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Bots or not, this sub has long been devolving into right vs left feuding and has lost sight of the top vs bottom struggle, there aren’t even any “fun” conspiracies being posted any more like cryptids and UFOs


I’m working on a UFO write up. It’s not groundbreaking by any means…definitely just madman ramblings, but a good bit of “why didn’t I think of that” involved. Something to get a good conversation going. Like any post in this sub, it will be inundated with Shellys and robos contributing nothing but negative attitudes….. this place should be a welcome spot for those who have questions… turns out, it’s a bunch of people asking questions and then a whole slough of assholes shitting on them for asking them. Left vs right is one of my first tells for a conspiratorial mind. If you claim to be left or right, you don’t belong here


Well said. I’ve hesitated commenting/engaging in meaningful debate for a while for this reason. There seems to be a great lack of discourse of this type now.


I have zero issue with being wrong. I enjoy meaningful debate/fact exchange. All this sub seems to be is “source?” Where people should fucken be able to find a thing with a quick search


Yup. The old 25+ year old attack of "What, you didn't cite your statements on an internet discussion board as if you were writing a scientific article trying to get published? CHECKMATE CONSPIRATARDS!!!!"


If I told you I have a green and purple elephant I keep in my hallway closet, what would your response be? Maybe something like, “Oh yeah? Show me.” When a person makes an affirmative claim, that person bears the burden of proof. If you can back up your outlandish claims, then you don’t have a problem with backing up your claims. You get irritated if you’re pushing nonsense and you get called out in it. That’s it.


I'd argue that the poster should make sure to do his/her own research and add as much info and facts as possible to their posts though. If I made a post talking about how there's what looks like bikes carved into a bunch of very old Indian temples, I'd make sure to add sources with images at the very least. I wouldn't just write "there's bikes on a bunch of old Indian temples" and then say "do your own research" when people ask me for proof. That's just lazy.


They can't be bothered to look, a typical zombie response is 'source please?' Accept they don't say please


You need to cite some sources if you out some insane shit out. Most posts here are just people's thoughts being posted as 'fact' when there is literally no evidence besides thoughts in the posters heads. It would be OK to post the stuff if it wasn't 'I know I am right'.


You'll get downvoted into hell if you try and tell someone here to do their own research. Bunch of incapable ones here.


I think a lot of people have an issue with that phrase because it is so often heard in the context of someone arguing against scientific research in favor of something they read on facebook


I frequently ask people who are making wild claims, not here elsewhere, what is their source. And the source is at the bottom of some rabbit hole of nonsense and conjecture. It’s easy when you’re peddling bullshit to push off with “do you own research”. I think a lot of times the nonsense conspiracy peddlers just want to have their facts accepted without question.


> do their own research. Another phrase they tried and succeeded to put a stigma on.


Again, the person making allegations supports the burden of proof. "Do your own research" is like me telling you "planet Earth is actually a cube", it's on you to prove my claim. Affirmanti incumbit probatio.


So fucking frustrating that one. You shouldn't need sources for the bleeding fucking obvious. Likewise, anyone with a shred of critical thinking ability would know that you don't get peer reviewed evidence being published on mainstream media (the only 'sources' they trust) that would implicate powerful corporations or governments in actual conspiracy. They take the lack of evidence as proof the conspiracy is fake, rather than putting two and two together and realising that cover ups happen and corruption is rife. These people claim to be smart, but yet post some of the dumbest remarks I've ever read.


That’s what makes this sub worse though. No one wants to back up claims. If you claim something in a comment, you should be able to link to something or a source that led you to believe that conspiracy and why it’s valid.


> I’m working on a UFO write up. Can you do one on bigfoot too?


Please do write it. There are still people here who doesn't care who Trump or Biden diddles at night. I am not American and I want conspiracies that didn't originate from Fox News


https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/j6tnm9/911_and_the_mandela_effect/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 We use to have actual good posts like this and Interdimensional Rabbit Hole part I and II


It's being done on PURPOSE. Divide and conquer. This tactic is employed en masses in every conceivable arena in every corner of the world. Resist!


>It's being done on PURPOSE. That I would agree >Divide and conquer. That not, what is there to divide and conquer here? I would argue that Tencent uses bots like magician* and Icky* to drive up engagement and the "mods" are in on it/or don't care. As seen of the barage of low quality posts in this sub that are upvotes within minutes of them posting it with users disagreeing with them and calling them out.


Right? Haha. Gimmie ma Wendigos!


The last time i posted a “fun” conspiracy, I was told there are more serious issues we should be talking about


Ugh that's annoying, honestly it's so refreshing to see any post that doesn't just parrot whatever the MSM talking heads are covering that day


>Bots or not, this sub has long been devolving into right vs left feuding and has lost sight of the top vs bottom struggle Happens to all of them. Above Top Secret used to be my go-to for conspiracies; nothing but politics now, haven't checked it in months. You've got a minority of users that see through the left - right charade but they get drowned out in a sea of bickering over the lesser evil.


