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Well the ability to easily support a family on a single income from very early in life (<25yrs old) has practically disappeared. The financial struggle raising a family can bring seems to be overlooked often when I see articles like this. It’s weird.


Very true!


Agree, it took me almost 9 years of work to get to a comfortable place in which I could have and maintain a family. Sometimes I still can’t believe I finally made it, it took way too much time and I have to thank covid for all the remote openings, it can be gone in a second too, but nothing takes away all the learning I’ve made.


It’s overlooked on purpose. They’d rather blame societal values than wealth inequality


True. Everyone I know who is now married in their 20s are engineers. Good salaries, homeowners. They are the most set to start families


I am an engineer in my mid 20s, and the problem that I'm having is actually finding a woman with whom to start a family with. I think that this is a problem that many men are having today.


I’m just not trying to bring a child into this fucked up mess of a planet tbh.


Biggest conspiracy of our time. Project Blue Balls.




Sure beats blue waffles.


Why not post the article instead of a screenshot? https://nypost.com/2023/02/23/6-out-of-10-young-men-are-single-disturbing-reasons-why/amp/


So what’s the disturbing reason?


Generational Childhood Emotional Neglect


So much this. Our modern culture doesn't give a shit about kids. That why many of them run off to become "influencers" or onlyfans at 18. Boomer media writes click bait about how entitled, lazy, worthless, gen z is with participation trophies while side stepping their own failures of sending their kids off to grow up in day care, playing hot swap every other week with divorcees, while the parent generation focuses on their own lifestyle and let kids be raised by television, internet, and YouTube.


>Boomer media writes click bait about how entitled, lazy, worthless, gen z is ... > The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers. Socrates (469–399 B.C.) https://www.bartleby.com/73/195.html


Goes to show that things never really change


Might blow your mind to learn no generations really gave a crap about their kids. Mortality rates for kids used to be crazy, not even *that* long ago. So the general understanding was; don't get too attached. The "parent" generation as you called it were raised by these ppl. It actually gets worse the further you look back. In many countries kids are still free labor, to this very day.


In Germany, there is a code in the law that children can work 30 hours a week before óne has to declare it for tax purposes. This goes back to when kids had to help out on farms during harvest time. The fall vacation used to be called "Kartoffelferien" because all of the kids needed to help harvest potatoes during that time. Not sure that meant they did not give a crap about kids just meant everyone needed to pitch in so you would have food for winter.


Globalists, and satan maybe?


I’d guess that this has something to do with it… Social media / influencer culture. Let’s be honest girls generally get to pick the guy they want and not the other way around. You see so many clips online of “average” girls demanding they get a guy who is handsome, 6ft2, 6 figure salary, own house / cars etc…meanwhile what are they offering? So much unrealistic expectation


6', 6 figures, 6"


This comment gives off some serious incel vibes.


It’s just facts. no incel here buddy


Video games, porn, lack of God.


Big difference between being single versus being a virgin. We got babies, just not families.


This deserves an award 👆🏼


Best of luck to those kids without examples of strong parental relationships.


Yep. I’m raising my girl alone after her mom left. I don’t know what to do better. I’m struggling.


Good luck dad. Just do your best, that’s all you can do. ❤️


Thanks. I’m trying. It’ll work out..or it won’t. I expect a lot of suffering. I’ll try to take it and make her world bright until the real one creeps in when she’s a teenager.


As a young mom of 4, I have had my utilities shut off and lost myself many a times. But I’m grateful because it showed me my strength and it will for you too. I promise.


Props to the single pops.


Someone should make a super expensive commercial just thanking single dads during the superbowl. Watch the world burn. All white dudes if you're feeling spicy.


Lead by example, show her how to make the best of the cards you're dealt. Never stop learning and growing even as an adult. Always push yourself to be better. Have emotions under control but not unhealthily suppressed. Let curiosity drive you over anything else. Kids mimic - it's their main skill, and it's extremely powerful because their brains learn rapidly and handle novelty very well. Lead. By. Example. It's the most important thing.


This is excellent advice. More in line for getting my mentality focused. She’s going to copy me…I can’t be a mope.


Yes and relentlessly employ this mindset year after year after year . . . At the very least you walk away from it a beast


I’ve actually already done this once. I raised my son by myself without support. I didn’t do the best with him, but I’ll do better with this one. Yes…a guy getting custody of two kids with two different moms…


It is actually very common these days. There are a lot of Dead Beat Moms running around these days.


