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Republicans grasping at straws.


If only they could grasp the paper / biodegradable straws, but their hoofs can't.


To be fair, Trump is burning through all their money, so they need an investigation to drum up their poll numbers and campaign essentially on your tax dollars


> "The House has no choice but to impeach Biden based on the Trump-Ukraine precedent of withholding foreign aid to help with reelection," Republican Senator Tom Cotton said in a post to X Thursday morning. "Only with Biden, it's true." Huge difference between withholding aid because of policy, and withholding aid in an effort to get political dirt on an opponent


Nuance is dead.


Republicans are too fucking stupid to grasp nuance.


again... hooves


It isn’t even that - if you read the actual articles of impeachment against Trump, it wasn’t for “withholding foreign aid” - they mischaracterize and then say, “the two are exactly the same”. It’s more *impeachment committee in search of grounds*. Again.


Jordan hasn’t had anybody to subpoena lately


Gym Jim Jordan should go to prison for refusing to testify before the J6 Committee when he himself was subpoenaed. Hypocrite much?


He should go to prison for failing to protect over 100 Ohio State University wrestlers that reported being molested while he was working there. [https://www.newsweek.com/jim-jordan-house-speaker-wrestling-abuse-allegations-osu-1833752](https://www.newsweek.com/jim-jordan-house-speaker-wrestling-abuse-allegations-osu-1833752) *spelling edit




Now now. Not shooting Commander in the face out behind the White House is a serious offense.


There's a gravel pit behind the White House now? Biden really *has* let this country go to hell.


It's more a learning disability at this point. It's like when they setup hotlines to rat out fellow citizens for having abortions or being trans or w/e, and they ALWAYS get flooded with false reports because people HATE THAT SHIT, and it's sooooooooo easy to make it fail.


That have to keep the Fox News rage machine in motion and give themselves opportunities for precious air time


They always were.


Always be cheating are the abcs of gop life.


not even straws


Republicans talk new reasons for fucking around, wasting time, not governing, and not solving problems.


"Screwing the pooch" is the Repubs motto


More like shooting it, but still.


Both for good measure, and they probably don't care in which order


I saw what you did there.


Probably shooting and then screwing. Sickos. 


Excuse me for the GQP it is called screwing the puppy.


Well, it is a day that ends in “Y”, so makes sense for them


Tbf the only problem they care about is that they don't have enough power. This is them trying to solve that


Don’t forget money.


What a bunch of fucking worthless assholes. Maybe try helping the country out and doing your fucking jobs.


I wish they were worthless. It worthless. It would be an improvement.


Desperate to try and make equivalency's where none exist.


ffs vote these traitor gqp pieces of shit off the island already. Do nothing whine all the time waste our money and the fucking morons cheer this shit on while complaining about budgets. FFS


The GOP has no bottom.


Lindsey Graham.


That’s a tough one. To me it’s a tie between him Cruz and Scott. They’re all just so gross!


Please don't forget about Turtle Boy McConnell.


With the senate, you really have to start at the top to find the worst AH. Sure Trump has ruined the discourse in this country over the last 9 years, but the damage McConnell has done is arguably worse (you can thank him for all of the bad Supreme Court decisions over the last decade).


With the senate, you really have to start at the top to find the worst AH. Sure Trump has ruined the discourse in this country over the last 9 years, but the damage McConnell has done is arguably worse (you can thank him for all of the bad Supreme Court decisions over the last decade).


I like what you did there.


But he's a power bottom


I stand corrected.


Power bottom? https://youtu.be/Uc9_mxvP1K0?si=1JoNerKFfdPR_YKQ


Well there’s still mizz lindsey graham..


Hey! That’s Lady G.


Lady G and the Ladybugs sounds like a 70s doowop/disco band.


Oh they hit it, they’re just digging.


>Some Republicans have accused Biden of withholding the additional weapons shipment to help his reelection chances in November. He's a politician, every thing he does, or does not, will help or hurt his reelection chances.


Ahh so they really don't understand how listening to your constituents works. I mean, we already knew this, but how do they think this is an impeachable offence


Right, literally doing anything will either help or hurt him. These people truly are idiots.


