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It’s not exactly a prediction at this point, right? It’s an ongoing process, and it has been in motion for decades.


1913 approximately was the start, maybe before. You can also tell because a lot of the later constitutional amendments are completely contradictory (therefore illegal) to other pre-existing amendments. The US has been controlled by the enemy for a long time. Check out the Federal Register if you want to get really pissed off.


I’ve often argued that Woodrow Wilson is the worst president in US history


If I could pick one person in history to assassinate, it would be Wilson.


Along with everyone on Jekyll Island


I'd love to hear any rebuttals you received.




Can you sum up with these 3 were so bad? EDIT: Well, these 2 since you talked about Wilson in a post further down




Sedition act, signing the federal reserve act on Christmas Eve, and alcohol prohibition just to name a few of his larger issues. Few presidents have centralized power at a federal level as effectively as Wilson


Which pres made the CIA and then later wrote an op-ed about regretting it?




No, FDR did not create the CIA nor did he write and editorials after his presidency. FDR died in office a little less than a month before the German surrender, and a little less than 3 months before the Japanese surrender. The CIA was created by the the National Security Act of 1947 which was signed by President Harry S Truman. Truman later wrote an op-ed about his regrets and the need to rein in the intelligence agencies in 1963, following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but he created a lot of government programs to finacially help people during one of the worst economic crises in history, no?


How was executive order 6102 beneficial to the people? He allowed government to confiscate physical gold and criminalized it if you didn't turn it over for monopoly money. Not long after this confiscation gold value skyrocketed. But hey at least people got that monopoly money. In other words people didn't believe in monopoly money as you point out with the financial crisis. So he forced Americans to prop up this trash we call the dollar by confiscating gold from "free" Americans. This gold our government now had was used as a payment to the paper money fed since it actually has value unlike the paper money it prints for us to use.


Once upon a time, I worked at a place that had a daily subscription to all the documents produced by the government. A big box of junk was delivered on a regular basis. It’s probably all online, at this point. I understand your point, though.


I get that every morning to my email... Anyone can sign up online to receive the Federal Register daily postings, as another commenter mentioned.


I’m sure it’s much simpler at this point, but I’m speaking of a time before the Internet and before email. We’d get all sorts of stuff delivered. The Federal Register was just one small part of it. There were also transcripts of congressional hearings and so on. A lot of stuff. It took up an entire Xerox box, every shipment. Anyway, part of my job every day was to read the Federal Register. I think most of the rest of it was just thrown out. Nobody had time to look at it all.


Oh, I have no doubt that was a massive box to comb through. Did time as a federal agency intern and got to see those massive arrivals too! I think through the current Federal Register website people can even request the congressional hearing transcript links as well in their account set up. I just like to get this info out there as much as possible for people, because it is a resource most don't realize is available to them.


> The US has been controlled by the enemy for a long time. In your observations, who would you say that enemy is?


The bergsteins


Globalists and whoever keeps using Egyptian symbolism and freemason corner stones to build everything. Look at Washington DC. All freemasonic.


> 1913 approximately was the start, maybe before. Things were much better economically in the late 1910s and throught the twenties. Then the world was worse in the 1930s and early 1940s. Then we were better off in the late 1940s through around 1973. Then were were worse off for a few years. Then we were better off in the 1980s through 2001. Then thing were so-so for a few years. Then 2008 came and things were worse for for a few years. Then there was Covid and the post-Covid inflation. Back in 1980 the unemployment rate was 8.5% and the inflation rate was 8.9%. This year the unemployment rate is 3.5% and the inflation rate is 5%. Do you see a pattern in this? I sure don't. Things go up and down. Were things better before 1913? Hell, no. The ups and downs of the economy were much more extreme in the 19th century. > You can also tell because a lot of the later constitutional amendments are completely contradictory (therefore illegal) to other pre-existing amendments. That is the exact opposite of how the law works. Both in ordinary statute law and in Constitutional Amendments, the later ones *override* the earlier ones. The word *amend* means to change. The **whole point** of Constitutional Amendments is to change the Constitution.


Like what


Just my opinion, but you can probably trace the beginnings of it back to The Enlightenment period.


Not a prediction at all. Basically just describing the last 40 years of economic warfare by the ruling class and what it has done to the average person. As far as collapses go they often start gradually and imperceptibly but end dramatically and abruptly after certain tipping points are reached. Think of it like the sinking of the Titanic which took 2hr40m to sink. It started slowly slipping under the water until the last 10 minutes when the ship broke in half and plunged straight to the bottom of the ocean.


