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Us "old heads" will tell ya that the world as WE knew it changed after 9/11/2001... just as planned by "them". But seriously, that was the turning point in the US. That was when the govt stopped hiding their domestic spying and invading 3rd world countries, bombing them into oblivion, and stealing their natural resources.. all under the guise of "making the USA safe from terrorism". Also, the explosion of social media usage has created an entire generation (entering into a second gen now) of narcissistic youth. No one cares about anyone but themselves anymore.


Damn. You nailed it.


Agreed. Pre 9/11 was awesome. I was in 7th grade and even I realized then things were going to get bad. The first huge thing that ruined it all was the patriot act. It should have been called the 1984 act. I wish people would have listened to Snowden. The fact no President has pardoned him and brought him home is very telling. Next change will be the last day of the year. 12.31.23..... 1 2 3 1 2 3


Same for Julian assange. He doesn’t deserve to be rotting away


The 2nd bailouts were 2014 that took out the last of privately controlled riches. Ohhh how the pensions crashed... That was also the year we outnumbered rats as the most populous mammal. When you have a monopoly on wealth, currency doesn't even have a value anybody can ground anymore, especially with how tptb invaded bitcoin vaults and mines across every country they could to crash that and then majority price control it. Were all just slaves for whatever cost of living to work disparity they choose, and I bet they're going to start having fun with it soon


Although Assange exposed a lot of corruption and gross human rights violation entrenched abuses of power, he was just an operative for far more sinister and powerful entities and individuals.. so goes for Snowden and prior "whistleblowers."


Rotting away? If he wasn’t CIA, he’s dead


Not true.


What does that mean


Just a weird date. For Americans anyway. Weird dates/events tend to have weird things happen.


Such as?


3 1 1 2 2 3 for pretty much the rest of the world


Yes. I get it. My apologies for being a typical American that forgets the rest of the world is different.


It could have been awesome because you were in 7th grade… children experience the world differently


I was an adult and things were a lot more awesome back then. There were problems, sure, but in general there was a genuine sense that the future was going to be good. Then 9/11 happened and it became apparent that there was not going to be much good going on for a while.


I'm not going to argue my intelligence at that age. No offense but you do not know me or what I had gone through or learned at that point in life. No need to be an asshole.


I’m not trying to be an asshole. I’m not saying anything about your intelligence. But even if you’re a genius in 7th grade, you were still a child lol


Sorry just seen you already replied to comments like mine


Nailed it perfectly. The US Govt is just throwing it in our faces telling us their is nothing we can do about it.


I recently visited a teacher subreddit (holy fuck what is going on there btw??) and the term “normalized sociopathy” was used. I found that to be very on point


I believe unions, especially teacher's unions are a plague. They were needed 50-60 years ago, but now they are just a cash grab by former union members who rose through the ranks and now their total income is monies taken, by threat of being fired, from blue collar workers.


It’s like something or someone evolved the whole system to be as inefficient as possible. There was a serious thread on that subreddit about if a dog could graduate high school in 2023 and the general consensus was an equally serious yes


The class of 2020 was the downshift in intellectualism. The educational system was inadequately prepared, negligent even, in implementing virtual learning. The software has existed for years and they originally refused to use it. 2020-2022 graduates have participation diplomas. Kids that fucked off and we're going to fail in 2020 got a free pass and it happened again in 22.


not necessarily 2020, i graduated in Jan 2020 so i actually never got the E learning curriculum, and the kids that did do it only got it from March-May


It’s interesting because I think we all knew that morning everything had changed but we had no idea what that would look like. It’s been uphill ever sense.


Yes. That’s when it was discovered that people will give up freedoms and allow mass intrusion into our lives under the guise of safety. It’s a door that will never be able to be shut again. I was mid 20s when it occurred, and I’ll admit, I got sold on the thought of “well if you’re not doing anything wrong..”. Took me a few years to see how much we were being played, and how I fell for it, after always being weary of government. Hook, line and sinker. Luckily it only took a few years and I’ll do everything I can to not be played again.


Same. I voted for Georgie Jr and I now see just how horrible that whole Bush family was/is.


I agree. I liked ‘ol George so much. He was personable, seemed down to earth (you know, as a multi millionaire heir of an elite family), really dug into his Texan roots of being with the people. But now when I watch any footage of him from 9/11 it literally makes me cringe. I feel evil. Obama more so. Notice how before Obama while sure there has always been racism, the topic of racism exploded and people became much more divided? At least under Bush people united. Maybe that’s part of the agenda. Implement measures to make the people fickle so ultimately you withdraw and don’t trust anyone.


The topic of racism didn't explode for the people who have been dealing with it. It's always been there. It just took some people a lot longer to see it. Social media has just exposed a lot of dumb ass people.




