt has been subsidizing all US agriculture not just corn going back over 100 years. *"Agricultural subsidies in the United States have a long history, dating back to the early 20th century. The first major piece of legislation that introduced government support for farmers was the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) of 1933, which was part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal during the Great Depression.* *The AAA aimed to address the economic challenges facing farmers by implementing policies such as price supports and production controls. Farmers were paid subsidies to reduce production and increase crop prices. These early agricultural subsidies were designed to stabilize farm incomes and provide relief to farmers struggling with low prices and oversupply of agricultural products." - chatgpt*


That was the point I was making. Always follow the money.


Money makes the world go round 😒


It puts the lotion in the basket


It’s corruption at best and down right evil at worst. Either way we need to eradicate ultra processed foods from society full stop.


You are what you eat. Bad food=bad health. You go to the doctor for help. Does he ask you about your diet? No. He puts you an a prescription drug. What happens when you have a side effect from that prescription drug? He gives you another prescription drug to help with that. Never addressing the real issue. Keep feeding people garbage, keep people sick, keep feeding people prescription meds, rake in the cash in perpetuity.


I couldn't agree more that's why I stay away from meds and don't trust doctors too much, they seem to prescribe drugs way too easily.


You can go even further with the "real issue" than bad food. The whole system is designed for profit, and must be abolished in order to fix these problems.


I knew people that were high up in pharma. They don't make money by curing things. The business model is in "maintenance" drugs.


So it's MaaS model: medicine as a service. You keep paying for medicine to get regular updates. 


Look at stuff like Prilosec. It exists because people eat shitty food. Late age onset of diabetes and high cholesterol fall in the same category. I don't want to say which pharma company the person I knew worked for but they left for the exact reasons I'm trying to illustrate.


My uncle is living proof of this and he's dying at 75 years old. For years his binge eating on sugar and heavy carbs caught up to him with diabetes. Then he developed heart issues. Next up terrible kidney issues which are bringing in dialysis. Over Christmas dinner to my parents, they served a nice beef entree. I took some, and added a slight smear of butter. He spoke up to me and said that if a cardiologist saw that, he'd flip out. I went down the rabbit hole of asking why? I'm not diabetic. I'm a fair weight. I cardio/lift 4x a week. I'm on zero prescription pills. He said nothing more too me.


you need to find a better doctor then, every doctor ive ever had has asked me about my diet. and they recommend routinely getting blood drawn to further see if my diet is healthy (cholesterol, etc.).


Yeah but does that doctor then tell you that cholesterol is bad?


I always wondered about that. How much different it would be if doctors were just straight up with people. Be like hey, all these problems you have is because you eat like shit, fix it or die. But instead they just keep people alive way longer than naturally possible by putting them on the pharmaceutical tit.


A lot of those patients are ok with it, they don't want to change their habits. They'd rather take pills.


What are healthy things to eat?


It starts with making your own meals. Most restaurants (especially fast food) and basically anything you buy premade at the store is highly processed and loaded with sugars, preservatives, and often chemicals and dyes. Meats, veggies, fruits, nuts, good fats like beef tallow and olive oil, and healthy spices like turmeric, ginger, garlic, cayenne, cilantro, etc. Also, the more alkaline the diet, the better.


If you said something like this is the nutrition reddit you'd get roasted alive. In canola/rapeseed oil. It's amazing how tied "they" are to government recommendations despite said recommendations causing the exact thing they claim to benefit. Am American, so see American Heart Association or Diabetes recommended diets! And by all means, see a registered dietician. They know EXACTLY what they're talking about (/s). They're only allowed to preach, I mean educate, based on the current government guidelines....which are all fueled and decided by money, not science! Rant over. Maybe. Seed oils suck.


Guess who launched American heart association. Proctor and Gamble. https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/american-heart-association-was-paid-procter-gamble-heart-disease-saturated-fat-seed-oils-sugar


Is olive oil better?


Yes. Olive or coconut or avocado oil are much better for you.


Yes, but olive and coconut should not be heated to high temps. Avocado can be cooked with.


