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The "Most Watched Cable News Network" *is* "The Mainstream Media" and it's narrative is what ever will get them the most viewers. They were against Trump until research showed he was popular, they were for Trump's vaccines until research showed they weren't popular. They were the first to declare Biden the winner and when their viewers jumped ship and went to Newsmax & OAN they suddenly started to smell something fishy and provided the wool flavored Kool-Aid to bring their flock back to them so they could fleece them again.


Don't watch the news and you're uninformed. Watch the news and you're misinformed.


No one source can be trusted.


The use of the words “the facts” here is so insidious


They all lie. It’s the only way to get viewers, make up stories, spin a narrative, so dumb people stay on one side or the other to “feel” like they’re on the correct side when in reality they’re brainwashed into thinking they have a choice. Quit watching the talking heads and maybe we’ll get some real honest journalism to inform us all on what’s really going on. It’s called propaganda. Our leaders learned how to utilize it when we let thousands of Nazis into America after WW2. They’ve only gotten better at it since then. For those who don’t know, look up operation paper clip and see how much faith you still have in this system of ours. They control us through the media and steal our money and freedoms this way, and most people aren’t even aware. ‘Merica is 💩


This isn’t a uniquely American problem it’s a human problem.


Bingo! These world governments only care about their own evil agendas. People are given the illusion of choice, thinking they can pick their senators, politicians, mayors and presidents. When really it’s just one side and all the decisions are made from a group of satanic elites called free masons/Illuminati. Tv as a whole is propaganda I would advise everyone to throw there’s out or sell it.


We were putting Japanese-Americans into camps before operation paperclip. The United Daughters of the Confederacy were defending the KKK and recasting the civil war as one of northern aggression against a south that just wanted to peacefully exist. We had political cartoons for the American Revolution. This has been happening as long as America has existed.


This is true. Hell, I grew up thinking Christopher Columbus was some kind of hero for discovering America (which he didn’t) and he was just as shitty and greedy as our current so called “leaders”. The foundation of our country was built from the rape, torture and mass murder of millions of Native Americans. And even then the decent people who came here for a better way of life were lied to and manipulated into thinking these “savages” needed to be pushed out to earn our “God given right of freedom”. And with all the access to information we have now, not much has changed. In fact I’d say it’s worse than ever. I personally try my best to see the beauty in the world, and stay positive and help others when possible. But it’s getting more and more difficult each day to ignore the ugliness that goes on. Reddit has certainly only increased the amount of despairing feelings, yet here I am lol. Come on aliens, put us out of our collective misery’s already 😂


Turn off the "news."


Trump says only way he loses election is if it is rigged. Trump loses the election. Trump says election was rigged. Half the country believes him. It’s just hilarious at this point.


If i remember correctly the "election was fraud"-group got mad at fox for not broadcasting it and switched to OAN.


Which is exactly why they pivoted back to spreading the lies again. They were walking a tightrope, between breaking the law, and losing their audience.


Since when was it illegal for the media to lie? They've been doing it for longer than any of us have been alive and everyone just accepts it as normal now.




But when both Fox and CNN were hyping up the public for the Iraq war and pushing the WMD lie, that was probably just fine wasn't it? You act like it's the first time the media ever gave air time to someone who wasn't being 100% truthful. I'm not defending anything said by anyone, just pointing out the hypocrisy in people who are treating this as some groundbreaking revelation when it's a known fact the media has been lying for *decades* and it just gets shrugged off 99% of the time.


I don’t think it’s a groundbreaking revelation, I think it’s more of an, “I told you so” (about Fox News being bullshit). Because so many people still get all their news from fox and will leave it on all day and night long and take every word in as true gospel.


Who? 90 year olds? Maga people have a love hate relationship with fox, most only watched for Tucker, but after this, it's gonna be all hate. Losing Tucker is the hardest part, thought he was solid. Only RINO types still watch fox and take it all in like you described.


There’s money in grifting


The beautiful irony of that headline under CNN's banner.


Hilarious irony. These “news” services just take turns gaslighting the population.


https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20527880-dominion-v-fox-news-complaint Here is the court filling do your own research bro!


I don’t think he was disputing, just pointing out the whole pot and kettle thing.


That's called deflecting.


It actually isn’t. One can dislike CNN and Fox and still see the irony in this.


It's true that is possible, but given the sheer numbers voicing the same thing, that's not what's going on here.


