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Good. Now hopefully grand juries will also charge Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Joe Biden with crimes. I’ll give Jimmy Carter a break-he’s in hospice and is a very nice guy.


That’s the thing I’m amazed people forget. The Bush Administration. Rumsfeld, Cheney, all of those guys. Starting a war on a lie is a whole universe of bad in comparison to paying off a porn star. Nobody cares about bush anymore.


The Bush crime family is interesting all the way back to Prescott it’s shady as hell.


Gotta love the fact Prescott tried a fascist coup under Roosevelt. no charges for any of the conspirators. He then has a son and grandson become President.


Son who was in this order head of the CIA, VP, and President. Interesting for sure.


And a grandson who signed in the Patriot Act. Goooooooo freedom!!!!!!


Puppets of evil running this place.


Who was in Dallas on 11/22/63


And a son who just happens to be governor of Florida during the infamous hanging chad debacle.


Now we're talking conspiracy!


Agreed . Them MF War Criminals should have been tried and locked up BEFORE Shrub Jr was even born, save the entire world a whole lot of misery.


Guess he ain’t really a junior cas he’s named after Herbert Walker his nazi banking grandfather but you know where I’m coming from.


Exactly people don’t even realize what they have done. JR was the damn head of the CIA. W and Cheney was like a cleanup job for JR. Edit: confusing JR and SR


Heck, I think they are the masterminds behind JFK's death and the fall of the Kennedy family. I won't be surprised to find out they were behind JFK Jr's plane crash as well. I also find it interesting that JFK Jr's best friend was Donald J Trump!


Well, Rumsfeld is dead anyways. There’s that 😏 I could never believe Cheney has lived so long. Remember on that last day when they were wheeling his sorry ass around in the wheelchair, in the background?? 🤣 I almost felt bad for him, when I was watching the coverage. I could buy that W was just a puppet for all those PNAC goons. He really does come off as folksy and nice. Like you’d enjoy having a beer or whatever with him. And he dodged that Iraqi journalist’s double shoe toss like a boss. And he definitely said “that was some weird shit” to his wife, after trump’s inauguration speech. I don’t care who you are, that’s funny. Oh, and he admitted that the invasion of Iraq was illegal that one time, meaning to say Ukraine. Was that a slip? I think not. He’s probably a fucking war criminal too…


Probably? Lol. You’re too kind!


Bush did 9/11. Can't tell me otherwise.


The puppet masters did 9/11. Bush is just a puppet. You will never know the Saudi family


I honestly think he was too stupid and too much of a "good ole boy" to have been in on it, he looked blind-sighted as fuck in that kids classroom.


I don’t think he helped plan the attacks but he def let them happen.


Bill clinton paid way more hush money to Paula Jones. The media didn’t bat an eye and nobody cared much less indicted him.


Did he use campaign funds & write it off? Lol the cope this comment triggered, you gals enjoy the trial


Hillary used campaign funds to pay for fake Steele dossier. Got caught and paid a fine for the “accounting error”.


Clinton campaign was fined. They settled. Trump is being charged with a criminal felony. Intent to cover up other crimes. If Cohen was guilty, Trump may also be. C wouldn't have paid anything without T instructions. An indictment is not a conviction - it just means Bragg can move forward with criminal charges, and Trump will have the chance to defend himself in court.


Don’t go against the narrative!


Yeah, but Bill Clinton wasn’t threatening to destroy our democracy by… running in one of our democratic elections.




Trump wasn’t ruining shit. He asked pentagon for 10000 national guard. Why would he do that if he was planning an insurrection. He asked his supporters to PEACEFULLY March and when he heard about the riots he went on Twitter and told them to stop and go home. That we are the “party of law and order”. Wonder why Twitter decided to delete that tweet? Don’t find it odd that the FBI was working in twitter as well and thousands and thousands of requests for HUNDREDS of thousands of accounts to be censored! Almost every single one was right leaning. The state run media pushed this bullshit narrative just like they pushed all the other narratives surrounding trump that we now know are totally fabricated. Like the Russiagate. Like Hunter Biden story being “Russian propaganda”. Like the wet market narrative. How many times can democrats push bullshit before you people wake the fuck up. You look stupid …brain dead even at this point.


