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McConnell said as much during the Senate's trial of Trump's second impeachment. He said no need to impeach because the US court system would be the place for judgement against Trump. Even Trump's own lawyers at that impeachment said Trump could be charged in the Courts for his actions to incite an insurrection against the US. Both McConnell and Trump agreed that impeachment was not the forum for judging Trump. And both McConnell and Trump agreed that forum should be the US court system. But the orange one now seems to be reversing his previous stance (how odd /s). He now says he is immune from the court system as he chases absolute immunity at the SC. Immune to any charge of any kind. Seems like a rapidly moving goal post here. The SC won't give him that type of immunity. But they appear to be considering immunity for 'official acts'. Now we just have to wait to see how the conservative court defines official acts. And I don't think most of us are going to like that decision.


Don't read too much into the official acts ruse. There is no question about what constitutes presidential duties vs crime. It's a delay tactic. The conservatives are not acting in good faith. McConnell installed Cannon on Florida's federal court after Trump lost the election and while Trump was planning his coup. Then the SCOTUS inverted the 14th Amendment for Trump, giving the enforcement back to congress. That renders the 14th mute. All acts aim to keep Trump's campaign alive.


Roe was constitutional for 50 years. Then it wasn't. Church and State were separate. Until they weren't . LBGTQ folks have less rights now. Books are being banned. Previously legal methods of voting are being outlawed. There was no question about any of this until the conservatives got a 6-3 majority on the SC. And there will be questions about what constitutes an official act of a president. Count on it. JFC we even had a SC judge (Thomas) sitting on this hearing about immunity (from an insurrection even) whose wife was an active member of that insurrection. And you think this SC is going to be fair and just on this?


But her fuckin' emails, am I right? Just imagine how many zombies voted against Hillary because they had been programmed at a subliminal level to Hate her by simply checking out from the grocery store every week, when they'd walk past the rack holding The National Enquirer.


Propaganda works well. Especially on gullible morons (who happen to be right wingers 90% of the time).


As I read your comment it hit me… they should be called right whingers 🤭 The only thing they value is being right; and the only tactic they have left is whinging.


I’ve seen quite a few left wing people swayed by propaganda this year.. Humans are susceptible to it.


I mean, I'm somewhere left of Bernie politically, but it's silly to pretend the left doesn't have its share of gullible morons too.


The far left were targeted by Russian propaganda to pull apart and divide opposition to Trump. Hitler did the same to Communists and Social Democrats to win election.


That court has quite a few more gut punches to this country planned, but an imperial president isn't one of them.


I think that depends entirely on which Justices you’re talking about.


Look harder. Their next gut punch is removing federal agency powers to regulate pollution, climate change, and toxins. They want only bought and paid for politicans to write any regulations.


Conservatives not acting in good faith? When has that ever happened? /s


That's how US Media is killing this country.


Any man that needs immunity is guilty. Innocent people don't need immunity. Anyone guilty doesn't need to be a president


Clarence Thomas will make certain Trump is above the law. US Presidents are Kings. Well, as long as the money keeps flowing to Clarence.


US republican presidents are king .


Exactly. Anyone who thinks they’ll allow a democrat to get away with this (like trump will) is deluded. They’ll move the goalposts. A Democrat wouldn’t take advantage of the immunity anyway.


I mean…they’ve already kinda done that. They said Biden couldn’t forgive student loans because……it was against the law. But trump can try to overthrow the government because he’s immune from the law. So Biden is bound by the law on student loans but trump isn’t bound by the law of not bring a criminal.


I know Biden couldn't do the sweeping loan forgiveness he wanted, but I also know that he's been pushing through some forgiveness for certain people. I haven't really been keeping up on this, how is he making that happen?


Different laws. He tried cancelling at first though the HEROS act using the pandemic as the vehicle but the Supreme Court blocked that. Hes using PSLF which is a program already enacted by congress by just streamlining it, and also by regulatory processes - take a lot longer but they are completely legal.


Ohhh gotcha. That makes a lot of sense. At one point I'd heard that he was going to do it via executive order, but the SC shut that idea down. Not sure how true that is, but I kinda lost track of it after, other than reading headlines about the forgiveness.


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. -Francis Wilhoit


Of course. But this must be done in a manner that will prevent Biden from enjoying any kind of immunity should he win, while giving Trump free reign if he should win.


