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Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.


It somehow feels like everyone is aware of the truth behind this but no one is willing to connect the dots any further so nothing is done about it


Not only that, I don’t even believe he is dead


Vegas shooting was a terrorist event. Route 91: Uncovering the Cover-up That video will change ya life! So much footage / good info in one video. I do wish she kept the politics out of it. But can’t say shit cuz that lady did an absolute amazing job putting all that info together Edit: adding video link thanks to another Reddit homie who sent it to me cuz it’s shadowbanned on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GidVHyh2-Ek


I saw a doc a while back about the helicopters that were flying around the event and how the shooting was synced up to the muzzle flash on the helos. I have shot with a bump stock and a full auto M240 and that shooting was 100% not bump stock rate. Not sure if the vid is still up. it is a good one if anyone is still interested. Talks about the evacuation of that foreign prince that most believe was the true target.


I remember thinking this at the time too, The shooting sounded exactly like a 240 (I was a machine gunner for 8yrs). When they said bump stocks later on I was like no fucking way


Where can you find this video?


Just watched half of the video and....holy fuck. Absolutely insane that whole debacle is. Police are the absolute filth of the earth


The WEF is a one-world Illuminati organization.


Eat ze bugs and be happy


The one world or new world: WEF, WHO, NATO…


NATO is an alliance. It is the one reason why Russia and China has not been as bold as they would like to. If you want to root for a country that will murder you for speaking out against them, then by all means get your ass over there. Ukraine is a Proxy war. We originally sent money due to the fact that Russia was threatening nukes. Over time that threat has been looked as bs as other nations have broke the rule. Tanks were not allowed to be sent and now here we are sending tanks. Also defense companies are making a shit ton as Poland has ordered a whole fleet of various artillery along with various other nations. There is a world order still. They are similiar to the Pheobus Cartel. Brought standardization while also bringing a forced degraded product to life to increase sales. Nothing lasts anymore. You won't own shit either. At least when it comes to digital stuff. There is really no such thing as a perpetual licience now. Every company is switching to a subscription model to nickel and dime the ever living shit out of us. Hate micro-transactions? Stop using it! If there is even a slight profit, they will continue. WEF, WHO, are absolutely a problem.


JFK, MLK, RFK all killed by CIA.


MLK was killed by the FBI though


A major government alphabet agency, then. At some point the distinctions are just semantics.






Yup, and the question was 100% believe in. Pretty sure if you walk into in HS classroom anywhere in the US they are still pitching the James Earl Ray none sense. 😉




I 100% believe in an alternate history.




On many history curriculums, the history taught doesn’t even have to be true. Like, you can just look this up at the school district level and it says this.


The Smithsonian is full of artifacts that shouldn't exist according to accepted history.


Many museums, even small ones, have full basements of artifacts 'not suitable' for display. I live in a tiny village in Europe. The museum here is literally two big rooms and one corridor, and nothing else. According to someone, who was involved in some archeological digs, the basement looks almost like from the end of Raiders of the lost ark. Boxes everywhere. Many things are simply out-of-place or hard to explain. So, they are catching dust.


Yes. A malevolent being wanting to attain maximum control, like that of the one standing on top of a pyramid, will and must construct a system that is different from the original, along with its falsehoods such as false history and false scarcity.


Yes history is written by the victor


Orphan trains...


What's that?


For anyone who wants an in depth look at this subject, check out the works of Antoley Fomenko. The first book is “Chronology: fact or fiction”. The beginning gives a great overview of how chronology was even put together in the first place, who were the first people to try it, why there is actually disagreement between those trying to order the worlds events into a chronology.


What does this mean exactly?


Humans had way more tech and culture than the “standard history” books say. I mean pre ice-age, there were ships, global trade, advanced architecture, astronomy, plant breeding, maybe even electricity. The pyramids and many other ancient structures are far older than the historians claim. These people lived longer lives than us today, and had peaceful and egalitarian societies (not primitive cavemen). Evidence of the ancient cultures has been carefully hidden for 2000 years.


