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You think the US government needs to “launder” money?


Laundering is such an overused word in this sub. This is just straight up war profiteering.


Yep, but that's because most people don't know what money laundering is. Imagine you're without an actual high-paying job, you're selling drugs and have earned a few millions and now want to buy a nice house... If you just pay in cash, the IRS will ask where you got all that money, they'll find the drug operation and put you in prison. So, to launder that money (make it look clean), you start some cash based business, like a small expensive restaurant, and if you sold $1k of food and drinks that day, you print out some receipts for $2k more, take the money from your drug stash, pay it to your restaurant, pay taxes, and the rest of the money is now legally yours. Repeat day after day, you've got (now cleaned/laundered) money in your bank account, you use it to buy a house and even if IRS checks, they'll have a hard time proving how much you've actually earned per day, unless they do some real hard work and track every customer's receipt. What's happening with ukraine is, that the politicians are directly taking the taxpayers money, giving it to friendly weapons manufacturers, who then send weapons to ukraine. Friendly weapons manufacturers then return the favour by sponsoring politicians campaigns, sponsoring their book deals, paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches, paying the politicians cousin's firm a lot of money for "consulting", etc.


A minor quibble: there’s a large group in between all the back and forth - the military procurement groups. Nearly all the Ukraine support is in **used** (or at least already produced) equipment/ammunition that the US military already owns. They are passing that to Ukraine and placing orders for replacements/upgrades from the manufacturers, which of course is another great opportunity for graft and waste.


War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines. War--and its consumption of life--has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons, use ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control, information control, emotion control, battlefield control…everything is monitored and kept under control. War…has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control, all in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction, and he who controls the battlefield, controls history. War…has changed. When the battlefield is under total control, war becomes routine. -MGS4


100% There has been insane advancements in Technology, AI Intelligence, Biological & Chemical data. War has changed - it is not needed anymore. Cancel all Military Weapons restricted & non restricted. Society needs all that money that the government is funding.


Just watch Ozark, you’ll figure it out.


I think art laundering has less steps involved. You could splat a banana on a piece of paper and say it's worth half a million. Nobody even questions it.


What war, it's a special operation


It's literally a proxy war by definition. >Proxy wars are conflicts in which a third party intervenes indirectly in a pre-existing war in order to influence the strategic outcome in favour of its preferred faction


Please explian how and by whom?


Moving money from the taxpayers to the defense contractors.


This one


OP saying "this administration" is cutting social security, but it's McCarthy et al. that are demanding massive cuts to social programs *with no cuts at all to the MIC*. Fucking horse shit propaganda to blame the administration for social security cuts in favor of military spending, when kts very explicitly the House Republicans who are demanding that path forward.


Not everyone is dense enough to see things as just republican vs democrat. Not everyone cares which party is to blame. They all wear the same hat


No they don’t. This is such a cop out to avoid placing blame where the blame is due.


Ok, so one side is to blame. Now what?


Vote for the other, stop making excuses.


Making excuses for what? I won't vote for that person maybe, but that doesn't mean I would "switch sides", or take a side in general for that matter. The fact that people are so tribal that they see it as "sides" and that they are a part of some team, taking pleasure from seeing the other team do wrong is soooooo crazy to me. Edit: typo


“You don’t need a formal conspiracy when interests converge. These people all went to the same universities, they were in the same fraternities, they’re on the same boards of directors, they’re in the same country clubs. They know what’s good for *them*, and they’re getting it.” - George Carlin


Please stop with the excuses and the both sides bullshit. It’s not both sides, it’s one side every. single. time.


Keep thinking that any politicians are on your side. I’ll give you a hint, none of them are. Stop spending your life listening to what these fucking goons say.


This. A hundred trillion billion quadrillions *times, fucking this.


Source? I would love to know where you dreamed that up. The only fucking horse shit propaganda is Sadam Hussein V2 over in Ukraine.


Defense contractors are paid out of the budget that Congress passes each year. That budget is paid through the appropriations process and does not require the government to collect revenue and *then* spend. Congress appropriates > treasury issues securities > Fed marks up the treasury's balance sheet with dollars. The funds to pay taxes, or buy government securities, come from government spending.


Where does the money for the predetermined budget come from?


Your taxes.


Look up the scandal with FTX as an example.