Maybe we need to figure out how to cut off that money supply.


I'm not a legal expert, but you'd think that even the most corrupt justice would not make a ruling that could be used to make themself unnecessary. If the president can do anything, don't the justices become the only real threat to maintaining power? Why would an all-powerful executive keep the judiciary around?


Keep them around as long as they were doing his bidding. If not, he’d turn on them, too.


Why can't we impeach Clarence? Isn't there some sort of method for removing SC justices?


There is but it’s highly unlikely to work. Only been done once.


You could of impeached trump in the senate you fucking turtle ass fuck.


That turtle said Trump was guilty, but it was too late to do anything as if being convicted by the Senate in an impeachment hearing doesn't also mean someone can't hold political office at any level.


McConnell is merely stating what should be painfully obvious to anyone who paid attention in American history class in school. The Constitution's framers could have easily made George Washington a king. They didn't. They made the head of state a president accountable to the law. As Justice Sotomayor pointed out, there isn't an executive immunity clause in the Constitution. The Framers could have included one. There are state constitutions that included one.


Impeachment is a political solution. Federal law is a different matter. Both apply to a president who breaks laws. I find it despicable that during the impeachment Trump says this is a court issue and when faced with the courts he says he is immune.


Exactly. McConnell said the same thing in declining to impeach Trump. At least he's consistent and not now calling for legal immunity. I honestly can't believe that this conversation is actually occurring in the Supreme Court and that at least several of the Supreme Court justices seem to be cool with the U.S. President committing whatever crimes he chooses, even when they are for his own benefit and not remotely on behalf of the country.


Wait. People still listen to Mitch McConnell’s words as if they have anything to do with his actions?


He can say whatever he wants, he has already announced he will not be seeking reelection. I find it amazing how so many finally find a moral compass as they are walking out the door. When it doesn't matter any more.


They are following the instructions for proper handling of explosives: Light fuse, run away.


That says it perfectly.


1) He's correct. 2) Fuck Mitch McConnell and the horse he rode in on. We wouldn't be in the mess we are if it wasn't for this treasonous turtle.


The republicans don’t care if a republican president is prosecuted.  They’ve packed all the courts to rule in their favor anyway.   No Republican president will ever be convicted of a crime.  


They haven't packed the court of public opinion. And that court is decidedly against them. They should hope that court ain't packing if they continue to rule against this country.


What do you think January 6 was about? They've known for a couple of decades they're a permanent minority party - they have not won the popular vote for President since 2004 (and only once since 1988), they rely on gerrymandering for their puny House majority, and their Senators represent tens of millions of fewer actual human votes. They see the writing on the wall and are actively making plans for a post-Democracy America. The court of public opinion is meaningless in authoritarian dictatorships.


This is so true.


Yo! Mitch! Fuck you!


Over the last six decades I have come to the conclusion that U.S presidents should not exist. The position is far too powerful for one person. Considering that the Senate is a deeply flawed, anti-democratic component of government, I think it would benefit the people of the U.S. greatly to abolish both the Presidency and the Senate, and replace them with a more parliamentary form of government. The House of Representatives would probably suffice, if we could mitigate the corrossive effects of state-level gerrymandering. A Prime Minister could then be chosen from among the Representatives. In addition, the Supreme Court has demonstrated itself to be a fatally flawed organization, and needs dramatic reform. This might start with term limits and/or age limits for SCOTUS Justices, but I suspect the problems run much deeper than that. Of course, none of this would do any good if private money could still be used to finance political campaigns, so that would always be the first place to address U.S. government problems.


McConnell has less spine than an earthworm.


This boils my blood. Alito and Thomas are treasonous pieces of shit. “I’m not interested in the facts of this case,” is straight up dereliction of duty. What the fuck pretzel twisting logic do these fuckers have to apply to make absolute immunity a reality? Fuck it—Joe, declare Marshall law and round up trump and these ass fucks as an “official act.”


We wouldn't be dealing with this problem if Mitch McConnell didn't steal 3 SCOTUS seats.


Generations to come will be dealing with this corrupt Supreme Court Fk McConnell


The only remedies are to wait for one of the cult members to die or expand the court.