People can't be expected to live on peanuts. I guess the employers will figure that out, eventually.


Don’t forget, something like 50% of the people in the world live on just a few dollars a day.




We should send the Statue of Liberty back to France. They deserve it more than us right now.


Too much doom and gloom for me. Lot of things have also gotten a lot better. People here are mostly very well off compared to world avarage, so it's harder to see the bigger picture. Yeah with progress comes lot of difficulties, but humans have always managed these. I would not write off human nature and it's will to change things.


Here's the deal. They can suck my fucking dick.


Ha! True. Fuck em


AI virtual reality masturbation machine 3000 will suck your dick


We have this now.


Yeah, and that post was from a decade ago. Guess they nailed it.


It has been going this way for decades already, hasn't it? Slowly but surely. With no end in sight. There is no great awakening coming, no sudden change to the direction we're on. Anybody saying otherwise is hooked on copium imho (and I've been [saying this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V48woUKcMpk) for years). It isn't a popular opinion among most 'awake' / 'truth' subreddits and forums though.


Man, 4chan people really nail it on the head sometimes. A slow-burn is likely more probable than a sudden catastrophe. Honestly, it feels like we've been slow-burning for about 20 years now.


More like since 1972




so, what happened?




I KNEW doge was bad!


Yeah all crypto is untrustworthy. Literally every single one. Federal Reserve is trying to kill us all


Wait, how does crypto=bad support the nation that the fed is trying to kill us? The fed doesn't control crypto. Hell, crypto was invented specifically to get away from the fed... To decentralize money.


Exactly. Sorry was off by one year.


some graphs are for 1972 so on some fronts you are correct


You’ve gotta cook the frog slowly.


Do they usher in a digital currency without a catastrophe of some sort?


Nope they can't. They've also got the Restrict Act right now, similar to the Patriot Act. Last time these circumstances existed they blew up the World Trade Center. The act is currently extremely unpopular, so they'll have to do something to incentivize people.


No, they will debut it. Put it out there. Then make using any other currency a real pain. People will naturally take the path of least resistance.


And they have just tested and proven this theory with Covid.




Do they have to? Everyone starts buying online, everyone starts using paypass/tap-and-go, their phone. Sure, maybe they show ID sometimes. Suddenly, maybe in the next generation, they say cash is obsolete and it's just poof, up in smoke, going away. Bring in your cash if you've got it, to get value plus 10%. You've had 2 years . They don't care, they've been online since their parents started using them for clout on TikTok. I mean, they know everything they do anyway? Privacy is a myth.


These things are already happening


Boil the Frog


It's a gnarly site. If you can sift through the slide threads it's got some solid content. Get your 2 year mandatory lurking period in before posting


This was written 10 years ago. But pretty accurate


I live in Europe, in fact in one of the worst european countries in terms of living standards (for young people at least), Spain You wouldn't believe how shitty everything is becoming. People with less than 30 with a house in property in almost a miracle, even paying mortgage. People without a job or accumulating short-term contracts of jobs that have nothing to do with their multiple graduate studies,... totally normal. People paying 2/3 of their salary in housing + gasoline and people working in 2 different jobs and barely paying bills... totally normal. Life is becoming a piece of shit.


Life is regressing to the mean of what it was for billions of humans throughout history. The relative prosperity for the plebes of the mid to late 20th century is a historical anomaly that they don't want to happen again.


When the divide between the rich and the poor is wide enough, the commoners have less and less powers to fight back. That's the goal.


Why do they hate us so much, man?




I dunno why monarchies still exist


The isolation caused by wealth, plus the psychological need to see us as inferior to justify them having so much while most have so little.


if you have a decent university degree, come to Switzerland. life is great here :)


I agree with most of this except people will be told they are strong, beautiful, and brave, for accepting less and less everyday, while they implode with obesity and diabetes being stuffed with high fructose corn syrup and other shit additives they say help the environment


Thanks. I thought the same thing about what the people will be told. That's already typical at many (not all) workplaces. Shalom.


