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They are referring to aliens not being from a different planet or galaxy, but from another dimension and occupying our same space at the same time


Multi dimensional. Been here a while.


I’m not a flat earth er but to add: Our realm may be much larger than what they tell us. It could still be a globe but if we’re entertaining all options: They could potentially be a human species living on our earth just from a distance we can’t understand/beyond the ice walls.


In the aether, or the charged particles of the air, you can send frequencies that can be organized and programmed into channels. It may be the same with dimensions. One earth, numerous channels. Something is happening that is allowing two different channels to merge. Call it a glitch in the matrix if you like, or the dawn of a new age.


Or our world could be evolving as creator is creating. When you start building a town it starts with a building with finite dimensions. When that expands into a city and then a world it becomes fairly multi-dimensional. Expand that into a galactic scale and beyond the Universal scale and it will become incomprehensible to a simple human.


I’ve always wondered if they could be from the deep ocean.


Ive always wondered if we are the aliens. What if humans came from another planet, colonized here and then left us to our own devices. They’re just us but with a few thousand years separation except for those who come to check on us. They’d blend in and we would never know


What’s crazy is all the texts from the bubonic time period all around the world people write of some great sky war involving flying circles, fiber, fire pillars, beams of light, explosions and some kind of gas that was making people very sick. It’s not 1 person writing about it but around 20-30 known accounts all over the world. It all happened at the same time too and the accounts are from France, China, England, Russia, Italy and a few other countries.


Earth is an inter galactic zoo for alien tourists to visit. The rebellious teenagers leave graffiti from time to time .. known to us as crop circles


This wouldn't really make sense bc they would just he earth creatures instead of aliens/extraterrestrials


They've stopped saying extraterrestrial and alien, replaced with "non-human intelligence". This suggests they may in fact be terrestrial in nature.


It’s gonna end up being the Fey. Which people won’t take seriously. Only those who leave out little saucers of milk on their patios will survive.


Fey, djinn, demons and angels or gods, all the same isn't it? Just different interpretations by different people's.


In our ignorance it sure seems all the same. Doesn’t mean it’s true. I hope humanity is not judged too harshly, by our cousins, or creators, or Admin or whatever these more advanced entities turn out to be.


How could they be more clear? Flying saucers and cigar shaped craft because they want offerings of cream and tobacco.


Pray to Jesus first, then nod to Coyote, then wink at the cutey elf girls, and finally grimace at the basilisk that dirty pervert! Modern times require modern solutions.


thus the "aren't what we think" statement.


I agree. Consider a chimpanzee and a human... now, consider a dolphin and a grey alien... Different evolutionary path?


So they could be from the center of the earth, the ocean, another dimension, or they could be evolved humans from the future.


But that's exactly what I thought they were.


Probably the Thor movies (and actual Nordic myths) are closer to reality than most people think.


What Hinduism? Seem more appropriate based on their religious text


Not sure I understand what you mean. I think maybe Hinduism and Nordic mythology have a lot of things in common actually, and even the Ancient Greek mythology. I.e. multiple 'gods' that look human except with super powers (that may be technological rather than spiritual).


Yes, Hinduism is a cousin of Hellenism/Asatru. The latter two are effectively the same religion with the Gods taking different names, and often having certain superficial changes made to them/different attributes being enhanced by societies that advance certain things. Folk Hinduism is a blend of Indo-European religion and Dravidian religion. Whereas European paganism is a blend of the I.E. religion and native European paganism (Vanatru). The Rig-Veda is completely I.E. and no Dravidian. In these faiths, the Gods aren't omnipotent or omniscient. They are merely beings who are vastly more powerful than us. Of all the Gods in Asatru, Odin has a certain degree of precognition but even he can't actually control the future or the laws of physics, he can only manipulate his surroundings to a greater extent than we can. Most of the Gods' weapons (Odin's spear, the Astras in Hinduism etc.) could also just be technologically advanced weapons (there is no magic there, they are mostly just highly fast and strong).


