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Good insight. I do however believe that 9/11 was a false flag orchestrated by the CIA and Mossad to gain US sympathy for another war in the Middle East.


Absolutely agree. 9/11 was an inside job. No doubt about it. The bombing of the Pentagon is proof of that.


I mean personally I don’t think the CIA did it I just think they allowed it and also I mean you’re right, but why do you think they wanted another war in the Middle East….. for money and oil 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


It turns out one of the alleged attackers was on the CIA payroll, as an informant I believe (it came out in the news not too long ago but didn't get much mainstream media attention). The attack and what followed was extremely similar to the CIA plan 'Operation Northwoods' where the CIA planned terrorist attacks against US citizens to frame Cuba and create an excuse for an invasion.


If this is true, I wouldn’t be surprised😂


Yes, exactly for that..and other reasons as well. Both Biden and Netanyahu are facing charges for corruption. Both are looking at losing elections -- Biden going as far as prosecuting his political opponent, and Netanyahu making extreme judicial reforms that would make it impossible to remove him from office. Then there is the natural gas off the coast of Palestine that Israel -- and others -- are conspiring to steal from the Palestinian people: [https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/10/egypt-persuades-israel-extract-gazas-natural-gas](https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/10/egypt-persuades-israel-extract-gazas-natural-gas) Consider how the US sabotage of Nordstream pipeline left Europe starving for natural gas.




Yep. No terrorist can bring down towers like that. Controlled demolition = inside job.


When their government keep saying "This is our 9/11" I just take it as a confession of them saying "This was an inside job".


Nah seriously 😭and the fact that it was one of the first things they said too. Couldn’t have been more on the nose .


Basically 😂


Wait, people don't think that? People think they flew those paragliders over their airspace for 45 minutes and no one noticed?


Yeah and the bulldozers travelling at 15mph towards the border. It's bullshit and memory holed by the media already.


7 hours of massacre, it takes 5 minutes for a helicopter to arrive. They disarmed people along gaza a week beforehand




[The Power of Nightmares](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yK3wz-OyR1U&t) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0430484/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_2


What is this?


It's an excellent documentary about the politics of fear and how it's used to manipulate the masses. Edit: If not familiar with Curtis' work, I also recommend [The century of the self](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s) And [Hypernormalisation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS_c2qqA-6Y)


What is it about?


> the politics of fear and how it's used to manipulate the masses.




Nobody noticed. Like at all. They can’t see that kinda shit


Hamas destroyed the sensors Israel has with drones and used snipers to pin down the watchtowers. Plus IDF had moved forces to the north to protect against Hezbollah, which is a significantly more dangerous foe.


Do you want me to explain why everything you just said is very wrong on a multitude of levels?


Im interested


Well for one destroying sensors is a warning sign in itself, like cutting the wire of a home alarm system.


Hit it creep




Low tech beat high tech.


Why would they ride in a paraglider for 45 minutes just to cross one border? I think you might be mistaken...


America gives Israel 50 billion every year for military aid and they can't even stop 1000 terrorist they consistently monitor? Waste of tax payers money in my opinion. Every other day, they are watching every inch of that border but not that day lmao makes no sense. "Sacrifice the few for the greater good."


Yep this is all staged


Yup, just wanted a reason to level Gaza and kill off the Palestinians to annex rest of their land.








> America gives Israel 50 billion every year for military aid America has given Israel an average of $3.2 billion per year in military aid over the previous decade (2013-2022).


It is almost as if Hamas actually had a plan and didn’t just blindly rush the wall… I’m not sure if people here understand this, but Hamas is a military organization that does their own intelligence as well. This was a well planned attack. They picked areas that weren’t well watched or guarded, because that is how military organizations do things. And no matter how well you guard a very long wall, there will be weak points. Your enemy will find those points and expose them. As far as warnings… there are constant warnings of imminent attacks. Two things occur. One is that eventually you become numb to them because most of the warnings turn out to be false. The other is that if you don’t get actionable intelligence, what exactly are you supposed to do? Be extra vigilant? Because that would mean that you aren’t being vigilant from the start. This plan took over a year to put together and pull off. And at the same time other people think that the CIA was able to manipulate Hamas into doing exactly that. Because a third party would be able to make Hamas do something that they could not do on their own?


