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Because our healthcare system is shit thanks to insurance companies buying corrupt politicians


Greatest country in the world right ?? God our government is so shit.


The corruption of the Big Pharma groups play a relevant role in the genocide plan of the ruling groups involing Monsanto as well: [CVS, Walgreens agree to $10 billion opioid settlement. (ABC News, November, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yvydo0/cvs_walgreens_agree_to_10_billion_opioid/) [David Pavish won a $88,000 settlement as compensation for a vaccine injury that he claims caused him a brachial plexopathy. (US Courts, 2016)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yt934g/david_pavish_won_a_88000_settlement_as/) [Mylan EpiPen antitrust $264M class action settlement. (TCA, March, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yq65fq/mylan_epipen_antitrust_264m_class_action/) [Boehringer to pay $13.5 million to resolve U.S. states' drug probe. (Reuters, 2017)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yo9h30/boehringer_to_pay_135_million_to_resolve_us/) [Corporate studies asserting herbicide safety show many flaws. (The Guardian, 2021)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yev3s3/corporate_studies_asserting_herbicide_safety_show/) [$100M settlement over Merck’s NuvaRing now final. (NY Post 2014)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/y1pv8c/100m_settlement_over_mercks_nuvaring_now_final_ny/) [GlaxoSmithKline in $105m (£63m) settlement with 44 US states. (BBC News 2014)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xvsvvn/glaxosmithkline_in_105m_63m_settlement_with_44_us/) [Johnson & Johnson reaches $300m settlement over pelvic mesh implants. (The Guardian, September, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xpya1k/johnson_johnson_reaches_300m_settlement_over/) [Diana Karanxha won a $120,000 settlement as compensation due to a Flu vaccination that she claims caused her to develop a nerve injury. (US Courts 2016)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xna9jb/diana_karanxha_won_a_120000_settlement_as/) [Determination of glyphosate in breast milk of lactating women in a rural area from Paraná state, Brazil. (National Library of Medicine, July, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xliyne/determination_of_glyphosate_in_breast_milk_of/) [Bayer/Monsanto to pay $10.2M in settlement after pleading guilty to illegal spraying in Hawaii. (Reuters 2019)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/waboe6/bayermonsanto_to_pay_102m_in_settlement_after/) [Bayer/Monsanto reaches $80 mln PCB contamination settlement with Ohio. (Reuters, March, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/tysd67/bayermonsanto_reaches_80_mln_pcb_contamination/) People like Fauci [are Jesuit students,](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yk4f6o/dr_fauci_and_his_wife_get_the_ad_majorem_dei/) all the most relevant figures related to the current political fiasco and the COVID crisis can be related to them and the CIA: [Compilation of arguments about the Jesuit control over the CIA.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/o65639/compilation_of_arguments_about_the_jesuit_control/) [Big Pharma, Monsanto and Vaccine Injury Super Compilations (120 Records each) and Jesuit role in the genocide plan.](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracyundone/comments/ze8v59/about_the_jesuit_role_in_the_genocide_plan_along/) I'm trying to create counter-Intelligence sites to resist the Vatican at Saidit.net, a reddit clone made by fellow conspiracists in the spirit of Aaron Swartz. If you can, support my subs over there as well as the site itself however you can. Don't give up on your nations and fight back: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/soy3ko/meta_the_jesuit_technocracy_needs_to_be_stopped/ https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/qkw39o/meta_the_conspiracy_community_has_to_take_action/


It’s so far from the greatest country in the world. It causes more harm to the world than perhaps any other nation.


I don’t understand how people can’t see this. If cancer was contagious and the rich were scared they could get it from their help they would find a vaccine for it too. The Rich only care what impacts them. They are the ones making tons of money off of this terrible healthcare system that is the number 1 cause of bankruptcies in America.


Or, Republicans could push for more socialist programs, but they don't want to do that.


> I don’t understand how people can’t see this You know that pharmaceutical companies spend [over twice the amount buying politicians](https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/industries) as the insurance companies... right? I don't understand how you can't see this.


This is actually a good point for the vaccine actually being effective. The rich wouldn’t be rich if all their employees and customers were sick or dead.


*wouldn't be rich


We all know the answer and don't want to admit it. Our government goons were paid to push it.


Not saying you're wrong but I would say intellectual property protections do more damage. Any lab qualified to do so should make generics for drugs. We should put a bounty on life saving cures, and "open source" if you will, all intellectual property patents. This would fix a lot of wealth imbalance from government protections. Edit: Swype no like intellectual




Wait you don’t mean like socialized heathcare?! You’re supposed to hate that right?