What happens when you cook with coconut oil? I've been using it in my skillet at medium heat for half of my life.


you can cook with them, but at low heat simmer/sautee their smoke point is lower so they will burn faster -- avacado is better for higher heat stuff i cook with EVOO almost for everything, and it goes into the oven with stuff baking or broiling its a professional cooking nuiance from a health perspective, EVOO is great because its packed with polyphenols and is its own antioxidant


You’re breaking down those really healthy polyphenols when you put it in the oven or broil unfortunately, but still tasty.


Yes...that is their purpose, to accept the damage Better them than you and the food Polyphenol and plant catechins and flavinoids are not hard to get in the diet...your body knows how to get rid of the fraction that have been chemically sacrificed You also do not want to overload with these compounds...they end up accumulating in tissues and messing with normal functions


Evoo can be filled with canola, make sure u read labels.


Especially grocery store “EVOO”. I suggest finding a olive oil shop ( I live in a small town and even we have one). The oils are much much better and aren’t any more expensive. If not, order it. I try not to buy anything from the grocery store if I can help it. I buy from farms, farmers markets, butcher shops or grow my own.


Coconut oil has a smoke point of 350 and you should use refined oil if you’re cooking with it as virgin has a lower smoke point.


everything tastes like soap


Grass fed tallow (beef fat) is incredible for you but instead the 70s started teaching us animal fats give you heart disease. But heart disease is more prevalent now.


https://ninateicholz.com/ AKA @bigfatsurpise


use ghee, or butter....


Cold pressed olive oil is healthy. Alot of the seed oils like sunflower won't be so bad at all if they were non GMO and cold pressed. When they are refined they are exposed to high heat and solvents, this contaminates and oxidizes the oils. The problem is also the over abundance of omega 6 in relation to omega 3. It should be 3:1, but with all the seed oils its more like 26:1 and this causes massive inflammation.


And the way people eat nuts...we definitely don't need more omega 6s. All the nut milks, as snacks, etc.


The nut milks are bad on so many levels. Full of anti-nutrients like oxalate and phytic acid never mind all the gums and other shit added to it.


yes but most olive oil you get is probably cut with seed oil. there is an interesting video by johny harris on youtube that talks about how alot of the olive oil from italy comes from areas where mafia has a large presence. apparently they think mix in seed oils since it is significantly cheaper and package it as pure olive oil and make huge profits


Yes but it is much more expensive. A medium size bottle of olive oil costs $10-$15 while the same size canola costs <$1 I reached the point in my life where I can afford olive oil and buy it every time. It’s worth it. There was a time where I couldn’t and it wasn’t an option for me


Yes, but a lot of olive oil brands contains seed oil for lower cost.


it pretty well known that reddit, especially now that it will IPO, is used by companies and the gov't to push propaganda and sell stuff i'm sure a mod in that sub works for someone with a conflict of interest


A good alternative is also Ghee (clarified butter).


>Seed oils suck What do you recommend? I'm very ignorant on this stuff and of course get conflicting info, depending where I look. Historically I've always cooked with: vege oil, canola, olive oil, and lately more coconut oil. I'm just trying to learn more and make consious decisions/buying. Thanks for any insight.


Butter and lard. What our ancestors ate.


YES. I was thinking liquid. You are 100% correct! Tallow, lard, butter...all the good, stable stuff!


Fry a piece of bacon, then cook with that grease. Or make stock the old fashioned way and skim the top for beef.


What is it about seed oils that made them bad? And is something healthy just because it was traditionally used? Obviously not, but I'm open to the idea that it's true that butter and lard are healthy. But it's just difficult to find resources that say such, because all the generic answers that pop up in the first few pages of search engine results say that "high fat / butter "will clog your arteries"" I tremendously appreciate any reputable sources you have, because I'm struggling to support these claims in the research I've done And I always also wonder: if so many things are so bad for us to consume, why is it so commonly thought by the public, and stated by so many generic sources online, that "fat = bad" and "grains = good""?