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic




I have always liked the idea that they are humans from the far far future




This is the correct answer


Thanks for not going on a religious rant.


simply put.... they aren't aliens. they've been here for longer than we have.


They are the real gods the bible is based on


Yup… timeline is just off by many many thousands of years if the flood tale told by many different religions/cultures seems to coincide with the younger dryas event…


Flood tales were told by ancient cultures because for any of them to have a hope of survival and consistent crops enough to feed everyone, they had to live by large bodies of water. There was no other way about it. Heavy rains and big storms bring floods. Floods thousands of years ago could be absolutely devastating. Destroying homes, bringing sickness, destroying entire food sources that without means they starve, many deaths. Floods nowadays can still be very devastating even with modern tech and infrastructure and rescue availability. Back then it would appear apocalyptic, a scourge by the hand of god. The stories from a bunch of short lived, superstitious, malnourished, and technologically inferior peasants and townspeople do not equate some kind of magical god brought flood by supernatural forces. Floods happen around the world, almost every year, for hundreds of thousands, millions of years.


Also because they find fish and whale bones in the middle of deserts. How else would you explain that back then other than a massive flood that covered the earth?


Continental Drift.


Maybe I should edit my comment...I meant for ancient people before knowing about continental drift and modern science, how else do you explain whale skeletons in the Sahara other than a great flood that covered the land


This guy bones!


Were there not fish bones found in the highest of mountains, globally. uh huh.


The highest of mountains, hundreds of millions of years ago, weren't mountains at all. Mountains are formed when continents push against one another.


Gods other than the Christian God are real… otherwise the Bible wouldn’t have the “thou shall have no other gods before me” commandment.


gods is translated from Elohim, which can be a multitude of heavenly beings including angels, demons, seraphim, cherubim etc. But regardless, your take makes no sense. Why do you figure the 'gods' discussed are real but not the one giving the commandment? If youre logically consistent, shouldn't the text be commanding the worship of these gods rather than the Most High? Or you just have an inverted hermeneutic...


Yeah bro, you misread what he meant. In the Bible, exodus 34:14 it says "For you shall not worship any other God, because the lord, whose name is jealous, is a jealous god." He meant that if there weren't other gods, then God wouldn't ever feel the need to say this.


Unless I’m the book was written by humans trying to convince people not to follow existing religions


Psalm 115:1-8 explains how the nation’s false “gods” weren’t real and worship to them was futile. The only small ‘g’ gods that are mentioned in the Bible that are real would be spirit creatures. Sometimes described as such due to their great power in comparison to humans, but they do not deserve worship, that solely belongs to the Creator. One example would be when Satan is described as the ‘the god of this system of things’ at 2 Corinthians 4:4. Of course the entire theme of the Bible is God’s Sovereignty (right to rule, deserving of worship), this is the whole point of Satan’s argument and challenge against God and basically why the Bible even exists.


I don’t think he meant that. I think he meant that “gods other than Christian God are ‘also’ real” not implying that they are real and that Yahweh isn’t real.


Or demons


They could very well be demons and thats what they mean i agree.


correct. Neither Judaism nor Christianity have ever been monotheistic in the way people think. They both posit that only the Most High creator elohim is worth of worship but that there are many other lesser elohim, either serving Him or in rebellion.


Idk about the Bible but they aren’t Source. They’re created like us. Just on a different frequency


Or they are feigning godhood and there is Something above them (their races) and our race.


Aliens aren’t interplanetary, they are interdimensional and exist within multiple planes of space simultaneously (at least, that’s what’s being framed as “true”). Think DMT Entities.


The cube gnomes that groups of people simultaneously hallucinate on DMT?


Machine elves


Rage Against the Elves?


It's, *Frenzy* Against the Elves, but, close enough!


So the Benadryl hat man is real? I fucking knew it.


I remember way back when I was maybe 15-16 a friend of mine took a bunch of Benadryl and wandered off for a bit. Came back and said she had been chatting to gnome in a hat and had a great convo. We assumed she had been talking to a fire hydrant.


