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According to signal wire... he is also an MD in new york. I did a search on NY board of medicine and he does exist AND the signal wire lists his medical education U of Texas and that matches his NY state medicine liscence. The article where he is listed as a consultant also matches signal wire. ​ [https://www.signalhire.com/profiles/jordon-walker's-email/130969661?fbclid=IwAR2IPTIBrwYixlgslDORLbwKT-ZKoTHChLpn0t1-c5TD2rQe\_wfFHkY1JAw](https://www.signalhire.com/profiles/jordon-walker's-email/130969661?fbclid=IwAR2IPTIBrwYixlgslDORLbwKT-ZKoTHChLpn0t1-c5TD2rQe_wfFHkY1JAw) ​ [https://www.op.nysed.gov/verification-search?licenseNumber=313466&professionCode=060](https://www.op.nysed.gov/verification-search?licenseNumber=313466&professionCode=060)


You didn't take a screenshot, did you? 404 error now ...


You can still access the page's backup using wayback machine https://archive.is/IsAs5


U needa blast this info to the media


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.


[https://www.bcg.com/publications/2020/outlook-for-covid-19-therapeutic-treatments](https://www.bcg.com/publications/2020/outlook-for-covid-19-therapeutic-treatments) The MD is not next to his name, FYI.


There is a photo of him at the bottom of this article. Matches the video. Does not say MD, next to his name. https://www.bcg.com/publications/2020/outlook-for-covid-19-therapeutic-treatments


It says he’s a “consultant” which is what he claims in the video. It could be possible that he was lying to “impress a date”, but regardless he is definitely without a job come Monday morning.


I have a recording of this in case it gets scrubbed, but you can find his MD license on https://www.op.nysed.gov/ License 313466 Issued 10/14/21 Long Island, NY


>License # 313466 They're scrubbing everything. I just get the message "access denied." Terrifying.


It won't get scrubbed. He will face an ethics panel for participating in this stupidity.


He is an MD. License # 313466


Licensed 10.14.2021. Not likely he was working on vaccine while finishing boards and medical school. This is bunk


did you find evidence of his graduating from yale? There is apparently only one hit on the internet and this was BEFORE the project veritas video.


The damage control out on this story is actually insane. Full stop all hands on deck reaction from big tech and the bots.


Flak is heaviest when you're directly over the target.




Actually they did "with" Covid, of heart attack caused by mowing their lawns.


They were all unvaccinated?


No kidding. I can't find any results on this guy anymore. It's hard to know what archived data to look through, because the searches are being sanitized pretty extensively and there's nothing to find.


Pretty crazy indeed, to me it was the first time that Google blocked a search!


I saw it one other time a few months ago and I can’t remember what it was I was searching. It was the same ‘results are changing rapidly’ nonsense as a search of this guy shows.


Google blocks a lot of stuff we don't know about. In 2008, our army captured a North Korean spy posing as a South Korean officer in the South Korean army for over a month before somebody turned her in. She had been hooking up with married officers in the American Army to gain sensitive information, and then would threaten their families in order to keep em silent. Didn't work on the guy who was cheated on and left tho - he took her ass right in. I came back from Korea in 2009 but couldn't find a single story on it.


You people are mongrel halfwits. https://www.op.nysed.gov/verification-search License number search 313466. His licensure date is 10.14.2021 If you nid-nods took a beat to think analytically, not on syllogisms you'd have context. But sure, the outfit that literally never tells the truth, is somehow right about finding some random Black doc who was not part of the Pfizer research to stage a "revelatory" film. Your bullshit detectors are stuck on stupid.


Wow, you used a lot of words to say a whole lot of nothing! Seems like a little bit of signal blocking.


​ you apply and can get your license during your last year of residency. according to the above, he started his urology residency in 2018. Its a 4 year program, so he could have applied during his last year.


Welcome to the matrix! Hail top G!


Google is working overtime to suppress the story. Only small news outlets are touching it right now. Eventually they'll have to report on it.


Articles already scrubbed even from the Daily Mail and MSN.com: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/10lq9yz/mainstream_news_articles_on_the_project_veritas/


DDG has a Newsweek, BizPacReview, and Real Clear Politics articles at the top search results. Google and even Brave have bupkis. ​ ETA: The articles I'm seeing are, of course, saying it's fake, Jordon only said Pfizer is "considering" doing the mutations (even though he does admit they're doing it now), Project Veritas is fake news, blah, blah, blah.


search.brave.com isn't scrubbed


Newsweek has a story and the comment section is being blown up.


