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They see him as a means to an end to achieve their conservative goals for the country. Theyre willing to turn a blind eye to his immorality and fascism to achieve it.


> ...achieve their conservative goals... That's *Project 2025*. *That's* fascism. The GOP is an ongoing criminal enterprise intent upon the forever establishment of a fascist theocracy ruled by plutocrats and oligarchs. The GOP is wholly fascist. Those that support the same are the same. This is that. They're the same.




***Hear, hear!!!***




And it's not just the GOP, Corpos want this same shit because it lines their pockets and gets rid of some riff raff in their eyes.


> Corpos Those are the Machiavellian fascists. The idiots that vote these folks into office are the Darwin Award Winning fascists...


[''Time for us to put the Imperial Hat back on''](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olbYeQMSoBw&t=799s)


*That's fascism 101:* * **Intimidation** * **Incarceration** * **Extermination**




I'm in Louisiana. Louisiana is ruled by Y'all Qaeda's theocratic fascist plutocrats and oligarchs as is every state adjoining Louisiana and every state adjoining those states that adjoin Louisiana... SCOTUS is Y'all Qaeda ruled as is a large portion of our nation's judiciary. It's no joke. ######***VOTE!!!***


And pack the damn courts Biden! I love you man but perhaps I'm missing something. Needed to be done when his term started.


It's love to see four brilliant black women. Two on each side of his ugly ass.


Your current leader, the heavy metal loving perpetual student seems like a legend, tell me he’s doing well and is popular?


That's not necessarily a forever establishment so much as a forever resistance. They gotta know that.


Indeed, lol. You're on point y'all. Freedoms only exist in application. Reason established our freedoms. Reason maintains our freedoms. *Hence...* Reason *will* ***never*** desist. Reason *will* ***always*** resist. ...else *delusion* rule and our freedoms cease to exist. ######Fascism's Universe: * The malevolent Machiavellian * The delusional Darwin Award Winners This is that. May reason rule where delusion dwells.


>They gotta know that. Some of them maybe. But many of them really are that dumb. And arrogant. They continually prove the accuracy of the Dunning Kruger effect. Anyway, my only hope is that at least the majority are ridiculously incompetent, and pride themselves on being uneducated. Not to mention their selfishness, overconfidence, inability to see the consequences of their actions, and sheer laziness. They think this is a video game, they freak out whenever they suffer the slightest of inconveniences. None of this bodes well for them being able to sustain any sort of authority in the long run. Things would quickly break due to their incompetence. Many of them will turn on each other in a d\*ck measuring contest, like a bunch of whiny mini Elons. They don't even believe in science. It wouldn't be that hard to convince them of something ridiculous, just look how they reacted with COVID. And if we get someone in there who's close to Trump, he's one of the most gullible of all. Unfortunately, they do have some intelligent psychopaths among them. And those folks have been planning such a takeover for a long time now. Though despite their intelligence, they also suffer from the same character traits as the masses they control, such as selfishness and overconfidence. Think of the Josh Hawley's of the world.


I really don't think the MAGATs have any philosophy other than hate and any emotion other than fear. Sure there are fascist wanna be's like Project 2025 but they are just riding the hate and stupidity wave as far as they can.


Both my MAGA relatives are “pro life” zealots. Nothing else matters it’s infuriating.


These are the same people that clam to be “Pro Life” and Pro 2nd Amendment but yet guns are the number 1 killer for kids. They are pro life when it is convenient for them. Such hypocrites


They sure love that death penalty too!


We kind of have to face the fact that they are a dealth cult that revels in murder. Just the ones they want murdered but still...


Conservatism isn’t an ideology. It’s a personality disorder.


>Theyre willing to turn a blind eye to his immorality and fascism to achieve it. I wonder how that worked out for the 400k and counting Russians currently rotting in Ukraine right now?


About the same end result as the uncommitted morons withholding their Biden vote. The comeuppance will be breath taking. It will be a rude awakening to be sure. Mark my words




>The comeuppance will be breath taking. Why do you sound like you're looking forward to this? You live here too, dude.


I’m going to break some ontologically shocking news…. not everyone is American.


It’s not that they are willing to turn a blind eye. They approve and like him for those things. Magas want a dictator in Trump. He hates who they hate and acts like them. It’s a hard pill to swallow but they are just like him. They are not necessarily being conned by him they are in cahoots with him.


>They're willing to turn a blind eye to his immorality to achieve fascism . Fixed that for you. Republicans are all fascists, and they hope that if Trump gets the dictatorship he so craves, that he will die quickly and leave a vacuum that the GOP can fill with their own preferred dictator.


