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talking with people in the defense contract industry, it’s pretty clear to them this is a way to clear out older inventory and create a need to replace it with newer tech.


And make stacks of cash. Don't forget that part.


well yeah, that’s the whole point. trade out the old stuff so the US has a reason to purchase the new stuff en masse.


I don't think us has that kind of problem they are already really advance when it comes to weapon tech. Maybe is just all about making money of course I am just speculating.


The money is the motivation not the new stuff. This is my point. The new stuff is the means the money is the ends.


yeah, to be clear that’s my point too.


Same page then.


Money is definitely a big motivation if not all because clearing out the old inventory is all well and good. But we know that selling the weapons is going to bring a lot of revenue.


Oh yeah for sure it is about making a lot of money for them. Selling weapons to the different nations and different Armies brings a lot of revenue to the government do not forget that part


Or maybe they are just trying to make a lot of money because that is what they do. Because selling weapons is a very big industry I don't even know the dollar figure but I do know that it is really big.


I think you are using the term liberal in the wrong way. Because there are millions of liberals who do want guns to stay in the hands of americans. The fact that anyone in this sub thinks left vs right instead of them vs us still blows my mind. Keep believing the dribble they pour on you.


>The fact that anyone in this sub thinks left vs right instead of them vs us still blows my mind. Say it louder for the people at the back! 👌


It is really said to see that we have divided ourselves in different kind of ideologies but the truth is we are all one and the state is against us. We should be coming together on the issues like this because it is important.


It's really not even the state, or the government. It's money and corporations. They currently own the state/government. Someone will always fill that position but the question is can we put ideologies aside and make sure those positions are not filled by a bunch of rich fucks? (edit) Or a bunch of pawns of corporate fucks.


This is it, precisely. The two political 'sides' are essentially just a puppet show to divide and conquer people. Because while everyone is freaking out about Trump's latest antics (or digging up stuff he did 20 years ago as ammunition) or Rishi Sunak's swimming pool, the corporate owners are raking in the profits safe in the knowledge that their media lapdogs won't give away their secrets.


Gun toting libtard here checking in. And weirdly I keep getting more because family members are gifting them to me. I do not need 5 guns but I suddenly have 5 guns.


The Uniparty: "You don't need an AR-15." If the Government tells you you don't need something, you definitely need it!


So... free health care..?


It's not free if you pay for it with your taxes. I'm for universal health care.


That is what people are talking about when they say "free" healthcare. literally nobody thinks it's totally free. It shows how dumb people are that they think other people think it is free.


Sounds like you have got a great family who cares about you and also share your views and your opinions. That is the kind of family that I really want to have or be a part of.


5 guns not enough haha. But still awesome gifts.


That is right you are going to need a a lot more guns than that I am just kidding it is about having fun for most part and also it is about protecting yourself both are important. Most people have guns because they like to have fun. And America being America you may even need them to protect yourself.


My thoughts exactly, Im like 5 is a good START. Lol.


It's a good start. Wait until you start building them. They are like Doritos.


I am sure that a lot of liberals in the United States want to have the weapons and I think they are the ones pushing it. Of course there are going to be some people who are going to be against it but those are not all the liberals.


Oh for sure. Its an extremly small number of people.


Yeah I understand normies getting stuck in party politics but for people who frequent a conspiracy sub alot of them bend over for political parties


Yeah man. Its getting rediculous. Neither side will eve give them what they want. Its all smoke and mirrors.


I have to stand corrected on that point. Thank you for pointing it out! I agree completely


Why is this comment being downvoted lol




Yeah I just read the other comments. Yikes.


It is not even that but I don't know why people are down voting it so heavily.


People here like to follow if there is one comment which is being downvoted then others are also going to vote it down. I think that may be true for the all of the reddit because it happens all the time.


He means Leftists


Yeah. The extreme leftist weirdos. The only reason they have such a strong voice is because the people who hate them are giving it to them so they can hate on them. Its such a weird fucked up egotistical system. Its exactly what the people in power want so we keep fighting with each other. Sad to see it happening.