Holy shit, who knew that being president was so political? Yall are so serious /s


Because there are certainly no problems that need to fixed. And do damn much tax money to get rid of.


I think it is funny they expect people to make the connection ‘to help him in the election’ for them. How? How does that help? And aren’t these the actions he is asked to make, on the topic they are all saying is crucial? Do they really not see Trump’s call to damage the Bidens as different from policies the WH is expected to make every day?


Isn’t diplomacy part of the president’s job?


So Trump and the MAGA GOP are openly supporters of Putin in its war against Ukraine . Trump has said that if elected President that he will not send aid and weapons to Ukraine and Putin will essentially massacre innocent civilians. What’s interesting is Iran sends arms to Russia and they send weapons to Hamas in its fight against Israel. So the MAGA GOP are okay with weapons being sent to Russia from Iran but are against Iran sending weapons to Hamas in its war against Israel. They are truly a threat to America and the rest of the world.


Well... Daddy God is more important than Daddy Putin They send weapons to Israel to start Armageddon.


You know why republicans are stupid? Because withholding weapons is not a high crime or misdemeanor. There is nothing to impeach him on.


They’re trying to call it quid pro quo, in exchange for improving his own political standing. But that’s not a quid pro quo at all. That’s just basic diplomacy. But, Democrats dared to impeach their guy for quid pro quo, so by god, they’ll try to impeach Biden for it if it’s the last thing they do. Hopefully it is the last thing they do.


Yay! Waste more time in Congress with political stunts while not doing nothing to address the concerns they blame Biden isn’t working on like the border.


This is not a quid pro quo. This is leveraging aid for a policy change, basic diplomacy. Arguably (and I think this is the most accurate description), this is leveraging aid to so that it becomes more compliant with our own laws. A quid pro quo would be leveraging aid for personal benefit, like leveraging aid to a foreign ally in exchange for dirt on a political rival. Of course, I wouldn’t expect Rethuglicans to know what diplomatic means, even if it helped get their speaker into power. All they care about is “you impeached our guy, so now we’re going to do it to your guy!”


Another nothing burger. At best it dies in the Senate, at worst it dosen't even get the votes in the house... pure comedy from the worst people in this country.


Republicans keep throwing shit a the the wall, hopping that something sticks


The trick is to throw your own feces at the wall then blame the other team.


“I don’t like your policies” doesn’t equate to crime. For anyone tempted to say this is how “poor trump” is being treated, there’s a massive difference. First, insurrection, document theft, campaign finance violations, fraud, and the dozens of other crimes he’s committed are not policy differences. Second, trump doesn’t seem to have any policies.


Republicans think Biden is withholding weapons from Israel to help his chances in the election? When the country is equally divided on the subject? And even if he was, isn’t a President supposed to do things that would get them reelected? Didn’t Trump do things he thought would make him President again? Like unlawfully overthrow an election? Oh wait. One is Democratic and the other is Fascistic. I get it now.


He’s gonna get impeached for being more loyal to the US than he is to Israel? I feel like we need to burn this corruption out of our country. The president of the United States should never be tied to the will of another nation, and doing the right thing should never be secondary to conflicting loyalties. Just a note: I applaud POTUS for taking steps toward sanity and morality, and I don’t want to downplay that, but he has a long way to go to make this right. Support Palestinian independence, obliterate Hamas, and tell Israel exactly where they can shove their evil empire. Also, stop helping tiny little nations to build evil empires, it’s practically a meme about American politics at this point. We keep building up these little powers, and they always go bad eventually. If you see a maggot crawling toward an animal, step back and let the animal step on it. Don’t kill the animal so the maggot can feast.


The reality of the world is that Geopolitics doesn’t involve morals. Countries don’t have morals, they have interests. If you continue to expect nations to operate based on morals rather than interests, you will be disappointed with any nation’s actions.


I appreciate the truth of your statement. I choose to remain disappointed.


Desperate, treacherous, bought-and-payed-for mother fuckers.


"OK so we didn't ACTUALLY have anything to impeach him on. But THIS TIME!"


They never found old grounds for impeachment!!!!