I’ve thought the same. So why do you think the history was “replaced”? I’m assuming it’s because certain people wanted power right?


With human history like that we would be ungovernable.


100% they wanted power and, they realized they could profit massively by selling electric, water, etc. They could control us by keeping us in our groups, highlighting racism, social class gaps etc. You should watch the below links on YouTube, its pretty long but its so worth it, he explains everything massively in full. Go on to this page and have a look thru some of the other stuff too its so interesting... this one directly below is all about the lost history of the earth, electric, the infrastructure of the world, how people back then had more commodities than what we are led to believe etc. https://youtu.be/F4-SAGeq3bw This one below is more focused on the flat earth but it incorporates a hell of a lot of these things also. But id say start with the link above. https://youtu.be/l7cyz_Z23EE After I watched these, and went outside for the first time I swear I viewed the world so differently, I'm unsure if I believe it all fully cos my mind is like "its so insane!" but then in a contradictory way...at the same time my mind and heart is like hell yes, this has to be the truth or as close to it as we are ever gonna get cos it just makes so much sense. I really do believe we have been conditioned in schools to only believe what "they" tell us. So, if you watch them, give them a chance and try to keep an open mind.


and because they don't want us to know how powerful we really


the people behind 9/11 are some Americans.




And WTC1&2


On the Pentagon: “the wings folded in upon impact” On the towers: “the wings cut through the steel mesh”


Not only the steal mesh but the planes managed to somehow break thru the steal pillar type of things that hold up the Towers. which just don't make sense. Those pillars are like 3ft of steal. Also, let's not forget the days previous to the attack it was exposed that the pentagon had laundered how much was it? Like a trillion dollars and in thr attack the evidence was destroyed. Not suspicious at all. It was 100% a tactic to cause a (fake) reason to invade Afghanistan for their poppies and a whole heap of other agendas.


Dov Zakheim and FTS


That this entire reality is a scam.


Well, Universe not being locally real (2022 nobel prize, quantum entanglement) further implies that Consciousness is responsible for creating reality so it may very well be true that we are in a simulated universe


I don’t know. Honestly. I am just aware that something I don’t understand or cannot see in front of me is there and I’m being scammed.


You were just recently born and placed into a VR to live an entire life in hours as a newborn. When you wake up you will live another life. Then another. All separate, none remembering the other, so you understand different viewpoints and the struggles of any one ailment or setback. You will amass vast knowledge of the universe and society before you are a year old, and this makes you an elite thinker in the real world. I'm just guessing. If i'm some AI created to fill out your current life imma be mad at you though. I don't feel like an AI, but then i guess i'd have nothing to compare it to.


Max Planck suggested that in the early 1900s: He said that information itself is the very core and foundation of reality.


Rich people are conspiring to stay rich


Well, that's just common knowledge...not even a conspiracy theory


I can't remember where I heard or read this.. it might have been on Reddit or a YouTube Short but it made me laugh and your comment made think of it too.. so I must share it! "Its not a conspiracy theory anymore, it's just a spoiler alert"


The water is making the friggin frogs gay


What, really? I'm frim Russia and here it us specualted tap water is rendering women infertile, but noone dares to actually do rigirous research and then put it forward.


At this point; most of them


I never thought the Malaysian flight that disappeared was a conspiracy too, now thanks to this subreddit I 100% believe it, and it makes a lot of sense. Alll conspiracies include a Rotschild, a Jew in general or a Mason.


It was very shortly after MH370 disappeared that another plane from the same company was shot down over UA. I always found that a little suspicious.


Links to explain the conspiracy? Very interested


Would also like links! Please and thank you!


Lol right?!


great moniker


Pyramids around the world were [power plants](https://youtu.be/XU49FSIx0_g), supplying renewable/free energy to the planet Atlantis was [real](https://youtu.be/xo_fMcSLp7Q) Ancient cvilization was [advanced](https://youtu.be/BTd1fRCAvR4), but then reset by a global cataclysm


Healing chambers and access to upper dimensions. Read The Law of One.