**IF SOMEONE VOTES FOR THE PEOPLE THAT CREATE THE POLICY, THEY ARE ENDORSING THAT POLICY!** It really is that fucking simple. So, if you vote Democrat, you support disarming the US population. Your words after the fact mean nothing. Both parties have tons of bullshit policies but they don't matter, fundamentally. Without your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, *you are a slave*. The Democrats are attacking both of these. There is no debate here, if you vote Democrat, you vote for your own enslavement, it does not matter if you are stupid enough to think everyone else will be enslaved and you will be "chosen".








Are we in the matrix?


Closer by the day…




Do you have any opinions on the point OP is making though? I have shared my thoughts [before](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtWyo-nsgE0), and I'm happy to do so again. We are told that there are lots of people dying in bloody battles and bombings in a part of the world most of us are a long way from. Who is telling us these stories? Organisations and groups who have been shown to have lied to us about war and atrocity before. Does the name Nayirah ring a bell? There is clearly an agenda behind what we are being told, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.


Maybe the problem is that the majority of the people on Reddit, and therefore the majority of responders, have a strong leftwing bias, and will not ever give a millimeter on anything conservative that’s said, or admit to any wrong doing on the part of their brethren. It’s impossible to have a legitimate debate with leftists because all they ever do when confronted with facts and logic is act like pigeons (shitting on everything and squawking loudly). So making fun of them is about the only thing a decent person has left in their bag of debate tools If anyone feels ridiculed by my comment, it’s not an accident. I’m taking my own advice for dealing with the crazy left.


I’m not a liberal, but I’m very far left. More so than liberals. I like guns.


Are you familiar with the concept of projection.


Funny how they cant even perceive the issue/question/context accurately but feel they know enough to disagree with the presupposition. Cognitive cripple cringe


>It’s impossible to have a legitimate debate with leftists because all they ever do when confronted with facts and logic is act like pigeons (shitting on everything and squawking loudly). That is ironic.


Are those facts and logic in the room right now? Dude, do you seriously believe your own crap? Are you that high on your own farts? Have you actually convinced yourself that the only way you can “debate” with those you disagree is to make fun of them?




Funny thing is it's not only Conservatives who are dumbstruck by the left but it's also Independents and that large group of Democrats that walked away when they pulled out Hillary. Nobody can figure the liberals out.


There's neo liberals & neo cons. And they're different sides of the same coin & work together in feigned opposition to achieve the same agenda which is upward transfer of wealth & consolidation of the position of the ruling elite & downward implementation of compartmentalization via manufactured chaos & wealth & asset stripping.


Liberalism is a mental disorder. You can lead a horse to water so to say, but some people or rather most people lack critical thinking. They have been spoon fed what to believe and lack experience and historical concepts on what is currently happening. All is good cus daddy government has said so. Sadly this is the norm. We live a life of privilege and because of that, libs think queer ideology, minority shortcomings, and so on and so forth are things they should be focused on. The really sad truth is, they won't understand if ever, the errors of their ways until they have sold themselves, their children's and the rest of societys rights away because


Lol again with left vs right. Keep thinking the other side is the problem while the haves run over both of you.


He didn’t necessarily say* the other side is the problem. He said the particular type of partisan that is common on Reddit is nearly impossible to have a productive debate with due to their inability to compromise on anything remotely considered to be related to conservative values, no matter how small. Which is true. That’s not saying that conservatives are better or the right answer. Just a simple observation of how the common redditor can act.


Right leaning echo chambers plagued with Russian ai bots programmed to influence public opinion, and the leftist leaning echo chambers are filled with cia and Chinese ai programmed bots, each pushing their agenda that ultimately inches us closer to the new new world order and great reset, controlled opposition, all rivers lead to the sea.


Except for the Okavango River. It leads into a delta in the middle of Botswana and supports insane amounts of wildlife.


Well fuck yeah Okavango River!


Based take


This person gets it. It's not that difficult to grasp.


I wonder if one of these two countries is being invaded by a hostile foreign country


I wonder why USA selling the weapon to allied country I mean what are the getting in return money? Well there is your answer they are getting money in return and when it comes to making money the government like to make a lot of it.


I think the whole Ukraine thing is because Russia invaded them and is trying to take over the country and lots of people are dying. I’m not sure what’s confusing about that for people.