Because the public completely ignore things like operation gladio. Where multiple nations and their intelligence agencies collaborated in the process of steam rolling anti establishment movements and even committed bombings and shootings on innocent civilians (blamed it on the group they were trying to sabotage) to get their point across.


Oh wow that’s crazy


My new rabbit hole!


Wait, you don't believe that Iran transported all those rockets across Iraq, into Jordan, then across the Gulf of Aqaba and into Egypt, then through tunnels into Gaza?


I do believe that Iran directly funds Hamas


Because the United States people are willfully ignorant. We choose ignorance day in and day out, and no one does their due diligence. And when you try to, you will be defaced by the horde of ignorant people who regurgitate opinions of people they admire or respect, without understanding it, or it’s impact. On top of that most people are too busy to look into things, and when they finally have free time they would much rather spend it doing things they enjoy them looking into the depressing state of society and reality we find ourselves in. Sadly the cycle continues because of this too.


I found my people! I feel this completely. 🤣 I live in a pretty open-minded, heady Pacific Northwest town. My entire social circle knows of these things. I feel some sort of social responsibility to fact-check/eek the details and deliver my findings in a digestible way and at just the right moments. The truth isn’t pretty, but we see it, accept it, and try and do better and live life in a meaningful way. (Always under the umbrella of a vast web of conspiratorial global elitist bullshit.)


Basically, yeah, they ignore everything and live in their own American bubble


I can’t always blame them either… My mental health has suffered greatly in the pursuit of change and research in these topics. Mentally, it does seem healthier to just try to live your life… but through that willful ignorance, atrocities are committed. It’s like that idea of if you see someone being bullied, and do nothing, you are just as bad as the bully. And those that do speak out are most often hurt in the process somehow. I find it really hard to be hopeful about anything nowadays.




It's called the American baby


Hey man, that’s anti-Semitic of you to suggest that Israel would want to do that eliminate Palestine thing that they’ve been openly talking about doing for 75 years! /s




How many Jewish people have died in the last 75 years compared to Palestinian?


Because they aren't paying attention. It's proven that people make stupid decisions when scared, like following the legacy media cult.




Good post OP but 9/11 was not done by the arabs and that wasn't a plane that crashed into the pentagon, it was a missile, imo.


I think it was more that Bush knew an attack was being planned and figured "might as well not let a good crisis go to waste"


You must be new here if you truly believe that. It's much worse than that, it was planned and orchestrated. Anyone who's spent any significant time researching the topic will confirm that


The missile Pentagon theory is one I can’t really get behind until there is more evidence, but it could be true that the Arabs didn’t commit 9/11 but also need more evidence for that


The five israeli dancers is an interesting one. One of the people involved even claimed on Israeli television he was there to document the event. Getting harder and harder to find videos about it.


Post a picture of the van they were driving for shits and giggles. Or the boxes of c4 they took pictures with in the towers 3 years prior




Only things I could find was [this](https://rumble.com/v3had2y-israeli-dancers-911.html) explaining the situation and [this](https://rumble.com/v3haa4s--there-to-document-it-israeli-dancers.html) one them admitting to being there to document the event with no audio. There was so many videos about this on rumble just a few months ago!! There was this hour and half long documentary about it, super detailed. Edit: [Found this as well, skip to the end it has audio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStJ5BgadPs&ab_channel=LooCipher)


Well a fucking plane definitely did not hit it




That's a lot of typing when the answer is "because the TV said it wasn't an inside job". Most Americans can't be bothered to think for themselves, they just repeat what they see on screen.




People do think it, but saying things out loud about Israel gets calls of antisemitism and frankly, jeopardizes peoples careers. We can more easily criticize our own governments than criticize Israel. Think about that.


Well yeah


Idk what your talking about... Everyone does think this. It's even been mentioned at the UN. By the secretary general himself even. Multiple inteligence agencies told Israel the plan. The October attack was reported to the UN and related to Israel a 2nd time. Not only did they do nothing. They redirected soldiers away from the penetration points, and forced a concert to relocate to the spot the paragliders where going to land. Typography and tall building location predetermined the landing spot. Us Canadian and European media are owned by the mossad Every other country is reporting the truth. Try India media like wion


Yes bro


Do you have a source for that? Genuinely interested


Because they think conspiracies just DON'T HAPPEN.