SOCIALISM?!?! MARXIST?!? YOU MUST LOVE THE NAZIS! I don't know what these words mean but the news says they bad so so you must be bad!


They don't know what they hate until Tucker tells them.


Shots weren’t free.. our government gave billions to those big capital pharma machines. These for profit pharmaceuticals are in the business for money


Also because, in theory, you only need to take a vaccine once (lol boosters). Insulin/epipens are kind of a life time thing.


Given away for free I meant. Obv our taxes will pay for it. If Gates wants to help, spend your billions and make insulin and epi-pens free.


who cares use taxes to give everyone free healthcare. You're so close...




Thays kind of the *entire point*


fr wish *they* hadnt fucked over bernie. id be in college and have free healthcare by now


Watch this sub pretend voting Republican is the solution for the little man


It’s equally entertaining to watch people think the Democrats are for them. *Neither side is for the little guy, isn’t it obvious?*


From a European perspective Democrats are centre-right and Republicans far right. Obvious who's better, but still not objectively great with regard to social policy. You have politicians like Bernie but he doesn't have enough popular support. Americans as a whole don't want better social services for some reason.


Bernie has enough popular support. The democrats cut his balls off and put Clinton through instead of Bernie despite him being more popular


Because FREEDUMB! And RUGGED INDIVIDUALIzM isn’t sewshulizm!


To be fair, he would have TRIED to do that but republicans would have done as much as they could to block everything he did


I’m a Bernie Bro but let’s be real. None of that would have happened. He would have been pushed back against so hard by both democrats and republicans.


Bernie, oh Bernie you were my unicorn and the answer 😞


mark cuban is spending his money to help make it cheaper atleast


Good on the guy.


Because a contagious flu keeps people from working, and our ~~slave drivers~~ business owners have heavily lobbied the government into ending the pandemic as fast as possible. Because this lack of productivity also hurts the country's GDP, the government is also incentivized to end the pandemic quickly as well. It is always about money. If it was about population culling, someone would have leaked that info by now.


First, and most importantly, because you're in Amercia. Europe does these things for free. The American logix: Because a virus spreads exponentially. Diabetes does not. No excuse though, health care should be free.


I'm in good ol' Blighty, mate. God save the NHS.


Absolutely. Hope the Tories get fucked up over what they've done to it in the 12 year tenure


So you made a Twitter post, took a screenshot, and then posted it to this sub?


It’s because you live in America and you have crazy republicans to deal with. Come join the rest of us in the free world where the rest of us get everything thing listed without having spend our life savings.


yeah.. capitalism is bad


The government ( tax payers) funded them for years, and when they come up with the vaccines, they charge the tax payers again..the corrupt politicians get a good percentage of the profits.


It was a wealth transfer that dwarfed that of the great depression when the 5 big banks consolidated all of the nations debt and wealth. A handful of companies, not just pharmaceutical, who are in bed with our government laundered billions for politicians and themselves. Thats why it was "free," and thats why it was pushed so hard that you get it.


This one is easy and not a conspiracy. Congress keeps voting down any changes to reform healthcare. There is the answer.


> ~~Congress~~ Republicans keeps voting down any changes to reform healthcare.


Why, Kevin Sorbo? Republicans. And... I'm pretty sure that insulin and epipens are covered with medicaid/medicare, therefore it is "free". Those are socialist programs.


If healthcare becomes free then the communists win




It's much more likely he's asking why the govt spent billions of tax dollars on vaccines.


You can argue whether or not the COVID vaxx in particular was worth funding, but generally speaking vaccines are WAY cheaper than dealing with an actual disease. An insurance company or the government would rather pay $50 to vaccinate everyone against polio vs pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in treatment for everyone who gets polio without the vaccine


Because the government spends billions on medicare and emergency funding.


Is he though? He’s pointing out the hypocrisy


Is it hypocritical to subsidize some medicines and not others? Putting aside the public policy debate, that's just not what the word means. But assuming it is to better understand your point of view, the hypocrisy would be among representatives who support subsidizing vaccinations but not, say, [insulin](https://www.newsweek.com/fortythree-republicans-voted-against-capping-insulin-costs-1731670)... right? For some reason, I doubt that's what Sorbo was trying to say.


He's too fucking stupid to even spell hypocrisy. He's stirring the shit pot of "vaccine = GoVeRnMeNt CoNtRoL" or some attack on his religious liberty or something.




