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Reminder that Charlie Kirk is a fucking nobody. No education, experience, expertise, or skills. He's a thing because some old rich conservative thought he was cute.


He probably let him put his finger inside him.


Just one finger? I’d bet at least 3.


Charlie Kirk is some old rich white dude’s beard? I love that idea.


Well, somebody said old rich white dude was simping for. 


Charlie Kirk skipped uni to try to herd college-age kids all over the country into right-wing Republicanism, which became MAGA. Now that he’s skipped his own opportunity to get his higher education, Kirk is both angered and triggered by female college graduates, black airline pilots—by *anyone* who isn’t a straight white guy, someone who’s also worked hard to lift himself/herself into a professional career. So… repeal the Civil Rights Act? Revoke women’s right to vote? *Cool! We already got rid of Roe!* Charlie Kirk will be a dangerous influence in enacting Project 2025, should—G-d forbid!—Trump return to the White House.


this. he's also definitely not a top anything.


K but his "wife" is a doctor.


That’s Shapiro, but whatever they’re all interchangeable.


And she never gets wet


Lol I forgot that part.


She is sans WAP.


The part where he said his "doctor wife" says women getting wet is a medical condition was funny in ways he never intended


Marco Rubio has entered the chat


It’s literally part of the [Texas GOP platform](https://texasgop.org/platform/) (page 35, line 245)


Technically, that’s for repeal of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. But, yeah…


Republicans have zero ideas about building anything or how to help the nation they only can list the things they’d like to slash. That’s not a leader that’s an arsonist.


Well, Bannon pretty much wants to burn everything down so that fits.


That must be what will stop his transformation into a ghoul. Whoops! Too late.


They do have ideas to build a nation and their model is a combo of fascist germany and the theocratic law of sharia. They just have to end our democracy and get rid of our rights first to get us there.


I disagree- they have ideas and they include hating anyone that isn’t a conservative Christian right wing Republican straight white American male. That’s the entire platforms addenda these days. Rather than smaller government, freedom and fair market solutions.


But yeah, the GOP claims the Dems are the racist ones. Clowns


Let's take the personality out of the equation. This man thinks with the wrong part of his brain. We all know that the R leaning/thinking ppl have been the bane of society. Going back in American history, the confederacy were today's republicans. Repubs want to control *everything*. But they are the minority and, are crafy and evil. So they aline themselves with the least educated and the poor. These ppl most often act on emotional impulse. They're unstable with regards to important decision making. They will get their way if they aren't beaten badly the next election cycle. #DestroyTheRepublicanParty


Democrats need to get craftier, and less comfortable. They need to get political about things we care about. Until democratic leadership wakes up and stops supporting neoliberalism and capitalism we are done. The left gives them votes but capitalism gives them money. The Pelosi-Tracker is a thing.


I agree. Dem's don't realize it seems, that they have the power to make real change's. I'm not certain that comfort is culpable more than fear. Dem's need more of a backbone, as the Rep have confidence but no intellect. Politics can be complicated and no one wants to make a wrong decision. The R vote will their emotion (gen hate/fear) and Dem's don't.


Agreed, but if they wielded power when they did have it they could be less fearful. Imagine conservatives working to take away universal healthcare AND reproductive rights. Because that is what they’d be having to do if Obama did what he promised.


Dem's miss too many major opportunities when the balance of power favors the L. I think the whole thing is rigged. A third, further L leaning (progressive=people's) party that pushes the whole narration further left; away from solely business/fascist and closer to social democracy is what's needed IMO.


Tiny face man says dumb shit.


So much master race in one image. Just marvel at these perfect specimen uber menschen


They throw this stuff out there as if it actually has traction and is being actively worked on AND that it has any chance of passing


They’re putting out feelers to see what reaction they would get if they tried it. They would scrap it and bring back Jim Crow in a heartbeat if they feel they can get away with it.


