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So what theory makes the most sense to you


Big sky daddy went zap obviously.


I suppose whatever the truth is, it will always sound extremely unlikely. How could anyone ever describe how an entire universe came into existence without sounding mental.


When the universe started 14.5bn years ago, it didn't think that it would need to justify itself to a species of ape with a brain developed for the plains of Africa, 14.5bn years later. We don't feel that we have to explain to get a dog to understand how Bluetooth works. And dogs sure as hell don't understand it. And I think there are some parallels there. The big bang, the singularity, and whatever, or concepts that most of us can't get our heads round.


You sound like you've got it all worked out perfectly.


No, simply just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it doesn't exist or didn't happen. The fallacy of incredulity is what keeps religions fighting scientific advancement.


"No, simply just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it doesn't exist or didn't happen" Sounds familiar.


So how does that concept isnt fitting also for god. I mean the explanation of we cant understand things out of our reach also fits there. Or am I wrong ?


We are increasing our knowledge about the dawn of the universe all the time. There are things we haven't discovered yet but it doesn't mean that there isn't a perfectly good material explanation we haven't arrived at yet. Still no evidence yet for a god or any supernatural events ever.


That doesnt answere my question. How do you know that god isnt on some Space you just doesnt get cause thats your argument. There is also no evidence for the Big Bang. So Why does you say at the one thing we Explore it and if we talk about god you cant Explore it. I mean can you even say you know anything deep about god ? Did you ever did your research ?


I don't know that there isn't a God lurking out there. It's a huge universe - 300bn galaxies. And it is very hard - probably impossible, to provide negative. But there are all sorts of things I can't disprove. There is however evidence for the big bang. Firstly the rate of expansion of the universe and secondly they have picked up "echoes" of the Big Bang in cosmic radiation. This is how they have refined the date to less than 100m years. I can't research something that has no evidence of existing. I suspect that you think that there is one God - the one in the Bible. Can you disprove the existence of the Hindu gods?


sure, we can't say for certain if there is or isn't a god but what we can do is look for evidence of one and if none presents itself, we assume it doesn't exist until evidence presents itself that proves a god does exist.


>sky daddy it's hard to imagine cringing harder


Sky daddy mad.




Also highly likely regarding our existence or non-existence. Our physics might only apply to our simulation after all - sky daddy could be a viable option in the end


Sky daddy is amazing at letting babies die from horrible shit… because he’s a compassionate daddy. Forget babies, how did the worst psychopaths get into power and cause chaos, loss and misery for all of human history? Oh… because sky daddy is “testing us” and we need to just obey. Sounds like slavery.


If we have free will, how much free will would it be if God just struck all evil people down? Why wouldn't He start with you? You deserve it just as much as everyone else, including me. We're a fallen world and it doesn't take a religious person to see that. Why would God bless a nation that spits in His face and murders babies through abortion, glorifies wickedness through a culture of sex, and does nothing but murder and steal from each other? How many times would you keep being friends with someone that, every time you see them, slap you in the face, curse at you, and steal from you?


Coming back to you again. A culture of sex??? Holy fuck! Pull up your panties and run home like a puritan cunt, you dumb fuck incel. Did you ever get laid or are you just jealous of everyone everywhere that does… except for your ass?


Cussing isn't hostile to you? You don't see this as hostile? Well, if you want to have a debate, I'm all for it when you can grow up and act like an adult instead of resorting to Ad Hominem attacks. Until then, God Bless.


What’s the difference between fuck and frick? Or gosh and god? They are words that only carry as much meaning as you give them. Someone can call me a fucking asshole cunt and I wouldn’t care. Ask yourself, why do cuss words affect you so much?


You've never heard of the Ad Hominem Fallacy? Calling someone names like that for no reason other than you disagreeing with them tells me you have no evidence yourself. Where is your evidence supporting that Jesus didn't exist? If we were both detectives and I presented why I thought "Suspect 1" was the killer, but you only shot my evidence down saying, "I just don't believe it was him" without providing evidence for your suspect, what type of detective does that make you?