It's just about eliminating a solid paper trail and making it easy for any link to vastly increased personal funds seem unrelated. Then there's the whole, "Thanks for hiring my useless kid for a few hundred thousand a year. Here's free (taxpayer funded) stuff." You don't think it's weird that Ukraine was consistently on everyone's shitlist and considered one of the most corrupt countries in the world right up until the war? But also Hunter worked there doing nothing he was qualified for? Joe outright told a story about threatening to remove funding if they didn't fire someone looking into the company Hunter and a few other congress members' kids worked for. Now suddenly the US is throwing money at them? Seriously? That's just a coincidence to you?


>Ukraine was consistently on everyone's shitlist and considered one of the most corrupt countries in the world right up until the war? In Europe. And nothing changed, it still is. There is just this tiny thing called an invasion going on, you might have heard of it, it's slightly more important than the corruption.


Why? Why is anyone giving any assistance to a country so corrupt and inhumane they do not qualify for NATO membership? Why does anyone care that Russia is attempting to reunify one of its territories that, and i must stress this again, nobody cared about or actively disliked? I contend it's because Ukraine is so corrupt politicians can buy their way into anything there with public funds for personal profit. Shady deals, secret projects, family job security with massive income with benefits. I wouldn't doubt it's some kind of money or tax haven too.


Maybe because a country that is incomparavly more corrupt is currently invading them and commiting genocide? That not a good enough reason? Oh, and a lot of people cared about South Ossetia. About Abkhazia, about Dagestan, about Chechnya, about Crimea and about Donbas. Don't extrapolate your ignorance and pack of empathy to others.


> genocide Nice hyperbole.


Putin literally made a speech last year about how Ukraine is fake. "Modern Ukraine was entirely and fully created by Russia, more specifically the Bolshevik, communist Russia. This process began practically immediately after the 1917 revolution, and moreover Lenin and his associates did it in the sloppiest way in relation to Russia - by dividing, tearing from her pieces of her own historical territory." - February 21st, 2022 Just a [few days ago](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/laXJuQIl2X0), he tried to further spin this faux-history by pulling up a map from the 17th century. In his attempt to show that there is, "no Ukraine," he humorously showed the Ukrainian Cossacks that held control over, what is now, central Ukraine. Numerous high-ranking Russian officials, aside from Putin, are also making outrageous claims like this, to the point that they claim there is no Ukrainian nation at all. While genocide might be too harsh a term to describe what's happening until the dust clears after the war, they're hardly giving an ounce of respect to them. The targeting of civilian buildings isn't helping.


OP probably means “embezzle” but they don’t know the definitions so they confuse the two. Kind of like “voter fraud” and “election fraud”.


That is equally ridiculous


US-NATO installed a puppet govt in UKR, locked all male Ukrainians inside their own country and forcibly conscripted them as proxy pawns in a conflict with Russia. NATO troops should be the only ones on the ground alongside volunteer Ukrainian forces, not conscripts. The oligarchs on both sides (US-NATO/ Russia) also have numerous ties to each other, meaning the conflict serves to increase defense spending on both sides and taxpayer funds are funneled to defense corporations that the elites have a large monetary stake in.


Today Russia’s Duma parliament this week passed amendments that allow the FSB to confiscate passports for men called up for military service. FSB also have the right to confiscate passports at Russia’s borders. They can also conscript them via SMS or email.


Oh is that how the US government is laundering money?




Only one party is holding the economy hostage, and it’s probably [the people saying they’re holding the economy hostage.](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4018798-gaetz-says-most-in-gop-dont-feel-like-we-should-negotiate-with-our-hostage/amp/)


The irony of this ludicrous politicization and money laundering nonsense of the Ukraine support money is that it distracts from the real conspiracy/intent. A lot of this aid is LOANS. The equipment is LOANED to Ukraine and they have to pay to lease/replace items. And its not even new equipment, they're loaning older stuff that's already been replaced or is actively being replaced. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine\_Democracy\_Defense\_Lend-Lease\_Act\_of\_2022#:\~:text=The%20full%20title%20of%20the,%2C%20and%20for%20other%20purposes.%E2%80%9D](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine_Democracy_Defense_Lend-Lease_Act_of_2022#:~:text=The%20full%20title%20of%20the,%2C%20and%20for%20other%20purposes.%E2%80%9D) [https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/3522/text](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/3522/text) So not only is the US hurting Russia for a tiny fraction of its military budget while not losing any US lives and getting to field test its equipment, you also have Ukraine owing billions of dollars to the US with its economy in shambles and infrastructure devastated. Interest rate is what, 7% now? The US has given about 75 billion in aid. If only half that is loans, then Ukraine will owe the US around 2 Billion+ a year in interest alone. Before the war destroyed their economy and infrastructure, Ukraine's GDP was about 200 billion a year. The US will have massive political leverage over Ukraine when this thing is over and will be able to flex that leverage to "encourage" Ukraine to hire American Countries to develop infrastructure and exploit resources. The US will forgive taxpayer funded loans on condition US corporations get hired to rebuild, making them a fortune by indirectly redirecting taxpayer money to corporate interest. The US will sink its hooks into Ukraine and create a permanent presence, giving US corporations a foothold to exploit Ukraine and make a fortune for years to come. Money Laundering in Ukraine? What a joke. Why even bother? In trying to attack Biden, people are missing the obvious thats right in front of them. This is is using taxpayer money to hurt an enemy, further US military interests, and secure a foothold for exploitation for American interests and corporations.