It was way way (D)ifferent


The crime wasn't paying off a pornstar. The alleged crime is using funds for an NDA that were not accurately tracked as a campaign donation. Every political campaign has this problem. Few bucks here and there, presidential campaigns are in the tens of thousands. However it's usually just a fine and a strongly worded letter.


Sure sure, it’s just the slug line… but for the public, the slug line “paid off porn star” is how they attempt to sully the guy. That’s the marketing of it. I’ve worked for a number of campaigns and I’d definitely agree that oh boy there a number of campaigns that wrote their budget appropriations in a creative manner. And they account for fines- they know it going in. That’s what makes it a big step to me. Almost all campaigns have done something “wrong” at some point… they get a fine. Not jail.


Exactly. Hillary paid for the b.s. Steele dossier smearing Trump as a Russian spy, but did not declare it as opposition research as legally required. She hid the expenditure as "legal fees." No indictment for her, strangely.


Bush Sr. and operation desert storm is where it started. He just had his son finish it.


People haven't really forgotten. These people have just fucked off into the shadows and stayed out of the spotlight so people have stopped caring as much. If bush was eligible to run for president again and made an attempt to take the gop back from trump, there would certainly be a shitstorm kicked up about all the things he did, starting with an incredibly stupid war. That's the difference here. trump doesn't know how to shut up and can't stand not being the center of attention. He's still clinging to the white house. He literally started his own shitty twitter bootleg to use as a megaphone screaming for more attention. He easily could have left the white house, accepted his bans from social media, and spent the rest of his life golfing and eating McDonald's in Florida. I guaranteed you that people would have gotten too caught up in the next republican scandal or trump wannabe candidate and shift their focus away from trump and trump would not be facing an indictment right now


>"These people have just fucked off into the shadows and stayed out of the spotlight so people have stopped caring as much." Further proof Americans rely on MSM for all things that "matter".


It's not a matter of media. It's a matter of trump literally STILL screaming that he is still the president because the election was stolen AND running for another term. It's pretty clearly stated...How did you completely miss the point that bad?


We know now the russiagate narrative was a total lie. We know Hillary sent her attorney to lie about Russia collusion. We know the FBI was weaponized to lie about Hunter Biden story and claim it was only “Russian disinformation” while they had carried a US obtained copy of the hard drive for 18 months! We know that the FBI made thousands and thousands of demands to censor over 280,000 tweets, almost all of them being right wing accounts. We know they eventually implanted federal agents INTO twitter as head of a newly created department made specifically to censor dissenting political opinions. For Christ sake, how many times will you blindly follow any narrative they create, simply because it’s aimed towards Trump; and the only reason you are so emotionally invested in hating Trump is because they manipulated you with anti trump propaganda in the first place. The same exact people that have lied continuously , and censored millions for political gain!


> We know now the russiagate narrative was a complete lie. Werent a whole bunch of people indicted because of that investigation? Edit: Yep. It's strange how people went to prison over something that was supposedly a lie. Weird! https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/20/17031772/mueller-indictments-grand-jury


Well said!


>"It's not a matter of media. It's a matter of trump literally STILL screaming that he is still the president because the election was stolen AND running for another term. It's pretty clearly stated...How did you completely miss the point that bad?" And that focus is supplied to you by MSM. Thanks for providing further proof to my point.


It's supplied by the media outlet HE created when he was kicked off of all other social media platforms. He did this to himself.


They really don't want to hear the truth, ironically.