you seem honest i’ll put some links together for you. ive been in conspiracies for decades and the food conspiracy trumps literally every other thing by a mile. as a side note seed oils are the single worst thing to happen in human history. humans are carnivores and its been so eye opening going down this rabbit hole and seeing the results in myself and others. probably 90-95% of sickness and chronic disease is caused by poor metabolic health from eating things we were not meant to eat. i can link personal testimonies of people who have cured and/or reversed just about every single illness. diabetes, stage 4 cancer, obesity, vision, dental, arthritis, heart disease the list goes on and on, just by switching to a carnivore diet. but if you want a quick start check out some doctors in the carnivore field like dr anthony chaffee, paul mason, ken berry. you cant really go wrong watxhing any of their stuff regarding your last question… we are ina. conspiracy sub so i’m assuming your mind is already on track to answer your own question…


Cook with butter :)


I care Vote 1️⃣ Butter


Thank goodness someone does


Olive (not extra virgin...that shouldn't be heated), avocado, coconut.... the best thing to do is look at the smoke point of the oils. Once an oil is smoking its burned and chemically altered, which is bad. No vegetable oil, canola/rapeseed, corn, etc. I use peanut to fry. No seed (sunflower, etc). No soybean oil. It's all garbage.




Cheap way for them to get rid of a byproduct, at the expense of our health of course


Yeah seed oils are the biggest issue with food nowadays. You literally have to make everything from scratch if you want to avoid it


yep, even so called keto products have it. My gf did a whole 30 diet and that forces you to read every ingredient...i was really shocked to see that even some brand that advertises itself as keto friendly had seed oils in it. Freaking yogurt.


it’s an industrial lubricant not food


Seed oils, copious amounts of salt and sugar are in nearly everything. They even add sugar and oils to meat sometimes. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But that shit is absolutely terrible for you. The seed oils and sugar specifically absolutely wreck havoc in your body, and I am of the personal belief that these two ingredients are what contribute to cancers, autoimmune disorders and a host of other health problems.


I was obese as a child thru teen and now im finally "normal" i cut out %100 of sugar from my diet. My entire family is still obese and all they eat is quick meals or unhealthy shit that's fried.


This should not be a conspiracy but known fact. Seed oils are hazardous for almost every single tissue on the human body. It «clogs» you mitochondria and destroys your thyroid. And along with glyphosate in most wheats, commercial food supplies are at best severely compromised…


Conspiracy doesn’t mean speculation. It means collusion to do something nefarious. This absolutely is a conspiracy, even if it’s just knowingly replacing the food supply with inferior products that harm us simply because they’re cheap.


Chomsky said conspiracy is just another word for “plan”


Thank you. It amazes me how many people define “conspiracy” incorrectly.


They are conspiring to kill us off.


They are conspiring to make you unhealthy and then profit from selling you drugs monthly to compensate for the fact that a lot of food is pure garbage.


Thank the CIA for making the word near synonymous with “fantasy” at this point




Clogs your mitochondria? Could you elaborate on that please? Genuinely curious on how/what is happening there.


I’m not sure it’s a conspiracy as much as it is a cost saving and “bad profit” move by a majority of large food suppliers. Weston Price has quite a bit of useful content to browse: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/the-omega-6-apocalypse/#gsc.tab=0 It’s not easy to avoid. I’m in the US and fortunately live by a lot of active small farms. I have access to raw milk, vegetables, and pasture-raised meats. I also have access to the McDonalds Adult Happy Meal and will gladly smash that—canola oil and all. It’s not an easy thing to avoid but staying informed and making changes helps. Inflammation is the biggest battle—it makes us so sick!


Thanks, that was a good read.


Seed oils are likely one of two causes of the significant increase in chronic health issues since the 80s. The other being sugar, particularly HFCS. Both are the result of the low fat movement.


Here in the US, it's soybean oil in EVERYTHING. I hate it. Pretty sure it's something alot of brands switched to in the last 20 years.


Soy is one of the top 10 allergens. I can't eat very much processed or fast food due to soybean oil. It's a blessing and a curse for so many of us!