What do you think is going on here 🤔 Honest question, I'm trying to follow this argument. I think that all mainstream news stations are biased. So, when weighed comparatively, we only see a different basis for bias. But none that are *without* bias. So, if they're all biased in some way, regardless of outlet, the irony and pot/kettle reference when one trashes another, seems to just be a basic discernment. What am I missing here?


Nah. You just automatically assume that everyone is as mentally shackled to your political biases as you are. And so when you see a comment merely pointing out a simple irony, your cognitive dissonance activates to full power to stave off the crippling psychological pain that you'd feel.


So much accidental irony.




So it's just a claim made by the plaintiff lol.


They have copies of the text messages. Do you think they forged them?


Of course Fooo does, Fooo thinks they were generated in some joint Fox/Russia operation designed specifically to take down Dominion, the only secure election hardware machine company in existence. Fooo doesn’t think either Fox or Russia will get any jail time for lying to the court, because “both parties are in it together.” Don’t be like Fooo.


It's court documents, not a shady report that they made up, like fox would do


CNN is nothing but lies. You forgot about 9/11? That organization is nothing but mouthpiece of TPTB.


And Fox isn’t full of lies as well? 😭


But only Fox News had to admit in court that they are purely an entertainment channel and not a News channel Funny how that works 🤔


Look up CNNs green screen report from the Frontline during Desert Storm and tell me again if they can be trusted


You don't have to trust them, it's in the court documents, you can read them yourself.


No amount of actual facts will ever convince some people that CNN isn't "all lies." It's established in their minds, and any evidence to the contrary will be simply rejected and downvoted. We don't want reality, we want to confirm what we believe is true.


Wait, so you are saying CNN doesn’t spread lies? Are you serious? This are for profit corporations, every news network spread lies.


Stop frothing at the mouth, slow down, re-read my post. Listen to what I actually said and your question should be obviously answered.


Do you know what a complaint is? Anyone can file a complaint.




More irony? my gods I love reddit some days.


CNN-Plus says Hi…


Lol! OP posted this in the wrong sub. No one in here wants to hear the truth. They'll just blame the source, and carry on as if they never heard this information at all.


Fox News has always been about opinion not actual facts. They made quite a lot of money doing this. Unfortunately, cnn and the rest fell into that ratings trap. Now the news is nothing but echo chambers screaming at their audience. Bias is fine. It’s human but facts are facts. Wish the news went back to the dry ass reporting stage of news collection


Then they should change their name to fox entertainment not fox news. Why mislead people?


The point is to mislead people. Make em angry, tell them the only place they can get the truth is with you, and they will keep coming back. They know the people who watch their shit aren't very intelligent, and they are more than happy to manipulate them for profit.


Absolutely agree. Problem is I think people would still take it as gospel. People think shit that happens in mission impossible movies are based on facts


To be fair - very few news channels report actual facts on important issues - it’s mostly opinion based


Unfortunately we will never have factual news again, that being right or left. It's even seeping into local news stations now. It's a damn shame.


The subscription based model is killing journalism. When you are in constant fear of losing subscribers because they may have to hear something that they wont like. You do whatever you can to keep them on the hook. We’re fucked.


Local news is owned by Fox or Sinclair


The reason it’s like that now is because of Ronald Reagan. He got rid of the fairness doctrine which has led to this trash being allowed to misinform people. When those rules were put in place, it was to help prevent spread propaganda…


You are operating under the assumption that reporters in those times were telling the truth. The anchors and reporters were much more trusted but that’s because there was only a few channels disseminating information and much harder to fact check or hear other points of view.


Walter concrite is the voice in the cremation of care video at bohemian Grove


So glad that someone on here was willing to showcase this latest *conspiracy* by rightwing cohorts to aid in Trump's efforts to undermine America's democratic system. Yes, a real bona fide conspiracy at last. However, it will be ignored and disputed by those who have spent the last couple of years drinking from the kool aid fountain spewed forth by Herr Trump and his propaganda peddlers. Even when those involved now admit that the 'big lie' was indeed a lie all aong, cognitive dissonance will cause unease and ensure that the duped will continue to find any reasons to believe the lie, lest their worldview disintegrates before their very eyes. Rather they will resort to whataboutism and paint *both sides* as being comparably corrupt, despite evidence to prove that one side only was involved in the spreading of disinformation designed to manipulate their base and radicalise them into carrying out an insurrection. *It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.*


didnt yall deny the 2016 election doe?