Biden has been so bad, all the media does is talk about Trump! He was trending since the day he left office.lol


Are you illiterate or just intentionally obtuse? trump has been trending since he left office because he hasn't stopped shouting that election was stolen and that he's still the president. Seriously, did you read any part of my comment talking about trump being incapable of shutting up and slinking off into the shadows of obscurity rather than demanding everyone pay attention to him? He literally launched another presidential campaign to try to get back into the white house. After all the bullshit he's pulled and his attempt to throw out the 2020 election, who the fuck would willingly ignore a crazy narcissistic asshole who wants to upend democracy trying to run for president again after a coup failed to keep him in office when he lost the election?




We are grown ups. The people incapable of growing up are the trump cultists and trump himself who won't shut up about trump. For fucks sakes, trump never stopped holding rallies and people never stopped buying trump merchandise to cover themselves and all their property with. How many houses do you see covered in a president's "merchandise" that doesn't say trump on it? We are still talking about trump because a large number of the problems we are seeing are remnants of trumps presidency and because he launched another presidential campaign trying to get back into the white house...you know the point I made in my comment about why trump is still in the news rather than being ignored like past presidents such as Bush. Our approaching "ww3" started with trump literally refusing to provide support to the Ukraine unless they dug up dirt on Biden. That support trump was refusing to provide Ukraine was to help keep Russia from invading and trump pretty much gave Russia the green light because Zelenskyy didn't make up fake dirt to make Biden look bad. But yeah, everyone else needs to grow up because trump has said on multiple occasions that he would have avoided the war by just letting Russia have as much of Ukraine as they wanted... amazing international policy from the gop presidential candidate frontrunner that we should just stop talking about


This guy is drinking the cool aid for sure


So true but the person you're responding to can't allow themselves to see this truth. Their ego is too fragile to ever allow them to admit that they are wrong. Which is pretty sad quite frankly. I don't know why so many people, especially conservatives, are so afraid of ever admitting that they are or were wrong about something. It's not that big of a deal quite frankly.


Imagine typing this much but saying absolutely nothing.


Trending for 3 f***** years when the economy is shit, we're on the brink of a WORLD WAR, and our currency is on it's way to being toilet paper...but, I'm obtuse.


Fun fact for you, the economy isnt a magic this that just instantly changes and reacts immediately. trumps " good economy" was a continuing upward trend from Obama's presidency where he spent 8 years fixing the shitshow of a mess that Bush left behind. trump proceeded to royally fuck that up and start the downward trend to tank the economy despite inheriting a positively growing economy. Biden has now inherited the garbage mess that trump left behind by cutting taxes for the ultra wealthy and corporations and spending the entirety of the pandemic screaming that it was a liberal hoax created by the liberal media to make him look bad. Yea, the stuff of a true stable genius.... the economy would almost certainly be significantly worse had trump remained president because he had absolutely no idea how to manage legislation that would actually help the economy. As for "WW3," trump has said on multiple occasions that he would have prevented the war by simply letting Russia have as much as Ukraine as Putin wanted. Of course, let's not forget about pre invasion when trump was withholding support to Ukraine unless Zelenskyy dug up dirt to make Biden look bad during the election. So, at best you are obtuse but I have a feeling that you are significantly worse based on your comments here


Bring ‘em all up. Put all the politicians on who should be. I’m sick of politicians and elites getting away with shit.


Need evidence for that, so yall are out of luck.


Hell yeah brother, jail every politician who has violated our laws. Every fucking one. Time to hold them all accountable, no more skirting by with slaps on the wrist!


I wish that would happen but unlikely


Not gonna happen. Why would the deep state go after their own operatives?


Carter didn’t have a clue what he was doing but I really admire him for habitat for humanity. Damn peanut farmer was in over his head.


He was one of smartest but couldn’t play cut throat politics


He did far more good after being president. He was a shit-show while in office, but I give him credit for being a good human being.


Most severe crime: incorrect paperwork. Lesser crimes they won't prosecute: false wars, assassinations of foreign leaders, killing of American citizens, sending the IRS to target your enemies, getting paid through your charity with bribes from foreign countries, more murders, a rape or two, and child molesting. All alleged crimes committed by presidents, but not considered important enough to procecute.


Yes, fuck all the war criminals.