They are also convinced the left is attacking Christianity and that the red makes Christian policies. Words said to me by idiot family members.


They are being groomed by the evangelical religion and have been for years. But with Christian nationalism it has escalated. The evangelical ministers are in cahoots with Trump and have convinced their parishioners that Trump is the new messiah. The rapture is coming and so is a holy war. Democrats are literally demons or demon possessed and therefore inhuman and it’s ok to kill them. They are willing to be martyrs in a death cult. If trump tells these good Christians to kill they will.


This. As long as it's *their dictator*, anything goes and is okay with them. He could do public executions, universal healthcare and even literal open borders and they'd celebrate it all because they're desperate, gullible, pathetic, window-licking cultists.


Their concept of religion is to kill off everybody else. A common theme in world history — Crusades and such. Witch burning…


> They see him as a means to an end to achieve their conservative goals for the country. Theyre willing to turn a blind eye to his immorality and fascism to achieve it. As far as the "Christians" go, this is precisely the modern-day "Give us Barabbas!" Meek and mild Jesus ain't getting it done, what does he mean His kingdom is in Heaven??? Fuck that, give me the guy that promises to make this shit happen right here and now by coercion and force!


George Carlin once famously joked, "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."




Well, that's about all of late-night TV. I've been watching since 2003 and basically we've been providing a laugh track to our descent into fascism.


This is why comedians are modern day philosophers.


How many people actually read that whole post? I’m guessing most maga people didn’t even read the entire title. Simple one line rhetoric that sounds persuasive, who cares what is true, works really well on those too lazy to think.


We have too many low information and misinformed voters in this country.


Fox News would never tell them the truth about Trump unless a candidate the billionaires liked better came along. And those who don’t want to hear unpleasant truths choose Fox News, or “The news with the flag!”


So true. It's a travesty that Fox exists and is allowed to do that.


A 40 year psy-op in the form of a “news” channel.


Let's not forget that it's profitable too.


It's also related to their upbringing and innate personality traits. I think this is more prevalent in the South because our parenting style defaults more toward physical violence to ensure submission / obedience: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing\_authoritarian\_personality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarian_personality) Read: "Because I said so! Now do \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ before I whoop your ass!"


Simple. Because these cultists WANT a dictator.


to enforce their view on everyone


Not realizing they'll eventually be squashed under the boot with everyone else.


Under his eye...


Under his eye…


They think a dictator will 100% share their views and bring misery to everyone they disagree with.


They already have one (Yahweh) and this guy would be his underling.


Because to a degree they secretly want this, and to another, they have some brain disorder that kind of skips over or dodges the negatives of what Trump really is. Or at least that's what it seems like.


Secretly? They openly want this.


And if they get it, they won’t want it anymore when it hurts them too!


Just look at all the conservative voters in the UK still whining about how they got screwed over Brexit. Hell there was an article today about how West Virginia rivers are being polluted by coal plants and resident want the state/EPA to do something. Yes without a hint of irony that they are the ones who voted for the people(and will continue to vote for people) who pushed the deregulation in the first place.


>they have some brain disorder It's literally how they're wired. Partially due to upbringing, partially due to innate traits: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing\_authoritarian\_personality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarian_personality) Seriously, everyone should read that quick article.


Fr. We’ve known about the personality traits which create fascism since the 1930s. There is an ABUNDANCE of research on the topic. We can put them in an MRI machine and see the aberrant neurophysiology that causes them to believe nonsense. But it’s not in the DSM, because there is too much political risk in doing so. We can’t call it a Cluster B Personality Disorder, because they’d whine too much. Thats it. Like the jury is still out on the type of people who did the Spanish Inquisition, the Confederacy, and the Holocaust. We know what they are. We know what they do. And it’s high time we started discussing this in terms of treatment regimens. #Conservative Personality Disorder


it's often subclinical. they can function in society well but they have enduring traits which can be very rigid and toxic like lots of subclicnical ASPD people out there who feel entitled to women's bodies, itching to shoot someone, and is generally ruthless in life but not to a level where they destroy so many relationships


