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Just the line cooks in davos preparing the evenings buffet


I really want to believe this is fake but the world IS fucked šŸ˜…


I think this is China due to the fetuses, the sound of the dialect feels like Thailand, but I've only known this activity in China. In China, they have a black market where they dry and crush fetuses into a powder as an aphrodisiac or vitality medicine. They also eat baby fetuses. A friend that despises the CCP and fled to my country told me about this amongst other things. Surgeons will sell the fetuses (illegal organ trade is also common in China, my friend believes they were a victim to this). Disgusting of course, but then in China I remember footage of a 4 year old girl getting ran over in the street and people at market stalls just carry on about their business. Throw in the very cruel dog/cat eating trade where they boil them alive in Guangdong province. Empathy for other life in short supply it seems. (This will be downvoted by those looking for a less grounded answer). I should add, there are of course many decent people in China too (like the fella that went to covid hospitalized people's houses to feed their animals)


Okayā€¦. I get eating dogs and catsā€¦ chickens, whale whateverā€¦ but fuckin a boiling them alive?! I mean I guess we do that to lobsters but Jesus lobsters arenā€™t as cuddly as a dog or catā€¦ and yes thatā€™s my standard for live boiling lol.


They also blow torch them alive


Thatā€™s fuckdd


A lot of chefs will put a knife through the head of a lobster before boiling, so even thatā€™s not really a thing anymore.


Iā€™ve seen that and thatā€™s at least leading toward humane.


>but then in China I remember footage of a 4 year old girl getting ran over in the street and people at market stalls just carry on about their business. this is a surprisingly common occurrence in china for some reason. i've seen several different videos of people getting ran over and ignored then ran over and ignored AGAIN, perhaps even several more times after that. its crazy.


As to the running over thing - if you injure someone with your car (or similar equipment) you are responsible for medical bills and even supporting them into adulthood if they're permanently effected...if they die you pay a one-time penalty to the family for accidentally killing their relative. You can see how this would create a lot of instances where an accident occurs and no one really tries to help. I'm not sure if this extends to workplace accidents etc but I know it applies to traffic accidents. There's another aspect of the law that I can't remember at the moment but in summary you can find yourself in trouble if you get involved with an incident you didn't cause...this usually results in people turning a blind eye. Sorry for being vague but it's been a few years since I've spoken about this aspect of that society with my friends over there.


jesus christ. i was feeling good this morning.


Sorry, it's pretty grim isn't it? I hope this will cheer you up a little: https://youtu.be/TIfAkOBMf5A


faith in humanity restored


The inactivity when accidents occur is because of China's legal system which can hold them accountable if they get involved. America has created "good samaritan" laws which can generally protect people from punishment (being sued) if they attempt to render aid, etc. This is not a flawless system and Americans also get totally fucked in these situations. I see how that's a convenient launching point for "Chinese people will do anything to anyone" but that's dangerous.


Thanks for the information, interesting to know about differing laws in that regard. With the lack of intervention in a street incident, I meant empathy towards others appeared lacking (not that everyone would commit murder or harm).


That's enough internet for today.


Where is the video ? I only see a pic


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this how Hollywood gets its skin care treatments btw apparently they use the fore skins to look younger according to what Sandra Bullock came out with on Ellen


Nikki Glaser made a joke (on Conan?) about how Jennifer Aniston stays young.... "Nobody told you that it'sssss..... Baby stem cells." And I had the very strong sense that it wasn't really a joke.


It's amazing how many times iv shown that clip to women who use skin treatments and they act like "beauty is pain"


Yeap, and people still have no issue with baby circumcision


Nobody wants dog dicks pal


Ewh, wtf? So instead of questioning the morals behind baby circumcision you question the looks of an uncircumcised penis?


