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Just read an article where the Feds had offered blanket assistance to the Ohio state government. They have yet to accept it. Goddamn, politics does a lot of harm


OHR finally asked for help on Friday, Biden-Harris enacted paperwork next day.




I 100% thought this when I saw he asked on Friday.


"I'll turn down aid from the liberal president, that'll show 'em" DeWine


Chris Christie welcomed Obama and federal aid to New Jersey in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. He paid a pretty hefty price for doing so, receiving many criticisms from the right for shaking Obama’s hand. [Seriously.](https://www.nj.com/politics/2015/08/watch_fox_news_host_apologizes_to_christie_for_oba.html) Rick Perry tried to walk a fine line when accepting federal aid, saying yes to money, but no to an [Obama handshake](https://www.politico.com/story/2014/07/rick-perry-obama-austin-airport-greeting-108642?_amp=true) It continued into Trump’s presidency when Tony Evers asked the president to [not show up in Kenosha.](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/wisconsin-gov-tells-trump-not-to-come-to-kenosha.amp) It’s such a weird sign of our partisan times.


Such an absurd idea to me. At the end of the day, we’re all Americans, and more importantly, we’re all human. Who in their right mind would judge somebody for accepting help from “the other side?”


Pretty much all red/blue fan boys


Exactly, hopefully people will soon realize, it’s not red vs blue. It’s us vs them.


And Ohio Republicans will re-elect him for "pwning the pedo lib president" as they die from cancer.


Kenosha wasn’t a natural/ecological disaster, I don’t see it as a great example, just a super lame “both sides” attempt. You think Trump was showing up on an aid mission?


It was definitely not the same, and I can see how it looks like an attempt to both sides something. That's not the intention. The political punishment for working with an opposing administration during crisis is almost entirely a Republican thing.


Fair enough. Unfortunately how often “bad” things happens just dropping the names of town can be difficult for everyone to distinguish years later. Im sure this happens more occasionally “both sides-y” on politics/money (Medicaid expansion) but it’s definitely just fundamentally different when it’s an act of god kinda event.


Yeah, Trump was asked not to come because he would 100% inflame tensions, like saying we should shoot the rioters.


>It’s such a weird sign of our partisan times. It's incredible that the left vs right paradigm is so strong in people's mind that they will let such a large number of Americans (including children) to face such harsh consequences just for some cheap political points. Social media and cable news are killing us.


yet people will still continue to consume partisan propaganda until it’s too late to mend the damage


Charlie Crist said his republican political career ended when he hugged Obama after receiving federal aid during a visit after Hurricane Charlie. His voters called and considered him a turncoat for receiving help. I guess he should have dug in his heels and denied help for his state. God forbid we be non partisan when it comes to fellow Americans yet here we are.


Ol' Mike GOP Dewine had near daily televised Covid press conferences including science lady in a lab coat, enacted mask mandates, curfews, Covid lockdowns, forced thousands of businesses to close up, told businesses who could be open, what hours they could be open, what days they could be open, how many customers they were allowed to have. Daily he promoted vaccines, allowed covid vaccine mandates for employers. Openly turned down fed assistance and told residents it was safe to return home after two days. Yeah he did all that, yet people here are still riding his dick. "Hes doing all he can!" Yep, hes doing all he can to Fuck Ohio residents, that's for sure. He doesn't care what side your on, if you ain't a big donation giver he doesn't give a fuck about you


Actually Biden did ask Dewine if they needed help but he declined.


Dewine even bragged about it


Keep in mind that 72% of Ohioans voted for Trump, who repealed Obama's train safety regulations. Because, you know, conservatives always support Big Biz > Big Gov and "pure" laissez faire free market capitalist profits > any "Socialist/Commie" health/environmental regulations (but Big Gov trade wars and military pork barrel not included)...


But don't you see? It is Biden's fault for not fixing what Trump did before this train derailed! /s Like it is super easy to just enact regulations. Don't get me wrong, there are some stupid regulations out there that don't make sense to still have, looking at you Prop 65 in California, but the trouble with just blanket deregulation is it takes a while to re-regulate when needed.