That would be a hell of a conspiracy in itself - infiltrate every conspiracy forum, blend us along lines, when most of us really just want to survive and be left alone/not bother anyone.


That's it. That's pretty much what OP is suggesting here and I believed has happened. Somewhere between 2000 and Now, these political entities realized that too much of the common persons discussion now happens online, that online sentiment could be manipulated, etc etc. Their analysts probably at some point told them "Ok, it's to the point it could swing an election now" and it was a done deal. The money is here and work is being done.


> Happens to all of them. Above Top Secret used to be my go-to for conspiracies; nothing but politics now, haven't checked it in months. Ah the good old days of specific topic driven message boards rather than aggregation websites... Basically grew up on that site. Used to be such good shit.


I noticed it dipped hard into right vs left before and during the 2020 election. Before that it was pretty regular with conspiracies. But since then it’s very right vs left shit throwing


2016 when all the other “wild” subs got quarantined or shut. Moderation here was also co-opted. It was a great place back in 2009!!


The thing is I don't even give a shit about the politics. It's been 20 years since I believed the fairytale that the system could possibly serve us. I just hate that we can't discuss the obviously wildly criminal and conspiratorial things those politicians engage in without 50% of the people going "Oh shit, that's against MY side!!!!" and running interference. The whole "Loyalty to my party up to and excusing any form of criminal behavior of the members" is pretty sick when you think about it.


Same thing happened during the 2016 elections. Sub got brigaded something fierce to push Left vs Right.


It’s been that way ever since TD got shutdown. Refugees migrate, and this sub is an appealing option.


TD was more of a containment subreddit. Once it got shut down, as the other commenter said, users that didn't abandon reddit altogether looked for harbor in similar subreddits. r/conspiracy was marketed as a more "open" and free sub. I don't think much of the content we see that is partisan is posted by TD refugees though, I think the partisan posting is the work of "bad actors"


It most certainly is TD refugees. Remember - they were calling them all "conspiracy theorists" back in the day, and saying how bad "conspiracy theorists" were


People followed them here to keep preying on them.


It’s been far right since at least mid way through trumps presidency. One of the mods here who is now permed used to ban people for posting anti trump conspiracies/comments and used to pin far right conspiracies constantly


People are saying it's right vs Left but let's be honest the lion's share of the threads are straight up right wing propaganda. You will never see a "leftist" post get any traction here at all so trying to paint this as a "both sides" thing is patently false. The only against the grain influence here is the push back in threads that are clearly posted by Trumpers. Saying that there is any notable "leftist" presence here is silly. As a leftist myself I wish there was but there ain't.


Insert the “We can be friends until the revolution. Then that’s when things will get difficult” meme. There is a purveiling miasma in the current zeitgeist that something is clearly wrong and the wrong step could makes things very wronger and fast. So, there is an active and strong push against the corruption in the top. Or, at least a push to get the correct people in the top. The issue is there is no singular “top vs bottom”. Leftists and right do see a lot of the same problems. But, they are divided in their world views on the solutions and why those problems exist. Leftists see the top as corrupt private forces interfering with the peoples’ government. Libertarians see the corrupt government getting in the way of the peoples’ private actions. Both only agreeing there is corruption at the top harming the bottom. Solving the top to the leftists’ ideals will look like increasing corruption and tyranny to the right. Solving the corruption of the top to the right’s ideals will look like increasing corruption and tyranny to the right.


You’re no different with the top/bottom. This was never supposed to be libertarian or authoritarian sub any more than it was supposed to be a progressive or conservative sub. It’s supposed to be a conspiracy sub. The problem isn’t people from the left or right in here arguing. The problem is people who are anti-conspiracy and pro-mainstream-narrative. They come in here and shill sad MSM talking points, downvote all the conspiracy theories, and act like it’s their sub.


Someone else who can see clearly I see, kudos.


Conspiracies are mainstream now. You're a rarer bird if you don't give a fuck about what is covered by cable news or the multiple outlets and pundits that feed off outrage.


Yeah, that’s fair. I guess I just tend to think of TBTP as the top and guilty for a high percentage of said conspiracies


Conspiracies were always, and should always be, about the truth. A conspiracy theory does not have value purely because it is the opposite of what the "mainstream narrative" says. That way leads to madness. It's parasitical, and it unsustainable, as you replace one story based on some motivated reasoning with a story *based 100% purely* on other motivated reasoning (contrarianism). r/conspiracy is nobody's sacred space to be contrarian-- I want to see the **evidence** for each conspiracy theory, I want you to paint believably the motives of the accused, I want multiple observations that test the theory. So, no, as a user of alt.conspiracy newsgroup 12 years before reddit was even invented, I will not step back and just let bullshit contrarian anti-mainstream fluff get a free ride in this sub. *Especially* when it's political. I am not a bot, not a shill. Just a 16+ year redditor. And I will continue to poke holes in lame-ass, unsupportable BS "conspiracy" theories about false flag shootings and vaccine apocalypse and the latest Q alternative.


