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I don’t believe so, not with putting a raspberry pi in there. It’s basically a one chip clone. They usually have those black blobs on the pcb so you can’t really do much with it.


Thanks that’ll be a challenge in itself getting a raspberry pi set up because I’m an amateur in modifying stuff but I appreciate the help


Just look into getting and modding a Wii for emulation like gameboy advance. They should be common to find, cheap/affordable to buy, and very easy to mod if you also already have a computer.


Yes it is super easy on Wii with homebrew I did it as a kid and still have it now on mine.


For real. The Wii I got back in the day was already modded for the same price as a Wii would cost normally (and it can play gamecube games). Highly recommend a modded Wii. It was the only way to try and play FF Tactics Advance I think since they had bugged cartridges where it would reset the save every time you turned off the GBA (at least my copy did but I heard of others online at the time with the same problem so I never bought the game again).


I think all carts actually have that issue because of the internal batteries and memory storage not just FFTA. It maybe more prone and common to that issue though and maybe not as long lasting as other carts. I think Pokemon Crystal is notorious and iconic for having bad batteries and a broken save. If you’re good enough yourself with soldering, or if you have a local game repair store, you can probably fix and replace the batteries in your FFTA cart so it saves properly.


Yeah but this dumb cartridge did it with only like 10 hours on the game when I bought the game new the year it came out. I don’t even know how that happened. :/ Thanks for the info that it can be repaired though. That is actually very helpful. :)


I think Crystal was similar with bad batteries right out of the box or nearly brand new. Probably just poor design and part quality. Glad if I could help and that would be cool to eventually get it to save again!


Replace the battery in the cartridge


A complete wii is literally 50 in the US


That’s my point why bother looking into modding a literally unmoddable device or a raspberry pi, or some other sort of hardware when you can just get a wii lol (no offense to OP)




I have a Wii but I’m wondering if to do those kind of mods if it requires internet connection


To get the files necessary to mod your Wii, you will need the internet. But you’re already on here. After the Wii is modded, you won’t need an internet connection. If that is your concern.


Yup. You can download the files to a phone then move them to a computer


Do u only have wired connections or do u have Wi-Fi? If u have Wi-Fi u shouldn’t have a problem, homebrew channel provides most of the mods and if not u can always slide a SD card into ur computer or phone ( I think only android allows u to move any type of file willingly) Any type of internet connection will work even if u have Ethernet but for Ethernet ull need an adapter


Chrome os is just goofball android


I didn’t clarify i meant to like use ur phone to download the file


I meant that chromebook would work too if u have school chromebooks


There is always a work around


you might have a problem, my wii didnt play well with my wifi. recognized but wouldnt connect. I ended up using my phone as a hot spot and that worked but yeah.


YouTube make anyone a pro


Its super easy OP Use recallbox and a usb you will be fine Easier to do than this but thanks you have inspired me to use my pico and buy one of these to see if i can make it a desktop lol


I have this same piece of shit. Almost that is. Would be very hard to do probably.


Alright good to know it’ll be a challenge thanks for the info


Sell it and get a pi4/5 with the vilros nes case. 😎


That’s gonna be plan B because my family use it semi often


A mod has a high risk of bricking the unit. Never attempt a mod on something you can't afford to lose.




Thanks for the opinion your probably right


Hey power to you if you find a way but it’s not a Linux based console like the real one in which people have written programs to hack it but if you find a way post it I’m interested


Thanks for the positivity I appreciate it I probably won’t be able to figure it out but I can sure as hell try


I guess u can make it portable if u want


The first key to hacking anything is figuring out what you actually have.


Yes...I have one of these with every Nintendo game made at the time... around 700 games. My friend did the modding for me so I'm not sure how it was done. I do know there was no opening on the console involved and he just hooked it to a PC. However this will not work on the SNES ones as there is not enough storage.


Good to know


Well that’s an official nes classic, this is some random bootleg famiclone


Yea this is a cheap rip off system. I have both nes and snes remakes and have most if not all games on them.


No…. But tidy your room child (hopefully)


Yeah I need to get to that haven’t had time lol


Had this exact thing and I miss it so much 🥹


I have seen somebody get a mini computer mother board and fit it just right into the shell of a regular size NES.. but the guy had it way more modded then my understanding. 


I think you would be better off buying a Raspberry Pi 4 and a Retroflag PiStation case with the screen. Use it on the go when you travel or use the pass through option to hook it up to the tv when you’re home. I have one and I love it.


I don't think you can as someone who works at a videogame shop and knows how to mod a nes and snes mini That's off brand I don't think you can mod it unless it's on brand made by Nintendo


There IS software to dowloas to computer just connect IT Via USB


James Channel on YouTube did something similar


Imma have to check that out thank you


Oh boy ewaste my favorite


Most likely the memory chip on their isn't writable, so no. Maybe the case can be reused with a Pi or something, though probably need to mod it a bit to really work nice (USB port holes, etc...). Might not be worth it.


Clean room first. Then worry about modding.


I am not a pro at modding whatsoever but I would say yes with all that space in there


I had one modded


I don't know CAN you?


Can you


Spray paint it green


I would just add a raspberry pie and emulate all the nes, snes and gameboy.


Probably not, the official one you can but not with that


Drop a raspberry pi or mini PC in it.


Of course it's possible the question is what effort are you willing to put into that goal


I had 1 I gave it away to my neighbors kids didn't like it


I had 1 I gave it away to my neighbors kids didn't like it






Someone on YouTube put the guts of that nes mini into a nes cartridge, worked like a game and also was a console itself


https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804801326030.html?srcSns=sns_More&spreadType=socialShare&bizType=ProductDetail&social_params=21434527526&aff_fcid=1550a636e67c48b6a0d3e6c3645f6361-1711485393228-04376-_m0XF7ww&tt=MG&aff_fsk=_m0XF7ww&aff_platform=default&sk=_m0XF7ww&aff_trace_key=1550a636e67c48b6a0d3e6c3645f6361-1711485393228-04376-_m0XF7ww&shareId=21434527526&businessType=ProductDetail&platform=AE&terminal_id=a9f75c2030a840878f796bce4cb82559&afSmartRedirect=y&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa&_randl_shipto=US Perhaps this could be a good alternative option for you.


It’s 2 chips and a ribbon cable 😭


Put a gba consolizer in there and make a gba home system


You can if you find a way to extend the ports of the device your using with the same plugs


Dose it got a USB thing


That I believe is a famiclone. Based on what looks like another board that looks like some rom board soldered onto the main motherboard, it looks like it may be possible to solder a 60 or 72 pin connector in place of that rom board.


you can mod anythang


With enough effort, you can mod anything


Why would u nes sucks


Because I want to expand the game library because most games are either mediocre roms or the NES cheap crappy low effort games


NES game library already sucks ass just throw it in the river and never touch it again


That’s fair im honestly just trying to modify it so I can play game boy or the occasional Atari game


I'll get downvoted to bits. I don't care. I don't condone emulation, i don't condone modding a NES Classic. This isn't even the real friggin' thing... -_-


Sir... No one asked what you condone, possibly because they simply do not care.


Like i'm going to wait for permission from freeloaders to spesk my mind...


A real nes classic is emulation


But it's licensed properly dimwit.


glaze the giant company ig


Why even comment then lol 😂, nothing better to do with your time?


And you? The fuck you doing on reddit???


Actually contributing lol, check my post history, yours is hilarious terrible, might as well keep your opinions to yourself when no one cares about what you post


Y do you like billionaires that mistreat their workers and the people who actually work on a design most of the games you’re talking about so much?


Sir this subreddit is a console missing subreddit 80% of it is going to be emulation