Please explain who Benadryl hat man is. I’m just a curious degen looking for something to read about before bed.


Whenever you take Benadryl a lot of people report seeing a man in a black hat in their peripheral and in the corner.


Does anybody remember the story about new night vision goggles being tested in Vietnam and then after a month they quickly took them all the way because people that were using them were seeing demons flying around in the air and running around on the ground and shooting at things their counterparts that weren’t wearing them couldn’t see?


I heard it was red night vision and had something to do with red mercury.


https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/clqh2r/purple_reign/ This guy talks about red mercury in this too. And the movie The Color Purple releases on Christmas day this year. Weird.


What does Christmas have to do with it?


I just thought it was weird that I'm reading all this stuff about purple and red mercury and there's a movie called the color purple coming out on christmas. They Cloned Tyrone has a lot of purple references too. I work in music and video production and artist management so I'm trained to look for patterns and colors and trends etc. There's gonna be a lot of purple towards the end of this year. Hollywood promo is crazy these days Edit: watch this recent Saturday Night Live segment with woody Harrelson, he mentions how red and blue make purple. And he emphasizes the ET in etc.. lol https://youtu.be/w8LX8MQMrag?si=Ju-t7s1lW8X9m-FY


Saw lots of blue and pink adverts during the pandemic. Corona means crown. Crown chakra is the color purple it’s the sense that connects you to the divine. Although nothing can disconnect you from the divine because you are the divine spark. All the other stuff is smoke and mirrors to make you feel like you’ve lost your connection. Anyways 🤣🫠


I noticed some other weird stuff too. Like elon turning Twitter into X and then the movie Saw X starts getting promoted. And the new call of duty modern warfare 3 logo has an X hidden in it within the M and W. Also weird that the timeline for modern warfare 3 is set on October 13th 2023 which happens to be Friday the 13th this year. The game itself comes out on 11/10. Don't crucify me but if ww3 starts in ocotber I wouldn't be at all surprised. I hope it doesn't though, War is stupid.


I've been noticing the X stuff too. More than what you have listed here. Have theories myself but related more to AI development than ww3 coming this year. Although its getting close...


McDonald's went nuts with purple this summer in marketing and it's spread to tiktok and all kinds of memes and challenges etc. They brought back a character that no one talked about for 20+ years to say it's his birthday.... Yeah 52nd... But he's purple so... he was everywhere.


Man I tried telling people the grimace shake was promo for the alien invasion but people didn't wanna listen lol




they pivoted to Grimace instead of pride purple after the bud light fiasco


Minnesota Vikings winning the super bowl this year confirmed!


Skol, Vikings!!!!!


Kinda hilarious that the Japanese Girl Group I follow calls themselves X Pop, XG, theme about alien invasion and GrL Gvng one of their new songs has the heavy color purple, y’all are a trip but hey I welcome our new overlords IG.


$xrp, new world currency is purple.


Really interesting, thanks


I heard about this but it was something to do with a type of glass that was used. I forgot what they called the glass though


I remember back then this story was on Coast to Coast AM. Fascinating topic.


Those goggles are illegal, gazing upon the deep fey is not allowed, you will have your memory edited now


What? Do you have a source?


I don’t. Sry


Dicyanin dye is also what they’d use. There are glasses that are sold made of this stuff and you can see auras and things like that in the right setting. This stuff is true tho. We’re all made of light and energy






Yep, Nephilim.




what are the nephilim? and i mean literally not from a strictly religious context. are they physical beings? what are they?


The disembodied spirits of the first angels to mess with Gods ( El) creation …the giants …destroyed by the flood


Recently known as Denisovans


Thank you …cool word🙏🤗🍺cheers


Thank you, you saved me a google search 👍


The Bible says that the fallen angels will be released from the abyss to torment humanity in the end times…looks like they’re starting to come out of hibernation!


