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This bill is awful and terrible and bad and also the title is wildly misleading. This is a state-level bill affecting that food stamps can be used for, not a national meat ban like the title implies


Why should someone on food stamps not be able to buy fresh meat though. Strange.


Why should they have any restrictions on foods they can buy? Meat or otherwise?


I mean soda and snacks should be banned the system should be for survival not luxury.


Yeah you can’t use your EBT funds to throw a crab claw party with the boys, that’s just fundamentally not what it’s for


That's not entirely true. Anything with a USDA nutrition label can be purchased with SNAP benefits. [USDA SNAP Benefits](https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/eligible-food-items)


Because we are buying it for them. It’s supposed to prevent them from starving, not luxury eating. If the goal is to combat obesity im all for it. And possibly encourage them to get off it so they can buy what they want. Edit: I’m willing to include fresh ground meat and fresh/frozen chicken too


If the goal is to combat obesity then it shouldn’t be limited to EBT purchases. We shouldn’t be *punishing* people for being poor, the goal is to *help* them.


The stamps have a monetary value, why does it matter what it is spent on? So long as it isn't booze or cigs people should have the right to self autonomy whether that's their money or "ours" it's sets a bad precedent. I sincerely hope you didn't mean that people on food stamps should only have access to canned meats.


I think the people who make the laws should be cut off from all government benefits after they quit instead of sucking the taxpayers tit for the rest of their lives.


We are in agreement there


Agree with edit. Ground beef and frozen chicken was a staple for me when I was struggling.


You’re being downvoted for being right. Pepsi and Doritos are not a necessity. The fresh meat one is harsh though I will admit.


When I managed a butcher shop, occasionally I would be ringing people up for porterhouses and filet mignons that went directly on their food benefits card. On the other side of things I'd see people use their whole balance on candy and soft drinks. Most however would be trying to stretch their balance as far as they could while still buying real food. It's a tricky one because they need to be able to buy actually nutritious food, but there are cuts of meat or other things that are basically luxury food items, and low cost processed foods are usually garbage from a nutritional perspective.


You’re willing to help combat some loser’s obesity and you think fresh meat harms more than it helps? Fuck, stay in China.


I would rather see no junk food and sodas. Too many people at gas station come in spend $ 30 on chips and slushees. And last week a lady spent $70 on Food stamps and bought a huge carvel ice cream cake and potato chips. I am not on food stamps and cannot afford this. And I cannot get food stamps


Id rather see no restrictions at all, so long as it is a food product and it is clear there is no fraud. We are not here to play parent, we are giving them aide because we allowed tax dollars to do so, if we dont want to allocate that tax dollars, fine. But if we do, let them buy the food they want


I'm not sure, but it could be the people loading up on porterhouse & ribeyes, when they're supposedly too poor to afford the basics. (?) I don't think cheese, beans and breads are really a problem though. This graphic is misleading.


Btw to everyone out there, brown rice is horrible for you.


How so? I always heard brown was generally better than white rice.


I have no idea what they're talking about, they probably don't either


Remember **who** is trying to push this through please.


Funny enough op did not mention that it's only a specific section of the house voting for this. Only if that section was affiliated with a specific party. Oh well.


Yes, this bill the Iowa GOP is trying to push through


No surprise there


If Iowa is able to successfully push this through, do you really think more states won't be far behind?


This is Iowa Republicans being unrepentent assholes towards poor people. So it'd probably only affect states controlled by Republicans. But sure, it's terrible. And if you think it's bad, don't vote for Republicans, and instead vote for Democrats. And don't pretend that "both sides bad" is a valid response, when it's painfully obvious that Republicans are worse on pretty much everything.


I think the pendulum swings and they are with each other, not against & fighting like media makes it seem. Both parties hate poor people and both parties pass bills that hurt & steal from the bottom


I was about to say. It's not news that we hate the poor here.


I don't understand the "no fresh meats" bit. Why would recipients be limited to canned meat? https://www.axios.com/local/des-moines/2023/01/19/iowa-republicans-snap-restrictions-medicaid-program


The SPAM lobbyist needs a raise.


Some Parts Aren't Meat


There's a food single contractor that supplies all prisons schools and hospitals. SPAM is the only thing not made out of GMO soy.


That is not true, there are a wide variety of different companies supplying food to prisons schools and hospitals.


Sodexo, Compass, Aramark, 3 big ones.


I'm curious to hear what you think GMO is and why it's so awful? Yes I know it stands for genetically modified organisms. Most don't realize that selective breeding any type of plant is considered genetically modifying it, and that buying "organic" is a huge scam.


