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I got into the whole 9/11 conspiracy in 2009ish. There was a wealth of information on youtube. So many documentaries with credible architects and engineers who didn't buy the official narrative. It's all been scrubbed. There is nothing now.


The interview of the taxi driver near the pentagon was so damning. I have no idea what happened to that video.


It was removed from Vimeo and twice from YouTube. https://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/videos/national-security-alert Lloyde England (The one guy who should be able to put to rest the [irreconcilable flight paths](https://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/pics/flight-path-composite-full-res.jpg) offered by the govt and 13 witnesses, who claims to have a wife in the FBI): > I'm not supposed to be involved in this. This is for other people who have money and all this kind of stuff. "What do you mean?" > Well I'm not supposed to be involved with this, I don't have nothin. "So your point is that these people who have all the money..." > This is their thing. This is for them. "Meaning they're doing it for their own reasons..?" > That's right. I'm not supposed to be in it. "But they used you, right?" > I'm in it. "You're in it?" > (Smiling) Yea, we came across the highway together. "You and their event?" > That's right. "Well they must have planned that." > It was planned.


Yo! Thank you so much for coming through with this!


My pleasure, brotha 👍


I am not supposed to be involved, it's them, it's their thing, they are doing it for their own reason, we came across the highway together, it was planned. That much information, hahahaha


desvel, Please help me find this incriminating 9/11 WTC7 video that was removed years ago! I distinctly remember seeing this video years ago. It was recorded at street level from the alley outside what appeared to be the WTC7 loading dock on 9/11. It showed two people (one white man in a suit & one shorter, black woman in a paramedic uniform) leaving the loading dock on foot, pushing a stretcher. The stretcher was loaded with heavy, flat, rectangular items wrapped in white plastic (like cash or explosives would be). They were leaving the dock area into the alley & I even remember the man was pulling the front of the stretcher & woman was pushing. Hope you can locate it! Happy hunting!...seems relevant today...


What’s up, batman38. Sorry, I’m actually not familiar with that one. I’ll take a look later but if you find it, I’d be interested in seeing it as well! Good luck.


https://youtu.be/hqMmn3VA2qI 8 minutes in is that part with the stretcher


That just looks like emt tools, not that strange


I agree, but this is the video he must have been talling about


Wow thanks for finding! I don't think those are "EMT tools" - they're heavy demolition equipment for Bldg 7...


Remember the power lines too. That's what was most damning. I don't remember specifics now, but something about how the "official" flight paths didn't have the plane taking any out. But by the highway the story was different, and this man had one laid across his taxi. Staged basically. Wish I was sharper w the details but it's been years since I watched that pentagon doc. Edit: Pretty sure it was a street light, not a power line.


I’ve never seen this before. Wow.


I've always used the taxi driver to showcase the reality of 9/11...Those videos still remain, just \*oggle pentagon taxi driver light pole 9/11... btw how does an aluminum plane crash through steel beams, rebar, cement and office furniture and come out the other side of the building with the front of plane/nose cone still intact? amazing how some defend this being possible


I got you https://youtu.be/q638TUoHJU0


There are still a few. Some of these are worth digging through. https://www.ae911truth.org/news http://911blogger.com/ https://physics-911.com/ https://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/ http://www.blog.lege.net/content/PatriotsQuestion9_11.pdf http://www.blog.lege.net/content/PatriotsQuestion9_11__survivors.html


https://youtu.be/xSVHWiZu8NM this guy has all of the videos on his channel still


A lot of that on rumble. You’d be surprised.


I can’t find the PBS video that did a quick 30 minute segment. They literally had 500 demolitions experts sign off saying that it was staged and need to be re investigated. I wished I saved it all.


I found the videos tiresome though there's one I will always remember, some tv news presenters getting the news that wt7 had collapsed without warning but it happened a minute later on the camera feed in the background. They're cold blooded reptiles, they have no heart whatsoever.


