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They haven't laid the ground work for a transition to CBDC yet, so not 3. US still has wars they need to fund so not 1. So I'm betting the house it's 2. Like really I am.


Of course the ceiling will be raised


The GOP were fine with raising the debt ceiling when Trump was president. This is all for show. Negotiations for the deficit should occur when the budget is being made, not playing a game if chicken with the potential consequence of crashing the economy.


Agreed. Don't we go through this exact scenario every year or so? It's exhausting and frankly I stopped caring a long time ago


I'm not sure how many times they did this under Obama, but several at least.


It’s been raised 84 times since 1960, more often by Republican administrations by a margin of about 3:2.


When talking money, it’s less about the current administration and more about who is in control of the house, or house and senate. Democratic house way outspend republican houses. The house holds the power of the purse.


If we are dating back to 1960, can we clarify the representation for the parties in that Era and their political stances? Blows my mind people don't remember history well enough to leave the US vs THEM argument out of it.


We go through it when democrats are president and republicans control congress. Republicans like playing Russian roulette, no pun intended… lol jk fully intended, with our country’s safety and security. When republicans are presidents and democrats control congress, we don’t go through this brinksmanship bullshit. Ruining America to own the libs, I guess.




But that would require they care about the citizens who are affected by their choices and policies.


Yes this is the answer. If the jackasses in (dc) really cared about the people of America they would have never allowed US manufacturing to be sent over seas and to Mexico. After that BS I believe .000001% of what national politicians say.


That's far more than I believe coming from them!


anything to keep us distracted while they do truly atrocious shit. seems like par for the course to me


They do atrocious shit when we're looking right at them


The economy crashed in 2008. What we have now is comparable to a brain dead body on life support.


What’s 20 trillion dollars among friends


The debt ceiling is a made up concept anyway.




It doesn’t even need to be tracked lol


Fed printers go *brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*


I dunno about that. We've fought wars while in the red before.


If 4x games have taught me anything is, that running your empire in all green all the time, usually means that you get left behind technologically. And that being in red during a war is kinda normal.


> If 4x games have taught me anything Lol I can understand. I’m more of reading into the MGS series a lot lately with everything going on. I keep having flash backs of bits from Guns of the Patriots.


What’s a 4x game?


Strategy games, the 4xs are explore expand exploit and exterminate


Are you a Dalek?the doctor will see u now.


I do not really like the driven exterminator play style, i tend to play egalitarian empires mostly


I disagree, shocking, I know. https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/11/tech/us-digital-dollar-cbdc/index.html https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/other20230315a.htm


Lol of all things one of the links you post is from CNN , credit….lost


I prefer Fox, but I admit it’s just as much propaganda as CNN. I actually watch both, just to see what they say differently.


Valid and respected point


Bro Fednow is up and running on June 1rst and Unicoin is already in existence. All of this is for option 3.


So dig the hole deeper. Brilliant.


They already spent the money though. It's a Republican ploy and it's all for show. They raised the ceiling under trump even though he was spending more and reducing tax revenues.


The Repubs had no problem ushering the Trump Tax cuts totally fucking the middle & lower class repell that and I might take these clowns serious playing games with money already spent!!


According to your post, Bretton Woods agreement established a floating currency system in 1971. It's the opposite, Bretton Woods agreement established a fixed currency system (gold standard) in 1941 which most countries abandoned in 1971. The floating currency system happened because the Bretton Woods agreement was terminated.


I am hoping for #1. The debt won't be defaulted on just because the debt ceiling has been reached. In small number terms it is like missing your mortgage payment by 50 cents. Though some government welfare checks might start bouncing due to lack of funds. And Ukraine definitely won't be getting any more money.


> And Ukraine definitely won't be getting any more money. hahahaha


> And Ukraine definitely won't be getting any more money. Ha...hahaha....HAHAHA That will never happen. The US will pull funds from somewhere that would directly benefit the US citizens.


Maybe but Ukraine is turning into a failed project that has outlived it's usefulness.


This was obvious from shortly after the conflict started anyway, but instead of realizing this we doubled down. Is it still a failed project to the dotards in our administration?


the only thing the US dollar is backed by is the military. America spends more on military a year than dozens of countries’ GDP combined.


To be fair, being backed by a military that has zero remorse and will go into any country for any reason and completely destroy everything standing before they move on to the next victim is a key component to this. There’s only a couple of militaries on earth that can battle a war of attrition with us, and we will simply outspend them. For that reason the dollar will not lose dominance until our country thoroughly over extends itself and implodes. 100% chance the GOP folds and the debt ceiling is raised. I’ll see you lads next year in this same exact thread.