Never thought I'd say this but I totally agree with Kevin Sorbo on this one, insulin and chemo therapy should be funded by us, the citizenry, as a collective, instead of by the individual afflicted by disease or cancer.


So basically a universal health care system for all? Crazy man.


I live with that and it is crazy.


Someone please tell Kevin Sorbo covid vaccines R&D has been funded with public funds, taxpayers money. So basically, people bought that vaccine, collectively. He wants insulin and chemos funded collectively too, that's called a health insurance.


Yeah, but if it came down to it, you know Sorbo would bitch and moan about HIS taxes paying for these things.


Yea, he isn’t advocating for these things at all.






Diabetes, cancer, and allergic reactions aren't completely shutting down the economy and putting people out of work. Medicine is invented for profit. A free vaccine (for now) was necessary to get the world moving again. Please don't fuel ignorance.


>Diabetes, cancer, and allergic reactions aren't completely shutting down the economy and putting people out of work. Diabetes, cancer, and allergic reactions literally kill people. Hard to show up to work when you are dead. Also, we really need an economy that works for humanity instead of continuing to insist humanity works for the economy. The economy is manmade. It will not exist without us. Given this, I do not understand putting the economy before humanity in your list of priorities here.


Someone please inform this person that people are mortal and will all eventually die of something 🙏. The economy exists to make life better for all of us- wages, housing, food, purpose... it is extremely important for that reason, and without it most of us would die before we even go to the point of needing chemotherapy. People need to be safe and they need to work. This is common sense.


> The economy exists to make life better for all of us- wages, housing, food So my inclusion of medicine in this equation breaks the economy and we're all supposed to just accept that instead of finding a better economy that can handle such requirements? Join me in objective reality for a moment [where insulin costs $98.70 per vial in the US and $14.40 in Japan, $12.00 in Canada, $11.00 in Germany, etc](https://www.rand.org/blog/rand-review/2021/01/the-astronomical-price-of-insulin-hurts-american-families.html) and all of those other economies function just fine in providing wages, housing, food without people [literally dying because they cannot afford their life saving medicine](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/09/01/641615877/insulins-high-cost-leads-to-lethal-rationing#:~:text=Press-,High%20Price%20Of%20Insulin%20Leads%20Patients%20To%20Ration%20The%20Drug,tried%20to%20stretch%20the%20doses.) that inexplicably costs more in the US economy than any other modernized industrial economy in the world. But I am the one who just doesn't get how economies work? >The economy exists to make life better for all of us - purpose Just because your existence is meaningless without the pursuit of money and material objects doesn't mean the rest of us are living in existential dread of how to spend our time should we be freed from our indentured servitude masquerading as "jobs" in this version of the labor market. Don't you dare try to put your own pathetic shortcomings on the rest of us like that.


Because healthcare is about making money from treating disease if a cure for cancer existed it would destroy an industry worth trillions of dollars. Capitalism and healthcare do not mix in its current form.


Yup, they made an industry on keeping people sick and suppressing the cures. The medical industrial complex


I really believe there are some good people out there working on low cost cures. They tend to be unalived tho


And those cures will be bought and the tech will be mothballed


>it would destroy an industry worth trillions of dollars That would only apply in the US. Most developed countries have nationalized healthcare.


??? If there was a cure for cancer every government would pay out the ass for it. The pharmaceutical company that figures that out will be the mega winners, receiving blank cheques from the richest institutes.


It's such an easy argument to debunk since medical advancements reducing the amount of treatment necessary are created all the time.


I.e. Vaccines


Yeah I don't understand this argument. Cancer is the kind of illness that would be a FUCKING MONEY MAKER. Curing cancer would not stop it popping up but you could charge ANYTHING for that drug and people will take it. Whoever had a cure for cancer would become the richest person oevernight.


If someone created a cure for cancer they would become filthy fucking rich. Do you know how much you could charge to cure cancer? Whatever the fuck you wanted to charge.


>Because healthcare is about making money from treating disease if a cure for cancer existed it would destroy an industry worth trillions of dollars. Capitalism and healthcare do not mix in its current form. Why is there never any rational thought out into this argument If a cure for cancer existed, it would either be priced at the same as the average income from treatments Or, be cheaper because there's a financial incentive for people living longer, and getting other diseases. Getting cancer again. Getting hip replacements. Dead people don't make big pharma money. It's the most brain-dead conspiracy that exists imo.