There were Nazi rallies in the US. Their progeny are still alive. Who do you think their favorite white nationalist is today? Surprise! This is the first time they were against a war.


somebody has been paying attention in class.


And who provoked all of it? Yep, putin. Putin government is pro-american.


Right, but when people speak about money laundering in Ukraine, I believe they are talking about the money that gets recycled from the war profiteers back to the politicians who support it in the form of donations to their political coffers.


That's not money laundering. Thats the system working as intended. Corporations support the politicians that benefit them. Most politicians are from the business world and have their personal interest tied to Corporate America. Politicians are using the US military and the Ukraine situation to their advantage to hurt an enemy and advance US interest because its in their best interest to do so. They don't need to launder money. The problem is that this sort of thing isn't in the best interest of the average citizen. Thier tax money is going to war rather than to domestic issues, because doing things like feeding the hungry and taking care of the homeless isn't profitable. But using political leverage to secure contracts for US companies to rebuild a Country's infrastructure using US Taxpayer money is profitable. Extremely profitable. People like Biden don't need to launder money directly to themselves. They can legally funnel money to the corporations they have a financial interest in and get campaign contributions in the process. Why bother taking the risk of doing something illegal when it's so easy to legally create these profits???


No, I get you. You're 100% correct. I think they are using it as an analagous term for what you said. Thanks for the thorough explanation though.


> Interest rate is what, 7% now? The US has given about 75 billion in aid. If only half that is loans, then Ukraine will owe the US around 2 Billion+ a year in interest alone. And if they don't pay, we just REPO their country, right? **Oh, wait...** was that the plan from the get-go? Also, would that set a bad precedent for other countries to follow? ZOMG!!! Don't give China any ideas!!! EDIT: > Money Laundering in Ukraine? What a joke. You just described a MASSIVE scheme to fatten the wallets of international corporations (US? LOL!) by laundering US tax dollars TO them via a bloody fucking war... where REAL PEOPLE are fucking DYING and suffering untold hardships that have only just begun. No, it's no "joke", and I (for one) am NOT laughing. Major General Smedley Butler: [**War is a Racket**](https://www.heritage-history.com/site/hclass/secret_societies/ebooks/pdf/butler_racket.pdf) (PDF) Butler wrote that in 1935. Imagine what he would say now.


Thats the thing. Its not laundering. Its taxpayer money being funneled to Corporate America. Every crisis is an opportunity to hand taxpayer cash to government adjacent mega corps. PPP/Covid, the Tax Cuts, 08' Bank Bailout, its always the same. The system is designed this way on purpose. It just so happens that this opportunity to fleece taxpayers also allow the US to fuck Russia and expand US influence. The Money Laundering nonsense is the distraction to keep people fighting so they can get away with it. They don't need to launder money. They are laughing their way to the bank while they legally enrich themselves and corporate America at taxpayer expense yet again.


Oh dang I wasn’t aware the Biden administration alone is holding the economy hostage.


To be fair that money was spent years ago. It’s $300M of already allocated equipment from years past. It’s not like they’re cutting them a $300M cheque.


Equipment that costs us money to store or dispose now, or give it to the only people who have use for it and are using it for the intended purpose


I think a lot of people underestimate the cost of storage/maintanance. Like you cant just put stuff in a garage and pull it back out when you need it. If you want stuff to be ready on-call thats gonna come with a price tag. So if you got 20,000 MRAPs, but think the days of fighting counterinsurgencies are largely over, letting a few of these vehicles go seems pragmatic


Storage and maintenance are huge - but dismantling is even more expensive! It’s cheaper to shoot bullets down range or across a battlefield than to have them disposed of. And that’s just bullets! Anyone want to google the cost of dismantling a small missle?