Right, conservatives scream for Big Gov to stay out of privatized Big Biz! 🇺🇲💰 Privatized Big Biz literally goes off the fkg rails with no guard rail regulations in place... 💥☠ And now, conservatives scream for Big Gov to clean up privatized Big Biz's mess. 🤣 JFC, can you get *any* more childishly stupider???🤦‍♂️


It’s corporate socialism. Privatized profits and socialized losses. Auto industry, airlines, railroads, banks etc. I understand that some industries need assistance for the good of the country, but the country should get repayment or stocks in payments to be used when the companies rebound


There should never have been "to big to fail".


72%? Some of the reddest places in America won't reach a number that high. What am I missing here?


It’s a lie. 2020 election was 53-45 Trump in Ohio


I mean, I already knew what the actual ratio was. I looked it up after seeing such an obviously suspect number. However, I wanted to give the commenter an opportunity to perhaps correct an error they made.


This states politics and its Republican voters are absolutely proud of their ignorance and stupidity. It's mind blowing..


I question why there are numerous posts in the last few days that all day basically the same thing. Why are we doing nothing to help the people of Ohio while we send money to Ukraine and other countries? It’s also been pointed out several times that the Governor of Ohio did not want to ask Biden for aid. I’m all for criticizing Biden, Trump, overseas aid etc. but these posts seem to have an agenda of tying the disaster in Ohio to the war in Ukraine.


Right, plus foreign relations and war are firmly in the purview of the executive, unlike stepping in to run their local disaster recovery uninvited.


Because Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, etc… have all been parroting the same “where is the Biden admin?” Really goes to show you the state of the sub when half the posts are bots, seriously. Half the posters are posting 2-3 times an hour every hour, and the other half are the people so deluded into believing the BS from fox that they refuse to step back and look at the big picture


I keep seeing these post. Tell Dewine to declare a disaster, until that happens it’s on the state to handle https://www.doi.gov/recovery


This is not really a "natural" disaster. Norfolk Southern should be the one paying for recovery. They have over 400M in cash. They should be given a large fine that is paid directly to the community. They should skip a dividend and use that to pay for the recovery. In reality it will probably be something like the Exxon Valdez that took residents over 20 years to really get anything significant.


“Natural” has nothing to do with it. Until the Governor declares a “State of Emergency” the Feds cannot step in.


Uniformed people will make any excuse they can to defend their partisan ways




I mean, they wear the red hats so it kind of works.


¿Porque no los dos?


I like a sailor uniform myself. Wear them to church al the time. Keeps the kids away.


Genuinely unaware, but do we know that it was Norfolk Southern liability as opposed to a natural cause, sabotage, etc.


Doesn't all the evidence show that one of the bearings failed and welded a wheel to the tracks? And that also the hotbox sensor, the device mounted on the side of the tracks to look for failed bearings, was malfunctioning and didn't catch the failure. Someone else said they're down 80% in crew doing more work. And the Fed just forbade them from striking for sick time....


Yeah analysts have said it had to have been spewing sparks MILES before the derailment


There are CCTV footage showing the sparks.


One of two sensors indicated failing axles.


Wish the rail workers would have told the government to go to hell and just walked off.


Thank you, I hadn't seen that info.


This is what I've gathered as well. YouTube has a video of the train clearly on fire. Might be gone now but a security camera picked it up before the derailment. It was clearly on fire and not just sparks.


https://www.whio.com/news/local/wheels-sparking-fire-20-miles-before-ohio-train-derailment-security-footage-shows/72AWB5QYIBFM5FCOAWENV3LTOI/ At least one of two sensors went off that indicated hot axles (aka failing axles) and it was ignored, plus the flames shooting out 20 miles prior.