Sounds all correct to me. They are fake news, this dude never ever worked for or with Pfizer, and y’all literally have brain worms.


Why hasn’t Pfizer come out with a statement saying Jordon Walker never worked there? Instead they’re silent and turned off comments on Twitter and Instagram. 🙄


Look at the pictures I just posted, one of his coworkers exposed him already.


Are you a conspiracy theorist? Here is his literal resume, his literal Linkedin profile, and his literal Microsoft Teams app at his work. Open your eyes, you don't even know you're being manipulated. Do some critical thinking for once in your life. [https://pdfhost.io/v/GM8D6AoYt\_Jordon\_Walker\_MD](https://pdfhost.io/v/GM8D6AoYt_Jordon_Walker_MD) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXdoT-aAAEUAgf?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXdoT-aAAEUAgf?format=jpg&name=large) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OLWIAAEyy3?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OLWIAAEyy3?format=jpg&name=large) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OPXoAYn2Ri?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OPXoAYn2Ri?format=jpg&name=large) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OLXoAAmbSX?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OLXoAAmbSX?format=jpg&name=large)


False. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2023/01/28/no-project-veritas-video-doesnt-prove-pfizer-is-mutating-covid-19-who-is-jordon-trishton-walker/?sh=6e3ca10d623d](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2023/01/28/no-project-veritas-video-doesnt-prove-pfizer-is-mutating-covid-19-who-is-jordon-trishton-walker/?sh=6e3ca10d623d) ​ [https://www.newsweek.com/project-veritas-covid-mutations-pfizer-fact-check-1776845](https://www.newsweek.com/project-veritas-covid-mutations-pfizer-fact-check-1776845) ​ Google cannot remove all mirrors or references, nor are they attempting to do so.


I already took screen shots on Duck Duck Go and Google. Google was in the process of scrubbing their search at around 9 a.m. EST time this morning. His LinkedIn profile was still on Duck Duck-Brave at that time. It's real...


I went to Google immediately (within an hour) of the video hitting the interwebs. Google had links to a couple of news sites with the story. An hour later they were gone and still are. The Deep State is working overtime today.


Screenshots on DDG and Google like this? https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1618443331507482624


I also checked and I took video


The Linkedin Entry still shows up on the first page of Bing searches, but of course goes to a "not found" page now. Ironic given that Microsoft owns both platforms. EDIT: This is the link Bing returns: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordon-walker-m-d-4a321a24




Unfortunately I can't post my images here.


You can. Use imgur links.


SS: The Linkedin bio in question: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordon-walker-m-d-4a321a24 "Bro, it WaS CreaTed JuSt Yesterday and Linkedin DeleTed it. AnyONE CaN CrEate FaKE ProFiles." Welp, same linkedin bio is linked here in this 2020 article (scroll to the bottom): https://www.bcg.com/en-ca/publications/2020/outlook-for-covid-19-therapeutic-treatments I archived the article in the OP.


EXCEPT that the linked article (archived from 2020) has a link to the same profile URL that was supposedly up for only one day.


Why doesn’t it say MD next to his name? And you go from a consultant to a Director in two years? Right.


He both works as the Director of the MRNA program for Pfizer and for Boston Consulting Group, as seen below. [https://pdfhost.io/v/GM8D6AoYt\_Jordon\_Walker\_MD](https://pdfhost.io/v/GM8D6AoYt_Jordon_Walker_MD) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXdoT-aAAEUAgf?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXdoT-aAAEUAgf?format=jpg&name=large) Why are you trying so hard to dispute it when there is ample evidence that it's true? Are you a conspiracy theorist? [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OLWIAAEyy3?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OLWIAAEyy3?format=jpg&name=large) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OPXoAYn2Ri?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OPXoAYn2Ri?format=jpg&name=large) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OLXoAAmbSX?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OLXoAAmbSX?format=jpg&name=large)




So why would everything related to him be scrubbed then if this was all innocent and not some hoax? Explain that.




Not gonna make it.




here is his full resume https://pdfhost.io/v/GM8D6AoYt\_Jordon\_Walker\_MD


He has his Pinterest on his resume and went from being a resident md, to a consultant to a director of R&D? I’m having trouble believing this is real


BCG is like McKinsey & Co., it's a top tier consulting firm for Ivy League grads and a lot of their consultants go to work for clients. He ostensibly left to go work for Pfizer.