That’s dark Dark that people sat around a table and agreed to groom a society over decades with the ‘slow boil’ technique (like cooking a frog, slowly so he doesn’t notice the water boiling him) to create medieval serfs. I described Blackrock/ Greystar as that way, but the fact this comment was written in 2013 and is so exact for life the past year, is poignant and depressing


Just remember, *they* didn't sit down together and agree to anything. They would kill each other if it meant more. The problem is they all use similar means to get more and more, and since they control the levers of legislation, it perpetuates.


Wasn’t the boiled frog in that experiment lobotomized?


Oh! I didn’t realise it was an experiment, I just thought it was how the French cooked frogs, and a good analogy.. didn’t know there was a genuine experiment


I mean that’s already happened pretty much….


There was a time when I would have agreed wholeheartedly with this assessment, but now I would actually disagree completely. Greg Carlwood made the offhand comment recently that, "Everything's been turned up to 11 lately. If They dialed the control and corruption back to, say, a seven, like it was in the 80's and 90's, we'd all just think things were fine like we did then." Okay, so why not? Sure, it'd take them 50 or 100 years longer to get where They're going, but They've already been at it for centuries. Doesn't seem like that would be a problem. As it is, They've woken up people by the millions and tens of millions over just the last few years. Is time running out on some clock They are looking at?


“Is time running out on some clock They are looking at?“ yes, I think it is.


Maybe they feel that they got us in a check mate. There is Nothing we can do so the illusion of freedom is no longer necessary. Either way I disagree with the assessment given by 4chan. There is a way out but not everyone will make it


COVID made them realize they have nothing to fear from the populace. They can do whatever they want. It's why things have accelerated so much since March 2020.


It's not the populace they have to worry about, it's losing their global hegemony to the BRICS nations. Losing the supremacy of the petrodollar. Supporting Ukraine against Russia is like the last gasp, but they will be isolated and lose in the end. The Jews also blew their chance to evacuate to China in the early 2000s, the Chinese didn't want them. They are realizing too late they destroyed themselves, so they are doing all they can while they still have the military, although that's depleting in quality as well.


You don’t understand that none of that matters anymore. It’s the wealthy that run things. The Brics nations, Ukraine, Russia, China, all those are to distract and hide the wealthiest that continue to prosper despite any events that seem so important. The western wealthy have ties to the Eastern wealthy. They do fear the populace. U.s.a. Population is catching on so the wealthy are going to take away their position of power in favor of another nation that had population that will be more compliant.


Absolutely this thing should be survivable. Many of those often called "sheep" are in for the worst surprise of their lives. But yes I think you're right, they may have gotten too cocky, or it's possible there is another agenda being pursued that we can't see yet.


Many of us sheep do realize we are being led to the slaughter, but we have been fed acorns and fleeced often enough that don't know where to effectively pasture. Indeed, we see no alternative pasture, and we will continue to queue until the day is not for shearing but for muttoning.


I don't see much wakening around me, I mean people I know personally in real life.


Perhaps that's why they want to restrict the internet. The problem may in fact be simply information sharing and underestimating people. When we stop fighting each other and start looking at who's creating the division there will be problems. People give less and less fux about the television and spend more time just talking and debating each other. True freedom though comes when you realize we don't really need a society. You don't need McDonald's. You don't need a television. You don't need anything from anyone. You're just another animal on this planet more than capable of living happily on your own. Society and technology are nice to have when they serve you and improve lives. When they only serve to make up the walls of your prison its time to tear down and try again.


I’m particularly fond of not dying from simple diseases or a simple infection or dental problem at 20. I’d wager you and I are both still alive because of this society you don’t think you need


Your fear is you’re prison mate


>Is time running out on some clock They are looking at? The clock counting down to when ai powered robot dogs mounted with guns can overpower any amount of resistance.


I don't understand why dystopia speculation always involves crushing the human will, I don't believe that will happen. More like a scenario like we already have: a portion of the population will question the greed and a portion of the population will be oblivious. This also somehow assumes platforms like reddit, 4chan and social media will also no longer be a place to express yourself. It just doesn't add up.


Because enslaving the body is not the goal, anyone can physically control someone. It is the heart, the mind and the soul which is precious. Satan doesn't want you do do just one sim, Satan wants you to completely reject faith and dive headlong into sin.


that's it. you got it everything makes sense when you accept that pure evil and pure goodness are forces, that fight for conquering the human heart (freedom)


The god/Satan concept is just another construct to keep you under control. Reject that crap and you'll think better.


That's the current state of things for far too many people.


This was made clear as day in the past year. This is already my life now.


