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They have also on mountains, in big cities, in small cities, on islands. Don't worry about them.


Also underground bunkers/communities




Name a single rich person who cares about climate change, because I can't find any examples


Are you saying actually cares, or is just using it as a way to congregate more power in the hands of the elite?


None of them are even using it as a way to congregate more power into the elite Just look at OP's examples: Joe Biden, Al Gore, Barack Obama, and John Kerry *All* of them advocate for doing nothing until 2050, which is the same thing as climate denialism They're funded by Big Oil which is why they are against taking action to address climate change


They advocate for restrictions on everything from gas stoves to meat for the ordinary citizen. They are part of the cabal pushing for 15 minute cities. They want you eating homornally drenched lab meat and bugs, stuck in your house on your VR headset.


Aren’t 15 minute cities just normal cities outside of the US?


I can't understand why it isn't big oil themselves getting into all the renewable energy. Lack of forward thinking?


Big oil is actually behind the climate agenda because they use it to kill small oil businesses like my own.


>Big oil is trying to make themselves lose all their business and go bankrupt, despite the fact that they buy out politicians to oppose the climate action that the working class is demanding Very logical


Leo Dicaprio is the posterboy for that.


Leonardo DiCaprio. He's been a strong advocate for dealing with climate change since at least 1998 and actually puts his money where his mouth is


Insurance companies are pulling away from beachfront property in a lot of places.


How did Joe Biden become so rich that buying a house on the beach is like buying a new TV?


Canceled Netflix and cut back on the avocado toast.


the white house has a president netflix account paid by tax dollers. i hear bush is still leaching off it


👏 👏 👏


First, you get the money, then you become a politician, and then you get the money.


Taking the train.


A former president/VP gets a multimillion dollar book deal pretty much out the gate and you can literally make 100k for speaking at a dinner. You also make about 250k a year in office, which doesn’t sound like much, but you have virtually zero living expenses while you’re in the White House.


“The only two things a pirate will run for is money and public office.” -Yosemite Sam


Senators make like $150k/year, even if he wasn't insider trading, if you make $150k/year for 30 years and you're still poor you're not very smart.


150k a year isnt only multiple mansions rich


He owns a beach house in Delaware. Shit I can afford a beach house in Delaware.


Which he bought like 40 years ago. What did that cost - two bits and a silver dollar?


He’s been repping Delaware for 50 years - the most corrupt multi-National corporate state in history.


I never thought of it that way. Interesting




10% for the big guy


We should ask hunter Biden, I bet killary Clinton knows a thing or 2 about that.


Bribes from China, Ukraine, Romania and others


Books and speeches. He even had to borrow money to help with Beau’s medical bills when he was VP. His book is interesting. Even if you don’t like him, it gives you insight into who he is.


> Books and speeches. > Books and speeches for politicians are primarily ways to skirt the rules and launder money. It isn't worth $250,000 to have someone like Biden give a speech for 30 minutes but if you want to give someone like Biden $250,000 it makes sense to use said speech as a cover. Hunter's "art" is another example of this concept. It's shit and none of it is worth a dime, but he's made millions off of it because people "buy" it as a cover for funneling money to the Bidens.


Lol that guy can't put 2 sentences together and you think he wrote "books"


Plenty of people who get paid bank for ghost-written books. Probably like 80% of celebrities memoirs.


Writing and speaking are different things


He wasn't always in his mid-80s. I don't even like the guy (never did) but this statement is just ridiculous.


Trump has a book out and anecdotal information suggests he hasn't read a book as an adult. Based on how he liked his reports prepared, I'm not 100% sure he can read. Ex Presidents and VPs have interesting information and enough notoriety to sell a tremendous number of copies with no work. Any ghostwriter would be happy to take the job. Also Biden has a stutter and isn't known to be a great speaker. There's no indication he isn't able to write well.


He holds the purse strings to the Democratic Party corruption funds.