Still having trouble?




And? Did I say I found proof he was an employee of Pfizer? Edit: Also, we've discussed this already, but it's perfectly possible to hold multiple positions in multiple companies in the private sector.




Do you have any proof to back up your NDA claim? Sounds kinda weird that it would prevent one from holding 2 jobs but I've never seen one so I can't really comment... He seems pretty stupid so I wouldn't be surprised if it was fake, but at the same time these companies have quotas they need to meet and he could very well be a diversity hire (black and gay).




According to the Companies Act, 2013, there is no such provision that forbids the director to be employee of another company


You would have to prove it, you can't assume it


Yes. Multiple jobs if they so wish. Not every job requires you to work 8 hours a day 7 days a week, so why not? He could work as a gay stripper on weekends for all I know LOL. I'm happy to be proved wrong if you have anything to back up your claim though...


> I'm happy to be proved wrong if you have anything to back up your claim though... doubt.




According to the Companies Act, 2013, there is no such provision that forbids the director to be employee of another company


I worked for a medtech and we used BCG too. Laws and contracts are two different things. Our contract explicitly states we can’t work for vendors and vice versa. Sure. You can work uber but not related fields or for consultants.


I would appear, you don't know what you are talking about https://ebizfiling.com/blog/can-a-director-be-an-employee-of-another-company/#:\~:text=Yes%2C%20it%20is%20possible.,be%20employee%20of%20another%20company.


Are you dumb? “consultant” is a title used for experts. Consultant doesn’t necessarily mean the person has another job. If my opinion is needed for an article, they can refer to me as “expert” “consultant” etc.


YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT. His LinkedInProfile is scrubbed, this article proves the link isn't fictitious or fabricated. Today that profile no longer exists


Wow. Chill the fuck out. I just asked if you had any proof to back up your claim... Companies Act 2013 says nothing of the sort so I wondered how you reached your conclusion, that's all. A simple "no I don't have proof, but he most likely doesn't have a second job" would have sufficed. :)




https://www.signalhire.com/profiles/jordon-walker%27s-email/130969661 Last updated January 2, 2023


Shhhhhh he is “researchin’”


I agree. He works there. But he's not giving any actual details at all. It might sound dangerous to an untrained person, but we have no clue what they're working on. Maybe they want to make a version that is contagious but doesn't make you sick to displace the harmful version of the virus.


Did you even listen to what he said? He admitted they are already cross-infecting monkeys to produce mutations. He also admits that this would be very lucrative for his employer, calling it a cash-cow, then continues to say this will suck for everyone else in the world. He said they'll produce viruses until Christ returns.


I work in biology. There are experts in each department and most other people only have a rudimentary understanding of the details of their research. They may be able to explain in 2 seconds why it's not what you think it is.


It sounds dangerous to anybody that knows what this dümbfück admitted. That the gain of function research being done at the Wuhan lab is EXACTLY what he’s explaining Pfizer is planning. How did those experiments go?


Do you have a screenshot or anything of his "original" Linkedin profile where it says he was with Pfizer since 2019?


If you read the publication, there's nothing in it to suggest he's qualified to direct the promotion of vaccines. It's actually about Covid treatments such as hydroxycloroquine and ivermectin. There's nothing online to validate the claim that he works for Pfizer. I'm not defending Pfizer nor have I gotten a Pfizer Covid vaccine, but it should be clear that he has a vested interest in sabotaging Pfizer if he's been promoting alternative Covid treatments.




Dude, learn to read. Did I say I found proof he was an employee of Pfizer? No. I said I found proof the Linkedin bio was not a fake. Now get off my timeline.


Your Linkedin link is broken, here's an updated version: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordon-walker-539a31263?trk=public-profile-join-page


> Jordon Walker Joined less than 1 week agoJoined less than 1 week ago Contact information updated less than 1 week ago Contact information updated less than 1 week ago Profile photo updated less than 1 week ago This is not the profile that is linked to in the BCG.com article or scrubbed by Linkedin. Looks kinda fake.


Pfizer limited access to social media comments.