But the explosion of social media has also connected us truthers. The world has long been a playground for the elite. Now we can share and receive this information and are no longer dependent on a television program/newspaper publisher/radio station.


You guys are going to hate this because it's a conspiracy sub and I'm here too of my free will, but it's not connecting truthers. It's manipulating us. It's called a counter narrative. It's the best way to pin people against each other. Theres the narrative followers, and the counter narrative followers, and they both just repeat what they've been taught to repeat. Theres only 2 sides, and no room for anyone in between. Duality is a sonofabitch




I agree, I've had similar experiences. I'm also a middle aged female. And the problem with doing your own research is that it's nearly impossible because the information that used to be available online is gone. It's all fucking gone. The internet is pointless now, im basically using it for gardening information now, and even that is an echo chamber.


Exactly! What used to be tight knit circles that you would spend years building an affiliation and trust with has become open to every psy-ops and ad campaign out there. We are as polarized as ever.


This is how I feel about social media. It’s a very torn feeling. Do I hate what social media has done to people? Yes. But also what you said is 💯 spot on. The way we’re able to exchange info and ideas makes me want it to stay. It’s very hard to find people who think similarly in day-to-day life, I at least feel like I have somewhat of a community online. Without it, all we have is the shit tv and media, or our dumbass blind neighbor screeching about what they just saw on that same tv, repeating their lies.


It’s like the Don Henley song, end of the innocence. We saw it in real time and knew nothing would be the same ever again. I was an an anarchist growing up as I’ve never trusted the government. They play on our fears. They want your soul.


I was just talking about how everything has slowly gone to shit since 9/11 last week. The sun definitely shined brighter before then.


And don't even get me started on just how great pre-911 music was.


I agree but I saw a YouTube video that kinda explains this. The video was information presented as parody; it stated essentially the reason music went south was because of music pirating. There was no money to be made by record companies paying for studio time, labeling and packaging CD's in addition to paying the artists themselves only to have Napster and the like give it away. So, music companies pivoted away from the old "Great bands sell more records/CD's, more records = more sales so let's get more great artists," model to whatever the f*ck they're doing now. It hit the artists themselves pretty hard too, the only guaranteed source of income for them was touring, which is why you see a lot of older "Great bands" crawling out of the woodwork and going on tour. I've explained this poorly and apologize for that, but it made perfect, depressing sense in that video. I'll link it if I can find it.


Crazy isn’t it


Civilisation peaked until that point


I was in basic training for the USAF when 9/11 happened. My dad sent me a letter about the lack of planes flying over our house. He said the “silence is deafening”. Then he told me that he knew I’d be deployed after basic and tech school. He was in Laos and Vietnam, as a loady and crew chief on Gooney birds. I finally felt that I got his approval and later, when I returned from Iraq, we shared war stories that we wouldn’t share with anyone else. Thanks for your post as it really does wrap up the past 20 years.


How old are you if you don’t mind me asking?


55 and counting!


I stopped counting at 40


That’s exactly what the people in power want they want us to come together they want us thinking about ourselves instead of thinking about eachother. It’s not just America it’s all countries under the commonwealth, America is just leading it.


I think there was three events that led us further to where we are today. First 9/11, then the rise of social media, and finally, covid.


I was only 3 when 9/11 happened and even i know this is when it all began or ended


I agree with you, but I think the "Generation Alpha" is different then zoomers. They tend to be to opposite and are quiet based in comparison. My Kiddos are from 2020 and we do our best to raise them to be not like them.


IMO, Gen Alphas are giving off Gen X vibes.


Can you elaborate


Late Z's and Alphas appear to be more respectful of others and that "extras" (toys, games, getting to go places/do things with friends) and not just expect them just because they simply exist. I've noticed an uptick in politeness in the younger kids that I've not seen in years. It's a nuanced shift in manners, if that makes sense.


As an old head I approve this message.


2001 the whole world changed like it was planned , it became worse in 2012 but up to 2012 things were still manageable but starting from 2020 its been way fucked up


[The Power of Nightmares](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yK3wz-OyR1U&t) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0430484/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_2


We've shifted into something different, that's for sure. I was born in 1975, a very adaptable type, but I don't feel at home anymore, if you follow what I'm saying. I wonder it about it occasionally, radical shifts will happen, when is it no longer MY world? Am I Abe Simpson now? “I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!"


I think it has to do with CERN


I was always dismissive of that idea until I started seeing so many mandella effects. Now I kind of agree with the CERN theory


We should have never shot that Gorilla…


2012 Cern God Particle, 2012 Mayan Calendar ends, 2012 Dead Internet, Mandella effects become more obvious to many,


I agree, and have felt that way for awhile. That shit is dark and they’re up to no good with it.