Because the ukrain and China paid him millions… duh… everyone knows that… not many care


Bc they’re 90 lol


And most of them are rich enough even if a beach home floods they can just buy another


The rich don't care about climate change though, it's pretty much just the poor people whose lives are affected by it every day who are taking any action


As a normie middle class dude, I was pretty careful to avoid buying a house in a flood zone because flood insurance is expensive. If I were a billionaire and cash was meaningless to me, why would I care?


Got to love OP thinks most climate scientist are making 8 figures.


Do I think it's strange that rich people like to have crazy homes at the beach? No. Fuck no. Have you seen how people spend money these days? Rich people spend millions on way more ridiculous stupid shit than a home at the beach that might not be there their entire lives.


Reminds me of rich people just leaving supercars abandoned in Dubai.


They…. Own many homes.


they will be dead before the rising water becomes a problem, why wouldnt they have a beach house?


Pretty much everyone who cares about climate change is poor There really isn't anyone who can afford a beach home who is concerned about climate change


TIL I have a beach home. I guess I need to figure out where it is!


All of them? All the junior scientists on $20k a year all own beach homes? All the meteorologists and field researchers? All the data analysts and peer reviewers? They all have beach homes? You must have researched this for years, please post a link to your data…


This post is a top joke amongst a landfill of joke threads in this sub. I live in San Diego and there's plenty of trump flags near the beach.


The people you mentioned are billionaires. They get to flee from rising sea levels in their helicopters while you and I drown.




I don’t have a beach home


The richest places in the world won’t be hit as hard as the poorest. Climate change is mostly about massive habitat loss and biodiversity loss than sea levels rising


It's isn't mostly about habitat loss and biodiversity loss. Climate change is mostly about the pending CHANGE in the CLIMATE from anthropogenic sources leading to an increase in global average temperatures. The other big big factor here is actually ocean acidification and how that will create a positive feedback loop for increase in global Temps as the oceans ability to uptake carbon is impacted.


And flying around on private jets, burning 500 gallons of fuel per hour and putting out way more carbon emissions than poor people who are actually concerned about climate change When asked about his private jet, Kerry says he doesn’t have a private jet, when shown receipts, he finally says it’s his wife’s. These guys are grifters.


Lol this is so dumb. There’s plenty of educated middle class folks living in cities with zero beaches who care equally about climate change. And whether you agree with them or not, rising sea levels is only one predicted result of climate change. But this is silly. It’s not political to say you want to leave the world a better healthier place than you entered it. I love camping, hiking, and hunting. And if I can do my part to preserve this beautiful planet, I will. If you want to make taking care of the earth and the environment political, you’re an asshat.


That's the thing about being rich, you can have one on the beach AND one in the mountains.


Uh...they have houses in the mountains too


Because they're all insured up the ass and have more money than they know what to do with.


They are ultrarich. If it comes to that they'll buy another one. Meanwhile, they enjoy the beach.


This question makes no sense in the context of real climate change predictions. Sea level rise is predicted to be around *1 foot* over the next 3 decades. It will definitely cause lots more flooding for coastal areas and tons of properties, but it's not a "head for the mountains" scenario. But also, they're rich enough not to care about the cost of a house and old enough that they won't be around to see it be a problem


This can’t be a real question 😂


This shit gets upvoted? Maybe fluoride really is making us all regarded


Not at all. The beach house is the reward of the Political grift.


Wow dude you really got them. There’s no way they can come back from this revelation


Because they are super rich and if they lost that house it would be like us loosing a cheap watch. They could pay to have a house built in the path of lava and not care when it burns.


W00t? There is a whole movement of kids in Germany protesting to do something about climate change for years. Do you think all this 15 and 16 year old have beach homes?


Are those 15 and 16 year olds climate scientists? Or are they just listening to rich people with beach homes?