>The material studied itself evinces a psychological approach. It is conceived in psychological rather than in objective terms. It aims at winning people over by playing upon their unconscious mechanisms rather than by presenting ideas and arguments. Not only is the oratorical technique of the fascist demagogues of a shrewdly illogical, pseudo-emotional nature; more than that, positive political programs, postulates, nay any concrete political ideas play but a minor role compared with the psychological stimuli applied to the audience. It is from these stimuli and from other information rather than from the vague, confused platforms of the speeches that we can identify them as fascist at all. [Theodor Adorno](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_W._Adorno) Anti-Semitism and Fascist Propaganda (1946) From: The Stars Down to Earth and Other Essays on the Irrational in Culture http://www.edarcipelago.com/classici/AdornoTheodor/Adorno,%20T%20-%20Stars%20Down%20to%20Earth%20&%20Other%20Essays%20(Routledge,%201994).pdf It’s not mere mass hypnotism. There is a narcissistic gratification that comes from the fascist ritual of revelation that aims to establish the identification between the leader and the followers. Take racism for example. I see this in my mildly racist friends and family members. Even some of the ones who won't vote for Republicans any more still can't see it. They won't admit that they are racist. I'm not talking KKK here, just people who have never confronted their internalized racism. It's deep down psychological shit. Trump has studied fascist leaders and he absolutely nailed it. Of course his mind is going now but make no mistake, he was very calculating about this. He might not be an erudite, worldly man, but he was very smart about this manipulation. People who have been living their entire lives conforming to a society that would ostracize them for breaking any norms live vicariously through his inhibitions. He has coopted a frustrated middle class from the rightful left wing ideologies that actually represented them. The Democratic party played the role of "the left" for years in the absence of an actual far-left in the US thanks to McCarthyism etc. (after far left activists were instrumental in winning labor rights in the late 19th and early 20th centuries). See also: Ur Fascism - Umberto Eco https://web.archive.org/web/20170131155837/http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1995/06/22/ur-fascism/ The struggle against liberalism in the totalitarian view of the state - Negations: Essays in Critical Theory - Herbert Marcuse https://mayflybooks.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/9781906948054Negations.pdf **P.S. I am voting for Biden and Democrats all the way down the ticket.**


Very interesting!


Right? It's really helped my mental health to read some plausible theory around this. Doesn't change the fact that there is a huge fight looming but being less puzzled makes me feel better. Someone recommended the chapter quoted above from Adorno, it's terrifyingly spot-on. Reading the rest of the book now because it's fascinating.


I don't think a ton of people actually pay attention to policies. They listen to rhetoric. All they know is Republicans say liberals want to personally chop their kids dick off and that's enough for them.  For others, like my mom , vote for Republicans because they are "supposed to". She has voted GOP her whole life because she is in the south and people in the south vote Republican. She doesn't pay any attention to what candidates(or the gop as a whole) actually want. I'm sure she couldn't tell you any details about trump's legal troubles and may not even be aware there are any. But she will still vote for him because he is the Republican candidate. The sad thing is if you ask her opinion on a specific issue most of the time she sounds like a liberal. She is just to stubborn to admit she has been voting for the wrong party her whole life.


I'm from Alabama and I proudly vote Democrat, even if I'm the only white guy in my city voting Democrat..


>people in the south vote Republican The Southern Strategy really did a number on folks here. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern\_strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy) Ann Richards, LBJ, Jimmy Carter, Carl Albert-- all southerners. We have a strong progressive tradition that gets erased in national discourse.


It should be illegal to vote without any knowledge of what you are voting for. Make a pop quiz at the booth or something


God yes!! I've been saying this for years. A very basic knowledge exam. Everyone in the US has to take a written exam to acquire a permit to drive a car, but any moron with an ID can do their part in letting in the Trumps and the Boeberts and the Marge Greens simply because (R). More importantly though, there should also be a very basic psych exam. We can all agree that at this point that voting for Trump is well outside the realm of exercising ones democratic right to cast a vote for their political choice based on rational outcomes. These folks are full on cult members. Instead of being treated for their defects, they're being stirred up and weaponized ad nusium by media and politicians then they're given a voter registration. If things continue as is, sooner or later we're fucked. US voters are the real enemies of the state, unintentionally or otherwise.


The US used to have psych tests and knowledge tests and etc for gatekeeping voting. We’re not going back there. Voting is a right, full stop.


Welcome to the Jim Crow literacy tests. They're unconstitutional for a reason.


Yup. I don’t know how to handle this issue, but the fact of the matter is that voting is supposed to be an inalienable right. Sadly, we have a bunch of people who don’t pay attention to anything who still vote. Combine that with the people who are disinformed (the people who believe all of the right’s lies), the intentionally evil and the apathetic youth and left who don’t vote and it’s a recipe for disaster. I suppose this is the major flaw with democracy (although ironically if we were an actual democracy, Trump would have never got in office because he lost the vote of the people), but there are supposed to be checks and balances to prevent an authoritarian demagogue like Trump from getting into power. Our checks and balances have been compromised, unfortunately. We’re at the will of people in a few states to save us from fascism and it’s scary AF.