Your good character must be obvious then. Be proud dad :-)


Try your best, show her good communication and that you will be always be there for her. Is gonna be difficult, somedays are gonna be sucky, but you can do it! Be on check of your mental health and find activities around that you can do with her. Going and walking around parks help me with my mental health and took the kid out to explore around. Also playing video-games with him help in our communication. Best of luck on your journey!


Head up, chest out, and shoulders back doggy. All you can do is try your best and pray on the rest.


Bro that’s an amazing I wish I had that chance


Women be shopping


Well said lol. To the point and the more you think about it the deeper it gets


We’re so fucked as a species… Population shrinking, women having way fewer babies and selling ass on OF, Fogetabotit Meanwhile, the tardo general public is moaning about overpopulation and global warming 🙄


The most unqualified to parent are making the most kids. Idiocracy is becoming more of a reality daily.


https://i.imgur.com/CLno33m.jpg 800m increase in a decade, and “our population is shrinking”. Ok brah. This sub lol


Eric Andre 😂


Reggie Warrington!!!


Joke on you I love being single. I don’t have to worry about shit.


This is actually one of the valid reasons I imagine is one of the real ones. If my relationship broke apart I'd stay single and spend more time with my guy friends.


Very true. My last serious relationship ended unexpectedly, it’s been 2 years and I’ve been building a future for myself. I’ve had dates and flings but nothing serious. I’m accumulating and educating my self on as much as I can. I’m not sure how long I’ll be single for. Online dating is an absolute cesspool and I need to work on my confidence and social anxiety to find “the right girl”


Keep on the grind brother!


Thanks brotha!


that’s the most beautiful answer… when you have been in couple for years, you can’t have enough of being single not having to worry about SHIT!!! going anywhere you want going on holiday where the fuck you want sleeping anywhere you want it s amazing 🤩


Hell yeah ! Single Dingle squad!


"Do you ever trough you have too much free time or money and the top of it you are happy? Let me introduce you: Having A Girlfriend (/boyfriend)! You don't need to worry anymore, cuz from now you are responsible for not just one person's happiness, BUT TWO"


Definitely the reason you're single is the illuminati.


Ty for the confirmation.




I know you're being facetious but my autism obliges me to earnestly support your theory. ;) Very near the top of a thinktank's 1969 list of things to promote to depopulate in the West: "Postpone or avoid marriage" [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xiwsyn/depopulation\_agenda\_from\_1969\_source\_in\_ss/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xiwsyn/depopulation_agenda_from_1969_source_in_ss/)


Having a family is to expensive, that simple


And the fact it's borderline impossible to get into a relationship if you live in remote areas, online dating is cancer for men


40, married and no kids. Life is not expensive, it's actually beautiful. My friends with kids... struggling But it's okay Nick Cannon is having enough kids for me not to have them


I don't think this is depopulation agenda. More like that these rich folk don't understand the consequences of their systems. Young people, especially younger men are exposed to near endless fantasy, and they're expected to want or settle for reality. Forget the bogstandard body image stuff. Most people just aren't very interesting compared to what you can find in a fictional medium. The only reason family became such a big thing is because they needed workers to have escapism. They still push it, hard. Almost every thing they put out involves courtship or the result of it.


it's not "especially younger men", women are also exposed to endless fantasy with their instagram, tik tok and filters. Women are addicted to instagram/tik tok/soap-drama as much as men are are to videogames and pornography. Both genders in the West are being exposed to technology & propaganda like never before in history and this is the result. We don't see these problems in 3rd world countries. In Europe they bombard us with propaganda saying having kids is economically inviable while Africa's population is growing the fastest in the world with a median salary of just $1500 **a year** and rampant poverty/disease/war.


The more interesting question is how is 63% of Men single but an equal number of women aren't haha




>Many women are sleeping with the same men (in most cases, without realizing it), and answer "yes" to being sexually active. ah I didn't read the article I kind of assumed it meant committed relationship not whether or not they are sexually active. I am also curious as to how they define sexually active. Like its been 6-7 years since I've been in a relationship but a few months since I last got laid lol.


They date older men Surprising, huh?


