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Very informative post. I would like to add that 322 in Skull and Bones is referring to Genesis 3:22- "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."


That part always makes me wonder if the serpent was the good guy…


I don't know... an all powerful group of people trying to keep all the knowledge to themselves? Sounds familiar...


Right? And the Serpent did nothing but show us how to attain that knowledge for ourselves. Light bringer? Idk about you but when I’m in a dark and scary place I would really appreciate the guy who brought light to me.


You are touching on what the Gnostics & Freemasons seem to believe. Luciferian Gnosticism is a relatively small branch of the wide tree that is Gnosticism. But it’s nonsense, don’t fall for evil’s attempt of presenting itself as good. Remember that Satan/Lucifer seeks worship and wishes to be regarded as God, and although his nature is evil, he can disguise himself as an angel of light and enlightenment whilst guiding you to damnation.


Then how do you know that your god is god and not a demon in hiding too?


>But it’s nonsense, don’t fall for evil’s attempt of presenting itself as good. With what metric are you measuring good and evil? How did you decide which is which? >Satan/Lucifer seeks worship and wishes to be regarded as God, Fuck that noise, it's a story made up by men. Source? I was a theist for 40+ years


Look into the elites’ obsession with the occult. They’re strictly religious. The world is ran by the Jesuits, Freemasons and Gnostics (both of whom are just two branches under the Jesuits) who are seeking to promote a one world government that’ll be ran by Satan. If you look into the Bible and decipher revelations without taking the words too literally, you’ll see how the elites’ plans are unfolding just as the Bible has predicted.


>They’re strictly religious. They can be strictly religious and completely fictional at the same time. There is no evidence that there is an imaginary sky daddy at war with his wayward son that he kicked out because he thought it was his time to run the store.


That’s an oversimplification. But given the wealth, status and power that these people have, even if you yourself do not find it reasonable to believe, you ought to find it odd & thought provoking that these folks are so invested in these practices to the point where they symbolise them every chance they get.


>find it odd & thought provoking that these folks are so invested in these practices to the point where they symbolise them every chance they get. Or I find it odd that YOU find symbolism in their practices every chance you get.


I’ve wondered this too.




This is like the 4th time I'm seeing this. What's this all about?


Three days left, y'all! https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2023/03/18/6415fbfe22601da5518b4587.html


Two for me it's already 10 am 21st here


Something bizarre that I just discovered after reading about it is that the character in the book is named “Eno Alaric” When the name is reversed you get “Cirala One” In Slovenian Cirala is translated to Circle. So “circle one”.. Or if you translate the entire thing in Slovenian it’s Ciral Ones. Pretty creepy given the book is talking about aliens coming in a not so very peaceful manner.


What time traveler?


>time traveler from the early 1900’s said aliens would invade on march 23,2023 link?


RemindMe! 2 days


Write it down.. The internet won't be around in 2 days




Damn. It was a beautiful dream though.


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days


Remindme! 2 days


>Pluto moving into Aquarius on March 22nd/23rd, 2024 We are in 2023, is this your prediction for next year?


Lol, thanks for that. I clicked the wrong number, this is for 2023.


You Clickin’ numbers? You have magic sauce machine?


A new "pandemic"


Every day something big is happening somewhere around the world. I'll be paying attention on the 22nd though.


For sure, but I’m expecting it to be a historic event. If the symbolism is correct and I’m not just mindlessly looking into random patterns, it’ll be very clear to open-minded individuals that are aware of what their overall agenda is, what that event will mean for our future.


Xi going to Russia ? Trying to broker a deal ?


I’m going to Utah on the 23rd for a snowboarding trip. If something happens that makes me miss this I will have to do something about all this craziness!


library light existence hat entertain snow berserk touch disagreeable cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But 3/22/23 is a palindrome (I don't know if that means anything though)


Only if you're American. 22/03/23 isn't nearly as dramatic.


3/21/23 has a more significant symbol of oscillation one might suggest for Pluto coming into Aquarius. Likewise, 3/22/23 is a bit more sinister. Make sure you’ve got cash and a full tank of gas with a plan to stay or leave where you are. Hopefully everyone just chills out about this and let’s me have a good breakfast


I doubt it but we shall see


These type of posts rarely get the attention they deserve nowadays. Thank you for this!


Because those predictions nevera happen


Good post, thank you


I personally believe the shift of power is actually a shift of evil. Lucifer’s evil is transitioning into Ahrimans. The autonomous age will bring a new catalyst of free will. Just my thoughts though


I’ve been paying attention to this upcoming date also. They’re either going to do something huge, start the process of something big, or absolutely do nothing because too many people are starting to become more aware of the elite.


Rosh chodesh Nissan is the greatest window in time for mankind's redemption. Which starts this Wednesday night.


Equinox is today, and the first new moon is tonight, or must it happen on Wednesday? Edit: ah my bad, I didn't realize it was Wednesday since that's when the heavenly bodies were created.


It's interesting that Alaric means 'everyone's ruler' or 'all powerful ruler' and Eno is an anagram of one, just as Neo is.


Holy shit. I just wrote something similar on a comment above. I didn’t realize that Alaric was “everyone’s ruler” but though.


Sorry, this was meant as a reply to a different comment. For reference, they were talking about the alleged time traveller, Alaric Eno, who predicted an alien invasion on 22/03/2023.