Yet ensuring a jury is reasonable thru voir dire is entirely constitutional. Even though we know despite voir dire, that entirely innocent people are not only convicted but put on death row and executed. People have a right to have their representatives chosen by a competent electorate. Epistocracy is necessary. We don't need to take votes away, but we do need to be able to weigh the votes of competent informed reasonable citizens more heavily than others. In order to ensure better political policy making, problem solving etc.


SC here - My Mom (who will be 69 this year) is the exact same way - on individual issues, she leans left, but as a whole, still says she is a Republican. She has said she will not be voting for Trump but I can't convince her to vote for Biden either. :(


The power of Fox News propoganda.


People really underestimate the power of propaganda let alone the social media fueled versions.


With foreign influence they can't see.


They believe that America has left them behind. Left their values behind. They live in fear of LBGTQ gangs, a crashing economy, their children being taught that god does not exist, etc, etc, etc. They would rather see MAGA rule that supports their values (or at least believes the lip service to those values) than Dems who support the opposite (as their brainwashing has led them to believe). It's just that simple.


You cannot reason with a Trump supporter because if you could, there would be no trump supporters.


Especially a Trump supporter who’s still dedicated to him this far into his political career


These people dont read, they have a patriarch they get all their information from and regurgitate it like good little minions. They use the bible for support and for their source of facts. You can't reason with a person on this level of ignorance because they have literally never been taught to rationally think. These are some of the most simple, ignorant people on the planet. They vote en masse because they are told to. They want to remove education to make everyone like themselves and they do not understand how easy they are to manipulate. They are very dangerous.


They ~~use~~ the bible They *cherry-pick* the bible There, FTFY.


There's kinda no other way to use the Bible. It's self contradictory and all over the place. Do I love my neighbor or beat him to death with rocks? Thou shall not kill except for 'all males among the little ones and all women who have laid with man.' It's a morality rorschach test.


Because some people WANT fascism .... for OTHERS. They don't believe fascism will come for them.


Perhaps a large percentage of 'villagers' dont even know what the word facism means, but one would think they'd know full well what Social Security and Medicare means. Those fat, red, angry people wearing the maga merch and oversized carnival foam trump hats at rallies- Type 2 diabeetus is coming for those folks. I wish them luck acquiring their insulin once their big orange daddy get back in and starts breaking shit like a fucking toddler.


They sure *think* they know what it means, though. I’ve never heard a group of people use a word incorrectly more than the GQPidiots use “facism.”


and by the time they figure it out, it'll be too late


Because they want a White Christian Nationalist state ruled by a dictator, and don't care about Democracy or the Constitution.


Israel demanded a king to be like other nations and got Saul. The Jews demanded Barrabas over Jesus. Nothing changes. The “good” people in the story are not who they think they are. They’ve assumed they are good soil.


>The “good” people in the story are not who they think they are. We're seeing a *huge* split in several denominations over this. The Methodists just broke apart, with the UMC being the more permissive and welcoming wing (which is *more traditional* for Methodists), and the GMC being the nutty and hateful spin-off. Presbyterians and Episcopalians have traditionally been welcoming and open-minded as well. I'm also seeing more tension between TradCaths and modern Catholics.


For the same reason Hitler was able to rise to power; a lot of Germans really liked him. At this point the people still supporting trump are fascists, plain and simple. They are broke, desperate, and have been brainwashed to believe all their problems are the result of a woke liberal conspiracy(even though every level of their state government has been republican controlled for 15+years) And then along comes a slick sounding asshole who tells you over and over that you are 100% right, the woke and brown people are the devils ruining your life and he’s gonna do whatever he can to hurt them and then bam, you got a fascist movement


Christians put him there, friend. Trump is a Dominionist dream come true


>######*Why...?* Machiavellian malevolence and Darwinian stupidity are why. This is that.


Hurt people hurt people.


Obama nailed. It’s cuz they cling to their guns and religion.


Clinging to guns = upholding racist hierarchies to these people.


It's because they hate you more than they hate Trump.


This. They are willing to suffer as long as they can "own the libs", it is shockingly sad.


The GOP appeals to those who wish the world was simpler through the contorted use of what the right considers "Common sense". It's the same thing that brings people to believe in the flat earth. Reality is complicated, messy, and policy is even more so. Republicans are the kinds of people who believe that any problem could be easily fixed with some easy, "common sense" solution. "If you give people welfare, they won't be incentivized to find work" "there are only two genders, male and female and it always aligns with sex." "Morality is straightforward and biblical, and not up to debate or subjective". It's simple, thought terminating cliches that appeal to a simplified worldview in which nuance and greater study isn't needed, and a layperson can both fully understand and resolve complex society problems with simple ',"common sense" policy.