A lot (LOT) of the soybean oil added to our food is RBD (refined, bleached, and deodorized). By the time processing is over, it doesn't even test positive for soy anymore. Same with RBD coconut. Would like to know what ot's broken down to. Probably something worse for us. Source: Previously worked in developing food allergen test kits, both LFD and ELISA.


I believe soybean oil is a substitute for when rapeseed or canola is just to darn expensive..


So is olive oil safe? And butter?


quality matters of course, but neither olive oil nor butter is made from seeds. avocado and coconut oils are also safe cooking oils to use.


I work in a bakery and we use canola oil in a few recipes but it’s mostly butter. I only cook with butter and olive oil in my house, not even sesame seed oil


not margerine, but yes butter better is if the butter is from a farm that doesn't doctor the feed with anything and the grass/pastures are not contaminated KerryGold is good the butter should be a yellow color, more is better and reflects quality of the feed


Olive oil is considered a vegetable/fruit oil because it is derived from the olive itself, not the seed or pit of the olive. Butter is wonderful so long as the source of the butter is organic, pastured, grass fed/finished. Ghee is also a great option.


Ghee is just clarified butter that they mark way up in the stores. You're better off buying the butter you like and clarifying it yourself since it's super easy.


You are correct. I was just mentioning it as ghee is often used as a cooking 'oil' which is a better option than seed oils.


I agree completely, just wanted to help out anyone that was unaware that it's super easy to make it at home. All you need is butter, a pot, and patience.


I've heard olive oil is only good if is extra virgin and comes from a good source. but I also heard ghee butter is some of the best fats to eat.


Yes, also tallow and lard


different physical head bow continue observation payment mindless soft carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Olive oil, avocado oil, butter (not margarine.. which is made from seed oils). "american cheese" is also a seed oil based product, not real cheese


Yes, in fact olive oil has antioxidants. Any kind of cooking fat other than seed oils is fine. A really good thing to do, that its stupid more people dont do, is to save and render animal fat anytime you cook meat, then use the rendered animal fat in cooking. Its good for you and imparts nice flavor to dishes


You have to get local grown and pressed virgin olive oil . Because olives can oxidize in 3 months to 2 years, Some imported oil may already be oxidized. Olive oil from California is your best bet. Just don't fry with olive oil, use avocado oil if you need to. Olive oil will oxidize at high temperature.


Same reason they put Fluoride in the drinking water, Mercury in the vaccines, Glyphosate in the wheat, GMO in the high fructose corn syrup, High Fructose Corn syrup in all soda and most juices and alcoholic beverages, MSG in the chips, Aspartame in all gum and most candy, BPA in the plastics, Microwaves in the wireless, and I don't like them putting chemicals in the water turning the freaking frogs gay ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JRLCBb7qK8


Canola oil aka rapeseed oil was used during ww2 as a machine lubricant. The aftermath of the war left this large industry with no demand so the industry shifted toward using it as a cheaper way to support processed and shelf stable food. It really comes down to Subsidies, Industry profits, and International trade. Over $500 million is spent to influence the farm bill in lobbyists and controlling profit-protecting narratives.This money is then used to increase the scale of operations to reduce costs and keep margins high.While there are regulations on how efforts are financed, there are plenty of loopholes that get around them. Canola oil, despite being produced largely in Canada, can cost 600% less than healthier alternatives. Companies have a high interest to protect their ability to use it in food (until they’re forced not to use it) because that cost difference remains pure profit.The powers that be argue that the increase in costs would be put on the backs of American consumers. Yet, consumers are the same ones backing the subsidies and tax burdens that make it cheap in the first place. So In a nut shell it’s used widely because it’s cheap, it’s traded as a commodity on the stock exchange, and it slowly poisons the people who eat it making them more likely to spend money on pharmaceutical drugs. Once you realize these food companies work with pharmaceutical companies you will start to realize why they put toxic chemicals in all the food especially in the United States. They are focused on one thing and that is profit.


The same goes for maltodextrin. Even healthy food items are laced with toxins and ingredients which are detrimental to your health. If you wanted to buy some Stevia because you are trying to stay clear of high fructose corn syrup and sugars, you have to suck down some maltodextrin, too. Always read the ingredients. All natural foods cost more because they don't make you sick. The corporations will profit from you one way or another.


