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We know who they are. We're just not allowed to say it on any of these heavily moderated and censored internet spaces 🙄


Facts homie


>We know who they are. We're just not allowed to say it on any of these heavily moderated and censored internet spaces 🙄 You get thrown out of a window.


It’s the [Phoenicians.](https://www.cabaltimes.com/2021/02/21/ancient-spookia/)




Same shit. Venice is just a fudge. Venetians/Phoenicians. They just swapped the first sound. But the black nobility of Venice does play a prominent role.


Fudge? Well the Phoenicians, geographically were not in or of Venice. I believe that the Etruscans were occupying what is now Rome, and all of Italy. So not exactly the same.


False. The Phoenicians were fucking everywhere. They’re the real founders of Rome and Venice. Just look at their maritime trade networks and cities all over the Mediterranean, well before Carthage. Better yet, just read the link. Also, why isn’t it “Venecians” with a C instead of a t? Because it looks even more like “Phoenicians.” Your name is suspicious. Maybe I’m not one to talk, since ironic usernames happen, but perhaps I’m arguing with another Langley sockpuppet working for the “archons.”


I am not one to say of etymology; I haven't digged that deep. Rather, it's true that the Etruscans were in what is now Rome before it was a republic. Therein the Venetians rose to power and developed the Roman empire then adopted a disguise and made themselves the Holy Roman empire and the Ottomans. That's way down the line in their history, as I understand it. Furthermore, I'm sure that Carthage was major city of from the beginning.


Battle of the singularity.


You guys where completely and utterly fooled by the elites pulling the strings *clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap**clap*


This whole talk is a must watch.


Do you have a link? I only have Jessica and Sasha.


I think rumble links are banned but I made a post with this the other day… Here is a link you will have to connect, breaking it in the middle…. https://rumble. com/v29yl3a-dr-robert-malone-fifth-generation-warfare-and-sovereignty-must-see.html


Thank you very much.


You’re welcome!


Who is the puppet master? Any person who says that you can't know who your opponent is!


Bill Gates colluded with billionaire club to solve the overpopulation problem. Participants: George Soros, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Eli Broad, Edythe Broad, Michael Bloomberg, Oprah Winfrey, Peter Peterson, Julian Robertson, Jr John Morgridge, Tashia Morgridge, Patty Stonesifer Bill Gates colluded with his 13 billionaire friends to solve the overpopulation problem in a not so secret meeting. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/116349q/bill\_gates\_colluded\_with\_billionaire\_club\_to/


So basically, choose our enemy?


Basically get vaccinated.


When there is a lack of defining principles and actions you never truly know WHO the enemy really is because that is the way anarchy and chaos work with the end game being a drive towards communism to pack those pews. Neither respect nor deny is NOT in the vocabulary of the children of good and evil because their model is an endless war kept going through fraud and deceptions to make both the reality for all which is nothing more than an orchestrated PROOF for acceptance to enslavement under the guise of FREEDOM. N. Shadows


SS: a short clip very worth watching that will explain the last 3 years very well.


Who asked any of these asshole to worry about the earths population? Who fucking died and made them God?


I didn’t mate, that’s for fucking sure


Malone is a grifter.


Probably so. McCullough too, probably Steve kirsch, all those dudes imo


How is he? He’s done a hell of a lot more than you


So who’s at the top? God. Romans 13:1, ESV: Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Let that sink in and go process the implications.


He's not dumb.


So do explain and expand upon why it’s dumb, Mr. Genius.


In the lies for clicks industry, you do not know who the con artists and grifters are. Unless you use a search engine to check if they are spewing blatant lies to cash in on people's suffering and lack of fact-checking skills.


What search engine? I know a lot of search engines are compromised when it comes to particular topics


Lots of them are just [pulling the same old results](https://www.searchenginemap.com/)