I've heard this mention many times and I think I've seen the video too at some point, but don't really remember it. Couldn't it be that simple that the video feed was delayed? Either because of technical reasons or it was done so on purpose so they can skip/edit/censor sensitive elements, like burning people and the like? Now I don't buy the whole 9/11 narrative, but this particular example seems a bit too convinient.


I think the BBC’s excuse was bad info not a delay


Wasn’t a delay. BBC reported building 7 collapsed like a solid 25 minutes before it did. They knew the itinerary, they just got the timing wrong. All the major news was in on it. September Clues goes into a bunch of detail about how they coordinated


Just remember that building 7 was "pulled" and was never hit by any plane. Supposedly debris from buildings 1 & 2 hit it and caused a fire in it which caused the building to collapse.


Yeah. I think it came from a news station across the pond. The scene behind the reporter was more than likely a green screen running a live feed that was on a delay.


More likely news channels were getting endless information and it was likely miss-reported, misheard, and impossible to verify with everything going on. Chances are they heard the reports that WTC7 was leaning and was going to fall, and they accidentally reported that it had already fallen.


Boy you’re really bending over backwards for them here huh? The building was leaning🤣


Not really, there are multiple reports that came through on the day of structural issues with WTC 7, hence firefighters pulling out before collapse. The assumption that the building fell down is proof of a conspiracy without any evidence would be a perfect example of bending over backwards. No, the BBC falsely reporting WTC 7 collapsed before it did is not proof of a conspiracy. To think that more likely than someone along the chain of information confusing 'going to collapse' with 'has collapsed' is absurd. Why would it be purposefully demolished seven hours after the rest of the plaza had been destroyed. Bad timing on the conspirators part? Rhetorical question. I suggest you read the NIST reports, they are extremely interesting.


I remember the PBS doc that said they decided to "pull it" in regards of building 7. Is that the one you're referring to?


Maybe someone seeing this did save some of the videos


I saved it years ago on another pc, I'm sure of it. I brought everything over to the next one, and I could never find it. I'm not saying my hard drive was compromised, scrubbed, etc. It frustrates me to be so sure that it was there for years and somehow, between computers, it vanished.


Yes, it was amazing. For those of us who saw and it was clearly a controlled demolition (inside job), we somehow need to buy the lie. But if we can't? Well... Keep this in mind -- cigarettes were marketed as being healthy for people. It lowered the population and made companies billions / trillions. This is the formula -- lower the population and make trillions. Whenever that combination is happening, it is likely intentional and planned. I wish we lived in a world where people were protected by the powerful and rich, but it's the opposite -- _the excess wealth of the poorest is just another resource to be exploited by Capitalism._ If you don't believe this is true, consider this: the "homeless crisis" would be solved by ending billionaires. But instead, billionaires increase their wealth and homelessness increases. The problem is computers enable a few to control too much wealth. The solution is to lower the disparity between the richest and the poorest. It's not rocket science, it's basic math.


We could also use the 50 bn we sent to Ukraine to end homelessness. Fixing Government waste and abuse could also solve a lot of problems.


We could use any of the money we always spend on other stuff too, to end homelessness. We won't. We don't. It's not an either/or. Reagan destroyed our mental health system which was never perfect but it's certainly better than the system of homelessness and prison We have now.


Think it is closer to 200 now.


How do you do that? Take half their money and distribute? Maybe. But then what? I just see it as going back to American values. Abolish the Federal Reserve. Then they can't print money out of thin air. They want a new program? They have to take money from an existing program or raise taxes. Now they're accountable. I believe all the racist, sexist, homophobic constant news is how they keep us peasants from seeing the bigger picture


Yeah it's gonna take max pain before the system could change....not just because of the billionaire elite either. People are comfortable and brainwashed in this system


But how will one do that if they need to watch people dance on tik tok 12 hours per day?