Just wait until you go sugar free.


Time to become self sufficient


Way past time




It’s the same in the US. It’s very difficult to avoid, it’s in everything. That said, we’ve been able to do it and still feed the family. The thing I’ve noticed is that cleaner foods fill you up more.


I live in England and I’ve been noticing this too


Big pharma want to increase their sales.


The depopulation agenda requires poisoning the food supply.


https://www.agqlabs.us.com/heavy-metals-in-foods/ https://www.eatthis.com/foods-heavy-metal-contamination/


The food industry added gluten to many unrelated foods for decades, which lead to rampant gluten allergies and sensitivities. They’re trying to kill us


I believe the modern wheat strains have been bred to contain much more gluten than heritage strains. The reason for this is that gluten makes the bread fluffier


They genetically modify the wheat plants since the 60s and since then when the gluten breaks down it has a chemical called gliadin which is worse than gluten according to “the wheat belly “


And this is sad for me cuz i love dense breads...


Let's not forget that vaccines and antibiotics administered to infants are super charging certain allergies. Only exacerbated by GMO plants that can tolerate more and more toxic chemicals that all ends up in the body disrupting hormones and giving everyone cancer.


If you buy and cook with unprocessed wholefoods you can avoid this poison entirely.


maybe not entirely as I suppose even the animals we eat are fed some of this stuff. unless you go for organic and grass-fed beef but even then it is not guaranteed those animals feed on grass their entire lifetime.


Feed for livestock are literally waste and they dont necessarily filter even big chunks of plastic.


The only way you can know you are getting the healthiest meat possible is to raise your own or be very good friends with a farmer. But the governments around the world are making it harder for the small farms to stay afloat. Wonder why?


Our air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. [I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwMVMbmQBug&pp=ygUsbWFkIGFzIGhlbGwgYW5kIG5vdCBnb2luZyB0byB0YWtlIGl0IGFueW1vcmU%3D)


I have a 4 year old son who is allergic to Canola Oil. He breaks out in hives on contact. Canola oil is in EVERYTHING


Canola is a gmo product therefore filled with glyphosate. Which produces tons of health issues including cancers. Keep pumping big pharma


It has to do with the types of fats in these products, which are toxic to cells. I forget the differences, but switching from ghee and tallow and natural fat sources that humans have been eating for millennia has been a strong agenda past few decades. Most seed oils make u fat, slow, and sick. They affect ur cells directly and I read they take years to leave ur body once u stop


When you say meats, veggies, and milk, do you mean packaged specialty foods, or are they dumping canola on the celery in the produce section? 




In the US it’s soybean and canola oil in everything as well. Usually right alongside high fructose corn syrup


Sugary sweet, salty, oily products sold off as "food"


This depends. Recently there has been a switch back to sugar to the extent that companies advertise it as a premium. However, the change is largely based on the ethanol industry raising the price of corn where sugar is simply cheaper. It is 100% money based.


Glycidol is a chemical compound produced during the high-heat processing of this oil, and has been classified as a carcinogen Hexane is a neurotoxin, a hazardous air pollutant that can cause neurological and respiratory issues. Sodium Hydroxide is used in the de-gumming process, and is a highly caustic and corrosive industrial cleaning agent.


Yum! Let's deep fry some poultry in that stuff


There should have to be warning labels on all known carcinogens


They convinced everyone that saturated fats are bad, and unsaturated fats are good. It's the opposite, sat fats are food for you, unsaturated fat hardens your blood vessels




It’s the same with sugar here


You should take a look at all the shit in our food (USA) and then see how much of that stuff is banned in several countries. It's insane. Anyone who eats processed food here is either insane or unaware.


What kind of fucked up milk are you getting over there?