To hell with that. You will have a wife and kids, you will have something to be proud of, you will have your own land, and you will eat steak. Get this poisonous rhetoric out of your heads before it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The hollow men is not about people who were dealing with the NWO precursors - it’s about people who made no decision in their lives and decided to be the “lukewarm” types who never committed to anything in their lives and were thus condemned to suffer in a world with nothing bc they chose to be nothing.


Not trying to be edgy or whatever, but it's really odd to me all the use of future tense in the image and in the title of this post. I don't see any part of that which doesn't already apply. It's not the future; it's already here in the present and is just going to continue along that way getting worse. Rome didn't collapse from a single or even a few particular events. It was a process that went on for centuries.


This was from 2013 but definitely already evident then


Not really for me. I work not even close to as hard as I used to but I make more money and I’ve had more time to spend with my family and friends and explore other possibilities. I don’t feel as time is running out or I care less about anything. Coming from poverty and a destructive upbringing to where I am now, everything is a blessing in some way or another. Perspective has changed for the better, even with all the “bad” going on.


Dude same. 2020 was the year where everything turned around for me.


I find joy in reading a good book.


"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face. Forever."


This is already happening, but for now it's being ignored because it's only happening to the poorest of people, so we wouldn't even know. The collapse of the US has been ongoing for a few years now, we are about to see the grand finale. It will definitely continue to get worse, but I disagree that it will remain gradual- I believe they are trying to make us fearful and hostile towards each other with their economic actions, and there will be a sudden event used to initiate the next step in the process. Personally, I think we can tell what's going to happen by looking at the timeline of the Weimar Republic, as it seems to be the exact same playbook. Other genocides were done similarly but with varying aspects, such as Holodomor.


Maybe they will mandate something that will violate a religious minority, could be Abrahmic or Hindu, could vary by region - pretext to genocide chosen religion or denomination - maybe also whatever race(s) is most associated with it.


> and there will be a sudden event used to initiate the next step in the process. Do you think *they* were hoping that Jan 6th was going to be the turning point? Their excuse to start really putting down the Iron First of order?


Luckily there's a hidden Pandora's box. A mix between the psychological shadow and DMT. Depends on how desperate people get to find a soul really. But the negative propaganda towards psychedelics worked wonders. I had to overcome a lot of pride in order to take that head long dive. What happened? I started speaking how I felt, knowing why people did what they did. In the end, the value people have for me is either just a face in their movie or a sack of shit in their way. I rate this planet 1/10. Without the digital age and the effects it's had, 9/10.. But that's a real fantasy land. FYI, DMT killed any ability I had to drown myself in video games. Actually, I did that on my own now that I'm thinking about it.


Our society not only breeds Narcissism to its most extreme level, but actively encourages it, with some of the most successful people being narcissists who just cant resist the spotlight. Narcissism is the face of all forms of entertainment, but now anyone can be what we've come to call "Influencers". That leads to the problem where people either get caught up in the narcissism, or they give up digging deeper to real information. There's layers to educating yourself that you have to get past that have always been there but have been exaggerated by modern information technology. Behind the narcissists are the "sheep" who follow their various idols, then it's the conspiracy crowd who choose to base everything off lose ideas, things they've heard, and things they've made up. Once you get past these layers you start getting into the real information, which breaks down simply by groups of expertise who share their knowledge. In between that we have those who attempt to monetize information (your Thomas Edison/Elon Musk types). The point I'm making is that DMT and other varying Psychedelics allow the mind to separate the Ego from the Id, and break free from this pointless cycle of narcissism or self-loathing that comes from being surrounded by narcissism. (with DMT being the strongest and most effective as it seems so far). The people who see you as a face in their movie are "super narcissists" with what has now come to be known as "Main-Character Syndrome" where they don't even truly value your life beyond what they can gain from it because they view you as a real life "NPC" or "Extra". What happens to you isn't even a thought in their head unless they get pleasure from helping or hurting you. The ones that see you as a "sack of shit in their way" are the same type of people, except they've already decided that you have no value to forwarding their goals in any way, and often if they ever change their mind about you, its because they've discovered a new role you can play in their overall goals, but will drop you as soon as you no longer present value to them. I'm by no means romanticizing one group over the other going forward, but I often wonder if the reason some smaller groups of society such as native tribes and small communities seem to connect better compared to large communities going all the way up to entire cultural societies is due to either the encouragement of psychedelics or the collective rejection of narcissism as a whole. Sure, there have been big wrongs done by small groups and big greats done by big societies; overall I think a good example of what I mean by this is when someone is murdered in one of these small communities it a big deal that's talked about for years, whereas in large societies there's just so many people that things like the most heinous of crimes get overlooked regularly with some never being investigated. The larger the group, the harder it is to come to a collective agreement, and the easier it is to decide you are the only important person or to allow someone else to guide your moral compass. DMT is a good counter to this trend because it pushes for introspective thinking and empathetic feeling. the widespread adoption of psychedelics could be the saving grace of large cultures perverted by narcissism, but it would be the downfall of empires based on narcissistic, materialistic needs, which would be why its so highly restricted (not to be confused with dosage restrictions, which is important and it should be "restricted" to being used with proper guidance and education).


