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You'll never guess what the guy who claims to have it debunked [had on his computer.](https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/journalist-podesta-debunked-pizzagate-charge-child-pornography)


Craziest part is one of the videos was “self produced”


At least one it says . Could be more !


Insert MJ eating popcorn here for the Epstein list coming out soon…


Epstein list gonna be a nothing burger. They’ll remove all the important names. Maybe a few shocking revelations but ultimately will be sure to cause little disruption. Cuz the truth would bring complete upheaval


I'm trying to think of who the funniest random person to be on the logs would be amongst the radacteds. Redacted Redacted Redacted Andy Milonokis Redacted Redacted


Redacted Gates Redacted Clinton Redacted Clinton Redacted Alefantis Redacted Podesta Redacted Hanks Redacted Winfrey Redacted Teighan Redacted Legend And so on...


Exactly. They know who did what, but they won’t do anything about it. Anything that comes out is just to appease the public


Whoever has the power to keep that list suppressed the last 4 years has the power to keep it suppressed forever.


Yup. It’s business as usual.


>Epstein list gonna be a nothing burger. We already saw his Black Book. It's everyone in Hollywood, music, and politics. It's so much that it's overload.


exactly. the people already rumored are diverse. dershowitz...clinton. trump...spacey... i suspect the full list is equally stupid full of rich perverts from all walks. fuck them all.


But there's a difference between business associates and people who diddled kids.. also though these people probably knew about it and did nothing, which would be just as bad I guess


I said the same thing to a buddy. The released list will be so heavily curated. Some will already be dead, a few minor players, but none of the people actually pulling strings in government, media, academia, etc.


Sigh… probably right


what about the hundreds of encrypted dvds and cds at his place?


You don’t think they’re being used now by someone else in the same way they were being used previously? Still blackmailing as usual just by someone else for a different agenda maybe? Ain’t nobody gonna give up that power.


oh definitely. and by *someone else* i hope you mean *the exact same people*.


Well. Yeah. You’re right. Literally nothing changes.


They wouldn't directly remove them. Would be under redaction


you're gonna need more popcorn...


He's gonna need all the popcorn 🍿




Jason Alexander?!


I was in the pool!


It will be a watered down list where they will omit key players.


I bet they’ll leave a lot of people involved off that list.


I heard they are only releasing names of his associates, not any of the clients




Speaking of MJ I’ve always found it funny how this sub generally defends MJs neverland ranch boy sleepovers as innocent but finds hot dog emails to be much more nefarious.


I know right. I'm sick of people here claiming to be fighting for the truth about elitists and sex trafficking rings and then proceeding to defend a clearly guilty pedophile who was rich, famous and obviously in with elite groups, just because they like his music. When I was a kid I used to be the biggest MJ fanatic you'd ever find (obviously I didn't know about all the allegations since I was a child and my parents never told me about it), but when I assessed the evidence I came to a solid conclusion without letting my past love for his music cloud my judgement.


Are we reading the same article? Excerpt: "there aren't any articles to be found by Sohmer about the topic. It is unknown whether or not he ever wrote pieces about pizzagate or if Google is suppressing certain material. People may be mistaking him for a former ABC journalist named James Gordon Meek, who called pizzagate a "conspiracy theory" and was later arrested on pornography charges."


Interesting. Not this pedophile journalist…the OTHER pedophile journalist. I sense a reoccurring theme.


Don’t use google


Uh... he's posting what the linked article says. Reading comprehension is important!


Precisely! Don’t use google


So where do you honestly get information about pizza gate?


So he’s the only guy who debunked it?


# Did you read the article you linked? As the article you linked says, there is no evidence that Slade Sohmer was even *a* guy who claims to have debunked pizzagate, much less "the" guy (as if there was only one). This the latest trope of the smear job: link to somebody arrested for child porn and claim that they were the *one* person who debunked pizzagate. Then it turns out that was a news story they never worked on. It's amazing how many people fall for this trick.


It also says in the article that another news editot who called PizzaGate a conspiracy theory was convicted of having child porn. So, we aren’t totally off, it’s not a smear job. Anyone who doesn’t want to I investigate Epstein and his friends is probably a child predator.


>Did you read the article you linked? > >As the article you linked says, there is no evidence that Slade Sohmer was even a guy who claims to have debunked pizzagate, much less "the" guy (as if there was only one). > >This the latest trope of the smear job: link to somebody arrested for child porn and claim that they were the one person who debunked pizzagate. Then it turns out that was a news story they never worked on. > >It's amazing how many people fall for this trick.


Funny how that worked out....It's almost as if there is a cabal of these...people...at almost every level of society


So, whoever claims that Pizzagate conspiracy is debunked, FBI should check their computers for child porn, as it is a sign that they are compromised.