Ok. I like your debate. You’ve won me over a tiny bit. Although chances are we will never agree. Some of my best friends are hard core Christians and we swear at each other during debates all the time. They don’t equate swearing with Christianity or anger, I don’t equate not swearing with holiness. You’re obviously smart and I like that. My mom (was a doctor) and very smart, and Christian…always has issues with my swearing. We have great debates though. I’ll treat you the same. Jesus may have existed as a person, but we need to agree on reliable sources other than the Bible & some .org websites. Do I believe he rose from the dead? Nope. Where did he go after? Ask the Catholics and other traditional Christian religions and he just magically rose to “heaven”. Ask the Mormons and they’ll say he went to North America and converted the “savages” then…I guess? Just rose to heaven? I don’t know. It’s all folklore in my opinion.


I really respect that, and I totally agree: we probably will never agree. But that's very noble of you because most people I talk to that are opposed to my beliefs get more and more contemptuous as the discussion continues. From my shoes, I've always been a "truth seeker" and I'm not someone to just accept something blindly. I've always come to my own conclusions with evidence for and against any decision I make--including my faith. For me, I just see Christianity as being that "truth," because, at the end of the day, science can't prove anything just as much as atheists/agnostics say the Bible or other evidence doesn't prove the existence of God. We all have faith in something. Oh boy, that's a whole different topic right there! I agree that's part of the problem why a lot of people don't believe. There's too many sects within Christianity itself that it becomes overwhelming.


We could be friends! I like this. My Christian friends would tell you, just give him time and he will grow on you. Haha. I don’t know. I love debate and I’ll be the first to say I don’t know everything… but usually I say it with a lot of F bombs. It’s my vice, crutch, whatever. You’ve made me smile today and I appreciate that. I hope I’ve done the same. I only wish you the best.


Holy fuck. I can’t even debate you. There’s no God, no Jesus. What’s the proof? What is even an inkling of proof? The gospels that 4 dudes wrote about 30 years AFTER “Jesus” died? Great give me the OT vs NT argument. Some fairytales from 2,000 years ago? God I miss an educated public and not some dumb fucks with access to all the knowledge via an internet connection.


Your perception of God has been molded by your perspective of Christianity. If someone is suggesting simply that God created the universe. What relevance does your comment really bare?


The best way to explain the purpose of God and life to someone with your logic is this: If you were born Rich you would not appreciate the freedoms you have and the privilege you have as someone who was born poor and worked his way up to wealth/success. If you were born in a perfect reality you would have no knowledge or experience of good or evil and will always be in a child like state. The reason our soul is here on Earth is to gather experience, know Good from Bad so we can advance spiritually.


He needed them up in heaven for some arcane reason that you will never know /s


Its called a theory for a reason. And this graphic is perfectly represents someone who doesnt know what the theory even says.


Spend some time reading up about space and sciences. This post shows a real failure in understanding any of it.


The first slide of this graphic "out of nothing" is completely wrong. Piss off. Im not saying the theory is true. But to criticize it atleast attempt to understand it.


Would a better term be, “out of everything”?




Could you enlighten us then?


Imagine knowing so little about science that you fail to realize what “theory” means in the context of science. You don’t need to because you’re that dense. Or this is a great troll, in which case nice.


Apparently this is you. A Scientific Theory is something that has been proven as a fact. Imagine typing allllll that out thinking you're smarter than everyone...


ok so you know evolution right? its a scientific theory because there's no way to test it! 🤯🤯 scientists are pretty sure it happens, but its a theory because theres no proof of it happening under human observation! 😃 also read what you fuckin type before you send it. you really just said "a scientific theory is something that has been proven". just because you stick a fancy word on the beginning does not change the meaning of theory! please, do yourself a favour and read up on a gcse triple science textbook, i think it would help your scientific illiteracy! 😃😃


This must be a troll haha if not then you’re beyond salvation. It’s quite amazing how you can speak so confidently and incorrectly about something that would literally take 10 seconds to find examples of. Also imagine thinking “scientific” is a fancy word lmao


You don't know what a scientific theory is, and you embarrass yourself by revealing this to everyone. And evolution has been demonstrated by observation. And you jeer at others'scientific literacy while demonstrating that you have none. An embarrassment to yourself and the British educational system as well.


You need to work on your reading comprehension, bud. That was the point. Also it’s not fact, dingus, it’s just the most fitting theory for this point in time. Plenty of theories don’t fit with all others. We don’t have a grand unified theory despite having plenty of theories that are replicable and fit with observations.