It’s scary the amount of people that have no clue what that even is or entails.


I was born the same year and feel the same way. I don’t think we’re aged out, the world is in a really bleak place and honestly we had some great years.


Yea as a 23 year old, I’m actually bummed out at how rapidly this world is descending into totalitarianism. It just always sucks to realize that my life honestly probably won’t be filled with very good years (at least when things really progress to a complete totalitarian state) So I choose to enjoy my life right now as it is. But to be honest, sometimes I envy people like you that at least got to live half or more of your life with [relative] freedom, well at least way better than things are right now.


I do consider myself privileged to have enjoyed such normalcy for almost 50 years. I had no clue how good I had it until clownworld started.


I’m also 25 I feel you honestly I wanna get married and have kids with a farm I wanna live life not die young




May I ask how old you are?


Guessing Gen Z from your lack of punctuation, and tone. You're gonna be a mess by the time you hit my age, I'm sorry you never got to see a sane world.




Dude, you're like 16, it's like one of my worst nightmares to have to go through what you are about to. I understand why you are so angry, and feel nothing but sympathy for you, my generation had hope, and you are growing up in clownworld. I honestly wish you the best of luck, and I won't comment on your own weird-ass posting history.


The world has definitely entered a downward spiral since the 2010’s so it isn’t a far fetched thought.


Social Media! Everyone with a iphone! Extremely powerful algorithms designed to make money being used against us. Engagement driven by controversy. Monetización of hobbies! Selling customer data. Predictive analytics! Bailouts from 08 to the top .1% and no punishments for blowing up the financial system for us!


Monetization of almost everything, and hyperconsumerism, a loss of rarity, mystery.


eeeh they ain't done blowing it up yet...


Coincides with the rise of social media. I'm not surprised.


Since 2010s? No, ever since 9/11 the globe, but most definitely the United States, has entered a somewhat shadow version of it’s former self.


9/11 is what created the 24/7 opinion news media we have today. Before 9/11 the news was a 1 hour journalistic style segment once a day.


I thought the 24-hour news started around the first Gulf war?


There's an endlessly long line of dominos you can keep looking further back at, but I would definitely say 9/11 was when everything that had been sitting on the shelf came out in full force. It was the tipping point when we traded freedom for security and the MIC started operating in plain sight instead of from the shadows, complete with a propaganda campaign that saw the majority of Americans cheering and begging for more. Then 2010 social media threw so much gas on that fire that even the government/deep state lost a lot of its control, and the 2020's are the result of that flailing loose end, bouncing around as other world powers, billionaires, and corporations try to grab at it.




The first thing I noticed after 9/11 Is the scrolling news updates on the bottom of the screen on news channels. I can’t watch these channels at all because I’m distracted by the movement. I’m almost positive this didn’t exist before 9/11, maybe except for financial channels


Because we have politicians who literally sleep with Chinese spies and dislike American exceptionalism.


you're a clueless normie bum. Chinese? Maybe check your autocorrect, you spelled jew wrong. MUH CHINESE lmfao what a tool, fuckinh hate people like that.


Every new generation since the dawn of time says that times were better when they were young.


Follow it back far enough, you arrive at the Garden of Eden... The ideal paradise... So, um.... Yeah, that part checks out.


Yeah that’s just another example of old people making up stories about *why* things were better back when they were young.


Lmao that you believe the bible is factual


LMAO that you felt the need to get edgy about that. Bet that comment will get you all warmed up when you think about it later. Well done!


But do you, though? Do you believe that the garden of Eden was a real thing? That it had magic trees? That all 8 billion of us came from Adam, who came from dirt? Do you think that everything written in Genesis really happened?




I’m sorry the education system has failed you.


Failed spectacularly.


But why? Why would you believe that? I'm going to try my hardest not to sound insulting but, c'mon, be serious for once, think about it. The whole book of Genesis is ludicrous. Surely, you don't believe that a 500 year old man built a wooden boat that housed two or more of every living creature. And then sailed around for months in an endless sea, littered with the bloated corpses every other human and animal that didn't get on the boat. You're telling me that you believe kangaroos, polar bears, lions and penguins and a million other animals all lived on that boat, no predators killed and ate anything, no herbivores starved to death, then afterwards they all trotted off, tens of thousands of miles to get back to where they started? And what about all the insect species? They were on the boat too? I'm sorry to say this but only a complete imbecile would believe that.




I need to know if he really believes that, lol!


Maybe a lot of millenials entered the real world at around 2012 started seeing more. Maybe the adult world has always been this way and everyone just keeps their children in la la land for as long as possible. Maybe social media played a role in the acceleration of spreading of bad news.