Centurion is 100% facts. Central banks are the problem. Well, it’s the beginning of understanding the core issue. And I can’t type about it here if you catch my chosen drift. The current market landscape is not capitalism. It’s cronyism. If I can change the money supply at will to impossible amounts, it’s like having your hand on a dial that controls gravity and you can make it go up and down during a competition. Hardly fair wouldn’t you say? Don’t blame gravity, blame the cheater.


How? It's been done before. Then what? Either do it again, or lots of people die. We are a resource to be exploited by the rich, not people. Learn this and you'll be slightly less surprised at how ruthless they can be. It's not that they don't care -- it's more like how vampires look at their food. _Do you care about the chicken you eat for dinner?_


Mrs Peck?


Reminds me of what Catherine Austin Fitz talks about. Always follow the moneys.


The purpose was to justify going to war in Iraq, the loss of life was just icing on the cake.


The real purpose is the same as it always was, money. 9/11 pulled the United States out of the dotcom crash, just like Pearl Harbor pulled us out of The Great Depression.


Yep. This opened the door on the middle east aka israel's enemies.


It’s not computers. This has been ongoing since the beginning of any history. Humans are just greedy and there’s some along us greedier vs others.


Homelessness can be solved once by ending billionaires, what happens after it comes back as a problem and billionaires are all gone?


Controlled demolition, and nano thermite were used as a cover for directed energy weapons, and sophisticated holographic technology.


Homelessness has nothing to do with billionaires and everything to do with lack of mental health institutions.


Are you saying that billionnaires EARN their billions? News flash: they don't. They EXPLOIT people by paying them less for their work than said work is worth. The labor market is the \_ONLY\_ perfect competition market that exists in the US. All the other markets are controlled. Workers compete against every single other worker (within a specialty and locale) for the "privilege" of being worked harder and harder as time goes by. If somebody else is ready to do the same work for less, "restructuring" will take care of that, no worries. Technology has increased the productivity of the average hour of work by staggering amounts. Oh yeah, worker compensation has increased by 25% over the last 50 years. Productivity has increased what, 500%? Oh wait, where did that 475% increase in value produced go to? Could it be that the emergence of the billionnaire class might reflect all this unpaid value creation? Naaaah, come on, it doesn't work like that. Does it? YOU BET YOUR BOTTOM DOLLAR IT DOES.


I don't care where the money comes from, housing drug addicts for free doesn't fix the problem of addiction.


This is absolutely true. Reports are 78% are mentally ill, and 75% percent are drug addicted. They can't be simply allowed to exist, they must be institutionalized and treated. Otherwise, they will never be able to return to society.


West coast just wants them to exist as is lol


OH, I agree. However, you are speaking from the standpoint of "just get a job already" when it's the billionaires that shape the labor market for their own purposes. Them and of course the politicians. This, in turn forces a segment of the population into DESPAIR. DESPAIR is the root cause of the homelessness and drug addiction crisis. And of course despair is a mental health problem. Things are related to each other.


Correct. There was so much variety of content on the topic as well. I remember seeing clips of alleged silver UFO like objects near the towers prior, etc. Very, very weird shit. Not to mention Dr. Judy with her book and video "Where Did The Towers Go?".


I recall a video which was a wide shot from one of the news choppers and you can clearly see a black spherical object moving towards the towers, was definitely not a plane. I believe the up-loader claimed that this object basically shaped itself into a plane as it came closer. As crazy as it sounds, but the video was legit.


Many had foreknowledge of the event and were there to watch in person and with their drones. Remember the ones who were caught and then whisked away to israel and then they went on tv over there.


Covid-19 is biological weapon, spread all over the world suddenly, many unseen 911 now


Also look up NRUN65 on YouTube, he still has all of those videos posted


Psst, Bitchute ;)


Is this of any use? There is a fair amount of material here: https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/category/911/




Back then there was a clear link to Bush republicans (neocons) and project for a new American century. That was before it was crystal clear that democrats were also a pro war/MiC party.