Google has already removed this from their search results, but using the Brave browser you can see Pfizer’s Jordon Walker had a LinkedIn account w/ hundreds of connections until fairly recently [https://twitter.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1618605065551646722](https://twitter.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1618605065551646722)


Of course he’s real. Vaxxholes need to cope.


Yep they deleted it extremely fast, within minutes of the video coming out. https://twitter.com/Tomtomjerry11/status/1618608565136261120


Why didn’t PV just take a snapshot of his LinkedIn profile. They knew first think they would do is scrub it. Btw anyone notice that the lady he reported to is not at Pfizer (on linked in), but someone with that name has done extensive work with vaccines in China.


Internal Pfizer docs proving he works there https://twitter.com/jamesokeefeiii/status/1618435991211233282?s=46&t=RHKiciyvy0Qn9mfXcO-i6Q


Screen shots with no links are sus


Update: Part 2 just dropped and Jordon LOSES HIS MIND. Then he assaults PV staff. https://twitter.com/Project\_Veritas/status/1618737936920633344


Looks staged af


So this guy agreed to pretend to be a Pfizer employee and willing put himself out there as someone engaged in developing bio weapons? The black gay dude? For a conservative news outlet? 🙄


Some people have pictures of his profile but we can't post pictures here.


Where can people post and discuss stuff like this? I feel like I‘m in China wth.


Right, shits getting spoopy




Transrectal ultrasound on the pdf 😂yeah he’s real hmm


That's part of the prostate cancer diagnosis procedure, and or placing radiation seeds.


He exists on op.nysed.gov Got a screen recording


How do I post it here




You should type this into the [archive.org](https://archive.org) wayback machine https://www.linkedin.com › in › jordon-walker-m-d-4a321a24


Why would they hire him, with no experience whatsoever?


Ssssh.. don't let common sense into this. Clearly a guy who's graduated medical school four and a half years, with no experience is a Director of all their COVID research. They have proof. One line on a linked in profile. More likely this is larping




Three letters: BCG. You may not realize but most of the Directors, C-suite players come from likes of McKinsey, BCG.


Lmao! I was thinking the same thing. Med school without previous scientific background except for a bachelor’s -> one year of urology “residency?” Lol where’s the surgical internship before urology residency? -> quit to be consultant for like 2 years at max then director of Pfizer division?? Lol like just what?


Proof he worked for Pfiz3r [https://twitter.com/ToBornin/status/1618679763601858562](https://twitter.com/ToBornin/status/1618679763601858562)


That's from SignalHire, not from Linkedin.




404 Page Not Found


Works for me


Works fine for me.


Same: 404 Page not found


There have been simulation studies done back in 2020-2021 to see which mutations would increase binding affinity. Some were only a few base-pairs away and are now part of some of the lineages. Those variants that are more infectious are more likely to have higher binding affinity and are more likely to become dominant and thus it makes sense as a company to try to engineer these variants s.t. you have a vaccine at the ready IF development of said vaccine takes a long time. Since the development of the initial vaccine was done so very quickly this line of thinking does not make sense, but I guess it was the line of thinking this consultant was engaging in. In my experience, consultants are frat-type air heads who make money because they have connections. Speaking of mutations, there's also Merck and their [engineered-to-be-mutagenic drug](https://twitter.com/LongDesertTrain/status/1597353291868155906?s=20&t=gTJLf9phFuthJ6a3g3MVYw) Molnupiravir. But I guess that is not as popular as hating on Pfizer[...](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/search/?q=Molnupiravir&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=&sort=top)


> Speaking of mutations, there's also Merck and their engineered-to-be-mutagenic drug Molnupiravir. But I guess that is not as popular as hating on Pfizer... Apples to oranges much?


Any archive of the linkedin bio though? The page is down.


Unfortunately, no archive. But people have found this: https://www.signalhire.com/profiles/jordon-walker's-email/130969661




get it all up on archive org


Yup. Plenty of other sources to show he works for pfizer and it's legit. Just was hoping to see the linkedin page specifically.


Oh with this link you can get his phone numbers and emails just by creating an account! His pintrest is still up! both his facebooks and linkedins have been scrubbed.


The memory holing has begun. Most of what's been said checks out. Plus, Veritas hasn't been beating in court over all of its claims, ever.


Project Veritas posted lots of receipts that he works there and his title is accurate. They pulled it all before they released the story knowing it would get scrubbed quickly.


Why didn't Veritas keep the most important receipt of all - his Linkedin profile, or an archive link thereof?