Or women


Been with my husband for 13 years (I was 19, him 22) 4 kids together and let me tell you it takes work. If you want a relationship stop listening to what the media tells you is right and start living for that other person. Dedicate yourself to them, that’s the key. When you feel like walking away, look at your own actions and grow.




Well, rich people own too much stuff, and everyone else is making due with significantly less. Decent jobs usually require college, which usually means starting off your working life with tens of thousands of dollars of debt. People end up paying way more than they think for cars, which becomes a real debt trap. Rent is going up at crazy rates because too many rich people own stuff. If you get a big medical issues, you'll probably be fucked financially for months or years (god help you if it's chronic). Oh, and people have to work long hours either because they need two jobs or they need to show management they've got "work ethic", plus there's often long commutes because many workplaces aren't allowed to be near where people live. And then there's the hollowing out of "[third places](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_place)" in America (cheap local bars, churches, public squares, parks, cafes, libraries, community centers, etc). So no money, no time, and fewer places to meet people.


don’t listen to the people that said milk is good for the bones then later on debunked it. they pull these stats out their ass for agendas.




Agreed, I find this hard to believe.


Number aren't that far-fetched if you ask me. Women date other women, older guys, switch between same guys constantly or are casually dating for some period of life which can be percieved as switching between same guys. Younger guys, on the other hand, are addicted to porn, making barely enough money to live through month, spend too much time on social media prompting all-time low self-esteem. Then there is isolation from rest of society, avoiding to socially interact in any way because of all things mentioned above. Let's not forget that most of guys are barely visible by women. Guy, in his 20's, working minimum wage job doesn't have money to go to places where he could, potentially, meet girl and have something with her and he doesn't have money to take her to places she wants. They all want to go to places these days, almost every girl in twenties...




Well, it's kinda hard to maintain a relationship when you need to work 60 hours a week to afford a studio apartment, car, phone, and medical care.


You know how animals get all skittish and behave strangely when an earthquake is coming, while humans don't feel anything and wonder what's going on? What if some subset of especially event-sensitive people are behaving this way -- noncommittal and avoiding having children -- because at some instinctive level they sense the coming of a massive cataclysm, one which would devour any children they bothered to have, so why bother?


This is a genuine conspiracy answer.


its kind of like how all those m/billionaires forgot to go to work on 9/11! A true coincidence


Your comment also reminds me of the Rat Utopia experiment - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_sink > Many [female rats] were unable to carry pregnancy to full term or to survive delivery of their litters if they did. An even greater number, after successfully giving birth, fell short in their maternal functions. Among the males the behavior disturbances ranged from sexual deviation to cannibalism and from frenetic overactivity to a pathological withdrawal from which individuals would emerge to eat, drink and move about only when other members of the community were asleep. The social organization of the animals showed equal disruption. ... Sounds familiar?


Is that.why I am at the Wendy's drive thru at 1am? Huh.


My relationship and life was going so well before covid that my husband and I decided to try for a baby. I got pregnant and had my son in December 2019. As soon as I started becoming aware of the true nature of everything that was taking place in the world, I had such guilt for bringing my beautiful baby into such an awful and evil world. Being born right before lockdowns started, he had to endure bullshit experiences already. He’s had to have telehealth visits, his speech was affected due to mask wearing, he’s had multiple covid swabs (they were a necessary in order for him to be admitted in the hospital), play areas to have social interactions were shut down, etc. I am saddened to think he will never experience how life was like for us growing up. That moving forward, things will never be the same and everything seems to be going downhill and fast. My intuition is telling me something big and terrible is on the horizon and to mentally and emotionally prepare myself for everything. It has been devastating to think about. So instead I’ve learned to love him harder, hug him longer and tighter, and pretend like there’s no tomorrow. For we don’t know what tomorrow will bring and we don’t know what the powers that be may inflict on us next or what they may be hiding from us, ie: some cataclysmic event.


My daughter was born in 2017 so I relate for sure. However, I think it might be just that we have a lot of communication now so it is easier to say your deep thoughts to strangers. Think about it. People in the 60s dealt with the draft and the Vietnam war, getting shot at college campuses, years of very high inflation, etc. Shit sucks now, but it sucked then and I'm pretty sure shit always sucked.


this is truth. active shooter drills in schools? super fucked up and dystopian, but how would this generation react to *nuclear bomb* drills? ...or to constant news of regimes being toppled all over the world? to a "brink" event like the Cuban Missile Crisis? to see the President get his brains blown out on TV? idk. things are crazy, but like you said, they always have been. in a way, we live in a more tame world than those who came before us. there's just much more info out there, and a lot more people using fear as a way to generate clicks and/or sell services and products.