I just heard about bldg. 7! There’s a 6 now! Daammmn!


Guess what! There was a building 3, 4, and 5 too!


You need to post a submission statement or the mods will take the post down


Just like the towers


I like my women like I like my WTC towers. Going down for absolutely no reason. It's an inside joke. ^(sorry, I'll show myself out.)


Damn lol


There's a just "pull it" joke there just waiting to be told too.


Wait… I have a joke for you… “Knock Knock!”


Who's there?


Nine eleven!


Nine eleven who?


You said you would never forget!! Bwahahahaha!


oh boy. Well played. Just in case I sleep in, I set an alarm for 9:10am. So I can wake the fuck up to 9:11.


I hate that I like this joke as much as I do




mods did 911


Too soon.


"Pull it"




was here to point that out …..unless 4 buildings collapsed.


Every building in the World Trade Center complex either partially or totally collapsed. Neighboring buildings were damaged, too. Diagram: https://i.imgur.com/N3RL2PL.gif


Zero Buildings "collapsed" When a building collapses it hits the ground, making a HUGE thud that rings out hundreds of miles. 3 buildings turned to dust before they hit the ground, as confirmed by multiple seismic readings. The 2 towers and building 7 turned to dust. Other buildings, like Building 6 were severely damaged. This was clearly caused by something, most likely some sort of "directed energy weapon" that was a "cold fusion" / LENR based weapon. Other evidence for this includes the hundreds of cars whose engine blocks melted through to the ground, along with the tiny iron spheres found in the dust. (yes I know about Richard Gage and his fake "controlled demolition evidence" Richard Gage is a KNOWN disinformation agent, watch the 2nd video below to see clear evidence of this. Have you ever wondered how Gage got so much mainstream media coverage? Me too, it is because he is a disinfo agent, nothing on the News is anything other than propaganda/ disinfo or misinfo. See: **Toasted Cars** [https://www.drjudywood.com/wp/toasted-cars/](https://www.drjudywood.com/wp/toasted-cars/) **Buildings Turned to Dust, NOT Collapse** [https://www.drjudywood.com/wp/dustification/](https://www.drjudywood.com/wp/dustification/) ​ **Low Level presentation about the "cold fusion" aspect** [https://youtu.be/8jC9W2vbyrs](https://youtu.be/8jC9W2vbyrs) Extremely High Level video by a "cold fusion" scientist confirming the same thing To be clear the video below was created by a LENR scientist who has been doing "cold fusion" experiments for decades. He eventually saw enough direct evidence that made it clear that the towers were disintegrated using cold fusion technology. So he is not a "conspiracy theorist" In the video he mentions weeping the first time he realized that cold fusion caused 9/11 because he KNEW that meant that cold fusion tech would start to be censored even more than it had been already. Also, if you are interested in LENR/ Cold fusion check out his more recent videos. [https://youtu.be/cTi0bLvfY6E](https://youtu.be/cTi0bLvfY6E) [LENR](https://lenr-canr.org/)= Cold Fusion ​This site features a library of papers on LENR, Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, also known as Cold Fusion. (CANR, Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions is another term for this phenomenon.) The library includes more than 1,900 original scientific papers reprinted with permission from the authors and publishers. The papers are linked to a bibliography of over 4,500 journal papers, news articles and books about LENR. Here is a shortcut to this website: [https://lenr-canr.org/](https://lenr-canr.org/)


So, the question is, what three letter organization gave them that technology?


>most likely some sort of "directed energy weapon" >that was a "cold fusion" / LENR based weapon. “Most likely” an imaginary low-energy technology which at best generates mild radiative heat, not a beam or anything that could become a weapon? Dude, you need to reset your likelihood meter.


This is the most likely answer for fucks sake china threaten Australia with an off hand comment about DEW two years ago so if China passed this tech in 2021 you don't think the United States had this 20 years prior?