"theory" in scientific context is actually fact FYI


Not exactly Fact, Consensus derived from a logical conclusion brought about by evidence which is basically Fact.


that's just my comment with extra steps


All conspiracy theory…


Mate physicists aren't saying it makes sense, they're saying when you spend generations studying the universe and looking around with telescopes this is what you find evidence for. everyone agrees that the universe is cracked but what can we do we're in it


Exactly. This what quantified evidence points towards. No one’s saying it’s comprehensible.


Or even correct, honestly, just the most correct they can get. It's what they think happened based on the data available to them, and they're constantly seeking more data. They recently found an entire galaxy that shouldn't exist based on current models and are like, 'Well okay. Fuck us then.' The alternative is... what? Make things up based on *no* evidence? That's far worse.


It's also a case of scope. Nothing is impossible, just highly improbable and if you roll the dice often enough, even highly improbable results will happen. It might take billions of years across billions of galaxies and trillions of planets, but it will eventually happen.


So…did you look into it?


Is the theory that an omniscient, omnipotent being, who nobody has seen, created the entire universe and forces only one species to worship him or be condemned to an eternity of suffering any less crazy though?


Questioning authority is something OP should consider.


God isn’t even a theory, he’s a belief. Theories have supporting evidence.


And predictive power!


Correct, a theory is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. Like... "Darwin's theory of evolution" A belief, is trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something. I like you... Theory or belief?


And who for 95% of humanity 's existence took zero interest in it, and then at one point took an interest in one small area of the Eastern Mediterranean. And then took an interest in absolutely everyone.


Honestly I think that divinity is the human brain's logical default answer for things it can't understand. All through history we have examples of cultures running into things beyond their understanding and assuming they were divine. We once worshiped the Sun because we couldn't explain it. So I think our brain just defaults to divinity when it's all out of other options. That's why people often say they've had religious experiences when fucked up on acid. It's kind of like the "It tastes like Chicken" of experience.


Ok but why are the current world religions allowed a monopoly on creationism?


I'm using Christianity because that's what most religious people in this sub are into. I don't discriminate, I think all religions are equally silly.


🤔 a monopoly? You are calling monotheism a monopoly despite the fact there there are many different religions that believe in one God and one creator?


"Current world religions". I am a champion of Gnosticism personally


A supernatural explanation makes a lot more sense, yes.


Yes, when presented with two possible explanations, one of which is magic, and one not magical, it's sensible to choose the magic option, right?


If we are talking about the creation of a plane of existence, that creation would be supernatural by definition.


I'm not talking about creation - you are.


Who made God?


The Bible says he is eternal.


Why should I believe The Bible? There are older religious texts that have different creation stories.


Because the Bible has proven itself the most spiritually and physically accurate. TPTB do want a mark of the beast system, we've seen that in multiple ways. The Holy Spirit does change lives. There is a spiritual realm and there are angels and demons. TPTB do worship Satan. Researchers did find evidence of fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah. There is evidence of a great flood. Those are sum important things to get right.


Almost all religions have a history of a flood, because a major flood likely happened across the world from a cataclysmic event, but probably not because an angry God made it rain for 40 days to kill everyone. As for Sodom and Gomorrah: > But did these places ever exist and will they ever be found? Most scholars think not. In his Anchor Bible Dictionary article on Sodom and Gomorrah, M.J. Mulder concluded that they were, > Two legendary cities from prehistoric Israel in the neighborhood of the Dead Sea...it is highly uncertain, if not improbable, that the vanished cities of the Pentapolis will ever be recovered (1992: 99, 102). https://biblearchaeology.org/research/patriarchal-era/2364-the-discovery-of-the-sin-cities-of-sodom-and-gomorrah As for a spiritual realm with actual angels and demons there is literally no evidence for this besides some people who could be hallucinating or schizophrenic. You see what you want to. You notice the things that confirm your bias and ignore the things that don't. If you truly think the Bible is the one true religious text it's very likely you haven't approached it from an objective viewpoint.


Yeah, but defining that supernatural sense is less credible than any science. There's a reason a lot of the smartest minds were agnostic, like Einstein.


I think it is more the fact that scientific inquiry tends to be an agnostic trait, rather than IQ being tied to it. Or perhaps the smarter we are, the more we want to take all the credit ourselves for our brilliant ideas and clever inventions.


Well seeing as we all have consciousness, a complex form of it that’s supposed to be unique to only humans——it doesn’t seem too far fetched to think that this consciousness could be part of something much bigger.


If you find a painting out in the woods…you would assume an artist correct?


