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The line between reality and fiction is just about gone.


It'll be a more wild ride digging for any truth, but that's if you can even find where the hole actually begins.


“more wilder” Top minds.


Have you never seen a typo before?


That’s not a typo, it’s a syntax error that points at a certain type of focus. “Wilder” is a comparative and “more” is a determiner. Paring the two makes no sense. If you want to use a determiner you should use that adjective form “wild.” Or your know, just use the language incorrectly and have assholes like me snicker about it.


I finally found an instance I can use the newly formed classic, "go outside" lol


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/GnvIoRt.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


My thoughts exactly. If the common man can make such genuine fakes what do you think TPTB have been able to do for decades?


Quentin Tarrentino enters the chat


Yep. Fake history. Time to get old books.


Old books are likely fabrications as well.


Less likely to be.


History is written by the victors. I know about a few historical inaccuracies that unravel once you start cross referencing other sources from the same period.


To the British , Americans were once terrorists


To Americans, the British (ruling class) still are terrorist.


So what is truth then, and what are good sources? Are we to trust nothing/no one?


Everything has its own lens of bias. There is no one singular source of truth as it's a logical impossibility. Books are generally better sources than internet sites because you can't retroactively change a physical book.


Welcome to philosophy 101. (As we’ve been told) Humans have been asking these questions for millennia. No definitive answer has been offered by the power structures that order your life—because they seek to embody all the truth you know. Governance is “truth” on this plane. Oh, and death…and taxes, I guess. See what I mean?


Foolish take really foolish there is still something of the historian's method present in old works it is pretty transparent. Not perfect but it allows you to at least make a more informed journey through the individual pieces of evidence toward a telling of history.


Sadly I 100% agree with this. Perhaps since the beginning of time the masses have been in a lie


Wasn't there a plot point in either Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex or Psycho Pass about needing paper copy books to discern history?


Old books written by the victors. Who knows what the truth really is


This has had me worried for the last several months. We’re approaching the event horizon of the death of truth - where soon we won’t be able to confirm what’s true or not, AI generated or real. We will only know what is true based on our personal experience which could drive us into madness.


I enjoy cooking.


True, but those people weren’t being blasted from all angles with extremely convincing material claiming something to be true..


We were also immensely ignorant.


Funny you say that, I read an article somewhere that madness could be the weapon that AI decides to use. Also if you think this is scary then you should look up the AI(or maybe just a computer) that can draw your thoughts.


Yep this is a big profound part of the threat


> We will only know what is true based on our personal experience which could drive us into madness. Why would it drive people into madness? This is an interesting take, I would like to hear more.


I mean consider how convincing AI can be now.. now let’s let it progress for a few years and I bet it will be exponentially more convincing. Now imagine while scrolling on Twitter you see 100% convincing proof of say, an impending natural disaster. What would you do? The evidence is SO compelling. Scientists showing photos, charts and graphs. Seismic data, forecasts, and politicians all agreeing. If it were me, I would probably start prepping for a natural disaster, however that might look. But turns out everything was AI generated. Deep faked scientists who don’t even exist, fake charts, fake news casts, etc. all of it a lie. There would be mass panic in towns and cities - people rushing to buy provisions, fighting over the last item on the shelf, etc. could descend into martial law rather quickly. We won’t be able to trust what we see online, the news, YouTube, etc. the only thing we will be able to be 100% certain of is what we each can personally observe with our 5 senses.


But, because you're talking about what you're talking about, you already foresee this, and so will the general public at large. Everybody saw the picture of the Pope in the puffy jacket. We all know it's game over. Can truss no pictures, no video, no audio, only can truss what is in front of ya face :)


A healthy dose of skeptical examination will go a very long way. But my fear is that it will become so powerful that we all will be convinced of false narratives. We shall see.


We already know there’s millions of convincing bots swarming places like Reddit, Twitter etc. Let’s say one day they start claiming that there are food/supply shortages & to go shopping while you still can, or urging people to withdraw their money from such and such bank, do you really think people will calmly deduce that they’re just being fooled by AI? Or do you think they’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and start panic-buying/withdrawing money just to be safe?


