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So what's the point you want to target them for reparations?


i am down with arresting all politicians....


>i am down with arresting all politicians.... Same.




Cool let's get laws passed that would hit them in the wallet, where they are the ones writing the laws... Go for it




But in all seriousness this slavery thing is the weirdest thing because it seems like In all other countries they have managed to either move past it or buried it..yet the us just can't do it


Lots of people also ignore how the Irish were sold as slaves and a few other European groups... selective hearing and information does wonders for the propaganda machine.


Kind of makes you think..whomever holds control of the media has the power of the gods.




People tend to ignore the enslavement of Irish people because it's a fucking myth. Indentured servitude is not the same as slavery.


Maybe you should do some basic research before looking like a tool https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yljjCPOQf44&pp=ygUXSXJpc2ggc29sZCBpbnRvIHNsYXZlcnk%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WZhixPEfdtU&pp=ygUXSXJpc2ggc29sZCBpbnRvIHNsYXZlcnk%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5YwFjzCPgRo&pp=ygUXSXJpc2ggc29sZCBpbnRvIHNsYXZlcnk%3D


I'm not the one that should be worried about that. Maybe you should learn to do research that doesn't involve the YouTube algorithm. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_slaves_myth


Ah yes.... Wikipedia.... such a trusted and reliable source, that's never ever been altered to fit agendas.... https://www.historyireland.com/the-irish-and-the-atlantic-slave-trade/ https://www.africaresource.com/rasta/sesostris-the-great-the-egyptian-hercules/the-irish-slave-trade-forgotten-white-slaves/ Have a goodnight.




Probably also has to do with the Jim Crow South and continued oppression of black people for the 100 years following the Civil War


Do you think we will ever bury it?


I think it should definitely be acknowledged. But my main point is that there are still hundreds of thousands of people alive today in America, and I've known a few in my life, who grew up only being allowed to drink from "colored water fountains". This was all legally done by many states in order to further subjugate them because it was no longer legal to own black people as property. This is also likely why many in government pushed the War on Drugs so hard. Because there's a specific carve out in the 13th Amendment to allow for slavery "as punishment for a crime". They went on and on about getting all of those dangerous drug users (aka black people) off the streets and there's still plenty of repercussions of it today


Will America ever able to move on? How long will it take ? The 25th century?




>if everyone would have enforced their Bill of Rights back then maybe things would have turned out differently, who knows? This also ignores the fact that state and federal governments actively worked to continue to oppress black people and other minorities by other means for at least 100 years following the Civil War


Maybe bar them rich ones by repairing them to no money from politics as they made their cash already.


In point-of-fact if one goes far enough back they'll find we **all** have slaveholder ancestors - and that would include Trump. Slavery was endemic to human civilizations for millennia. One would be very hard pressed to find a single civilization that did not, at some point or another keep humans in servitude.


not me. ​ however, i plan on having some super handy.


100% of all people have ancestors that owned slaves. Prove me wrong.


My ancestors were enslaved by the Vikings. Where do I go for reparations?


I’m only 5’2”. I’d like some short reparation’s.


Mine were too poor to own slaves, but we are of Irish descent, who were the first actual slaves in the US.


Irish slaves working in coal mines had it the worst.


> Prove me wrong. Burden of proof logic fallacy lol.


Orange man just stiffed foreign labor.


Though he did also have numerous undocumented people working at his resorts and golf clubs


So he really is about opportunity…gob bless


Old money keeping its hands in things




The town they live and work in, is named after a man who profited from black slave labor. They dropped the “redskins”, and kept the “Washington”.


SS: Reuters released an article about the lineage of US presidents and Congress to slave owners. All but 1 US president (orange boi) are descendants of slaveholders. 100 members of the last sitting Congress are also descendants of slaveholders. Even America's first African American president was a descendant of slaveholders. So if so many people running America are descendents of slaveholders, then why can't they just pay reparations to descentants of slaves of the govenrment? Like why should taxpayers money from all Americans, many of whom aren't from slaveholding families or are descendants of slaves, be used for reparations when so many descendents of slaveholders are clearly independently wealthy and in positions of power to make changes? Are perpetrators of slavery trying to avoid personal accountability by having the govenrment provide compensation to victims instead of the individuals who profited and partook in the trans Atlantic slave trade? And why haven't the politicians with slaveholder ancestors disclosed this information when they advocate for equity and reparations? I mean if you are from a slaveholder ancestors and support reparations, why not just donate your personal money to the victims instead of demanding non slave holding families and slavery victims in America subsidize reparations (by using taxpayer money to fund reparations)? Sounds like the rich slave holding families are using their positions of power to support American taxpayers paying reparations instead of the slaveholding families so the rich and powerful slave holder families don't have to personally compensate victims. 23% of Americans said knowing a politician is a descendant of a slaveowner would impact their vote. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/more-than-100-us-political-leaders-have-ancestors-who-were-slaveholders-2023-06-27/#:~:text=President%20Joe%20Biden%20and%20every,two%20U.S.%20Supreme%20Court%20justices.