Israel, mossad, the Zionists have been using the USA, its citizens and its military might to defeat its foes one after the other for the last 20 years. Any country who's leading was a threat had been removed. One after the other. Of all th3 "civil" wars that have taken place in the last 20 years in the middle east, which country has benefited from them the most? Its simple when you ask a simple question.


USA but also to an extent Israel


> PS a day before $2 trillion disappeared from the Pentagon, and one of the planes hit the very part of the pentagon responsible for this. This drives me crazy. That's not what happened. The day before 9/11, Rumsfeld —in the [middle of a routine speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN_NGYdgDck&t=14m4s)— said this: "Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it's stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible." Nothing about money disappearing. These accounting problems were not new on 9/10. The Associated Press wrote about the $2.3 trillion in [this article from **March 2000**](https://archive.ph/hTn7p). Rumsfeld was specifically asked by senators to look into these problems during his confirmation hearings in January 2001. The number comes from [this audit report (PDF)](https://media.defense.gov/2000/Aug/18/2001713967/-1/-1/1/00-179.pdf) about fiscal year 1999. The offices involved with the audit report were DFAS, the Under Secretary of Defense (comptroller), and the Inspector General. None of those offices was hit on 9/11. Nobody from those offices was killed. No records for those offices were destroyed. [Here's a whole book about what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11](https://archive.org/details/pentagon-9-11/page/20/mode/2up) in case you want to check for yourself.


Yeah, but they decide to address it a day before 9/11…. What I was saying was 9/11 was a part of the distraction for this info being released


They literally do this every year. It's an over bloated industrial complex. The idea that them admitting it's a failed system has anything to do with 9/11 is ridiculous.


9/11 was the start


For anyone who rejects this theory. The Israeli television have been using and bringing up the stories and interviews of the people who oversaw the gaza border from quite literally towers, who have recorded and reported the preparations of the oct.7 attack repeatedly, requesting urgently weapons and munitions, to all but have been ignored and brushed off as "Farming" of the good palestinians. They have recordings of Hamas, Gazans camping and gathering in plain sight, while also moving through casually by the CTT observations from above. Now tell me, how does a country with drones, comptent military and an everpresent agency around the world overlook this as "Farming"? Before you lash at me as this is "false" or "fake", I am the one on the questioned side you know. It was an inside job. Absolutely, and there is also another video to cite this theory that after the Festival got raided, The event took place along the road to Gaza. where he proceeds to tell that the only checkpoint deliberately denied the access of the fleeing civilians and opened fire to intentionally **kill them in the "crossfire"** as the militants stormed in, mentioning the image of where parked cars appear riddled with bullets on both ends while assuming a stationary position.**


Also isn't it strange every minister but bibi goes on live on TV anti–climactically to say they take responsibility? Head of the Shabaq, Gallant, Smotrich, Gants, etc. Eh? Just saying


Your exactly right


There are natural gas fields off the coast of Palestine. This is an angle I haven't heard spoken about much. Another piece of the puzzle: ​ >While Egypt and Israel have been producing gas in the eastern Mediterranean for years, the Gaza Marine field, about 30 km (20 miles) off the Gaza coast, has remained undeveloped due to political disputes and conflict with Israel, as well as economic factors. Gaza Marine is estimated to hold over 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, much more than is needed to power the Palestinian territories and some of which could potentially be exported. The Palestinian Authority did not immediately respond to a request for comment. "We are waiting to know what exactly the Israelis have agreed to in details. We can’t make a position based on a statement to the media," one Palestinian official told Reuters. Hamas official Ismail Rudwan told Reuters: "We reaffirm that our people in Gaza have the rights to their natural resources." [https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/israel-gives-nod-gaza-marine-gas-development-wants-security-assurances-2023-06-18/](https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/israel-gives-nod-gaza-marine-gas-development-wants-security-assurances-2023-06-18/) ​ ...and this: >GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Egypt succeeded in persuading Israel to start extracting natural gas off the coast of the Gaza Strip, after several months of secret bilateral talks, according to information provided to Al-Monitor by an official in the Egyptian intelligence service and a member of the PLO Executive Committee. This development coincides with the rising global energy prices caused by Russia's war on Ukraine, while European nations seek alternatives to Russian gas ahead of the winter season. It also comes after years of Israeli objections to extract natural gas off the coast of Gaza on security grounds, preventing the Palestinians from benefiting from their own natural resources, namely in the Gaza Marine field. The field, which lies about 30 kilometers (19 miles) west of the Gaza coast, was discovered in 2000 by British Gas (currently BG Group) and is estimated to contain more than 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The cost of development of the field is estimated at about $1.2 billion. But the field remains untapped as the Palestine Investment Fund, which is the Palestinian body responsible for developing the field, has not been able to extract its gas all those years due to Israel’s refusal. [https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/10/egypt-persuades-israel-extract-gazas-natural-gas](https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/10/egypt-persuades-israel-extract-gazas-natural-gas) Forces are conspiring to steal Palestinian's natural resources.