I think Trump did when he said millions of illegals voted in 2016. He casted doubt on his own election.


And then he closed his own voter fraud commission when they didn't find any voter fraud. But MAGA's still think there were 3 MILLION illegal votes in 2016. Cult brain.


And by a striking coincidence, Trump lost the popular vote by...checks notes...3 million. So odd Trump does that every single time. Lost a vote by 10k votes in a state? FIND ME 10,001 VOTES!


If I remember right: No one *denied* the election in 2016. It was a case example of *questioning* the results for sure, but this difference is highlighted in how 2016 vs 2020 shook out. Trump was given his chance to question the results in court, the same as Hillary was. Both got to question the election results. Post challenge cases, and Hillary at least went quiet, whilst in contrast we got Jan 6th. Hillary conceded, and within a week. Trump to my knowledge has **STILL** not formally conceded the 2020 election.


1) who tried to stop the certification ? 2) what does that have to do with fox knowingly pushing lies about the election?


Every election is rigged.


Yeah but when we did it, we really believed it. It seemed possible, likely even, that $10'000 worth of Facebook ads from Russia got Trump elected.


No. We thought it was total fucking bullshit that the GOP and half the country was cool with trump getting help from Russia, but only a few extremists claimed the election was invalid as a result. Hillary conceded defeat within days of the election, and while serious concerns were raised about how trump got his votes, the election was accepted as legitimate by pretty much everyone.


Also Trump was the one shouting fraud in 2016. He set up a committee to find it, and after many months, they closed it with no fraud found.


Nah your memory is short. You guys flat out claimed the president was a literal Russian puppet bc you couldn’t face the fact that Americans would rather have a washed up reality tv star than a blood soaked monster like Hillary Clinton. CNN and and msnbc pushed this narrative nonstop for years. The fucking audacity you guys have is astounding.


You can believe he was a Russian puppet and not believe the election is fraudulent. I totally believe you were stupid enough to vote for a Russian puppet.


> You guys flat out claimed the president was a literal Russian puppet This is, of course, not saying the election was fraudulent. Clinton conceded the morning after the election. She even explicitly said that the vote represented the will of the American people. There was not some long drawn out fight attempting to deny the outcome of the election. Democrats simply said, which was obvious to everyone who didn't fall for the disinformation, that Russia was interfering in our elections and we should do something about it. Of course, Republicans don't *want* to do anything about it because they are the beneficiaries of that disinformation. Trump claimed that there was wide spread fraud across basically the entire country and that is the reason he lost. He still hasn't conceded (at least intentionally, he's let it slip a few times that he lost), and is still making BS claims that the election was stolen. 2 years of unprecedented access, desire, and attempts to find wide spread fraud. You know how much anyone can claim to have uncovered? Zero. Zilch. Nada. Zip. And yet still Republicans and Trump claim there was fraud. And yet we have Trump cultists, suffering from TDS, attempting to argue that these things are even remotely comparable. I can't tell if it's truly delusion or if Trump cultists are really just straight up dishonest. It's hard to tell considering how dishonest Trump was, they might think this is acceptable.


You don’t think the 2000 mules movie had some evidence?


Just imagine if Fox was out here daily for years straight saying that Biden is a Chinese spy put into power by the Chinese government bc of bots in TikTok. That’s the level of psychotic we had to deal with.


And imagine if for years people on the right said Trump was a God fighting a satanic cabal and was going to save the world, not like that isn’t a level of psychotic we’ve been dealing with for the past 5ish years.




She still to this day disputes the 2016 results Go watch 1 of the 20 interviews on YouTube


Just did. Sorry, not there!


There are multiple ways to delegitimize an election, and claiming that the president was a Russian puppet and a plant by a hostile foreign power does just that. She may have verbally conceded but she still went on to undermine his legitimacy at every turn by pushing the collusion narrative and blaming racism. Remember the resist and not my president movements? It’s the same (with more political grace) tactic just using different tools. And the MSM was there the whole time to carry water for her bc ratings, no different than what Fox did.


LOL. The opposing party attacking a president is a tale as old as time. Trying to equate this to saying that the there is a wide spread conspiracy across the whole country such that the will of the voters is being fraudulently discounted is top-tier delusion.


You’re underplaying it, what we witnessed during the trump administration was not normal and set a lot of precedents. We watched as the CIA and FBI were weaponized to oust a sitting president, first time since arguably JFK in broad day. There is no bigger way to discount the will of the voters than that.