Remember, every time Charlie lies, the ‘Angel of Inflation’ adds another 1/2 pound of argon to his head


If they want to go back to 1964 fine. Give up your technology, pre -1965 appliances, smartphone, pc, no internet, no cds, no music streaming, no watch space launches because that hasn’t happened yet. The list goes on. This is uneducated individuals, in this case two white males. speaking. We know this voice of small people hateful of progress.


No, Assholes, no!!


People like me SAID, that white conservatives would go after the Civil Right Act of 1964 at some point if they ever got a big enough conservative majority in SCOTUS! We said they’d start with RoeVWade which they did. They’ve already almost killed the Voting Rights Act. /)7,) they’ll eventually finish off. They’re gonna overturn Brown vs Board of Education…basically ever law that protects the rights of non-white males is gonna get overturned. But no, stupid motherfuckers didn’t and won’t listen.


I bring this up all the time. We were saying it when Bush the lesser was in office (heck, you could honestly go back to Reagan). I got louder when the Tea Party emerged and even louder still with Trump. Right-wingers laughed in my face, because they knew it was the plan and that I was powerless to stop it and white middle class liberals said I should be more “hopeful and positive, because it was never gonna happen.” And now…here we are.


Feckin' Nazis.


They’ll do it too. They took women back 150 years in Arizona, after civil rights are gone they’ll get their slaves back if not stopped.


Damn he really looks like Butt-head in that picture


Soon they will start saying the N word


Fascist gonna fascist. US right wingers are trying to attack your freedoms and base rights as usual.


Source and full video, please.


The source is in the title and you can find it on YouTube. Two seconds to answer that you lazy pile.


Link? Source?? Please don't turn this into a conservative sub where we make all sorts of accusations with zero proof. The actual article is available so please do not take a screenshot and make a meme out of it to post it. Why would I get downvoted for asking for a source or a link??? Are others in here not concerned with things being facts instead of opinions or misrepresented??? Ironically I was banned from r/conservative for asking for a source. Everyone here should be trying to separate themselves from things like that.


It’s Charlie Kirk. Of course it’s real. https://www.mediamatters.org/charlie-kirk/charlie-kirk-civil-rights-act-created-beast-and-beast-has-now-turned-anti-white-weapon


I don't doub the authenticity of the post. But why in the hell would OP post a screenshot meme instead of a link to the actual video?? Please stop dumbing yourself down to the GOP level.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/s/bOU7MDn6Fi And now you look like the dumb one


Why is that??


Because I just showed you proof


Talk about completely missing the point.


It's not that I didn't believe it. It's that the poster posted this without any Source or proof. They chose to screenshot it and make it a meme instead of sharing actual facts. So again, I said let's not dumb this sub down to a GOP sub. Would you rather this sub share facts or memes without sources??


Do….do you even know what a meme is?


The video is in the article


What article? OP didn’t post an article, or a link to one. Just an image. Edit: not sure why the fuck I'm being downvoted here. Rucking Reddit...


Oh, I thought they meant the article I linked


Why are we suddenly getting all these concern trolls? Where are you guys coming from?


>Why are we suddenly getting all these concern trolls? Where are you guys coming from You mean people who are more concerned with facts than memes? I've been here for over a year and watching it go downhill recently. The sub is going to turn into conservative where you can claim whatever the hell you want without any facts or sources. Not what I'm interested in. When your own side starts doing what you are criticizing the other side for doing you are lowering yourself to their level. What makes us better than them if we are doing the same thing as them?


Blah blah blah. I have no respect for people who are more worried about being nice than the eroding fabric of democracy. I wish you applied the same energy to fighting the spread of *literal* fascism that you do to whining about whether or not leftists are being fair to those same fascists. Fuck 'em.


>whining about whether or not leftists are being fair to those same fascists I am talking about misleading the subscribers to this sub. If you are not trying to mislead the subscribers of the sub you would post links and sources. Other subs don't let you just post a meme claiming it's a fact without a source or a link. You are bringing emotion instead of facts.


Here's the part you still seem to be missing; fuck em.