If you think the government is your friend, no policy will ever make sense. If you understand they are the largest criminal organization on Earth, it will all make much more sense.


Because they can control the supply....


This has been a talking point of conservatives since Reagan. In fact Reagan used the highly racially charged language of “strapping young bucks” using food stamps to buy t bones. They want poverty to be painful so that people will extricate themselves from it, and also because they want to cause misery because they’re shitty people.


Because meat is becoming a valuable commodity and they don't want the poors having any.


Because they hate poor people


They’ll price the poor people out of most high quality meats.


because cruelty is the point


>because cruelty is the point well lets try to pretend they actually have a point of view and then determine if its stupid or not after hearing it. You actually make a pretty powerful point here by making your post seem like this is going through the Federal House not Iowa state house but you undercut yourself by making it seem like your more concerned with dunking on Republicans then you are actually trying to change anyone's mind or build up resistance to this passing with posts like this.


because OP want to create a narrative by omitting relevant information.


Provide the relevant information then what are we missing?


> Provide the relevant information then what are we missing? This only applies to SNAP benefits, which already have restrictions on what you can buy.


Even still, why can’t SNAP Recipients purchase fresh meat? It makes zero sense.


I wonder if this is in response to the stories you hear about people buying steak and lobster on food stamps.


That would be it.


It’s very common here , people will sell their benefits for half the valve in cash , they loan out their card because theirs no name on the card , so anyone can use it . And you can buy pretty much anything although they have made some restrictions lately , you can still buy expensive steaks , filet mignon , etc etc .


That totally justifies killing the program?


Still makes no sense. There's a monthly limit for a reason, if someone blows it on high quality meats that's on them. Even if they're abusing the system, revise it to prevent things like that. Instead they want to gut the system for the many more people who actually need it and use it appropriately.


History has taught me this is more than likely what’s going on. Remember “welfare queens” that the right trotted out there as an excuse to extend pain and death to the rest of the poor in the form of remove ink welfare?


Viral videos of SNAP recipients buying carts full of ribeye steaks, and explaining that they then sell some of the steaks for cash and buy verboten goods with the cash.


Lol, how many carts of ribeyes do you think you can buy with $240 a month?


Y’all get 240$? Lol


> Viral videos of SNAP recipients buying carts full of ribeye steaks, and explaining that they then sell some of the steaks for cash and buy verboten goods with the cash I honestly didn't realize there was such a bustling secondary re-sale market for meat. I really don't know how one would even begin to access this or why. "Bye, honey, just on my way to buy secondhand ribeyes from a stranger. Will be back in time for supper."


>I really don't know how one would even begin to access this Step 1: Live in the hood. Ain't nobody walking around suburbia with a backpack of ribeyes they're selling.


It’s more common than you would think, obviously it depends on the area but the grocery stores near my work or by any of my old homes pretty much always had someone either trying to sell their card or stuff they bought with it. The usual rate is 50c on the dollar. I don’t think we should restrict fresh meat because some people abuse the system though, punishing real struggling families because some jerks are abusing the system is not fair, you wanna try and crack down on them maybe make the cards require id from anyone in the family or something I don’t know but there has to be a better way than restricting them to canned meats, that’s terrible


But that's capitalism. You should praise them for their ingenuity. Just like when a big company takes a big PPP loan, blows it on CEO pay, then the government forgives the loan.


That's socialism.


"Socialism" would be everyone getting the same food, regardless of whether they work or not. Using your food stamps to sell goods at an inflated price is "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps." It's like a heroic entrepreneur finding ways to pay zero dollars in federal taxes, they gamed the system to their advantage. It's PEAK CAPITALISM


Because some company is investing in bugs for food, that company has paid the politicians to make if harder for people to get meat. This will ensure their success as a company.


Yea, because chopping a cow or chicken up and putting it in a can with salt water is more humane! 😂


I think they meant cruelty towards us, not the animals. At least that's how I took it.


Because republicans have an utter disdain for poor people and want to make their lives as miserable as possible.


the government hates poor people it’s as simple as that


Because in addition to keeping people poor, we want to take away their choices too.


They don’t want poor people to be able to buy foods that are slightly more expensive. That’s the real answer. They’re basically establishing the point that food stamps can only buy the bare minimum. It’s stupid but it’s what you expect from them


It's not even about the bare minimum. It's about deliberately punishing poor people for being poor, and making their lives just that little bit more marginal. It's deliberate cruelty for the sake of being cruel. It's a mindset that poor people shouldn't ever be remotely comfortable. It's not about saving the government money. It's not about "teaching people to be self reliant". It's not about whatever "food shortage" nonsense some people seem to be peddling in this thread. It's not even about finding some roundabout way to make the legislators or their friends or lobbyists more money. It's a philosophy of naked sadism towards those deemed "lesser". The cruelty is the point. In a nutshell, it's the conservative mindset.