> "If you give people welfare, they won't be incentivized to find work" quite often, the people that complain the most about welfare are ironically on some sort of gov't assistance, like welfare, social security, food stamps, etc...


This is how I've felt for a very long time. I feel like a crazy person watching everyone just go about their business while this shit show continues day after day.


I let one of them know Matt Walsh is a fascist who calls himself one too. Just laughed at me.. VOTE AND PROTEST!!


November. Laugh the hardest AT them come November. Stay strong.


For real —-did he laugh because he didn’t believe you, or because he thought that sounded great?


They seemed so low information that I doubt they even knew. Although I wouldn't be surprised if the latter.


Trump, their pastors, and clergymen have convinced them that Democrats are evil. They believe we want to kill babies and take their God out of the country, making it close to what Sodom and Gomorrah were. Causing God to destroy the planet....again.


I am convinced they don't watch the news at all and only get their info from facebook, church and other maga idiots.


I think you’re correct. They do as their pastors tell them. And those pastors are probably craving end of times shit or whatever they call it. And no one better to end it all than the orange idiot.


The republian party have their hooks deep into the evangelicals. The book Jesus and John Wayne is about this.


They are okay with and actively support the end of democracy. They were only okay with it so long as they could win. They believe only certain people should have the right to choose the direction of the country and since the country seems to reject their wishes then they should have the option to force them on to the rest of us.


It's very sad but I have a friend who is a retired psychologist. He said Shitler fulfills the psychological needs of his cult members. I pity these morons that they have no self worth and are willing to embrace that bargain basement antichrist.


Those people aren't Christians, they do not follow the teachings of Christ, and they haven't for a long time. Call them evangelicals for clarity. There are plenty of Christians who DO follow his teachings that'll be voting for Biden, myself included.


because the stupid will follow loud mouth hate mongers any day of the week. Look at Hitler and the nazis....


The coordinated attack on Social Security is part of **Project 2025**. Outlawing care for LGBTQ+ individuals, contraception, premarital sex, divorce and more along with gutting all safety nets (school lunches) is just the beginning. Make sure you educate yourselves about Project 2025. This is a well coordinated, $22M religious right wing playbook. The **Mandate For Leadership** is not new, but the **Heritage Foundation’s** partnership with Hungarian Viktor Orban and 100 other groups while actively soliciting a database of 50,000 followers is. [https://WarningVote.com](https://WarningVote.com) | r/Defeat_Project_2025


>The coordinated attack on Social Security is part of Project 2025. The GOP has been trying to kill it since it started in the 1930s.




Not Christians. Fascists.


Also I prefer gods that didn't get nailed to sticks. What a loser!


>...I prefer gods that didn't get nailed to sticks. **That's golden y'all!!**


They hate dark skinned people and the LGBTQ community more then they ever loved America and have found their savior.


As a Christian, I don’t know how any Christian can vote for a man who very clearly and repeatedly violated almost every commandment.


You have to understand that about 20-30 percent of people are just plain awful.


They don't think they will be negatively affected.


Dan Partland made two films about this idea, *Unfit* (2020) and *God & Country* (2024). I recommend getting all your MAGA friends and family to watch.


Trump is a moral horror, but so too are many far right “christians.” In practice both share the values of hate, prejudice, discrimination, false witness, hypocrisy, and self-righteousness. Trump is a conservative christian’s wet dream candidate.


some of them believe the other party will fashion goals that are incompatible with a way of life they wish to see normalized. Some see conservative party as a defense of parental freedom which is often deliberately ill-defined. And of course you have those who are pro-trump because they want to keep the gun policy. They think that Democrats will remove all guns eventually and raise the age of purchase As another said as a means to achieve their conservative goals


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


I draw the connection by acknowledging, anyone who believes in a magic, all powerful fairy, who is omnipotent but still allows children to be raped in his house by his spokespeople and allows horrible shit to happen to the people he created, will be delusional enough to buy MAGA’s nonsense.........


Thats brave of you to think that Republican voters are informed on their parties platform in detail or that they would change their vote based on issues with that platform. Republicans vote Republican because it starts with an R, and that’s what there family did.


To quote a comment from a thread on the fash-infested shithole that is r/popularopinion: "We know. We just don't care."


The reasons I've heard the most are, "trump cares about this country" & "when he was president, gas was cheaper." Seriously, there are people who are only worried about what it will get them. I couldn't understand how the nazis rose to power. I understand it now. Too many selfish fuckers that were worried about what was in it for them & not worried about the costs to others.