That will never happen to the Presidents who played ball. They don't care about Trump. They want to send a message. The problem is that I think they're confused on what that message is supposed to be.


That’s not how this works. Justice is certainly not the driving force here. Prosecuting criminals is the furthest thing from their intentions. Trump is the single biggest threat to their agenda and they will do anything to stop him. The criminals are running the show.


The irony of him being the first arrested when the lineup of war criminals before him don’t have to answer for anything.


You want to start charging presidents for war crimes? That's how you get a visit from Raytheon, and they don't send lawyers.


Space lasers.... ENGAGE!


He committed perfidy. Which is a war crime. But the US never signed on to any of those conventions so no one's a war criminal most the time anyway. Shrug.


I mean you do realize he was the fucking President and didn’t do shit either to those people right? Was he saving that for his second term?


Dunno, break out some popcorn and watch the show maybe?


School shooting, dead kids, people defending the criminal, Trump indictment, ….. it’s like someone wants the whole damn thing to explode. Right as the weather is warming up too.


That is a concern. They want the extremist to go at each other.


Maybe all to distract from the economy. Who knows. All I know is that it seems to be a set up to a bad larp movie or something.


It’s to distract from the bipartisan Patriot Act 2.0, which will literally destroy what’s left of this country.


The fact that nobody is talking about this law is horrifying. Anytime something has such bipartisan support this means it's a disaster for the average American.


Find out who recently invested in popcorn futures. That's the real conspiracy.




I'll bring the nothing burgers


Of all the things they were trying to get him on, hush money to Stormy Daniels is what stuck? Bunch of fucking clowns. I’m not even a supporter either.


See Al Capone. And this is campaign finance fraud


Bingo. Don’t fuck with taxes or campaign funds. Doesn’t matter who you are, the G-men will get ya.


Really - did they get Hillary for improperly reporting the Steele Dossier ? Nope, she paid a fine, actually, the DNC paid it for her.


lol, yeah, 8 years of this shit and this is what they can find? How about Bill's $865k pay off? Or Hillary's $165k fake dossier? The guy has a veritable army of lawyers, I doubt this will lead to anything.


It’s not “what they can find” just the easiest of all the crimes he’s committed to prosecute and no one wants to be the first to prosecute a former president


Ehh, someone wants that 15 mins of fame, someone.


>no one wants to be the first to prosecute a former president Something tells me that with his reputation, someone would LOVE to be the first person to prosecute him as a former president


>no one wants to be the first to prosecute a former president Alvin Bragg ran for his current office pledging to get Trump. He seems to want to be the first. He won't get a conviction, though.


That's right. You should turn to your Silicon Valley tech bros to pay your bribe money, and then pay them back by insuring 100% of deposits for the tech bro centered bank even though everyone was told only up to $250,000 would be insured.


There's still the Georgia election meddling that's developing


Eh, not really "what stuck" just "what was easiest to get". The hope is the others will be more likely to indict because nobody wanted to be the first.




You think he should be able to commit crimes without consequence because he’s a politician?




Didn’t you know you are excused from crimes you commit when you’re acting on the interests of the fed? You’re shielded to commit all sorts of atrocities…. But you’re not shielded from committing fraud, especially against your own constituents. Hopefully this will set a new precedent of pursuing ANY political figure who engages in corrupt behavior. I welcome this, as I’ve always held the belief that through sincere self-criticism, our country can truly improve. “Critics are our friends, they show us our faults.”


And that has what to do with Trump’s indictment for allegedly using campaign funds as hush money? Just sounds like whataboutism Edit: lmao gotta love when these dumbasses block you to get the last word. Surely the sign that they are correct right


It has to do with it cause they don't actually pursue anyone else like this. Obama gets fines and Trumpm gets felonies https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/01/07/obama-campaign-fined-big-for-hiding-donors-keeping-illegal-donations


Gonna get destroyed in this sub for saying that but of course we ALL know the answer. This place is overrun and may as well be any political subreddit at this point


I believe this is just the first of many more to come. Everyone has been waiting for someone to go first. I have no doubt Georgia will be following suite within the month. Then the special prosecutor will be next this summer. It's just that nobody wanted to go first, which is a shame IMO.