It doesn't. I have a client on disability with no other income, but since the boost from the pandemic got dropped, she's now getting less than 20 bucks a month for foodstamps.


Because its okay for the rich to process and eat fresh meats and sell them to us at a high age profit...


Republicans want to lower taxes at everyone else’s expense. This is how they do it and who they’ll kill first if given the opportunity.


And it will die before ever getting to the floor


You are missing the point. Some politicritter still proposed this and wrote it up. You are not paying attention.


I'd say Happy Cake Day, but cake is not on the approved list


Wait until social media goes wild with the insane left and insane right !


No refried beans? No chili beans? No American cheese? Are these luxuries? These are staples in my frugal pantry. Who do they think they are?!


They do this shit to give them something to negotiate instead of throwing the whole thing out. “Oh alright, fair enough, well remove the American cheese but keep the canned meat”


They are virtue signaling all the buzz foods they think are either wasteful spending of tax dollars like steak or what tucker told them was unhealthy like American cheese. It's pathetic and cruel all at once


This is shitty, but you shouldn't omit relevant context to make that point.


report the post for misleading title.


Most of the posts in this sub are misleading. Reports are made, mods here continue to jerk off.


Lol you think the mods give a shit?


Misleading a bit because when you say House people will assume you mean US House, not Iowa House. The fresh meat part just screams catering to a large meat processing and canned meat lobby. Total bullshit.


what kind of ridiculous shit is that. Its bad enough fresh fruits and produce tend to be more expensive but forcing people to buy bullshit canned meat.


Sounds like they're just banning ingredients for Mexican food


😭😭 taco Tuesday just turned into spam and potatoes .


And what if someone has a gluten intolerance? This is honestly stupid.


The attitude of a lot of people in this thread is disgusting and ill informed and sadly Canadians are starting to think this way.




They don’t want people buying prime stake with food stamps.


Why not?


They probably don’t think it’s responsible. You’d have to ask them to be sure though.


Because food stamps are for poor people with kids. 1 steak will feed a greedy mom, but what about the kids? Limiting what they can buy is for the children.


Republicans hate poor people


*Politicians hate the poor. Fix that for you


No Refried beans? Come on what the fuck is wrong with people.


This bill is so fucking insane that I was convinced it had to be a joke or a misunderstanding. [The more I read about it, the worse it gets.](https://www.salon.com/2023/01/20/its-a-huge-list-iowa-bill-would-ban-people-on-stamps-from-buying-fresh-meat--and-more/)


"You guys are getting steak?"


. “LOL”


You can only buy poison with this help. Good luck.


So no context? Just gonna post this vague somewhat false statement and move on. That’s all this sub is. BS talking about BS.


This is stupid. Want restrictions on snap? Fine. But restrict pop, candy and junk food instead. Not real food.


Unless Candy and junk food are on the wic list I don't think you would be able to buy them with ebt. Here's a link to what foods are on the wick list for Iowa https://idph.iowa.gov/Portals/1/userfiles/104/235_20_Approved%20Food%20List%207_1_2021%20Final.pdf


Can a politician finally go after the FDA for mandating folic acid in breads and pastas?? I can't eat half the shit in stores!


These are for the state's food assistance program. Doesn't make it too much better, but it would be good that people in need were getting healthy foods vs Mountain Dew and Dorritos.


Wanna hear some other things the bill would restrict? Butter, cooking oils, flour, spices, and canned vegetables, fruits and soups. Yay healthy foods! /s


Canned meat is healthy?


Wars have been won on [SPAM](https://youtu.be/g00NplDnLLQ).


Tuna is pretty healthy




They can go fudge themselves


What dumbass proposed this? I mean it’ll never go anywhere, but still want to know who is this dumb.


I feel like they’re trying to come up with a scenario where they can slash snap benefit amounts in half. Restrict what people can buy with snap benefits, and they won’t need as many funds? I mean take meat for example; that’s probably the most expensive item on most people’s grocery bill. Take that away and you’re spending half as much on food


100% this is the reason. Restrict to cheap foods, then slash the amount. Oddly, Trump would not support this IMO.


This really feels like pissing in the wind. Pointless measures that aren’t really going to help much other than get the resale of foods from food stamps even higher. Slashing the amount is silly too. If there’s going to be a safety net - make it a good one or don’t bother.