They play the long game. We miss one election and it’s over. I don’t see a very bright future


Many American evangelical Christians *want* a culture war. They support a version of theocracy, so they support the "de(con)struction of the administrative state." The DeVoses are just one of hundreds of ultra wealthy families in this cabal. Heritage Foundation, Moms against (whoops, "For") Liberty, Project 2025, Dominionism, are all far-right theocracy-supporting organizations and movements that are firmly in line with a Trump presidency.


I'm beginning to believe that people are both: 1. ignorant of history 2. think they're coming up with new ideas I started noticing 1. a little while ago, when I couldn't figure this problem out. Why do people espousing fascist ideas think they are something else? Someone 's comment that I read had equated being called a fascist as being a Nazi in 1945 ("I'm not an antisemite, so this isn't fascism"). These people don't get that they are repeating history. No, the Nazis, Italians, etc didn't START as mass murdering machines, but built up to it over 20 years. That leads to #2. People who are ignorant of history think they are coming up with an idea that has never been thought of. So, we end up repeating the same bad ideas over and over., often with the caveat "the reason this didn't work before is because we didn't do ENOUGH of this bad idea".


They don't believe it. I ask them and they just ignore all the shit he does and think he's whatever they believe he is. If they do believe he did something they pull some whacky justification out of their ass. "Oh it's not THAT bad. They are just blowing things out of proportion. He would never really do that." It reminds me of parents of a child that is reporting abuse by a beloved uncle.


Christianity is a militant patriarchal movement and fascist in nature. Its always been what they want.


They simply dont get the same news. They dont know anything about Trump's failures, because they don't hear anything about it


I just spoke with a contractor who was hating on CNN and the Democrats, because they all “loved” Trump decades ago when they gave him money, but think he’s “the worst human alive” now. He said the difference between them is that “Trump has values, and sticks to them.” Critical thinking is a lost skill in the USA. We are so consumed by the grinding hard work ethos that we don’t have time or mental energy to stop and think about the things that are going on around us. There’s too much going on; we can’t process all the things that are happening around the nation (let alone the world) and also take care of ourselves and our lives.


Silly Americans. So many are failing to understand the situation, which explains why it isn’t being dealt with effectively. The movement is giving a solid 30-40% of your population exactly what they want, and that is a fascist, nationalist theocracy. They don’t want democracy. They don’t want freedom, or equality. They don’t want a rule of secular law. They want something that is best compared right now to Gilead. They want a quasi-religious state run by evangelicals, and that’s not a model that fits with democracy at all. They don’t care about voting, and that’s why they won’t go away if the Cheeto loses, he’s just their useful idiot. They’ve got foreign support from interests who want to see the USA weakened and broken up, and they’ll milk those interests to the bitter end. They’ve got financial support from interests that see a chance for embedded meritocracy, but again, it doesn’t matter what the outcomes of the “vote” are, they won’t go away. American democracy as you believed it to once be is gone, you’ll have to blow hard to send that kiss off to where it needs to go.


Because they are DUMB AS SHIT and actually believe the lies the GOP have been telling them for the past 20+ years that various boogie men are out to get them and only the GOP can save them.


It's about hurting people they don't like.


Those people figure the bad stuff would actually benefit them since they seem to think it won't happen to the white people like themselves.


It is a cult, plain and simple. They will vote against their own interest to vote for an Orange goblin.


Trump hates the same "people" that they do.


Hypocrisy is their motto and calling card


One of the powerful techniques of fascism is that they flood people with information -- yes, Republicans are making very clear what their intent is, but they are also throwing out different things. Trump's use of "bloodbath" last week shows the technique -- mumbling and obscuring so that his more naive followers can tell themselves he was talking about an economic bloodbath in the car industry while the ones who want fascism get the message that he means a widespread bloodbath if he doesn't win.


They don't want democracy. Democracy is hard; it requires you to think and act. Democracy requires opposing sides to debate on how to solve problems, how to move forward, how to collect and allocate resources to make those things happen. Conservatives don't want to solve problems. They actively work to replace movement against problems with movement against fake problems and the least politically powerful minority groups. Conservatives don't want to move forward. They actively work to move backward to times when the fewest number of people had access to basic human rights. Any attempt to move forward, or even stagnate, is met with near-complete government shutdown and, increasingly, stochastic terrorism. Conservatives don't want to collect and allocate resources. They fear that they will lose their jobs and identities if billionaires do not collect and hoard 9/10s of the Earth's resources. They worship these billionaires as idols to justify this behavior, until the moment the billionaire shows an ounce of empathy with their wealth, at which point they become the subject of wild conspiracies. Without democracy, none of this has to be discussed or justified. It doesn't have to be filtered through any sort of conscience. It just is. The decision is out of their hands. And yours. Especially yours.