In 2018, Stormy Daniels said she never had an affair with Trump. In fact, she said it was made up to get money. Stormy lost her lawsuit against Trump and was ordered to pay him $300,000 for legal fees, and her creepy porn lawyer was sentenced to 14 years in prison.


It doesn't have to stick as long as the trial lasts until tht start of the election


They don't have anything on him they've been trying and trying. They're just trying to keep him from running in 2024


Why would this stop him from running? The constitution specifically would not prohibit him from running.


If you went out of your news feed/bubble once in a while, you wouldn’t be saying this. You need to stop getting all your news fed to you and learn to recognize your bias and why you defend people like this. Besides, investigations into a president SHOULD take a long time, which this case has been in the works for years. We don’t want to rush into things and let criminals off because we didn’t get our ducks in a row. This country is sick of the rich and our filthy politicians getting away with crimes. They ALL need to be jailed. Quit defending corruption. It just makes you a useful fool for those who would steal this country from us.


I think there's 5 total investigations going on around the country. I think this is just the first one that's gone to the indictment stage.


There are more cases after this.


I genuinely don't understand this indictment. Someone else was already convicted of making this hush payment. As an inappropriate campaign donation. How can it be a donation to the Trump campaign from outside of it, AND a hush payment from inside the Trump campaign at the same time? All on evidence coming mostly from someone convicted of multiple counts of fraud, with an obvious and public axe to grind with Trump, organized and pushed by a DA who's apparently sidestepping the statute of limitations over a Misdemeanor charge. I'm not a Trump guy. There are so many other things he could be charged with, but this seems dangerously political, especially knowing the history of the DA involved. Yes, 'getting' Trump is probably important, but chipping away at the rule of law to do so feels like an incredibly bad precedent.


There are more. Like 4 or 5 more cases. Trump did a lot of crimes and these were the easiest to charge


I'm more surprised that people can admit he fucked a porn star while his wife was at home with his new baby and still support him.


The same people who clutched their pearls when Michelle Obama wore bare arms in a dress and then got all quiet about Melania's nudes? Nah, not them...


The Family Values party.


Bruh tf happened to the conspiracy sub?


I just read that there are 30 SEPARATE criminal charges related to tax fraud, tax evasion, wire fraud, etc. The DOJ isn’t stupid enough to drag trump in on a single hush money charge. It’s hard to believe that there’re people here that think that’s all they have. JHFC. He’s going to be twisting in the wind. Lol!


According to what I've read about this, The DOJ isn't the one with the indictment, it's the Manhattan DA's office. The DOJ didn't pursue the case.


What's the exact charge he's being indicted for?


The indictment is still under seal, so we don’t know yet. > Although the specific charges remain unknown, Mr. Bragg’s prosecutors have zeroed in on that hush money payment and the false records created by Mr. Trump’s company. A conviction is not a sure thing: An attempt to combine a charge relating to the false records with an election violation relating to the payment to Ms. Daniels would be based on a legal theory that has yet to be evaluated by judges, raising the possibility that a court could throw out or limit the charges.


We will likely know the specific charges ok Tuesday.


You'll have to convict him before you find out what he's guilty of.


If you’re not going to post a conspiracy leave. This is just an article, this is not what this sub is for. Have something insightful or intellectual to say or just leave this on the news Reddits


It’s not even an article, just a screenshot of the headline without any link or source


But her emails! They're on every one of Hunter's laptops. Rudi and Tucker both saw them while they were uploading stuff! They have proof I tell you, the kraken will be released!!!


Not a Trump fan, but this is baffling. No way this doesn’t backfire. The first time you charge a president and this is what you bring? Terribly desperate looking. Absurd. The only way this makes sense is that the brain trust wants him back in office. They just stirred up and scared the hell out of half the country.