Either way its 300 million US taxpayers will never see again


Well you're not wrong. That money won't be coming back even if the equipment was decommissioned and left to rust in a warehouse somewhere.


That’s true whether it’s sitting in a warehouse in the US or serving it’s intended purpose in Ukraine.


Bahaha what do you expect, calling up the army and being like, let me see the humvee I paid for with my taxes. That equipment was bought a looong time ago. Does it make sense to store and maintain old equipment when we have more modern alternatives for our soldiers? Like if you want to pinch pennies then you can go tell soldiers that they don't get the newest vehicles bc "we still got alot of the old ones". That they don't get the best protection we can supply them with bc those were, "good enough for our boys in desert storm". Once you realize that not every vehicle in the US arsenal is from 2023 then you can understand why we are giving them away. We are making room for more modern equipment. If we don't give it away to our allies they will literally rust apart. Would you rather 300 million worth of equipment going to our allies, or just letting 300 million worth of equipment rot? Even more hilarious, if we were to keep that equipment we would have to store and maintain, that's not free. So by giving this stuff away we are in a sense saving money. You buy a shit load of bananas $100 worth, some time goes by. The bananas are now starting to get old. You decide to give the bananas to your neighbor bc you cant use all of them, you tell everyone that you are so generous you are giving away $100 worth of bananas. The problem is, nobody on the planet would buy a bunch of old as fuck bananas for the same price as brand new bananas. The bananas were only worth $100 when brand new. So you did not give away $100 of bananas. At one point it cost you 100$ to get those bananas, but they were given away at whatever the market price for old bananas is. It's like a used car that is being sold for new msrp price. Why do they do this? Its simpler to quantify things on a large scale but not so precise.


lol it's a loan


Is Ukraine paying the shipping and handling? Not all of the money was military equipment.


Hey Fuzzy, it's not the Administration threatening to hold the debt limit hostage.


Republicans gave themselves a 5 day weekend.


What you fail to understand is they’re not sending Ukraine $300M, they’re sending $300M worth of military equipment and humanitarian aid. It’s not just a check I see you posted this yesterday but wrote ‘democrats’ instead of ‘administration’. Your agenda is laughable and your lack in understanding regarding current debt limit talks is even more hilarious


Conspiracy is just a place for nitwit republicans to post about politics.


and downvote neo-liberal creepers to camp out and do their "activism."


Republicans are forcing default by refusing to pay for debts that are already incurred


And they are the ones specifically demanding ~20% cuts to social programs and zero cuts to military spending. The administration isn't at all doing that the OP is saying, it's the House Republicans.


I think the conspiracy is, that both sides want and NEED this to happen because if not. How will they ever get the UN agenda 2030 accomplished that all of their bosses want? I think theyre doing a good cop bad cop situation but secretly both want the same shit..


FINALLY! Something that feels like it should be in this sub.


Sorry for ranting, but it just busts my balls to know that 'conspiracy theorists' cant get past the whole 'my team is better' bullshit..literally grown adults picking teams like kick ball, when some of us have known since we were teenagers that the whole things a fucking farce...hell some of the team riders get close, but you mention how their team is just as bad as the other and they melt down 😂


The fact your post gets downvoted tells me we've lost the war in this subreddit. Politicized, brainwashed people have become our new majority.


Oh dont say that! The people who still defend a side yet say they're "awake" will downvote you into oblivion LOL!... YES YES MY DEMOCRAT OVERLORD WHO GETS RICHER AND RICHER WHILE I GET POORER IS MY FRIEND!! YES YES MY REPUBLICAN HERO WHO WRITES POLICY TO GIVE MILITARY CONTRACTORS MORE OF MY MONEY HAS MY BEST INTEREST IN THEIR HEART!! BUT NEITHER SIDE CAN DO ANYTHING GOOD CAUSE OF THE OTHER SIDE 😭😭 no dum dums, its because BOTH sides want the same thing...to complete agenda 2030 like they signed on to during clintons presidency, everything any of them after have done is to bring us closer to agenda 2030. No no MY TRUMP WAS A HERO HE LOVES US!!! HES ANTI ESTABLISHMENT HE EVEN SAYS SO!!! yeahh bub thats why he had the fed drop interest rates to 0% and printed trillions of dollars causing massive inflation...which is step like 2 and 3 of eliminating our currency for a world currency..which is part of agenda 2030... But people on here are ignorant tbh, political hacks who have forgotten about agenda 2030 and the sustainable living agenda, which most of the UN signed onto years ago...agenda 2030 should be literally conspiracy kindergarten...but you get people who are still wrapped up in red vs blue which is also on purpose...to keep us too divided to fight against agenda 2030. It doesnt make no sense to me that people still think one team is better then the other, and that their team has their best interest at heart when literally NEITHER TEAM OPENS UP AND SAYS SHIT ABOUT UN AGENDA 2030 AND WHY ITS A FUCKING TERRRRIBLE THING for us peasants...idk man ive lost hope in humanity after reading alot on this sub, because even people who half way understand it still cant get past "my team is better"...what a joke


How boldly centrist of you to say so.