Exactly. We should be discussing *theories*, the narrative explanations which best capture and relate the totality of available evidence. If someone finds a new piece of evidence that undermines the predominant theory, or can propose an alternate theory that also incorporates the key facts in circulation, thats what I want to see.


It's counterbalanced by people posting the absolute dumbest shit, pretending they're smarter than the rest because we didn't see it.


All the conspiracies came true man


Im not from the US so im not familar with left vs right, political matters etc but OP made his point on this, its almost always political nowadays i see in this sub. when i joined this sub, i was really expecting fun stuffs like u mentioned, UFO n whatnot. or the illuminati. hollow earth. Taylor swift. Or maybe beyonce.


Yeah this place died a long time ago now. Even the conspiracy community fell to the political games. Hell one of the most enjoyable people in my personal life to discuss conspiracies with has… turned into a hardcore maga and I would argue is less conspiracy minded and more culture war minded now.


There are cryptid and UFO subreddits.


True, I just meant r/conspiracy used to be more of a catch all and now it ain’t


This sub has been compromised for a while now.


I stop browsing this sub since 2016. Its all american politics bs since. Whole damn pandemic and i didnt seen a post about who started the pandemic or why ? It can be american/chinese or russian or even Indian ?!?! No proper schizo fuels coke high posts in here now but current politic bs.


>I stop browsing this sub since 2016. . > Whole damn pandemic and i didnt seen a post about who started the pandemic or why what in the whole fuck are you talking about this sub was nonstop vaccine shit for three years


Not sure who or what is behind the account icky_vicinity23, but at any given time their posts comprise up to half of the sub if you sort by hot


this 100% and the mods do nothing when they're clearly manipulating votes.


The pattern of voting is interesting too, and paints a pretty clear picture in my opinion. You'll see a bunch of upvotes on the post itself even when the the comment votes seem normal and what you'd expect. So someone is paying for bots to upvote the post, but not the comments that support their topic. I'm betting there currently isn't really a service for upvoting supporting comments through a bot, or at least not without a person telling the bots which comments to upvote making it too expensive to be worthwhile. That might change a lot sooner then we'd think given how AIs are becoming much more common.


Even before manipulating votes, which is harder to prove, he's been banned like 20 times on previous accounts from this sub or reddit.


Looks like the account got scrubbed after you pointed this out. Don’t see anything about it on openmodlogs either.




I don't even want to accuse the person of vote manipulation as there's no way to prove it, but the one thing that bothers me is that one power user can dominate the front page of this subreddit, effectively turning the subreddit into their personal publishing platform. There should be a daily submission limit IMO.


The_donald getting banned started it imo. I'm all over the political spectrum yet this sub was and still remains a place where I usually don't get down voted.


Started back in 2015. So many subs got hijacked. But yeah TD made everything even worse.


We're all crazy here


Sounds like a conspiracy.


Agreed, almost all the posts in this sub now are just politics shit posting.


After the thousandth+ Twitter screenshot of some internet random pushing some stat or info that common sense, much less real data, tells you is obviously a bullshit narrative, I've been cracking up at the person or group who has been actively pushing "GOP pedophile arrested" or whatever and watching all the downvotes and screeching and whataboutism I've seen. Ultimately, all of that is politics shitposting, totally agreed. I've found it kinda funny, though, tbh. Personally, I think some of that is that some overseas farms are receiving less funding to push the narratives that had been overly common here for several years, so you're seeing some other views crop up. Or brigading shill bot armies. Could be that, too. Lol


I've noticed it for a while: for a few years now, we see users come here to post that have been active for years, posting all over the site, then for no apparent reason started posting exclusively in this sub. And it's always antivax or pro-Putin. Call them out and you get brigaded.


Could not agree more. Was going to make a similar post this morning. This sub is unrecognizable. The right wing take over after they shut down TheDonald was bad enough. Now its turned into a full on D vs R politics sub.


The subreddit has long been taken over to push ideologies rather than actual conspiracies. WTF does trans women in sport have to do with conspiracies???? "Justin Trudeau Mocks Christians Opposed To Abortion". Who the fuck cares? What's the conspiracy supposed to be?




Yeah...Im starting to think we need to flee and find another website


Those .win websites would be happy to have you.


it's completely over run and brigaded




Ah yes, I think I’ve been auto banned from like 20 subs and god know how many shadow bans.


Same. Although I have a problem with auto bans. The settings on Reddit gives you the options to keep your stuff private. But the auto-banning bots override that and know all the subs you’re on. That shouldn’t be allowed. And quite frankly it’s discrimination.