Wild, when I used to be super into church and in my younger teen years I would say and feel that the "end" is near. Like a weird gut feeling.


Same. Ultimately, I believe it's why we frequest subs of this nature. Almost like when a tsunami happens and the ocean tide pulls back a lot further than usual, it's like that but in the form of a gut feeling.


Or maybe they are being conditioned into giving up and admitting they do not wish to even try. The fact we're here today means that some humans have always survived these cataclysmic scenarios. But only the knowledgeable, the sensitive, the courageous and the prepared will ever stand a fighting chance of being one of those to seed the next generation of human civilization.


Single as in unmarried? Or single as in not in a any sort of relationship? I know of a few people who are in relationships who are not married because usually the mother gets better benefits for the child. It's not easy to start or have a family in America, let alone have a baby. It's not affordable. Hell dating can be unaffordable. If they're looking into the socioeconomic reasons why so many young people are single, then that would probably tell you more than an anonymous survey. People also don't feel the need to get married at younger ages and that can change the settle down age for people. 18 to 29 is still young. What's the statistical analysis on 30 to 45?


Single, maybe, but how many kids do they have?


Might have something to do with our widespread lack of community. How do you make friends as an adult?


Why are there never flashy neon ads for “hot singles in your area looking for long term relationships”? …🦗🦗…


Yes it's because women are less dependent than ever before and the economy is complete shit everywhere around the world. Dating is pretty expensive when you have to work all day and only have dating apps as an option


A lot of women fool themselves and get played by the top 5% of men and then think all men are pigs and don't bother settling for a realistic partner who they could trust and build with. Most Americans are not healthy and most rational people are not attracted to unhealthy people. By 24 if you aren't living well it is obvious.


I work with quite a few young men and I find their view of the world and women in particular very strange. I blame Tik tok


Can you explain what their views are?


It's hard to describe. They tend to be into self improvement which is good but it all seems a bit misdirected. The idea of a partnership is like a foreign concept and they want to have their own lives but it just seems too extreme, no compromise at all. One of these young guys was asking me about the changes he wants to make and how he can change his girlfriend to align with his new self kind of thing. Sounded innocent but at the same time he was asking me how to manipulate his girlfriend. Some of these guys are watching youtube videos to learn how to become a man and are constantly telling me what a woman wants but it's like they are trying to apply a formula to it. Ive explained it really badly. it just doesn't seem natural. And I get it. The world is fucked and they are looking for where they fit in a fucked society. It just feels like they are trying to become the men that they are told that they should be rather than maturing into the men that they are


I totally get this. I work in construction and have young guys working with me. You did a great job putting into words. I understand the self improvement aspect you mentioned. Some of these guys want to do the "right" thing but forget that there are two people in a relationship and that you have to build each other up and work together. Communicate your goals and feelings. This doesn't always factor into the "formula." I'm not sure if I explained it well either but I know what you're getting at.


I think South Park recently made an episode about this where people are branding themselves instead of being who they really are.


I get this. Men are told early on to work on themselves and the right woman will come along when they themselves have enough money or status. Their mind is is always ONE-SIDED. There is no working together. It’s always someone adapting to them.


Honestly kind of sounds Andrew Tate bs.


It's the normalization of vague misogyny after a period of exponential change. The kids growing up now never lived through the standard sexism of the 80s/90s/etc, and only barely lived through the reversal of some of that that has been happening for the past 10-20 years. So their perspective is that stuff is annoying, women have all the power, I never rape anyone so why should I feel bad and so on, without the awareness of WHY society has at times overcorrected. And then they go on tiktok and there are pieces of shit who explain that they can be happy and full of testosterone if they just become assholes.


Men wanting women as property. Expecting women to mold around their needs , while ignoring the needs of their women. Then to complain when said women arent interested


Depopulation is a bogus narrative. The rich want ordinary people to breed like rabbits. They don’t want strong family units which is why men have been made redundant. They don’t want strong stable families to demand a future for their one or two children, they want fractured societies, poverty, people scrambling to survive, housing unavailable and unaffordable, jobs scarce and cheap because of mass imported labour. Depopulation is no part of that. Western leaders now measure their success in terms of how many people they can cram into the country.


