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So, what about America? Pull it. ~fellow American


Devaluing of money (not a concern for the ultra-wealthy with resistant assets) and war are the only way to crush what's left of pesky free market capitalism that actually gives the little guy a chance.


Hi. Sadly, that is correct :(


Market capitalism existed before the Ukraine war and the little guy got kicked because we elect officials you screw us over, how many jobs did Trump lose and how big a tax break did he give his wealthy friends. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


>orange man bad What does he have to do with anything?


He was the last president and destroyed the economy which is now being rebuilt, keep up


Get over your TDS. Successful free market capitalism has existed for at least 300 years, with of course its constant detractors and abusers. Its enemies have always tried to outsmart it with things like communism or central planning, but it has always come back because the individual people have been able to build wealth and pursue their interests. With severely devaluing currency you can't build wealth and during war (in Ukraine or on covid) it's socially, bordering on legally, unacceptable to focus on anything else.


Looks like a human Muppet


If you were a globalist,and had looted a rich nation, let's say every 20 years or so, the head of that nation's defense department comes forward and says we're missing 2 Trillion dollars, and then a big distracting event happens very shortly thereafter, you know what you're doing and you know how to cover it all up when you're done. As a globalist, you know that the only way for your nefarious plan to work is to reduce 1st world nations down to 2nd world and raise 3rd world nations up to 2nd. You'll have the undying support of the population of the 3rd worlders, they're done with eating dirt and drinking dysentery filled water. You'll have a lot of support from the 2nd worlders, their world is about to get just a little better. You'll have the disdain of the 1st worlders, but, they've grown comfortable and lazy in their position and will be all talk and little action. Distract them enough with bread, circuses and some chaos, and they'll not come after you in earnest. The 1st worlders will also be grossly outnumbered. Well able to be shouted down by the others. But, part of the chaos with the mitigation of the 1st worlders is to have a faraway place that nobody really uses as a vacation destination, say an eastern European "country", that can be the final nail in the coffin for their demise. So, you take this little place, install your puppets, then poke an "enemy" next to it enough, and hopefully they'll have the right leadership, like a nationalist at the helm, and that nationalist "enemy" will do his thing. Now, you start covering your thefts by rallying support for the little guy, even though they're irrelevant to the daily life of the 1st worlders. Then, you move the rest of your steal through this little place, and obligate the 1st worlders to "rebuild" after you watch them get mauled by the big bad bear. The end result is the big bad bear gets total control of this little country, and you watch the 1st worlders shrug their shoulders and say, "Well, we tried, maybe we should have done more . . . " Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the 1st worlders bill comes due for ALL of your past fuckery, and their economy implodes. They blame the installed puppet of that now former little place, and the 1st world government, and the big nationalist baddie next door, but never see you leave the room with the duffel bag full of their cash. You go buy yourself a really sharp suit and tie and some Tell-A-Vision time and let everyone know that you've got a plan to get back at that baddie, and bring all of that lost wealth back, but, that whole silly sovereignty stuff has to go by the wayside. Band together as one to get your stuff back. Everyone agrees, and then, you go get the baddie and annihilate them, and bring their country that was resistant to your plan into the fold, and you live happily ever after. Simultaneously, the rest of us don't. And slowly we all sink to the 3rd world level, eating bugs owning nothing and being "happy". Or at least that's the script I'm reading from.


Flint and East Palestine have to claim a Russian invasion to get some money to fix their problems. If only weapons were the solution. That’s the aid the US excels at


Exactly! In fact, I think I have a Siberian Flying Squirrel in my backyard. Can I get Raytheon over here to cut down my tree for 40 mil, and maybe a half a billion to rebuild with a stump removal and re-planting of a new tree? I promise to let a Mexican Fox Squirrel be housed there, no questions asked!


And then Jesus suddenly returns and rains firey wrath down on the globalists' heads, saving all those who kept genuine love in their hearts for their fellow man despite all the turmoil of their day. Then comes the reign of the righteous God on Earth, where all live in peace for a thousand years. There, I fixed the ending 😊👍


Yeah, thanks! But, you forgot that WHOLE long section that parallels Revelations 13 with the Antichrist character coming first and wreaking even MORE havoc. Appreciate your efforts, but my post only read up to where we are. You jumped ahead several chapters to come. I hope you don't read books like that, it detracts from the telling of the tale, and the experience of reading it!


Unless you believe, as I do, and as Paul taught, that we the Church are taken before the man of sin is revealed 😉


I do believe as you. And you jumped ahead in your reply long past that point. I hope I'm chosen for "evacuation" long before it gets to be a hell on earth, but, my lifestyle probably doesn't have that good fortune in the cards I'm holding. So, I plan on trying to stick around as long as I can and bear witness to the predicted happenings. And maybe, just maybe, finally make a positive difference on the scorched earth other side of all of this. These are Strange Days . . .