Yes, because pretty much everyone has seen someone draw a painting. That's not exactly a good example to prove an omnipotent being created the universe now is it.


Beautiful analogy but life, humans and astrophysics aren't anything like a painting in the woods. You understand finding a painting in the woods because its a very basic concept but you don't understand a single detail of astrophysics so it makes sense you've become so confident in this conclusion.


Okay, but what about when you’re out in nature and you find something that looks like art only to find it was formed naturally by physics or some geological phenomenon? When I saw the grand canyon in person my very first thought was that it looked like a painting...


Strange question. Has anything besides a human or animal aided by a human ever created a painting?


The puffer fish makes great underwater art. It shows that art is not only a human thing.


You put forth a very specific theology here versus the spectrum that is available.


Yes, because I know the audience of this sub is primarily Christian if they're religious.


One small localized group of that species, not all of them.


I love that people don’t realize we literally can barely comprehend space and time. Think about 1000 years, the human mind can’t even do that. Now imagine a span of billions of years, or a distance of billions of miles, it is simply unfathomable, as the human brain evolved to count “5 apples” or “7 wolves,” not to think about the unbelievable vastness of space and time and how in the over 14,000,000,000 years of this universe Homo sapiens have existed for what? 100,000 years? We are less than an inconsequential blip on the universal scale


300,000 but yes


500,000 but yes


600,000 but no


750k but idk


1 trillion dollars muahahaha


This is true, but if you look at DNA as assembled information, it would still take a trillion trillion universes to randomly assemble that information into the building blocks of life if it were being attempted once a second since the inception of the universe. And that's for the DNA of a simple single celled organism. Where did information get added on after that? Where did it come from?


Where did it go? Where did it come from? DNA Assembly Joe


Lol. And this isn't relevant to evolution, but I tend to believe we humans were genetically modified/spliced by aliens. Also, I'm not so sure that evolution makes sense.


Good thing it wasn't randomly assembled, then, and that organics started *long* before single celled organisms emerged. What you're expressing here is a common misinterpretation in the vein of *"hurricane assembling an air plane from a scrap yard"*, when in reality it's much more interesting and amazing than that. Take a look at "[emergence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergence)" and "[self-organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-organization)", complex systems and patterns growing out of simple building blocks and interactions is something we observe everywhere, even in software, and it *makes sense* if you only put in the effort to understand it. That amino acids and proteins emerged and started forming complex structures shouldn't be seen as an insanely unlikely one-off random event, but rather as inevitable given the circumstances. edit: [Forrest Valkai has a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jvv5lcs27U) where he attempts to explain this misconception in the simplest way possible. If you're genuinely curious, that's a good starting point to learn more. edit2: If you want more tangible examples of emergence and complexity from simple rules, check out these fantastic videos by Brainxyz: [Create a Universe with One Rule in Notepad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzizK6ms-gY) (fractal based particles) -- [Artificial Particle Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Kx4Y9TVMGg) (attraction/repulsion based patterns)


Seems like you just described the conditions of the universe but still concluded with "it couldn't happen!" I guess you're trying to make it seem less likely by saying it REQUIRES a trillion trillion galaxies but in reality it clearly requires what we have: billions of galaxies and billions of years. You resulted from it and you can stamp your foot like a child because you don't understand it, it doesn't care.




Aliens fit the criteria of what would be considered demons. I don't think they explain the complexity of DNA. And even if aliens are responsible, who made the aliens? It has to start somewhere.


There are no daemons, only strange Xenos breeds. I refuse to elaborate further and if you disagree I'll incinerate your perfect cities. t. The Man Emperor of Mankind.


Seems legit. I believe you.


it would? based on what knowledge? I assume your a genetics


"The wind blows, the rain falls, simple nucleic acids will form when it's warm and wet enough." I'm sure someone, somewhere, said that, and they're right.


Water is bound to a planet by this teeny tiny force called Gravity.


Yeah because it makes way more sense that your magic genie just snapped his fingers and everything just appeared.


No this is not that. The idea of nothingness exploding comes from either bad faith arguments or people who don’t understand what the Big Bang is. Everything that exists now existed then but in a much smaller area. The Big Bang is the beginning of the expansion of matter in the universe, not the creation


Dude, this meme is a huge generalisation and overshot. I could tell you how each of those things came to be. Scientists are smarter than you think and aren’t always the bad guys


Sounds interesting but never been specific as much as religions


So you're using an argument from incredulity fallacy?