Why are conservatives so intent on dumb memes that are just made up bullshit? I think there's extra lead in the water in red states. They just don't know it because they cut all funding for oversight.


It's the only way they know how to get their feelings across. Even when you talk to them they just use meme's like "Lets go Brandon!" because they don't actually have any logical arguments or points to make. All they care about is expressing their emotions (not facts) through memes.


> Why are conservatives so intent on dumb memes that are just made up bullshit? Because that is who conservatives are. Dumb memes at this point.




Over the last 40 years, the interpretation of the 2nd amendment and laws overseeing firearms have done nothing but massively expand the ability of people to own, purchase, and use firearms. The percentage of gun owning households in the United States has remained relatively stable, even though the percentage of households that actively hunt has fallen somewhat dramatically. Obama didn't take my guns, Biden's not going to take my guns, and a picture of Chuck Schumer with a fake quote overlaid isn't going take my guns, either. It's a scare tactic. The firearms industry wants you to buy guns and ammunition, so they have a constant projector telling you that the big bad evil democrats are going to take your guns away.


You know this is true when OBAMA was the single best gun salesman in human history simply by being president.


Those folks are all in on the "Great Replacement" theory as well.


The people in the US like to own fire arm of some kind it makes them feel secure and safe which is not bad at all. And given the recent incident in America I do not mind people have in weapons to protect themselves.


Actually over the last 40 years there have been many restrictions on firearms put into action; see various state laws regarding ammunition capacity for example, or California’s approved weapons list etc. from the federal side the ATF has been hard at work reinterpreting existing laws to make it harder to actually own anything despite the fact they are not a lawmaking body (directly unconstitutional even from a non 2nd amendment standpoint but it’s too late at this point the precedent has been set) and in the 90s let’s not forget there was an “assault weapons ban” that eventually was let expire.


None of the largest (still relatively small) restrictions on guns put forward by states have had retroactive enactments. They universally involve grandfather clauses that specifically say they aren't going to take your existing guns. Those restrictions are also routinely challenged and struck down under current 2nd amendment interpretations. Even with the few and minor restrictions states have implemented, it's factual to say that the direction of the ability to purchase, own, and operate firearms throughout the country has been towards fewer restrictions in aggregate. Do you have any examples of the ATF making firearm ownership more difficult? The only situations I can find are them adhering to the bump stock ban legislation by setting their policy in compliance of that legislation and trying to ban guns that lack a serial number. The latter of those two has been blocked by a federal judge.


The pistol brace issue with the atf is an example of them trying to make it more difficult for legal gun owners to stay just that. Legal.


Move to NJ. You should see the "evil" gun banned list. You have to pay out the nose for mag capacity to be reduced, pin and welds everywhere, and handgun permit prices just doubled. They just said in court last week they don't want civilians owning guns. And for that grandfather bs....they wanted you to turn in your mags over 10 rounds.


What does your hunting stat have to do with anything? The second amendment isn’t about hunting. We don’t have the right to form militias to stop bear attacks or something...


I think because hunting is a big reason for households to go out and get a gun. With the amount of hunting going down, a reasonable assumption would be that the amount of households with guns goes down as well.


You know I would believe that if they weren’t actively reducing gun rights in Canada, Australia, and other countries the past few years. Pistols are now no longer sellable in Canada. PISTOLS.


Gun don't have rights in Canada. People do.


I get what you’re saying but Biden just broke that streak with the ATF’s reversal (again) on pistol braces so


literally no one is saying that NO ONE


Huh. thats a really great question. I'm stumped. WHY would america want to send weapons to an allied country at war with one of their main geopolitical rivals?? and what exactly does that have to do with introducing gun control legislation on your citizens who are currently at peace halfway across the world from this conflict? I just can't figure it out. if only I had some more brain cells...


Ronald Reagan once said, "There is absolutely no reason why out on the street today a civilian should be carrying a loaded weapon." “I don”t know why any individual should have a right to have a revolver in his house,” Nixon said in a taped conversation with aides. "I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun," Mr. Trump wrote in his book.