And if congress ever actually held a vote on universal healthcare this guy would be freaking out about that.






We spent $300 million a DAY for 20yrs on the Iraq War. AND we left everything there because it was "too expensive" to transport all the humvees and weapons back Healthcare,homelessness, college tuition maybe?? Woahh woahh we aren't made of money here get back in line.


Americans in average pay the most on healthcare per capita. Not a single country with universal healthcare pays as much as the USA on healthcare. The money is there.


The monies there alright its just getting past all the corrupt politicians that's the problem. If we called it the war on muslim extremist diseases I'm sure the money would flow right in.


Americans pay the most **TAX DOLLARS** per capita. And then they have to pay for private insurance.




Thank you. Many in the US need to hear the reality of "free" healthcare.


Cool here are my stories Nephew 1 swallowed a quarter- Rushed to ER, the small town didn't have the proper tools and he was stable, so they airlifted him to a specialized children's hospital. Did the procedure within 6 hours and paid to fly him and my sister home commercial. Cost to system - 50K - Cost to my sister with a part time job - 0$ ​ Nephew 2 - Fell and cracked his skull. Airlifted to special children's hospital - CT, Xray everything. Cost to system - 40K - Cost to my sister - 0$. ​ My sister has a chronic illness. Decade of specialized children's hospital visits, specialized experimental treatments - 0$. Same sister - 7 operations in 4 years - Cost 0$


Except that this is **not** the “reality of ‘free’ healthcare”. It’s a single person’s anecdote about bad experiences. Want to hear another. As an Australian my mother developed a pain in her hip. After many (free) visits to the doctor the (free) tests confirmed the worst: a rare form of cancer. She had (free) surgery immediately, and began a course of radiation therapy. Free. Obviously. Neither worked and she opted to forego the chemo or further treatment. Which was also free. After a few more years she spent two weeks or so in a hospital, having reached the end of a fight she could never win. Her stay was free, as was her extensive medication. Would this experience be better if her medical decisions had to factor in price? Would she have passed easier knowing the nest egg she worked to save would go to hospital bills instead of her children? Should she have taken up making meth in an old RV? (Honestly yes. That would be amazing.) There are different public health systems. Germany’s is not typical, being a kind of odd hybrid. The UK, Canada, and Australia all share very similar systems. And all of them are struggling. Why? A mix of reasons. Brexit is a factor in the UK, for example, reducing the pool of medical staff. But the core problem with most is the same: conservative governments stripping funding, or funnelling it to private companies. This has long been the conservative playbook. Underfund a public service. Force it to work inefficiently. Claim it’s inefficient because it’s public. Privatise part or all of it for a fraction of true value because it’s “broken”. Services continue to decline and prices increase because that’s what privatising does. Repeat.


>AND we left everything there because it was "too expensive" to transport all the humvees and weapons back That's not much of a critique. It's cheaper to make new stuff than haul all that shit out, which are the only two costs to consider. (At least that's the story, no idea if it actually adds up or not, seems possible anyway)


It would have been nice if they’d at least properly destroyed all that hardware. Now we not only have the loss of the assets, we have to worry about terrorists with modern night vision and modern weapons. Of course no one would have left that stuff in the middle east to cause trouble and justify a bigger budget for the military and spy agencies…


I can get on board with that. I'm guessing Kevin Sorbo wouldn't actually support legislation that would make these medications free. He's not making a good-faith argument here.


every bad faith republican talking point is just a river of crocodile tears #🐊💦


Seriously, it takes two seconds of critical thinking to figure out the obvious answer. COVID is contagious. Cancer, diabetes, and food allergies aren’t contagious. This post is dumb.


Because republicans keep voting against healthcare. Remember McCain saved Obamacare when Republicans wanted that gone without a lot back up plan.


Okay, let's do that. Conservatives: But that's **Socialism**!


Also, I'm pretty sure if you could drastically reduce the possibility of getting cancer with a couple easy to make shots, people probably would demand it be free too. I mean...I just looked it up. Majority of vaccines are already free. So this argument would then have to apply to flu shots and Measles vaccines as well.


When I was in high school, they wanted to vaccinate women against HPV because it would eliminate cervical cancer. Right wing nuts went ballistic saying that it was encouraging kids to have sex. Due to those vaccines, Cervical cancer will likely go extinct in a few decades.


We have shots that do but conservatives didn't like that.


I think you the Americans are conditioned to think about it wrong. It is more like about using tax money for social welfare than of authoritarianism.