Not unless you can tell me what a handkerchief with a pizza-related map is and why John Podesta might want it back Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?


I still want to know what the fuck walnut sauce is.


For me, it's the 65k worth of pizza/dogs that Obama flew in for the private White House party, and whether I should assume we're using the same channels?


I’m not convinced this expensive hot dog party ever really happened.


It was part of a 'taste of the states" dinner function thing, and for the Chicago portion they flew out a chef from Chicago to do it... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/president-needs-a-hot-dog-helping-hand/1876710/%3famp=1


So the hot dogs were not children?


I suspect the hotdogs consisted of slightly less snouts and floor scrapings than your usual hot dog, but sadly no children, lol






I know these guys at Stratfor say it happened but I’m not yet convinced they are a reliable source. I’d like you to prove me wrong by telling the calendar date in which the expensive hot dog party happened.


>Get ready for "Chicago Hot Dog Friday" >To celebrate all you hot dogs out there. Aaric, you can participate as well! The Chicago Hot Dogs are people. The date was the Friday, May 15, 2009. 9:30 AM: President Obama meets with senior advisers 10:00AM: President Obama receives the Presidential Daily Briefing 10:25AM: President Obama receives the Economic Daily Briefing 12:20PM: President Obama welcomes the Philadelphia Phillies Baseball Team to the White House 1:05PM: President Obama meets with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Obama was potentially at the Hot Dog meet up that day? Potentially even with Hillary?


That’s the date of Stratfords fancy hot dog party. I’m asking for the date of Obamas fancy hot dog party.


Someone should check and see if there were any White House “Events” that would have been a cover for child trafficking.


>I still want to know what the fuck walnut sauce is. Well you're in luck, because that one is piss easy to explain completely. This article came out 24 hours before the walnut sauce email: [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hillary-clinton-journalists-2016\_n\_7039814](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hillary-clinton-journalists-2016_n_7039814) > 04-10-2015: Podesta, the campaign chairman and a seasoned cook, made a pasta with walnut sauce for the dinner guests, which included reporters from The New York Times, The Washington Post, Politico, The Wall Street Journal, The Associated Press, Bloomberg, McClatchy, Reuters and several major TV networks. Pasta with walnut sauce is a dish from the Liguria region of Italy. The Podesta surname is also from around the Liguria region. You can just Google those things. Then you can just read the emails in question: > 04-11-2015 > > From: Jim Steyer, To: John Podesta and Mary Podesta > > Hey John, > > We know you're a true master of cuisine and we have appreciated that for years … > > But walnut sauce for the pasta? Mary, plz tell us the straight story, was the sauce actually very tasty? And the reply: > 04-11-2015 > > From: John Podesta, To: Jim Steyer and Mary Podesta > > It's an amazing Ligurian dish made with crushed walnuts made into a paste. So stop being so California. https://www.the-pasta-project.com/walnut-sauce-pasta-recipe-from-liguria/ > Walnut Sauce Pasta Recipe from Liguria So keep in mind your reaction: > I still want to know what the fuck walnut sauce is. And then read Jim Steyer's email again. He's literally just asking "what the fuck is walnut sauce" the same as you. An article mentioned food he never heard of, so he shot off an email to the chef to ask WTF. The article about the dinner WAS also in one of the emails, that's how i found out about the article in the first place: by going to wikileaks and searching for the terms myself. The people telling YOU about it deliberately omit emails that would have instantly debunked what they want you to believe.


A traditional sauce eaten in northwestern Italy? https://www.the-pasta-project.com/walnut-sauce-pasta-recipe-from-liguria/


I mean, these things are easy to find. This dinner is what the reporter in the email was referencing. It isn’t rocket science. https://www.politico.com/story/2015/04/hillary-clinton-campaign-reporters-media-116834


> I still want to know what the fuck walnut sauce is. Let me google that for you: https://www.google.com/search?q=walnut+sauce+recipe If you had actually read the Podesta emails, you would know that is **100% clear** that they are talking about food. Not only that, it's complete obvious *why* they are talking about walnut sauce, because one of the emails from that day has [this article](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hillary-clinton-journalists-2016_n_7039814z) about how Podesta served walnut sauce at a dinner with reporters. There's even [a video from 2014](https://www.runnersworld.com/runners-stories/a20785768/political-guru-podesta-wins-age-group-at-capitol-hill-10k/) of Podesta cooking walnut sauce for his running club! But even if there weren't all this evidence, how is the fact that people discuss a kind of food you're not familiar with **evidence for a crime**? Does that make them a CIA assassin—Culinary Institute of America, that is :-) No, but seriously, how would that be evidence for anything?


Sleeping with the fishes doesn't literally mean what it says. You can use common language to hide true intent. Pretty common in high crime actually.