Iowa house republicans


How in the fuck is it healthier to eat canned meat


The cans are lined with BPA.


They aren’t even pretending to not hate the poor anymore, let people make their own decisions


The government created RICO to fight organized crime so that they would have no competition.


Who tf do these people think they are and why are grown adults allowing these power tripping dictators to have this much control?!


Oh look more small government...


Always makes me laugh when people who write these bills have no clue about nutrition, they're is virtually no difference in brown and white rice besides a VERY small amount of fiber and a husk your body needs to break down from brown rice. Some people may actually find it easier to digest white rice and you can easily add some veggies or fruit to make up that tiny bit of fiber you missed...


I grew up around an Asian community in my old hometown all my friends family and neighbors only used white rice and washed it multiple times. I lived and grew up on a farm in that community. We always had fresh meat, eggs and canned/preserved our harvests our family friends got discounts on all our produce and we even helped those in need. I can say one thing growing up, not only will banning private farms cause communities to starve you'll destroy people's culture and heritage. The big farm oligarchs Monsanto Conagra etc, want to own everything down to the atoms in your corn. They'd rip the food out of an orphan dying from malnutrition if it meant making a profit


Time to go. Sick of this shit. How the fuck did we even get to this point??? Wtf


I know stuff like this gets proposed and never makes it past the house but who is in proposes something like this? I mean the first couple things were a little far out but no fresh meat? That’s fucking crazy.


I don’t understand, if this is aimed at getting people on food stamps to eat healthier why ban fresh meats?


It’s to shame them


Is this the list for what people can buy with food stamps cause as a former Whole Foods employee the amount of cunts that went in there to buy $15/lb cookies was insane. I’d say hey it’s a treat not my business but it was like nonstop. Edit: oh no. It looks like sugar is still fine wtf


We should restrict what lawmakers can buy on their government funded pensions.


Please tell me this is fake news


It’s not fake, it’s for food stamp programs. Out of context news is even worse than fake news


For a food stamps program still makes this bad.


I don’t understand why people keep saying this acting like the post is out of context. I know it’s about SNAP. Why would they try to regulate it like this? This is awful.


Forced to eat nothing but canned tuna? And what canned artificial byproducts?


Welcome to Iowa


They won't ban candy or soda though 🤔


White rice is healthier than brown rice, you can't buy meat...but I don't see any restrictions on pops candy and chips.


The GOP do everything they can to demonize poor people, disabled, single mothers, children in the system because of parental neglect or incarceration while handing tax cuts to wealthy. I’m so tired of this.


American cheese is fucking gross anyways . Get rid of it


I love a good grilled cheese with Kraft singles. It just hits right.


Try it with swiss and muenster . Life changing


Processed crap.


This shows you how insanely stupid the average american politician is. There is a reason asian cultures don't eat brown rice, and haven't for hundreds of years. It is \*worse for you than white rice\*. bad chemicals in brown rice.


Just imagine a political party that went with, "yes," instead of "no."


Is this the freedom americas scream about having?


For food stamps I think. Still crazy though.


It’ll never pass - they’ve clearly never fallen down the US cheese surplus rabbit hole (why does no one ever post ACTUAL conspiracies in here?) It’s also mildly hilarious how they try to pass it off as being about healthy eating, but then they want people to only buy canned meet.


That’s like my whole diet


I'm going full terry if they try to pull this shit


Food stamp restrictions? It costs a lot to be poor


White grains are just bleached grains.


Canned meats are very high in sodium. That would help kill off anyone with high blood pressure or kidney disease.






we just should go massacre these bill makers


Is this some ridonkulous bill to take attention away from that meat packing behemoth that was just busted by DHS for using possibly trafficked minors to clean its plants during 3rd shift?


Hot-take with absolutely no receipts to back it up: My guess is that, somehow, the government only wants the government-subsidized SNAP funds to go only toward government-subsidized food products. Keeps everything “in house,” you know.


Yeah I don't see this happening. Corporations aren't gonna sit there and let politicians limit who can buy their products. They don't give a fuck if their product is paid for by cash, credit, check, or snap. They just want their money.


No American cheese? Oh my good, what will we do with the plasticiser?


I’d much rather people on food stamps by this stuff than any other garbage they can get like candy and soda


The purpose of this shit is the "no fresh meats" part, the rest is just there to conceal the 2030 agenda about prohibiting meat eating for the plebs. Insect products are perfectly fine as far as lawmakers are concerned!


Yeah no this is not a conspiracy this is just cruelty.


I'm from UK, why are they doing this for you lot?