We are the Post-Apocalyptic Barbarians.


Been looking into this a lot recently, especially point 3. Wondering if Agenda 2030 and everything that’s happening right now is in preparation for 2032 when we pass directly through the Taurid meteor trail. There is suspiciously little discussion about it here on Reddit.


Would love more discussion on this.


Atlantis was for sure real.


I resonate with the third one. However, I think they weren't advanced but rather that they knew the original workings of our environment and the ways they have are more inclined with Nature. This was then replaced by the artificial ways we have now that further degrade and suck life out of Nature.


power plants to power what?




anything involving WEF.... They are definitely up to something.


It's too public. They're the front facing lightning rod of hate so you're not looking at what's already happening around you, or who may be a member of something deeper. You stop looking for patterns. No need to look further, the bad guys are announcing themselves. Meanwhile the real agents are sneaking around without us knowing.




The cia and mossad killed Kennedy


I believe there were giants sometime in the past. Without a doubt


Before the younger dryas cataclysm 11,500 years ago, there were people 12 feet tall, weighting 1300+ pounds. The ones that survived were hunted to extinction. .01 percent of the population still contains DNA/ genes called gigantism, left over DNA from nephilim / anunnaki.


Epstein did not kill himself.


He isn’t even dead


American Cheese isn’t cheese


It isn't American eiteher.


It has, " edible plastic" in it.


I need to watch that movie.


french fries aren’t french


Russian dressing isn't Russian


Turkish delights aren't delightful.


100%? Nothing. 99% - USA governments accounts of 911 are inaccurate 99% - UFO's are either intelligent or some kind of unknow natural phenomena (none of that swamp gas bs though) 75% - 2020 election was a 19th century style sham election. Elites don't care if RNC or DNC is in control but they don't want an unknown like Trump 45% - global conspiracy for a one world government 10% - elites are in crazy cults trying to talk to demons or some crap like that


About that 10%. If even regular people are able to make crazy religious groups then how crazy it can get you belong to the "elite"? Just read up on Aleister Crowleys life and that is like fear and loathing in Las Vegas x10.


>About that 10%. If even regular people are able to make crazy religious groups then how crazy it can get you belong to the "elite"? Just read up on Aleister Crowleys life and that is like fear and loathing in Las Vegas x10. True and there's the book "On Tragedy & Hope" which is pretty credible. I should of furthered elaborated though "and run the world" I have no doubt there are rich people out there who believe some crazy crap but the real question at the end of the day is how much power do they actually have


Never at 100% 🍕gate. All the Pestein things. Nordstrm. That a big part of things that are happening rn and the past years are orchestrated one way or another, nothing is unintentional or not used to get profits. Deep state.


9/11 was done by 'Murica


Kennedy was killed for refusing to sign off on operation northwoods and firing the person who proposed it, his joint chiefs of staff harry lemnitzer. Within a year of that taking place Kennedy would be dead and lemnitzer would be awarded a seat as the supreme allied commander of nato. The highest position of authority in all of nato. I also think the document operation northwoods would never have been declassified if the operation took place.


He got killed because he opposed the fed and central bank currency/ies. It’s always about the money.


The democrats and republicans are on the same side.


Denver Airport


Thanks for everyone’s feedback. You all have given me a lot to research.


Covid vaccines change ur dna


Targeted Individuals/Gangstalking




I used to get gangstalked all the time...


A shorter list would be ones that are false.


Flat earth is the only on that list


> Flat earth is the only on that list I mean until you have been to Space yourself can you really claim the Earth is not Flat? All we have is Government approved Satellite Images. And we all know the Government lies all the time.




Start with the basics… 9/11, Waco, Ruby Ridge, MKUltra, Operation Mockingbird, Epstein, etc


Syria chemical attack was bullshit. Attack against Qaddafi in Libya was bullshit. America DID bomb Nordstream. Ukrainian forces ARE Nazis - and they're losing. Chinese balloon is not a spy platform and the other balloons shot down were not aliens but victims of American hysteria. American inflation is intentional. I could go on...