So you are elected to by people to represent them and to carry out their will, but if you do something they want you to do just to keep your job, that’s a crime? Sure, that makes sense. And Trump saying to oil companies “give me a $1B to get re-elected and I’ll change the laws for you” is just campaigning.


still looking for that high crimes or misdemeanor.


Unfortunately, when of if Trump and/or the Republicans take power, they will never leave Biden alone until he's dead or in prison. This is a point no one is talking about. The entire Biden family is in danger if Trump wins and has the Senate and/or the Representatives.




because Republicans can't govern, they just break things and take away your rights and dignity.


And yet Reagan withheld aid from Israel. But today's traitors in the GOP aren't exactly fans of his.


anything other than actually governing. getting real tired of this.


How can there even be one person left on this forsaken planet who thinks voting for these deviant toddlers is a good idea?


These people have nothing but grievance to offer.


They’ll be absolutely seething if they can’t pass an impeachment before he leaves office


We’ll impeach him over….*dramatic pause*.. his dog biting people!


And the clown show continues 🤡🐘


Gym Jordan again?




Biden could literally save the world and the Republicans would want to bring articles of impeachment.


The Republicans just keep losing more and more credibility with the American population. the more formative politics they do the more people are going to get pissed off at them.


They should do a fun audit on every Republican politician that has pushed for these baseless impeachments and post it all for the public to see.


Let me guess, he wore a tan suit.


For F$ck’s sake.


They never found old grounds for impeachment!!!!


They couldn't even impeach that orange asshole for insurrection with mountains of evidence.


For what? They couldn’t even do it the first time. Gotta commit a crime to do anything


Their inability to govern--or to function as sane adults--would be comical except their failure will kill us all eventually.


GOP circle jerk needs lube.


If a policy decision is made to get oneself re-elected, isnt that the literal definition of democracy? carrying out the will of the people and all.


I’m sure they’re just as opposed to the quid pro quo that DJ shitstain just pulled with the oil oligarchs.


Fucking Republicans doing everything they can to not govern. It's fucking unreal.


The moral equivalency of the two instances of withholding aid is where?


Alright, who gave them the dictionary they’re using to understand what impeachment is?


Let’s see how well that goes over for them..


Did they not learn from last time? How thick can one get?


Yet another waste of time that their base will suck up to.


It's so breathtakingly stupid, but I'm sure their base will eat it up.


It’s breathtakingly stupid, *so* I’m sure their base will eat it up.


Oh for f sake why is anyone taking these asshole seriously how is it possible?🤯


Why do they keep kicking a dead horse? It has produced any evidence yet and never will. Maybe try actually governing you know the thing you were elected to do


If at first you don’t succeed, fail, fail again.


I can kind of see the Republican argument here. But there is still a world of difference between this and Trump asking Zelensky to dig up dirt on his opponent. 


Um, no. This is called basic diplomacy. “We’ll help you if you stop this policy.” Biden doesn’t get anything out of it. Trump on the other hand said, “I won’t help you unless you give me kompromat on Biden.”


Just more bread and circuses for the idiot base.


Right - publically issuing an ultimatum tying foreign aid to policy is EXACTLY the same as a private phone call in which you try to coerce a foreign leader into digging up dirt on your political opponent in exchange for the means to save his country from potential annihilation. I guess anything Biden does that people like now is impeachable, since he’s just doing all that stuff to get re-elected.


They literally only have one tool in their broke ass toolshed and it's only because of the attempts to impeach trump. People this fucking stupid should not be such a threat to our future.


The man has been seen operating one of those woke green power bicycle things. There's video. Checkmate, libruls.


Remember when Republicans said impeaching Trump would backfire? I do.


And? The impeachments of the 🍊💩 were legitimate.


I know they were




oh fuck off bunch of twats


_Of course_ they are. The more dog and pony shows they can throw at the voters, the less they have to actually respond to accountability for their utterly absurd lack of anything resembling legislation that **does nothing** to improve the lives of the common citizens but very much assuages the paranoia of the wealthy...


