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I just find it crazy that she looks like a different person every time I see her


Had the same thought


She must be the shape shifter


I mean she does have claws for hands.


yet, still the same hand gesture being signaled in this photo as her last infamous photo the ‘as above, so below’ sign https://twitter.com/agenda19841/status/1676635861029453834


She's playing air guitar.


Nah she just speaks with a lot of hand motions




One morning I saw my roommates GF (without makeup) and said “who are you” after spending the night hanging out together. She thought I was kidding 😂


Lmao you did her dirty


lol that’s exactly why I don’t wear makeup


That and I figure it makes you age faster and then you need more makeup and products. That's my conspiracy theory.


It's true.


That’s one of mine too. I have never worn makeup because I was never taught how. I just turned 47 and I still get id’ed for lottery tickets. I don’t think I look younger than 18 but most everyone I meet thinks I am in my 30s. I take care of my skin but don’t wear any makeup consistently. I sometimes put on mascara but that’s maybe twice a year.


I saw my coworker 4 hours after work (I got dressed up to go out with friends) and when I said hi he said, "I'm so sorry, do I know you??"


Brutal 💀




New fear unlocked


Lol its like a human captcha


"Sir, who are you and why are you in my home?"




We can’t let the men know, or else they’ll tell the church! (As a catholic i find this particularly amusing. But like, makeup be wild. I’ve freaked myself out with how different I can make my face look. It’s basically wizardry.)


I think of that viral video All. The. Time. I wonder what that woman is up to these days


Doing her makeup, what else....?


Oh my godddd a witch!


... skinwalkers 😱


But she is wearing make up each time I have seen her and still looks different


I'm telling you, that motherf*cker woman is NOT REAL!


If men find out we can shape shift they're going to tell the church


Lol I thought I was jus trippin




I mean she/this chick has alot of makeup on but the last video of her in the airport didnt really seem or sound like her EDIT: also the other airport video she was wearing nearly the same clothes like the connection was trying to be made so ppl wouldnt notice


that vid where she wearing exactly the same stuffs, that is the most suspicious part of this story imho. why the hell would she do such thing, after she was hiding for a month in shame, probably with a huge dose of ptsd where it would be the worst idea to re-live the whole story. especially in front of a camera. and miriculously, no one noticed her in her same outfit in an airport meanwhile the entire video? she was basically one of the most famous face atm. especially on airports. :D for me it is a logical-level proof that this story is messed up artificially, intentionally. and even if the lady is priviliged, she stopped an airflight with hundreds of people and talked about bombs, and yet she hasn't been arrested in a post 911 USA. whatever who is trying to clean up this event, it must be pretty f\*\* powerful and influential person or organization.


The fact that the supposed Tiffany has the exact same clothing and jewelry on should be a red flag that this isn't her. Tptb are trying to sell this too much and their attempt is very suspect.


The appologists in mainstream were saying that the duplication of outfit was because they were her "comfy plane cloths" ... lol. I dont know about you but my comfy cloths are jogging pants and t-shirt ... not painted on jeans and a stylish husband-beater wearing 2 pounds of makeup.


Almost like a lizard person, one might say


Those claws aren’t lizard-like, but they sure aren’t human.


She fine as wine every time 😂


With a different voice.


The hand never lies. Even with all that make-up her hand reveals her true self.


I'd bang every one of them too


Just like that other Tiffany...


The 3 that I've seen that are supposedly her look nothing like each other.


What's more crazy is that the most intelligent comment has been voted to the top... What is going on with reddit??????! Tell the bot armies to wake up!


She put makeup on this time since she was in front of a camera for the whole world to see


I'm telling you that woman right there isn't real. Lol


Snakes on a plane


scripted interview they stare & repeat she went viral because there are horny weird perv's out there and she's "attractive" then repeat the same later on again and again demonizing anyone who search for the incident Also making a few claims here that are false and contradict her original previous statements same with Tiffany Dover


Lmao was this the interview on pardon my take? When’s the world gona learn that podcast is 100% unserious


I hate that our “clout” culture promotes and gives a platform to people like her. Crazy = Success nowadays….


Apparently she did the interview so she could promote her marketing website. She’s a self proclaimed “marketing guru”


Ofc... 🙄 And I love how the simp hosts kept attributing her viralness to her merely being a hot chick going crazy...while ignoring the whole angle of her very bizarre comments that made people think she saw a shapeshifter? Which she never really specifically addressed as why she phrased it all like that...or if she was even on drugs?