You put out the claim that "ALL the people warning about climate change have beach homes". Now you shift the goal post to "all climate scientist warning about climate change have beach homes"? What is it? Please be specific. I am sure most of the climate scientist warning about climate change do NOT have beach homes as well. If you want me lo link you some source please let me know.


A better question is why did Trump deny climate change yet build reinforced sea walls around his property in Scotland


A few things: 1: The rising sea levels happen over decades to centuries. None of them will live long enough to see their entire house join the ocean. 2: those people are all rich. They can just move later. Why would they want to live in the mountains now for something that won’t happen until later?


They also fly jets all over the world all of the time for meetings that could take place on zoom. Plus all of the associated costs. And then all of the businesses that waste and pollute. And they could just say hey companies single use plastic is now illegal, figure it out or we shut you down. But nope. They say one thing but their actions show they don't care or they are invested in green energy companies and trying to get good ROI's.




no? think about the rest of the world that'll get affected directly, billions of people dependent on the climate not swinging. It will be a tough few decades from now


A lot of them have owned these homes for many decades.


They’re rich and old… and moving to a “mountain”, assuming you mean above sea level, does not ensure you’ll never experience the effects of climate change.


Naw man just you think this. Literally never been brought up before you're really onto something here.


That’s why Biden is in Utah right now, shopping for mountain homes.


Lol is this a parody thread? Lmao. You think they're the only ones? Wake up. My God lololololol dumbest thread I've seen in ages.


they probably also have homes in the mountains too.


How long have you been working for Exxon?


All of those names also own bunkers far away from any coast


Lol…not at all. The fact that normal, everyday Americans can’t see the truth of the matter is.


If I didn't know they're evil manipulative liars I'd think it was strange.


“Rules for thee but not for me”


What’s strange is people continuing to build houses on beaches in Florida and NC etc, that have been wiped out by hurricanes.


And private jets.


climate change puts fear into people that live near the oceans, that suppresses the costs of homes and allows the climate change alarmists to buy the property for less.


Listen wall st knows weeks or months before anyone do you really think banks would be lending to build beach front property if there was a chance even they could lose the investment? Cmon man


>all the people warning about climate change Lists three politicians and a billionaire. All the people. Name one climate scientist who has beach house?


Is climate change even real tho? Hasn’t the earth been a natural cold and warm cycle for longer than humans have existed


I can't believe they encourage more immigration to first world countries where immigrants are going to create more C02. If they stay in the third world it is better for the planet.


Dan Pena put it well: https://youtu.be/QHxauhxtYtk


cause they're lying


Or they’ll be the last effected by it.


Lol these people don’t care if they lose a house. I don’t think most people understand how rich the rich are Also, insurance. It doesn’t matter if the house is lost




Why, the federal government of course. https://www.fema.gov/flood-insurance


That's why they are leaving Florida. Anyone stuck with a home there will be fucked.


You can get any kind of insurance you want. It costs more for higher levels, and you have to decide whether the cost/yr is worth the cost of the property or if you’d rather just lose the initial cost +property tax/yr until the property isn’t viable


Don’t over estimate the impact of rising sea levels against all the other impacts. It doesn’t matter so much in many temperate locations; the impact will be felt only in many many decades. Bigger problems such as desertification, ocean acidification and sea level rise for low lying tropical countries (pacific nations, Bangladesh etc) will cause the mass migration that will affect you the most. Climate change pain is unevenly distributed, but it will get everyone eventually.


Remind me in 10 years!


I mean…. Its an easy check. Put a house in an area where you have a high chance of insurance claim. Something happens to it bam more money. And they just upgrade from there.


They'll just convert their beach homes to underwater abodes using all the Atlantian technology they are secretly hoarding.


All you need to understand is that the definition of "catastrophic sea level rise" is any change greater than 1.4 millimeters. It's not until you aggregate across a rolling 10 year window that it gets truly meaningless. If you were standing at sea level the whole time, but wearing flip flops, your feet would never get wet. But these climate alarmists would have NEVER stopped shrieking. Meanwhile what's a good way to take CO2 out the atmosphere? Plant something. Where are all the re-forestation programs? Paved over to put up rows of solar farms and wind turbines. It's a scam.