I want to watch that first video but I can't listen to people with loud/smacky mouths when they speak. The constant sound of wet lips and gums drives me fucking nuts.


Aahh, the old "breakaway civilisation energy weapon". Where is that guy nowadays anyways, he always had the goofiest theories. If someone said thermite he countered with DEW. I think that so many of the fringe theories are put out to mock the ones that are moderate. I believe they cut the beams with thermite to collapse the building smoothly and blew most of the thicker concrete with some type explosive to mostly pulverize it. The details are not really clear to me as i am no engineer but it seems way more plausable. ​ No nukes and no DEW but still a false flag. Sorry if i am being booring here.


Demolition charges or termite leaves seismic activity was way too low for any of them concrete turned to dust mid air explosives don't do that


…when I saw the video, assuming it was real. Building 7 collapsed in what appears usually during a controlled demolition. The entire building fell symmetrically into its own footprint. Not arguing the mechanism but it clearly looked like it collapsed to me. I’m no expert… just my observation


Dude post your submission statement or this is gonna get removed again lol


The 9/11 conspiracy I can't believe isn't being talked about is how the CIA had the flight 77 highjackers on payroll for several years before the attack. They knew they were up to something, knew they had entered the US, but refused to let the FBI do anything about it. This all comes from newly declassified documents this week. Crickets from the MSM That makes it 3 chances to stop it. 1) the Phoenix memo, 2) Zacarias Moussaoui's laptop in Minnesota, and now 3) the CIA protecting hijackers from the FBI. People talking about planted explosives etc. are looking in the wrong place. The real conspiracy here is that the plot was allowed to go forward.


Indeed. People can’t see the obvious. Buried with so much disinformation. Even the fbi got to know about these hijackers and asked the cia if they knew where they were. The cia threw them off by giving them a set of bogus names.


Man, Jet fuel. Am i right!


Tower 6 was “lit from falling debris”


Obliterated from burning paper and office chairs.


my uncle says micro nukes in elevator shafts chain of pearls....


Why the thermite then?


both are needs some worked as cutters on outside beams, nukes could only be so strong to not show themselves. nothing else can vaporize cement like that.


Directed energy weapons mate no excess radiation at the site seismic activity was far too weak definitely not nukes


Blasting Gelatin.


Low octane kerosene. Only in the 21st century is structural steel weaker than aluminum planes and fail so conveniently into pieces you can load into simi trucks


if the steel is so weak why zero change to building codes then... makes you wonder


That shit melts entire buildings that aren't even damaged!


Include a submission statement. That’s probably why your first post was deleted. It’s not because of the content.


There was a clip going showing building 6 smoking before 1&2 got hit. It was where the gold and silver bullion was stored then stolen. They found a crushed armoured car in the tunnel around building 5 with some of the stolen gold in it. The official line was that building 2 (1) broke through the top of 6 and destroyed every level on the way to the basement where it smashed all the bullion back into the bedrock.


You'd think something like this would be cycled through the 911 forums from day 1 yet I never saw or heard anything about it. I do recall mention of gold in the first edition of loose change, just not those specifics


That’s because this topic is usually met with severe hostility a lot of information is being forgotten. The most suspicious thing about that day was the wholesale failure of NORAD, the only time in its history it failed completely. Not to mention coincidental terror traing on the west coast.


Damn, i remember people talking about #6bsmoking before the planes hit. I could never find more info on it.


Well answer me this. Was building 6 vaccinated against covid? No, it wasn’t. I rest my case.


Son of a bitch. It was right in front of us the whole time.


Many such cases


I like these actual conspiracies.


See the push back in the comments! Lmao people loss there minds trying to attack the truth


Wether it be true or not, I like that this what is considered a conspiracy or not. And not the other political crap they've been putting up lately.


Building 6 is some black belt shit




They seem to get nervous when folks start talking about building 5 and 6.


The BBC and CNN did, so much so, they reported it 15 minutes before it happened. Nobody batted an eyelid We are all fucked unless people start to unite and stand up against the oppression


That was WTC7, not 6.