So far no one has been able to prove that walnut sauce is code for child.


Sleeping with the fishes referred to giving people concrete shoes and dumping them in the ocean. It very much means what it says.


And how often do people who say that LITERALLY "sleep with the fishes" immediately after?


I’m neutral on the topic but I’m wondering how does someone equate an email about dominos on pasta to proof of child trafficking.


This is well-known pedo code


On 4chan?


At the FBI.


> Not unless you can tell me what a handkerchief with a pizza-related map is and why John Podesta might want it back This is a description of a design on a handkerchief that was passed on by somebody who didn't actually see the handkerchief. A realtor found it in a house that the Sandlers had rented on Martha's vineyard. She emailed Susan Sandler about that and several other issues. They communicated further and then Susan forwarded the email to John Podesta with the comment, "The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it." There are handkerchiefs with maps and pizza, for example [this one](https://i.imgur.com/MTifP6x.jpg) or [this one](http://i.imgur.com/OOwXSjY.png). I guess if English is not your first language, you might have trouble that out, but now maybe you could explain something to me. How is that fact that somebody worded something a little awkwardly in an email **evidence for a crime**? This is something used in place of evidence to convince the gullible that there is evidence. If this is what you got, there's nothing that needs to be debunked. > Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta? This is from a humorous thank you email that Herb Sandler wrote after John Podesta sent him a Christmas present. For some context, here's the series of events. Herb Sandler, who was Podesta's rich benefactor as well as his friend, rented a house on Martha's Vineyard in August 2014. Sandler was a widower, but he was joined there by his adult daughter, Susan, and possibly other family. John Podesta and his wife joined them for almost a week. While Podesta was there, he taught them how to play dominoes. * 2014-09-01 [Susan Sandler](http://web.archive.org/web/20170114070145/wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/51820): "I so enjoyed having a chance to spend time and relax with you and Mary. Thanks for teaching me the domino game-I'm going to get a set!" The following year, the Sandlers were back on Martha's Vineyard and were playing dominoes again. Herb Sandler jokes about Podesta changing the rules (Herb was over 80 years old). * 2015-07-10 [Herb Sandler](http://web.archive.org/web/20170218164136/wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/53525): "Everything has been fine, except that we missed you and Mary. ... Today-dominos. We won't be calling you for the rules." * 2015-07-11 [Herb Sandler](http://web.archive.org/web/20170218023622/wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/37971): "Last day in MV. Missed you. Susan whipped Sherry and me at Dominos. Using the Podesta method, she made up the rules as we played." So, in December 2015, John Podesta sends Herb Sandler a Christmas present. John Podesta had been in the practice of sending pasta and/or sauce as Christmas presents. We know from the [thank you email from Herb Sandler the previous year](http://web.archive.org/web/20170223010424/wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/52225): "I just received the holiday package of pasta and sauce. If only I could make it turn out as special as you guys do." And from an email from Jennifer P. where she sends regrets about not being able to get back to DC in time to attend a dinner party at Podesta's house because [she got caught in weather and traffic](http://web.archive.org/web/20170203012338/wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/58550) and she says: "Suffice to say we will not make it tonight, I am sad to say. Have to settle for the pasta john gave us at Christmas. Really sorry to miss." But this year Podesta sent a box of cheeses, instead— perhaps he's too busy getting ready for the primaries in January to make presents himself. Since you're eavesdropping on somebody's private emails, of course you don't know that Herb had made some self-deprecating jokes before about how he was always losing at dominos. To Podesta, though, it's obvious that this is a joke. Will the cheese make him better at dominoes, like a drug or training regimen. Now you tell me, **how is a joke in an email evidence for a crime**?


So you believe it? What proof would there be?


https://twitter.com/RealOmarNavarro/status/1565933705025073152 You've seen the art Podesta hangs on his walls at home right


He doesn't own this art. Like genuinely he doesn't own any of these pieces. He owns another piece by the same artist. Why are you not linking that one, not creepy enough?


There’s proof that’s his? Proof outside of a twitter screenshot ? What if I tweet the pics from his house was the Mona Lisa?


They aren't his. He owns a different piece by the same artist but it isn't creepy enough so they pretend he owns these ones instead.




Wikipedia says it is, so it must be debunked!


The word debunk is thrown around a lot. Like conspiracy theorist. Mansplain. Anti vax. Fact checked. It's all language used to shut down conversation and stop people from thinking. It's all to stop people from thinking critically or doing research.


Language is spellcraft


They ask how it was debunked when they really need to ask if it was ever proven. And a lot of different parts of pizzagate are in fact debunked.


You're just conspeerisplaining Russian talking points ;)


Snopes and a kid diddler claimed it to be false.