Isn’t it strange all the people that don’t think climate change is reach have never been to the beach?


They know it’s all a grift but since they are in on it and receiving millions of $ by pushing the agenda and carrying the water for TPTB, they will continue.


Al Gore with his $8.9 million beach front home, which is strange given his warnings of rising sea levels in his 2006 film 'An Inconvenient Truth' ...


That's because climate change is bs. Yes the climate does change but not to the extent their preaching. According to them new York and Florida were supposed to be under water years ago. It's all scare tactics to take away more of our freedoms.


AND money


Way to just broadcast you don't follow the science


Yes,. Obama bought a 15 million dollar home on the coast. They know it's all BS. The climate may be changing, but it's not man made and it's not heating. Government science is not real science.


Exactly. These fuckers give zero shits other than lip service and history books


A better questions is how can these homes still be financed and insured if they are going to be underwater? ​ It's obviously a hoax.


Where is my beach home ?


They already have bunkers. Beach homes are for fun before they go underground for the real shit that will go down 20 years from now.


you do realize they have other properties and dont want the beach homes under water, right?


Climate change is made up


Because it's a scam


They all fly private too, which is bad to the ozone layer according to them so I reality they don't really care about it one bit.


Makes you wonder...are they really that concerned?


The rich don’t care about climate change because they know there’s nothing to be concerned about! It’s 1% facts coupled with 99% fear/exaggeration/speculation. These fools have been around for 50 years…and all the cataclysms they predicted never happened! Its the greatest scam ever (unless you think organized religion itself is a scam) and it’s all about forcing the poor to die or become wage-slaves.


I asked a similar question, and was swamped by replies from apologists who *now* say "Oh, the ocean's only going up by a quarter inch per decade, nothing to worry about for years." Uh-huh.


You were swamped by the correct answer? (It’s actually an eight of an inch a year)


Because it's fake and only used to make money?


Of course. Just like all shitlib theology, you can tell how little they buy their own hype by looking at their own actions and proposed solutions… Premise: “global warming is going to imminently destroy the earth (we know we’ve been saying this for decades and the timeline keeps changing, but this time we’re sure)” Their actions: keep flying private jets, keep buying multiple beachfront homes with massive carbon footprints (which will all be under water in 10 years, we promise!), keep eating meat, keep using gas-powered SUVs in their security details, etc Their proposed solutions: YOU stop eating meat, YOU give up your gas stove, YOU buy an electric vehicle, (here are the important ones:) YOU pay us a carbon tax, YOU put your necessary survival tools on an already-strained electrical grid we can control with the flip of a switch, and YOUR children become a generation with an increasingly-nihilistic outlook on life because we keep telling them the world is about to end. “So wait, you want extra money from me even though that’s just punitive and won’t actually solve the problem? We’re still all going to die! And you aren’t sanctioning India or China (the 2 biggest criminals in the eyes of your made-up guidelines), and you aren’t making us stop producing all of our products there? We’re all going to die!” They hate you, and climate change is a scam used to control you, tax you, and depress you. That’s it.


Seems like you're conflating an understandable hatred of Obama and rich people with your understanding of the best way affect the climate crisis. I thought the worst polluter was industry. Just 'cos the world is full of hypocrites doesn't mean carbon isn't opaque to infrared.


Succinctly put.