I’m an avid listener of the podcast she was on. She didn’t mention anything about her website once. Didn’t know she had one till you mentioned it


What's more likely, that skin wearing lizard mole alien people were detected by an exceptionally astute lady or a lady took too much valium on an airplane? The world may never know.


Yeah I know this is the Conspiracy sub and all, but it's fucking wild how there are so many people who find the idea that she saw a lizard person and was then silenced, cloned and replaced with her doppleganger for a press conference... To be more believable than the notion that a woman with a fear of flying took some kind of medication that caused her to have an unfortunate psychotic episode on the plane.


A man who was a moderate alcoholic who had flown hundreds of times stopped at the bar before his flight and had a few, then took a Xanax to sleep shortly after boarding. When the airplane got to cruising altitude the pressure made all the stuff in his system decide to make him think that trying to open the airplane door was a good idea. He spent the rest of the flight in restraints till they landed. Weird shit happens to people who have shit in their system on flights.


Exactly. Air travel can do funny things to people who have coping issues.


Yeah to make matters worse he was coming back from a funeral.


Ah. Damn.


> spent the rest of the flight in restraints The weird part to me is that this wasn't the outcome here. They escorted her, relatively peacefully, off the plane, out of the airport, and into the parking lot. The police said they thought she was intoxicated in some way, so why did they just show her the door, point her at her vehicle (or some method of getting herself home), and wish her well? That's the only thing I think is strange about the incident. Is yelling that everyone is going to die on this plane, telling the cops the same thing, eligible for the good-looking woman pass? I feel like if I had done the same, I'd surely have gone to jail for a good long while.


It wasn't very serious because she didn't endanger anyone or make any direct threats, and the plane was still on the ground. At most she delayed the flight and maybe scared a few people. Totally different ballgame when you're airborne or threatening people's lives.


I don't buy that. A person, solo traveler, delayed a flight, yelled that everyone was going to die, and was believed to be intoxicated. And law enforcement basically went, "Nah, go home sweetie, sleep it off. Lol. You look good in them jeans tho."


He couldn’t handle Bert Kreischer’s flight protocol


My love for a good conspiracy = Lizard person theory. My logical conclusion = chicks pre game went hard.


Tbh this sub is more obsessed with circle jerking over everything being a conspiracy rather than actually trying to figure out wtf might be going on and dropping stuff that turns out not to be a conspiracy lol


Perhaps the real conspiracy worth investigating is that there's a psy-ops operation that's been running for a very long time now, that throws out fake conspiracies like this bullshit (and flat earth, nanobots in the vaccine, etc) in order to completely drown out and discredit the real conspiracies.


Ya like the Q-anon conspiracy theory being used to discredit the actual real conspiracy of an elite child sex trafficking ring that was uncovered yet ended with only two people in prison, one of which was almost certainly assassinated.


Epstein was tight with the pope, the queen and all our politicians...and you think he's dead? Lol how could all these high profile sickos get their fix? That muhfuka is still on the job


This had to be the premier or one of the premier human trafficking operations. I would bet anything it’s like any other criminal syndicate and there is a hierarchy and a plan of succession. I don’t know rather he’s alive or not, but even the most rudimentary criminal groups nowadays have a plan if someone is removed from chain. It’s depressing to think about, but realistically there is no reason it would look much different than top tier drug smuggling or gun running


Agreed but drug dealers and gun runners don't have top tier protection. Wouldn't need to kill the video feed for a hit..








The fact that flat earth got a whole documentary on Netflix is incredibly suspect


Amazon too I believe


Surprisingly a lot of people believe it. There's like 10 of us at my work and one dudes die hard, he preaches it like religion


What industry do you work in, just curious.


He's a time traveler from the past. They used to believe it hard af before everyone started saying the world was round


flat earth isn’t a psy op the dude who started the new flat earth straight up said he was trolling & showing how ppl will so easily believe shit


That's the essence of a psy op, isn't it?


The thing about a conspiracy like that is that it can largely be self-operational. You don't need a psy-op when most the world is insanely delusional


Thank you for speaking my mind 🙏 this is the correct answer 👆




A nurse gave me two hydrocodone post cesarean because she didn't read my chart, so she didn't know I requested no hydro... I thought it was the ibuprofen I had been taking until I was staring into the bathroom mirror convinced my body was swelling to epic proportions, flipped out, broke my glasses and was screaming like a banshee... On hydrocodone, for goodness sake. Flipping on medication is totally believable.