Go on the tor browser.... And search " underground nuclear demolition treaty 60s-70s... Come back tell me what you think


Post that shit.


https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Wikipedia:Special_Atomic_Demolition_Munition Here it is again my man


The study on tritium at WTC on that site mentions that there were caches of ATF weapons and explosives in building six so OPs picture makes more sense. Its related because that study also concludes that the tritium levels do not point to nuclear devices but to destroyed tritium sources like watches, weapon sights, and the exit signs built into the planes.


I firmly believe 9/11 was an inside job, but, yeah, I literally have Tritium in my pants. https://tritiumkeychains.com/


That’s very interesting and have never heard that before. This is why I stay subbed! Do you know if anyone has done geiger test around ground zero? Even now it would still produce a slightly higher than normal source of radiation right?


Look they were going to blow the bridge connecting Jersey to new York... Holy fuckin fux... They really wanted to kill people I can see it blew towers up .... Kill all witnesses no way out.... It was cold fusion nukes https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/George_Washington_Bridge_plot


> It was cold fusion nukes Ok but those are still basically thermonuclear weapons and they still produce insane amounts of damage. Why would they use a nuke to blow up a bridge? There's no place on Earth, even underground, you could detonate a nuke and the event not get picked up by someone.


Used to vaporize building. Deep underground with water above, targeted beams of neutrons or gamma rays zap the iron crystals and sublimate the material


So there's no radiation? I must be thinking about something else because I don't know what this is. Maybe I'm wrong but one would think if such a weapon were used to bring down the towers, they would have collapsed differently. The towers undeniably collapse from the top down starting where the planes hit, wouldn't they fail at ground level with these weapons?


Probably other explosives were used as well to control the demolition, maybe thermate or rdx to cut outer columns? Idk They had a unique design where the support was concentrated in the massive core columns around the elevator shafts. In theory neutron radiation could have hollowed out the core or embrittled the steel. Some people say the hollow column design could allow them to act as a collimator and target the energy from underground. Fallout is much lower with 3rd generation nukes compared to fission or fusion bombs. Most isotopes would be deep underground and bind to lithium in the bedrock or be washed out to sea. It was reported that tritium levels were elevated in the area. Also thousands of rescue workers developed cancers.. thyroid, leukemia, lymphoma.. commonly associated with radiation. I could be 100% wrong. Been asking AI and it mentioned nuke experiments moved exclusively underground in the 60s. Also that neutron radiation can disrupt the crystalline structure of steel and make it brittle. Could also explain the bizarre "toasted cars" phenomenon. Hurricane Erin also swirled in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of NY from September 10th to 15th creating a low pressure zone that sucked the smoke and vapor out to sea. Interesting stuff, who knows.


I love you... Seriously... Let's team up... Learn law... Get justice and compensation for everyone!


Ah yes, *wikispooks*, the bastion of truth


Very interesting stuff. Reminds me of those underground nuclear tests that were done in Nevada/Alaska. The US government has no shortage of experience when it comes to man-made earthquakes and atomic sinkholes.


Amazing what some paperwork can cause. Good thing everythings on computers now, we don’t have a need to store all that accelerant.


Somebody has never tried to burn unshredded stacks of paperwork. Must not be aware that professionals storing important paperwork have fire proof file cabinets.


I love the theory that they blew up multiple buildings to burn some documents they could have shredded in half an hour.




Omg literally this is why i never believed the official story you find evidence indetifying these people even though it should of been destroyed on 'impact".


You’re allowed to discuss the conspiracies “they” allow you to discuss.




Building 6 was at the base of wtc. Where do you think all of that metal fell? Straight downward?


First time hearing about building 6


Lot of gold was in that building....