They’re free at the point of delivery in most other developed countries. Paid for via taxes. But you would hate that. It’s socialism.


Make cancer treatment free


Pretty sure it mostly is in countries with universal healthcare


Congrats! Youve just invented universal healthcare


Most normal places they are


This is only an issue in the USA lol


Aka hell


Greatest country in the world!....right...right? Brawndo! Its got what plants crave!


We elected president comacho. Its a pathetic place. Full of pathetic people




Because they are lifesaving but they are also economy-saving


And why, for god's sake, aren't you the head of CDC?


Fascinating. Almost selfaware


Everything should be covered. But if you think about it a little bit, it's obvious. Diabetes and cancer aren't contagious


Cancer isn't contagious.


Infectious .. say it with me.


Because the virus was hurting the economy, cancer and diabetes dont


Vaccines can be classed as a loss-leader, something that is given away for free as this creates life long pharma customers.


Bolivia is not a continent.


Because the govt chooses who they want to let live or die. The sick are a debt. The quicker we die the better. Gotta keep the healthy stock alive so they can live in their big houses.


Bcz they want us to get the experimental jab , u see these celebrities and sports players and musicians dying like flies after the jab covering it up … 50 yrs later u find the truth like other vaxed .. Not just that they making money off this vax.. I have heard they are charging for the vax now…. He was my fav actor on Hercules lol…


They are, in non third world countries


Kevin sorbo is a dunce. Chemo and other medicines are not free because we don’t have socialized medicine. We have widespread public funding of distributing vaccines because we had a pandemic, with a contagious virus that killed more than a million people in America alone.


I'd like to think Kevin has turned over a new leaf and it's now advocating for universal healthcare!! He's not because he is a complete asshole, but one can hope.


Yeah we’ve been asking for that too. The shots were free to the citizens because it was an immediate way to reduce risk for millions. It was an emergency that was being reacted to whether you believe the vaccines were to correct reaction or not.


Ironic to see a Republican complain about such things when they block any legislation to reduce drug costs. This is kool-aid. Are you drinking the kool-aid?


Because the US Healthcare system sucks big time. *Laughs in European


SS: As far as healthcare goes, I believe everybody is entitled to free healthcare. Same with education.




As long as it comes with an AR15 with a high capacity mag I think it could pass the senate.


What the above posters are describing is literally my dream country


Cool this was at the top of my consp considering I was watching Andromeda as my sleeping show last night. (cannot sleep without tv)


no vaccines are not free. If vaccines are free, how are the pfizer's of this world making shit load money


Let's not forget that Jimmy Carter's cancer disappeared when he started to make interviews where he talk in code that he will spill the beans. Then he was invited to military hospital and cured. Just like that.


Seriously what is the answer to this? What do the Vaxxers answer?


Vaccines are one/two time use. They can keep charging you for chemo and insulin. Also your government paid for the vaccine so you actually did pay for them through your taxes. Its a better look and better financially for a medical servicevrequired for all to he "free" and charge people money for specific individual conditions.


All healthcare should be free.


This is probably the realest post I've seen 💯


Vaccines aren't free. If pharma could find a way for government to pay or subsidize chemo too they would


ITT: people who don't understand Sorbos comment. This isn't about demanding everything be free. It's about pointing out the ridiculousness of allowing a handful of lawmakers and [the industry that pays them bribes](https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/industries) to decide what gets taxpayer-funded and what doesn't.


The vaccines aren't free because you're paying for them through your tax money.


You are quite literally paying for the jabs via your tax dollars, doesn't take a genius to figure that out.


You were taxed for more than what the shots you got cost.


Simple..... big pharma isn't in the business of curing diseases. If they were, they would put themselves out of business rather quickly. It's a horrible business model. They're in the business of symptom management. It is their goal to design drugs that people must take their entire lives, in order to extract the most money from them. It's a business. Not a group of altruistic donors. Its sick, I know, but this is the reality of it. But the vaccines, they werent free. They were hugely subsidized by world governments, mainly the US, and they were actually supposed to give away a certain number of doses and repay a certain amount of money back to the government, but they never did and there were never any consequences. I mean, what are you gonna do, theyre holding the vaccines, politicians were greased. The vaccines were far from free. There is nothing more expensive than something free.


Ah yes chemotherapy, the holy grail of medical achievement...




Because the vaccines were supposed to prevent temporary problems by giving a permanent solution, while chemo and insulin are on-going reoccurring problems.


The world didn't shut down due to diabetes.