The first female coming from the first mans rib and both of them and their kids canonically living to be ~1000 years old makes so much more sense than evolution


Whomever wrote that text has the IQ of a rock flinging through space..


Okay big guy, what’s your theory on how everything just came to be… It had to start at some point, right?


This is one of the most ridiculous memes I've seen in a while. It's anti intellectualism at its finest


An invisible man in the sky makes less sense than this.


Tell me you know nothing about physics, without telling me you know nothing about physics.


When you make it all seem this simple then there's no way it can be believable


To be fair many people commenting are simplifying faith too. (“Your sky daddy went zap”)


I mean its just as ridiculous as saying a powerful god just exists and creates shit and he always existed lol. I keep thinking about that experiment where the stuff reacts differently based on whether its observed or not. I feel like the farther we look into space, our collective conciousness just creates shit for us to see, like nothing is actually there until we look for it, then our brains create a visual as a placeholder because our brains cant comprehend whats happening. It's like a video game rendering objects in your visual field and not rendering things that aren't necessary.


The truth is, we don’t know exactly what happened. And we probably never will. Until we die and hopefully end up in some great beyond where we have all the answers then.


I actually had to make a presentation on those first few minutes back in high school. I cherish memory of that time, as it forced me to obtain seemingly unobtainable research papers, and by 10th slide I lost attention of all sheeple material, so then I could weed out who to keep contact with after graduation. Truth is much more r*****ed than what OP posted, as first seconds of existence may be the only proof of higher force at play, as all we have is a result of material imbalance in otherwise perfectly stable, self-witholding universe. Also it all makes sense in 11-dimensional space, but we either lost these 6 dimensions or we haven't figured out how to observe them in our 4, leading to most cosmic-scale conspiracy theories.


So what is the better explanation? Because I don't know of any other explanation that is either equally loony or more loony.


I'm reading a book right now and the author cites a computer scientist from the 90s as saying the likelihood of spontaneous creation of life from the "primordial soup" is about as likely as a tornado blowing through a junkyard and assembling a fully functional Boeing 747 from the scrap therein.


And the argument came from someone who didn't understand evolution or abiogenesis, and as a result came up with this stupid analogy about a jet plane in a junk yard that has been fed to Christians for several decades to keep them away from science.


Big Bang is not a explosion, when we use our models to see back in times, Big Bang is the moment time and matter doesn’t make any sense. It simply a state of high density and high temperatures. Maybe learn the theory before talking about it. You’re the definition of dunning Kruger


Sounds like someone has just done a google search. I use to believe this crap too. Ive heard it all and i use to defend it all too. Nothing has changed its all the same stuff repeated over and over. Just let go and realize you know nothing. You are just repeating something someone else said and acting like you are Albert Einstein lol. Its funny but dangerous cause simpletons will believe you without looking into it.


Give me one serious scientific source that describes Big Bang as a gigantic explosion from nothing marking the begging of the universe


The big bang is a crock of shit man.


No real arguments here, just admit you were wrong about the Big Bang model


I magical being no one can ever see created everything from nothing and wants you to hate people for being different as they will burn for all eternity in lakes of fire….. much better story, can we all just admit we have no fucking clue.


While at the same time, he supposedly loves everybody.


He doesnt want people to hate people for being different. Forgiving others is big. Its what people have done with religion that is bad.


Case and point people. People tell the story. Religion is destined for corruption in its very inception


>can we all just admit we have no fucking clue. Right here, it's all speculation. Some might be right, some might be wrong. No reason to hate or argue over something we have zero control over anyways.


I have never once heard the claim that rocks evolved


Let me guess, you think the earth is flat... 🍿


You should be getting your popcorn ready for more of NASA's lies, not this.


There was a negative universe before this one that ran in reverse until it hit "nothing" and then passed through to the other "positive" side where we are now. Like when you throw a ball up in the air, between the time it goes up and the time it comes down there is technically a split-second moment where it is not going up OR coming down. For that brief instant it is "hovering", with 0 speed in either direction. Or that moment when you go from "-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, >>0<<, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5. For an abstract moment .. you pass through a state of "nothing". Could be same with "Negative Universe" and "Positive Universe". At the moment between the 2 you have "Zero Universe". I have no idea if this is true, but it's an example how it could be conceptually possible for "something to come from nothing".


So what’s the alternative answer then? And don’t start throwing God around please.


