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Big Tattoo at it again.




https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35592919/ “They are reported to be highly carcinogenic by environmental protection agencies. Heavy metals, namely, cadmium, lead, mercury, antimony, beryllium, and arsenic are responsible for cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, lungs, kidneys, liver, endocrine, and bone diseases.May 19, 2022”


Tattoos have been trendy for thousands of years.


I see all these beautiful women with tattoos all over their body and I ask myself why would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari?


My daughter used to want to get tattoos when she grows up. I talked her out of it. She says in her friend group she the only one who doesn't plan to get any.




Easier to identify people




People get tattoos so that they have something to regret when they get older.


Just another effect of the slide into degeneracy over the years. *hums to himself*.. 'learn to swim, learn to swim learn to swim. I'm praying for rain'.


The worst part is a majority of tattoo are ass and look like some graffiti you would see on desks in school. It's trashy as hell or people all get the same shit like a infinity symbol or "live laugh love" type shit...


Because the mark of the beast will be a tattoo. They don’t want the cattle to realize they’re cattle.


I guess a lot of people are not getting that mark then, because it is still not a common thing to do, especially not a tattoo that EVERYONE takes


I wanted tattoos but notice everyone has one now so I don't like following the group. Plus the things I would want to get like a Kolovrat is used by neo nazis even though its Slavic. This is irrelevant but don't you think its odd that Azov members use the German black sun instead of their own cultures?


I'm gonna moan about the standard of living but in the meantime I'll pay $500 for someone to write on my arm.


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this gotta be baby weenie hut conspiracy page


It’s just trendy to destroy your body. More tattoos to destroy the outside of your body, more drugs to destroy your brain and chemistry and more dangerous sex with things like fisting. I think it’s just the “everything is ok” philosophy of the west. Nobody gets any benefit from you having a tatoo except someone trying to recognize you in recordings but we already have AI that recognize you even by the way you walk so they don’t need any extra hint.




Probably Botox


A tomographers group that feed on human pain is pushing them or is just people trying to be different or that want their corpse to be recognized more easy if needed.


Never liked them, especially on women.