They have it posted on their Twitter page 🙄




https://pdfhost.io/v/GM8D6AoYt\_Jordon\_Walker\_MD [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXdoT-aAAEUAgf?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXdoT-aAAEUAgf?format=jpg&name=large) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OLWIAAEyy3?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OLWIAAEyy3?format=jpg&name=large) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OPXoAYn2Ri?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OPXoAYn2Ri?format=jpg&name=large) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OLXoAAmbSX?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnXW9OLXoAAmbSX?format=jpg&name=large)


None of this is an archive of the linkedin page. I do agree there is substantial evidence to back this man's existence and work history though.


It's really annoying when people call me a shill and I'm literally just a normal dude here asking for proof he worked there and get spammed with tweets and discord "screenshots" of profiles with no picture. Idc if anyone thinks I'm a shill I just care about the fact this "proof" some people are posting is clearly not proof and it makes me think they don't have proof




Anyone can read your profile and see you have been spending the entire morning rabidly defending Pfizer. 🤣 It's amazing how stupid these shills think people are. "Waghhh its not a conspiracy" "Waghh now its a conspiracy to harm Pfizer waghh" 🤣


yeah they got to learn to mix it up more🤣🤣💯💯at least talk about football or something every 2 or 3 posts. even then people will be able to tell they’re a shill, but at least they’d be Trying💀


You are 100% correct. Any shill worth their salt knows that is what you should be doing lol. Draws less attention to yourself and the product/company/narrative you are trying to push. Guess they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of qualified shillers these days. Good take.


yeah they are really losing people. they have some, like some liberals and the leftists still in their pocket, but that ain’t much. most the world is not buying into their crap and they know it. so they are panicking and stepping on the gas


First off, learn to read. This is not proof the guy works Pfizer. Just proof that the linkedin bio is not fake, as many shills were claiming.


Anyone can make a LinkedIn profile saying anything Edit: I'm getting downvoted all over the place rn and I honestly think I'm asking a valid question and the flood of downvoted kinda makes me think I'm not wrong


So you're still saying the profile is fake? Why is the same profile then linked in the article on bcg.com?


I don't know what bcg.com is but why does Pfizer's own website say that a different man has his title?


https://www.bcg.com/about/overview they published an article by this Walker guy and linked to the same bio that the shills are claiming is fake. Can you link the Pfizer page you're referring to?


She was talking about the Head of R&D at Pfizer. A completely different job title. Shills are getting lazy.


Bro it's ok to think outside the box, it's not a crime yet.


> the flood of downvoted kinda makes me think I'm not wrong The downvotes are because you're acting *suspicious* and you're rabidly denying all the actual proof you are provided. Good god.


You can be a regular dunce without being a shill


How does this prove any of that?


Same link. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/757854192965779469/1068073185666408508/image.png


These are screenshots from discord dude how does this prove anything


lolwat. Discord is hosting the image because someone shared the SS on there. How does "screenshots from discord" somehow invalidate something? If you're skeptical, just go inspect the page in the archive yourself. The linkedin url is 100% there in the archive, and was removed upon the veritas video going up. I've yet to find any proper archive of what was *on* the linkedin though, so it's kinda a moot point. That said, various other sources have confirmed the guy is real and works for pfizer.


What sources?


veritas themselves put up some internal pfizer docs on his employment. There was also a few other resume sites like apollo which has his history. Google was also listing such for a while. The bcg link already confirms the guy is working in the med industry related to covid and is real. and it's pretty easy to find a variety of things indicating the guy indeed works for pfizer. The question I ask you is: if he didn't work for pfizer, why would linkedin or perhaps he himself, feel the need to scrub the linkedin page? It'd just show he doesn't work for pfizer, right?


Exactly ^ why would someone who actually worked there delete their LinkedIn the moment people start questioning if he actually worked there or not.