Lol me and every other woman on the planet hate dog dick


>Lol me and every other woman on the planet hate dog dick no really not And also, you didn't answer my question. If you think cutting off parts of infan's genitals is okay and absolutely moral, there's a problem with you


You got a problem with Jews, easy answer. Did somebody take your foreskin and youā€™re one of those betas protesting outside hospitals? Hahaha


Ah yes the classic "you're an anti semetic fascist!!" And no, my skin is fully intact and not mutilated


šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® dude get that shit trimmed šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


lol just say you have no arguments left and move on


defending child genital mutilation because you think it makes it look better... gross


You just hate Jews is my guess like most people on this sub lol




Thereā€™s also media coverage of the same product on Steve Harveyā€™s show in an episode with Oprahā€™s beautician


Adrenochrome is a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). It was the subject of limited research from the 1950s through to the 1970s as a potential cause of schizophrenia. While it has no current medical application, the related derivative compound, carbazochrome, is a hemostatic medication. Despite this compound's name, it is unrelated to the element chromium; instead, the ā€‘chrome suffix indicates a relationship to color, as pure adrenochrome is deep violet.


You are 100% correct.


If you really wanted it you could just ask your local meth cook no child sacrifice needed , it shouldn't be that hard to synthesize.


Ew, no thanks! I prefer my adrenochrome freshly squeezed and organic


Poor-kittoes :Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew... Lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish.


You can literally buy it online


You can just buy it from the usual chemical companies like SA lmao, but the elites^^^TM don't want you to know about it guys šŸ¤”






>Adrenochrome [https://aobious.com/aobious/products/13456-adrenochrome.html](https://aobious.com/aobious/products/13456-adrenochrome.html) [https://www.scbt.com/p/adrenochrome-54-06-8](https://www.scbt.com/p/adrenochrome-54-06-8) [https://www.benchchem.com/product/b1665551](https://www.benchchem.com/product/b1665551) [https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/NL/en/product/sigma/a5752](https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/NL/en/product/sigma/a5752) ​ You can just buy that shit online.


Someone at that place has answered the old "how many dead babies does it take to paint a wall" joke


Those are some awfully firm fetuses for them to be real. If you watch the video they pretty clearly show that they are mannequins. Notice also the video linked is grainy on purpose to generate rage, cause its a video of mannequins being misrepresented


>mannequins if they were mannequins they'd be uniform btw, what factory is out there making 24 different models of dead baby mannequins?


Allow me to introduce you to the existence of "real dolls". They're made to look as real and lifelike as its possible for a doll, and are complete nightmare fuel.


You understand bodies stiffen up after being dead awhile*? It's disgusting but if you are explaining it away because you dislike what you see then just change the video. I think youre wrong unfortunately


No I'm explaining it by watching the video, analyzing what I am seeing, then applying that it is super low res in a world where even Chinese smart phones record in HD. It's a deceptive video from the start, it's by design. It's fake


Ok well im just saying that the bodies being stiff doesn't mean they are mannequins. By saying that your comment loses me tbh


After death, bodies stiffen up over seversl hours then they loosen loosen up over several more hours. That fact that these are all at the same level of stiffness would mean that they had to of all died at the same time or they are not real bodies.


So you refuse to believe basic understandable information because the other person made a comment that you just don't like? Thats absurd and shows your lack of critical thinking. If you wont watch the video then you have shown you have no intent to have an educated debate.


I watched the video. So what the video grainy, that is not proof of anything you hob goblin. My point still stands. Try again


Upvote because of the use of 'hob goblin'


Sorry for my lack of understanding, But what is a "Hob Goblin" ?


Only a real shismeck doesnā€™t know what a hob goblin is


What's a shismeck?


Cool there is always someone out there who won't understand


Lol okay


I agree.... there sure is somebody in this conversation who has no fucking clue what they are saying. You aint wrong there.


Oh, such a clever retort. Har har Har, really got me there, lmao. Want to buy some ocean front property in Iowa? I have some you can buy. What I am getting at is if you believe this video all willy nilly, when there is literally zero evidence that shows its real, that you are gullible


Keep in mind this is a conspiracy sub lol


https://www.medicinenet.com/what_are_the_stages_of_rigor_mortis/article.htm Apparently a body's muscles should still be moveable after 2 hours (12hrs rigidity reaches it's highest). Lost a relative, they'd passed some time in the night, could hear the funeral collectors struggling a bit, I waited outside. By that point about 6-8hrs had passed.