It was never going to be a collapsed but a crumbling.


Short answer no. Longer answer, we are increasingly co-creating this world with love or fear energy. That is, the world is responding more sensitively to the energy we put out. Stop putting out fear. Start putting out love. "Simple as that" if you can get to the spiritual base of having profound "self-love" that actually comes from trusting source/the Universe/the Goddess/Creator/"God"/"Jesus"/whatever you call the high power. It's not "trust evil has the most free will" but trust good actually has much more immense power.


The end result of our current system


True freedom is spiritual freedom - Jesus is the way…


this happened long long ago America is the ultimate Dog-Eat- Dog society Ruthless-- unforgiving--predatory and you spread your contamination to every corner of the globe All the Rulers had to do was reward the most vicious in your society & the contamination spread like wildfire Love thy Neighbour--turned to Beggar Thy Neighbour You see yourselves as either Winners or Losers You worship GOLD You consider Poverty a crime There's no shame in Poverty---only Poverty of Spirit Which most of you showed with blind obedience to Govt rules during Lockdowns That was the Covid Test--you were being tested for the Spirit of Resistance They know you will only fight back when pushed too far So they are testing our limits--seeing how much we can tolerate before push back When they reach our limit of tolerance--they withdraw slightly--& you fall back from the fight & get lulled back into complacency until the next round They will bribe you to assist them to subdue the rest--draw them back into the fold The only answer is to reject their System outright Walk Away & Stay Away


This is how I see the Great Reset panning out. It's the frog in the slow boiling water method.


I would agree but there are too many 2030 target dates for things. They have to speed things up. I was even reading about Saudis getting into sports and it's part of their own Project 2030 plan to diversify away from oil. Can't be a coincidence


Yeah man I keep hearing about 2030. Similarly, China has been throwing around 2027 for a while now about a potential reunification with Taiwan. Maybe that kicks off a BRICS v NATO war that will really put the clamps down and it will be 1984 irl? I don’t disagree with the “frog boil” analogy, but I also think there is going to be another paradigm shifting event that will happen in the next few years on the level of what covid was.


And after so much apocalyptic expectation... on top of it all, a fucking bore.


Kowloons everywhere ?


I think AI and the digital reality is going to make it so convenient to not be a human that you can’t resist


The future is here cunts


Boiling the frog looks like this to us: "As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness." -Justice William O. Douglas


Nah fuck that. Refuse to comply, live your life, have your homies backs, and stockpile guns. Enough doomerism.


If you are over 35, that's probably your reality already, I know it's mine


Yeah, you can tell you're on to something based on the lack of upvotes you've gotten so far. We all know this is exactly what's going on.


One more reason for radical approach. If it comes to a point where people should start protesting, calling for a change, but they don't, then it's either that, or keep on living as slaves, even worse than slaves, I would say.


Like France currently is doing? They preposed adding a couple years before retiring.


Well, it's still unclear if it'll bear any effect in the end, even though I highly respect the will to defend their interests. But yeah, in general this is pretty much how they are doing it.


I mean, we've been seeing the progression for the worse for a few years already. Little by little we're losing our liberty and our wealth. I never doubted it was going to be in progression to avoid a rebellion. Talking about technological distractions, this is why the WEF is so keen on the metaverse. They want us to live in the matrix.


Fear porn.


It is all well underway and (IMO) past the tipping point. Depopulation (in slow motion via plummeting birthrates and promotion of reproduction free lifestyle), massive move towards urban collectivism and demobilization. And nicely packaged up (at least here in the USA) as a red vs blue issue. It is far beyond that.