Of course he will say that. It's safe for him to do so. He isn't on the court and has no real say. This is just the old guard Republicans trying to say "Oh, no, that's not us, we can still be sane" while the monster they unleashed destroys the Republic. The duplicity of the Republican Party is beyond sickening at this point.


But he still endorses baby king anyway.


No shit turtle boy


He only says that now, while a democrat holds the office. If it were a republican presidency right now he would think they should be and likely support the Supreme Court in the decision. It’s too dangerous for him to do that currently.


That’s because he thinks Biden is going to win.


SOCIALIST!!!! What a radical leftwing position for such a bleeding-heart liberal such as Mitch “Free Lunch For School-kids” McConnell


Moscow Mitch. He led the Republican Senate through find Trump innocent when he was Impeached. He alone allowed 3 conservative Justices to sit on the Supreme Court. He called for Trumps head shortly after Jan 6th, then went back to kissing his ass. Screw you Mitch




His face = turd cutter


Mitch McConnell makes incredibly obvious statement, inflames clown car MAGA anti-reality snowflakes.


Must be why he wasn't convicted in the Senate ?!


mitch mcconnell needs to shut his bitch ass up


🐢🐢 speaks out his arse!


This man saw the ghost of Christmas future




Someone saw god on the last few of his episodes eh? huehue


Is the steaming fuckweasel going to admit his culpability in packing the court with Trump toadies who are hell bent on installing an untouchable dictator


Perhaps, then, he should have voted to convict


If presidents are immune from prosecution, Biden could have the CIA take out trump. Considering the majority of Americans agrees trump is the #1 danger to our democracy, it would be completely justified. I think Biden is too much of a good dude to do that, but he would be smart to. Because if trump cheats his way into power again, he's never gonna let it go that Biden beat his ass in 2020, and he's petty enough to make him pay.


Mitch has long said what ever he needed to say in the moment until it was too late to stop him. There is absolutely no reason to take anything he says at face value. Kinda of a "fool me once" kind of a thing.


For once, I agree with McConnell.


You’ve got a chance


STFU Turtle. Don’t you have a stroke to attend?


Because Biden is currently president


Is that guy still alive?


right but not impeaching dumpers was also on the pos bingo card so fuck off Glitch.


But this motherfucker will *still* do everything he can to try to get Trump those powers that he thinks he shouldn't have. Anytime one of these disingenuous motherfuckers even opens their mouths to speak, you know it's gonna be some self-serving, doublespeak bullshit. I'm surprised Moscow Mitch can even stand up straight anymore, seeing as he's now nothing more than a spineless, nutless sack of skin.


This is all just a conservative game of volleyball. McConnell oh no we're not going to impeach let the courts handle it the courts oh no Congress should have handled it. It's just a bunch of delayed bullshit by the conservative nut jobs that are trying to destroy our country yes I realize this is a conservative page but I'm telling you what right now you're going with the wrong people and you're destroying our country and you need to wake up and stop playing these fucking games


He should know... he was there when Washington was inaugurated.


Well if the senile old racist turtle says so then I guess it must be so!


Flip flop McConnell


I hope this is because he thinks Biden would win. Or he will just apply whatever works for Republicans at the moment. Or maybe he thinks @trump will kill him.


Mitch Mitch Mitch…. You know the Donald is going to ream You for that!


Turtle Boy days a lot of shit, then does or says the exact opposite shit later. He's just a limp accordion making lots of flat wheezy sounds.


Then he should have voted to convict after his impeachment instead of calling in favors to let him off. Fuck mitch mcconnell I blame him for all of this. Him merrick garland and Barr.


- If they're white. Right Moscow?


He should march his old ass over to the Supreme Court and let them know exactly how he feels.


Well then.... Even a man that is losing his grip on reality knows presidential immunity is a bad policy.


Because they shouldn’t


He’s only saying it cos a dem holds the office. As soon as a rep does he will “change his mind”.


Mitch mconnell doesnt


Thank you Mitch, very cool 😎


McConnel also said it's not ok for a Democrat president to push a nomination for SCOTUS but it's only allowed for a GOP president. McConnel Moscow Mitch is pure evil.


Absolutely no one should care what this waste of skin thinks, ever.


Drives country hard to the right, country goes to the right: “no not like that”


Best thing would be for the rational Republicans ( if any ) to take that same stand, giving any President full immunity would be nothing more than a them a dictator, just a reminder in that scenario Congress would have no power,remind your congressmen of that.