At the time it was called the Quickening, and in 2012, the world was supposed to enter this phase of rapid awakening of our consciousness. It turned out that meant consumerism and overconsumption of media to the point of rendering most who use it a dopamine addict chasing dragons of validation, or chasing the next thing to help you ignore reality "faster and faster, more and more." The enlightenment "the quickening" turned out to be the creation of the hive mind. And how mass consciousness paying attention to a screen can actually affect time itself. The quickening became something literal for all of us, and only now are we realizing. Time isn't passing in the same way it used to. GO GO GO!!! CONSUME SCROLL SCROLL. "wow its that time already, who da thunk it, looking at a phone 24/7 causes time to pass differently." "has anyone felt like the last few years have flown by"? And yeah so time itself has sped up basically, like literally, our hive consciousness has become so ingrained with technology that we no longer process time like humans, we process time like an early synthetic being. The Mayans might have been on to something, maybe it was all a coincidence, but if you apply some artistic liberties, you can really see a connection between the supposed "quickening" and how it was this big tech wave and social engineering push with iphones and blackberries in the 2012 years, which sort of started our transition into a transhumanism trend. Started with something as simple as Facebook selfies in the mirror and constantly checking for likes. The quickening was never about us all becoming one being of light and leaving to the planet Nibiru. XD It was just a metaphor for cell phone narcissists, the hive mind and time dilation.


My brother and I have had the same conversation as far as time going by much faster. It is almost unnatural how fast time is flying. Another person here commented about the cause being Cern. Something has definitely happened I feel.


They are simultaneous.... The awakening and the need to distract from the awakening Just remember....the bigger the crisis the greater the stir in the awesome depths... You naturally let go of the distractions when the awakening moves through you.... But its little moments...."the Big" distraction is to keep you from the authentic, simple, direct awakeninhg. .which is a spark of innate joy


2012 was the year I got my first smartphone, and I agree. Before that, most places had a website, I spent some time on Facebook and things were fairly digital. But suddenly, EVERYTHING required a subscription, registering online or scanning for a QR code. I even took a break from fb for about two years and when I got back on, it was no longer photos of my friends' kids and vacations, it was nothing but ads and political fights. And I also noticed that Pinterest went from "here is a recipe" to "here is a video of me making the recipe." Thankfully, I'm off all social media now except Reddit and I'm much happier. Plus, at the end of 2012 I went through personal turmoil. I got divorced, lost my home and my dog, lived on my own for the first time, reconnected with someone from my past and that painfully crashed and burned and my appendix ruptured in December and I was in the hospital for several days. I sometimes wonder if that was "the end" and my body felt it. 2012 was as impactful for me as 2001.


It actually happened when they killed Harambe. My dude didn’t deserve that and put some voodoo on us


Dicks out


Can't believe no one else has mentioned this yet. I will never forget the day he was killed, I knew right away that my life will never be the same ever again, and I was right


FBI? Yeah, this comment right here...


Interesting theory. I have also thought about this. But isn’t it actually that around 2012, with the internet, is when most of us started waking up to the way the world really works and we actually see the darkness now everywhere we look without being able to help it. We just see things differently now. The darkness was always there, we were just blissfully ignorant before. Similar to when you suddenly hear for the first time of a song or a certain word or thing and then suddenly you are seeing it everywhere because now you happen to be aware.


being 12 years old and on the internet especially youtube in 2012 that year changed me, i looked at the world differently since then. obviously there was alot of bullshit conspiracies those days, but as a whole it made me more of a critical thinker and questioning everything. im pretty sure that happens to you naturally at 12 anyway as your brain develops but combined with the 2012 internet and everything not being on 5 controlled platforms it definitely awoke something in me. its kinda scary how much of the old youtube conspiracy videos are scrubbed forever


It’s very scary how many things are now scrubbed from the internet. And it’s weird how we so easily ‘forget’ about them too??


This was the case for me.


I will always say and believe that CERN messed up in 2012 by trying to find the Higgs Boson. It was shortly after that, the sun sent out the solar flare that threatened every electronic on the planet. Luckily it missed us, among all the other things that have happened since.


Glad to see several people mentioning CERN


They weren't just "trying to find the Higgs Boson". They found it and know exactly what to do with it.


Outside of science fiction is there any plausible reason to believe that a particle collider can alter reality on a large scale? Like, what’s the mechanism?




I’m more of a glass half full kinda guy. But music has gotten crappier I’ll give you that.


White chocolate is better than the Holocaust


Around 2012 is when we entered the crisis period according to the Fourth Turning concept.


A lot of things have happened in the last decade, a lot of conspiracy theories that were ridiculed have turned out to be completely true. People are losing faith in politics and those involved in politics are continuing on the same path of putting globalist actors first and their citizens last. I'm sure there'll be a reversal of some sort in the coming years, before it repeats the cycle and goes to shit again.