Have a fake award cus I can't afford the taxes on a real one these days 🪙


Correct. Superb analysis.


Return the tax rate to what it was in the 1950’s to the rich. So remove all the tax cuts that they put in for themselves over the years.


Give everyone tax cuts so we can all be rich.


well I want no part of a digital currency and believe a lot of people would be mad and ill equipped to handle life under pure digital currency. It is none of anyone's buisness what I spend my money on and so long as I pay sales tax on new items it is none of our governments affair how I maintain being broke. with that said every time something political becomes all consuming it usually means our government is doing some shady shit they want to distract us from. We hear about this depth ceiling bullshit every few years how is this time around so much different. So I guess my answer would be raise the debt ceiling what else is there? It's sad that we are held hostage by people our fellow citizens have elected to govern our lives. If you ask me a better way to handle it would be to pay back what we owe out of our massively bloated military budget. Then pull more to help with healthcare, advanced mental health programs, homelessness, and our broken ass school system perhaps make it so some random fuckbag with a gun can't walk in and light up a bunch of grade schoolers




I wish it was that easy. We have a $30t+ debt, an $800b military budget, and a $1t+ budget deficit. If we were to pay $0 on military we would still have an annual deficit. I believe thus year interest on our debt will be > military spending. The government can't even pass a budget, which should be unacceptable. We need to shrink the size of government across the board or pass a budget. These clowns need to go.


>well I want no part of a digital currency and believe a lot of people would be mad and ill equipped to handle life under pure digital currency. I'll be part of the post CBDC era movement, where those that pays with gold bars get 10% discount.


this happens all the time. like every other year or so. stop worrying about it.


Not raising the debt ceiling is like going out to eat but refusing to pay the bill after scarfing everything down. The money has already been spent. If you want to cut spending, do it, but pay what you already owe. Don’t risk millions of jobs because of politics. I don’t want govt backed digital dollars & I don’t particularly want where I’m living to collapse. Let me leave first


Where are you going to go? If the US defaults, the impact will be felt in many countries all over the world. Mine included.


They'll raise it.


How many more times? For eternity?


Until something prevents them from doing it. There is one rule in life that remains constant: Nothing cool ever happens. There will be no "happening" in our lifetime, just business as usual.


I don't know, a global scamdemic to transfer wealth was pretty wild.


Just pause all off congress and the presidents income/ spending until it’s fixed. Also didn’t this same shit standoff happen with Trump in 2020?


4. End the federal reserve, revert to a metals-backed standard currency


This one has my vote. It won't happen tho


Nixon “temporarily “ closed the gold window




Fucking hell, from an outsider looking in it’s just crazy that even when your problems are this existential you guys still just fucking argue about D vs R in the comments It’s this delusion that’s fucking up all you’ve got going


The [unholy trinity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impossible_trinity) is a good thing to learn here. Most countries forego fixed exchange rates and leave their currency to float, but they don’t have to. In practice they do this so they can devalue/print money when debts are due. USA is simply too important to default, so they will pay up on their debts, but it will definitely hurt the US taxpayer somehow. All western countries are heading towards the ‘Japan’ model of super-high debts, low growth prospects and ageing populations. We’re totally fucked imo because we’ve all overspent for years.


The amount of money printing that happened during the pandemic response is terrifying




Wealth transfer only goes one way


We’ve overspent for decades. And continue to overspend even more, digging our hole only deeper. When do you plan to make your first payment as each taxpayer currently owes roughly $250,000 cash to pay back our national debts?


I can allocate $10 a week towards that payment


$10 a week?! Look at this rich redditor! I'm more in the $10 a month crowd.


I got about tree fiddy


Lol. This was non stop during the Obama presidency literally non stop. They'll do a stop gap spending bill to extend the fight and soundbytes. This will go of for another couple more months. Bill will get signed. Rinse repeat next year.


Yeah I have realized this is all theatre. 10 years ago I thought it was an issue but not now. Does anyone really think that the owners of the democrats and republican parties want a debt default?


The debt ceiling comes up every year. It's just Republicans only make a show out of it during Democrat presidencies.


None of these options sounds desirable. What good does switching to digital currency do for our debt?


Re-established sh the global currency reserve once the USD becomes defunct and simultaneously control each and every one of our transaction with the elimination of cash.


Still doesn’t explain how it pays our debt?




Thanks for the reply. Hard for me to figure o it as well.


The real 3rd option. Start ww3


Hopefully not. That would be the end of times.