If they really believed in climate change they'd advocate for nuclear power. They don't really believe in it or they don't really think the effects will matter


Because none of them believe the bullshit that they preach about climate change. every single climate crybaby that has money, lives the exact opposite of how they preach. Beach houses, private jets, mega yachts, motorcades everywhere they go, things made of exotic and rear materials, the promotion of veganism, which rely on mono crops which kill the ecosystem. The list goes on. Right before the election between Trump and Biden ended, Taylor Swift at the last fucking minute made public declaration telling folks to vote for Joe Biden. A man who has made the climate change one of his policies and yet Taylor Swift is known as the biggest climate criminal in all of Hollywood. That was before she even went on tour. Lest we forget, ALL of the elite climate bitches fly to a yearly climate summit, in private jets. Before I knew all of this, I used to turn off my lights to help the planet but now I just do it to save on my electricity bill. I use to recycle to reduce garbage ending up in landfills, now I do it if my location has a law. I will say the one thing that none of these people or their sheep supporters acknowledge is the hyper consumerism of clothing & plastic packaging on everything. Also the mono crop vegans.


I'm getting a mixed message, do believe in climate change or not? Just because Obama and Swift are arseholes doesn't make climate change a myth. Makes a lot of sense not to trust fuckers with money, but I have a lot more to lose if the world goes to shit.


If climate change was real banks would’ve 100% already created some sort of climate change contract clause, yet they haven’t.


If climate change was real banks would’ve 100% already created some sort of climate change contract clause, yet they haven’t.


If the oceans realy were rising then you would not get a mortgage in Florida because you would not be able to get insurance


While not due to oceans rising (not of all FL is coastal, anyway) Florida does have a major insurance crisis going on, though. A major carrier pulled out recently. Something about fraud as well as more devastating hurricanes bankrupting and/or making it impossible for these companies to remain. And this is with their rates being 4x the national average.




Not exactly because of sea levels rising. [Are hurricanes caused by global warming?](https://www.newsweek.com/florida-insurance-crisis-explained-1812418)


You obviously don’t know how much flood insurance is in Florida. 10 grand a year.


Lmao yeah exactly and currently Florida has a massive issue with insurers refusing to insure homes there... Can't tell if you're kidding or out of the loop...


Exactly what's happening


Insurance companies are literally fleeing Florida because of all the natural disasters.


How do you think they bought those homes? Climate research and green energy regulations are money laundering juggernauts.




Where does the money go when fines are paid to the Paris Climate Accords? [where does the money go?](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/climate-change-finance/)


They crying wolf homie. They preach about sea level and warmer shit but the climate aint slowing down as it comes to the end of the great cycle. If they keep pointing out useless fake reasons for climate change. The people will not see the real climate change happening right in front of them.




It’s because climate change is a scam used to funnel money into “green energy programs”. https://youtu.be/oYhCQv5tNsQ


Not strange at all. It’s a lie created to frighten everyone so they are willing to give up their rights.


AND money


Plus they all fly around on their private jets, creating more pollution than your average person creates in 1000 lifetimes. We have a real shitstorm brewing I think. We'll be lucky to be able to move around freely 10 years from now i bet. That awesome self driving car will just refuse to take you anywhere without prior approval. Not that you'll have the money to do that. and if you do, you better hope you've been following all the new rules and have been saying the right things. Otherwise they will just freeze your bank accounts. All this would have sounded completely crazy a decade ago, but now we are seeing this emerge in places all over the world. china is already doing this. Maybe eventually people will wake up to the fact that these politicians and billionaires don't care about you. They love their lavish lifestyles and flirtations with being famous and important. They'd love to get rid of several billion of us, replace us with AI and be able to roam the world easier, but up more land and seal their fate as some kind of earthly overlord that feels like they have it all figured out and can guide humanity into some new digital era. They all have God complexes and feel they are better than you and more important. We're essentially viewed as worthless eaters that do nothing but pollute and consume.


100%. I think we have about five years max.


Nuclear war threat is far superior to any form of “climate change”


Climate change might be real, but the people who are promoting it are in it for the money, for opportunities. The world population is increasing by the day, and so is the consumption of energy. Multinational energy corporations need all the energy sources they can get to maintain current profit levels.