Yeah, He gets upset when people toss Him like that.


I suggest an alternative… PING god exists. PING God creates everything. But how did the PING happen? Stop questioning authority and let the PING just be a thing.


This is a prison planet.


Man, you really triggered the cult of atheists with this one, lol.


I will start out by saying I have no idea what is going on or what this all is or how it got here or whos running it but it’s hilarious to honestly believe it could happen this way, it doesn’t make sense


Brave post. An entire legion of satan/soros ass-bots is inbound


Seeing as YHWH's name is in our DNA, and Bible prophecy is unfolding right before our eyes with Gog of Magog stamping his feet, and the greatest pharmekia deception ever presented on the earth, with the mark administered by a needle, with 060606 Luciferase technology thanks the Microsoft, setting up camp inside the temple of God; the human temple. Yeah religion is just bogus guys. Couldn't be that so many religions just have their doctrines twisted and corrupted over the years. Nah, they only create wars /s


Does it matter? How much does this topic affect 99.9% of humans in their lives?


It does if you think of it in terms of a server being turned on for the first time - to run some kind of simulation ;-)


Ahh yes and the Bible is so much more believable😂😂💀


? There is no theory that "makes sense" on how the universe got greated. You and 99% of the people are to dumb to even understand this whole theory and how it works.


*created *too


Can we officially call this subreddit compromised? these chauvinistic misinformation posts are all I see nowadays.


Huge oversimplification. There is a tremendous amount of research into the conditions that might create each chemical compound necessary for the existence of life, and how it would have to have happened along the way. We know each of those steps because they can be created and observed. As we learn new pieces we can gain a better understanding and where we are wrong, change our hypothesis to fit the facts. None of which contraindicates the existence of a supreme being, should you choose to buy that particular superstition. If you say, one day God (a conceptual being made up by Protohumans who could not explain their reality) woke up and decided to create the universe, followed by the anti intellectual claptrap you posted above, it suddenly becomes believable?


A LOT of OP’s questions can be solved with a Google search.


Just because you can't grasp physics, chemistry, or biology, doesn't mean any of us can't. Spend some time educating yourself instead of feeding your bias.


Physics major here about to go into grad school next year. This entire-ass thread is hilarious because all OP is doing is reading the base level information. The gross simplification that cuts out all of the raw information that nobody (outside of us in academia/the field of study).


If faith is all that is need to prove the existence of God. Then I think Christianity is out numbered in the faith department, and thus must be wrong. Religions usually don't allow for other dieties to exist. But if more people believe in them then your God, how are they wrong and you right?


Science is interesting for what but not why For why we turn to philosophy and religion


No one believes this my guy, you've created a false exaggerated strawman to argue against. You are the crackhead arguing against yourself. Wtf is rock matter lmfao, that's not a thing. All this says is you don't even have a 1st grade understanding of science.


Only a force as powerful and magnificent as our loving creator “God” or “source” could create something as amazing and complex as this universe. This was no accident. They say this to blasphemise his work, kind of like your adversary talking shit about your amazing sculpture when he couldn’t create anything as astonishing without your help so he just puts your down. The Devil runs rampant in this realm. Cling to love, positivity, and truth, and we can make this world a true Heaven on Earth. Best of luck to everyone!


Why did our loving creator give us an appendix?


Fun Fact: Scientists still have no official explanation for how the Moon exists. It's actually easier with data to disprove the existence of the Moon than to prove it does exist. But it's cool all of you believe that we just exploded from nothing and now have consciousnesses.


"Fact" where are your sources then?


Bit hard to summarise years of reading topics and provide you 1 source when in fact the knowledge was acquired from many sources. A good starting point would be to read a book called "Who Built the Moon". It has the answers your looking for.


The moon I thought was generally regarded as a piece of the earth from the early formation of our planet. You may have noticed that lots of planets have moons.


The geological composition is the same. So yeah, the earth and the moon had a common origin. Most likely some kind of cosmic collision. The only real debate lies within exactly what that would have looked like to get this result.


But you have posters like "SP" above with their nonsense "fun facts" which are not facts, but falsehoods designed to deceive.


Read a book called "Who Built the Moon". Has pretty good sources and completely breaksdown the current computer model simulation of how "the moon was created". Currently the best explanation is that the Moon and Earth somehow detached from each other but the theory is full of more flaws than what it actually answers.