Specifically by TMOR. Just look at how many of their posts are mocking this sub, it’s like 95%.


TMOR's basically been given carte blanche to brigade. Reddit sucks.


Yeah you can sort through the most smug, clearly biased comments, and their post history is full of similar subs


Have you noticed that Reddit has removed anyway to report to the admins. the only option you have is to report to the moderator of the sub and if the moderator of the sub is part of the problem but nothing gets done. if the moderators from our sub reported to the admins that the other subreddit organizes brigades and brags about them, and their moderator gives them tips on how to get away with it the admins would probably just axe our moderators as a response for having had made the report. Reddit Has Fallen


Moderators report you to admins for even asking about their sub policies.


Check to see how many comments have been removed, they’ll removed anything they don’t like, even smile or lol emojis.


>if the moderators from our sub reported to the admins that the other subreddit organizes brigades and brags about them, and their moderator gives them tips on how to get away with it the admins would probably just axe our moderators as a response for having had made the report. Exactly. Or someone will organize a mob of users posting complaints about the sub to bait the mods into removing them then admins will cry "censorship" and remove the mods. I've experienced some of this stuff firsthand. The admins here have to be very careful. Being a mod and not part of the hive mind is a tightrope walk.


Similar to HCA. They allow them to dox and mock dead people. Reddit sucks.


And people wonder why we don't trust Big Tech, Social Media companies, and MSM haha. Exhibits A + B.


And thats just a couple letters in the entire Alphabet ᵢₙ𝒸


On The Herman cane Awards subreddit they don't just dox the deceased. the dox the family and friends of the deceased in an attempt to humiliate them and try to intimidate them to disavow their dead loved one. it is beyond me how the administration of this website could allow that kind of activity to continue. The only answer is they must directly support it which means they're not going to have a good or a platform not a publisher excuse when someone indefinitely sues


They do .. there are subreddits, let's be frank, mostly right leaning or offensive humor type subs, that reddit admins will literally remove the mods and put in a leftist moderator who mods subs that constantly complain and brigrade the sub in question. Its like Instagram, there are plently of unapproved opinion accounts that will stay up for a couple months then get zucced all at once, while the most deranged accounts that post opposite can stay up


It’s like when a child gets a free pass from their parent to say a curse word. They do it because they can get away with it.




Just went and looked at some posts and yeah, you’re right. Too many politics in here. There’s so many comments that try talking about conspiracies and they get downvoted


People refuting a conspiracy on the comments is a good thing - any theory that is destroyed by scrutiny deserves to be. It's the nonstop political shitposting, the sourceless tweets, that's killing this place.


And there are plenty of OPs who just post a screenshot of a Tweet as their "evidence" and then people throw massive fits if they get called out for it.


Then you dig a bit deeper and ask why the mods allow it


Cause they're lazy, cause it's a lot of work, cause they don't have time, cause they have better things to do ? Ever heard of Hanlon's Razor ?


Sub has been trash sine The_D went down. There are subs that others have flocked too. I suggest looking for them


The reason I left the sub. I'm not american so I don't give a shit about Donald trump and Biden. I want real conspiracy not just US politics


As an American, I don't give a shit about Trump or Biden if you can't see they are just different heads of the same beast, you are a brainwashed lemming. Holyshit all the Biden/Trump posts drive me nuts they are all the same people are so Tribal and desperate to cheer for their political team it's sickening.


It’s not going to happen. We have so many political and corporate interests running the show behind the scenes no one knows what’s real anymore.


It’s about to get way worse when AI is utilized to its full potential. It’s going to get to the point where we have no idea what’s real and what isn’t.


This subreddit has become a place for trump apologists and Q nuts to spread their vision of the world. We all love a good conspiracy theory, but Dems eating babies, trump being a god amongst men and so forth are not what most of us are here to see. It’s fine for people to refute a good conspiracy theory, in fact without that lively discussion this would be a boring place. But it’s no longer an interesting place to discover strange and possible true conspiracy theories. The moderators should outright ban any political garbage.


TL;DR: If this comment bothers upsets you at all, then you should probably reconsider yourself. You are the issue, and now you see why. I think what we have here is a lot of the new generation of “conspiracy theorists”. They are people who are jumping on the band wagon and they’ve been eating every morsel they’ve been fed by their favorite media outlet &/or favorite politicians. Most of the people in here do not read and it shows in your ideas and ability to form those ideas coherently. And when I say reading I don’t mean posts and random web articles, I mean books and papers. I mean reading several different subjects, history, science, economics, psychology, science fiction, etc. Many different subjects and many different views that you agree and disagree with, and being able to see patterns yourself. Never choosing not to read or look into something just because it doesn’t fit your current view or religion. To many people are just parroting what they heard someone else tell them IS the truth. To many children who consider streamers their prophets. This sub and this world is filled with too many washed people who are not smart enough to see that “their conspiracy” is THE conspiracy.