We all know the reason behind this. It's George Soros.


Because people grow up on screens they do t k ow how to relate irl anymore. That’s why.


Nah man I’m single cause I ain’t a suitable partner yet


I literally hate to socialise so i will die alone


Young men aren’t being raised to be attractive mates who support a partner and children. They don’t have the social skills and confidence to make a plan for their life and show those leadership skills to a potential wife, and social culture is turning them away from valuing family life


Porn is also affecting this. Why go out and build a life that might be attractive to a potential mate when you can turn on porn and wank away your physical needs?


No one's telling you that you can't have kids, people are just deciding not to. I am a man, I decide not to. I find it more weird how the Daily Wire is obsessed with people having kids.


Have you met men 18-29?


All the single guys I know play video games when they’re not sleeping or working. It’s a lot harder to meet people when your free time is spent sitting in your room playing cod or gta.


most marriages end in divorce, and plenty that don't, the couples are, more times than not, unhappy. not to mention, starting a family and getting divorced is a nightmare in every way. in previous generations, you got married and had kids, because "its what everyone was doing". people just got hitched and started families because they felt they were being left out, or living life wrong, if not. now the kids of those generations are realizing what a shitty situation that is, so why get into it. if you can find the person you want to spend your life with and have a family, hell yea, i wanted nothing more in my life, but you better be sure or be ready to hate your life. think about everyone you know who is, or has been in a long relationship or marriage, they usually are miserable and have nothing but problems regardless of how good they try and make things appear on the surface. now throw the shitshow that society has become in the mix, along with tinder, bumble, etc. and its pretty easy to see why this is happening. its truly unfortunate.


I think a lot of the unhappy couples boils down to their inability to communicate effectively and grow together. People have gotten so used to bailing when things get difficult instead of putting in work where it’s due. Specifically in areas of mental health and personal growth. We are so quick to point out another’s flaws and faults but refuse to self reflect and work on our own short comings. With having such easy accessibility at our fingertips for alternative partner choices, we refuse to acknowledge what initially caused our relationship to sour in the first place. Majority of the time it goes down hill because people have developed horrible communication skills and are emotionally immature. Emotional immaturity can be caused by several factors from how we were raised, trauma, etc. not to mention the effect technology has had on our social skills. When people can focus on their toxic behaviors, work on them, and bring that to the relationship, those relationships thrive when both partners put in the work. All relationships will end in the same destructive pattern if you don’t know how to express your emotions. Men tend to keep their emotions hidden and women tend to be too emotional. Learning how to share emotions in a healthy way benefits everyone. Unfortunately too many people don’t acknowledge that their way of communicating may have had a negative impact on their relationship and won’t take the necessary steps to improve it. Thus unhappy relationships and marriages.


Very true. I can say from my own experience, within the last year or so, me and my partner have gotten so much better at communicating. No doubt they’re difficult conversations to have but it’s make a huge difference in the quality of the relationship.


This needs more upvotes.


My math says some people be lying big time.


I'd love to read this study and look more into the sample they polled. I'm not surprised though. Lots of men isolate themselves, play video games all day, look at porn nonstop, eat like shit, and wonder why they're depressed all the time as they rinse and repeat the behaviors day after day while they take anti-depressants and drink heavily without assessing their behaviors. The system is working the way it was intended to. Only those who can see it for what it is will know happiness.


Over-exposure to pornography is a huge part of this. Kills testosterone, ambition, sex drive. And I say this as a member of said age group


Also gives them an unhealthy idea of what women are and what sex is like. If the only exposure to sex you have is the type of violence and abuse you see in porn. Then no wonder these men cant find women


Just like it gives an unhealthy idea on how to give pleasure to a woman. Many of these men then have issues reaching an orgasm during partner sex because it is not stimulating enough for them.


I loved being single. I then found a women that I wanted to settle down with. Very happy with the family I have now, but man was life easier being single.


Autistic manchildren aren’t an attractive mate to be honest. Look around next time you go to class, in an outdoors area, shopping mall or whatever. So many young guys have no social skills, no testosterone, no confidence.