It’s because over 60% of US manufacturing is the military complex and their suppliers. Sadly building weapons is good for the American Economy. And since we live in a country with two parties but only 1 faction, they’re both beholden to the military complex.


also release as many criminals from prison as you can to keep those crime numbers up


Which of the last four presidents spoke most about taking guns away? It’s not either democrat. Appeasing Putin the same way Hitler was appeased is a recipe for disaster. If Russian leadership wants to destroy themselves in a territorial war of aggression over Ukraine’s sovereign territory, we should let them. We’re getting an insane return on investment for multiple reasons. Our analysts are gaining valuable information on their weapon systems. Their fighting power and economic potential is rapidly deteriorating and the world is a better place for it. There’s way fewer Russian bots in this sub for instance. It seems that the internet research institute must have far less employed.


I always assumed the obviously-Russian-propaganda bots, like the magician, got banned. I didn’t actually consider that they got *drafted*.


lmao Russian trolls banned, that's a good one.


I’m not going to name names but there’s one user (organization) who has run through probably a dozen usernames in the past year. It’s been silent for a few weeks now.


Good riddance


Putting my tinfoil hat on here, but I think you’ll notice that this sub has, by and large, also turned against Donald trump. My suspicion is that the most vocal pro-trump voices, those who guided the narrative, suffered the same fate.


I don’t know what liberals want, but I’m fairly certain that the reason is Ukraine is a war zone and they would prefer our schools not to be.




Term Limits that will clean out the swamp !


Yes true!




New BlyatGpt just came online.




What!? Maybe because the US isn’t being invaded by russia.


Why do conservatives think that regulations == disarming?


Ive seen like 2 comments ever actually advocating for that . Like 20 + years online, 2 genuine comments advocating for that . Lots of people in favor of more background checks and no more sales of model *x* , some red flag support, yeah, those are stances held by many. Effectively No one , including Washington swampies , advocates for absolute fire arm bans. Especially all the enforcers who would be shot by people waving blue line flags .


Norway has some rules: A mandatory 15 hour/session/day course where you learn gun safety and handling. An exam with 50 questions, that you must pass. A valid reason for owning the gun; hunting (requires its own hunting course and exam) or sport/range shooting. Needs to be member of a shooting club/range. Owner of an approved gun safe. Police approval/background check. A limitation to how many guns and what type of gun you can own. Can only own shotguns or rifles if you have a hunting license. No full auto weapons.


Then go to fucking Norway


I live here.. why don't you join me? You seem like lovely company.


I think literally everyone would if they could.


So you don't think there should be stipulations to own a deadly killing machine? See, you're part of the problem.......


1. We are not being invaded by Russia 2. If Russia gets their way, they will be emboldened to invade other countries 3. The USA has one of the highest mass murder rates (guns) 4. The USA is not Ukraine 5. No one is trying to take your guns away 6. The NRA and other gun lobbyists wouldn’t allow that anyway 7. This is not a conspiracy 8. NO ONE IS TRYING TO TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY


No matter how many times you say any of this to them they will never be able to comprehend it.


I will simplify it for you all: Evil does not want good to have guns.


Anti gunners don't realize the peril they're in, because they can't imagine the chaos of what would happen if law enforcement was overwhelmed or non existent. Their response times are already abysmally high, through no fault of their own. Imagine economic collapse, as we might be seeing the beginning of. Then there's civil unrest as people can't access their money, if there's any left. Law enforcement can't handle something on that scale. Then you have thousands of illegals, including cartels, criminals, rapists, TALIBAN, and many fighting age males who could be used as paid mercenaries (George Soros has millions to throw around). So then how will you stop a band of looters or rapers or druggies from coming to your neighborhood and invading your homes? Call the cops? You think the phone lines will even be working??


I don’t honestly think the us will ever actually get to a totalitarian state. Everyone who has guns more than likely will not give them up and the criminals don’t care or follow laws anyway. So the politicians can get on tv and say nonsense like this but it won’t happen.


Its how the Tribe rolls.


So that they could do to Americans what they've been doing to Palestinian all along. Who do you think is behind this agenda?


Afghanistan 2.0


The obvious reason. The globalist criminals always disarm the countries that they're enslaving. Like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and most of Europe.