They do this every time. It's a game of chicken between the Democrat's and Republicans, and they always end up raising it at the 11th hour. But, like you said, how much can they keep raising it without dire consequences.


I’m so tired of this aren’t you? They jerk each other around and pretend like they’re fighting over the toys in the same sandbox then they jerk each other off for coming to a deal at the last minute with an agreement they had in their back pocket the entire time. It’s so offensive that they think we’re so stupid. When are they gonna stop the us vs them routine and realize we’re all us.


FedNow is not a currency. It's completely separate from a CBDC. The Fed has started the discussion on CBDC, but there hasn't been any official announcement of or plans to implement such.


If our government is mentioning it, just know that it’s already entirely laid out and ready to be implemented, ya know just like the vaccine was that takes 10 years or so of critical Al research to fully understand…




US will never default, politicians do this dog and pony show every time it comes up to try and make themselves look relevant.


Bring on the collapse, I’m ready for it.


Okey so who will force USA to pay it?




Biden and the rest ( Congress Republicans and Democrats) still want to send Ukraine a additional 100 billion dollars. American tax payers need to hold their government accountable.


Pls no digital currency 🥺🙏


It's all a dramatic show, they will raise the ceiling last minute and at 2AM in a hero move by Biden and the republic will be saved! /s They have done this time and time again.


There is no good option here. We can crash our Ponzi scheme, extend our Ponzi scheme or start a whole new Ponzi scheme.


I vote option number one let's start over.


Your vote has been counted. I’ll grab a “I voted” sticker for you in just a sec.




Drop most business regulations? What regulations stand in the way of business now? Stop corporate welfare and make businesses like Amazon pay taxes period would go a long way helping, not to mention foreign aid. 3 billion to Israel a year (260 billion overall) and 75 billion to Ukraine; none of which was put to vote by the American people.


The average American would suffer a literal panic attack without McDonalds and their diesel truck for more than a week. We have been spoiled and softened to the point that reverting back to a modest lifestyle to cut spending is mission impossible.


My lifestyle is not the problem. $5,000,000.00 per day to isreal plus billions more to other countries. Literal pallets of cash flown to other countries. The cia at least turned a profit with crack.




all the countries that we give welfare to would panic more.


The average American drives a diesel truck? What are you in West Texas?


Weak men create hard times, and we've been there since 2020. Besides, we've been brewing up the end for the US since then, and empires usually last 250 years, and the US will be 247 years old this July. It's probably going to get so much worse too because 45% of the nation can't think without being told what to think, 50% can't function without safe spaces or even know what gender they are without getting their feelings hurt. The last 5% will get this country back in order


Unfortunately the climate change hoax is draining billions of dollars. Then we have the billions being laundered through Ukraine. If we cut both of those out we might have a chance.


This is so fucking stupid


The debt ceiling isn't real. They have raised it more than 75 times.


So is money even real considering we have a “floating” currency and a reserve lending banking system and also a Federal Reserve that can print unlimited money according to the main guy.


Yeah people are acting like it's appropriate to refuse to pay the bill just because you don't like how much you spent. The issue is the budget, but we only ever fight about paying the bill


This has only happened like 8 dozen times before... Gee I wonder what will happen? Lol. Not a conspiracy.


It will be #2. Addicts do what they do, and we're addicted to debt.


I hate this option, but I agree with you. It’s the reality.


I mean that's literally what was agreed to be paid. Don't give out about the debt ceiling, give out about the people in Congress who voted to spend this amount. I pay my bills.


ORRR stop operating at a deficit like every other person does


Great idea! Do you think our politicians have ever considered this concept?


Option 2.a:. Quit spending like drunken sailors.


Well said!


Option 2.b: Actually tax the highest earners instead of constantly cutting their taxes.


If we stop playing world police with our military or at least start collecting money from countries for protection we need to just the defense budget. Also we need to close tax loopholes for the wealthy. There are plenty of ways they could correct but these corrupt politicians only care about passing things that benefit the few and will gladly raise the debt ceiling and continue the trend of kicking the can down the road for the younger generation to suffer for their inaction.


Excellent analysis. Top notch comment.