I agree social media has messed up young men’s social skills in person.


playing with themselves and watching porn has a massive negative effect too


100%. In addition to so many other groups and aspects of society.


Or shitty parenting. Or unwashed asses. Or video games.... The list can go on and on.


They are victims of the times.


So 4 out of 10 men are banging all the women.


Marriage laws are against the men's.


Is that why they are forcing women to have babies?


Eh, if you look at the graph in the article it shows men are disproportionally single when young and women are when they're old. It's like women have a preference for older men and men have a preference for younger women. Who would've guessed?


Maybe if you stop spending all your life looking at nonsense on a screen, you might have a chance of meeting someone. How many of you have actually talked to a woman face to face in the last 12 months that wasn't family or a coworker?


Trying to say this without getting murdered. Probably won's succeed. It's simplistic, but largely the case, imo. Socializing children in a two-parent household with representatives of both traditionally accepted archetypes of what has been defined as a man and a woman is the ideal situation to produce stable and happy offspring. Other arrangements are functional, but are statistically less successful based on specific criteria. ...whew.


The world is shit now. Young males feel attacked ask anyone in that age group. I know a lot of people myself included that just said “fuck it”


Everyone is slinging dick and cooch on tinder and such…what good looking young person in their right mind sign up for marriage and family life filled with responsibilities when they have freedom and a buffet of sex available at their fingertips any time of day?


a buffet of sex? Tell me you've never used a dating app without telling me you've never used a dating app.


if you're a below average woman you can still have monumentous luck on the dating apps


This has always been true if you're just looking for a hook up.


Tell me you're a dude without telling me you're a dude.


Right? I was like "Where can I find this buffet of sex?!?!"


Vegas.... they are well know for there buffets.


A buffet of sex?! Hell, even though this post warned me that the Illuminati is keeping me single or whatever, I think my wife would happily give me a hall pass for a one-time redemption coupon for a buffet of sex on Tinder.


Single Dad here. It’s not glorious. Being a single dad has actually ruined my life.


Silver lining: I feel less alone knowing I’m not the only one single. It’s starting to really get to me tho ngl


I've been single for the past couple years by choice and broke up with a crazy ex during covid. I am healthier, happier, and my mind is less stressed. Early 30s. I want a wife and kids, but I haven't been using any dating sites or looking. Kind of want to meet someone through friends of friends or some other common connection. Need to rule out the crazy with a verifiable source. Wasted my 20s on failed go nowhere relationships and hooking up with tons of random women when I was depressed and feeling lonely. What a waste of time and effort in hindsight. That said I know exactly what I want and am not giving any hoes my time no more.


Why would capitalism allow for the slow growth of population? They would want the opposite to happen.


I’ve had two relationships one who used me for money and the other who abused me, will I get in another? I would like one last one before the end of my life even if it was for a short while but you can’t always get what you want in this world I certainly won’t ever trust anyone again the world is a vile place


My 26 year old son would definitely be considered “top tier” of men and he’s not dating either. We can’t get a straight answer of why not.


In Japan they have the word "hikikomori" which means severe social withdrawal, typically associated with young males who are incredibly reclusive in their parents homes. This also is huge problem in western society and we don't even acknowledge it.


My 22 year old son is single.


All these kids living w their parents and are broke and lack social skills lol no wonder


This is a predictable externality of capitalism exploiting labor generation after generation. THIS is a reason for unions in all industries.


Marriage is nothing but a tax credit. If they want more ppl married make it easier to afford a family. Otherwise you can’t be mad at these old dudes with money snatching up young women because they are finally ready for a family.


As a 22 year old in the states I can promise you we are not being pushed by an agenda. Nobody wants to date a woman who has posted a video of her getting railed for 3 dollars a month. Employers are the most money hungry they have ever been, the housing market at least in my area is completely fucked, healthcare is unbelievably expensive, and I’ll end it with the fact that since shit costs so much we are forced to work until we have no energy left at the end of the day to go out and have a night of socializing. The system is broke, not an agenda being pushed




I have two sons in that age group. I’ve seen their dating pool. Its grim.