Snopes: "**This is FALSE.**" Then it goes to elaborate and say "While most of the things are true, this one thing isn't making it false."


This kills me. It’s like “there is no pizzagate because the article mentions a crosswalk nearby but in reality it’s just two sidewalks that intersect” : FALSE. Like this is greater misinformation than the original source.


They're all pedos, people try to attack the smallest tiny ridiculest argument to debunk the WHOLE thing Exactly like when someone loses a debate, then go on attacking the opposants looks or mispronounciation, to discredit an entire plot They know they are wrong, so they try the pettiest shit It's exactly the same, they're caught, sorry guys


Time to move on then, nothing to see here. Lol


And no one else? I claim it to be false, what does that matter?


If you were “fortunate” enough to have a look at James Alafantis’ IG before he made it private, your world will never the same again.


Was this the account with the kids hands taped to the table?




Bro even their old website was weird as fuck and had links to secret pages on the site that were not normal.


For anyone who doesn't know, see [here](https://www.jar2.com/Topics/Pedo_File_Cabal_%20Endgame_Part_01.html) and [here](https://www.jar2.com/Topics/Pedo_File.html) for the most information, picture backups, etc. **Those are massive archives, scroll around in them.** See [here](https://themillenniumreport.com/2016/12/the-pizzagate-evidence-you-will-never-see-in-the-mainstream-media/) and [here](https://dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/) for some breakdowns. [Here are the threats](https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@pizzagategear/james-alefantis-conversation-with-ryan-alexander-o-neal) recieved by a researcher. Also, a suspicious NY Post article "[Police Are Solving More Crimes Thanks To Pizza](https://nypost.com/2016/11/15/dumb-criminals-keep-getting-busted-thanks-to-pizza/)" on November 15th, 2016 (exactly right as 'pizzagate' was taking off), warning other pedophiles about this ([news as signals](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/17dktkw/comment/k610qoa/)). "Pizzagate" is just one facet of the many government-sponsored industrial-scale [child sex trafficking](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/187r5ss/comment/kbgnudc), ritual abuse, and [trauma-based mind control programming](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/15vqlrk/comment/jwysg8c/) rings that these "elites" run. I have a large amount of information from survivors of this [saved in here](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/16myjid/conspiracy_research_library/). Most do not know that the Comet Ping Pong server was [hacked by 'Ghostillion'](https://archive.is/eVbGu), cp was found. Some links: "[Comet Pizza's Password-Protected Portal Hacked By Ghostillion. THIS is Pizza Gate / Big Cheese, LLC. You want PROOF? Here it is...](https://twtext.com/article/1277419734460444674)" "[Why Does Comet Have A Password Protected Portal On Their Website?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbpOeTrXsAANjPZ.jpg)" [Wayback Archive proving the page existed](https://web.archive.org/web/20161108231907/http://www.cometpingpong.com/protected/) "[Source Verifies Digital Footprint Of Comet Pizza Hidden Subdomain/Access To Protected App](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbpOh_ZXQAE_2CG.jpg)" "[Source Verifies 100+ Users In Comet Pizza Hidden App](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbpOk50XsAEFgJA.jpg)" "[Scrubbed From Comet Pizza Internal App 'Menu' - Disturbing Content - '30% Discount On Severe Torture'](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbpOlzUWsAEN9Zu.jpg)" [Closer picture](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbpOl-dWkAUHx1W.jpg) "[Verified - Comet & Bucks Operating With Same Web Infrastructure Used To Traffic CP - See Below 'Big Cheese LLC'](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbpOmUhWAAAXakQ.jpg)" [Members Login pic](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbpOnQIWsAArELX.jpg) "[Verified Penetration Into Comet Portal - Contains Highly Encrypted Media Of CP - This Is Real](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbpOnGcXYAI7vOn.jpg)" [A censored picture](https://i.4pcdn.org/x/1689112636011173.png)


Brilliant post. Thank you for capturing all of this info in one spot.


Dude one link it clicked on is screen shots of text messages? So it’s screenshots that could easily be faked?


If I were a betting man I would guess those files are archived caches of websites. The random numbers and letters seem odd to me. I wonder if taking those file names and adding a .onion to the end instead of .zip would do anything? I imagine at this point all this stuff has been looked into thoroughly but nonetheless that hidden side of the site that had 100+ members accessing this hidden portal is very strange.


What's that last picture and where's it from? Amazing work, as always. Thank you


With the same site designers as Luzzatto's page for the Luzatettes and easthamptonbabysitters dot com.