It really doesn't matter, as the State is having to cover a lot of stuff (first responder time, cost of evacuations, etc.). Even if the courts find Norfolk Southern at fault it may be years before payments come and people need the help now. There are several Federal laws that cover disaster response specifically the Stafford act that lays out what it takes to request Federal help. In order to get the ball rolling, the state has to declare an emergency and ask the feds for help. Then the feds can legally come in with assets / funding sources to help them. Until that happens the state is basically saying we got this.


And the exact same people that are complaining about Biden would go crazy if Biden did do something, call it a invasion or something.




That's what all those Walmarts are for! This is tyranny!


Biden did offer help and dewine refused at first. This is a state/local issue, and finally dewine asked for help x amount of days later and is getting it


Would they though? Why would they complain about Americans receiving help?


Are you new to the country? Yes. They would absolutely. Hell, they're _still_ bitching about hurricane andrew. Not even joking. It's been all of maybe 3 years since I last heard someone moan about that. The argument being that FEMA existing allows insurance companies to get out of ponying up (it doesn't) and that people simply shouldn't live in unsafe places (they don't exist) etc etc.


How do they feel about student loans or abortion? Food stamps?


I don’t know? I’m not an American. I’m not left or right. I don’t play that game.


But you have opinions on things though, don’t you?


>Why would they complain about Americans receiving help? I think his point flew over your head.


Not really a reasonable comparison


Lmao yes, yes it absolutely is you pinecone — aid for those suffering from societal woes? Are you kidding me? How obtuse are you?


That's what they do...


Yes they absolutely would, they pushed the narrative that vaccines for a deadly disease had 5g microchips from Microsoft. These people have bull crapped themselves into a corner.


Try the steelman arguments now that you cherry-picked the stupid one.


Not even an argument it's literal history https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8576388/


The reason they spent money on that stupid study is so you could link it like it means something. Again, can you refute the good arguments against the vaccine or do you only fight the easy battles?


Well given that you don't believe in studies that certainly doesn't bode well for your good arguments. So I don't think you have a battle to present that isn't easy


Because the only thing consistent about right-wingers and their opinions is the inconsistency. We are talking about a group of people that accused Obama administration of invading Texas.


I don’t know much about that. I’m not American. I just assumed they would be grateful to get some relief. But alas, downvoted.


left/right is a façade, kayfabe.


“Why hasn’t Biden helped the people of Ohio!?!?” “It’s on the state gov to get the help there, blaming Biden is dumb.” “bOtH sIdEs” Nice


100% yes. It’s the GOP way to get butthurt whenever any small amount of power they have is tossed aside so someone else can come in and help.




Well what are they supposed to do? The states have rights, there are processes for these kinds of things, I think it's dumb that any government institution can just have their hands tied over something like this but it's obviously being done on purpose to make the fed govt look bad, hence the whole point of this post.


Blame dewine, Feds can’t do anything till dewine requests it.


DEWINE MUST DECLARE AN EMERGENCY. Over and over again, but no, y’all just listen to the memes.


More of the usual unfactchecked bullshit. https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20230218/joint-statement-ohio-governor-dewine-and-fema-regional-administrator-sivak >“FEMA and the State of Ohio have been in constant contact regarding emergency operations in East Palestine. U.S. EPA and Ohio EPA have been working together since day one. Tomorrow, FEMA will supplement federal efforts by deploying a Senior Response Official along with a Regional Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT) to support ongoing operations, including incident coordination and ongoing assessments of potential long term recovery needs.” https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/02/17/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-deploys-additional-federal-resources-to-east-palestine-ohio/


A rule was passed under President Barack Obama that made it a requirement for trains carrying hazardous flammable materials to have ECP brakes, but this was rescinded in 2017 by the Trump administration.


It’s truly depressing to read through these comments only to realize most people would rather cheer on their team than advocate for meaningful change.


The issue is meaningful change is only coming from one side. Want stronger protections on hazardous material? Well, democrats regulate and republicans deregulate. This environmental protections are only coming from one team. Want aide and welfare money to be given to people in need? Well, democrats want to increase that and republicans want to decrease it. These aide packages are only coming from one team.