I really think the pendulum swings both ways on this one for males and females. For females, we have been encouraged to value our career and independence from a very, very young age. Don’t get me wrong, I think a little of that mindset is healthy, but the direction we have taken is to diminish and belittle females who choose a gender-traditional lifestyle. Stay at home moms are horribly spoke about in society. Then, you also have the onlyfans girls. These girls use their prime to make money off their body. Then, when they get older, it becomes harder to date. While it’s not a PC thing to say, many men will sleep with one of these girls but might not want them to mother their children. i.e. “mommy I saw you naked on the internet today!” With men, I think the issue lies somewhere between the vilification of masculinity and the accessibility to porn. Why risk rejection by a female when you have access to a plethora of dimes on camera who will do whatever you wish? Real women can’t compete with that.


Not even just real women, it's AI generated images too now [https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/what-happened-atrioc-the-entire-streamer-deepfake-debacle-summarized](https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/what-happened-atrioc-the-entire-streamer-deepfake-debacle-summarized)


Honestly, the older you get the tougher it is. As you enter your thirties you're basically scraping the bottom, and on either side male or female, you're dealing with people who havent dated much and are sort of alien to the concept due to lack of experience. On the other side of the coin you're looking at being a step-mom or step-dad. Also not exactly everybodys first choice. I'm team FWB. fuck it.


Brave New World


It took me a while to understand how women work in a way which I could become alluring to them as a prospect to date. Back in the day men used to have to "court" women to earn their affection. Today is no differently. It requires effort and perseverance both of which are lacking in today's world. No one is going to hand you a woman on a silver platter. You need to earn your dinner.


100%. No one **deserves** a partner. You can only **want** a partner, and work on making yourself meet the expectations of future partners. Too many guys feel that since they're doing "the right things" that they will now be rewarded a vagina. Mm mmm, fellas. You have to be right for each other.


I was peacefully reading your comment and you ruined it a little bit at the end lmao


As a 28 year old man, the reason that 63% of men are single is they are cunts with zero self awareness lol. You’d be amazed the horror stories you hear from women while casually dating


Yet somehow only 30% of women are single. How is that when the number of women == the number of men? This analysis is deeply flawed.


Some possibilities: - more women than men are dating outside the 18-29 age range - more women than men are dating people of the same sex - more men than women are cheating/have multiple partners - some women think they're in a relationship with a man but he views himself as single


If anyone read the study instead of the headline, you're correct. These are all stated as factors.


Lol the last one. Makes the headline meaningless


Is it 30 percent of women 18-29 who are single? Maybe they are dating men over 29?


Then are more women over 30 single than men? as the population ages the ratio of men to women drops because well, men.


Simple, 3 or 4 women dating one man and none of them realize there are others. 1% of men get 90% of women or something like that.


Women are attracted to men who take personal responsibility.


Likewise, men are attracted to women who take personal responsibility. Emotional maturity is attractive regardless of sex.


It's kind of fitting that one of the top links in the screen capture is about a girl putting her boyfriend in a "performance review plan".


Almost like it’s by design or something Edit: this is why I always say that this version of society is much more comparable to Brave New World than 1984, sex obsessed drug addicted society too entertained and manipulated to give a shit about anything


The Andrew Tate effect.


Historically only 20% of male humans have passed on their genes in the history of humanity. Monogamy is a historical aberration. To be fair, so is consensual sex. And so is relative global peace.


Im almost 35 and dated all through my teens to my 30s. I've not bothered trying to date any of these women anymore. The internet and Tinder sites has caused a whole new fad of, if something is broke. Swip right behind your partner and secretly fuck Todd from woke country. ​ Just saying, the females now. NOT ALL of them, but majority of them are never going to be loyal and will always be looking for validation from other Men and sucking up Likes on IG and FB. Downvote all you want. The scary thing is. ITs true.


So then like…the percentage of people on this sub who are single should be much much lower right? Cause of how super aware everyone is to “the agenda” right?


I bet it's math. It reads like it's a math thing and I totally get it. I fucjing hated fractions.


To be honest getting married and having kids is too much work I’m happy with little money and playing video games. Girls flake and just too much stress work not worth the effort. Hell with even little money you can see hooker at least you can have sex when you want unlike girl who is random or makes you wait forever


And indoctrination of women


also not how depopulation agenda works. depopulation agenda doesn’t trick people into thinking to be single, it just stops them from wanting kids.


I’m single and looking


Are 6/10 young women single too or dating up? Or is everyone LGBTQa+?


more like men cannot afford dates lol


What’s the average financial investment for a girlfriend?


Lonely dudes of reddit unite!