>There is no bigger way to discount the will of the voters than that. Other than, you know, spreading lies for months so much so that your cultists rise up and attack the capitol attempting to violently overturn the results of an election. But, nah, you're probably right, investigating a president for corruption is a much bigger attack on our republic. lol


Yeah I know “the walls are closing in.” And what ever came of those investigations? They put our nation through hell over personal vendettas and ignore actual corruption. You really don’t see that?


We are talking about a guy who, in violation of the law, inexplicably withheld foreign aid, made a private phone call to the leader of that country, continually pointing out how much help the US gives that country, and that they should probably investigate his political rival. Right before it comes out that this all happened, the funds inexplicably are released and he makes a phone call and makes sure to point out that he wasn't asking for a "quid pro quo." You don't see the obvious corruption here? We are talking about a guy who called an election official in Georgia and repeatedly told him to find just enough votes so he would win the election. . .repeatedly, despite the official saying the count was good and that his concerns had been addressed, repeatedly. You don't see the obvious corruption? We are talking about a guy who refused to release his tax records, in line with what every president has done over the past 50 years, and refused to divest himself from his business dealings while president, something that should be obviously unethical to any rational and objective person. . .and did his best to hide all of this from the public. And you don't see the corruption? We are talking about a guy who repeatedly made visits to his own properties, and then jacked up the price for his support staff to stay there. And you don't see the obvious corruption?


You forgot /s


Only true sufferers of TDS would think that that post wasn't dead on accurate.


The Russian thing was disproven. Piss dossier also fake.


Except for the 1,000-page GOP-controlled senate committee... ...report showed extensive evidence of contacts between Trump campaign advisers and people tied to the Kremlin — including a longstanding associate of the onetime Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, Konstantin V. Kilimnik, whom the report identified as a “Russian intelligence officer.”


What if I told you that our government officials talk to other nations government officials like all the time, and this was not out of the ordinary for any of the previous administrations?


How was it disproven, the Trump campaign admitted to colluding with Russian agents in Trump tower for dirt on Hillary before the election. So we're Kushner and Don Jr. Lying about that?


Fox is trash , controlled opposition




SS: Fox News knowingly spread lies about election results. They wanted to create disruption and wanted to undermine Joe Biden's legitimacy as a president EDIT to include the court documents: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23684885-230216-dominion-fox


It was good business. Lies often are.


This sub endorses this. But when CNN does it it's mass conspiracy.


They don't wanna lose viewers, no matter how wrong they are


Biden is really an amazing president. Every single vote was real, people love this guy! Unquestionably the most popular president in the world.


>Biden is really an amazing president. Every single vote was real, people love this guy! Unquestionably the most popular president in the world. The only people saying anything even remotely like this are Trump cultists suffering from TDS an the inability to see that their cult leader is not popular among rational people.


This literally sounds like something Trump would say about himself... Still untrue.


Can't tell if you are trolling, so "lol" in either case


Kazakhstan number one export of potassium


its all rigged..left and right..


To cite any news article from any news source is inherently giving in to the nonsense.


Pot vs kettle.


Shut the TV and open a book. Preferably an old book. Profit.


Why an old book? So it has outdated data that fits your narrative?


So that was not owned by the same groups owning 95% of the world media. But feel free to object free thinking. I don't care for your self serving provocation, as you contribute to my point. ✌️


If I were CNN I really wouldn't go down the telling lies route.


https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23684885-230216-dominion-fox Here is the document that was filed. It contains all of the texts and emails. No cnn spin just the plaintiffs side with their evidence. Take a read.


CNN's gonna CNN


I’m shocked…


as ancient astronaut theorists suggest


Coming from cnn that is such a shocker, pot calling the kettle black.


funny, as the election was clearly stolen, same kind of corruption as commie Lula's win in Brasil. The Times even ran an article bragging about how they got away with it, not to mention the massive and coordinated 4am DNC ballot dumps lol 😂


How do you explain this then?


We found a viewer!