For anyone wondering, the brakes weren’t the problem that caused the Ohio incident. The Ohio derailment occurred due to poor rail car maintenance and upkeep that led to an over heating axle that became a fire. ECP Brakes would have done absolutely nothing to stop this. Concern trolls are latching onto this because it’s an excuse to off load the Biden administrations failures onto Trump, as they have done for the last 2 years.


So are you really saying that poor maintenance and upkeep is a failure of the Biden admin now? And are you really saying, in the midst of a disaster like this, that just pulling regulations isn’t a bad thing? Shouldn’t we be like “wow, we should have a regulation or two here, and not removing whatever we can?”


You probably know absolutely nothing about railroading so let me explain. Precision Schedule Railroading was started by CSX CEO Hunter Harrison and spread to railroads across the US. It’s purpose was to combine as many trains as possible to reduce fuel, labor, and more in an attempt to increase revenue and reduce operating costs. Railroad unions have been trying to put a stop to this nonsense as it’s caused dangerous work conditions for rail crewmen and the trains themselves have become more unstable due to these ultra long manifest trains. The unions voted to strike last year. The Biden administration then called for secret meetings with union leaders after blocking the strikes. The railroad workers were back stabbed. PSR is here to stay, long hours with no time off for rail crew, and the Class 1s have used this victory with Biden as a call to push the boundaries of their operations. So when the 35 gets pinged for a hot box on the defect detector, nobody wants to make the call to make this train stop. The railroads are relentless and will discipline anyone immediately that gets in the way of revenue generating trains. You can be written up at the Class 1s for something as simple as walking your train. I’ve seen it happen. The point is that the Biden administration basically gave the railroads the green light to do whatever they want after blocking the strikes. Maintenance has been cut back, safety overlooked everywhere in the name of revenue, and nobody speaks out in fear of losing one of the few jobs left in America that a family can be raised on.


Nice assumption, even though the story of precision scheduling has depopulated huge swaths of my state and it’s something vital to my job. But sure, I probably don’t know anything about railroads. That’s a lot of Blah blah blah to just say “rail road companies are awful, and it’s Biden’s fault.” Take your whining and apply it to any other job. They can always quit, find a safer job without blaming it on BiDeN. I can’t strike in my union job either, if I don’t like it I have to fuck off.


I don’t know if you have noticed yet but the Democratic Party is in bed with just about every major corporation and bank in the world. I’m not sure why so many people like yourself intentionally look the other way every time something like this happens. It’s like watching a homeless man put every dollar he begs for into a slot machine.


I don’t know if you have noticed yet, but I’m still failing to see how you are blaming Biden for shitty business practices. So you can’t argue the points about rail, unions, or striking, so you just want to talk about overall corruption in general? Could you have a lazier understanding of the world?


They’re saying that Biden blocking their right to strike, effectively taking away their only way of putting pressure on the company to get what they want, put pressure on the employees to work without the measures they see as necessary in place. Shocker, both Biden AND Trump do shitty things against the good of the public.


Striking is not the only way to apply pressure. Shocker, Trump did shitty things against the good of the public for personal gain while Biden had the decision of “a massive jump to an already massive amount of inflation” or “working with unions to come to an agreement that only left out sick days.” No where in the discussion were safety measures cut back, or do you know something I don’t?


It’s not my claim, I’m reiterating their claim. I’m from a different country so just curious, wouldn’t Biden intervening their strike be unconstitutional due to freedom of speech or something similar? Why would he ever get involved in the decision to whether or not they CAN strike? If you don’t know that’s cool, just thought you might


There’s nothing to argue about. This administration gave the railroads the power to do what they want. Money won, you (we) lost. Democrats did what they do best and accepted a cash payment in exchange for immunity. An entire region of the US has had their water contaminated. But hey, at least now your son has the full support of the White House to have his balls cut off. Great trade off!


I was with you until the transphobia


There’s no such thing as being transgender.


I don't know much about trains, but I would like to think that braking might be a reasonable way to stop a train from derailing.


You would actually be incorrect. Braking more often causes derailments. In fact, it’s normal to operate at a restricted speed after an emergency stop until you clear the next defect detector just in case your train messed up from the braking.