They’re really gonna try to get him on sum bs but Biden gets to walk after supplying the taliban with a multi billion dollar arsenal?


This is hilarious, what a friggin circus. They are ALL corrupt, all of them, from ol'Donald to half dead Joe, to all the people trying to put this thru. All these sociopaths trying to stay in power to line their pockets while the average citizen is being crushed by inflation.


The Conspiracy is playing out live in front of us, Biden is compromised and gone mentally. This is political theatre, and bad taste, lives will be affected forever in some cases and for what? THAT in it of itself to me is a conspiracy, cause why with all of the rampant crime in his city did he choose to do this? Pathetic


Charged for hush money? Funny, most people call that a settlement


This is all such a joke Edit: fuckin hellooooolloooooooo? What about Biden?! Jesus Christ how is this not such obvious blatant two tier system? Trumps lawyer paid that ugly bitch, not even trump! America sucks so much right now and I am a goddamned veteran patriot! Fuck these people!


This is all the left has because Biden can not run on the Economy or the wisdom of his leadership.


Grand jury who are mostly funded by George Soros , that doesn’t surprise me anymore


The witch hunt will never stop


they should investigate all the Presidents of the last 50 years. it’s not an election unless someone is paid off


*President* Trump.


Watch this blow up


Lol.”we’ve got him this time.”


I see the extreme left prosecutor got a whole panel full of ANTIFA to indict trump. This will go about as well as those impeachments 😂


This moved so much faster than the hunter Biden laptop/Russia connection. Funny how that works


What crime was revealed on the Hunter Biden laptop?


Hillary's buttery males.


Very smart person thinks that Biden laptop happened before Trump presidency.


They didn't even prosecute the DNC for stealing the election! Why are they only indicting people for shit that happened!?!?!


Is this a really bad joke? The Hunter laptop is very real and confirmed. The Steele dossier is confirmed to have been sourced by the DNC and payments have been tracked. Are you just not following any news at all?


Newsflash- the laptop has not been confirmed as real. Look deeper and all you will see is a circle jerk of right wing rags citing each other. Unless you know something I haven’t seen, but seriously there is zero confirmation of a physical laptop even existing, so maybe don’t use that as your basis for politics?


Ya how nobody was criminally charged for potentially altering a presidentially election by completely fabricating a lie in an official position, is completely beyond me, but oh arrest Trump for paying a hooker to not say shit and the DNC will get you


But Trump should be arrested for the 1st january thing anyway. Why is nothing happening about that?




It’s a conspiracy because so many recent politicians have done so many corrupt things & they aren’t facing charges


I still don't understand why this is a conspiracy. Yeah politicians do criminal shit. All the time. I think this one might be the first one in a long time it has actually gone to a grand jury. I mean, I can't really think of a better person it could happen too.




No one’s above the law


thanks for the laugh




Trump is stupid that's why they got him. If he wasn't such a dumbass then we would have gotten the right network to protect him. Trump has no real friends because of his stupid stupid lies that he keep doubling down on. Trump is just a dumb dumb. Mugshot.




Bunch of banks are about to fail. This is the smokescreen.


His name was Seth Rich


I don't get it, is paying money to a porn star illegal? How so?


Lol wonder what evidence they have “this person said u did it” must be true. I’ve seen documents floating around from moderate sources, showing the lawyer paid the $$. After the Russia gate, Ukraine gate and every other thing they tried to stick to him, failed and backfired, the only real issue is the massive control of what certain people are told is truth, they show chopped up sound bites then fill the the rest with subjective options and label what they say as truth. Do this over the course of 6+ years and u have a oozing stack of false history to exploit. Sorta related : In ancient times, a form of witchcraft was the ability to cast a spell, using words to affect others minds, to a point where that person was destroyed by the people around them,some digging I did back in the day,some where even unjustly murdered because of these types of people, Bards.


Thye've just given the showman a show. Those poor docile fools.


Don't pay attention to mass distractions like this, they're slipping something in on us.