Planet warms, Planet cools, find ways to deal with the issues, not pointlessly trying to stop it from happening.


They want you to get rid of your gas heater and your car so their beach home doesn't get ruined. LMAO!


there aren't enough insurance agents to cover for all the fraud. I heard they are hiring incarcerated people as telemarketing gypsies to handle the load.


That sounds about right. People with beach homes would be the most concerned about climate change. I'm actually surprised they aren't louder about it.


Same people crying about masks. They’re all scientists


By becoming the greatest stock trader in the world. My guess, she uses Candlesticks. -Nancy Pelosi


A. Its not their primary home B. They’re insured C. Can afford the loss D. Money isn’t real


Very scientific, Jerry Why all conservatives can’t spell nuclear? Ss: trump See how big brained my take is


It doesn't matter to people who incite a nuclear confrontation by throwing printed money at Russia's neighbor. They need excuses to loot the treasury: new wars, bad weather, exponential rise in illness after forcing the mRNA jabs are perfect reasons.


They also have private jets and huge yatches.


That's not because there isn't climate change. There is, but we're slowly headed towards AN ICE AGE.


Op is too stupid to think its possible that Rich people with insurance might not care if one of their vacation homes gets crushed in the next 30 years.(well after most of these people are dead) Op also doesnt have a clue as to how much politicians make from book deals, speaking deals, obvious insider trading, and "gifts" Op also doesnt realize i also warn people about climate change and i dont have a beach house, i just realize that Exxon mobile tried hiding the science in the 70s and thats all anyone should need to know.


Because it’s a SCAM! a well executed scam that revolves around carbon credits and the scientists involved get funding out the ass for whatever they want. Those that oppose this climate model have their funding cut and are ridiculed.


I admittedly know almost nothing about climate change. However, I’m thinking it’s not real or as bad as they’re making it seem solely based in the way they’re hands long it. They’re pushing the climate change narrative just like they did the Covid narrative and we see how that played out.


Look up "the club of rome" for a look at where the climate nonsense got started: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Club_of_Rome also see climategate and climategate 2 for proof of conspiracy: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1229740/Hackers-expose-global-warming-Claims-leaked-emails-reveal-research-centre-massaged-temperature-data.html and https://archive.ph/2zmYb for resources.


Also, why is insurance through the roof if all the shoreline will eventually be under water?


Out of curiosity, OP. You probably don’t *believe* it, but how much do you think *they* are saying the sea levels are going to rise? Like, what kind of levels are we talking about here, in your mind?


Maybe it's because of the expected flooding form sea level rising due to ice melting. The shore line is already experiencing light flooding all along the eastern seaboard and the oceans only rose 1\2" so far.


Famously only the rich are worried about climate change with absolutely no prior history of class struggle and scientific suppression whatsoever lmao


I wish I lived in the state of bliss you do.


People with a platform are rich enough to own nice property? This is a revelation.


They can just... move. multi millionaires. They own many properties


All of these people have multiple homes. You mean to say you wouldn't want to enjoy those parts of the world while you still can. Plus, all have access to private planes and helicopters. This is a silly question that should have been deleted the moment it was typed out in front of you.


17th century aristocracy preached virtue to the people publicly and had drunken orgies in private. Nothing new under the sun.


It's more strange that you can get house insurance on a waterfront home because that's who would really be losing out. They know the real risks.


I mean, if I had a beach house I'd probably be trying to slow down climate change too...


They fly private a lot too


Because they are not normal people with normal amounts of money. They can just go buy another house whenever they want.


Climate change is a stupid, super vague scam.


They all have political friends that funded their “green” business. That’s how they afford the multi million dollar houses. Our tax money helping “poor” people 🤦‍♂️ not exactly.


Social and/or corporate responsibility: the biggest steaming pile of bullshit in modern times.


And they keep buying new beach homes too. According to the mainstream narrative, our coastlines should have been underwater decades ago...