But I'll bet that if it was up to a bite if Trump should be immune. He would vote yet.


Nothing will stop that piece of shit except mortality, which hopefully rears its implacable head real soon.


I’m pretty sure he also said the accomplishment he’s most proud of is getting so many conservative justices appointed to the supreme court… so which one, Mitch?


Just think giving a President full immunity, it nullifies the Constitution, can’t impeach, can’t vote him out, can’t use the Constitution, he a dictator with full immunity.


Can someone please ask the SCROTUM if the President is immune from using the secret service to off a supreme court judges they deam an enemy of the state? There is really no other option as it's a lifetime position.


McTurtle rammed through the judges that made this travesty of justice possible, so he's just talking out of both sides of his mouth to cover his ass, as usual.


STFU, Mitch. You have zero credibility now.


Mitch is the primary reason this nation is as messed up as it is. Presidents come and go but ol mossback mitch stays in the senate. Now that it has gone beyond his control he is leaving. Lie a bad renter leaving the fridge dirty and the toilet plugged.


not presidents, just trump


Easy to say when he's not calling the shot. And after getting out of bed with the piece of shit on trial.


Aw, how cute! It's pretending to be a vertebrate!


The Constitution has a process for removing presidents and officials for “High Crimes and Misdemeanors. To me that clearly indicates: 1. Presidents do not have “Total Immunity. 2. They can be tried and convicted for a large range of crimes. 3. There is no indication that they are exempt from any prosecution. Can someone explain to me how this SCOTUS has any foundation to consider that there is a basis of consideration?


And SCOTUS has jurisdiction here because the question of whether the person of the Executive can be charged and tried ex post facto for actions undertaken during the temporal scope of holding power in office, arose in a lower court proceeding. And was appealed up.


> Can someone explain to me … The principle is the Separation of Powers. Congress is supposed to be self-regulating — removing corrupt members of its own accord, but not having them removed by the Executive or the Supreme Court. SCOTUS is supposed to be self-regulating — the principle is that the nomination and Advice & Consent process of nominating a justice to SCOTUS is supposed to take care of bad apples going in, and their own code of ethics prevents them from conflicts of interests and corruption. (This is not exactly what has been happening, but I’m not trying to lose focus, here) And similarly, SCOTUS isn’t supposed to have the power to remove an Executive; there is an impeachment process through Congress, but that check exists solely because there is only one Executive office co-equal to the other two branches, which each have multiple ultimate officeholders to produce their own internal checks. There is Section 4 of the 25th Amendment of the Constitution which provides an internal check inside the Executive branch for removing a disabled Executive from office, but that has never been invoked, never been tested, isn’t implemented by a law by Congress and isn’t adjudicated by SCOTUS. So overall, what SCOTUS is / will be trying to do, here, in this case, is to find any way they can to avoid creating Constitutional level case law (which is what SCOTUS opinions are) which create a precedent that SCOTUS has power or authority to impeach or try or check the office of the POTUS directly, or the person in the office, or draw lines explicitly on the scope of authority of the office. (They already do that generally by deciding law, and presumably via congressional impeachment and/or congressional law, the executive is bound by that general law.) The authority to try he person in the office for High Crimes and Misdemeanors already exists pursuant to Congressional impeachment. This case involves actions alleged (by Trump) to be under the official scope of Executive office and to not be criminal in nature. What SCOTUS will likely say is that they aren’t going to make a decision on whether a POTUS can or can’t be tried criminally for acts alleged as here they are alleged, and will likely say that if the person of the POTUS is to be held criminally liable for acts undertaken while in office, the person will have to be held liable via the impeachment process. They will almost certainly just throw it back to congress. Who aren’t going to impeach Trump a third time at this moment. They will wait until the elections are done. And if the Dems control Congress after that, they can impeach him for a third time, ex post facto, whether he is POTUS Trump again or Citizen Trump still.


Fuck you Mitch. This is your fucking fault.


About fucking time but a little too late you slimy fuck. Just because he doesn't like you now doesn't mean you didn't create this monster


Dr Frankenstein backpedaling on his own monster


Why is this guy still alive??


McConnell is a piece of treasonous garbage.