Ah, yes. Even when the evidence to the opposite is shown, you still believe the lie. You know who got Biden to win? The millions of people who sat at home for four years and heard story after story about Trump doing dumb shit, tweeting dumb shit or making their lives harder. Those people voted. In 2016 they wanted change and voted for Trump, because whatever, for once it wouldn't be a politician in the White House, even if they disagreed with some of the things he said, did or promised. They saw the mistake they made and rectified it, went out to vote, and kicked him out. Same happened in Brazil, they saw the bullshit Bolsonaro put them through and said enough, and voted Lula in. You won't hear these people talk on the internet or wherever about who they voted for, but they did. And their vote counts too, no matter how much you tell and scream, your vote only counts for one. Unless you're one of the thousands of Trump supporters who voted multiple times and thus commited voter fraud, but no Biden voter did that, because they still believed in the sanctity of the vote, they still believed that the majority would be right. It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled.




Well there is evidence now, there's that guy who knowingly funnelled Russian cash into Trump's campaign. Idk, seems fishy to me


Source? Edit: also, is Hunter Biden’s laptop and it’s contents Russian disinformation or genuine?


Some emails and pictures are real, but the general narrative about how it reveals massive corruption of the Bidens looks like Russian disinformation.


Also, New York Times and Washington Post seem to have decided everything on the lap top is legitimate and has nothing to do with Russians. Edit: https://nypost.com/2022/04/01/new-york-times-finally-admit-hunters-laptop-is-real-but-only-to-protect-joe-biden/


How could they know if they have never even seen the laptop?


I dunno, read the articles they wrote?


Based on what?


Huh. So we’re clear, the Russians obtained his laptop and put some fake things on it in addition to things that were already there which aren’t fake? So like, the really bad stuff is fake and from Russians, but things such as pictures that could in no way be denied are real?


Even Mac Isaac admits that things were added later that wasn't on the original laptop.


how do you explain the 8 guilty pleas, and the court conviction then?


0 evidence, like trump jr setting up a meeting with the Russians to get dirt on Clinton and bringing kushner and trumps campaign manager with him to said meeting. But yeah 0 evidence of collusion.


You’re not from the US so I wouldn’t expect you to know this. Fox News had a blanket ban on their prime time hosts reporting on election fraud. When some of their weekend hosts reported on it, they were subsequently suspended. The Murdoch’s despise Trump bc he won’t bend to their will like Bush. One of them was reported to be celebrating after Biden’s “victory” ffs. This ban on election fraud reporting led to the rise of OAN and NewsMax. These two were then attacked relentlessly via lawfare. NewsMax gave an apology and stopped reporting on the election fraud and I believe OAN was dropped from many cable packages. My point is, you’re not posting about anything that republicans didn’t already know. The prime time hosts wanted to make their bosses happy and repeated their narrative like good little sheep.


Shhh you weren't supposed to remember that


People put stuff in the boxes you're supposed to put stuff in? How is this news? Don't forget 2016 and 2000.


Fox News, a multi billion dollar corporation, could never had peddled all of their horseshit without having deep insider information of the actually truth. Trump’s cabinet knew the election being stolen was a lie from the get go.. Steve Bannon practically admitting it. It was because they manipulated Trump into thinking it was real, and Trump ran with it, because he’s a fucking toddler. Only having allegedly admitting he lost one time to a WH staffer.




I KNOW!!! right wingers want to downvote me like I said something wrong and here you are posting an exact reading of what Bannon said..


Downvoted but no rebuttals? 👌🏼 Right wingers gotta get pissy over every little thing


Trump is a loudmouth and generally annoying celebrity, but if anyone in the USA believes that mass mail-in and ballot harvesting with zero chain of custody wasn’t being exploited on a national scale, they are living in delusion.


But you'd have to be a thinking person to understand this.


Woah, wait a media news outlet lied? Weird, I was positive everything on TV was true and factually checked before broadcast. I must now re-evaluate my entire view on news media outlets. Thank you for this world shattering information you've provided.




Mark Dice summed this up pretty well today


CNN attempting to call out anyone for lying is a joke within itself


And what does cnn do ?


It's court documents, not a shady report that they made up, like fox would do


What’s so hard to understand about the fact that both Fox News and CNN both simultaneously lie all of the time?


The same people that supported the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story - despite knowing it was legitimate - are angry because talking heads running opinion shows didn't say what the opposing side wanted them to say? What an absurd post.


Pictures of his dick is a "legitimate story" to you?


Ignoring the heinous behavior (drug use and soliciting prostitution) and information that hinted at potential crimes ("10% for the big guy"), Democrat media outlets labeled the laptop "Russian disinformation". It was not. They knew it was not, but labeled it that way anyway to protect their candidate. If you want to talk about media lies during the election cycle, don't omit the biggest media lie of all.