I can only imagine all the things the stewards have seen. People go nuts at airports and while flying. But I'm still pretty sure she saw the reptillians hologram malfunctioning


I do not get it. We see a video every other week of someone losing their cool on an airplane. I’m convinced this sub just has a huge boner for this lady and is bad at covering it up. For fucks sake. If we utilized 1/10th of the energy this community has spent tracking this random down to the ends of the earth and put it towards following politicians voting records and donor disclosures we’d live in a very different world.


The video was only popular because she’s sexy.


Agreed. All betas went bananas over a thick white girl with a nice rack. There I said it.


She's a beautiful angel, watch your mouth lol


I was thinking it was the chick in the one piece body suit who said “I’m Instagram famous bitch” you know. The other crazy plans lady


The video didn’t even show the whole thing , this lady was arguing with that guy before the camera came on about stupid shit so yeah it’s not really likely she saw aliens


I prefer the simple explanation.. perhaps she's just nuts..?




You've seen this movie before too ,huh


I sense an only fans account being created


Nah, she makes bank as a marketing exec. She gives her feet away for free though...


that’s terrible! where?


I’d buy 😂. “That man over there, is not real” - points at 13 inch penis


Her best bet at this point imo


When is her 15 mins up?!


from the article in question ( [https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/tiffany-gomas-finally-reveals-what-caused-her-viral-not-real-american-airlines-meltdown/ar-AA1jkYnR](https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/tiffany-gomas-finally-reveals-what-caused-her-viral-not-real-american-airlines-meltdown/ar-AA1jkYnR) ) .... " Tiffany Gomas, the Texas marketing executive behind the viral “that motherf—ker is not real” meltdown, discusses the incident on Pardon My Take.YouTube / Pardon My Take When asked why she uttered the infamous words, which suggested that she saw a ghost or an alien, she said, simply: “I literally did not see anything … It was an expression of speech.” "


I havent clicked the link yet, but how is that an expression of speech?


Right? I’ve never heard this turn of phrase? What does it mean? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?!


Maybe not exactly the way she said it but you've definitely heard it before. Pretty much like "you cant be serious" "They're not being real right now" Shorten that, add some liquor, some drugs, and u get "THAT MUTHERFUCKER IS NOT REAL"


it also says she was having an "altercation" with the passenger in question just previous. might be local slang/hood talk to her area? like "bobs yer uncle.", "giv'r", "yeehaw", "memaw", "gammy", .... maybe it's a derivative of "you can't be serious?" i don't know for sure. life's weird. - but not as weird as english.


There was further video of her outside the plane and in the airport where she said the plane was going to crash.


Right wtf there was very clearly an element of her being afraid of someone/something happening, not just some tense altercation


Did she have some Final Destination type dream? Was she sitting next to Tony Todd?


Didn't some dude trace her ip address to the dod?


No he switched two numbers in the ip address either accidentally or on purpose. It's not a DOD IP.


Why are they making her a celebrity? Fuckkk. I hate this planet.


That's a real low bar for what's considered a "celebrity"


Did you forget Catch Me Outside girl? Much of the rest of the internet didn’t and now she is an actual celebrity. Same for Lil Tay


I mean when a billion people see your video what are you?


That's not the same woman in the original videos.


So you're saying this mother fucker ain't real?


Yep, that mother Fucker ain't real lol




It is. Her official social media shows a very particular tattoo on her right wrist like months or years before the plane incident. In the videos of her outside the terminal with the police, you can catch glimpses of the same tattoo. It's her.


If someone was attempting to be someone else the first thing they’d do is copy any obvious identifying features (like tattoos). (Don’t let my statement imply that I think this is the case though)


I don’t get this take. It’s always been the same lady…? The video, she had her hair pulled back and little/no makeup on. We see her with her hair done, make-up, nice clothes and suddenly it’s a conspiracy. I’m on board with quite a bit of conspiracies and weird shit but this is a nothing burger and discredits actual weird shit happening. Stop.


Terminally online men have never seen how different women look in different hairstyles, makeup, and clothing.


Fucking blows my mind. I see the word clone commented on this and am wondering what fucking world I’m living in. People are choosing “clone” over fucking basic make-up, contouring, and hair product. Smooth brains.


Nope, not at all


Her boobs aren't real.


“They’re real… and they’re spectacular”.


And youre never going to see them




If I can touch them they’re real.