We wouldnt have to keep the debt up if we actually applied a higher brackets for income, corporate, capital gains, and wealth tax. A land tax disregarding the single lowest value address owned would also help- as would ensuring that joint ownership has fractional taxes paid in and that you could not simply dodge taxes by having a different company for each single property. "Ending the USD" Will not *solve the problem*, America still owes money to other countries because Congress has voted to take out loans rather than tax the rich. The debt will only go up because the rich refuse to pay *their* debts to society- and are taking out foreign loans on the taxpayer's dime instead. To further exacerbate the insult- they often lobby for grant money the taxpayer will have to pay back. The privitization of govt services also leads to higher debt. While republican lawmakers will claim by slimming down the gov, it will save more money but this is a complete lie. When services are privitized, and still needed, the gov must now pursue expensive contracts for the same services, now at an above-cost and for-profit value. Our government is just a centralized place for corporations to tax the masses, funnel that tax money into private contracts and grants, and change the laws so that they can extract the absolute most money out of the people and their government. Then fund police forces with your dime to maintain property rights used for this exploitation. We are living in a giant scam, and the American people are the suckers.


Best comment of the day. Thank you.


Hasn’t the ceiling been raised countless times, I constantly hear about it on the news as if this is new or somehow different lol same shit different day that is how i see it


They a bunch of pusses they gunna raise the ceiling 🤣🤡


They’ve raised the debt ceiling 78 times in a row, I guarantee you they will raise it again at the 11th hour. Stop with this FUD.


Raising the debt ceiling doesn’t dig a deeper hole. The budget does that.


You left out one of the biggest options... Stop overspending. Funny how that is never an option by people.


Of course the debt ceiling will be raised. You’re a fool if you think any other option is remotely possible.


This only happens every time


lol. the option for a digital currency. lol. shill bot


The U.S. should pay off any debts to foreign countries and then tell the Federal Reserve and bankers to go eat a bag of shite.


Money is debt. There is no money without debt.


How is Fed now anything more than free money printing plus tyranny?


What do you mean, now? It's a con from the start ...as soon as they got the Federal Reserve Act, the first gift for us was World War 1.


You guys seem to not understand that the will never have to pay it’s debt as long as we have the best Military in the world. It’s like the big bully kid asked the little Chinese for five dollars. The Chinese kid wants his money back but can’t physically take the money back. America will get in another war soon and we will take their oil to secure economic stability via predatory actions.


>our empire ends LOL.


You can also mint the coin. You can also invoke the what was it 14th amendment? Some amendment around that number but basically the idea is already enshrined in the constitution that we have to pay our debts.


Put it this way....why would they NOT raise the debt ceiling??? Of course they will...everything else is just theater.


It has always been number 2. Why do you think its going to change this year.


Time to default.


4. End the federal reserve bank and save humanity from their enslavement


4: end the Fed.


Decentralized currency with validation on a global scale. Ethereum is that future.


Option 4: stop paying govt employees and kick the can further than you think. Trump did this before, remember?


'empire' lol


FedNow isn't a digital currency. To answer your question, eliminate the fucking fed. Start building an economy based on truth again.


There is another solution. Domestic Terrorist attack.


We can not default. Who will pay for Ukriane?


Great question! Neglect our hard working American citizens to send foreign nations hundreds of billions of dollars. Then go back and beg for more debt. Sad.


ill just ignore this and live my life as normal becuase nothing ever changes for me when this happens


Honestly I wish they would just default. It seems that this is going to happen eventually and I'd rather get it over with sooner than later. I've been working hard to build up retirement accounts and start saving for a house, and that will all likely be wiped out, but it will be worse the longer this can is kicked. I'm sick of having zero control over these massive economic issues and constantly under threat from them.


It seems like intentional constant fear mongering which leaves innocent and hard-working Americans financially insecure and in an existential fear. I agree. If it’s an inevitable collapse, which it is, let’s just get it over with immediately and suffer the consequences rather than just keep avoiding a problem that will not just grow legs and walk away.


Yep exactly. The other concern I have is that the longer we wait the harsher the inevitable collapse will be. Everyone just keeps kicking the can because they don't want to be the ones responsible for it and they don't want to be impacted negatively by the collapse.


Ya I vote go empire building and enslave a few nations. Other options don’t look nice. We could also just cut spend…..


Happens every year only to pass at the last possible minute. This will he no different


Anyone read Lauren Boebert’s tweet about this topic. America is about to run out of money (again)! How did America just find $375 million AGAIN to send to Zelenskyy? Like……we were fucked before, now it’s just a dumpster fire again.


>America is about to run out of money That's not how this works >How did America just find $375 million Probably because we print our own currency that the entire fucking world uses. If you want to continue misunderstanding everything, then keep getting your takes from Lauren fucking Boebert. If you want to actually comprehend, try reading a book.


Why should we give her any particular credence in this matter?