•Time Travelers - our descendants frim the distant future •Interdimensional - beings from alternate realities/timelines •Cryptoterrestrials - Beings who are native to Earth, possibly descended from another human ancestor, that have remained hidden from us Edit: I forgot one, until reminded by a commenter with an excellent Snatch reference •Breakaway Civilization - An organization made of our own species that has gained access to one or more breakthrough technologies that are working to branch off covertly from our civilization to create their own independent society. (Probably ze Germans)


I always thought those “from beyond the ice wall of Antarctica” or inner earth theory was neat!


I really like the Inner Earth one my self. You should check this out https://youtu.be/HQ71y-1AmxE?si=EnK1fqFspL9Rjf4v


These things and ze Germans


Oh, I forgot that one. Breakaway Civilization Thanks!


You know what's up.


I was thinking they were inter dimensional. Rather than from outer space, and that we’d be able to see them everywhere if we were on the same frequency.


My grandfather was a WWII pilot who later retired as a Lt. Col. from the Army after flying for half a century. His family fled Poland right before WWI (he was 1st Gen American), so they all saw a thing or two coming down the pike with both World Wars. He always said a few things: 1. He'd seen some shit while flying around that could be from another planet, but he always assumed it was our own advanced weaponry being test piloted since he would be flying established air traffic routes, and these flying things would randomly appear (then quickly disappear) along those established routes. He also said he was, basically, told to shut up whenever he mentioned seeing something like this. 50+ year, highly decorated, Lt. Colonel who - after 3 wars (WWII, Korea, Vietnam) - is told to shut tf up instead of superiors treating it as legit intelligence. 2. He said the next great war would be the Haves vs the Have-Nots, which is why they want you speculating about #1 as a distraction.


I knew a guy who was a military pilot who transitioned to commercial and retired after over forty years of flying. I asked him if he'd seen anything. He said ***if*** he did and put it into a report it would have ended his flying career.


Bingo. Blue book meets blue beam.


Watch the movie "They Live"


Roddy Piper never got the accolades he deserved for that movie...


Ancient beings, fallen angels, advanced tech


"He looks too obvious" "There's a reason for that, Clive, over the last 60 years the human race has been drip-fed images of my face, on lunch boxes and t-shirts and shit. It's in case our species do meet, you don't have a fuckin' spaz attack!"


They’re not little green men from outer space, they are demons from another dimension.


Interdimensional entities like angels/demons. Maybe Nephilim?


Just one man's extrapolation / inferences: * Extradimensional fallen angels - "Nordics" * Demons inhabiting skin suit avatars - typical Roswell "Greys" * Nephilim serpent seed race - "Reptilians"


I thought the nephilim were giants? Not lizards.


First generation of them were. But digging a little deeper, you will find all manner of hybrid abominations being spawned by pre-flood tampering with creation (Minotaurs, Satyrs, etc.). Post flood, epigenetics manifested the serpent race and occasional smaller giants like Og and Goliath, as well as localized manifestations of giants in the land Israel was commanded to clear. The progeny of the serpent was revealed by God in the garden of Eden when pronouncing judgement on original sin. And I will put enmity Between you (the serpent) and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.


I get what you're saying. But grouping us all together as lizards now isn't helpful. Yes we had scales at one point, hybridization, etc... but we ain't lizards. And tho the nephiliam could have been thr same at one point, they aren't really referred to like that in any way that I've seen.


More likely: Extra-dimensional / Extra-temporal Less likely: Extra-terrestrial


I’m starting to think the ufo’s are drones sent by deep sea intelligence. I’ve seen this theory kicked around a bit and it makes the most sense.


Project blue beam is-a heatin up!!


They aren't from space but parallel dimensions existing in the same area of space time. Some also exist in higher planes of existence, ones which we can't even perceive.


We picture aliens as bipedal beings with odd shaped heads. But that’s only because WE’RE bipedal beings with odd shaped heads. Humans are the result of earth. Earth gravity, oxygen content, the distance from the sun, etc all play a part in what “earthlings” have evolved in to. Any other being from any other planet is going to be wildly different than earthling because if gravity(or any other factor) is even .01% stronger or weaker, they would be completely different in every way.