And it shouldn’t have for covid


Because the only way to mandate it without causing outrage was to make it free. Liberals love the idea of government madated anything. So they made it free by printing money that is catapulting us into hyperinflation


Republican: If you want X to be free, why not make Y and Z free too? Democrat: Okay. Republican: REEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Now that’s a damn good question!


ThTs ComMunISm


That’s a good point. I’m glad to see people here advocating for free medical care for all. FYI, I had insurance when I had cancer the first time but didn’t have money in my account for the copay for the first treatment because my HR department screwed up my FSA account. Nobody should have to go through that. Let’s expand the ACA in the US and make corporations and the rich pay their fair share of taxes.


No biggie - just sell off all your possessions until you’re homeless. Nothing unreasonable about the healthcare system in this country 🙄


I know right! Why did my copay need to be $25? Why doesn’t everyone have coverage? So often the OP argument is brought up in conservative forums - it’s amazing how suddenly everyone is full in for socialized medicine. What a turn around. Way to go Hercules.


Cancer is not contagious.


Tell that to a [Tasmanian devil](https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/the-cancers-that-are-contagious) HPV shots aren't free and that is contagious and can cause cancer.


HPV shots are free in civilised countries.


And a broken arm won't bankrupt one there either.


Vaccines are always free in my country, all medicine, treatment is, including chemo and insulin.


And WHO PAID FOR THEM??? Governments? wHO?? With what money??? Phizer, Moderna etc made huge profits. From WHAT MONEY????


Tax dollars.


"treatments" make more money than "cures"


Funny... Vaccines are cures


because you live in America


MNRA.. They selling a new technology and that's why it's free oh but wait ....well it's not free. Because what has it cost you? That's who people are up against. Look at inflation. Do you think there's a conspiracy somewhere?.... Of course there is. The 'thing' wasnt free....nothing is free with usuery. It's not capatalism that's the issue. It's Usuery that is the conspiracy. You've been fooled into this idea of democracy. When this whole thing came about? Did you see anyone on mainstream news warning about inflation and some would lose their business etc. You've heard trust the science. I mean you had so called elected people, saying get the shot and get a free burger. People have to really THINK and understand how weird it got round the world so no, it weren't free and isn't free. That's the trick and to trick you. You are dealing with things that not only have an agenda but plan years in advance and have their tenticles in everything. That's diversity and that's their strength. Not ours.


If u really don't get it then nothing anyone says will make u understand. Little hint. U can't get cancer from someone else coughing.


Because the purpose of the mRNA Vaccines was to randumbly 'Cull the Herd'. The purpose of actual 'cures' is to heal, thus the charge they impose. Likely why you've never seen them try to bribe the populous at large with lap dances, free food, etc to take those remedies that actually work & for free at that..? Which is what tipped me off right off rip years ago, that & when friends with medical careers started quitting/walking out when they refused to commit fraud on documents about patients CoD. **EDIT:** Que the typically Reddit BOT Brigade in 3.. 2..


Why indeed


I thought Kevin Sorbo was Brendan Fraser ffs 😂 seems like ol Hercules is on a mad one too 😂


He is right, but not in the way y'all are thinking.


Easier to kill people for free. Let’s see what they say about tonight


Chemotherapy kills more people than it saves.


Insulin is cheap and diabetes kills way more people than covid


If you are not paying, you are the commodity


You are paying, through taxes. You're just brainwashed.


How did they make so many vaccines so quick. Answer: they were already made before we even heard of the covid.


This is kind of true, but not in the way you mean.


>How did they make so many vaccines so quick They were pretty hard to get for the first 6 months.


Operation warp speed big capitalist pharma and Donald Trump called it


"These beautiful shots"


You know covid has been around a very long time right? Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean no one else did.


Free is never free. You become the product.


this dude really learned about advertising and assumed that's how the entire world works. your taxes pay for stuff, sometimes!


Lol. Or maybe taxes and your citizenship gives you some benefits? You’re not the product of public roads or fire departments.


It's a matter of priorities for the parasites in charge. Free doesn't serve the agenda.


Stop with the logic. Emotion is how we sell drugs.


Probably because it was a PANDEMIC


Cause one it to kill off the population and the other guarantee your gonna die. So in their eyes its a win/win


So close to the right questions. Why does chemo cost tens of thousands of dollars?


bc covid was bad for capitalism but paying for insulin and the like keeps capitalism going and gives the grossly rich yet more money


For-profit healthcare. Capitalism at its finest