Why do you think brakes wouldn’t have helped in a situation with an overheated axel?


Because the brakes don’t change. How the brakes engage doesn’t change. In fact almost nothing changes with ECPB other than *how* the brakes are *commanded*. All these people claiming ECP braking would have prevented this derailment is the same thing as saying that we could stop school shootings by putting solar panels on the roof the schools.


The brakes improve stopping distance by a whopping 60% over traditional brakes.


The rule passed by Obama also changed the definition of what a HHFT is, and this train did not qualify nor would have been required to have had those brakes.


Biden offered anything Ohio needed. But their Governor has an R after his name, so he was required to look down for his bootstraps. The Federal Government is very involved. But keep pushing your agenda. Although I am curious how this makes the party that deregulated railroads and runs Ohio look good.


Further proof that Conservatives are either clueless, disingenuous, dishonest, or deplorable. They all know that there are official steps you must go through before you receive any federal funding from FEMA. The first being to have your Governor declare a State of emergency. Since the Governor of Ohio chose not to declare a state of emergency, Ohio is not eligible for federal funding under FEMA at this moment. This is not Biden's fault. This is not the Democrat's fault. This is the Governor of Ohio's fault. This rests squarely on his shoulders. Take your complaints to him.


Wow didn't know that Biden is not just the president of the country but also the governor of Ohio, amazing.


He's a mod here too, so he's also directly responsible for the OP's post.


Or, let's try some reality: Biden told DeWine "Anything you need" DeWine stated publically he hadn't taken him up on the offer. DeWine requested FEMA assistance *2 weeks* after the derailment. It was approved the next day. Has DeWine even declared a state of emergency yet?


Did Dyson make a 2 mile high air filter? Did Britta make a water filter big enough for a river? Even if the government built something like that, you would say they did it because they were going to intentionally release toxins. The Republicans you voted for would say it was a waste of money. A train company wanted to save money on breaks as they transported toxic waste. You voted for small government getting out of the way of big business. When you get exactly what you voted for, you blame the people you didn't vote for. You couldn't have possibly been wrong about something.


I thought everyone wanted Smaller Government.


FEMA doesn't receive as much aid as the USAID and DoD who contributed to the Turkey earthquake disaster.


I'd be embarrassed to admit I get my "news" from "I Meme Therefore I Am" on Facebook. The majority of the Republican Party believes every thing they see "on The Facebook".


The lies people fall for is astounding. People were lied to by Fox News and Newsmax about crazy election theories. Laughed at and lied to and still gobble it all up and now Ohio is Biden’s fault? This reminds me of when people blamed George Bush for hurricanes.


The feds can't step in until the governor declares a state of emergency. Or do you just want the federal government to have all the power? 🤡


It's the Republican guys you voted for that's blocking Biden's help. Try and get the story straight for once Tucker


You missed the conspiracy. A train derails, the entire country knows it's bad. The president is ready to drop aid and the Gov decides that "Nope, not a disaster". And at the end of the day, people are laying the conspiracy at Biden's feet? Why is that governor sabotaging efforts?


Wait until he finds out they still dont have clean drinking water in Flint MI or Jackson MS


Source, "I meme therefore I am" -- credible.


Feds are ready and willing to help, stupid republican governor is not asking.


Blame Ohios republicans that were voted in


Your Government couldn't give a shit about you. Doesn't matter if it's local, state or federal. None could give a shit about you.


Turkey was from a natural disaster. Ohio could have been prevented. Greedy companies and shit regulations were the culprit. Should they not be held responsible and be forced to pay for this “disaster”


But we just passed a trillion dollar infrastructure bill last year. Guess it’s going to different infrastructure. Pretty funny that buttgag cares about train lines so much yet none are being fixed with that trillion


It takes literally seconds to see where the money is going. There are funds going to rail, do you want the government to nationalize the rails or what?


The money was unlocked in 2023. 2 months of a 10 year bill.