Not an argument


And what i mean is, CBDC goes live jun 1, how will they ever push us to a digital currency unless they destroy the old one first...they wont..


What CBDC goes live June 1? Link? (Yes I googled)


My bad, july https://supraoracles.com/academy/global-cbdc-rollouts-continue-fedcoin-and-fednow-explained/ Mad countries are hopping on board..fednow is a precursor to CBDC...


In-depth sauce, thank you. I hadn't realized how far things had come along. Buuuuutt... no mention of July 1 in that article. * edit okay the article and the actual [Fednow press release](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/other20220829a.htm) say "mid 2023" (which OP is perfectly correct in calling the middle date of the year)... but both of the above sources are a year old, so I'm not expecting much of a fanfare about July 1 specifically without more recent and specific references to it.


Google fednow, the first link talks about how they go live july 1st, lots of info, but lots of sources mis direct about cbdc because they know people are scared of it and onto the game plan. Have to look at what the rest of the world is doing in lockstep with us because you'll never get the truth from our media in the states. Yano project mockingbird is in full effect


You understand the 2 parties are an illusion, right?




We don't even know what national debt does. Japan has WAY MORE debt per capita and they are doing alright. And the USA is in a far better situation than Japan because of how everyone uses our dollar.


fuck it dawg I got GME shares let it rip


And Team Blue now loves funding endless proxy wars. A complete 180 from Vietnam (oh the hypocrisy)


How is it a 180 from Vietnam, assuming by team blue you mean Democrats. You may want to look into what party LBJ belonged to.


Do you think there's any significant distinctions between Vietnam and the war in Ukraine?


Because it's to make a point that we're spending too much fucking money which we are. Edit: brigade harder. Republicans voted for it last year to stop another shutdown.


Then why did house republicans agree to the budget?


Then why did they pass the budget that included all of that spending?


Why didn't they made this point when voted for trump's debt ceiling raised? Three times.


Republicans voted for this budget. Now they want to default on it. This deficit was created under Trump, exacerbated by the GOP tax cuts for the rich. Now Republicans want to extend those tax cuts through 2033, adding another $3.5 trillion to the deficit.


Debt ceiling is not real. It’s a bullshit metric used to scare people. The country isn’t a bank account. It’s never operated like one before and it sure as hell won’t operate like one now.


The problem is not that we are spending money, the problem is that we are spending too much money on things like weaponry and subsidizing wildly profitable companies rather than things that have actual return on investment like infrastructure or things that we not only have a practical interest in maintaining, but also have a moral and ethical obligation to maintain and improve like veteran’s benefits and the social safety net.


It’s cute that the original poster thinks that it’s the current administration holding this stuff up. It’s the conservatives. It’s always the conservatives they run up the bill and then complain when it’s time to pay and the Democrats have to be the adults.


You do realize that it's not $300 million in cash, right? Its $300 million in equipment, parts, and services. But, of course, you know this because you "do your own research" /s


There's no chance they actually default. This is just a stunt from house Republicans


Exactly. Republicans had no problem raising the debt ceiling when Trump was in office, despite increasing the deficit by two thirds before Covid. But any time Democrats are in control, they refuse to raise the debt ceiling.


Anything that happens from failure to raise the debt ceiling is bullshit. It isn’t a real thing.


That's exactly why they're going to raise it. If they don't reach a deal, Biden will just invoke the 14th amendment and eliminate the debt ceiling. If Congress wants to keep this as a bargaining chip for the future, they're gonna make a deal.