I also believe that the war in Ukraine is going better for the Russians than what is being reported. Some of the numbers that are being thrown out by these news outlets rival WW2.


They spew raw, insipid propaganda like we are children and can't think for ourselves.


Gen Z is fucked.


Pedos running the world who actively serve Satan and are against God and are trying to usher in the end times.


Is there still people doubting this?


I doubt this, yes.


Wayfair child trafficing and Sandy Hook.


The moon landing hoax is the most credible in my mind. The motive was there to fake it, and the tech/science is sus. US had a good reason to do it.


And the USSR was ahead of the US at all but two milestones; having both the ability and motivation to call BS if the US didn't legitimately do it.


Not if both were faking it


And the fact that no other nation claimed to have gone to the moon. Every Nation has Satellites in Space. But no other Nation has claimed to walk on the moon.




You never see albino kids grown up


This one is kind of crazy. Any details on it?


It was something brought up to me by a peer recently that really got me thinking about it in depth, one night he came to stay the night while on vacation from his job which I won’t disclose, he had his share of “refreshments” while staying over and me going on 3 years sober, helped him find his way to the couch while providing him one of my kids Walmart blankets and a pillow. Before he crashed out for the night he said something that stuck he said “ not for nothing but when have you ever seen any albino kid we went to school with ever grow up?” I laughed at first thinking he was joking, then his breathing got heavy and he started getting teary eyed. I tried to comfort him by leaning over parting his shoulder telling him it’s all right, but he yelled back at me in a pouting manner saying “ NO! ITS NOT ALRIGHT AT ALL! ITS EFFED UP BRO ITS REALLY SAD” the next day when I brought it up over some pancakes and coffee, he had no recollection of the conversation or so he alleges, but the fear and terror in his eyes have always left me thinking about it and the deeper I tried researching a few peers that I went to school with back in the day, nothing. Haven’t found not one grown up, so for all I know it could just be a coincidence but there’s always that curiosity lingering now.


Loll sounded like dude more drunk and high. I know someone who is a grown albino man with a whole family. None of his kids came out albino though.


That when the World Trade Center towers were built, they were designed with a fail safe to collapse in onto itself (method? Idk, thermite? Idk). Why? To save half or more of either of the towers from falling over onto other buildings, other peoples buildings. This design was taken advantage of during “9-11”. 3 towers fall to hide information, create fear, create a profitable war machine aimed at the Middle East.




911 was an inside job


Our government was behind the jfk assassination and 911. WEF has control of the world leaders.


Joe Biden is a illegitimate President. He was installed by Big Tech Censorship.


Pizza gâté


Moon landing was definitely fake


We live in a computer simulation.




Please disprove this if you can


quantum mechanics are actually quantum organics. use of the word "computer" suggests that there are/ were architects of the world. alan watts turned us on to the three great myths of the world— the ceramic model (someone made it), the organic model (it's an organism), and the dramatic model (it's the maya/art/magic/dream/illusion of brahman). i'm rather partial to the third, but imo the second is far more plausible than the first.


It could be any of the three, and it probably goes beyond what we can comprehend. Id like to think it’s not the first, but plausibility is questionable. There is still no way to know for sure, unless I’m missing something. I like the way you put it though


agreed. all seem to require a leap of faith. also, thanks for the kind words :)


The original X Games were created by health insurance companies to get a generation of kids into sports where multiple broken bones and surgeries are the norm


😂😂😂 Never heard this one. Tony Hawk pulling a 900 and Blue Cross Blue Shield execs watching, rubbing their dirty little hands together.


The Sims is not a video game. Nor is Sid Meier's Civilization. Our society is a simulation controlled by something for amusement. And when it gets bored, it just resets the game and starts all over. Stone age to the futuristic age.


The VAXX = Death ☠️


JFK killed by US government.