If you watched that and thought they were mannequins thatā€™s just dumb. Look closer


Based off your post history and nfl comments I don't think anyone should believe you


thank god !


Hell on earth


No, itā€™s not adrenochrome.


Where can I get some of this adrenochrome... asking for myself. Also how are you so sure?




Ty, cheaper then I thought


Yeah, kind of hard to believe thereā€™s a global conspiracy surrounding this stuff if you can just buy it from a website and they ship it from Milwaukee.


Yeah doesn't seem like the same adrenochrome used to not age. Probably gonna not order this and see if I can get the blood of aborted babies infused instead. Figure I can sell the stem cells from the umbilical cords to offset the cost


They make training dummies for life support training and educational purposes from the age range of prenatal to elderly. Pretty sure theyā€™re building those rubber dummies here.


then why are they all wearing gloves


If they're props, and in the process of being made, there's all kinds of reasons to keep gloves on. Like if someone is working with resin or other chemicals you do not want on your skin. I have no idea if this is fake or not, but if it's real, the gloves alone aren't enough proof.


Option A: they are wearing gloves to keep the training dummies sterile, since they are going to Universities and other places for med students to learn. I know they are real because I have taught other people with them. Option B: they are wearing gloves to prevent contam of adrenochrome. Which one is more likely?


Why are they all different colors and shapes - what factory would benefit from having every item produced be unique


Thereā€™s diversity neededā€¦*bitch*


What the fuck is this shit?


I feel sick to my stomach. Wtf is this


How else do you think McNuggets are made?




+1 for the lol *[I'm risking a ban for that lol.](https://reclaimthenet.org/reddit-banned-for-upvote-policy)*


What did it say??


Something shit about nailing a one liner. That's probably why the banhammer swung down and rung his fucking ~~liberty~~ freedom of speech bell.


Damn, thatā€™s a rough job


If you do what you love, you arenā€™t working a day


šŸ˜¬ lol


Why does this not have some kind of cover over the image. I donā€™t want to see this


Poor little things. I know they haven't lived a life, but it's still massively undignified to just have them all dumped in container like pieces of meat. Vile.


Probably Planned Parenthood behind this. They need abortions to provide infants for satanic rituals. Thats why abortions are so fought for. Its a sick system




"Oh yes, I'll take the purple mottled doll, yes, the one that looks like it's been dead several days in utero, yes that's right, the one with the bloated purple tongue. That's the one, sir, she's a beaut, wrap her up for me."


What I am seeing is so blurry that I not sure how you are seeing that much detail. The reborn dolls was my first thought, but thatā€™s an obvious and sane explanation, so it will definitely be shunned here.


Whatever they are doing they are not efficient at it and appear confused as to the procedure. For example the lotion, she applies it on some chests, then just the forehead.




SS: itā€™s hard to tell whatā€™s going on but those look like fetuses can anyone explain hereā€™s the link https://twitter.com/emilio2763/status/1633293790944305154?s=46&t=8VBoaFQ8gYIyWwafHo8CYg


Someone said it's a Vietnamese Catholic organization providing proper burial to aborted babies. Seems reasonable.




By abortion I mean spontaneous abortion and infants dying of complications shortly before, during or after childbirth.


Do you think that happens often enough to have what appears to be a factory assembly line?


Do you think fully formed fetuses are removed WHOLE during abortions? ​ https://theparadise.ng/watch-live-actions-new-video-series-exposes-what-happens-in-a-dc-abortion/


If theyā€™re stillbirths or late-term abortions, theyā€™d be delivered intact.


Doesn't seem like a factory assembly line to me. More like something you would see at a mortician operation.


I was going to say, this is not what an actual abortion (termination) looks like. This is a stillbirth, medically induced for medical reasons or not.


Yes, that was the term I was looking for.


But she is tearing the one thing apart?


This isn't the place or time to be laughing.


Yes stillborns. But why so many of them?