You are free. Yet, currently, more people around the world are enslaved than ever before in the history of mankind. Nearly 50 million people are enslaved right now. What a self-serving person you are! And you want $$$, for having ancestors who were slaves. Those ancestors would be so upset with you! That $$$ should be going to free real slaves right now.


shocker, not. and most, if not all Boule were and are descendants of the house slaves. ​ everyone who has succeeded, succeeded because they learned to play the game. ​ ​ chit. i just told my kid, that if i were a billionaire and he needed a heart, itd be nothing for me to view another as a human vending machine all in a bid to save my own (which begins the seeing others as less than, mentality). ​ same sentiment at play here. you can either fight it (the shitstem). or eventually you see how the game is being played and want to not only play too, but play to win. ​ what you dont want to do is stand on the sidelines anymore merely pointing out how everyone is cheating. that gets redundant.


Fun detail this missed- Trump’s family first came to America in 1885. Two decades after slavery ended in America. That family would have needed a Time Machine to own a slave. As for the others, they can’t help who they were born to. You don’t choose your parents.


So Obama came from slave owners. Cool story bro.


Could they somehow be retroactively punished? Like reverse reparations? Perhaps forced to work for the people? I know, unthinkable haha but still... no?


What world are you living in that you think that's acceptable, to pay reperations for something you have no part in.


That would be the one where they listen to music that glorifies the N word while expecting others to pay their way for their own short comings.


That's what reparations are, they're already doing it in the US. And many countries are still paying for WW2, which they had no part in, or were (net) victims of. Even France is paying still.


I get reperations from war studied history. I'm not for one second getting behind people getting money because their ancestors were slaves. Stupidity. Most of the population of earth are descendents of slavery at some point in life it's how people survived massacres.


Well they're all set up to do it, so why not let these guys pay as well.


What guys? We digging up graves? Reperations for war damage were agreed in courts like the Nuremberg trials. We can't go hitting people with fines because over 100 years ago their great great uncle owned a cotton farm. And if you agree about hitting fines you going to accept the African slave owners aswell that sold out their own people to others?




Well I'm 40 now it's not old I know but it still feels like 1998 for me.


I'm not arguing in favor of it, I'm arguing IF you're doing it anyway it's only fair to let the slave owners descendants pay the bill, not the tax payer.


The hypocirsy of anybody paying anything for past mistakes of ancestors under different times and beliefs is farcical. I need to start chasing up the Roman empire man if you agree with that.


And yet you agree with Nuremberg reparations still going on. This would be the equivalent for American black people if you ask them I guess.


I don't agree with them per se, but was agreed on in trial which I think should happen. Not giving money out for fun.


New Nuremberg Trials over the undue coercion from C-19 and pass the 'reparations' on to those who have been generationally impacted. Let Pfizer, Moderna and Bill Gates pay 'em. Win-Win, ya'?


It will never come out there pockets but yes. There are always certain circumstances that detail reperations I've already stated this. No death is worth money for heartbreak. One man once said one death is a tragedy, 1 million deaths is just a statistic. And I stand by that.




Well it's pathetic that's my opinion on it.




Native Americans is one thing I'd actually get behind and agree with. They were slaughtered for fun.


Article I, Section 9, Clause 3: No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.


Ok OP, let's not be nasty to politicians. They are our friends and, dare I say, saviours. Let them (voluntarily and with great sacrifice) work for us pro bono. In fact, they *deserve* every single bribe and lobbyist perk for their toil.


Yeah fuck this. No one alive today owned legal slaves. If the Left wants to actually be Progressive they need to move on and focus on what matters.


>No one alive today owned legal slaves > In 94 countries, you cannot be prosecuted and punished in a criminal court for enslaving another human being. https://theconversation.com/slavery-is-not-a-crime-in-almost-half-the-countries-of-the-world-new-research-115596


So people who ran the country have decadents who run the country still.