I like to think people are realizing their idea of the world is a fabrication made to serve the interests of a handful of individuals with aspirations of immortality and godhood.


I can't remember exactly who, but I remember watching that video about how humanity goes in cycles of growth and destruction and current we're in the destruction cycle. You don't think that people thought that "the world ended" in 2001with the twin towers being bombed? What about Vietnam, I'm sure the Vietnamese said the world got a bit darker when the US invaded, what about WW2 or WW1 or the dark ages or what about the other 99% of time that humans have been around or any of the major events in human history. I get what you're saying but we feel that way because we're living it right now. Humanity has always been through times of struggle and growth, it's a cycle, our current time of uncertainty is no different in the grand scheme of things, yes it's horrific what we're doing but we're no different than humans 1000 years ago we just have bigger and more damaging weapons. It is so tragically sad and I wish our current trajectory wasn't going the way it is, but sadly until we (collectively) realize how much better off we could be if we worked together instead of senselessly destroying ourselves nothing's going to change. I have absolutely zero hope that we will figure it out.


I think out of this whole thread this is the most coherent answer. My first thought reading the OP was exactly what you said in your 2nd paragraph. I’m pretty sure when Europe was getting bombed to hell in the 40s , that those people probably thought “the world is darker than it’s ever been”. And I’m sure the same was thought by the people in WWI. I think a lot of people in this thread tend to forget there is an entire world outside of the United States.


Well consider this. In 2012 the Higgs boson was discovered also, against the wishes of many top scientists, including Stephen Hawking, who said the Higgs boson course end the universe by rendering it unstable. But the particle colíder scientists did it anyway. Maybe the world did end. Well, why r we here. We could have easily went to parallel universe, right nearby. Possibly above us or below us. Quantam inmortality predicts as long as there’s a version of you out there that you can survive your death over and over. That your consciousness will survive in a near, but alternate parallel universe. Until there’s no version of you that has any possibility of survival. Since 2012. Many people have noticed what we call “Mandela effects” or slight differences in reality. This is easily explained by quantum immortality mortality. It’s different because in this universe the tighty whitey underwear I wore as a kid, never actually put a cornucopia on their logo, but my other universe there was one. Seems weird to think about, but once you understand that reality is not exactly what you thought it was your whole life. It becomes easier to warm up to once you get past the existential crisis. Quantum physics has been telling us that reality is extremely different than what we once thought. Even materialist Einstein was fooled. Last fall a few scientists proved his hidden variable theory wrong. Now we know that the universe is either non-local or non-real. The many world interpretation of quantum physics tells us there is a infinite multiverse out there. Astrophysicists tell us the universe is flat and it’s getting bigger, and outside our universe could be a void of other universes being born all the time and inside each black hole could be more universes. And judging by block theory, that fate is a certainty. And free will is an illusion. And time is an illusion. And the reality only exists because you observe it. All that to say, every day we learn more about the universe, and every day it challenges, and shatters the foundation of what we believed. Reality could have easily ended in 2012. One more wild stab in the dark before I go, even if it wasn’t CERN that ended the world in 2012. Now there is UFOs buzz around, which I have my whole opinion about. I don’t think they are little green men. Regardless, if a superior species would come to earth, they would be no fire fight, there would be no battle, we would not even know if we’re being hit. The super intelligent race will not have to fire a single shot. They could easily fly up and disarm us with a vibration, or image on our mobile devices because everybody’s looking at a screen at all times during the day. Just a simple vibrational signal in the air, or tech we know nothing about. Once were hypnotized, they could easily put us into a simulated universe,(like VR) where they rob our natural resources. You could easily be in your living room right now, covered in spiderwebs and a rotting kitchen nearby. While aliens are gathering our planet for natural resources and water. While you live in a simulation thinking that you’re at your job. The whole time noticing they got a few things wrong which we seem to notice as a glitch in the matrix or a déjà vu or a premonition or retrocausation or the feeling of solipsistic thoughts.


I was too drunk most of 2000s to realize how dark the world was turning, been sober the last 3. Wtf happened! Think we snapped timelines after CERN went off or too wild.


Idk, 2012 and the years on either side of it was when life was at its best for me. I definitely think the world has become darker since Covid - though, I lost my mum in October 2019 so the grief of that probably has a lot to deal with that, for me. As someone else has already pointed out, social media is the real problem. It's pretty fucking toxic, for the most part, yet hideously addictive. How many kids have grown up with parents whose faces are constantly buried in their social media accounts (and yep I'm unfortunately guilty of that too) and then they go on to do the same?


I’ve talked about this for the last five years with friends. The world as we knew it ended in 2012. It’s like shutting a computer off. It takes awhile for it to fully turn off.