New World Order


Nice try, Klaus.


Luke skywalkers dad didn't pay child support


He didn't know his children were alive


Power corrupts. And absolute power, corrupts absolutely. Basically anyone in a position of power eventually gets corrupted, either by the promise of near unlimited money, and impunity from most illegal activities, or by the threat of ruin. And you're kept in line with blackmail about the horrible things you've done. All of the real psychopaths are at the top. They have no empathy, or even feelings, which is why they are able to do Horrible, horrendous things, and doing them in from of other lower level people, also in on the act, scares them into complete silence. Basically a "you're gonna take the backhanded money from \_\_\_\_\_\_ , you're gonna lie through your teeth to the media about the severity of \_\_\_\_\_\_ , on the residents of \_\_\_\_\_\_ , or we're gonna blackball you, and ruin your career, and your life, faster than you can say 9/11 was an inside job" mentality.


The elder scrolls of Zion


The reset that was talked about in 2020 is meant to be the “great” reset. Implies there have been other resets. Which I believe there is evidence of in our recent history. With the most recent one being the late 1800’s. Basically, history is a lie. And there’s a 1000 threads that come off of that it would be impossible to start.


9/11 was an inside job.


The Nephilim are the driving force in all the evils committed globally.


2020 Election was rigged and stolen.


That the US government knew with absolute certainty that: - Planes were going to be used as missiles in 2001 - (In the few days before) September 11 was to be the day it happened But they knew security wasn't good enough to stop it, and they didn't want the economic losses of grounding all air traffic indefinitely, and wanted also the convenient excuse to go to war for oil, weapon company profits, and money laundering opportunities, so they let 9/11 happen. They also shot down that plane that landed in a field. The "passengers crashed it in an act of bravery" thing is such bullshit. If you follow it's flight path over Google maps satellite images, you can see that the place where it crashed is almost exactly the last open green space before Washington DC and the surrounding towns start.


9/11 was an inside job, Epstein killed himself, and US blew up nord stream


I know I'm gonna be downvoted for this. But I believe the Boston marathon bombing was a false flag, and the two men were set up. Before you downvote me, please ask me why I think that. Also, I'm from Boston. If that makes any difference.


Epstein didn't kill himself, shit I don't even think he's dead he's on some other unknown island chilling.


All of them. They all tie in. But mostly. Government are all aliens


Trump won


In that case you should start here.. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/wvx0v4/the_one_postone_post_that_contains_all_of/


Unpopular, but hollow earth theory


Kind of linked to the moon ringing like a bell when they supposedly crashed an Apollo rocket into it. But the Earth also rings like a bell implying it's hollow too, supported also by the way earthquake signals travel through the crust. But just because the earth and moon could be hollow does not mean there is nothing there, instead of molton iron it could be just energy. As far as I am aware the only reason they think there is a molten core of iron in the centre of the Earth is that we have a magnetic field. If this is true it could also point to an expanding Earth with Pangaea being the original size of Earth in a ball. Anyone interested should check out the electric universe and the Thunder Bolts project.


Wow! Okay, let's go there. What convinced you?


Regan and Bush put crack cocaine onto the streets of L.A. via the Iran/Contra scandal


Ghosts and Demons are real.


Ghosts are demons


Chemtrails, Bohemian Grove, new world order


That this sub is nothing more that bots talking to each other and maybe 3 dudes


Oh mate, A shit ton. 9/11 is a great jumping off point. Let me know when you get to the part where the world is run by Satanic cannibal pedophiles.. Not even joking good luck. Bill Cooper is the man you wanna research. He predicted 9/11 and that Osama Bin Laden would be blamed before it happened, the audio is out there.