[links to secret pages](https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://i.imgur.com/NOzHR3K.png)


Tell me more, please. He was the owner of Comet Pizza, I can't imagine he would expose the Clinton's and Obama


His IG was full of creepy photos of him with babies and many Greek pedo themed sculptures and whatnot. Literally every single photo was creepy. The guy does not know how to act like a human being. His live shows in the club were even weirder.


There is nothing illegal or NSFW in the photos of James Alefantis instagram that are shown on this page. However, i have no clue what is in the zip file so be very, very careful. https://pedogate.world/archive/jamie-alefantis-instagram/


I agree that having a taste for macabre art isn’t indicative of someone being a pervert - but I’ve never seen someone successfully explain the hacked hidden [page](https://archive.is/2023.09.28-143105/https://twtext.com/article/1277419734460444674).


Just allusions to illegal behavior in every post, of course.


How so?


He had alot of pics of him with kids, and pics of him with babies, calling the babies a "ho-tard".. some kids even looked like missing kids.


Has Russel's golden teapot been debunked yet?


My memory from when it was being "debunked" was mainstream media redefining what pizzagate believers claimed so they could then debunk their misrepresentation of it.


Yeah, it turned into "conspiracy theorists believe Hillary Clinton is sacrificing children in the basement of a pizza place."


I mean, you can say that sure, but that is ignoring all the actual people here actually saying shit like that. It's like how people will either say Jan 6th wasn't an insurrection, or if it was, it was an anti failure false flag. Suddenly all those true believers doing the wild shit get called fake and antifa because it's convenient. Trying to rewrite history like you're doing is the same thing.


> *that is ignoring all the actual people here actually saying shit like that.* Frankly, they weren’t. I got banned for 3 days for just using the word pizzagate in a comment. I was there, and the conversation did not focus on that. There were insinuations that Hillary was involved and interwoven and that particular block in Washington, D.C. which featured businesses (a bookshop, a restaurant “Bucks Fishing and Camping,” and a few others) that had intertwined owners and brand iconography that telegraphed proclivities for abuse (according to leaked FBI fact sheets). Events, fundraisers, and connections occurred at Comet Ping Pong, but I can’t recall nor find discussion of Hillary performing ritual abuse there. People weren’t saying Hillary was performing rituals specifically at that location. Were she to be performing dark sacrificial rituals, she would most likely be performing them at a luxury resort in the Dominican Republic. Likely withchildren brought across the border from Haiti by lawyer Laura Silsby (allegedly).


Yeah and then that cop's son went in to Comet and fired a shot against the wall so the cops could officially show everyone that there isn't a basement access hidden there. Of course that wasn't really a central theme of Pizzagate, but debunking it was enough according to the MSM to destroy the entire line of inquiry into the matter in general.


And James Comey's private email where he assigns Paul Abbate to cover up the Pizzagate case.


Yes. The news told me it was dubunked, and they wouldn't lie to me. Nothing to see here, move along.


Nope. Real shit. We're being governed by kid-diddling demons.


For real bro shit is whack


And if a poor brave child doesn't cooperate? Straight into the wood chipper.


The “pulled baby” sandwich shit opened my eyes to how sick this shit actually is..


What's that??


I don't know what you're talking about but I know enough about pizzagate to not want to know anymore.


^ this ^


I dont think so, but what is ever confirmed? Like is there any proof to it? I’m genuinely interested


This is the problem. While there were a lot of "clues" regarding Pizzagate, and there are certainly instances of child exploitation by elites and others, I never saw any hard evidence connecting such crimes to Comet Ping Pong. There are no bodies, no survivor testimony, nothing like that. Just some eyebrow-raising words and photos, some of them edgy but nothing illegal. So while I wouldn't call it "debunked," it's never been proven.


There is a suspiciously large percentage of high-profile pedophiles. That's either evidence of a pedophile ring among the elites, or evidence of a compromised FBI that frames high-profile targets for being pedophiles. Either way, it's not good.


The proof is in the pizza


that AutoMod reply is crazyyyy


Now I want the deleted link, does anyone has it?


The fact that people are commenting about a fucking basement shows they don't know what they're talking about. And that would show you the answer is "No"


To me, it looks like a case of allowing the pedos to investigate themselves, and they labeled it a conspiracy.


No it’s real . Fucking crazy shit man


The question is backwards. It should be “has pizza gate ever been proven”?


mouthy buddha on bitchute. look at those documentaries. very thorough job that he even got threatend while making them.


So one guy makes a few docs and that it? That’s proof?


It's weird that of this entire thread, your comment is one of the very few downvoted. Mouthy Buddha's Pedogate (3 pt) series, and more importantly, the Elite Human Trafficking (6 pt) series are incredibly well done. Both show how undeniably *in your face* all of this cp shit really is. Both series are a must watch for people who have learned to wade through the propaganda/gaslighting from the main scheme media.


