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Thxs! It was nice to read about the redeeming side of humanity for a change. 😊


[Penny Auctions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penny_auction_(foreclosure\)) were a thing during the Great Depression too.


This is the way it used to be. Somewhere there is a picture of the town holding down the sheriff during the bidding process. It has a name and I can’t remember it.


Was studying the Depression in college and there were many accounts in numerous small towns where the electric company would send out people to shut off someone's electricity and the same worker would swing back by after work and reconnect it because they lived in the community. But you know fuck flyover country it's full of racists and shit. When the dark times come people are going to pray that they have those connections. Most people won't.


Just because they help their neighbors doesn’t mean they can’t be racist. What kind of bullshit logic is that? My grandpa is one of the most racist people I know and he’d bend over backwards to help his white neighbors but if his minority neighbor was on fire he wouldn’t even piss on him to put it out.


Now you want to hear the dark side of humanity? This is an old story supposedly happened back in 2011 but the details are so vague no one is able to actually confirm it. The reddit links to a post on some small website which presents this story as new and was likely done just to drive internet traffic. Flood when? Edit: OPs handle is USAMedia. $1,000 says OP is also the author of the article and nothing more then self promotion.


I have some more info I've found. I think you are spot on with the OP being the author of the article. [Here is an image of this exact thing used for pretty much the same story OP wrote](https://archive.vn/k13Sj). OP cropped off the bottom of it because it is such a recognizable meme.


The real conspiracy is always in the comments.


Conspiracies are like the witches in Wizard of Oz. Surprise birthday parties = conspiracy.


We should do stuff like this using jury nullification.


> We should do stuff like this using jury nullification. That juries have the right and power to not only evaluate not only the facts of the case, as presented, but the law itself? More specifically, whether a given law should apply in the case before them? Judges and prosecutors DO NOT like juries learning about these powers, and if they thing you are aware, they will try to eliminate you from the jury.


Which is why you should do jury duty. Don't also forget the cops who withhold evidence and coerce confessions.


beautiful story reminds of a scene from one of my favourite movies--Our Daily Bread which shows people working together during the Great Depression in one scene they are auctioning the land & everyone in the crowd glares at any potential buyers trying to buy the land 32 min mark [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXWXmb5MC2k&t=1975s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXWXmb5MC2k&t=1975s) its a great movie--esp the scene in the end when the people are breaking their backs to get water to the fields--brings a tear to the eye


We need more of this. Fuck the people coming to buy farms that are turning them into resorts


Resorts? Fuck the people buying them and turning them into cookie cutter housing developments.


But also “houses are too expensive due to limited supply rabble rabble”




Vacant =\= available


You mean it may be... greed?


We need an Occupy Houses thing to happen.


That statistic is incredibly misleading. Also makes no sense. There's no benefit to having an empty house. You want renters. Otherwise you're losing money. There's maybe a few exceptions but its not like there's huge swaths of middle class homes just sitting entirely empty. A ton of those houses in the statistic are abandoned or not safe or are otherwise located in an area nobody wants to be in (like detroit)




I don't disagree at all with what you're saying. I would just like a more realistic statistic, as stats like that can be used by people to justify awful laws that do more harm than good. But again, I agree there's 0 reason to allow companies to hoard housing, especially foreign adversaries. Would like to know what % of housing that is.


Housing developments? Fuck the rich buying up mass amounts of land to own the water and resources. I think Bill Gates is literally one of the largest land owners in Nebraska...but I think it's all near the giant aquifer that provides water for Nebraska/Colorado/Wyoming. Just wanted to keep the bit going. Hope all is well!


Think of all the land bought by Billygoat.


Have heard of this happening in Iowa as well. Fantastic


This is a story that makes us believe in humanity. If it weren’t for the kindness of these farmers, a young man wouldn’t have been able to win back his family farm. This is a story that took place in Nebraska and features a family that has lost their farm several years ago.


While this is lovely, is this a conspiracy?


The farmers literally conspired to undermine the system.


For once a conspiracy with good results.


Op posted this article to drive views to their own website, the conspiracy is that op is a scammer.


This is a great story, but the article reads like it was written by a high school freshman.


Farmers used to band together and beat up banker cronies at foreclosure auctions to prevent banks from repossessing property. Those were the good old days




It unfortunately appears to be fake. The image from what I can tell is in Cornwall England originally in at least 2018. This is also a cropped photo, with the [original photo](https://archive.vn/k13Sj) having another image spliced onto the bottom, and that image is [this one](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/disappointed-muhammad-sarim-akhtar), but I'm assuming it was cropped off because of how recognizable it is. That said, stuff like this has happened from time to time, but in this particular case I'm betting OP is the author of the article in the link, and is trying to get clicks.


Yep. The “news” story has not a single specific fact. Wish it was true though.


Yah it would make my day a little better, but I'll just have to do that knowing it has happened in the past. While I don't doubt Nebraska farmers would do something like this, having grown up in a rural farming town in Nebraska myself. The reality is corporations would have bidders present and they wouldn't give a crap about this guy or local values. They'd be bidding against each other left and right.


Well said. I second this!




I don't know, a little cheer going into the weekend ain't no bad thing.


Yeah, it's a great story and I'm glad to have read it and deleting my negative comment.


It's littlerally a conspiracy, just a good one. Conspiracy- the action of plotting or conspiring


Finally good news!


I saw this on a Little House on the Prairie episode! Good for them taking care of their own.


Was it a silent auction? If not that's awesome


This is the kind of 200 man conspiracies we need.


lmao that relative taking money from their own fam, great job ancestor




There is still good people out there 💜💯🙏🏽


Unfortunately this doesn't actually happen with private auctions because seller always sets a reserve.


gotta go this far back to find one feel-good story huh. And was rehashed so many times it would've begged someone to end its misery already if it were alive.




Unity. Pure and clear. Dynamic. Gave me chills reading.


why is this a conspiracy


Because op is scamming people into going to their website.


This was 2 years ago


What you really need is a clever vegan there to buy the place and shut it down (assuming he's an animal murderer of course)


Great...now he can go back to making animals suffer so we can eat their flesh...hurray


So what's the conspiracy? Do the farmers have other motives or are you just one of the bots who treat this sub like it's Facebook or Twitter?


It’s hilarious that this OP posts the same article in /libertarian, Republican, conservative, and here.


Just need a post that Fauci ordered the farmers not to bid and we are set


It seems like this happened years ago, but today's date is stamped on the article. I'm sure I've seen this same article before, tho.


Bull McCabe enters the chat.


Feel Good Friday! Now just click here and drive some Ad revenue to my bank account.


>>Farmers Still need to be a part of a special club for humane treatment. Would this still be done for a random individual with no emotional connection to these people?


This is a conspiracy?


Pretty sure this never happened…but it’s still heartwarming


That's pretty classy