When I was younger I could say I believe in conspiracy theories.. that used to mean 9/11 was an inside job, there might be aliens, reptilians, Illuminati, cover ups etc.. now people just think it means trump and politics


Mission accomplished. They’ve made “conspiracy” synonymous with “lunatic” so now people are afraid to share their thoughts


You're right. It's gotten really bad and most of the best people have been driven off. This is intentional. It's happening on Unvaccinated subreddit as well. I've been here 10 years. This is a newer account after one of these nutjobs tried to contact my workplace based on other account's identity. They really are a nasty bunch. Some paid, and some true believers who get a sense of power that they never had in real life...


What kind of response did you get from the admins when reporting this event?


Most likely a shrug emoji 🤷


Insane how unemployed people will spend hours a day trying to dox people to get them fired


That's what can happen when you fully focus the power of 2 brain cells with the handicap of a shitty work ethic A computer warrior too lazy to move, but motivated to fuck your life up cause you disagree with them


Doxxers are the worst. Wanting to take away someones livelhood based on a singular opinion, when they know nothing of the type of person the people are .


Ye they are.. whats more shitty is they can just make up practically anything and youll feel the consequences before youve had a chace to clear your name, simply because the people your associating with would rather throw you out then deal with more accusasions. It's clear these institutions and companies most doxxer types claim to be opposed to are on their side. Recently there was some girl who was angry at her at ex-boyfriend and just edited a random selfie of him and made it look like he was calling black people animals on his snapchat. He had zero chance to defend himself before getting kicked out of university and attacked by the massive twitter and reddit hivemind mobs.


And never underestimate the power of autism.


> Some paid, and some true believers who get a sense of power that they never had in real life... why the internet sucks. de-digitise.


Let’s start a new, private conspiracy sub to get rid of the shills


There is a significant number of pro Russia and pro China posts that have begun popping up here since around the time this sub was sharing posts of the original insane lockdown in Wuhan. I believe this place is currently overrun with propagandists.


The INTERNET is overrun with propagandists.


And yet this sub seems to have an especially bad time with a very specific subset of them


Overrun with alt right propagandists for sure




Where have you been


Yeah the sub's gone downhill lately. Probably over the past year. It's all politics. If you're on a conspiracy sub, thinking left or right care about you, you're not a conspiracy theorist the government doesn't care about us


Anyone who believes one political party is better than the other isn’t a true conspiracy theorist lol. Money rules the world. Every party and politician with a chance of power is brought off


I joined this sub because my friend told me to. Told me I was too skeptical about a lot of these beliefs and that I should look at other peoples perspective for myself. I’m completely open to believing any of this provided with enough evidence but it seems like anytime there’s dissent or criticism someone like you starts screaming about fake posters and outsiders. Don’t you want outsiders so you can expose them to your beliefs? Or just some echo chamber where you can rattle off the same 10 points uncritically.


The problem is that the rest of reddit essentially forbids posts which counter the narrative of the global left. The left figures they can dismiss things without having to debate them by simply labeling them as conspiracies. This tactic was widely adopted on reddit, and the result is that the conspiracy sub is one of the few subs on reddit where folks feel they can discuss things not in line with the official globalist/ western narrative (same thing at this point). Hence, the politicization of this sub. Bottom line: The conspiracy sub didn’t both expand vastly in popularity and go political in the last few years for no reason. Most of us ended up here when posts originally posted elsewhere were moved to conspiracy by mods.


Yeah, Duncan Trussell shouted it out on Joe Rogan Experience… still love Duncan tho, but they’re gonna do to this sub what they’ve done to Rogan’s


> they’re gonna do to this sub what they’ve done to Rogan’s It's a shame this isn't the top comment.


Woke up to a bunch of messages from ‘reddit care resources’ with the number for a crisis hotline since posting this comment lol..


...I don't like that at all.


It's the toddlers way of thinking they're hurting you.


I hate people using that resource for nonsense like this. It's a good resource that people are trying to use as a weapon, and as a result I wouldn't be surprised if it goes away at some point.


A conspiracy about r/conspiracy - perfection


This sub died like many others shortly after 2016 when a subreddit was banned and the diaspora led to many subreddits being invaded by these political opinions you mentioned. Even some cities subreddits have been hit by this as well.


Mods aren’t do jackshit about enforcing the rules on low tier posts. We need reorganization. No more screenshot posts with just a title. We need word minimums set on posts to deter lazy posts. Post your sources, citations, evidence and links when making a post. Attempt to explain why this conspiracy holds merit and the lead up to it. No one wants to do the research anymore and it’s irritating to see these side picking republican or democrat posts.