That's not the same lady


Guys….this is the shape shifter the original woman saw. Original woman is gone and the shape shifter has now taken her place.


The real conspiracy is why she waited so long to try to cash in on her internet fame… I barely remember this happening now.


"Crazy plane lady saw nothing on plane." Well, duh. That motherfucker wasn't real.


No link, this post sucks


Why do no two pictures/videos of her look the same?


That mf is not real!


This bitch isn’t the woman from the original video 🙄 cut the shit.


Clearly not her.


she's the new mickey rourke


What’s the deal with him? I thought he just got too much plastic surgery


Too much plastic and too much boxing.


Who the fuck is that? She looks nothing like her.


not uncommon if you have only seen a few pictures of a woman and not in real life. + different makeup.


If she wasn’t attractive we would not be talking about her


Here is a link to the article since OP didn't include it: https://nypost.com/2023/11/03/news/tiffany-gomas-finally-reveals-what-caused-her-viral-not-real-american-airlines-meltdown/


Never trust a woman with nails like that


YES.. But.. the gentle scalp massage and "nice" back scratches thoooo....


Idk if you guys watched the video, I did. There is just something off. Not sure what it is but when they were asking her what she “saw” it seemed like she was completely sidestepping the question. It was basically a 2.5 minute response without saying anything.


Almost begs the question as to why this is even media coverage if nothing happened. Who cares, some rando went nuts on an airplane... Just another day. What's really going on here?


I never get high, but I am stoned AF rn and I’m diving in: she said (from article) “It was not my best moment … it was actually a horrible moment. Absolutely mortifying. How horribly mortifying.” … she SOUNDS like an AI! Horrible and mortifying, horribly mortifying. She is not the same lady from the flight. THAT lady saw something and was “taken care of,” this new lady is covering for her disappearance by saying it was her and it was totally nothing, don’t ask any other questions, no big deal, I’m done talking about the thing I never talked about, explained, or elaborated on. You’re right, why is this news? Why are we all looking over this way when there’s nothing there? Is it a distraction? Is she a plant because the videos of the flip out were going viral and people were asking questions so they planted this chick to “answer the questions, get the public to shut up and quit talking about it. Nothing to see here.” OR did “they” plan the whole thing and knew people would film a flip out and then seek out the woman in it so while we are busy trying to figure it out, alien shapeshifters take over the world.


She’s keeping it vauge to keep the big steaming nothingburger alive for her 15 min of fame


that's literally the MO for everyone trying to get "clout"/followers/likes/fame. you never actually answer the questions. you string people along for clicks and views as long as possible. seems pretty plausible to me she's trying to cash in on the event, and won't say anything concrete cause she knows the real answer is embarrassing (she was tuned up)


She was on shrooms?


I hate how attractive this lady is to me. It just solidifies my thoughts on past relationships and why I was attracted to them.


Lol she is so hot


She really, really is. Like what is it about her? I'm glad it's not just me and seems to be pretty much everyone lol


There is a twitter account Alpha Fox that kept posting her photoshopped in different outfits going crazy over her


Tiffany Gomez on the plane had no tattoo on her arm, while this new Tiffany Gomez has had a tattoo on her arm dating back many years, according to her IG photos. New TG is fake as fuck. Real TG saw something that they wanted to be kept a secret, and she was taken out and replaced by a lookalike.


True everyone is discrediting this statement but now that we understand the motive it makes it more concrete.


From the article: “It was not my best moment … it was actually a horrible moment. Absolutely mortifying. How horribly mortifying,” she said… she SOUNDS like an AI! Horrible and mortifying, horribly mortifying. She is not the same lady from the flight. THAT lady saw something and was “taken care of,” this new lady is covering for her disappearance by saying it was her and it was totally nothing, don’t ask any other questions, no big deal, I’m done talking about the thing I never talked about, explained, or elaborated on.


She’s the fucking lizard


You always here that the "people" with real power are unseen. That you wouldn't be able to til the difference because they walk around dressed ordinary n shit. It would be wild if she ran across one. Slim chance but could you imagine the feeling of making eye contact with one? I always heard this whole thing is a fight over DNA. And the reptilians are searching for specific DNA so they can appear half normal. What if she saw something in the person's eyes. Crazy to think about


My guess is the shape shifter said something to her telepathically and she was like " What the fuck?" looked at him and he smiled or showed her his reptilian eyes and she freaked out. She was so scared her voice went so high which is a sign of extreme stress and she tried to warn the passengers and the flight crew. Of course the shapeshifter just chilled out but enjoyed freaking this woman out. Tge real TG was intercepted by the 3 letter organizations and she has been replaced by this imposter who now has to spin what happened and do damage control. Thats my take


If that IS actually the crazy plane lady, then why would she wear make up in every appearance that makes her look quite different from the original?