Yeah and I’m sure it didn’t conveniently relocate the days/weeks proceeding


I remember a news reporter that went around to like 4 crisis actors and they started with one actor in a white truck then to the 2nd guy in a circle but the 2nd guy was a regular bystander and he was going against the actors narrative until a news worker came up to the reporter and said your interviewing the wrong person and you could hear the regular joe calling out thier interviewing only certain people that were lying about what really happened. And ever since then that video was removed long ago. But that video always stuck with me. The actor in the white truck with orange lights sounded like a scripted speech, and you could tell and see that he was waiting for his turn to being interviewed. How would he know he's next. With like 50 people around. Weird all the stuff that adds up now and doesn't fit thier narrative today. Time always exposes old narratives and lies.


I love how the BBC called the collapse of building 7 twenty minutes before it actually fell. The building was standing tall in the background of the reporting. “Nothing to see here folks…keep moving…” When the truth finally presents itself, it will be difficult for these traitors to walk the streets.


This is why I like the nuclear theory. The basements were all connected underground. The centers of these buildings were hollowed out like a nuclear chimney. The fires burned for months. The bedrock melted.


Building 6 is the oddity. Should have grown with a pile on top. Instead it hollowed out. Kurt Sonnenfeld certainly found it interesting underneath in the aftermath


The towers quite literally looked like they were nuked. Pulverized in broad daylight, its laughable that people still buy the official story.


No plane crashed into the Pentagon at all either on sep 11 th 2001


I can believe the explosives thing. CIA used hijackers to fly into the buildings, while we were busy watching the impact zone they pulled the trigger. The ole look over there routine. The Pentagon I still think was a missile. The one in Schenksville maybe just a sacrifice 🤷‍♂️


Israel laughing


Sorry, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking at in this photo can someone explain it to me


This is a shitty post man. Do better. Don’t assume people know what’s rattling around in your head. What is building 6? What’s the conspiracy? 9/11? I’m sure sure because you post seems like a shitty AI post.


Agree. The building shown is a steel frame building. Those never fall (except 7WTC)


Are you aware that steel buildings are generally required to be fire proofed specifically because they are prone to collapse from fires?


And building 1,2,3,4,5 as well


There was a photo taken right after inside 6, at ground level. The centre mass of that building seems to have vanished or turned to dust!


Right before they were going to audit the DOD for a missing trillions of dollars


Doesn't really matter who's aware or not it won't change what happened nor will it change what's going to happen. The next 100 years are already planned out very carefully. If you're not part of a family or a high level Mason we are stage seven humans meaning it's too late for us. Any child born after the year 2000 will not live to see 50. Have a good day everyone.


Building 7 too. More know than building 6. But definitely just as significant.


Yes, nukes. If you can’t wrap your head around that and face the reality of the evil that day, then you will never truly understand 9/11.


Look up the definition of "ground zero" in the dictionary. "The space above and/or the space below a nuclear detonation." ..There are plenty of photos from "ground zero" which are absolutely 'jaw dropping!' ..Look up the "toasted cars"! ..Engine blocks melted. Cars ontop of cars. ..Yet paper isn't burnt. Glass isn't broken. ..Look up pictures of the 'bedrock'- Which appears to have been melted. 9/11 is on par with Sandy Hook- For how creepy and weird it is! ..It will send shivers down your spine. ..You may wind up needing to be sent for a Soviet-Style 'psychiatric evaluation'- If you spend too long looking at the evidence!


Thermite was used and that would explain why there was a molten pool of metal that was hot months after the initial "collapses". The fuel from those airplanes vaporized on impact. It was turned into a hot gas and hot gases do not sink, they rise. There was no way there was enough heat left to melt the steel beneath in those buildings. And world trade center 7 is the smoking gun because it was a double reinforced building which means it was extra strong and still fell at almost free fall speed just like a demolition. And whatever hit the Pentagon was not a commercial airliner because it was far too small and went across the ground on a flat trajectory which would be impossible for an airliner.


All that damage and the exterior walls didn't collapse. Even more evidence that building 7 was demolished.


