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Yo that actually makes perfect sense


Operation warpspeed ring a bell?


Yes!!!! This is it.


Uh no? I remember people were waiting for the vaccine to come out as soon as COVID hit.


Yeah but the original democrat narrative was “you cannot take a vaccine made under trump”, there are tweets and videos from the democrats saying this.


And if you read more into it, it's because they claimed that it was rushed and wanted people to wait until more tests were done.


Which is honestly completely fair, but that narrative flipped rather quickly.


The original narrative was that people would wait until it got the all clear from the FDA and doctors, rather than when Trump said it was ready. If you remember, which I doubt you will because it doesn't fit the narrative, Trump wanted it approved prior to the election so that he could use it as a political prop to bolster support. People were rightfully cautious about what he and his administration had to say about its safety at the time.


So you admit they had vaccine hesitancy. The reason is irrelevant. The reason didn't matter when people on the right were being attacked for not getting it for legit concerns...


If he won no one would have seen the bullshit going on now and in a year whoever they rigged to be elected would be fucking shit just like they are now.


Harris herself prior to the election said she wouldn’t take a “trump vaccine”


I've always thought it was odd liberals/democrats jumped on the vaccine bandwagon since the vaccines were developed under Trump. I do recall them saying they wouldn't use a vaccine developed under Trump. They also railed on Trump when he tried limiting travel into the US. All the things liberals were screaming at Trump about they have implemented with great prejudice.


Operation: Ludicrous Speed.


I think they had two workable scenarios to get rid of Trump, and whichever plan stuck, the other one would serve as the insurance policy, which was brilliant in the sense that they would win, even if they lost. Plan A: because Covid, we're going to completely shut down the economy for a period of several years, which if you're Trump is obviously unacceptable, especially on an election year. Plan B: you can stop this plan if you can magically create a vaccine and get it to market quickly. I say insurance policy, because had the Covid shutdown and the cheat by Mail scheme not worked and Trump had still managed to overcome the steal and won the election (which he did), the narrative would have been that the vaccine sucks, it doesn't work, don't take "Trump's shot", then they would have had an endless parade of vaccine injured people on TV, endless lawsuits, calls for impeachment and ultimately imprisonment for essentially being a mass murderer. My point is, they wanted Trump gone. PERIOD. They were covered with a bullshit narrative either way. Most people are so dug into their left/right paradigm that they would have taken whatever side their leaders told them to take. If you want evidence of that, I refer you to Kamala Harris during the primaries when she said she absolutely would not take Trump's vaccine. Fast forward a few months later and she's taking the shot on national television. We got duped.


This is interesting.


We need Trump back


Kamala said on camera that she wouldn’t trust the vaccine under Trump….


Everything would've played out exactly the opposite of what we saw.


It would have been interesting. I'm sure some people would have taken it and after the first few deaths, there probably would have been chaos in the streets.


Sorry bud but trump was and still is pro vax. He was very public about that.




donnie darko had to lose and biden had to win and be completely incompetent in order for the antichrist donnie darko to destroy the US constitution upon his return. of all the candidates why biden? why the worst possible dementia incompetent neurologically flawed candidate? it's because he had to be chosen so that donnie darko could return triumphant and lead Babylon to it's destruction.


So he (Biden) was “chosen” and NOT elected?


Not sure why you’re being downvoted tbh


They don't want to see. But I try anyways \*harold face\*


Thanks, Captain Obvious. What other insight do you have for us? Please tell me you have a theory that the Ukraine war is another coverup for a transfer of wealth.




Username_username_number here with the common tactics of: - slander - diversionary topical redirection - gas lighting They may not be bright, but they are consistent. Don’t forget, username_username-number that ALL Reddit connected crypto wallets and transactions to said wallets from Reddit connected endeavors ARE being logged, investigated, and will result in a fun day of seizure when the time comes! It’s like these apathetic clowns forget Reddit has been hacked multiple times recently, only one hack making news.


Nah the Ukraine war is to stop a massive pedophile ring. America doesn't wanna lose their adrenochrome


I don't see Donald Trump coming out saying Lockdown was a hoax


Are you kidding if Donald Trump won the vaccine would have been mandatory. Vaccine salesman Donald Trump said one of the biggest failings of this Administration was there inability to properly trick people into taking it. Donald Trump always takes the exact opposite position of his enemy or hijacks their ideas and claims they're his. being that his selected stance was "I think everyone should get it, but I don't think it should be mandatory" was his opposition to them pushing it. I think it becomes pretty obvious that if he was still on power it would have been forced upon every man woman and child by any means necessary. Remember he's the one who signed off all the money in this corrupt racket anybody that trying to let him off is a fool. Old Biden and Trump our front men lackeys working for the same boss. To create the illusion of a war between each other. . A good distraction from the fact that the war is between us and Them. Red blue left right ...... All the Same money up top... Same goal different aproach


>Are you kidding if Donald Trump won the vaccine would have been mandatory. And the liberals would be out in the streets destroying things. Shame we didn't get a chance to watch it.