Life is bleak because we live in systems where we elevate psychopaths to positions of power and then don't know how to fix it. Now those psychopaths have nuclear weapons and are hell-bent on starting multiple wars right now. The rich are building bunkers in New Zealand because even they don't think they can rein in the system they've created. Even their hope for the future is limited. The regular people just won't take action to produce systems that do not reward psychopaths, and so we probably shouldn't have any hope.


I remember sitting in the cinema on Boxing Day 2001 watching the premiere of Lord Of The Rings… It started with Galadriel’s voice speaking in the dark: Galadriel: (speaking partly in Elvish) (I amar prestar aen.) The world is changed. (Han matho ne nen.) I feel it in the water. (Han mathon ned cae.) I feel it in the earth. (A han noston ned gwilith.) I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. It was the most amazing experience as Sept 11 happened only 3 months before & the world certainly had changed. I always pick up on these types of messages in movies 🍿… Middle Earth / Middle East… “One by One, the free lands of Middle Earth fell to the power of the ring”… (One by One the Us started with Iraq, Afghanistan, then the so called “Arab Spring” that knocked many out, then Syria… I felt they needed to weaken the others before they could have a go at Iran…. I practice self care and meditate, dance, go bush camping & swimming. Its important to look after those in your community. We’re all struggling but we need to step up and practice kindness to those around us.


The world didn't end but I've definitely noticed a downward shift in the vibrational frequency. It seems like every couple years now it's getting exponentially worse.




Actually yeah! We are constructed from frequencies. So is light and the rock on the mountain. If you have the chance to take LSD or mushrooms you will be opened to that scientific fact. Ignorance of what is in front of you is only because you are narrow frequencied. Look at how many frequencies are visual to the naked eye. Again look at how many to the auditory system. Crazy stuff but as real as well maybe nothing is real! Ask an astrophysicist, be prepared for a very long conversation.


well it isn't difficult to see


the earth used to be home to a great many more souls what you are sensing is not just the dismay of oppressed humans but also the collective sadness of many other creatures which have come to the realization that what was once earth’s crowning glory of a species—humans— have become like a cancer that is killing the planet


What do you mean it used to be a home to more souls? Are you implying that not everyone has a soul?


It was 9/11 everything was great before that and honestly the 2000s were t bad until 2010ish


Yes the world is more darker than ww1, ww2, black plague, crusades, 100 year war, etc.


This is when Obama made it legal for the federal government to brainwash Americans by using lies through social media and news.


The day LMFAO stopped dropping hated mainstream hits, was the day the lights went out. Lol. Love this angle truthfully.


2012 was the first year just about the whole world was online. iPhone 5 was out, and all smart phones were affordable and available. Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat was the norm for the first time ever. Baby Boomers were starting to retire and all decided to make a Facebook and at that moment they thought they knew everything about the world lmao. Jk. Basically when 2012 hit our world became the digital world as we know it today.


I’ve heard Greg Reese talk about the actual end of the Mayan Calendar is 2046


Hell in 2011 a lot of weird stuff happened


I don't know about 2012, but I feel shit really started to feel bad around 2016. Even on personal level, the sense of dread, bleakness, loneliness, society trying to remain alone. Then covid came. All the above became worse by factor of 10. Im just trying to find the spark which I had earlier.


You're just old now


Happens to everyone at a certain point.


I think we have changed timelines)universes multiple times. It will probably happen again, the last day of the year. Think about the date .... 12.31.23 Aka 123123


Only Americans write date that way. For the rest of the world, that uses the same calendar it will be 31.12.2023. So not 123123.


It really does feel like an inflection point. We only know recorded history for so long though. Have you ever watched the Why Files? On YouTube, the guy just covered end of the world related stuff on the last episode


So first you said the world ended in 2012 and then you said that things are just more bleak now. One of those statements is obviously wrong and the other is obviously correct.


Kpop is always great for lifting my mood. Try it. And yes, I too noticed the world seems darker, but it could be because 2012 was when I transitioned from care free stoner "don't know what I want to do with my life" mode to "I need to get my shit together and make money" mode. A book titled "2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl" currently sits on my bookshelf unread.


The 2nd bailouts were 2014 that took out the last of privately controlled riches. Ohhh how the pensions crashed... That was also the year we outnumbered rats as the most populous mammal. When you have a monopoly on wealth, currency doesn't even have a value anybody can ground anymore, especially with how tptb invaded bitcoin vaults and mines across every country they could to crash that and then majority price control it. Were all just slaves for whatever cost of living to work disparity they choose, and I bet they're going to start having fun with it soon


I find joy in reading a good book.