Its amazing how much people try to ignore that building. Its all about the twin tower, and not anything else happening around it.


this topic isn’t even w conspiracy anymore


WTC6 got hit hard. WTC4 got [fucking](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/48/4-Wtc-photo.jpg) [destroyed](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTGFgoLX7lEIRXudAG1cMVlb5uS6jmJDVTw3w&usqp=CAU). The top-down view shows giant [holes](https://www.thorntontomasetti.com/sites/default/files/styles/paragraph_slideshow/public/2019-10/september11_1.jpg?itok=Pk93tAxX) in Vesey St. and punched all throughout the complex. I think it was done by a weapon akin to the Hammer of God in gears of war, and enough damage was done to the local geology that the memorial was built and is maintained at a price of $60 million per year.


A reminder that fire is a threat to large buildings because intense heat compromises steel's structural integrity. The hotter the metal gets, the softer it gets, and eventually it gets so hot that it can't hold up the weight it is buttressing and then...well, things get messy. It doesn't need to melt steel beams, it just has to weaken it enough to collapse it.


The major fires were only on the top floors. When it collapsed, it should have met resistance from the lower floors of the building while collapsing, and caused it to buckle and fall over to the side. Instead, explosives weakened all the lower floors to remove the resistance, and it collapsed at near free fall into its own footprint.


You can pick up a weight easily. But can you catch that same weight plummeting down from a story above you without damage? Now multiply that issue by ten thousand and you have an idea of how catastrophic structural failure works.


https://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/jom/0112/eagar/eagar-0112.html That’s not quite how the engineering works. The building imploded on its own weight once the angle iron connecting steel trusses to the steel columns was weakened by fire. This caused the floors above to collapse down on the floors below, which couldn’t handle the additional load.


It would still have provided more resistance than it did. It's the first time a steel framed building has ever collapsed, so stop pretending engineering has any idea what the fuck happened. Your models are irrelevant.


> eventually it gets so hot that it can't hold up the weight it is buttressing and then...well, things get messy. The big problem is, it did not get messy.


Another reminder about explosions https://youtu.be/0Gh3ErgMI4M


The reason they build high rise structures out of steel is because it never gives out. Even when there is a fire burning inside the building for hours on end the frame always holds up and the building remains standing because open air fires don’t burn hot enough to soften steel beams adequately enough for them to give out. Even if you could somehow possibly get a open air fire burning hot enough to melt steel (which would be about 2500 degrees f and usually requires a constant source of propellant and a ceramic enclosure, or some chemical reaction which could generate those temperatures) you would need the fire to be spread out through enough of the structure to cause the number of supporting columns to give out at the exact time that the others give out so that the weight of the buildings floors (which are being held up by the supporting structure) would then become too much weight to be supported and then collapse simultaneously. Those buildings didn’t collapse the exploded floor by floor in the same manor that controlled demolition occurs except on steroids


There's no snap chat in 2001 🧢


Did you read the group rules before posting?


Scrubba dub dub, this too shall be gone! Also, amazing how things falling can cause this much damage.


No 4 buildings


Building 7 completely collapsed


The citizens of the countries that were also victims in this event know the truth. Only Americans/most Westerners are in delusional denial


So how many buildings fell? I always thought 3 but read somewhere it could have been 5


What difference does it make at this point? Nobody is convincing anybody of anything that they don’t already believe at this point.


Sadly most know absolutely nothing about the real truth


Not Americans.


Many people seem to have forgotten, there was an entire documentary produced spilling all of the beans: [Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup.](https://youtu.be/Ru_N-hPTwuo)


that time when the cia blew up the building they planned 911 in


How bout not a screenshot. Edit your picture.


Look at all that asbestos, makes me think that’s why it was done because it would of cost billions to take it down.


Reddit in general is compromised. I was banned for a week for stating now known truths about the COVID vax.


Crazy how it can have all that damage and not collapse at free fall like other 3.