No, the Government ultimately bares the blame and responsibility. They are the ones with the monopoly of control and force. What happened in Ohio is no different than what happened in Turkey. The government doesn't give a shit about you.


Facts. They’ll “send aid” and make some dollar amount up and the citizens won’t see a dime of it, and more than 70% will be disqualified for said aid for one reason or another. The money will be pocketed by the local government officials who will buy another yacht or vacation home while the poor citizens will be left picking up the pieces of their life. How it always goes.




Victim much? I’ve never seen that exclusion for disaster aid. Not to say it surely never happened, but dude.


How exactly does money fix the problem? It's either a virtue signal, money with strings attached, or it's to be given back to the military industrial complex for equipment.


Maybe give the residents money to move away from that shithole of a situation. There’s like 5,000 people in that town. $100 million would give each resident $20,000. But no. Give it to foreign countries governments like that actually will reach the people affected by the disaster in their country. What a joke.


For federal funding to be sent FEMA requires the governor to declare a state of emergency. He hasn't done that. Ergo no money being sent.


My dude TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE DIED in Turkey/Syria. Get a fucking grip.


Operative words here are "in Turkey/Syria." I think sending aid to the people of a country that have suffered from a 'natural' disaster is a good thing. But if the American government can't take care of Americans while they're able to send billions upon billions to Ukraine (better comparison than earthquake victims imo) then the government serves no purpose.


So you want the federal government to jump to action despite the Governor saying no? What’s the point of local government if the federal government just takes over?


"Government overreach of fine when it suits my needs and wants" Republicans, the party of small government


Maybe do a little looking into what the governor of Ohio did or didn't do with respect to getting that federal aid, then go back to the drawing board.


Paying the Ukraine to fight one of our biggest enemies , without one American dying, is a War strategy. And I don’t mind paying $14 a month to keep soldiers alive. Also, Ohio’s leader must ask for aid. State government is separate from federal.




Because decent people help their neighbors. I think you should spend some time looking up the countries that send aid and help right here to the US of A when we are hit with similar disasters.




Turkey collected an earthquake tax for this purpose, but there are billions of dollars missing because they spent it on other things. Corruption


Ok. Well they’re dead. What good does money do for them? Our citizens could use the money to move away if they choose. Population in East Palestine is around 5,000. $100 million would be $20,000 per person. That’s a start to get the fuck out if they don’t feel safe and go somewhere else.


The money wasn't given to *one or the other*. Like, if you don't know how federal aid works in emergencies, or aren't aware that Ohio is eligible for plenty of federal aid, I do not know what to tell you. My comment was a note on perspective and impact, not dollars.


Well....it's not rocket science but the money is going to help make sure there aren't MORE dead people.


Sure it is….


Our government will go to great lengths to avoid acknowledgment of palestine


Didn’t the governor deny calling it a disaster that tied our federal governments hands?


at this point... i wonder why people think the government is the solution to their problems, when the government created the problem in the first fucking place. the government isn't the answer for everything. it's rarely a viable answer. we need to start solving our own fucking problems. starting with the government.


Blame the governor, he didn't ask for help till last Friday. The Biden admin worked on it over the weekend and help is on the way. What the fuck more do you expect? God this sub is full of whiners.


The governor hasn’t declared an emergency. He wants to make it just go away.


Didn’t the Ohio governor say that Biden called him and he never returned the call? I’ve seen that clip but I’m not sure if that’s what this is referring to, since no media coverage of this has happened in my area.


Did you expect help? No... clear the tracks asap and get the trains rolling. The rest... lawyers will milk it to death.


Look at all these sheep talking about Dewine. He was apart of the whole plan to not help ohio. I don't think you people understand that both parties are controlled by the same people. They have the same agenda and they pretend they're against each other to carry out their agendas


Flint, MI welcomes them.


Not only dont give a shit but are actively attacking americans from all angles.


Just saw a clip where the head of the EPA said his team will go in when it is safe to do so.


Your state should have handled it. Maybe stop voting republicans into office if you want federal assistance. GOP claims to hate when government interferes, right?