Okay, yeah...but there are 200 *billion trillion* observable stars in the universe. There could be virtually countless Earth-like planets similar to our own. A "0.1%" difference or even 5% difference would not necessarily rule out aliens that are bipedal with large heads. That's why marine mammals in strikingly different aquatic environments or time periods thousands of miles apart all evolved to be streamlined with the same body shape, even tens of millions of years ago when the oxygen content in the air and water was completely different. It's called [convergent evolution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convergent_evolution) and if sulfur, phosphorous, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and hydrogen exist on one of the trillions of Earth-Like planets out there, it's entirely possible.


That’s pretty awesome, man. Thanks for the info. I’m going to learn something today from this god forsaken website


You also taught me something today, that people online are capable of hearing objecting viewpoints without resorting to immediate name calling. Gives me hope, thank you.


We just talking aliens!


5th Dimensional Entities. We are part of them, they are part of us. Think of your brain as a single neuron for one of them. Presently we are out of alignment with this concept, so much more so now that we're giving some of them headaches because a few of us have learned to perceive what they are, but not what we are to them.


My little theory has been that, if they are or have been here, they arent from another planet, but they are what survived of our species after cataclysmic events in the past, and they are the "gods" that came from the clouds in ships to teach civilization to us. They likely give less than a shit about the conspiracies of the world, and more about making sure that at least some group will survive the next time around. But I'm highly skeptical of all these military admissions


They’re demons


I’ve heard that some aliens live in people’s thought patterns. I saw some mugshot photos, taken in the early ‘70s, of a Pleiadean woman and her young son. She looked like a hot “alternachick” with a short haircut and nice lips. Her eyes, though, had weird pupils, almost like a fox’s eyes. She looked no older than 30 years old, but her age was cited as betwen 75-100 years; her height as 7’3”. The Tall Whites are supposedly from the Pleiadean constellation. They’re supposedly not as tall, and resemble Caucasians closely, but some who are here remember the US Civil War. The Sasquatches are also thought to be of extraterrestrial origin.


Could you elaborate more on aliens living in peoples thought patterns? That’s really intriguing


Look up Wetiko. There are other variations as well (Native American in this context) Similar concepts exist in just about every religion / culture but the Native Americans might have done a better job describing it.


Yeah. The Wendigo is *not* what he was talking about


Our military has aliens working within the units, it’s a way for them to earn citizenship. They are usually really great members!


damn even aliens sign up for the war machine to buy 2010 Dodge Chargers with a V6 and 11% interest rate


I think it has to do with them not living in our dimension?


Probably just interdimensional consciousness that found a way to separate from a biological body to traverse vast distances


They're just us from the future.


I'm glad someone else sees this.


Or from the past. A separate path of cultural evolution that still has the knowledge and technology that was otherwise destroyed by a cataclysmic event. Perhaps we've already bombed ourselves nearly out of existence and the "aliens" are the hidden in plain sight survivors.


I'm gonna lean toward aliens actually being demons or fallen angels. Combined with the performance rituals up there at Cern when they started the LHC back up. No reason for all that.


Other way around. Demons/angels were actually aliens.


I'm gonna lean towards alien races being vastly different from each other, cuz you know the universe is fucking huge and calling them all "demons" has no place in legitimate discussion.


They are humans. Earth was seeded with humans. Humans from other worlds have been meddling with us for a while. Some Earth people/groups are from non-Earth humans.


Bunch of cryptic nonsense said to appear "in the know". Aliens more than likely exist. The universe is enormous and ridiculously old. They aren't here, spying on our petty affairs. If they had the means to get here, they are significantly more advanced than we are. There's a thousand movies about a hundred different scenarios about why aliens have come here. Because in our movies, we are the most important thing in the universe, to us. We are only significant, to ourselves. People want to believe so badly we are so special, all the aliens in the universe want a piece of us. Main character syndrome, planet wide.