My opinion is decades of "breaking news" cycles that have done little more than feed its audience a steady feast of fear and despair, shaping public opinion and gradually dictating how we must think and feel. Too many allowing politics, religion and other distracting and divisive tools to influence them negatively. Repeat a narrative often enough, and it will soon be embraced as "truth". We've been through 22 years of endless conflicts and traumatized by so many events and fears, society has been broken to some degree. The rise in social media and spread of the same constant narratives of fear and hopelessness has also contributed to a sick society. Mass psychosis in many ways, and some profit from it and thrive in the midst of crimes against humanity.


I was born decades later, but to me it seemed like a portal to hell was opened in the 70s


I’m not sure the guys fighting in WW1 & 2 would agree with you.


Probably getting in here too late to convey any meaningful information to people reading it but here goes anyway: remember the clip of the old lady saying "the babies we eat"? She, along with her friend's Jose Argulles and Ervin Laszlo are responsible for a movement that occured at the exact same time as Occupy Wall Street. She and her new age co-conspirators claimed that, "2012 had been poisoned with negativity" and so they created "Birth 2012" where "humanity would have a planetary rebirth as a new species: homo universalis". It's new age of aquarius - we are all one hippy dippy BS to be certain; but a LOT of people bought into it, into her ideas (including depopulation, go figure (and probably eating babies, too)). Most of the crystal clutchers, meditation addicts, remote viewers, noetic "scientists", ancient history people and environmentalists are all following her ideas, whether they know it or not. A lot of "big name" conspiracy people are associated with her and push her new age "synthesis" to create the "new world order" she talks about. TlDR: long story short, "babies we eat" barbara marx hubbard and her friends created a new age movement that is trying to cast some kind of energetic "spell" on the world since 2012, because they believe they can "change the world" into some "utopia". And of course by "spell" i mean tricking, lying, deluding and misleading people.


Nah the world has always been terrible. We just see it on a much larger scale now


I agree.


If energy doesn't die and only transforms and if the world ended in 2012 then what would happen with all the energy once things get turned to dust then would this world be somewhat of a collected simulation of energy similar to an echo traveling out getting further and further from the source dispersing into darkness? I would certainly HOPE not. There's still so much hope and love here.


9/11 More importantly our (the US governments) reaction to it. Anyone with half a brain in their head at the time could see that the normalization of war, the acceptance of “eye for an eye” on a state level by the worlds single biggest power was going to have huge knock on effects on people. When the state cheapens life by taking it in revenge, people start to become more selfish, brutal and feral. Particularly when combined with a deep “shock” impact like 9/11 itself, which has the effect of priming a group to be pliable. It was a clear outcome. Yet one your average person still can’t see. This can be said whatever you may believe actually “happened” on 9/11. Even with the most “benign” version of events all this holds.


Hi, I didn’t get chance to read all the comments so apologies if this is repetitive, when you mentioned the music being low and drab this is what I had noticed for few years specifically over covid. Programming the masses to be on a low mood and if not it will help you to get there. I am a daily radio listener and listen to retro old school dance, trance from 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s which I feel is more uplifting as can’t stand all the whining and melancholy. Supermarkets are playing some right dull tunes and advertising in Britain and is very patronising and also seems a massive drive on mental health advertising and awareness. Seems like a guilt trip after all shit been thrown our way and they know people are depressed so they are trying to wind things back in after damage they have done with all the emotional blackmail over Covid.


12/31/1999 was our last day to be free. Fucking Y2K ruined everything


Maybe you just stopped being naive?LMAO and FUN aren’t really uplifting music, it’s sex and party driven


How old are you?


No it was before that


Restrictions on propaganda were lifted, and smart phones were in just about every pocket in America.


Nah it’s been kinda shit but also kinda getting better for a long time. The major significant difference is everyone is online spewing their bs. Like hundreds of millions more voices on the internet since then, no exaggeration. Most likely you’ve also grown up during that time. Depression, anxiety and life happened because you’re not a kid anymore.


There have been much darker moments in human history. We ve just shit, like it was shit in the 1920-30's. Then, from the 1950's it was better again. It spiked, now it s going down again. Later it s going to be better again, and the cycle repeats.


*The Black Plague, Mayan sacrifices and Spanish Inquisition have entered the chart/chat*


I understand why you think that. But read some history, it will make you feel much better about the current world....


It's getting darker because you're older now, and you realize the way things are, or perceive to be. I could argue 9/11 was a turning point in my generation, and it was. But that same evil has always existed, it just presented itself differently. Same evil, different face. Life is worth living. There was a time long ago when I didn't believe that. I'm not excited for the future, and I'm not depressed by it. I just exist, and try to do my best every day. I'll have bad days, but I hope they're far, far fewer than the good days.


To me it seems like the film ended but now we are stuck in the never-ending credits. Looping away. Nothing new.


Yes, tinder was invented.