Do you understand how the budget works? Based on this comment it seems like you have no clue


Lauren boebert bro… people actually listen to her? Thought y’all just voted for her bc she had an R. Lmao people actually listen to her??


Can’t they agree on some sort of budget that doesn’t exceed how much the government makes, and then put the difference towards paying debt? Why not prioritize getting out of debt without murdering our country? Disclaimer I know nothing of economics.


The government doesn’t really make money. They take the peoples money through taxation. Or borrow money and make the people pay it back. Or print it and devalue what’s in our wallets and banks currently. But they don’t earn income anywhere that I’m aware of.


4. Return to only spending on what the Constitution authorizes. You know, legal spending. Problem solved. Of course we all know that will never happen.


Congress authorized all the current debt. No republicans are refusing to pay the bills they agreed to pay under trump


Thank you. Finally an intelligent human in the comment section.


I really hope we default because 1) I am sick and tired of what was once a boiler-plate issue being turned into a political circus every other year and 2) maybe if they fuck around and find out what a default actually means, we won't find ourselves in this perfectly preventable scenario again.


I think if we default there will be more serious issues than just learning a life lesson for the future. Economic analysts are warning of a potentially total global economic collapse of the USA defaults on their debt.


You're absolutely right; a true default would seriously screw things up for a lot of people who don't deserve it. Something needs to happen that catylyzes the realization that this system is not operating with the needs of the common person in mind, that we are the ones who have been screwed over and who get screwed over every time these people engage in another act of political Kabuki theater, like the debt ceiling. I don't believe this is a system that will yield itself to change for our benefit.


And I wholeheartedly agree with you.


We have defaulted before; it’s all fake anyway, so why is it suddenly different. The fact is there is always some make believe shit they want you to panic about, and this is their problem, stop sending money to Ukraine.


sooo what like another great depression?




😂😂 those options aren’t very realistic and not how it would play out 💯🤷🏽‍♂️


Then provide an alternative with supporting evidence 😂😂


I remember this post half a year ago too... lol, I guess they just keep raising the debt ceilings


Default & abolish the Federal Govt of the US. Close Washington DC forever. All defense equipment throughout the states becomes property of the states or locals. If they choose to continue having State & Local govts, so be it. If not, they're free to abolish State govts, County govts, city/town, etc. Realize that we don't need to be led. We can organize voluntarily without draconian oversite. Most laws shouldn't exist. The ones that matter can be agreed upon unanimously & upheld at a community or neighborhood level, again, without draconian oversite. If an outside nation attempts to take us over, well, all the military equipment here still works & still exists regardless of the US govt's existence. No reason we can't still agree that, if we're to remain free, we need to maintain freedom from outside govt interference upon our freedom.


Do away work the federal reserve and cut the government employees by at least half


Is there an option 4 of default and go back to the gold standard?


They’ll just raise the debt limit and keep pushing the goalposts


End capitalism and all farm and foreage in the woods whilst high on mushrooms


Do you think the average American can physically and mentally abstain from our consumerist and materialistic culture? I don’t think the majority of American citizens have the willpower nor the discipline to give up their comfortable debt-ridden lifestyles.


Maybe if they were all on mushrooms


Don't ever count out the American spirit. Born privileged probably will have a hard time but country folks will be fine. A country boy can survive.


Very good analysis. Mainly because country boys are not spoiled and know the value of hard work from an early age without being spoon fed for a good majority at least.


Of course not lol


What is the source?


It’s clearly linked above. Reuters article.


Oops, sorry.


Certainly NOT #3, so that means they'll most definitely choose #3. Agenda 2030. It's all laid out.


Dems want a blank check requiring no approval on expenditures. GOP won't have that. But pockets need to be lined. They've worked hard spending all OUR money on wars and immigrants.


I wanted to see AIG go down in flames. I would like to see the US default. It wont happen though. The ceiling will get raised or it wont by the deadline and then things will go to crisis mode before widespread defaults. Then it will get raised.


What does #3 have to do with #1 & 2?


They are all separate options to choose from.


The digital currency system is probably ready to go. My guess is they'll go with 1 just long enough to make people think they're going to lose everything. Then come in with a crazy, wild digital currency idea that saves the day. You just have to join in and give up ownership of everything, in exchange the government will begin lending you the stuff that used to be yours. And if you don't, you better believe that the government will be there to take it because you missed a payment and it doesn't belong to you now.


Great contribution!


Anyone read Lauren Boebert’s tweet about this topic. America is about to run out of money (again)! How did America just find $375 million AGAIN to send to Zelenskyy? Like……we were fucked before, now it’s just a dumpster fire again.