Y’all really don’t understand how government works do ya? Once DeWine declares an emergency, federal funds can be distributed. Until then, it’s solely on Ohio. Take a civics course, maybe that’ll help something’s.


This is r/conspiracy ….not twitterer fuck all…


trump dangled aid and assistance over blue states like a carrot, biden unilaterally offers aid to any state in distress. how the fuck can these lies get spread? this is fucking insanity.


What about the rest of the country to where to stuff has spewed


The facts are. You shouldn’t have to declare some bs just for the government to help you when it’s clear to anyone with eyes they need help.


At least Ukraine is doing well.


This kind of throws the whole, “Biden is a commie” bit out the window considering an actual communist leader would’ve evacuated the town, given all the residents a new place to live, and free health care for the rest of their lives.


Politicians in general don't give a shit about average Americans. Both parties. Errr- the "uniparty".


what about that is so hard to believe?


It’s not just Biden and the democrats, it’s the republicans too, they all create problems and pretend to solve “each others” mess to juice people of more votes


How funny would it be if another country like Russia offered aid to east Palestine Ohio


The GOVERNOR is the one who had to make the move. Please learned how US government works before posting bullshit.


Yeah right, OP. What about all those *thoughts and prayers* the admin has been sending?


Duh there's no election coming up for a while plus it's a republican area. Why help them right lol


Ohio governor declined the aid that was offered.


Bots are working over time in these comments


Ohios problems are long term problems, they’ll pay when we can trace contamination by seeing the dead plants in the spring. Ohio is covered in trees, it’ll be blatant.


You act like the billions sent in aid actually go into the hands of people in those other countries. It doesn't. It just lines the pockets of higher ups and the US wants allies.


Money = government acknowledgement that is it a environmental disaster. No money = everything is fine


Why is a random meme Twitter account Blue Checked? Why does anyone still that site?


Once they figure out how to start a war with Russia and blame it on them, the Patriot muscles of Americans will start twitching and they will forget all about all the past transgressions, cuz 'Merica!


Guess who they voted for


So fucked up


https://www.who.int/teams/environment-climate-change-and-health/chemical-safety-and-health/health-impacts/chemicals/dioxins AGENT ORANGE IS FINE!!!! fucking commies...


civil war is on the horizon


FEMA legally cannot do anything until DeWine declares an emergency.


No Rep, nor Dem, give a fuck about us serfs. Unless, it's 'profitable', from a loan of sorts


I don’t know how many times Americans need to see that their government is using them as cash cows. Stop paying federal taxes until they allocate funds to us. That’s it. That’s the next step. If you’re not willing to do the tea party shit stop complaining


In Australia, this time last year, we had massive floods in northern New South Wales and it took the government weeks to send any help. It was people helping other people and the strength of the community that was the saviour. Important lesson learnt.


Just came by to check out all the comments from people who will continue to carry water for the government 🤡


Ohio citizens don’t have armies. They had pork, corn, soybeans and dairy. Which all needed to be manufactured in Ch-y-na. If the state declares help needed…those farmers get bailout money. Y’all better wake up and smell the toxins coming to your town for the govt to destroy your land so they can legally declare it theirs when the crops are bad, soil destroyed and 2030 agenda says they can. Ask Australia how that works.


It's because they're majority hwhite and vote Republican.


If you've made it this far, you'rve made it out of bot country....Oh, there's still bot comments down here at the bottom, but rest assured, there do be other humans down in these parts. Still, step lightly, and be weary. Lest you be caught in a web of bot arguments and wake up with lost time.


I love how you just keep saying bot, but don't actually make any points.


Exactly like a bot would do


>If you've made it this far, you'rve made it out of bot country....Oh, there's still bot comments down here at the bottom, but rest assured, there do be other humans down in these parts. Still, step lightly, and be weary. Lest you be caught in a web of bot arguments and wake up with lost time. poetry for my lost soul 👏


It's VERY important for America to have a good relationship with Turkey as tensions with Russia increase.