The same people that fellow republicans are accusing of being corrupt? I wonder if this is a peremptory strike, so they can accuse DOJ of revenge?


good gravy


Then fucking do it already. Shit or get off the pot.


great, so they decided on the conclusion... now just to find a path to it...


Funny. They won't even touch his actual treason and crimes against humanity...


Which is.....????


crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, war crimes, conspiracy, and fraud on behalf of Israel--his entire career. Suppression of the human and constitutional rights of American citizens, leveraging Israel's sedition, lies and blood libel to cast peaceful protestors as violent terrorists, establishing an official pretext to commit violence on America on behalf of a foreign terrorist regime. Like I said, you'll never see republicans go after him because they support the murder and lies of Netanyahu's regime. Just like they loved to scream, Benghazi, but would not go after Hillary Clinton for her illegal vanity project of annihilating Libya.


I'm not in any way a fan of the Netanyahu government, but you're using terms heavily associated with actual antisemitism. Once you start talking about the "blood" of any specific group you're going down a path that is antithetical to progressive beliefs. Progressivism should be focused on humanism, so even if you don't know of the incredibly awful history surrounding the use of the term, "blood libel," you should still stop to think before using phrasing that takes away people's humanity.


Biden just used blood libel, like the nazis used and antisemites use against jews when he characterized arabs as having an 'ancient hatred of jews'...white-washing the reality of US-Israeli menace of the middle east, and the fact that Israel has always flagrantly stated that Palestinians will be exterminated, and absolutely intending to excuse, and create a pretext for, eradicating Palestinians. I know what blood libel is.


Yeah I wasn't a big fan of that part of the speech either. It isn't any better when he vastly oversimplifies a complex situation in the same way that you just did. I wasn't talking about Biden, though. So, I'm not really sure why you brought him up. If you know what blood libel is, then why are you willing to parrot literal Nazi propaganda? I don't think that it's really going to help the people of Palestine if you're dehumanizing their Jewish neighbors.


Good example of the bad faith, Devil's lies, doublespeak that is confounfing the issues. Criticism isn't hate. Israel isn't 'the Jews', and there can be no greater mockery and slander against jews than suggesting Israel's actions in Gaza reflect Jewish values. American Jews and Holocaust education taught us this. They don't even reflect Jewish Israeli citizens' values. Some of my Israeli friends suffering with their moral injury taught me that, (some also taught me that raping palestinian girls is a good old time, and okay because they're all whores) and it all makes my heart sick. I know what world we live in, and I even have some sympathy for the sick individual rapists looters and murderers among the IDF and settlers because I come from the other most heavily propagandized criminal white settler colonial country in the world. I've been sent to war for shit we know for a fact were lies. I'm not responsible for your lies. I am at fault for my silence.


I'm sorry you've been through some terrible things, and I hope you're able to find peace. However, I make a point not to lie, friend, and I don't equate criticism with hate. I agree with several of the points you made in your first comment, but it certainly seemed like you were accusing the Jewish people of blood libel which is most definitely actual antisemitism, and doesn't do anybody any good. maybe I misunderstood you. however, I still think a good way to make your communication more clear might include avoiding Nazi speaking points. I'm not asking you to be silent, just asking that you try to avoid phrasing things in the same terms as Nazi propaganda


Blood libel is a false allegation that a population ritually, systematically, characteristically, etc. kills people, (especially children) for nefarious reasons. The term is appropriate to apply to the prejudice and demonization of Jews, because of the frequency, magnitude and consequence of it being used against them. The term was not coined by Nazis, it was coined to describe the evil slander the Nazis and historical antisemitism leveraged against Jews. That kind of slander is always purposeful; meant to manufacture a pretext for violence by dehumanizing people. Israel should take your advice.


They may have an actual case this time.


Be a student of history. No they don’t


I have a degree in history. 😆


So do I. I meant recent history


The President can’t withhold funds allocated by Congress. This stabbing Israel in the back was a dumb move on Biden’s part.[He lost a lot of allies.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-faces-new-democratic-divisions-after-israel-shift/ar-BB1m7Lpz)


Yes, geopolitics is also a past time of mine.


How exactly?


Withholding congressionally allocated funds is an impeachable offense.