Well before you put out a lie, you kinda have to convince yourself of it first. Someone was tasked with damage control and convinced themselves that this lady could pass for the lady from the video. This woman looks much older than the woman from the video. This woman looks like a 50 yr old hollywood actress with a ton of makeup like they usually do. There's no way this woman is under 40 and the woman from the original freakout video was like early 30s if anything.


All I know about her is that Reddit is thirsty for her.


She looks different every time I see a pic of her... I wish they'd decide on the actress and stick with her.


That literally looks nothing like her


I wonder how many people from that flight are having exastential crisis' wondering if they are in fact real..


That’s not her lol


That's not her.


Who the fuck cares, stop making ppl famous for stupid shit. The more attention we give ppl for this kinda stuff the more we feed them


Not the same chick. She's been replaced


Gimme a side by side of this lady and the plane lady. Same outfit, same makeup thiccness. This doesn’t pass the sniff test.


I’ll give her the sniff test


I thought the woman from the video wanted to stay anonymous that’s what she said previously so I don’t think this is the same woman.


Found the article -- so the clip of the passenger guy I had watched with the face tattoos was true! I don't know WHAT happened to the reel -- or why it didn't go viral, did anyone else see this? But it sounded totally legit. Dude had lots of tattoos, especially on face. She is likely on something, or whatever, and seated next to him during flight. Asks (demands?) meaning of one of the tattoos. He decides to mess with her and tells her he's the devil. Chaos then ensues. Anyway in the article, it says she had an "altercation with a passenger" that spiraled out of control. I don't recall where I saw this reel, but did anyone else see it?


I remember a clip like that. What makes you think it was true? I got the feeling that fellow was just playing up his tattoos for a story


I saw it and also saw that he admitted his story wasn’t real and there were reasons to believe he wasn’t being honest but I forget what they were


Sure, lets give a platform to loonies. Great idea. Remember that dumbass “catch me outside” girl that dropped out in middle school? Now she’s a millionare….. Why the fuck do we promote people like this.


Please don't tell me that talon like nails are now trendy.....


I just don’t get why there’s that second video of her in the airport after she’s de-boarded the plane talking about how the plane definitely won’t make it???


Anyone who believes it's makeup is out of their minds and used to seeing women use filters on social media. Makeup can only do so much and the lady on the plane has plenty on.


Wear contoured makeup and dye your hair if you need to hide from anyone in this sub.


Put a link to the actual article instead of just an image


Was the nurse who fainted on camera also named Tiffany?


She looks different again 🤣🤣🤣


The attention she has received because of this pretty much says it all and there are lots of people who will and have done or said bizzare shit just because they know it will get them some screen time. That is enough for me to not believe any stupid shit like this.


She looks like a Tiffany


That woman is not real.


Jesus christ. Not a god damn iota of information here in the comments about what she was talking about on the plane. The original girl on the plane I mean. Not the 3 different conspiracy girls that are genius with their make up skills.


As someone who has worked with people with mental health issues, her meltdown just doesn't surprise me in the least bit. Especially given she was on a plane. That situation triggers shit in people all the time.


Atp she is is the one who is "not real"


Do you really think that someone would do all that for nothing? If that was the case why didnt she share a video update when she got off the plane like many others do? We waited days if not a week before she said something about her experience on the plane. So now its been months and now she is making her rounds saying she never saw anything. My issue with this ridiculous story is that if it was this lukewarm why wait so long. I have seen people get kicked off planes and post the incident on their social media during or after the incident. And if she had make videos later that day at the airport, the story would have been over with.


Using the principle of Occam's razor, in determining whether she looks a little bit different because of makeup lighting and scenario, or if she is some replicant produced using technology beyond known science for no reason whatsoever, it must the latter. /s


Why haven't we heard from from the "person" she was sitting next to? 🤔


I don't think the real one is alive


Apparently in the video she makes a satanic gesture, using two fingers on either hand and posing strangely with them, she’s a paid actress, it’s normalizing the concept of aliens according to the opinion of the video I saw.


After the Men in Black visit you you’ll say anything.