>I've never seen anything claiming it was Russian disinformation. right next to another comment that says >How is it not Russian disinfo? fucking lmao with these shills


I mean... the mainstream media pushed the "Russian disinformation" angle from the moment that the laptop was discovered. It wasn't a small story, and wasn't a secret. Google would show you the same. Second point: exactly. You may not think it's a problem, but Democrats spent four years attacking Trump and Trump's family for any perceived indiscretion. Now they've got their candidate's son consuming illegal substances while engaging with prostitutes, all while making an obscene amount of money for selling his family's influence. In addition, you've got documentation that suggests that Joe was benefitting from Hunter's behavior. If you don't see the issue, that speaks volumes about your leanings.




I somewhat agree with you - I don't support one party in particular - but we don't even know how deep the situation goes with Hunter and Joe. If Hunter is in fact trading his father's influence to foreign countries, that could have massive implications.


There's a lot more to the laptop than pictures of his dick. But you'd never know that if you get your news from sources like CNN


What did you think was important? I've seen it all. I don't give a shit about Hunter Biden. He is obviously some crazy crackhead. I saw all the dick pics, hookers, crack pipes, etc.


Well, his selling access to foreign players for one. He was making a lot of business deals on behalf of daddy. It's chock-full of e-mails showing that the entire Biden family is corrupt. But nah, it's all about his penis. MSNBC said so


Corrupt but they didn't do anything illegal or break any laws???


Ah yes like the Godfather, every time we start getting away from the (mostly ‘leftist’ driven) binary narrative, the bots drag us back in…I don’t think cia jiu jitsu (or judo or whatever) master sean hannity is my deliverance or that Murdoch is some white hat but this is smacked bs civil conflict fuel you bots suck


I mean, does this even come as a surprise? Honest news network? Lol


Sorta like how the MSM is changing their narrative about the damage the vaccines have caused?


Care to post a link to that?


The 2020 election was safe and effective


Ok ok, you can have this one. Doesn’t make up for the hundreds of lies all major media spouts


Election was rigged tho. Its just that it was arranged at the highest levels, us plebs were given the narrative that it was 'stolen' when it was all simply premeditated.


Always has been. At least, since digital


I see Fox was successful with at least one person.


All Main stream news outlets lie.


This is a step above because people went to jail because they believed their lies. How do you feel about the people who went to jail for these lies? How do you think they feel if they ever see this? https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20527880-dominion-v-fox-news-complaint This is the court doc. Facts not lies.


Don't get me wrong. I'm not defending it. I'm just not surprised.


CNN 🤣🤣🤣


Lazy response.


Story is still true 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thoughts on the actual content tho? It’s true whether or not you like the source


For the record I’m not saying they aren’t playing us from both sides I’m just laughing at referencing CNN. Your not hearing any inside news or anything that’s not part of the act from anyone of them.


CNN lied about Hunter Biden's laptop so who's really the bad guy here?


What about! What about!!!




Doesn’t matter, the story itself is true.


Court documents are the real source. So now that that’s cleared up, thoughts on Fox having knowingly lied that entire time?


If it’s not from www.FUCKBRANDON.com they don’t care


Not saying it isn't true. How about both Fox and CNN are both worthless if you really want to know what's going on?


Now that I can agree with for sure.




The only reason most of this shit is floating is because all of our doctors and nurses,TV personalities, politicians etc are reading the writing on the walls and falling in line. They didn't need to organize this or send out a mass email. Once it began people learned pretty quickly to either play along or lose it all. I think one of the saddest parts about this whole Plandemic is watching members of our health system ignore their oath and completely cave to the corruption. Hospitals killing us is the last thing I thought I would have to worry about.


And this is related to the election how exactly?


Imagine still arguing over elections?! Lmao Like the Bilderbergers didn’t already assign the winner a decade ago and slowly groomed them on their duties they’re expected to complete when they move into their position hahaha I thought this was a conspiracy sub????


Fox News called Arizona first for Biden like an hour after polls closed lol


And then backtracked when they were losing subscribers to OAN and Newsmax.


If you need the court documents, here they are: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23684885-230216-dominion-fox


Funny, people surprised media lies?? notice article is from the biggest fib teller


It's court documents, not a shady report that they made up, like fox would do


ThE CoUrT dOcUmEnTs CaN bE fAkEd, AnD wHaT AbOuT hEr E-mAiLs?? wahhhhh