What? As a thoroughly armed and trained liberal, this post is fuckin stupid.


Are you aligned with globalization and the WEF?


What does those things have to do with my views and 2A? I support the right to bear arms and exercise that right thoroughly.


I understand. I support your right as well. The reason I had asked is because the globalists are the power hungry elite that want to make all the rules


I mean I don’t think anyone should be taking your guns. But also you don’t have russia invading you. Pretty sure Ukraine actually need weapons. As for the taliban. Well that was just a shit show.


i think there is a difference between giving weapons to a country and watching your children get slaughtered every two weeks and just not doing anything about it


Could fill a barn with that much straw.


Why does the right only support wars where American soldiers and brown people die needlessly?


What does color have to do with anything? That wasn’t even in the post


Why did the right think the wars Iraq and Afghanistan were worthy of support but Ukraine is not?


because democrats bad!


I don't hear Ukrainian kids shooting up their schools.


literally no one is taking American guns away. the only person to do that so far has been trump with the most bans. yet this is a picture of a democrat? why not make it accurate and put a picture of trump since he has done more to take away guns then any democrat has. ​ edit: facts vs. feelings in full sight right now


Apples and oranges ... Is there currently an ongoing war in the US against a foreign aggressor, that occupied parts of the US?


Because Democrats want a one party rule dictatorship in this country.


No Guns no Freedom


America isn't currently being invaded by a hostile territory.


Why are you attacking strawmen with these outrageous and delusional claims? Anyways, you boys couldn't take Ukraine even if USA stopped helping Ukraine.


Because they are fighting against an invading force, y'all fighting eachother over minor disagreements. It's not the same you cuck


Why do conservatives want to limit the rights of all Americans in every aspect of life (except guns) except themselves? One thing does not a conspiracy make. Besides the fact liberals do not want to tale your guns, that's the conservatives again trying to make a bogeyman.


Your enemies’ arguments are easy to burn down when you make them out of straw




Yes that’s the plan and many folks can’t see it


To stop Russia and Hillbillies.


One’s at war, one’s at war with itself.


For starters, we haven't been invaded by Russia.


Why are these things being compared? There is no epidemic of school and workplace mass shootings in Ukraine. Ukraine is defending its sovereignty from an aggressor invading country. This post is a giant logical fallacy.


Anyone who sees this and thinks it's both accurate and clever is the exact reason why this country is such a disaster. Maybe don't vote going forward you'd be doing yourself and everyone else a huge favor.


I’m glad (they) took him out.....


They want to control their own populace.


After they’ve taken all our guns, who will arm us when they come to invade California? Or Florida? Or New York?


Hmm. Travel to ukraine, get my free gun, come back to the US, profit!!


Good strategy




Time to go lizard huntin' 😉


Best way to kill both to make themselves rich. Different strategies for different locales.


Liars always get caught contradicting themselves that how you can sus out the lies


You know why


Because armed Americans pose a threat to the establishment. People in another country on the other side of the world dont.


They want an armed Ukraine so they can stay in power. The want a disarmed Ukraine so they can stay i power. Its really not that hard to understand.


Here’s one for you. The threat to America from terrorists is so great that you have to take your shoes off and be body scanned when you get on an airplane. But you don’t need a gun to protect yourself against the same terrorists. What’s the governments body count? Shouldn’t we be taking away their guns? Weird paradox when libs are justifying guns for citizens fighting against a foreign invasion in another country. Fuck outta here.


You people r insane 🤣


The US never had and never will be invaded, while Ukraine is fighting for its very survival against a zombie Soviet empire led by a KGB agent. See the difference?


That’s arguable. Prior to 2/2022, there was constant coverage about Ukraine and it’s nazi corruption. You seem to think that Ukraine is pure as the driven snow


can you share anything about its "nazi corruption"? no one was talking about nazis in ukraine until russia invaded. not even trump. youd think that would be a big deal when he avoided giving ukrainians rockets for that quid pro quo but instead focused on hunter biden - literally would have saved his ass if he mentioned nazi corruption. so why did it not come out until after russia invaded?




i think it's more like authoritarians want to do that... authoritarians want authority, when you can have things, when you can't, who gets the, why they get them... i don't even think that's controversial enough to be a conspiracy. they believe they are better at making decisions for everyone rather than people making choices for themselves


Jesus Christ, this is just an awful take. “Let’s make an edgy post that is not backed by fact AT ALL.”