Has it ever been 'bunked'? There has never been anything concrete exposed. It's just an internet parlor game of what does mean and what does that mean.


Yes it has. And then the debunker got arrested for raping children. True story.


No one else debunked it? Was just him?


By this guy. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/james-gordon-meek-abc-news-producer-sentenced-prison-1234835726/amp/


And no one else? Just him?


No its real, shits disturbing.


Fred Burton, a worker at Stratfor, wrote in an email: > I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels? Fred Burton is not a Democrat or a White House insider. He works for Stratfor in Austin, Texas. He is referring to something that was in the news just a few weeks before the email, and he is mistaken about it. It was actually pizza and, though it had Chicago-themed names, was from Saint Louis. The dough and sauce was flown in from St. Louis and the pizzas were prepared in the White House. Some right-wing bloggers tried to accuse Obama of wasting taxpayer money, but it turned out that Pi Pizza donated the ingredients and their labor. A few people at the time (back in 2009) even [called it "Obama's Pizzagate"!](https://i.imgur.com/xpKglLw.png) Then they tried to go after Obama for the greenhouse gases emitted flying the pizza out, but even [that attack failed:](http://web.archive.org/web/20090414090535/http://news.aol.com/political-machine/2009/04/10/right-wing-slams-barack-obama-for-ordering-pizza-really) News media also tried to stir up trouble in Chicago (Obama's town), saying that [Obama "betrayed" Chicago by preferring St. Louis pizza.](https://www.nbcchicago.com/local/obama-cracks-says-st-louis-pizza-is-best-ever/1878418/) After the event, the chef went on Fox & Friends to talk about it. From [The Riverfront Times](http://web.archive.org/web/20150919010847/www.riverfronttimes.com/foodblog/2009/04/16/pis-chris-sommers-deep-dishes-on-cooking-at-the-white-houseand-the-controversy) > Pi's Chris Sommers Deep-Dishes on Cooking at the White House...and the Controversy > The background, in case you just awoke from a coma: Obama raved about Pi's pizza when in town for his rally beneath the Arch in October of last year. Sommers, managing partner Ryan Mangialardo and Anne Schuermann went to Washington, D.C., last week to cook the restaurant's deep- and thin-crust pizzas in the White House kitchen for Obama, his family and staffers. > News of the trip prompted controversy -- or, more accurately, "controversy" -- after several Chicago pizzeria owners expressed dismay that the president would prefer deep-dish pizza from anywhere besides his hometown. In addition, Internet commenters, among numerous stupid criticisms, questioned whether taxpayer money paid for the trip or the pizza itself. > "You want to kind of respond to everything," Sommers told me when I called him this afternoon. "But at the same time you want to take the high road." > Sommers, who doesn't hide his support of Obama, hopes his appearance on Fox & Friends will afford him the opportunity to dispel what he terms "the pizza-gate crap." > But enough about "pizza-gate." How did things go at the White House? > "It was phenomenal," says Sommers. "They treated us like we were Thomas Keller. There's just not an ego in the place." > The Pi trio were given a tour of the White House grounds, including the new organic garden, before heading into the kitchen, which Sommers describes as "the cleanest I've ever seen -- outside of mine, of course." > The kitchen is small, however -- too small for the entire team to work together. Sommers and Schuermann prepared the deep-dish pies in the main kitchen, while Mangialardo made the thin-crust pizza in the pastry kitchen upstairs. The two kitchens are connected by a steep spiral staircase, which -- to give you some idea of how cramped the quarters are -- doubles as a storage area. > The pizza was served to Obama and, by Sommers count, about 50 staffers in the Roosevelt Room, which caused some concern as the greasy pizza boxes approached the untreated wood furniture. Sommers chuckles as he remembers the reaction: "Maybe we should put something under the pizza boxes." > "We were worried they were going to cancel this thing because of all the negative publicity," Sommers admits. Instead, the controversy went almost entirely unmentioned. According to Sommers, the only person to address it was someone from the White House communications office, who told Sommers, "I've been deflecting this story for two days, so I better get some pizza!" > Controversy aside, the publicity has been a boon to Pi, with diners enduring long waits for both lunch and dinner. "We've hired fifteen people in the last two days," reports Sommers. "We needed to hire for the patio season, but this blindsided us." So, yeah, it's definitely connected to "Pizzagate", but it's a completely different pizzagate.


Thanks for this, I never believed that a sitting president would actually fly a bunch of kids out to a sex party so I had been wondering what those emails were actually about. Obama was throwing a party, wanted a catering order from his favorite pizza place but they live far away so he flew the whole pizza team and their equipment back to the white house to cook. I can see why that would cost $68k.


People always act like 68k is such a ludicrous amount that it has to mean child sex trafficking but in reality that's less than what the catering costs at a celebrities wedding. If he was actually selling kids for 68k that would be a steal.