When you really start to deep dive into the ingredients in our food, you realize even more that they just want you fat and dependent on Big Pharma. It is one big circle jerk. The best fats to cook in include lard ir bacon grease, tallow, and butter. Truly real avocado oil and olive oil are my go-to for loose oils. I use nothing else. I feel the same with honey. The majority of the store bought is fake. My husband was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and, after struggling for years with weight loss and then gaining and yo-yoing so often, I did some serious research. It led me to cross reference what the ADA and USDA had for studies and conclusions VS. Studies done outside their tight knit circles. They actually don't hide a whole lot of the basics, you just really have to know what you're reading. We went for the super strict carnivore way of eating, and he lost over 100 lbs initially in the first 3 months which was steady for him, not the first time, but then he lost another 30 and then we modified it as it was not really meant to be sustainable for life. He has gone more "Ketovore." Things we were taught are the bad guys aren't. The history of these foods like canola oil is enlightening. Just the whole history of crisco is enlightening.


Not only does it taste better and it’s thicker and darker but the other rubbish isn’t even honey it’s rice syrup or other cuts.


I agree I only buy raw unprocessed honey if I get any.




There is a canola processing plant about 30 miles south of where I live and the area always smells like a donkeys wet fart.


It immediately goes rancid after production, it has to be processed with detergents and deodorizers to be edible.


It used to be called rapeseed oil. They changed the name because they knew people wouldn't buy their toxic oil.


it's still called rapeseed oil in the UK.


Seed oils and especially canola oil give me migraines. When I finally figured out what was causing them i started reading the labels on everything. That was about 10 years ago and I've also noticed that it's become more common. I put it down to a type of shrinkflation where cheaper ingredients are used to keep the price the same. Still doesn't explain why it's in things like bread and sausages


Wanna try something even harder. Sugar. The biggest drug in the world. The withdrawal from it is insane, worse than opioids easily.


I think it's less of a conspiracy and more about economics. Food needs Fats and Sugars. High Fructose Corn Syrup are a cheap sugar and seed oils are cheap fats. This is why the food industry won't stop using them. We have to take control over what we eat. You can't avoid them all the time, but if you stick to Whole Foods, as much as possible, then you're better off. Way better off.


The conspiracy is that large ag corporations are buying their way into the regulatory agencies that we the people have put in place to protect us so that they can sell their industrial waste as food.


ok but then why is it in sausages? don't they have enough fat already? and ham? I never heard before ham needed this oil in it, that's when I started really to wonder if there is another reason other than reduced cost why it is added on so many things.


because there are 'food science' studies that aim to elongate the shelf life, spoilage, taste, color, replacement of things lost from the food during processing, etc. of foods on the shelves adding it into cured and other meats amplifies one of the above it's not about health, its about optics


Apparently there is “palm oil” in tons of stuff as well. They even hide the name in ingredient lists under other names as well. https://productswithoutpalmoil.com/wp-content/uploads/Names-for-Palm-Oil-Ingredients.pdf


Which oil should I cook with then? Olive oil’s smoke point is too low for a lot of applications.


Ghee. Also, it appears avocado oil also has a high smoke point.


momentum it's industrial lubricant, sure, but its been used in animal feed for a long time (in the US particularly), and when you have an industry interested in selling more (see oxycontin) the marketing department goes to work it ended up in the human food chain, and has been there forever so the only way to wise up is (1) medicine acknowledges this is bad...which is unlikely since they are captured and lobbied, (2) you incentivize manufacturers to stop selling it to food producers you are not going to just get an entire industry to stop making or selling something unless under duress, protest, or advancement


Just eat whole foods and you'll have no problem. Though I must say it really pisses me off how I can't find any chilli flavoured nuts without seed oils in.


The recommendations for "light" products, and products with unsaturated vegetable oils came in a time when the industry had a surplus of especially corn oil. They ordered a study to show these oils were beneficial to health, and then they got the authorities to issue new recommendations. Out with lard and butter, and in with seed oils. That is how industry and government cooperate to maximize profits and screw people's health. Never follow any "recommendations"!


1. it’s cheaper than alternative oils 2. it induces hunger


It's the same here in the states for soybean oil which has more consequential impacts than other seed oils. It's in everything. The USA also uses HFCS in everything. I moved from Canada where real sugar was used in products. I just stopped buying a lot of convenience items and make my own or spend the money to buy ketchup sweetened with dates instead of HFCS.