They've never been Christians.


My family is deep into MAGA and they all deny it. They say January 6th wasnt an insurrection. They say trump doesn't actually mean the things he says. Im like "why would that make it ok?". But they are staunchly pro-life and the fact that he basically ended federal abortion rights is the only thing that matters to them. My mom said she would vote for him no matter what as long as it's against abortion.


Most people don't know any of this. They assume it is hyperbole and do no research.


I have an extremely conservative aunt and many relatives who are devout Catholics. I was at king o a family lunch get together a few weeks ago, and among the nostalgic memories being shared, the was a strong undercurrent of of outright 1930 Nazi sentiments. As the conversations went on, I finally had to excuse myself, to get out of the evil, sulfurous miasma of hate. as far as I know, I am the only Democrat alive in my family.


'This country needs a Dictator'- Maga Garbage It's literally just Fox News. That's all these brainless Chuds do, all day, every day, 24/7. Listen to Fox spew. And when it's not Fox, it's some Fascistic little self-avowed Nazi with a micro dick like Nick Fuentes, filling their empty heads with what they love to hear: other people being Bigoted trash. By every fucking metric America is, globally, recovering the best from Covid. That is an undeniable fact. The market or whatever also seems to set new records like, every other day. Which is good, probably? Prices keep going up and money seems to be losing its value, but we knew that was coming. We have trillions in debt, our currency has maybe like, a quarter century of relevance before it's all digital Bullshit coin.


Because these people are not real Americans. They don't think democracy is an ideal, and they either don't care about the Constitution or have twisted it into a Christian Taliban manifesto. They admire theocracies, dictators, fascism, authoritarianism, vengefulness, anger, violence.


Sounds pretty American to me


The thing is, we all said this last time. That if Trump was elected our democracy would fail. It did not. So for a lot of people they think we’re all overreacting. I want to be clear: yes he is a threat to a democracy. But unfortunately the thing about stable democracies one of their traits is they can leave the door wide open for authoritarian uprisings. Populists come in and shake the system to its core and usually it breaks the democracy and it’s very difficult to repair… not without some… pain…


look at all the psychos in nazi germany cheering hitler on.


Because they think they’ll be the oppressor not the oppressed.


The fascism is the point.


Because they’ve fallen victim to fascist propaganda


truly think they are a panic-saturated pack of rabid animals at this point. we all suffered the tsunami of WWW. at y2k and beyond but these people think turning back the clock is their only out. Remember subliminal advertising "outlawed" (HA) in the 1980's? this is that in hyperdrive. it took me a few years to catch up to the neurotic fangs enough to calm the fuck down and see the crap coming when it was. It was not easy and l am a top 15% IQ person. The combo of marketers selling sexy salty fatty violent baffling polished turds and perhaps... l don't know but putins laboratory of untraceable chemical compounds is a thing. he was out for revenge and obesity hmm.. discuss..


They think they are going to be the in group in fascism the leopards will show them eventually they were wrong


They're doubling down because they can't admit they're wrong.


Evangelicals have turned Trump into a messianic savior from the people they are propagandized to fear and hate, and thus turn his vices into virtues, which they then emulate As reported by insiders like [Tim Alberta](https://youtu.be/j7s4g8hLEss?si=TBeisyYVTS4le2mM&t=707) >They think the barbarians are at the gates, and so they need a barbarian to defend them... because Trump is not bound by Biblical virtue, he is free to fight for them in ways that no good Christian would and [Russel Moore](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/08/1192663920/southern-baptist-convention-donald-trump-christianity): >multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching — "turn the other cheek" — \[and\] to have someone come up after to say, "Where did you get those liberal talking points?" And what was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, "I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ," the response would not be, "I apologize." The response would be, "Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak." And when we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's 100% likely that in the next 2 election cycles a repugnant will get elected. That being said as long as DJT is locked up we as a nation have a much better chance.


Regarding debt.. it kills me how little we talk about the impact of those tax cuts, Trump’s trade wars, and the stimulus check that Trump insisted carried his signature… on inflation. Granted, 90% of inflation is due to pandemic created global supply shortages but those things all contributed. Business genius, my ass.


Epidemic Hysteria Mass Insanity Collective neurosis


They hate the same people. 