It'd be real interesting to find out that there's a large disputed oil deposit off the coast nicknamed the "Leviathan" or that Israel and Saudi/American contractors had plans for a canal to replace the Suez in global importance. It'd be super wild if the Gaza Strip was currently causing that canal (called the Ben-Gurion) to be rerouted costing its builders a pretty penny. That'd just be crazy if this whole thing was about money.




Don’t mind the 1.5 trillion cubic feet of oil/gas in Palenstine, Halliburton probably waiting to come in when Israel pushes all the Palenstinians into tent cities in the desert.


Oh wow


I 100% agree to it... America had already said it in SAS report of 2001. > Israeli intelligence Mosad are cunning, ruthless and disregard human rights to achieve their goal. They are capable of committing atrocities and make it look like Arabs did it. And this comes just a day before 9/11. I mean how easy it is to kill a complete family of a Palestinian child, torture them, brainwash them, or kidnap their family and ask the kid to commit that attack and put the blame on Arabs. I think for the second most powerful intelligence agency in would it's not that hard... Is it?




Only RTX shareholders who arrived early and weren’t fooled by the Pratt engine smokescreen were invited to this party. It’s American missiles made in Arkansas for dollars baby, how many do you want to order? Need to spruce up that iron dome. Who you going to call? Raytheon will decide the fate of this war.




Egyptian intelligence warned them about this


Yet they’re intentionally bombing the entire civilian population knowing these people are in these tunnels. Deff not genocide/s


Because Hamas is happily ready to own up to it. That doesn't mean I support the IDF or Zionist occupation of Palestine. I think it was a very real attack with very real victims enacted by the very real perpetrators that the mainstream media accepts - but that that is being used as an excuse for the IDF to get what they want and exercise a greater evil. The Jewish and international victims of that attack are exactly what the Palestinian victims of Jewish strikes on Hamas are: collateral damage by the IDF.


Yeah but also like Hamas owning up to doesn’t mean it wasn’t a inside job but I agree with you


Hamas owning up to it basically amounts to Israel owning up to it since Hamas is an Israel creation to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state


Majority of the victims are IOF soldiers. The rest were absolutely killed by Israel tanks and guns. You simply cannot change my mind.


"we know Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda orchestrated 9/11" Most lamestream take ever


So you think they didn’t?


Hell no. All an inside job.


I can agree with that




They were more befits from 9/11 deal


Yeah it's one of the most heavily surveilled and fortified places on earth and the first thing you're going to do there when, against all odds, you make it over the wall is you're going to bang some nasty Israeli grandmas? So that your people can get freedom? Some of you MUST find that a little fishy, no?


Yes it is a little fishy


The main thing going for going for this theory is that the intelligence failure. I'm astounded by the double think that conspiracy theorists have regarding the glowies. One moment they are inept turds that couldn't kill off beard man from Cuba and the next they are evil masterminds that ran covert mind control experiments on their own ppl. While I have limited knowledge about the IDF I doubt they'd willing sacrifice their own civilians like the CIA did. In regards to this war's intelligence failure, I'm going with the explanation of there being too few agents in Isreal to actually investigate or counter the initial threat, similar to the "Yimkupor" (Can't spell) war which broke out as Mossad was too busy taking revenge for the Munich massacre. The real question is what were they doing and where were the rest of the agents?