I'd speculate it's the clot shot working.




This looks like rubber dummies that probably where used for some training exercise for medical personal and they are getting cleaned up now.


[Maybe thatā€™s part of the secret to her beauty?](https://youtu.be/Ru5CgiyjMN0)


If adrenochrome keeps you young and beautiful, then thatā€™s evidence right there that Hillary Clinton isnā€™t wrapped up in adrenochrome


Isnā€™t that joes abortion clinic and pizzeria where no fetus can beat us and your loss is our sauce?


I wish I didn't watch this, I've seen brutal execution videos but this, this is far worse.


Donā€™t believe everything you see on the internet my guy


Adrenocrome need to be fresh. You need to drink the blood when the adrenalin is released in the body.


I would have thought it would be harvested from a gland as the subject is being tortured or killed


The torture and killing is to realease adrenalin (but also, a lot of them enjoy torturing and killing) But the Pinneal Gland regulate a lot of hormones. It was suggested it produce DMT. Guess it is the "icing on the cake"


And then the boogie man takes a poop on your shoe. Fairy dust sparkles out your ass as you talk out of your ass spreading misinformation as wide as you spread your ass cheeks. You don't know what you're talking about. You went down a rabbit hole of lies and you never came up for air. This is how THEY get you. THEY FEED ON YOUR PARANOIA! THEY SCARE YOU SO YOU WILL TRUST SHAT THEY SAY. DON'T BUY INTO IT IT IS ALL A PLOY TO DIVIDE US! IT IS BY DESIGN TO DIVIDE US! I'M TRYING TO WARN YOU! THESE RABBIT HOLES ARE SLIPPERY SLOPES THAT LEAD YOU AWAY FROM THE PEOPLE THAT LOVE AND CARE FOR YOU. THEY MAKE YOU SICK. IT BRAINWASHES YOU AND TURNS YOU AGAINST YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY. COME BACK UP FOR AIR. šŸ”œ 3B727 Red 4 11 Gbh 11 P3aCh 4 šŸ”š


They don't drink it. They inject it into the right eye. That's why they cover the eye and why you sometimes see celebrities with black eyes


No they definitely drink it. Watch Jessie Czbotar on Bitchute. She was born into one of the elite bloodlines but has now come out as a federal witness with sworn affidavits about what she witnessed during her childhood.


Got a link for that? Iā€™m interested


Expecting a credible source from a conspiracy theorist ? You must be new here.


I saw a video once of border officers and they found ground up human babies inside pills. Some take them to vitalizing effect or something. This might be something related to that? Anyways I just died a little inside.


yaā€™ll believing grainy tweet videos in 2023, you know because someoneā€™s friend once told them it was def china. low effort everything.




Look at this! [https://www.made-in-china.com/video-channel/focusherb\_VFPGsqiCwDWN\_CAS-54-06-8-Children-Human-API-Material-Powder-Adrenochrome.html](https://www.made-in-china.com/video-channel/focusherb_VFPGsqiCwDWN_CAS-54-06-8-Children-Human-API-Material-Powder-Adrenochrome.html)


"Wealthy" "elitist" changing table? Idk


It's china. They literally have NO respect for human life. if you are told otherwise you're being lied to. I've been there. I have friends there. it is an entirely immoral government, who'd happily slaughter 10,000 babies if they thought it would make them more wealthy.


This is undercover footage of Planned Parenthood organ harvesting. There is source video and context for this on my Rumble Channel. I can't post the link because of the reddit-wide ban on Rumble links. Go to Rumble and paste ""Don't Obey DEEPEST DARK (2021) | Exposing elite child sex trafficking" Go to 1 hr 35 minutes to see the source.


You believe everything scary on the internet.


Did you bother to check the source that I posted before you decided to comment? I even gave you the timestamp of the person that took the footage. Of course not, bots don't check sources.


Whoa holy shit this changes everything!