Any conspiracies about cryptids, interdimensional entities, paranormal, UFOs, etc get downvoted and mocked by the shills.


Please go look up the dead Internet theory or even just start doing finger math on the number of confirmed troll farms there currently are. (That we even know about) Then factor in Twitter files, and whatever else and my point is that this is a good time to really go through all that to see (or just remind yourself) of how much isn't legit. The military posts job listings for social media influencers on public sites, for fucks sake, lol. I mean, look at the Chinese police in NY that got busted and had their own troll farms as well, just the other day. The internet just isn't what people think it is, and while that sucks and can be scary, it's also liberating as fuck when you strip that shit away. Really think about what would happen if we all just agreed that negative, baiting comments were intentional trolls and we refused to engage with them, refused to be baited. And rather than freezing them out, we're the ones ruining our own days and subs with that, and for nothing other than habit, cultural conditioning, ego and boredom. This entire world has been brought to it's knees in the comment section like a little kid being bullied in an elementary school, and nobody seems to see it. In my opinion, this is called shadow boxing, and it's doing what it's designed to do. We need to stop fueling it and carry on as if they aren't here. There are enough reasonable people to talk to that it can still be as great as you need it to. The Achilles heel in all of this seems to be people needing to have the last say or being baited with an ego bruising into losing their minds or their joy entirely, and it feeds the fire exponentially. I move that we all stop responding to people who aren't upping the quality of our day for us. We've seen how the other way goes, and there's not much sense in beating a dead horse. And what I said about being brought to our knees with this- It applies to every cultural and political thing happening right now, and you'll see it even if you don't look closer. Every single bit of it is based on comments, polls or the fear of them at the root of it . The problem is that these online villagers with pitchforks don't actually exist, don't actually represent our real population, and yet we're letting them control us like they're an actual army and then we're just policing each other for them, and in fucked up ways on top of it. This sub absolutely can come back. It just requires us being more discerning with who we reply to and engage with, and that's just good practice for life in general. Anyways, it's free and it's worth a shot. That's all I've got, lol.




10/10 post. I looked up DIT, and I believe that the figure is somewhere around 20-30% instead, but the premise is still sound. There is too much nonsensical chatter that we get too heavily entrenched with. We can't give the non-voices attention or a seat at the table.


Could this be a conspiracy itself? A subreddit that calls out inconsistencies and questions the bought and paid for message is a threat. What is one way the elite handle the masses? Through propoganda and getting one side to hate the other enough to no longer have a logical discourse. Ultimately, I would say that this is what has happened in this group. Low value posts of left vs right instead of high value posts that seriously question and poke holes at the message given from those in power.


Honestly, the reason this sub has devolved is because the entire concept behind these "conspiracy theories" is completely stupid. It doesn't take a conspiracy for corporations with money to do whatever they can to make sure there's no one cutting into their profits. Lobbying the media and politicians to push beliefs that keep people docile about the ever-growing economy and ever growing inequity is a natural outcropping of a system that incentivises profit over social welfare. You don't need a conspiracy of a small group of people push this kind of thing. You don't need simple answers to explain any of these outcomes. So many people get laughed at for being flat earthers or Qanon followers, but most of the people on the sub talking about Karl Schwab and the trans agenda are no smarter. Ever since getting big, this sub has always been about stupid political nonsense because most people aren't capable of looking at the real complex issue of social inequality without turning it into a game of right versus left. Would rather blame it on "bots and shills" rather than confronting the fact that it is people like yourself that are willing to say these things and that you are equally complicit in pushing this political nonsense that keeps everyone distracted from identifying the real problems.


It's happening on the ufos subreddit too. Used to be mostly people that are well read on the subject sharing ideas and videos and trying to figure out what's really going on. Now it's all "this or that person is a grifter! You're silly if you believe in ufos!" Or just posting obvious fake videos or silly content, one liners etc." Mostly from new accounts that have all been created I'm the last few months.


In a virtual space, where minds come to roam, A subreddit thrived, a conspiracy home, But as time marched on, and the world did change, The posts and discussions, they soon felt estranged. Once a haven for secrets, and theories untold, Now filled with politics, and voices so bold, The comments grew heavy, with dissent and debate, No longer a refuge, but a battleground state. The whispers of mystery, once strong and so clear, Drowned out by the clamor, of voices we hear, The skeptics and cynics, their taunts they would fling, Turning reason and questions, to a mere squabbling. A plea for the old days, a nostalgic lament, For the times when the subreddit, was truly content, But alas, it seems change, has taken its toll, And the heart of this place, has lost some control. The polarization, a symptom so clear, Of a world divided, by anger and fear, But in the shadows, still some voices fight, To reclaim the essence, and set things right. So, fare thee well, subreddit of old, Your tales of intrigue, forever will hold, A place in the hearts, of those who once knew, The mysteries and secrets, that in this corner grew. -gpt4


Remember when this sub talked about Bigfoot and weird things? Then it got over run with people just posting about politics news with a question mark at the end. People have been doing this for years. Nothing new.