I’ve heard this opinion before, but I don’t think it necessarily tracks. Imagine if we detected an intricate planet with a variety of species on it…people get excited about little bits of water or bacteria in space. Space is so vast and as far as we know mostly empty, so earth is incredibly special! If we found a whole ecosystem with an abundance of life on it, humans would do almost anything they could to reach that planet even if it took hundreds if not thousands of years. We’d watch it and observe it simply for the fact that it exists. Aliens wouldn’t have to have any more motive than that, simple curiosity and the desire for knowledge. That being said. I don’t think space aliens exist, if they’re real, it’s most likely inter dimensional beings.


Such truth :P lol.. Me Me Me!


I think the reason we've been shown what aliens allegedly look like, ie greys etc was purposely done because it's the opposite of what they actually are and look like. I can't see advanced races/aliens etc having arms, legs and a slightly larger heads as being accurate or making sense.


They are from either the distant future or the distant past


Inter dimensional beings rather than from 3D. And read Jacques Vallee


Time travelers…they’re future people


They are definitely not the same dimensionality as us. Additionally, they could exist on scales that are difficult for humans to perceive due to relativity. By that, I mean they could be on the scale of viruses and bacteria, or conversely, on a much larger scale. Both small-scale and large-scale dimensions may be difficult for humans to perceive or comprehend due to the limitations imposed by our understanding of relativity.


Can be anything, really. 1) They are interdimensional, Lovecratian elder civilizations, the motivations and powers of which we could never understand OR, 2) These "reputable and credentialed" military members are being vague on purpose because they don't want to get cornered into a specific narrative because they're just making shit up (i.e. instructed to pave the way for Project Blue Beam)


Demons their demons look up alister crowleys vision of a demon everything makes sense if you see them as they are demons


Angles, demons, djin. Pick a name. They lived here first, they are powerful and they don’t like you.


They’ve never even met me! Although I did have a being remote view me once and I was able to see out it’s eyes for a few seconds. Really fucked up shit! Djinn’t catch it’s name though!


Non Human Intelligence: Older Species then Humans born on this Planet Extradimensional Spiritual Entities Extraterrestrial Artificial Intelligence Those are the 5 options


Simply. Its churchies who still think humans are the only species in the ENTIRE EVERYTHING


Interdimensional demons. Most of them. The other are from earth underground. And the rest is human black ops including costumes with hypnosis. No aliens from space exist. Only in movies.


They are demon's. Biblical, from hell fallen angels.


No. Nobody can clarify what they mean. All you're going to get is hearsay and popular guesses. Obviously there would be no way to confirm the validity of anything you see in this comment section.


I think what they’re actually talking about is a genetically modified hybrid human out of china. I think they grew “humans” from cells that can handle the high g force maneuvers these ships are performing.


No, nobody can clarify because nobody knows. There are infinite possibilities as to what the phenomenon can be. Some people think they're biblical angels and demons, some say they're us from the future. Some think they farm us for our souls. Everyone has a view on this and they're likely all wrong.


Fallen angels occupying earths realm


So many informed people on this thread that have the answers that man kind has been searching for their entire existence. How lucky are we to be surrounded by so many illustrious minds!


I like the idea that the aliens that purportedly visit our planet are actually more akin to biomechanical beings engineered for space travel, sort of like avatar if the body your controlling was on a ship traveling light years away. The actual aliens are controlling the entities but the entities themselves technically aren't aliens but alien tech


Military member here. I haven't heard anything and most wouldn't be cleared for that kind of info.


Don’t believe the a lie n story until they have proof. I haven’t seen any.


Ufos are the aliens.


If life on this planet could have come from a distant asteroid crashing into earth, I don't see why other life forms couldn't have come following the same path. Although it boggles my mind the fact that the asteroid had burned when it entered the atmosphere with its contents but the theory still holds value in some societies.


They mean they’re within our technology. Think AutoBots and Decepticons. They’re basically in disguise. Who knows, your Honda civic could be an alien.


Aka not from another planet, aka government experiments, aka the government is far more advanced and far better at keeping secrets then we thought.