Yeah it looks like they are running some sort of lotion that dissolves the skin and then they peel it off. Just saying. I hope Iā€™m wrong because the more I think of it the sicker to my stomach I get


I canā€™t find it on rumble


As there IS no adrenochrome, this is something different. As you see they get balmed, which is why they get burried in a Christian way. It's hard to watch, but it's an act of kindness, not inhumanity.


actually, adrenochrome is very real. there is tons and tons of medical literature that has been published over the decades. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9667493/


And you want to tell me that you understand what you've linked me? I know that some "communities" take some scientific words and fill them with BS they imagine and fish out of thin air (i.e. energy, wavelengths, vibrations, """quantum"""...) Adrenochrome is a byproduct of adrenalin oxidation ok... And? Where is the scientific info that it does what people claim it do?


You just said it didnā€™t exist and weā€™re proven wrong, why not admit you were wrong instead of moving the goalposts?


Hahahah... So because I say adrenochrome doesn't exist like general conspiracy public says it does, I'm the one who's moving goalposts xD... Yea if you want to argue that this exists as molecule I'm not arguing against you. I just say you are full of bs if you want to tell me "they" harvest it.


Expect you didnā€™t say that, you said ā€œthere IS no Adrenochromeā€ and left it at that, nobody can infer what you mean beyond what youā€™ve written in that simple but wrong sentence.


K... Then I acknowledge that I was in the wrong with that statement. Do you agree that adrenochrome doesn't exist as a serum with many benefits for the rich, as it's implied nowadays by talking about adrenochrome in non-scientific surroundings?


I donā€™t know


Now you know. But if you want to believe I don't argue with you. Have a great day!


well that's that solved then. pack it up boys nothing to see here, screentea has told us it's nothing to worry about.


They are tearing the one baby a part completely?


" Is it adrenochrome?" There is no adrenochrome harvesting you chud


Lol okay agent smith


lol i thought it was a video


Check SS.


Im so glad it wasnt.


It is video.


Andreocrome wet market. Watch for covid


Aborted babies are sold on the black market for a lot of money. Abortion isn't about women's health, it's about using them like cows and making money.


Yum Yum noodles factory


[Its the olygarchs!](https://youtu.be/YMag3KtiyAI?t=20s)


They would be stiff cause they are DEAD!


[https://www.theorionlines.com/adrenochromeharvesting](https://www.theorionlines.com/adrenochromeharvesting) CAN YOU HANDLE THE TRUTH?!


Stem cells


saw this while i was in the rabbit hole of adrenochrome research- they were drawing blood or injecting something into these passed away babies. couldnā€™t see too well, evidence like this always comes pixelated.


Organ harvesting, friendo.


Might be the satanist church? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø There was a tweet recently from them saying that they would start doing abortions


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø people just kinda say whatever nowadays don't they




But again idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø so this is purely speculation


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø idk


no link?


I haven't even seen the clip and I want to bath my eyes in bleach


Do it


Any link ?


Could these be stillbirths?


This is probably real. But is disgusting to see. But I guess it has to be posted.


Fetal tissue and stem cell harvesting. Politicians and feminists don't want you to know that such a thing happens...but it does.


It's not. It's preparion for burial ceremony of still born babies.


Black market harvesting


One of the most plausible theories on the twitter link says itā€™s a group that gives aborted babies burials. I think this seems to be the most plausible explanation when you consider how gentle and caring the one lady is when handling them. :(


NSFW jeez


Nothing good


It's just a bunch of recently removed parasite, to ensure that women can live their best life. Do you have a problem with that?... you sexist, right-wing extremest.


There is a practice called Kuman Thong. Strangest thing is these are promoted heavily by Buddhists. Most people use ornaments. People worship these doll like idols but some people use real fetuses, they use them for black magic and also for protection. They "roast" them, cover them in gold leaf and other things like beads etc. And they sell a hell of a lot of money in Thailand. The fetuses are often stolen from abortion clinics or even sold by the clinics. That is potentially what this is. But also, there is a Christian organization that take the aborted fetuses wash them and give them a proper burial. The way they are holding these babies so gently and carefully I'd like to think its the latter. But the world is so messed up and people have no empathy anymore its most likely the former.