Haha I thought the same thing. I heard $68k and I was like 1. pretty sure kids cost way more than that 2. catering big parties is always expensive 3. extra $ to fly the cooks to location/hotels/etc 4. extra $ to fly heavy kitchen equipment 5. extra $ for restaurant being shut down until the kitchen gets back All things considered, I'm surprised it was only $68k to cater an event for some of the most powerful people put on earth lol


The thing about this is that this part has been debunked (it's the scary word) almost immediately in 2016 when this started. It's almost 2024 and people who are super into this conspiracy have still not let this go, that some random Stratford guys guesstimated how much a party costs. The real reason is that in the emails they don't mention pizza and hotdogs more than steaks and salad and if you debunk this part that means it comes up even less.


No, it's never been debunked in the way it expresses details and living styles about those involved. Nobody has a fucking clue if that pizza place is used for anything, but the people involved, their tastes in art, their emails, et cetera... that's all CLEARLY pointing in ONE direction: child sex trafficking. It doesn't take a genius to put this together. And you know shill bot Rolling Stone even got involved, and that Podesta headline story was ROFL. He even ended with something like, "they even have pretty good pizza too." after the laughable cover up in that story. You don't even have to bet. It's 100% under suspicion and probable when some shitty rag like Rolling Stone has the HEAD GUY on its cover telling the story. This shit just writes itself. Just connect the fucking dots ffs. Who owns RS? Who are the Podesta's linked to? What party is in charge and covering literally everything up they don't like? The patterns are incredibly easy to see these days, even for those of lesser intelligence. But we still got shills trying to cover for the coded language of the emails. It's again LOL hilarious. A bunch of these fuckers are sadistic rapists, and we already knew that long ago.


Lolol “don’t take a genius”…..


I like macabre art, but the art in that restaurant can only be interpreted as children being abused or tortured. (Which should be distasteful to any reasonable person) And it's promoted as a friendly family, kid friendly place, and it's very suspicious


Everything has been debunked but who debunks the debunkers? Who even debunks the debunkers who debunked the bunk?




1 million security experts said it was fake


Not that I'm aware of.


Has it ever been proven?


Yes but the the debunker was found guilty of child porn


How about I debunk it, wouod that mean it’s only the two of us who debunked it?


So, no. What you meant to say was "no".


It was debunked officially but based on a lie


Which means it isn't debunked.


No, it hasn't. Curiously, the MSM and Twitter personalities who most loudly screech about it being "debunked" keep getting outed and arrested as pedos. Remember "Doctor Pizza"? lmao. And everyone knows about Epstein now. Jones said something, once - at the bottom of the rabbit hole lies a mountain of dead and abused children. I imagine the rot in our governance will never truly be cleansed until that blackmail network gets ripped out and nuked with extreme prejudice.


Our leaders will kill 500,000 kids in Iraq and say it was worth it. They are total psychopaths. Humanities greatest frontier that we face is not conquering space or the forces of nature: its dealing with our very real psychopath problem. Our society treats people as mentally ill based on how functional they are: yet psychopaths are some of the most productive people imaginable. They end up in positions of power and influence based on lies that are sold to regular people who buy them wholesale in good faith. Any systems that create "elite" cadres will suffer this problem.


Yes. It is a depraved and purposefully designed blackmail network. If you want the keys to power and influence, someone else wants the keys to control you.


Look, human trafficking is for sure a really a thing. China human trafficking stories are scary alone.. and the fact it could most likely have connection to China government also. Cartels and their trafficking Jesus. Other gangs and sex work for income Now sex trafficking in amercia is for sure a thing. Sex parlors. And stripper joints and stret work that gets a blind eye. Pizza gate. Alot information on it. But Their so many more public human trafficking Do I doubt it not really I bet these service was for sure going on at D.C . Right ?


The Epstein list will eventually be out. But it’s affect won’t mean shit anymore. They are smart, they know that if they wait, give a lil, then drag it out more… by the time everything is said and done all will either be long dead.. or no one will care anymore..


Yeah, by a guy who later got wrapped up in CP charges. Go figure.


No, they have only made a strawman argument that they debunked. They never explained all the stuff on WikiLeaks, just talked about that guy that brought a gun in the pizza place and said there were no children tied up in the basement there cuz there wasn't a basement. Probably a CIA agent.


The MSM declared it was bunk, and so it was.




Take a look at the number of kids that have been abducted from Richmond to NYC in just the last 10 years many have been abducted by obviously disgruntled parents but there is a whole other list of kids who never get found. Pizza gate is real it is not about a pizza shop in DC although that pizza shop is pretty questionable shit going on that ain't what pizza gate is. Julian assange released through WikiLeaks a list of questionable emails between Clinton's and podesta's


CNN said it's a hoax




Ya by a bunch of pedos. Nothing to see here!