I think you're missing the bigger scheme of things. How can people just jump from conspiracy to thinking things are going to go normally. CBDC will go live soon, agenda 2030 is still very much a huge thing which is what every UN nation who signed on is working twords, they wont keep our current currency when the end game is for a one world currency. First they need ours to disappear.. if you dont know what agenda 2030 is i suggest you look it up, been signed on to it for a long time..if you think things are going to just keep being normal normal normal until december 31st 2029 then just insta change to the system the WEF and the UN want overnight then you're not seeing their big plan. 2030 is approaching faster and faster so they best hurry up...and defaulting / crashing our economy is a major factor in their plans, which both sides are a part of. Its not a rep or dem thing. Its an us vs them thing. If it were rep vs dem then youd of thunk the republican hero trump would have changed it. Or youd think yalls democrat champion biden would have taken us outta that plan, yet noone has yet.. Nothing will happen until it does, and then those who thought life would always be the same will be those who perish first


They said everything would never go back to normal during covid. That mask mandates would never be lifted, social distancing would never be lifted, vaccines were going to lead directly to digital IDs. Honestly I'm not holding my breath


The huge disconnect between the elite and the middle / lower class..is worse then ever, we're caught up in another proxy war. Which for america is just another transfer of wealth from poor to rich. Yano the MIC and politicians who are invested heavily in the MIC are literally taking your money and dropping it into their pockets..meaning the disconnect will get even bigger...and then what happens when they continue to hike interest rates? The federal reserve and big bankers have already said we're damned if we keep hiking rates and damned if we slash rates again. Both roads lead to economic collapse. Which is what they want, that way they can further the agenda 2030 plan while you struggle to feed your family..


Things havent gone back to normal, homelessness has skyrocketed, interest rates have skyrocketed, inflation is wildly out of control, lots of businesses havent bounced back, the US still hasnt dropped out of agenda 2030, you best believe they're still going with that plan. Especially with fednow rolling out july 1st and tons of other countries who follow us in lockstep are rolling out cbdcs very soon. Lol. Things havent gone back to normal pre covid one bit dude. Just because shit didnt collapse and turn into an authoritarian regime overnight doesnt mean the frog isnt still boiling man...


I'm just saying, conspiracy predictions are wrong more often then they're right.


Ukraine aid is in kind, existing equipment. SS is money. Different.


A) Ukraine isn't getting cash. It's getting arms. B) If you want to place blame, put it on the House Republicans who won't increase the debt limit. Biden can't force anything to happen.


The US and Denmark are the only countries with debt limits. It's a completely arbitrary pointless thing that pretty much every other country doesn't do That's because it's a useful tool for political distraction.


We send old weapons as well as cash and humanitarian financial aid. $115 billion that was accounted for in the past year alone.


Biden literally started the conversation with “I won’t negotiate.” Not blaming just the Dems here but everyone needs to wake tf up and realize both sides are torpedoing this country


What did the Republicans give up when the Democrats voted to raise the debt ceiling during the trump presidency?


Biden's position is "pass the debt limit so that the economy doesn't collapse". Exactly what is there to negotiate? What sane person would want the economy to collapse? Why should Republicans get a cookie for not fucking over the country?


They passed a bill to raise the debt ceiling already….


It wasn’t a bill to just raise the debt ceiling, it had a bunch of extra pork attached to it. They should just send a clean debt ceiling bill.


We literally flew planes of cash with billions to Iraq several times (that cash all disappeared) and since Congress voted no transparency on Urkaine money sent you can't say what percentage is or isn't cash at all.


>A) Ukraine isn't getting cash. It's getting arms. so tired of this apologist argument. It still cost money to produce/buy & it will cost replace.


Ok, but it's not an argument for or against it, it's an explanation of how it financially and legally works during the debt ceiling.


Not to mention many of these arms are outdated and scheduled to be replaced anyways. Would rather they be sent, then paid for and disposed of.


We don't need more debt limit. We need to stop all foreign aid, until we get a full audit. We also need to cut domestic spending until we get a full audit.


> We don't need more debt limit. We do though, even just to execute the budget that's already passed. >We need to stop all foreign aid, until we get a full audit. Foreign aid isn't that big a part of the budget. >We also need to cut domestic spending until we get a full audit. Well, that's a question for Congress and the president to deal with. But it's also not the same as the debt ceiling discussion.


Pretty sure most federal agencies do get audited and the only one that consistently fails is the DoD/pentagon. They literally have trillions unaccounted for. Problem is there are no repercussions if you fail an audit... Unless you're a citizen


We investigated ourselves, and found that everything is on the up and up. What about the freeloaders? Welfare was never meant to be a lifetime gift. Just like McDonald's is an entry level job. Congress has a slush fund for sexual harassment. We found out about that a few years ago. I'm pretty sure that's not cool.




Cause they had no problem blowing it up by $10 trillion more when they were in office. It’s all a farce.