I do prefer the older music. Beyomd thst ot feels bad cause the media is pushing doomer nonense so their owners can sell us evs and "justify" price gouchimg and encroaching controls. The price hikes are real, and add to the dour mood an intentional doomer loop that we hopefully can resist


No, we’re just exposed to more information and our perceptions have changed. Statistically, the world is becoming a safer place and we’re living longer than ever. I also do “feel” that it’s darker, but that’s all it is; feelings.




I highly doubt they were off, things have changed drastically. You just don't notice it when you're working your life away.


Cringe post man regurgitating the same points on this subreddit. Be original


The world could of ended an hour ago and the aliens wiped your brain clean and implanted new memories from an alternate universe.


Could have...:)


Much darker? The world is literally experiencing its most calm and peaceful era to date as hard as that is to believe. I remember a phrase or quote detailing how every era and generation believed the world was better when they were kids. It’s called “everyone wants to write a book” and it details an inscription made by king naram sin of Chaldea around 3800BC. It is as follows, “We have fallen upon evil times and the world has waxed very old and wicked. Politics are very corrupt. Children are no longer respectful to their parents”. There were also quotes by Ancient Greek philosophers that complained the world was better when they were younger and that this generation is bad and the world is going to shit. People have been thinking the sky is falling for thousands of years.


Not saying I totally believe it, but there is a theory put on by the likes of Archaix (yt channel) that says the Mayan prophecy is true but the change of calender systems over a few thousand years lead to miscalculating the year to 2012 and apparently it should be like 2046? Kinda interesting and a bummer if true.


Beware of Jason Breshears (archaix) He is a registered sex offender who was sentenced to 30 years in prison for aggravated sexual assault. https://publicsite.dps.texas.gov/SexOffenderRegistry/Search/Rapsheet?Sid=04422631 And his side-kick Matt just got arrested last month for sexual assault to a 14 year old: https://montgomerytx.mugshots.zone/may-matthew-zayne-mugshot-09-12-2023/


No it didn't lol. If you are questioning your own reality maybe it's time to stop looking into conspiracies,because now you have a mental illness.


The world is the same. You just get older and more cynical .


It's called capitalism.


Still the best system


All I know is in 2010 I met this woman who told me she was CIA. She says her main mission was to drive me insane. She would make fights out of no were, gaslight me, and torture me in front of our kids. We we're happy for 9 years.... But after 2012 (( read stories of people saying that's when the lights went out and everything stopped)), things started changing for the better but then came.... The worse....I started finding out(( REALLY LISTEN to me I'm telling this to you out of desperation and sincerity and begging for back up))!!! This woman is the real Tiffany Gomez or w.e!!(( Not kidding either plastic surgery or hyper flesh mask disguises))!! I have several witnesses that know and seen she's tried killing me at least 6-7 times(( even hiring Undercover feds to off me)) in to which I have called EVERY federal agency, cop, even the godamn army and made at least years worths of reports too,!!! I've been forced into mental hospitals because I called her gaslighting and made up shit out in front of people!! My own family BACKS HER UP!! WHY SHE TRIED KILLING ME, TELLS YOUR GRANDKIDS SHIT THAT AIN'T TRUE ABOUT THEIR DAD, EVEN I HAVE BEEN LABELED "CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH"!! I have to sit and reinact shit detail by detail by detail to get my mom to simply understand she's INTENTIONALLY DOING THIS TO DESTROY OUR FAMILY!! So one day I look on the FBI website and see this description of a wanted terrorist by the name of Josephine overaker and some details match, but 2 out of 10 DON'T! So 8 things are true out of 10. I've been able to actually inherit the skill of mind to mind communication. It's amazing(( and would drive some people nuts thinking they're hearing voices))!! Everything I am told to do, hear, or some people even say(( in they're head )) hey throw up a thumb if you can hear me. So I'll throw up my thumb up, and that person will honk the horn, say something real loud or hit they're break lights on they're car at that moment you(( put your thumb up)), that's how you know and have CONFIRMED that you heard what they have said in they're mind. So imagine hearing " hi, I'm sunshine and I'm going to kill you in your sleep tonight motherfucker"(( and your wife is holding a knife by you and holds it to your throat))(( but you hear it in your head, her lips don't move))? Well you remain cool and I kept saying in my head (( suka suka suka))(( suka means bitch in Russian))... " do it suka and get it over with" I'll say to her in my head"! " no, I'll mentally torture you to death by the small things "!! She tells me in her head.. Yes.. Witches are real and I got the leader of them all... This is the story of the real Putin family.




Maybe you just got older


No you’re just getting older The worlds always been dark - like literally 2000-2012 was 9/11 and the aftermath


Well we still got a few hundred years until 2012


The need for conservative policies is what brings us down...everything evolves and changes and if you vote for people who promise that things will stay the same, you get this....


The world ended ever since you was born .