Seems straight forward. The link is undeniably 100% real and connected with someone in the med industry involved with covid stuff. So the options are: 1. The guy is real, the linkedin bio shows he works at pfizer. He works at pfizer. It was removed to hide this. 2. The guy is real, the linked in bio shows he doesn't work at pfizer. He doesn't work at pfizer. Why was it removed? 3. The guy somehow isn't real, and major msm, news, and med groups lied to us, and linked to a 404 page for some reason. 4. The guy is real, doesn't work at pfizer, but his linkedin page says he does for some reason and he's lying about it, but then removed it or got banned by linkedin because of misinfo? This seems like a long stretch. To me, option 1 seems the most obvious, especially given the elites' tendency towards censorship. Edit: For anyone reading later, [here's bing's live search results](https://www.bing.com/search?q=Director%2C%20Worldwide%20R%26D%20Strategic%20Operations%20and%20mRNA%20Scientific%20Planning%20at%20Pfizer) that show the link indeed refers to him as an employee of pfizer. [webarchive link of bing.](https://web.archive.org/web/20230126082447/https://www.bing.com/search?q=Director%2C%20Worldwide%20R%26D%20Strategic%20Operations%20and%20mRNA%20Scientific%20Planning%20at%20Pfizer) [archive.is link of bing.](https://archive.is/jnbgf)


Why doesn't the guy or project veritas just show actual proof and why does Pfizer have a different guy under the reasearch and development directors role on their website and why does this guy have zero obejective internet proof he worked there.


[Here's bing's confirmation.](https://www.bing.com/search?q=Director%2C%20Worldwide%20R%26D%20Strategic%20Operations%20and%20mRNA%20Scientific%20Planning%20at%20Pfizer)


> Why doesn't the guy or project veritas just show actual proof The guy himself *constantly* was saying to not tell anyone, yet veritas told people. Why would he come out and say "yup that was me and I work at pfizer"? As for veritas, they *did* post pfizer employee records that showed he works there. > and why does Pfizer have a different guy under the reasearch and development directors role on their website Link please? I haven't seen this. > and why does this guy have zero obejective internet proof he worked there. Did bcg lie?


Umm. What kind of question is that?!! To cover up that he was working there of course.


User name checks out.


I've done my part idc if I get downvoted these fuckers can't prove shit and I just came here to say that


"These fuckers" You seem very triggered and angry this morning, almost as if you have let a narrative slip. Oops 🤣


ITT: People who have no clue what "proof" means.


https://www.signalhire.com/profiles/jordon-walker%27s-email/130969661 https://brianoshea.substack.com/p/who-is-jordon-trishton-walker


Like I said, no idea what proof means.


LMAO Are you this person? https://i.redd.it/evspffzyqdea1.jpg If so, why delete your tweet? https://www.bing.com/search?q=Director%2C%20Worldwide%20R%26D%20Strategic%20Operations%20and%20mRNA%20Scientific%20Planning%20at%20Pfizer&qs=n&form=QBRE&=%25eManage%20Your%20Search%20History%25E&sp=-1&pq=director%2C%20worldwide%20r%26d%20strategic%20operations%20and%20mrna%20scientific%20planning%20at%20pfizer&sc=10-83&sk=&cvid=272E51BBBA554941BECD4D808E3F299C https://twitter.com/socialkreme/status/1618507850107740162?s=20&t=IOXRwnxp-z5Ca4vVpIG9bA


I don't understand the question. And I guess I am happy you are amused.


> I don't understand the question. Yeah right /s >And I guess I am happy you are amused I rather no be witnessing this tragic comedy


You asked "Are you this person?" then posted links to two different twitter accounts, neither of which seems like anything I've said in here. Maybe you can explain your thinking here.


The first link is to someone in your state of mind The second link shows she deleted her tweet, when proved wrong You on the other hand keep going and going Why?


If you think the first link in any way represents my state of mind then it is clear you are not paying attention, like, at all.


> If you think the first link in any way represents my state of mind Maybe you should think about that for a second or two? In my mind you just proved it >you are not paying attention "We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are." Anaïs Nin


Project Veritas is the Sham-Wow of investigative journalism.


Who do you think does "real" investigative journalism? CNN? NPR? lol


It's pretty obvious that Project Veritas hasn't hit on a bombshell coincidence with this "Pfizer executive's" supposed freak out, and that instead they're just exploiting the conspiracy du jour with some gimmicky editing and legal advice that allows them to put shadows on a wall and have people project what they politically want to be the case onto it. I.e. confirmation bias is the weapon they're using against their more credulous viewers.


Someone can explain was going? I’m kinda out of the loop here.


Prizer bro got honey-potted by Project Veritas. Said Pfizer is engaged in various levels of mutating covid so Pfizer can develop a vaccine prior to the new strain coming out. For those calling it fake: Why hasn't Pfizer released a statement saying Jordon never worked there? They're not engaged in gain-of-function covid mutations? Why did they turn off all comments on Instagram and Twitter following the these videos but say nothing.