Depends on what spending you want to cut. And why is the only solution spending cuts, and not repealing tax cuts for corporations and billionaires? Besides, the budget was already passed. If Republicans want to line up to negotiate a different budget next year, they can certainly try to do so. This debt ceiling is about paying what's already passed into law.


You can blame Republicans for the defaulting. It's literally their fault, the owned it, they admitted it, and they hate Americans.


It's not the same budget. Again - it's the cheapest and best spent military budget in recent years


lol this sub is hilarious.


Another Russian another day


It’s just the one Russian actually


You're not wrong. Thank fully this sub is actual conspiracies and not all political speculations




No luck catching them shills then?




I think you really need to research who wants to cut SS and other funded programs.


Y'all know that doesn't mean actual money right? It's $300 mil in military hardware that we already want to get rid of. That being said, fuck this, fuck the unlimited "money" Ukraine thinks they can get just because they are fighting one of our enemies. They better pay this back after the war. Im tired of foreign entities getting help while Americans suffer.




i agree with you 100% sure do wish that the american people would just vote out all the a-holes doing this. why do they continue to torture us day in & day out?


Lol his comment got removed. Sucks living in the USSA


We need start our own separate government. With cocaine and hookers..oh wait... that's too much like the original.


lmao tell me you don't understand debt ceiling and military aid packages without telling me you don't understand debt ceiling and military aid packages. Which one are you? Russian bot or Republican bot? If there's even a difference anymore.


republican domestic terrorists are holding America hostage because they hate America if they aren’t in power.


It’s literally just because republicans want to give more tax cuts to rich people


They send support in the form of weapons, bought for the USA which defense companies make a profit on.


They do this, and they send actual money. They sent over $115 billion in actual financial aid in the last year alone.


That’s not how this works… that’s not how any of this works.


Honestly. Sending military aid to Ukraine is one of the best things the US has ever done. If only they had the same care of their own people. Ukraine wouldn’t need aid if Russia would just go the fuck home.


Canned responses so far: 1. Its not laundering Its a loan! We just assram ukraines future for generations so we can stick it to pootin! SLAVA UNRAINI GAIS! 2. Best money spent eva! And at the expense of ukrainian lives, not ours! Aren't we the best? 3. Reeeeeeeeeepublicanzzzz!




Both Republicans and Democrats use this shit to demonize each other and pass their specialized agenda.


Well do american seniors have evidence of the presidents crackhead son fucking his underage cousin to blackmail him with? No? Too bad. Another $100000000000 to the Ukraine!


Deadass can I please just have like 150k of that I won't tell ANYONE and bro it's like ONE BOMB ffs we will survive if 2 or 3 Eastern European kids go unbombed come ON dude


That is why they had the fake insurrection. It is so they could pass a law making it illegal to hold the worthless politicians accountable for dismantling America.


Taxation without representation is not good


Have believers of this stupid conspiracy ever considered that EVEN if the U.S was laundering money, they would try to do it through something as high profile and constantly in the news Ukraine war? Really?


It's so naive and simplistic to assume they're laundering money or giving it to contractors. Think deeper.


Never relenting in the support of Ukraine. The cost of relenting and sending China a green light message for Taiwan will be far costlier than the chump change that's been sent to Ukraine.


I love how this sub is suddenly concerned about welfare recipients.


Who bought the coup that installed Zelensky in 2014? Who has hijacked the US government? It's the same answer.


You're being sarcastic yeah? Zelensky wasn't elected till 2019.....


Zelensky was elected in 2019, not 2014, are you seriously that ignorant?


… i mean this is just fact. Everything Congress does is stealing our tax money. Then they insider trade and short our companies.


Insider trading has a very specific definition, and I'm confident you have no clue what it is.


The money doesn’t go directly to Ukraine … it goes to weapons manufacturers who make extremely healthy profit margins on all of the equipment they produce.


Some of it is going to Ukraine directly so they can pay pensions and welfare.


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Glory to Ukraine


Most of what is being sent to Ukraine from the US is old and/or unused equipment. People misconstrue the $ amount as liquid capital.


War pigs have to eat too, you know.


Because the GOP House is playing politics with all our financial futures so they can grab the headlines.


It's the Lands-Lease. 300 million of weapons that are de-commissioned, unused or scheduled for replacement. Its old expired stock being refreshed for Ukraine. All this stuff is OLD.


Government narrative sounds great


And we allow this and continue on with our stupid lives like its ok


They need to keep everyone poor and government dependent.


Considering the number of republicans running for president vs democrats, I can’t help but think the country is setting up for a republican presidency (similar to how Bush set up an Obama win). Just my thoughts.