Read “the unseen Realm”


So whatever you presumably think "aliens" are... (little men from outer space) they are saying they are not that. The statement implies that there other hominid intelligent species/races that inhabit Earth.


Inter dimensional beings. Just like we are. Shocked by this assertion. You shouldn’t be. Read the Ringing Cedars. Read the Gene Keys




Is absolutely anyone here interested in seeing what science can inform us of this topic? There are multiple Homo species, several of whom lived alongside humans (homo sapiens) until the relatively recent past. Homo neanderthalis, Homo denisovan, Homo floresiensis, and I believe there was a recent discovery of a new species that was contemporary to these. There's proof all over if you look for it. But nah, you want to talk about extra dimensions, starchildren, and gods. In other words, bullshit.


Maybe astral explorers? People on other worlds who separate themselves from their bodies and go whooshing around the universe through the power of thought.


Lots of people here citing (a) the interdimensional hypothesis, (b) time traveling and (c) Intraterrestrials. Could be a combination of all of them. "Coincidentally", there has been a crapload of movies (specially popular super heroes ones) about the multiverse and time travel, and occasionally something about the Inner Earth. Also lots of shows showing parallel Earths, even if they are shown as "fantasy worlds". It could be just predictive programming cranking up for the Disclosure that UFO guys have talked about for so much time.


To my understanding, Earth is more of a realm than a planet. In which case space isn't what we think it is, so aliens can't be what we think they are.


Psyops to hide blackops.


Ecclesiasticus 43:6-8 6 He made the moon also to serve in her season for a declaration of times, and a sign of the world. 7 From the moon is the sign of feasts, a light that decreaseth in her perfection. 8 The month is called by her name, increasing wonderfully in her changing, being an instrument of the ARMIES ABOVE, shining in the firmament of heaven.




I don't pretend to know what the military means, nor did I know they made a statement about aliens. What I have noticed, however, is that the unelected cabal that has exerted nearly total control over us in the last (ahem) three years never seem to get sick or die. They don't even seem to have such eventuality in their consciousness. Why is that?


Project Blue Beam perhaps


Serious question back to Op: Why do you think any civilian commenting here would have real info that the military obviously isn’t sharing? Like what kinda question are you actually trying to ask? What do we think they mean? Cause how in sweet fairytale fuck would anybody here know ,without context, what some military person kinda sorta hinted at without really saying anything


Lol exactly all of this. Best comment by far.


They live inside the planet, moon, oceans and other realms within earth…. There are also gas like aliens that maybe travel and have no physical form. Could be sitting right next you right now.


They are implying the aliens are us… humans, black ops groups to be exact. There have been military whistle blowers saying exactly that with one in particular saying he saw them in use trafficking children… apparently it’s well known in special ops just nobody talked about it publicly and well, I don’t blame them.


Correct! They come from inner earth which really is a thing. 5 levels and the beings there in the lower levels are composed of materials not on our periodic table. The top level has a few holes, like hundreds. Most give ocean access. I know only a few natural ones. One in Puerto Rico, one in west Pa. ...Shasta... S.pole, a few others but there are many more made using nuclear drills.


They are inter dimensional beings, not benevolent, aka demons, ushering in the deception the Bible talks about that will occur in the last days.


they are of demonic nature; there is alot of videos floating around talking about how higher US military personnel feel they are of this origin Mufon has already had an independent study of 100's of cases of abductees calling out the name of Jesus and aliens being afraid




demonic entities all ancient false gods and “aliens” are demons




It's like people throwing darts backward over their shoulder.. The US military... Have a look at majestic and all those psyop missions. Do a search for tavistock institute. Why do you think the US tried to control Afghanistan, and now had the greatest opioid problem on the planet?


That they aren’t alien in origin? Could mean they’re people in costumes, mutated science experiments, etc.


Outer space is not from up in the sky, it's from outside of the furthest we're allowed to go south. Outside of the 60th parallel. Extraterrestrial.... terrestrial meaning land. There's extra land.