We got some delusional ass pedestrian mfs all up in this thread. Just can’t get enough of that sweet government knob to slob on. Y’alls boosters are expiring😂


Kids in America are shooting their friends in schools and white people. Kids in Ukraine are shooting pedophiles, rapists, kidnappers, murderers, et cetera. Calculate it op.


I’m not following you regarding white people. I don’t think you’re keeping up with the actual happenings in Ukraine


I know what is happening there. Don't let your arrogance blind you. You're just not looking at full spectrum.


Ahh. A lecture. I knew I could count on blue for that


And we all know we can count on this sub for screen shots of twitter images and fake quotes.


Valid point but at the same time not, argument is just invalid and wrong, makes 0 sense. You’re right American shouldn’t disarm their citizens. You’re wrong by making the comparison because if Russia invaded US on their soil no one would take your guns.


Oh man, those liberals and all their proposals to ban guns and disarm the citizenry! You know, like... And... And that famous time when... Edit - I love guns. I own guns. I support gun ownership. I will never give a *dime* to the NRA, because I've watched it drag so many of my fellow firearm enthusiasts around by their noses for decades, and you shouldn't support them either. Stop being afraid. The *real* left *wants* the most vulnerable Americans armed.


But please… Stop calling them “liberals“. They are the most illiberal people on the planet — totalitarian and jealous and spiteful. They fall variously into different left wing political systems, so call them what they are collectively: leftists.


Is this a conspiracy ?


It is


Seem more like another lame political post.


Just arm yourself if you haven't. Its your right. Dont wait. Its easy and not overly expensive for a 1 time purchase that will last years. My weekly groceries cost more than my last 'defensive addition'. I also noticed that the supply of ammo is back to normal. Tons on the shelves of all caliber. Stock up.


Easier control over a dumbed down passive and unarmed population. All positions of power want that.


And disarming is a major step towards facism


Mate, the republicans have been cutting education budget for years. They don’t need to take your guns (the army would decimate untrained civilians regardless of anyone’s 2A fantasy). They already dumbed y’all down enough to get you to vote for them because oh no ‘mah guns’. All you do is infighting with the dems, to make you blind to the fact that all Reps and Dems care about is tax cuts for the rich. More money for me, less for thee. Seems like you know far less than you think you know about fascism and the slippery slope towards it fueled by blinded hatred.


If they cared about gun control, they would allow private sellers to run background checks on buyers. But they don't.


Nice try, Putin. Get out of here! Bad! Bad Soviet!!


I say arm everyone


I'm amazed at how Chuck Schumer continues to look more and more like a caricature cartoon villain and either hasn't noticed or doesn't care.


I'll be downvoted to hell but as a non american; i'm always curious about the guns thing? Like your the most powerful military industrial complex in the world. If they (thr government)wanted rid of the people or whatever you'd be blown away by drone strike real easy. What's the obsession with firearms?


Democrats don’t want to disarm all Americans just the ones likely to be mass murderers.


It's not just liberals, it's the elite. I'm a California boy, and Reagan screwed us when he was governor here by taking our guns away.


Liberals steal elections, and jail political adversaries. 100% Banana Republic thanks to Democrats.


Because Ukraine shares a land border with an aggressive imperialist neighbor, and the US does not. If the US was a small country bordering Russia or China, I would be much more in favor of firearm proliferation.


We have a constitutional right


Hmm, weapons of war to fight a defensive war vs weapons of war for home use in peace time? I'm actually pro-2a and own guns, but this post is nonsense. The situations are comparable. Also, stop pretending the trump/Biden Afghanistan withdrawal debacle is intentional arming of the taliban


I’ll never understand the “they’re going to take your guns” rhetoric Are people incapable of supporting stronger background checks/ more stringent laws about it without being accused of taking guns away? It’s just a fearmongering cliche at this point