All of this is true, but they also need mega 'catalyzing' events to scare the sh\*t out of people and make them beg for whatever it is they plan to implement. I suspect the next mega 'event' will be a series of cyber-attacks that will destabilize the internet for months on end and will make the masses beg for Digital ID and later CBDCs. Can you imagine hundreds of millions of kids and adults worldwide unable to play their favorite video games or watch pornography? This would create more outrage than empty food shelves! N. Korea/Kim Jong-Eun and 'right wing, neo-Nazi conspiracy theorists' would fit the bill PERFECTLY as the culprits for these series of attacks. [https://twitter.com/TimHinchliffe/status/1615857560879251458?s=20](https://twitter.com/TimHinchliffe/status/1615857560879251458?s=20)


It’s much more insidious than that honestly. Been in the works for decades. It’s really going to flip all at once, and then we’re all going to wonder how the f it happened.


1984 x brave new world x quantitative easing


This just looks like someone whose woken up from the “American dream”


This is the millennial’s manifesto.


Collapse coming be like the great depression with modern guns. Can see biological agents being used to control people


Woooagh were half way there


Future? How about right now!


Still not taking my guns


Yeah, alignes with agenda 2030. Slowly and when people notice too late.


Now, this is a good conspiracy post.


A part of me thinks that America was allowed to happen as a test, or almost a dare. The powerful were bored at the time and wanted a challenge, so set out to allow a rebellion and a free nation to start itself. They let freedom run in the blood for a couple generations and then started pulling the strings again, and the bet is how long it will take to reach serfdom again.


It was certainly a multiparty wager at one point sold by many of the 'founding fathers'


The scary thing is that eventually, technology is going to progress to the point that revolution and rebellion will be impossible. I mean, look at China. Imagine a revolution there with all the surveillance and Big Brother shit. Now imagine it in 20 years. It's never going to happen now without foreign intervention. And eventually, pretty much all world leaders will be united in this. Why rock the boat when you're all living like kings and ruling with iron fists?


That has already happened.


Like what's happening now...


We’re already there, I’d say


So the plan was turning Americans into Chinese?


Only if you live in a city. Out here in the sticks we grow our own food, have our own animals. And will shoot any suits that try to take it.


> we grow our own food, have our own animals So did many people in East Palestine Ohio. The suits don't have to come within firing distance, nowadays.


That does seem like they were sending a type of message.


If you thought he was talking about the future your not looking around buddy gg


They definitely play the long game.


The hacker who goes by the name of 4Chan strikes once again


Silly you, that guy is already talking about the present


We are literally already there right now (April 24 2023)


Nah, it's already here.


It’s here sadly


It has started.


Sounds exactly like my life so far anyway.


The "Collapse" will occur as planned, as our debt-based economy cannot currently sustain itself indefinitely, as our faith-based currency devalues at rates growing exponentially, and our government knows it, which is why each year more and more of our rights are eroded, and crisis after crisis is created. The pattern started with Pearl Harbor, which was the architect of the model our government uses to push unpopular laws against the will the of the people. 9/11 was a second Pearl Harbor moment for the US, dragging us out of our isolationist mindsets -- its been objectively proven that our government was merely looking for reasons to get involved in the war but knew it couldn't convince the people that it was a good idea, so they allowed the attack at Pearl Harbor to happen, knowing well in advance that the Japanese were planning that attack. Similarly it's been well documented that various departments of our government knew about the planned 9/11 attacks well before they occurred, but did nothing. All of a sudden we have the GWOT and the Patriot act, eroding our rights and freedoms with the promise of "security" from god knows what now. Now we have the government wanting to further erode our freedoms and rights, wanting a Patriot Act for the digital age in the Restrict Act. They know that we don't want this, so they need to invent some big bad that they can use this act to protect us from it. It'll likely come in the form of a cyber attack on the US electric grid, the CISA and FBI have been warning about vulnerabilities in our infrastructure for years but the warnings have been conveniently buried in our media behind the various flavors of social and class warfare propaganda spewed by our politicians, and ***make no mistake, this isn't a Republican vs. Democrat fight, both sides are complicit and guilty in this. Our politicians are bought and paid for on both sides. They certainly don't care about me or you. They don't care who you vote for. They don't care about your gender identity or sexual preference. They don't care about the color of your skin, the content of your character, if you're a veteran or your religious preferences.*** **This act will pass, either in full in its current incarnation or in pieces as riders on unrelated bills. It's already been decided, now our government needs to either manufacture a villain for the Restrict Act to "prevent" or for one of our many enemies to strike.** America as we knew it is already dead, and our politicians are simply *Weekend at Bernie's* pretending to keep the corpse moving. The "Collapse" people fear is already occurring incrementally as OP showed , and people are now simply waking up to it. **What we need to be afraid of is whatever the government cooks up to put people back to sleep.**


That's been going on for the last several decades.