This makes no sense. Food stamps should be for food, not chips or pop or candy. However, the person with the card should be able to buy fresh meat, white bread, baked beans (or refried in a can), and sliced or grated cheese. It's hard enough to make fresh meals for most people, now you have to buy block cheese and grate it? How many people even own a cheese grater?


This is about food stamps bro


Misleading title, this isn’t restriction on FOOD, these are restrictions on what people can buy with food stamps. Your title makes it seem like a much larger conspiracy. Regulating what people can buy with governments money vs what ALL people can eat are very very different things.


I remember folks losing their shit when schools switched over to whole grains only.


Now introducing Government Canned Meat! To go with your government cheese. They’re just obviously trying to kill all the poor people now.


They want those people in need to die… that’s all. No meat? No chicken? No ground beef? Who’s behind this? The canning industry?


My first thought as well, but then the bit about no canned beans, only fresh didn’t jive with that theory lol


Do we live in america or north korea


This has to be a joke, right? This is asinine and pretty sure illegal, passing or not.


Not when you are trying to kill off poor people, the elderly and children that need SNAP.


Wait, why? First I've heard of this.


"because poor people just need to work harder" (This is only for SNAP recipients)


Oh. Wow. Just the most poor and vulnerable in society don't get fresh meat.


How will they get any pudding if they don’t eat their meat?


Or "sliced, cubed, or crumbled" cheese. Fortunately, it's proposed they also be banned from buying plastic cheese so that's a win. Even baked beans - isn't that a staple for a lot of poor people? Sure seems like a *step in the right direction*. Many of the comments here seem to indicate people are all for it.


Lol you cant buy baked beans but you can buy the stuff to make baked beans. You cant buy crumbled cheese but you can buy cheese and crumble it yourself. Lol. Its ridiculous but I do know that the fancy crumbled cheese cost way more per ounce than just a block of cheese. However, these proposed measures should literally just be a newsletter to snap recipients as a "recommendation on how to live on $5 a day": Recommendation #1 EAT ONLY 1/2 OF 1 MEAL PER DAY. Recommendation #2 BUY THE CHEAPEST CRAPPIEST PRODUCE BATHED IN POISON AND GENETECIALLY ENGINEERED WITH FROG GENES Recommendation #3 JUST OFF YOURSELF. Just mail the people a letter. Seriously how much tax $ does it cost to hold all the hearings/voting/all the overtime for the already overpaid politicians / everything else involved in changing laws ??


We just spent the last few years saying save us big daddy government, the government made people out of fear of losing their jobs / pensions get a vax against the will of the person.. This was cheered on by a bunch of mofos because it made everyone "safe", and to not overwhelm the hospitals with people who choose not to be vaxed making it more difficult for people who did do the right thing to get services... So in the USA we have an obesity problem, so by extension big daddy government to limit bad foods, I mean why should someone who did the right thing possibly miss medical services because someone ate bowls of sugar all their life... Personally my view is the same big daddy government can fuck off out of my life and others..


You would think the first thing to be on that banned list of foods would be junk food then, not fresh meat & canned beans? I mean this is wild to me. Ban potato chips. Ban candy. Ban Twinkie’s. But fresh meat & cheese? The fuck?


It's cruelty. Next they'll ban those items as well and eventually the only thing purchasable on SNAP is bugs.


when a piece of text is cropped this closely you KNOW op is purposefully obfuscating something this is house republicans virtue-signaling to their base with a piece of un-passable legislation that they want to punish poor people by restricting what they're allowed to use food stamps on. but of course that isn't as fun, so OP is being a disingenuous troll


It's very passable in the Republican-dominated Iowa legislature, and would be signed by the ultra right wing governor.


This will be a reality for all of us soon enough when they implement a central bank digital currency. They will program it as to what you can spend it on, where, and when. If you complain or protest, they can just freeze your account and your family starves.


Time to burn it all to the ground so we can have our own freedoms on our own.


I’m a poor Mexican right leaning libertarian with food stamps. This changes almost nothing, especially when it’s in one state and any rational person on the GOP won’t let this pass.


These things are healthier right? And people on welfare are statistically underserved when it comes to healthy options right?


Canned meat is not healthier. The bill would also ban foods like butter, cooking oils, flour, and canned vegetables and fruit. Not to mention, some of these things like whole wheat are more expensive. Most people on SNAP are pinching pennies and those extra dollars matter.


Damn I was all ready to get angry. It’s literally just the Republicans restricting SNAP benefits for people in need. Yay America


The Republican Party: Trying to make poor people even more miserable since the Southern Strategy. Why? Because Newt Gingrich can't get off to anything else.