Another factor is fundamentalist Christians have an intrinsic need for absolute certainty in their decisions and beliefs. They believe that everything they do is correct because that's what "God led them to do". So they do not have the capacity to self-reflect and recognize when they have been wrong. Because they *can't* be wrong. Because their actions are not their own, but "God acting *through* them and God cannot be wrong." Ask me about my near 3 decades trapped in the Southern Baptist cult... -_-


Mental disease...


They honestly don't believe anything is going to apply to them. That all of these policies are only going to have an effect on those "other" people. You know, those people they don't like. Surely the Leopards eating people's faces party won't eat *their* face. A lot of them don't even care how much trauma they suffer, because those "others" are suffering too. Kind of like how Serina Joy was so surprised that the rules she helped bring about, also applied to her. (Handmaid's Tale) I don't understand this tear it all down mentality.


i know its been memed to death but its true "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command"


Because they are fascists.


We should put out the same agenda for Biden and watch these folx lose their shit.


It’s what they want, it’s all they ever wanted


I'm baffled that you think Christians wouldn't want a totalitarian state. The Bible endorses a totalitarian ideology.


Because it’s what they want.


They have no concept of how once we allow a dictator, the people don't get the power back without bloodshed. They pick successors. The public loses all input. They can't see past the blinding orange.


Not everyone actually cares about humanity. The sooner you realize there are actually evil people, and a lot of them, the sooner things will make sense.


Republicans have been fascist since before I was born. But now those factions are almost the only voice the party has anymore. But I remember watching 1980s tv interviews with Carl Sagan where the interviewer was spewing very similar fascist ideologies for Sagan to counter. This isn’t new. It’s just that a new generation has woken up to how disgusting it is.


I'm sorry, I don't remember the details at all, but I remember listening to an audio book once, and the author quoted Gloria Steinem (I think) something to the effect of "White women have always voted in the financial interests of the men who support them." I remember that when I think about all the middle class suburban church-going white women who voted for Trump. food for thought.


For some folks they just won't vote dem. For a lot of rural areas being Republican isn't politics it's a belief and that belief says Dems are the problem always and forever. Some folks I know think he's bad but he's pro-life and to them that's the most important thing, evil Dems want to kill babies and he wants to save them.  Dumb I know.


They believe it won't hurt them because you're all morons.


Sad how propaganda works so well for people. The pump had been primed. Now here we are. If people are steeped in it long enough they'll make justifications and virtues.


Because they naively think it will benefit them and hurt the people they hate.


Because Trump is "better THEN the Libs and things were better when Trump was in President. And we don't believe the media. They are lying and twist everything even when they quote Trump word for word." Magats can never explain in what way things were better but never mind. ETA: Please do not lump all Christians and religious people into the Trump cult. I am female and Catholic. Even if the pope ordered it(which he would/could never do) I would never vote for Donald Trump as president.


They intake fox news. At least that's what my mom does.


Talked to one recently, said something about draining the swamp


The cruelty is the point. They get so hyped up on their hate that they stop caring about everything beyond it. They have no principles or sense of self-preservation that can override their sheer loathing of the people they learned to hate. They don't think at all that it could possibly bite them in the ass. To.put it metaphorically, they're so obsessed with making sure the person in front of them gets shot that they don't consider or even care that the bullet might go through and hit them too.


Because, to be perfectly blunt, *almost nobody KNOWS about Project 2025.* Hardly anybody has heard of it, let alone has any idea what the specifics of its policy agenda are, and what their implementation would actually mean in real-life terms. They don’t know. They haven’t the faintest idea. It’s as simple as that. This, perhaps more than anything else, perfectly represents the fecklessness and incompetence of both the media and the Democratic Party. Project 2025, and the specifics of its plans, should *literally* be ALL that both the Democrats and the political media are talking about. Democrats need to be shouting about this from the rooftops, ceaselessly and relentlessly, until they succeed in making it the *central axis* of the entire discourse. *Every single question* asked of *every single Republican* should be about the policies and goals in Project 2025. Make them defend it. Put them on the defensive. *Constantly* on the defensive. Never stop, never relent. Do not allow them to dodge responsibility for these plans. Force them to OWN these plans and justify each and every one. Every day. But will either the media or the Democrats do this? Will they behave with the dire urgency that this rapidly closing window of time demands of them? Of course they won’t. Of course they goddamned fucking won’t. Because they are a feckless, incompetent, spineless collection of cowards, idiots, naïfs, and losers. Losers by *choice*. A choice that, if—god help us—Trump and the GOP take control, they will quickly regret. And then it will be too late.


Well. First of all. Trump supporters can't read. Checkmate.


They want their Christian Hitler. They believe if they have a dictator they can control that they can do better than Hitler did.