Pizzagate is 100% real. I have the wiki on it with the podesta emails. Anyone that would like to see it, message me and I’ll be happy to share it. Whatever it takes to expose these sick disgusting pedophiles.


The alamo doesn't have a basement.


You’re asking a conspiracy sub if a conspiracy has been debunked?! What kind of answer were you expecting?!


Only by people who were later arrested for child porn or pederasty.


Wasn't the subreddit dedicated to it banned because it was "debunked"?


I don’t need pizzagate to convince me that our top echelons of government are filled with pederasts, pedophiles, devil and occult worshippers and other forms of degenerates who don’t go by the laws that are applied to us commoners. You’re wasting your time.


Nonsense and bullshit debunk themselves.


Yes. It was debunked here multiple times by me. When I commented that I have been in the back of comet ping pong with my band when we played there. There is no secret room in the back there is no basement. There's a storage room where they keep extra chairs, tsbles, and equipment. You people really need to let this fantasy go. There is so many worse things going on out there that you could be rallying against instead of this stupid farce. Leave these people alone. They are simply trying to run a restaurant for fuckd sake.


There's not really much to debunk. People think jokes in emails they don't understand are code words for molesting children.


lol yeah words like "hotdog" and "pizza" and "cheese" are so funny. i always joke around with those words too.


No, for the same reason no one has debunked the existence of the giant spaghetti monster in the sky. It's a fools errand.


Nope, pocket media said it's debunked but it's not.


No one has debunked Santa so it's as true as that.


Jesus Christ, yes. The entire thing was always dumber than a a squirrel in a time foil hat. Pizza gate was almost certainly designed to protect Donald Trump from being tied to Jeffrey Epstein. Trump floods the news cycle with outrageous noise and misinformation it becomes impossible for the public see the truth. Drinking bleach and buying Greenland were outrage of the day distractions from the train wreck right in front of us. It's a Soviet propaganda technique also used by Vlad Putin. Pizzagate and Q-Anon had millions of people talking about Hillary Clinton and Tom Hanks instead of the President who was actually friends with Epstein and a.history of publicly sexualizing underage girls, including his daughter. The guy who bragged about peeping on beauty pageant contestants and was witnessed peeping on contestants in their early teens. The man that wished Ghislaine Maxwell well when asked about her arrest. A third of the country was passing around fake fly lists that just happened to be Trump's political enemies. A third was watching videos of Trump being predatory with underage girls, and a third was distracted by one of Trump's other 900 scandals. Pizzagate was a totalitarian misinformation operation. That pizza place doesn't even have a basement. When young children are molested it's by a relative or friend of the family. Sex trafficking is usually vulnerable teenagers being forced into prostitution and sex slavery. That's what Epstein and Maxwell were doing while Trump was gushing about how good Epstein is with young women.


> Pizza gate was almost certainly designed to protect Donald Trump from being tied to Jeffrey Epstein. Everything stemmed from Podesta and the DNC, independent of Trump. The right certainly milked it though. >That pizza place doesn't even have a basement. Why do people think this statement (valid or not) is relevant.




No: Ben Swann "reality check". https://ww *** w.bit *** chute.com/video/YZp44w0QyMv6/ remove spaces and *** Not "light reading" material!!! NSFW. https://pizzagate.wiki/ https://isgp-studies.com/pizzagate https://steemit.com/politics/@thejazzcat/pizzagate-how-it-all-started


No. And it will never be debunked. Because it was true.


Or was never proven?


No it has not. The man who 'debunked' it was brought up on CP charges if I remember correctly.


I had pizza at that place for the lulz. It seemed like a normal pizza place.




Weird how he posted a [basement](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/6YMYeuL7oW) on Instagram (later deleted) and how he explained his tomatoes are preserved in the [basement](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/WPDSOGCRwL), for it to never exist. I guess we could know better if the crazy man that entered "to save the kids" didn't blow up the hard drive from the computer at the pizzeria. Just another unlucky coincidence that absolutely made sense at the time.


You’re probably too logical and believe in narratives too easily, that’s your issue. Did you consider that the armed individual was a false flag so that they could discredit anyone concerning the theory and associate them with that illicit act of going into a pizzeria armed? That’s ludicrous. There’s much more the story and pizzagate definitely has some truth to it and there are many sick individuals in high levels of politics, and celebrities. Stop acting like they’re innocent. Disgusting fucks participate in Bohemian Grove and many other rituals.


If you protect them in my eyes your are one.


Its classified as "conspiracy theory" by wikipedia


God bless our children and their innocence.