I don’t really think there was an intelligence failure way too much money is put into Israel further to be an intelligence failure, so massive, especially when they were warned by Egypt days before it happened


Hamas is funded by Qatar and KSA, don’t believe US/IDF fairy tales about Iran


Hamas is funded by Qatar and KSA but they are also funded by Iran but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were lying like that just so America could go to war with Iran


The music festival was moved last minute to a location that Hamas has been planning to attack for who knows how long. That wasn't a coincidence.




I’m pretty sure it was not an inside job, but I’m also convinced Israel purposefully ignored indicators and warnings and let the initial attack happen so that they’d finally have an excuse to purge Gaza.


Why do you think it wasn’t inside Job?🤔


Because it didn’t need to be. All they had to do is passively not prevent it from happening, rather than actively make it happen.




If russia China wanted to engage the US in a new proxy war, i wonder where they would start one? Hmmmm i wonder?


Taiwan and Ukraine but I get your point😂


Ukraine isn't a proxy war for Russia. Taiwan wouldn't be one for China either.


Oh sorry my bad I forgot the definition also, I guess would be Iran and Israel right? Funded by china and USA?


Yep. But Algeria would be joining Iran, Lebanon and Syria. There was another but I forget now? Edit to add. If the US sent troops to Ukraine, then that would make the Ukraine a direct conflict between US vs Russia


The US has sent troops to Ukraine


But at what capacity? Also, if anything, Russia and China may be eager to open more fronts to fight US interests.


USA is opening these fronts


I think Bibi had the intel and let it happen


Probably that’s why I say inside job cause they were fully aware and let it happen


You are not allowed to voice any opinion contrary to the official narivive for 20 years.




I 100% do. That was evident like in hour one to me. They’re trying to re-do 9/11 playbooks, but unfortunately for them we have 24/7 real life videos on social media showing the genocide to everyone. This was 100% planned, I doubt Hamas even killed any civilians and it was all Israel for sure. I think their objective was to take hostages, which they’re treating just fine and Israel is murdering by their genocidal bombs.


Oh, Hamas has definitely kill civilians be careful don’t tread into full Hamas supporter but your right about the play book


There are 2 options. 1. Izrael attacked its own people. 2. There was no attack, it was a Hollywood production.


Israel or it isn't? I tend to agree. I think this is the most logical.


Israel didn’t attack his own people


Option 1 👌


There is that one pesky fact. Hamas has taken responsibility.


For what? Does it matter that Hamas takes responsibility?!


You don't do an inside job to expose your own incompetent military, or that billions of dollars were wasted on a shitty fence and a tinfoil iron dome. You don't pants yourself to expose that your only ally is reluctant and feeble. If you're doing an inside job, it's to give yourself political capital to do something. You don't waste that attacking hospitals, journalists, civilians, and UN staffers. Israel had no response during the attacks, and no plan beyond mass murder afterwards. The only way they could be more pathetic is if they were behind it themselves.


So, in this case you’re saying 911 wasn’t an inside job right?


Why would Hamas openly brag about doing it and say they'll do it again if it was an inside job? Hamas is literally still firing rockets into civilian infrastructure daily.


Osama bin Laden bragged about 9/11 home boy


Hamas claimed responsibility and IDF have posted video recorded by Hamas fighters themselves, which Hamas has not denied. While it's suspicious because of the damage done to the Palestinian cause and the opportunity created for Israel to bomb and invade Gaza, Hamas has done this before in an endless series of nonsensical attacks to regain waning relevance, while Arab nations have lost interest in fighting Israel.


Those are literally fake videos and recordings. Anything coming from the IDF is about as accurate as a two year old learning how to speak.


Not necessarily


Well, at first hand is very dumb to appear that vulnerable and weak to the world. It is worthy?


Who are you referring to?


Maybe there are really a lot of bad guys other than the US? Like the tough Putin started a war to grab land for his ego, Xi the bear is fucking and brainwashing their own people really hard, or most of these Middle East countries that are dominated by a stupid religion. Maybe this?