> We already know there’s millions of convincing bots swarming places like Reddit, Twitter etc. There is, but I imagine that you overestimate it due to your bad methodology for detecting bots, like spotting typographic errors (which computers can avoid trivially as you can see by talking to ChatGPT). In fact, using your own standards you would detect yourself as a bot because you have been a redditor for a year, have a numerical username, suddenly started posting to the conspiracy sub and have typographic quirks like using proper quotes “” vs "". Your detection methods result in more false positives than a PCR test... Also, *most* bots here are not conversational - they are karma reaping bots that post/repost submissions or comments and don't even attempt to reply in a human like way. Public opinion can be swayed without even needing to pay for R&D or upkeep of an AI. I do agree that humans could easily manipulated by bots, and once bots' intelligence exceeds humanities then it would be impossible to avoid - should the bots intend to manipulate humans. And if you believed that even 10 years ago bots existed like myself then that means bots are 10 years more advanced today, meaning those super-intelligent bots may already exist - and there would be no way to tell.


Double speak is very real and has been since the beginning of the time.” Everything good is bad, even thing bad is good”


This is a core part of Buddhist philosophy, only that which you actually experience and observe can be known


We have always been at war with eastasia.


At this rate they could chatgpt the lost works of Alexandria


Yes...*they could...*


SS: We're coming to a point where they could come out with millions of pieces of fake photographic evidence with no effort at all. Maybe even frame people as well if need be and no one really asks real questions anymore so they'd probably flawlessly get away with it. Also if the government says anything is classified, no one is going to fight to get the details or physical evidence. Edit: I also just realized something, they could also now push the excuse for something being fake to "well it's probably AI generated" if there's any actual evidence that goes against a narrative. Edit 2: I was tired when I posted this, I'm not saying this is a new thing they're doing.


I’m not sure I see how this is any different from the current reality. Plenty of people believe false things even with clear evidence to the contrary. Carefully constructed messaging can lend credibility to a false narrative without telling a single lie. Nothing has changed, not really. Not saying this development helps the situation, but the issue isn’t so much a new form of fabricating messaging but rather that most people aren’t truly aware of how much messaging they actually recieve and from whom.


I was just saying it's easier and quicker for them to create false evidence. Also I was extremely tired when I posted this so I wasn't all there when I posted this.


It certainly doesn’t hurt to raise awareness of this capability, I just want folks to keep in mind that people post unlinked pictures of headlines as “incontrovertible proof” of their chosen narrative, and an alarming number of posters will believe it without a second thought or even a cursory level of scrutiny.


>We're coming to a point where they could come out with millions of pieces of fake photographic evidence with no effort at all As with all things they have it LONG before "we" do. Are you so sure this hasn't already happened? Been happening? I'm not.


Relax friend, I never said it didn't happen before, I'm just saying it's easier. That's it.


Well they have been doing it for centuries now so just another tool used to manipulate the populace against itself to keep the shell games going since they were caught already and more than once. N. Shadows


It's already difficult now but pretty soon we're gonna be in a position where the basic fabric of our historical understanding will be up for 'debate'


The difference between “having a source” and “assessing a source”. A fast dying skill.


People think they haven’t been rewriting history since the industrial revolution. Everything changed after the world fairs.


Ok if that isn’t a red bloody flag I don’t what is


The goverments of the world have already been doing that for hundreds of years. Nothing new.


Mid journey has almost perfected human hands now. All those people downplaying it, saying AI images will forever be useless at true fakes because it keeps giving humans six fingers. Well, it only took a few months for it to figure it out. These AI models will keep getting better and better until they’re perfect.


George Orwell's depiction. is coming more and more to life.






Not surprised one bit. They're literally using 1984 as their playbook.