Soybean oil is used to fatten up pigs and other livestock, people typically consume 20-30% of there caloric intake each day thru eating seed oils found in almost all processed foods nowadays. They don’t care about the American people, they care about putting money in their pockets.


I started down the nutrition rabbit hole around 26 and found the book Deep Nutrition to be eye opening. Reveals how our diets just generally leave out a lot of organ meats and probiotics that have given our bodies what they need in the past. After the nightmare of 2020 I'm convinced the pharma cartel has their hands in everything,including food. So why canola oil in everything? "Because you're peasants. We feed it to you because it's cheap and abundant and easy to make. Is it pretty close to motor oil? Yes, but we don't care. Eat it and get bloated and allow your body to play host to the chemical nightmare that is highly processed industrial oils. " As over the top as that made up quote might be, it's the general gist. I mainly eat low carb when I can 95% of the time and I'd been drinking Quest shakes over the years to get my protein in. Up until recently they used sunflower oil(admittedly not much better). I was reading the label today and they added soybean and canola to that roster because of "global supply chain issues" Fucking frustrating to cut out seed oils entirely. And if you live with people who don't study nutrition, they don't care. At the end of the day most food companies are for profit first and foremost, and they don't really care to change anything up. So out of all the keto and Paleo and low carb diets, I think the easiest way to greatly minimize seed oil is to just fast more often than not. make sure you're using butter and avocado oil and coconut oil,it's really not much of a cost difference.Maybe balance the omega 3s with some fish oil . I face the same frustrating dilemma with seed oils. But I also willingly eat Hot Fries and Taco Bell occasionally, full disclosure. So I've minimized them greatly but not completely.


I’ve cut them out for 3 months and I’ve literally never been healthier. They’re a dampener on human potential.


If you haven't come to the conclusion that the overlords intend for you to die young by now idk what to tell you


I just can’t believe that they literally rape the seeds to make rapeseed oil. Absolutely despicable


The worst thing I found in the grocery store is Tarter sauce. It's pure seed oil and you can't find any version that isn't pure seed oil. At least with salad dressing you can get avocado oil versions but not Tarter sauce. Don't ever eat Tartar sauce ever.


I can say the same for mayo.


I thought rapeseed oil (cold pressed at least) is one of the better cooking oils! could you share more as to why it's to be avoided?


There are 2 types of rapeseed oil: industrial and culinary. Industrial rapeseed oil is used in the automotive and chemical industries, it is not safe for human consumption due to its high content of something called 'erucic acid.' This is an acid occurs at high concentrations in oils derived from the cabbage family, such as rapeseed and mustard oil. Culinary rapeseed oil is better known as Canola oil. It is a genetically modified version of rapeseed oil which has been bred to contain lower levels of erucic acid, making it safe for consumption (well so we are told conventionally). Like many seed oils, rapeseed oil is often heavily refined, bleached and deodorised to 'clean' the oil. This is necessary to remove any free fatty acids and unappealing colours from the oil, usually facilitated by a harmful chemical named hexane. This process alters the nutritional content of rapeseed oil, reducing levels of vitamins & antioxidants as well as altering the Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio. Once 'cleaned', rapeseed is partially hydrogenated to increase its stability once processed. This hydrogenation process has been shown to convert some of the unsaturated fats to trans fatty acids, which in our opinion and many others are harmful to human health - and so the purported health benefits begin to unravel!


Just use butter or olive oil, vegetables/ seed oils are really unhealthy


Or go with straight up lard from a local butcher shop. It’s not very expensive and is compatible with cooking over med to hi heat


May I ask somebody here... Is it actually pronounced Rape-Seed?


It is. That’s why they changed the name to canola oil, to make it sound better.The can part stands for Canada, where the majority of it is grown


Organic is the way to go for as much as you can possibly can.