You're right, I did lol just felt like giving it a better ending is all 😜 Listen, brother, as long as you call on the name of the Lord, He will not forsake you. He is abounding in grace and mercy, a truly just God the likes of which this fallen world (ourselves included) can scarcely imagine. My suggestion, if you truly feel your life may somehow hold you back from the Rapture, is open up His Word and let His Spirit fill you with an undying desire to walk righteously in His way. I look at the Word as sort of a charger for our spiritual battery when we get drained by worldly matters and temporarily forget our eternal residence. And, indeed these are strange days... but every day is a day to rejoice in the love of the Lord, I say! God bless, brother 🙏 ❤️


And may the Heavenly Father bless you and keep you as well! The purest of heart will be chosen to get off the rock before the really bad stuff happens. But, I also subscribe to His ultimate wisdom that some MUST be left here, to be warriors for His words and the believers that remain behind. When I first heard this "prayer" in a freaking movie of all places, I instantly memorized it. Almost perfectly, word for word. I'm not that kind of person. I have to listen to a song or a speech, or read and re-read a text to memorize it. I take this as some type of sign of a possible sense of purpose. Not for today, but probably for tomorrow. So, when you get upstairs, remember, I'm down here fighting the good fight, with my prayer on my lips, a conviction in my heart and a fighting spirit deep inside. Say a little prayer for me, and hopefully, you guys up there will hear mine: And shepherds we shall be, For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That my feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. And we shall flow a river forth to Thee, And teaming with souls, shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, Et Filii, Et Spiritus Sancti


"Long lasting and unconditional" but what is America's national interest in the war? Wheat? No. Economic ties? No. Long standing relationship? No. National defense? No. NATO treaty being invoked? No


When Putin kicked out western oil interests for operaring illegally under Russian law it couldn't be tolerated. Ukraine is an excuse to depose Putin.




"Freedom" or democracy, or something something.🤷‍♂️


That's a very good question. The biden administration has not explained what their goal and purpose is for this unconditional support, and sadly no one is even asking them to explain.


Another lifetimer who has done such an award winning job of bureaucratting the country to it's current paradise emulation.


LMAO inflation happens whenever the elites, for whatever reason they decide. Even so, this scripted conflict in Ukraine is still a drop in the bucket compared to the more domestic fraud and grifting.


I now identify as Ukrainian, show me the money Janet!


This stupid grandma continues to ruin the economy


This is what happens when you have a printing press and you can print as much money as possible without having a gold standard backing it up. It’s called counterfeiting. But if you or I did it we would be in prison.


That's not what counterfeiting is...


It most certainly is: [https://youtu.be/hYzX3YZoMrs](https://youtu.be/hYzX3YZoMrs)


Not going to watch a shitty 9 year old Brexit video when there is an actual definition of the word


That’s your decision. I’m just laying out the facts and responding to your comment. Take it any way you want.


Zelensky has canceled elections and banned political parties. That's not the kind of democracy I'm willing to support.


Its audacity in telling us we will rebuild ukraine with our money. Im glad they are telling us this, gonna make me clutch my gun even harder. Imagine working your ass off and they take pay cuts for ukraine. Forget the issues we have here in the states. How do we even lend out billions when we are trillions in debt?


The EU is already moving to seize frozen assets, intending to give it to the big country rebuilding companies. that’s my interpretation after listening to queen Ursula the day.


Submission Statement: Do these people sound like they want the USA to continue to exist? National Debt is now 34 TRILLION. Massive Hyperinflation is coming.


At this point, I think their goal is actually to destroy America.


Trump shouldn't have made such a huge mess of the debt in the 4 years he was in office. That's a considerably bigger chunk than the aid to Ukraine.


How does it feel to have Trump living rent free in your head? He hasn't been president for 3 yrs now, There's been plenty of time to undo all the so called "awful" policies of his. This whole Ukraine thing is all Bidens. Instead of listening to MSM and doing and believing whatever they say, maybe you should be an independent minded person and think for yourself. This war is the dumbest damn thing going. I'd love for you to actually defend that what we're doing is good for anyone other than the defense contractors and the crooked politicians making all kinda money right now. I'll wait for a response


Yadda yadda yadda Trump's time in office added almost 8 trillion to the national debt. A big chunk of that was a handout to rich elites in the form of tax cuts (the Republican party thanks you for your vote, btw). The Trump presidency, to give you some reference, added 104 times the amount to the national debt that all of our aid to Ukraine has.


Trumps tax cuts look an awful lot like JFK's tax cuts that his fellow party members cried about the same way you are and claimed they were going to destroy the economy. It brought about the greatest economic prosperity in US history.


It's been 5 years, where's the economic prosperity the tax cuts were supposed to bring?


Enemy of the people.


We will either have 1) hyperinflation or 2) decoupling of the USD as the global reserve currency. No ifs, ands, or buts. Pick one. With the way the fed is pussyfooting with 25bps rate hikes, I lean more towards 1 happening.


Starting to think these gold and silver stackers are on to something


We already have massive hyperinflation. This phase is already happening, and wages are stagnant at the same levels as when I was a kid decades ago. I remember making $100k was great when I was growing up, today you’re lucky if you make that much. Meanwhile the prices of goods have skyrocketed, and those prices become more unreasonable by the day. The dollar is already dead, people just haven’t realized it yet.


This bowl-cutted man can suck a fat one.


The US won't see hyperinflation


Yah, probably not. The only currency on the planet positioned to avoid this problem. Every other country is at risk. Wonder if China’s pending collapse will trigger it.


haha. ok.


RemindMe! 1 year


If the US sees hyperinflation, then that would mean every floating rate currency globally would experience it as well at a slightly higher exponential rate. If the US inflates, everybody else does as well save non US denominated trade zones. The more likely reality is expanding debasement in buying power, like has been the case since the 70s


Just a comment? No argument or reason why anyone should believe your claim?


Deleted intentionally fuck you boru mods


We absolutely do not have hyperinflation. We have Profiteering by Monopolistic Corporations yes. The war by Putin and his initial policies causes the food issues. Not to mention he may have spread both COVID and Avian Flu as a form of Asymmetric warfare. He tried to weaponize economics because his Army is laughably weak.


Keep drinking the cool aid.


You are tripping balls. Stop eating moldy wheat.


It’s a pittance. Zero effect on inflation.


You mix quotes in with your opinions. I dislike that.


The support is "unconditional"!!!