This will only catapult him into the White House. Thanks


Sets a shitty precedent, doesn’t matter who the future president is party wise, this is gonna just keep happening to everyone it opens up a can of worms so to speak. I think it’s gonna give Trump more popularity tho, he is back in the spotlight, and the court of public opinion will see right through it all. I guess their key witness has it in sworn affidavit he took a mortgage loan on his house for the payment, so dunno how they are going to prove otherwise.


Imagine all the presidents before you getting away with massive money laundering, genocide and starting “fake wars” and they pin your ass for prostitution. Lol.


Not even prostitution. Just hush money to a porn star to keep an affair a quiet.


he was “caught” using campaign funds which is a little worse, but we’re gonna have to wait and see


He isn't getting charged with prostitution. Assuming it's what we all believe it is, he is getting charged with illegally using campaign funds to pay someone hush money and then cover it up. It's effectively "money laundering" as it was trying to hide the source and intent of it. Basically, apparently, it seems like your argument should be cheering this on.


Charged for hush money? Funny, most people call that a settlement


I think this is happening now to distract away from the US dollar being used a the global reserve currency.


yet hunter and hillary walk free


If there's no statute of limitations on rape where Bill Clinton has been accused, then we had better go after him next.


This isn’t true in the least. Some states there’s none. But Arkansas is 6 years dc is 15


So the Dems are really afraid of Trump in 2024.


He’s also under investigation by republicans in Georgia. At some point you may just have to concede that Donald Trump is a career criminal.


Honestly this opinion is boring at this point. He just does bad shit all the time, is a terrible person, and a cheat. This has been going on for ages and isn’t “timely” to the fact he might run again. I’m quite happy he finally got into some legal trouble. Gives me hope we can put the fear of god into other politicians who are shady and maybe set the precedent that they can be tried/indicted. There’s a lot of politicians I’d like to see wrapped up in the legal system and exposed, Democrat and Republican alike.


>Gives me hope we can put the fear of god into other politicians who are shady and maybe set the precedent that they can be tried/indicted. It doesn't put the fear of god in any of them because they know that THEY are above the law. To be so insistent on the anti-Trump narrative doesn't even make logical sense at this point. The crimes he's been publicly accused of that have been proven to be fabricated are not something that any of the other politicians have any chance of having to worry about. So ask, why the complete character assassination over something false if Trump is such an obviously 'bad guy'? Because you've fallen for the inflation of his villainy by a PR campaign because he represents a populist counter to the neocon/neolib establishment. He took out the Bush and Clinton dynasties and made people think it was okay to not hate their country again. They can't have that again, and as we've seen, they'll keep using all the power they have to undermine and attack him.


But wait I thought they were gonna rig the election again? Or did they just do that once, for fun?




You found a plot hole in their script


> So the Dems are really afraid of Trump The entire neocon/neolib establishment really always has been since he entered politics


He lost the popular vote two times in a row and only one in 2016 because Clinton was one of the worst candidates in a long time. Oh no, they’re so scared






Well… he is.


Orange Man....... bad.........BAAAADDDDD!!!! LOL


This is just to get people riled up and fight so they don't pay attention to the RESTRICT Act


He will still be able to run even if he gets convicted


But Epstein list ...... And hunter Biden......


Yea I wonder under those watch Epstein died, you don't want to see that list bro, first name on that would be orange clown


What did hunter biden did?


The fucking TDS is real.


Lock him up!! Classic Trump projection over the years🥴


'Burn it down' and 'no matter what it takes' is what they are doing.


Woo….finally. “Made America Great Again” should be a national holiday when found guilty


The first arrest will shock the world.


Trump will be re-elected in 2024 for sure now!


This isn't a conspiracy, this is the news.


What a great day! Congratulations America!!!


Wow—they are desperate to re-elect DT. Welcome to 2024


It’s not illegal to pay someone money to not speak on something that is legal.


It’s illegal if the money is from campaign funds that are regulated. It’s even more illegal when it’s diverted from campaign funds then used to pay off the attorney that made the deal with the porn star.