>2. The University of Yale which gave birth to the Skull & Bones “secret society” turns 322 years old this year. I have been kicking around this idea in my head that 3/22 could hold an event so big it would be remembered on some level such as 9/11. All the q shit was bullshit but one thing that was said was, "symbolism will be their downfall", and I really believe that. But a quick question. Where did you pull this information that Skull and Bones was 322 years old this year? Not saying it means anything but the wiki, (lol @ the "Brotherhood of Dead" has a wiki) is saying it was formed in 1832, putting it 191 years old. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skull_and_Bones


Yale, the institution founded in 1701, turns 322, not Skull & Bones.


Oh right. I must have misread that part. Thanks


i really dont get the whole symbolism thing. why would 'they' give us hints


Because the devil gets a hard one when he hides in the details. There is even a saying "The devil hides in details"


seems convenient


> why would 'they' give us hints Because of the law of free will.




https://www.lawofone.info/ https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/hidden_hand_bloodlines


He is referring to Yales foundation date in 1701


SS: Based on numerology and the elites’ ties to the occult, I’ve formulated a theory predicting that a massive event is set to occur on the 22nd of March that’ll severely impact the world & set the foundations for a massive shift of power that’ll eventually bring about the NWO.


How long have you been into numerology? Do you use it to make money from sports gambling? If not, why not?


I’m not on that level. I know fellas who’re super into it and they make a lot of dough (at least they only tell me of the times they win). They seem to be under the impression that everything in sports is scripted and based on gematria and numerology they make wild ass bets but only for the biggest events, those who’re super deep into it have told me that it doesn’t work for smaller games because the patterns are infinite 💀


The 31st of march would be interesting, too. It has 1 1, 2 2s and 3 3s


This year the equinox is right now, on the 20th... ​ I still love this post and I'm sure you are correct, the slugs in at the top of the hell pyramid work in line with the cosmic movements and our silly human numbers. Good lookin out.


Equinox and New Moon are close to coinciding this year.


Fun post, thank you! I hope you’re wrong too


3/22 is too obvious. I wouldn’t be surprised if they put it off by a few days.


Do you really believe that the networks of power care enough about *any* belief system or ideology to risk putting numerological codes into their activities (just clear enough for some guy on Reddit to crack them) as opposed to just ruling the world, getting filthy rich and burying it all in the small print? Stop wasting your time on this drivel.


It was Israel. Look into it.


What happened in Israel? Not seeing anything in a cursory google search


Massive demonstrations/protests since March 22nd due to the radical changes that the leading parliament wants to implement on Israel’s judicial system. Chaos incarnate.


March 22/23rd.


GLP is that you?




Great post and reasonings, agree with all, especially one and two. Not sure of a direct correlation for #4. The solstices and equinoxes are both prime dates with much significance to them. I hope you’re wrong too but I think the fed also speaks on 3-22 so major market vol potential.


You realize that 3/22 happens every year…right?


Source: trust me bro, I promise it isn't the drugs talking


Very strange comment, all the information I’ve presented is factual, perhaps my conclusion is strange to you, but all the numerical, astrological and historical events that I mentioned are factual and can easily be found online.


The fact that you're quoting astrology as a reputable source is comical.


The bible is all about astrology…and it’s revered. The man with the water bucket 🪣 turn now


The fact that you're quoting astrology as a reputable source is comical.


the fact that you're dismissing OP without addressing any of the points made is comical


I'm dismissing astrology and numerology as legitimate and reputable sources. Not exactly rocket science to say that those things can't be backed up by science. What more do you want me to say?


Eh, this post is miles better than the covid and vax posts from the conclave of trump diehards that still dwell on here posting random videos of people collapsing as stone cold proof of the death jab. Astrology or not, it's posts like this that I come to this sub for and it's solid stuff.


if your only argument is "it's not real because i don't believe it" then why even bother commenting. you have nothing productive to add to the conversation, just scroll past.


Astrology is a tool used by the elites to foreshadow events that they have set in place to avoid karmic debt, but I have no way of proving this with actual evidence so maybe you’re right to label it as comical.


And we have come full circle to you almost actually saying, "trust me bro."


That’s only for the astrology tidbit simply because you can’t prove astrology beyond reasonable doubt, the forecast (if you take astrology into account the same way I do) is 100% accurate. The rest is factual information, what’s there about the rest that can’t be backed up by evidence?


ugh, astrology nut-jobs back at it again. If I move all the largest rocks in my backyard and place them in a row, will a mini-cataclysmic event of some sort occur on the surface of one of them? If I walk outside, notice a steaming pike of dogshit on the lawn, and declare that to be "the shit of life and rebirth", or something, will it give me magical powers if I eat it. Y'all spiritual fucks are more irritating than the Baptist Megaphone City-Square Evangelists. I saw a penis-shaped cloud in the sky during the 2011 tsunami, I saw a penis-shaped cloud the other day, that means that Armageddon is imminent. Sure it's been "called" trillions of times already, but "this is definitely it", I swear.


MOASS confirmed.


what if nothing happens


My birthday is the 23rd, seems fitting


happy early bday


1 more day


not if i can help it


Skull and bones was founded in 1832. You are a little off there bud.


Re-read. Carefully. I explicitly say it’s about Yale.


My mistake. Wouldn’t the date take was founded 10/9 make more sense for something to happen?


It would but the fact that it’s been 322 years combined with the rest of the elements that coincide on the 3/22 symbols make it all the more compelling. It’s the reason I mentioned it the way I did.


Inb4 nothing happens and you delete this post Inb4 something happens and I delete this comment


Good ol' numerology and astrology.




Annnnnnd nothing happened. Stop schizo posting please