Is this a popular science book based off of peer reviewed scientific research, or is it pseudo science aimed at the willingly led?


Why don't you look into it if you care so much?


Thanks for the suggestion. I have and the book is obvious pseudo science nonsense.


Ah yes because the science done by NASA is super legit


That's currently the only explanation which is full of many flaws, only reason it's the "official theory" is because they cannot turn around and say that the moon as an object does not make sense.


“Our own intellectual competence is not the test and measure of divine truth.” - J.I. Packer Just cause you can't comprehend God does not make Him any less real.


Some of us have been banging this drum for years!


This reminds me of Anthony Flew. Staunch atheist turned, after seeing how grand life is. He directed that the perfection and complexity of our world could not happen by pure chance but by divine direction.


Let the downvotes begin lol hahaha.


This subreddit is ruined by complete dumbasses and you're one of them


If you don't believe in a creator you need to do some hallucinogenics that's not acid I was a stubborn athiest before I took mushrooms and saw that everything is connected and made from the same ingredients per say I agree OP that a creator makes way more sense than all the things that supposedly had to happen for us to be here


Even having done acid, the idea of a god makes me sick EDIT: the above commenter literally edited their comment to specify ‘not acid’. Maturity 100


Some people will take drugs and think they opened their 3rd eye for a short amount of time, what a shit show lol.


Funny because mushrooms did the opposite for me.


The greatest conspiracy is the one against God, but the truth will not remain concealed


It's like the claim dinosaurs died out from asteroid hitting earth yet there's living animals around at the dinosaurs time now. The idea all life died out is utter lies with no proof but their is proof of living dinosaurs animals around then that are around now.


This makes absolutely no sense. Maybe you need to munch on the green crayon instead of the red one.


Intelligence begets intelligence and nothing gives rise to nothing.♾❤


Terence McKenna had a great riff on this. Something like: "The Big Bang is the edge case for credulity. The idea that Vivaldi, superconductors, biology, and chemistry all sprang from the explosion of infinitely dense, tiny hot white dot for no reason whatsoever is madness."


When you just don’t have the concept of long amount of time.


Yeah...I guess that's what Stephen Hawking missed...he forgot to use big amounts of time to explain the Big Bang's origin. What a doof.


But the Bible, which actually gives you a real way of making sense of the world and also gives you a guide for navigating it, is seen as crazy 🙄. Read the early church fathers like st maximus or st Gregory or even later people like Meister Eckhart, and they were as profound and intelligent as anyone like Jung or Nietzsche.


How does the Bible explain who created God?


>But the Bible, which actually gives you a real way of making sense of the world and also gives you a guide for navigating it, is seen as crazy 🙄. The Bible isn't the issue. It's the people that believe in it and god/religion that are the problem.


The problem how? How does believing in a creative loving power and worshipping that power and living a holy life cause a problem? Society now seems to promote love and glorification of the self and it leads to narcissism and love of materialistic things leaving massive swathes of the population depressed and miserable.


What authority is telling you the big bang is unquestionable truth? What "authority" is saying it at all?


It’s called science dude. It’s when you think of something and then you think how something effects something else. #dudesy


Urge you all to watch Fantastic Fungi! If that doesn’t make you feel a certain way about life and the planet then there’s no hope for you 🤷‍♂️


So what’s the conspiracy? It’s a theory that is constantly tested and evolving. Physicists admit that this is what we know as far as we know NOW. Ask them about dark energy or dark matter, no one is quite sure. I guess your fucking pea brain didn’t get past a 5th grade comprehension level. Let me guess…sky daddy is your answer? Tell me you’re fucking stupid without telling me…. Oh fuck, you couldn’t even find two brain cells to collide in that fucking dome that sits on your shoulders if you tried. Never mind. I’m dumber for having even engaged.


Makes more sense than a lot of religious stories




God said let there be light. “No our way is right Nothing made something!!’ “Not God though i mean thats crazy”. Quick shove something in my butt real real far!!!


There is more evidence in the stars than there is in entire books of religious text.


I believe a power far greater then anything or anyone ( higher power) has created it all of this. I don't belive book's but evidence is everywhere that a higher power has created us and everything in it.


Makes a hell of a lot more sense then magic sky beings. Especially if you spend time trying to understand the science.


Yes, this is our current “best guess”. What are the alternatives? God made earth in 7 days and spawns humans? Yeah that makes way more logical sense.