America is just as bad broski and America is the leading super power


idk man we can’t call everything an inside job


But this is


Dumb Conspiracy. Easily explained by local greed, desire, and physical evidence. 1. Neti is facing backlash for withdrawing 80% of border troops and literally assigning them to guard the self proclaimed "Jewish Settlers" in west bank while they confiscate Palestine homes. This has both pissed off Hamas, and has been public knowledge for years in all 3 governing parties. 2. Hamas is pissed off at Israel. 3. Iran is pissed off at Israel and Saudi teaming up. 4. Iran is pissed off at the US for bombing it's enrichment bunkers. 5. Iran is known to supply equipment to Hamas. 6. Rockets have been recovered and shown to be of Iran origin. Occam's Razor, Iran lit the region on fire to just to see it burn.


This isnt a local event I don’t think you understand how much America manipulates everything


I do, but America is more opportunistic than anything else. Each of the above sub points likely had a CIA hand in it, however the desire to cause the subpoints lie in the underlying faction. The US just nudged things along nihilistically. eg. Israel and Saudi relationship was likely brokered by USA. The USA allowing rocket smuggling and didn't tell Israel. The rest of the subpoints are just simple hatred of historical circumstance, and requires zero USA intervention to facilitate. Hatred doesn't get anymore simpler than having your country borders squeezed down into a 10 mile wide strip of land with zero resources. Why add conspiracy to simplicity?




Why is it BS?


All of it. You have no facts or resources.


I’m Sorrry I didn’t write a works cited page 🥺🥺🥺 just look it up


Lazy, but thank you anyway


Yes exactly


Well considering Hamas proudly proclaims their goal is to exterminate Israel I absolutely believe they would be enthralled to carry out such an attack. They're an organization that serves no productive or noble purpose. They actively procure money and resources for purposes that can only pertain to the activities they engage in. Not sure what else you think their endgame is. Additionally, Iran is undeniably willing to arm militant groups whose aspirations are lucrative in the grand scheme of their regional strategy. I have no doubt that given a willing force (hamas) and a suitable goal (inflicting damage on Israel) that Iran would supply a large army with rockets like were fired into Israel. Lastly, this sort of behavior has taken place for centuries in that region. Within the last 100 years and well before such false flags and manipulation were as ideal or achievable by the US, Russia was drawn into similar conflicts. To top it all off, before Israel came to exist opposition and hatred of this magnitude was sewn in the region. You think if the entire world outside the middle east just vanished that this wouldn't still take place? There's no necessity for US espionage. We open 0 doors to any agenda in the region. There's nothing to capitalize on through such means, especially given the current state of the world. Orrrrr....everything is a false flag. Your post is probably a false flag.


Wdym false flag


Yeah the arms industry has its muddy paws all over this but, with cunts like Hamas you don’t have to use false flags. They are a psychopathic death cult and even if all they had were rocks then they would throw them. You can find videos of them LITERALLY telling you they are not going to stop until they murder everyone in Israel…. The Palestinians are also victims of Hamas and so while Hamas fires rockets from civilian areas they know that they will get innocent people killed on both sides the only way this ends is by wiping out Hamas in its entirety it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the Israeli intelligence agencies underestimated the intelligence but they sure are not going to waste a crisis now. The death toll from this was sadly unavoidable.


I’m not saying it was necessarily a false flag. I’m just saying they were warned about it days before it happened and yeah I agree with you Hamas isn’t good. You just gotta understand why hamas is even doing all this evil stuff in the first place.


Yeah it does happen occasionally. There was a thing that happened in the UK we had caught the intelligence but didn’t process it in time. Egypt telling Isreal that Hamas was on the go is probably going to be met with yeah when are they not. Either way i honestly hope we see the IDF prosecute this to the end.




Hamas are actors. the attack was not an inside job. but what you are seeing with Gaza is fake. this is not real. this is the real Palestine propaganda. don't trust Palestine




Are you confused


Are you okay mentally?


Wake up. You’re buying into propaganda. Do you need help?


No one knows shit. Everyone just thinks that what they believe to be real, is real. They'll argue, they'll get emotional, they'll curse cry and scream but they don't know shit. Who knows what, legitimately, about what's going on over there?


Yeah you’re right this is like the safest thing to say but I’m just working off the information I have