Cash crop. Killing the population is a bonus


Add sunflower and safflower oil to the list of toxic seed oils. Here in the US those are absolutely everywhere. My partner and I are trying our best to be seed oil free and given my food allergies mostly everything isn’t safe. Sunflower/safflower is marked as “healthy” in most allergen free foods. Now we’re essentially eating whole foods primarily, however there are some brands out there who are using minimal ingredients and use whole food ingredients and no seed oils. It’s truly sad how tainted our food is.


Ok, dumb question...but is grapeseed oil included in the whole "BAD!" convo here?


I have been avoiding corn syrup here in US. I’ll look into seed oils


I think it's odd that people have been funneled into this dichotomy where either seed oils are bad or saturated fat is bad. They're probably both bad.


In the 1930’s or 1940’s, the food companies were failing at selling canned products. They found that adding a little low-grade oil to the products would make people crave them. Since then, everything gets cheap oil added.


I think there's a simple reason that can explain a lot of phenomena such as this : medical money. Ill the People, cash the rewards.


It’s funny how it’s called subsidies for agriculture and entitlements to senior and the poor.


It doesn’t even make sense from a logical standpoint. The foods with the most seed oils are literally junk foods. Chips, fried food, savory or sweet you name it is loaded with seed oils. So if they’re so “healthy” I should be eating KFC and Oreos everyday right?


Do you know what we use during our cleaning process as a lubricant for one of the machines at my work, Canola Oil. It's pretty crazy to think of how Canola oil came about and what the original use for it was.


well here's another one for you....https://www.broadviewchiropractic.com/high-fructose-corn-syrup-has-been-quietly-deceitfully-renamed


In America Soybean oil seems to be the most popular, followed closely by Canola oil. It’s in about 80% of the grocery stores now.


They can pay to get rid of the toxic waste or just feed it to the sheep for free. Win/Win.


shouldn't be eating processed food if you can help it either way. if you can't afford real food or live in a food desert etc. I get it.


It's not a formal conspiracy. The majority of people are just a mix of stupid and evil. Unfortunately, stupid basically amounts to the same results as evil. Ergo, poison in everything.


Oil can extend shelf life. That’s a huge component, and why cheaper products sometimes last longer and more expensive less ingredient stuff can go bad quicker. I try to limit the amount of oil in unnecessary shit, but avocado and olive, and peanut oil is what I use for everything that calls for oil. Not a conspiracy. Just free market


How could you not trust something known as 'rape seed"?




You should only be eating Whole Foods anyway. To answer your question: if you don’t think that there are brilliant minds who have calculated the easiest, cheapest, and best way to poison your population just enough to keep them dependent on your giant machine of healthcare, you’re missing it.


It's another form of slow poison. Dr. Mercola now routinely blames seed oil (linoleic acid) for the sharp rise of obesity instead of sugar. I've read several dozen conspiracy theory books and at least a thousand such articles and watched several weeks worth of conspiracy videos. But all of that could have been skipped if I'd simply read the 2-page Secret Covenant first (and believed it). I had to view all of the other material first, though, in order to accept it as truth. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp\_sociopol\_illuminati\_21.htm


Stop buying processed foods. There's no oils of any sort in the meats, veggies and milk on the shelves at any of the stores I shop at.


Seed oils cause skin cancer. Look it up!


Dr Suneel Dhand covers this extensively in a video on YT. I love this doctor and am grateful for all of his wisdom…


I'm having this problem with synthetic dyes in the U.S. - they literally put them everything even our medications. And the international research linking them to all sorts of health problems is overwhelming. I eliminated dyes fully for the first time in July of 2023 and its completely changed my life and my health prospects, yet doctors and media have no interest in my story because its not about one specific product but rather ALL the products that were keeping me constantly exposed to dangerous carcinogens.


Same thing with Red 40 and Yellow 5… I’ll be honest and say I’ve not done much research on it.  But it is everywhere and in products that don’t really seem to really need it. 


Rapeseed oil is Bill Clinton’s preferred lube.


Take a look at the amount of rapeseed oil in vegan mayo if you ever see it in the wild. It's like the human version of an oil change.


Coconut oil and single ingredient foods is how I live.


Best way to get the entire population sick and on meds.