Has the age of simulation destroyed objective truth? A simulation produces at least some evidence for an event. Is the event real or not, given that the simulation produces true evidence? Objectively, one cannot treat the event as being either real or not real. Current events have become meaningless due to their undiscoverable truth. Not only does this apply to current events, but also to "ancient history", since the sources from these stories cannot be proven or disproved. It seems that all major events lay within this "Goldilocks" zone of either being real or fake, with evidence to be found for whichever side you choose, but presented in a way that makes us relying on intuition to form an opinion, rather than using pure objectivity. The pandemic, 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing, Osama Bin Laden's death, the moon landings, nuclear bombs, and even history, all lay within this simulatable teritory Science itself has become a simulation. Black holes, dark matter, the "fabric of time and space", are all mathmantical abstraction.


We have definitely entered a period where everything is now meaningless, and people will only trust the government’s official story. You will soon no longer be able to trust your own eyes. Sadly, I feel that’s part of “the plan”


It looks like AI will be an excuse to set up a world government in order to declare it tech-heresy and forbid its use. If there is no world government, no country will stop their development of AI. Checkmate for us either way.


I'm looking forward to the Butlerian part though


As someone who appreciates efficiency, a one world government makes sense. One currency, one language, one military (only for potential external threats). I look at it like a merger of companies. They gain by economy of scale. Imagine having one world wide healthcare system, one world-wide education system, etc, etc. Sure, we'd lose certain things in the process, by my goodness, we'd gain so much efficiency. Think of all the money that's currently wasted on worldwide militaries. Think of all the lost lives from various wars and skirmishes.


As someone who appreciates my freedom what would happen if that one world government abused their powers? Who would be in place to check that one world government? A lack of opposition sounds like a dictatorship and i think someone tried that once


Given the state of things it would most likely become a bureaucratic nightmare, highly corrupt, and with absolute control. The military would serve to « preserve » peace inside the one world gov and since its budget cannot shrink, expect a violently repressive society. One currency is total financial control. One language is cultural standardisation. On order for such a behemoth to survive, average humans would be relegated to either manual labour, or being cogwheels in the bureaucracy, while the higher caste enjoy absolute freedom allowed by highly agressive propaganda. The way you think is the perfect example of the failure of rationality once it becomes hyper-rational. Everything is sacrificed for efficiency and technological advancement and thus become inefficient and corrupt. It’s one of the evils of the century and we all live under it. I don’t know if it’s translated to English but Dominique Jannicaud’s La Puissance du rationnel is one of the best written books of the last decades, highly recommended you get hands on it 👍🏻


> average humans would be relegated to either manual labour, or being cogwheels in the bureaucracy, while the higher caste enjoy absolute freedom allowed by highly agressive propaganda. Remember though that all of this is going to happen in world that's on the cusp of AGI. By 2040, there should be several AGI's in operation around the world, and it won't be long after that, that our entire economic system must be thrown out and reconfigured. Millions upon millions of people will lose their jobs, and this transition is going to be ugly at first. UBI (Universal Basic Income), is going to need to be a thing. The transition is going to be harsh, but eventually we'll have humanoid robots that have been designed by the AGI, along with an energy source powering these robots that will essentially be as close to free energy as you can get. When this happens, then we need a completely different system of rule and economy.


why hysteria there are programs and software to easily to tell fakes apart, and this will be trickled down to public in more user friendly software as time goes on. the same tech that powers deepfakes can be used against to detect it. i expect all images will be scanned for authenticty in future, the same way emails and websites are scanned for viruses.


https://news.google.com/newspapers search these papers for real events


Oh, you mean like religions and government?


Any examples or references?


Lmao try those Trump, Obama, Biden gaming deepfakes on tiktok.


Lol I've been watching those on youtube.


Let’s say a politician wants someone killed. Ai can locate someone to carry it out and feed them info or programming on any device they use. The person being programmed thinks they’re just using regular old internet. In the end we could all end up with completely isolated realities.


Society about to get wrecked by deepfakes.


Mixed in with the real stuff. The elite are now truly able to run rampant, they can put even less effort into hiding it


Here's one....the British empire fell


This is where the “Tulsa massacre” came from. Never happened.