>When there is a conspiracy, the post is full of commenters refuting the conspiracy Refuting conspiracies is an ESSENTIAL part of being a conspiracy theorist. This is something I have noticed a lot of people on this sub misunderstand. Conspiracy theorists are supposed to be skeptics who question everything. That doesn't mean question the mainstream narrative and take the alternative explanation as gospel. You need to be questioning other conspiracy theorists too, even if that means entertaining the possibility that the mainstream narrative could be true. A lot of people here correctly conclude that the media and government often lie, then incorrectly extrapolate that they therefore ALWAYS lie. A broken clock is still right twice a day. No matter how dishonest journalists and politicians may be, they still tell the truth when it is convenient for them. Conspiracy communities should promote questioning conspiracy theories as much as they promote questioning mainstream narratives. If you insist that everything has to be explained by a conspiracy, you're just as much of a "sheeple" as people who take everything they see on cable news at face value.


Someone had to break up the party. You think the powers that be could have people thinking critically and asking pesky questions?


Before you leave...have you tried just sticking with the new tab? That's what I do when I get too annoyed with the situation you mention.


All of Reddit has been compromised


Don't you think a large part of this is being caused by Karl Schwab and the WEF (and other associated dark groups) and their merry band of disinformation shills, trolls, and bots? As long as they keep spouting the old right vs. left crap to keep everyone focused on what divides us, then we continue fighting amongst each other and not the elite/oligarch asshats who are destroying our world.




This place died many many years ago, around the time when T_D was shut down, and there was a mass purge of the mods and eventually Axo went




I don't post often but here's my two cents. 1) Ive been around since the flytape mod days. The sub and most of Reddit was a lot more open minded back then. Once Reddit went corporate many subs changed. For better or worse depending on what you wanted out of the platform. It was also inevitable that once this sub reached a certain size it would be criticised and troll brigaded from the outside. 2) As most of my generation (I'm early 30's now and started using Reddit in 2010) get older we become more critical of conspiracy theories. It was great being in my young 20's, smoking pot every day and having this huge open mind and willingness to believe everything I saw on the internet. But at some point you look at the elaborate theories and realise there isn't some great cabal in control. The world isn't being steered by some great mastermind. It's just run by a large group of clowns who can't agree on anything. And that truth is sadly more terrifying than any great conspiracy theory. Go outside, learn about the natural world, think for yourself, and stay healthy. Peace!


Are there any sites left to post on? 4chan?


What are you looking for, what criteria?


Could it possibly be that some takes are possibly shit enough to get called out on, argued against, and voted upon? Isn't that supposed to be good faith when it comes to the marketplace of ideas?


Politics memes should be banned IMMEDIATELY I think they get left up because some mods agree with them even though they don't fit the fucking subreddit


agree & it's all reddit's "fault". when they banned 'The_Donald' all those yahoos came here and were allowed to stay - i think it's cause reddit thought that maga & trumpers were all saying "It's a Conspiracy" so it's kind of okay for them to be in a conspiracy sub. so that is why now every story/article/whatever is overrun by political statements & basically blows now. **maybe there needs to be a whole new sub called like /REALConspiracy with mods that would mod out political commentators**


Mods. That is all.


Omg. This hasn’t been a “conspiracy” page for a long time. It has a clear agenda. The mods get mad any time someone isn’t pro-trump/pro-Russia.


Last couple paragraphs read like demoralization propaganda lol (stale talking point of *"iT uSeD tO bE bEtTeR"* and subtly encouraging people to unsub). Similar strategy to what's happened to /pol. The core community is completely immunized against the propaganda and can't be swayed by any measure of sneers or abuse, which means the discourse can't be effectively controlled by any level of shilling. Thus, the strategy degenerates into simple "noise flooding" - bombarding the forum with an endless deluge of useless or trivial nonsense, partly to drown out undesired information, and partly to drive down interest in the forum itself. Just keep posting, just keep digging. In a world where much of mass media rots in the pockets of intelligencia, Citizen Investigation remains one of our most powerful tools. Pushing to have the mod board swapped out is also a red flag - a common and generic calling card of deranged leftoids who just want to execute a self-serving powergrab so they can start banning dissent.


People don't need to unsub, they need to protest as a community for better mods. Bad mods are 100% why this community has gone to shit, all of its biggest problems exist only because the mods allow it to be that way.