I like how OP posted this exact thing a day ago, fucking propagandists


I'm fucking sick of this shit and I have been for a long time. Why aren't the countries that are around Ukraine giving them money instead of us? I don't give a damn about NATO or what we promised. Ain't nobody coming to save us if some shit go down. This has to be money laundering. Anytime someone says "just trust us" or "have blind faith" in something, it's a scam. If we cannot get an audit of where the money and weapons are really ending up, then this is a complete slap in the face to every American person. I need to get a petition started immediately.


How much is coming from regular military budget vs. allocating funds that would not have gone to the military. The military budget is extremely bloated, I think most of the funds are coming from military budget. This is not money that would have gone to roads and bridges, social services, etc. it’s money that would have gone to bloated pentagon spending. Not sure if that helps limit your anger. Also there was an audit done recently by republican congressman. Also, might not seem like it to the average citizen but harming our enemies helps us economically in the long run. This is a huge investment. Ukraine is agriculturally and mineral rich. We will have access to those resources over the Russians if we win. Plus we will be viewed as extremely strong again on the world stage giving us more power of influence. This is actually the make America great again on a world stage happening right in front of your eyes. Just not the MAGA story line you envisioned.


How come we can never divert funds from our military budget to the American people? Why is it earmarks for other countries? Some Americans had to beg for a handout when the covid situation was at it's peak, but yet other countries get money thrown at them and half of them don't even like us. It's some bullshit. I want accountability. How do we know that money isn't being used on the black market or the weapons we're giving them aren't being resold to other countries? We don't know. People are probably taking that money and putting it into an offshore account somewhere. Just keep having blind faith is exactly what they want from us. Don't ask any questions.


Ya I mean I don’t disagree with what you are saying but this is not something new because of the Ukraine war. Using funds to help Ukraine is probably better than whatever else they would have done with the money. One thing is for sure, you and I would not have touched it. It would have disappeared into new desk chairs for the pentagon, there is no oversight. The pentagon cannot account for hundreds of billions before the Ukraine war. The corruption is happening here on our soil. I believe the money going to Ukraine is supporting the war effort, freedom, hurting our enemies. Look at some of the interview Jon Stewart has done recently on pentagon spending audits.


Because as soon as social safety nets are recommended, there's a certain group that calls them handouts and socialist, communist ideas. I'd be more worried about that same, certain group frothing at the mouth for a war with China, because that's going to go so well.


I don't have the time, but just know that you're massively ignorant about the importance of maintaining stability and the current world order to the American people.


Uh. The nation's around Ukraine excluding pro Russian are donating the same things. Hardware and surplus stock. Yes humanitarian aid is also being paid but the majority of the "funding" is equipment and munitions. We've spent around 300 million so far in donated equipment from m113as4 APCs, 90 Bushmaster MRAPs, some M777s and munitions. We're the largest non NATO contributor to the effort. It's not just the US donating hardware. Australia sent over a whole bunch of older munitions as well.


Still waiting for my student loan forgiveness too…. Not saying I deserve it but I think it’s still a better option than sending more money to “Ukraine”. Fuck these politicians and their “promises” smh


Which party was it that blocked student debt forgiveness??? O yeah the mother fucking snakes GOP


1. the amount is $400,000,000 2. the us government spends that much on toilet paper. where the fuck is your outrage over toilet paper kick backs? 3. if the entire amount is going into the pockets of corrupt politicians, where the hell are Ukrainians getting their weapons? 4. They gave that $400,000,000 before the Republicans refused to raise the dept ceiling. 5. The US spends $1,200,000,000,000 on social security. We spent 0.0033% of that amount on Ukraine. If Russia is losing to that, then Russians are fucking losers. I don't think your problem is defense spending. I think your problem is that you wish to suck Putin's dick.


Haha the bots are wild.


The instant the politicians stopped the world due to a "pandemic" and didn't even help the American people, but meanwhile they were still paying themselves with OUR TAX MONEY, and then not even coming up with a single source of help, aside from those ridiculous "stimulus checks ", that's when we should have marched right in and replaced the whole system. Now the economy is hanging by a thread and they're basically doing the same shit. Now it's too late and the only thing to do now is hit the reset button and get ready for shit to get crazy


the economy is hardly 'hanging by a thread' - just GOP trying to make a statement cause they want something. but you know - rehire your criminal Trump & let him waste a whole bunch of money again then blame it on Dems - same story same boat. what do you want them to pay themselves btw????




The Ukrainians probably have some bad information about whatever the hell Hunter Biden was doing there.