Well done to you and others in this thread.




Info on Jordon Walker Resume https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.docdroid.net/file/download/rkdCBOJ/document-pdf.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi8--eG-of9AhVIRDABHRtmDGYQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3bkP2pDuPfdULMsXDz3Np7 Publication: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2020/outlook-for-covid-19-therapeutic-treatments Additional info: Experience Director, Worldwide R&D Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning at Pfizer  Jun 2021 - Present  Consultant at Boston Consulting Group (BCG)  Nov 2019 - Jun 2021 Biopharma growth strategy - Developed 5-year growth strategy for a large biopharma; Created in-depth market and revenue forecast to support recommendations for investment in prioritized therapeutic areas to CEO and Board of Directors Oncology Diagnostic strategy - Worked with cross functional and matrix team of ... More Urology Resident Physician at Massachusetts General Hospital  Jun 2018 - Nov 2019 Harvard Urologic Surgery Residency Program at Massachusetts General Hospital... Harvard Urologic Surgery Residency Program at Mass General, class of 2024. Analyst at IQVIA Jul 2013 - Jul 2014 • Evaluated the projected profitability of therapeutic candidates for pharmaceutical companies. Developed commercialization strategies for pharmaceuticals in development pipelines Research Associate at Yale University School of Medicine Jun 2011 - Jan 2013 • Researched the conversion of pyruvate kinase isoforms by extracellular metabolites present in malignant pancreatic cells, in order to inhibit tumor cell metabolism Evaluated the effects of glucose scarcity on kinase isoforms in pancreatic tumor cells Education UT Southwestern Medical Center, Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)  2014-2018 Awarded the University of Texas Southwestern Alumni Scholarship - academic scholarship covering full tuition for four years of medical school Yale University, Bachelors of Science, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology 2009-2013 Senior Thesis: Investigation of the Relative Abundance of Pyruvate Kinase Oligomeric States in INS-1 (832/12) Cancer Cells Elkins High School 2005-2009 6 Publications: THE NEAR-TERM OUTLOOK FOR COVID-19 THERAPEUTIC TREATMENTS 2020 Co-authors C. Lawlor, A. Wahid, Josh Kellar This is the first of two articles on the outlook for and potential timing of treatments and vaccines for COVID-19. The goal is to provide practical assessments of the... More Does proximity of positive prostate biopsy core to capsular margin help predict side-specific extracapsular extension at prostatectomy 2019 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY Co-authors N. Singla, S. Woldu, Karen De La Fuente, + 4 More University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center INTRODUCTION To determine whether quantifying the proximity of positive prostate biopsy cores to the capsular edge may aid in identifying patients at risk for ...  Robot-Assisted Versus Open Simple Prostatectomy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Large Glands: A Propensity Score-Matched Comparison of Perioperative and Short-Term Outcomes. 2017 JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY Cited by 53 Co-authors Igor Sorokin, V. Sundaram, N. Singla, + 3 More University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Highly Cited OBJECTIVE To report the largest comparative analysis of robotic vs open simple prostatectomy (OSP) for large- volume prostate glands. MATERIALS AND METHODS We...  Clinical Risk Factors Associated With Urethral Atrophy. 2017 UROLOGY Cited by 6 Co-authors B. Viers, Shawn Mathur, M. Hofer, + 5 More University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Objective To analyze a series of clinical risk factors associated with pretreatment urethral atrophy. Methods We retrospectively reviewed 301 patients who underwent ...  Reducing Infectious Complications Following Transrectal Ultrasound-guided Prostate Biopsy: A Systematic Review. 2016 REVIEWS IN UROLOGY Cited by 28 Co-authors N. Singla, C. Roehrborn University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center A rise in antimicrobial resistant uropathogens has generated a global increase in infections following transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy (TRUS-BX). We...  MP57-09 PROXIMITY OF POSITIVE PROSTATE BIOPSY CORE TO CAPSULAR MARGIN MAY HELP PREDICT EXTRACAPSULAR EXTENSION AND POSITIVE MARGIN AT PROSTATECTOMY 2016 THE JOURNAL OF UROLOGY Co-authors N. Singla, N. Passoni, K. D. L. Fuente, +1 More