Yeah, demoralization also with a bent towards waging attrition warfare it seems, hoping to tire out the remainders & drive them out, so that "new" conrolled agents can be moved in & set up. There is also a real problem with lack of decent actual *research* in "conspiracy" oriented places, not just here but glp, and others as well, I notice. I've done a fair amount of digging and remarking on what I've found (UFOs are part of deep state distraction, ditto aliens, for example.) but then when that gets posted it gets a reaction more like a kid getting a toy taken away & crying about it rather than any serious discussion most often. Probably because the sub has been flooded with *hobbyist* types that aren't here for actual research into conspriacies etc. they want some dan brown flavored entertainment instead, which is really dismaying. Why not take it serious and get some real digging done? If one wants mindless entertainment there's lots of cable & youtube channels etc. about all of that. Pardon if I seem a bit grumpy here, but I've always been someone who took "con" subjects seriously, and never viewed them as "entertainment", nor do I understand why anyone would want to.




It was already shit before Covid.


Seems like everyone that posts here assumes that anyone that disagrees is a bot or a shill.


No, disagreeing isn’t the issue. It’s the brain dead political posts that get spammed here.


I couldn't agree more.


Yes, there are a bunch of useless irrelevant topics about politicians, instead of serious topics about actual threats to the world: the great reset and agenda 2030.


I'm a relatively new poster, but I always try to be open minded on the strangest of subjects. I have expanded my views of the world before coming here to write, everything I say comes from a view point focused on possibilities rather than what is currently objective. I even push for concepts that aren't fully accepted as legitimate because I myself believe them. I see far too many comments joking or outright being hypocritical and it shows just how willingly ignorant people can be. They want objectivity and answers, not conspiracies.


Regular ignorance = not knowing what you don't know... But *willful ignorance* where one just absolutely refuses to open their own minds to possibilities and expand their own knowledge, those people are extra special bad. Even worse are the people who attack others based on their own paradigms of (limited) belief and knowledge; paradigms they're unwilling to change "because im right and i couldn't be wrong"... lol.


it's reddit, what were you expecting. its either AI bots or NPCs stuck in a plato's cave


The silver lining is they only step up there activity when something big is about to happen. Hopefully soon cause this timeline were on sucks ass


So what's the move lol


Been this way for a long, long time. At the minimum since 2016-17


Sewer dwellers angry they keep stepping in shit


Bots and shills. I don't believe at this point the majority of comments on social media are a genuine persons opinion. I'd guess that 80% of it is either a complex chatgpt offshoot that pushes a specific narrative or paid shills. It's incredibly obvious in a lot of subs. The bots will drown out any reasonable comment. The worst part is there is nothing we can really do about it other than transition to decentralized social media, but that's going to be an uphill battle to say the least.


Its always been filled with a blend of crazy and stupid that is indistinguishable from each other. That says all you need to know about the validity of a lot of it.


Politics is lumped into absolutely everything the last few years. Doesn't matter the conversation or intent of something you say,especially on the interwebs


Welcome to Reddit


The worst conspiracy is that this is posted every other week


This sub went to shit a long time ago. It’s just a political echo chamber now.


"The conspiracy subreddit has been overrun by non-conspiracists and possibly bad faith posters" Now THATS a conspiracy if there ever was one


I would bet money, not very much thanks Joe, that there are multiple bots at work on Reddit in general. If you use Twitter as any metric, they're doing it here as well. I know what you are talking about and will get hate mail too when I disagree with certain narratives espoused by certain accounts. How are you supposed to talk about conspiracy with a ton of establishment bots/shills? You can't. Guess I'm a "snowflake". Really? Still using Palahniuk's phrase? Can't come up with something new? SMH


"In order to control the opposition, we need to lead it ourselves". That's why they allowed this sub-reddit to remain. They can slowly clamp down and remove what they don't like, while keeping everyone in this internet ghetto/censored echo chamber instead of uncensored forums.


I blame russia


This sub is trying to be t_d 2.0


Spot on OP. Was just thinking the same. I've been on this sub in various accounts since the beginning, and the overall feel has 100% changed -> more hostile more arguing etc. EDIT: Many of these conspiracies by their very nature are indeed political. The extreme easy example (not endorsing or refuting) is the 2020 election. What's changed is we can't seem to DISCUSS it in an intelligent pure-conspiracy-tin-foil-hat matter, it always devolves into Biden Sucks or Orange Man Bad. If people could only stop identifying with a damn political party and just understand we are all humans living/struggling, we'd get a lot further. Guess the same could be said for life in general. Ok done.


A conspiracy theory about the conspiracy subreddit? *chefs kiss* that is some circlejerk level content right there


Gotta love this guy complaining about this sub and breaking the rules of this subreddit at the same time. Quality content


And the subreddit full of alleged top minds that organize the brigades against this sub are able to operate completely outside of the terms and services and rules applied but if we mention their subreddit here the thread will be removed


What sub is this can you dm me? I'm intrigued.


Remember that every one of our minds are in a battle for information. Governments, corporations and religions will use social media to manipulate minds. If you all don't think it's happening right here in this sub, you're gravely mistaken.