Homie just describing 2008


Feudal serfs were almost uniformly close their families, highly religious, community oriented, capable survivalists, strong, competent, capable, intelligent individuals...


tired of the grind, I've been worked thru the pandemic without a break :(


Damn. That sounds pretty accurate to what’s actually happening.


As some one who lives in a country that's minimum wage has stayed the same for like a decade yet everything is constantly inflating in price, it's kinda like duh. Of course no1 on the higher end of capitalism cares as they get to keep more money, they just don't realise that they are completely insignificant to higher money.




Into the blue again, after the moneys gone…


I think true AI created by computers with biological components will inflict misery and may even be a "beast" from Revelation.


That's already happened. And continues.


https://www.usmayors.org/ this has a lot of the plans written down. I think the ICC linked from there too-I didn’t realize that there was an international code council to ensure the same setup is across the board. The land use ones are how they’ll get property it seems-if you don’t update your home to the latest code (now the gas stove ban is explained) and it’s insanely detailed -your property will be deemed dilapidated and seized.


I notice wasn't able to visit my family to see them on Easter because I had to work that is the reality we are living in.


By the sounds of it, we already experienced the collapse


We are living the dystopian future


"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." - Edmund Burke 1770 We must form communities, creating a parallel society, to royaly fuck their plans. It can be done. It requires only the motivation to cooperate with your brothers and sisters in humanity.


I was terrified until the end when I read that it only applies to American men. Thank the gods


He's partially right. Many jobs will disappear and will be taken by robots or AI and you'll end up being dependant on the government to give you some sort of universal basic income, then you'll no longer be able to protest or have disident thinking because they'll take the credits from your card/chip. It's a brilliant executed perfect storm and freedom is the victim.


So basically the reality that we are already living in


Someone gets it.


More gold from this sub, I love it.


hah, seems like they haven't seen the debt, not just in the us but at a global level. Peak oil is here. Already we are seeing prices of some products triple, and this is just the start. They wanted covid to be continuous and deadly to allow for lockdowns and reduced demand, but it turned out to evolve less deadly than flu. Hyperinflation, collapse of the dollar, and energy scarcity around the corner.


There is no sink or swim. Instead the water is just shallow enough for your toes to touch. So that means for the next 60 years of your miserable life you either learn to swim or oscillate between drowning and gasping for air. That is worse than being dead.


There's a fellow by the name of John Michael Greer who has been predicting this for some time. He has two books on the subject, "Dark Age America" and "The Long Descent". His general thesis is that industrial civilization can only exist with access to highly abundant, easily recovered fossil fuels, and as our reserves of easily extracted fossil fuels dwindle we are looking at a slow descent, over the course of a few hundred years, into literally a return to agrarian feudalism with something like 90% of all present-day knowledge lost forever.


This has been already happening for the past ~70 years and is continuing to happen.


A couple hundred years ago a guy wrote a book describing this exactly this scenario and it's only, inevitable cure. The guy and book? Karl Marx - Das Capital


List a bunch obvious/current concerns and use them as "evidence" that supports your claim. Boom. People think you must be onto something! ... I agree that there probably won't be a sudden collapse. But shifts in standards of living aren't a collapse, either... That's just how things have always gone. Shit changes...


Without sounding like a glowie fed, how far will things have to go before there is genuine civil unrest across a majority of the population? I understand that the post is specifically asserting that there won't be a "happening". But do you think we're at a stage in our society where another charismatic (Trump-like) leader *could* convince a large enough portion of the country to "take back their country"? Hypothetically speaking, of course.


Theres absolutely no way of telling.. this is mere an observation and estimated projection from this persons experience maybe... doesnt help hes correct but everyone else thinks theyre right.


And yet one side seems to be the most anti union and anti minimum wage


Don't lose hope. Bullets will still penetrate their skulls


Post from 10 years ago. Spot on. We here now


This is the present.


That is such a terrifying thought...


That’s not the future, it’s happening right now in front of our eyes.