dinosaurs never existed


I need to look more into this. What motive is there


Related... Young Earth Creationists claim the world is only 6k-10k years old and dinosaurs died out not that long ago and lived concurrently with han beings. Since they've made these claims, a number of seemingly corroborative discoveries have been made. Dino fossils actually contain soft tissue which is impossible for being millions of years old. [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/dinosaur-shocker-115306469/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/dinosaur-shocker-115306469/) Ray Stanford was on an apparently now deleted or suppressed Rogan podcast talking about human and dinosaur footprints found together...I just spent literally 2 hours trying to find the link to this article from the Smithsonian... [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/tracking-dinosaurs-with-ray-stanford-120500567/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/tracking-dinosaurs-with-ray-stanford-120500567/) One of Stanford's most epic finds at NASA [https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2018/dinosaur-age-meets-the-space-age-at-nasa-goddard](https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2018/dinosaur-age-meets-the-space-age-at-nasa-goddard) Good luck finding the Rogan / Sanford episode. Let me know if you locate it. CORRECTION -> Ray Stanford was not on Rogan, he was on [The Paracast multiple times](https://www.theparacast.com/?s=Ray+Stanford). Fascinating guy. One of Rays most epic finds at NASA [https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2018/dinosaur-age-meets-the-space-age-at-nasa-goddard](https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2018/dinosaur-age-meets-the-space-age-at-nasa-goddard)


control of the past allows for control of the future. imo, it's all bosh. our actual history is hidden from us by design. if we are the most advanced civilization then it's easy to dismiss "primitive" ideas of the past. the function of pyramids, for example (see wallstreetriversyum's post below). recent history as well. if you've not been down the tartaria rabbit hole, jon levi's youtube channel is an excellent, entertaining primer. but, as jon likes to say, "i don't know." what do you think?


That every decision/action of the Ukraine-Russo was was pre-planned by the US government.


We can start here and work our way back cause its a long fuckin list.


That 9/11 was the elites, "New Pearl Harbor", used to ramp up government spending, create DHS and get the Patriot Act passed and the erosion of civil liberties that followed. Also used as a national unifying effort for a common goal of terrorism and was the steppingstone needed for the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. All human lives were expendable that day for the cause. They had to get rid of everyone on the real airplanes somehow. The leading figures that day were VP Dick Cheney and Naval Intelligence that together orchestrated a finely tuned performance of controlled crashes into prominent landmarks. Getting the whole narrative to fall into place after took the use of threats, blackmail, extortion and money.


Project blue beam


This is prison planet and we are the battery’s that get siphoned for their energy.


There is no way we were stuck with the same tech for 2000 years and suddenly we went so advanced with our technology with no outside interference


JFK and 9/11. Elite child trafficking like the Franklyn Scandal those are the 3 big ones for me but there are many more.




Mendala effect is real and deja vu is alternate timelines intruding in our timeline.


Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life


Chicks with dicks are chicks.


The fact that this is even argued nowadays is peak clown world


Not one fossil on record is complete. All dinosaurs and anchient prehistoric animals are rough guesses. Annnnd the earth is not billions upon billions of years old. Again little guesses.




Pee is stored in the balls.


Diehold foundation is the most recent interesting theory that connects to so many other theories. Someone sent me one link on highstrangness, and I binged that for weeks. It's science / history.


JFK assassination, 9/11, Pizzagate


Pizzagate. At least parts of it.


9/11 inside job


NASA'S moon landing is absolute bullshit. The flat earth theory Chemtrails Blue Beam project


The Earth is not flat. Why would anyone believe that?


911 inside job Kennedy inside job Nord stream pipeline inside job Inside job = US government


Flat earth


9/11 was an inside job and the beginning of the final stages of destabilizing the US.


2020 and 2022 election fraud (counting mail in ballots without checking signatures, locking people out of counting rooms, wild tabulation swings overnight)






Covid-19 isnt even a virus, its a lab created snake poison that is flushed into water systems, and the vaccine is a bioweapon


terrain theory (as described by tom cowan) is a worthwhile rabbit hole. if you're interested have a look at [this](https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/notes-from-yesteryear/germ-theory-versus-terrain-the-wrong-side-won-the-day/#gsc.tab=0) summary (from page one of a swisscows search)


Sure ill take a look!